Dublin Gazette: West Edition

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DublinGazette MAY 9-15, 2019

POLITICS: We have a range of local election candidates for consideration – and discuss the importance of voting on May 24 SEE PAGE 20



United turn focus to Lummy Cup with league title already in the bag. SEE P28

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‘Don’t destroy our local heritage’ PADRAIG CONLON

ANGRY Clondalkin residents have vowed to stop a nursing home being built on a historic local site. A developer wants to build a four story 155 bed nursing home and a

smaller 14-bed unit on the grounds of the Presentation Convent in Clondalkin village. Their plans have outraged locals who say the development will change the landscape of Clondalkin and over 50 people have objected to various

aspects of the original proposal. A well-attended emergency meeting called by Clondalkin Tidy Towns on Bank Holiday Monday night showed the depth of feeling in the community against the plans. SEE FULL STORY ON PAGE 5

Eurovision hopeful confident of a win

THERE will be local interest in next week’s Eurovision semi-final when Leixlip native Adele Dempsey takes to the stage to perform a dance routine with Ireland’s entry. Singer Sarah McTernan will be channelling a “Fifties diner vibe” for her performance of the song. SEE PAGE 4

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