Dublin Gazette: West Edition

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DublinGazette JULY 4 - 10, 2019

BREXITMENACE Senator Neale Richmond

on the very real economic threats to Ireland posed by a disorderly British EU exit SEE PAGE 7

SPORT HURLING Chris Crummey says Laois won’t be bowled over SEE P32

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‘Illegal dumping must be stopped immediately’ PADRAIG CONLON

ONGOING problems with illegal dumping at an estate in Palmerstown has led to calls for prosecutions. Inconsiderate dumpers have been leaving rubbish bags beside a “No Dumping” sign in Woodfarm Acres Estate for the past few weeks. Now angry residents are running out of

patience and among their fears are concerns over vermin and other hygiene related issues due to the build-up of rubbish. Recently elected Independent Councillor for Palmerstown-Fonthill, Alan Hayes told Dublin Gazette those responsible must stop “immediately”. “Woodfarm Acres is a large housing estate of almost 400 homes and naturally, there is a lot of

work involved to keep it looking well,” he said. “There are some very dedicated Tidy Towns volunteers living there. “The way we work our Tidy Towns in Palmerstown is as a Meitheal, meaning residents from the various estates and roads work together to keep the common areas looking well and then we help each other out in our own estates as CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 needs be.

New plan for Healthy South Dublin

A NEW initiative aimed at improving the health and well being of residents is up and running. The Healthy South Dublin Strategy will for the first time identify local actions that will improve the health and wellbeing of people living and working in South Dublin County. SEE PAGE 4

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