Dublin Gazette: West Edition

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DublinGazette JUNE 20 - 26, 2019

DUBLINMAGAZINE: While we’re all still waiting for some Summer sun, you’ll find a bright and breezy read right here! SEE PAGE 13


HURLING: Dublin deliver memorable Senior win over Galway SEE P32

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Guilty verdicts handed down in Ana murder case


“ANA WAS a dream come true for us and she always will be. “She will stay in our hearts, forever loved and forever cherished. “We love you Ana,” the words of Geraldine Kriegel spoken outside the court were simple and dignified.

Following the announcement of the verdict just after 2pm on Tuesday, one of the most shocking cases in the history of the state ended with the jury finding both Boy A and Boy B guilty of her 14 year old daughter Ana’s murder with Boy A was also found guilty of aggravated sexual assault. The two boys, who were 13 at the time they carried out the crime, are the young-

est people in Irish history to be convicted of murder. Both had pleaded not guilty. Following a trial in the Central Criminal Court lasting seven weeks, the jury of eight men and four women had spent 14 hours, deliberating returned with a guilty verdict. Ana had been reported missing from her home in Leixlip on Monday, May 14 2018. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Tallaght Garda ranks to be bolstered

14 NEW Guards will be on duty in the Tallaght area in the coming months after the recent graduation of garda recruits from Templemore. In recent months vicious attacks on buses, taxis and delivery drivers have left the local community outraged. SEE PAGE 4

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