DublinGazette OCTOBER 3-9, 2019
DUBLINMAGAZINE: Come rain or shine or, DUBLIN
well, mostly rain this week, you’ll find plenty of bright and breezy content inside! SEE PAGE 13
SPORT LADIES FOOTBALL: Foxrock Cabinteely survive extra Crokes challenge. SEE P31
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South Edition
Families ‘devastated’ as service shuts down REBECCA RYAN FAMILIES are said to be “devastated” after a “vital community family support service” has been forced to shut, due to lack of financial support from the government. Cottage Home Child & Family Service charity in Dun Laoghaire and Shankill opened in 2012 and has worked with over 120 families, 175 children and young people in need. Dublin Gazette previously reported that
they launched and funded the service themselves, at annual operational costs of up to €400,000, on the understanding that the Department of Health, through the HSE would take over the operation of the service long-term. The charity said: “Lack of financial support from Minister for Children and Youth Affairs”, and “inaction by Head of Tusla” has forced them to issue redundancy notice to all staff. Project Leader of the Family Support Ser-
vice Shankill, Aisling Kelly, said families are devastated. “Since the closure was formally announced, the team and I have been trying to console and support numerous distraught parents and their children who feel that they are losing a vital source of support.” A Family Support Service user, Mary (not her real name) said: “I don’t know what I am going to do without this place, I am a different person now, and my kids are different people now from all you have done for us.” FULL STORY ON PAGE 9
‘Scared to leave house’ after attack
A LOCAL teenager says she is ‘scared to leave the house’ after being attacked by a gang in Dundrum. On Saturday, September 7, the young girl (15), who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of another attack, told Dublin Gazette she was in Dundrum with her friends, when three girls approached them.