Dublin Gazette: West Edition

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DublinGazette NOVEMBER 7 - 13, 2019

SPOTLIGHT ONLUCAN: Check out our five page supplement all about Lucan and its extensive history! SEE PAGE 9


SOCCER: The wait is finally over for Shamrock Rovers as they ended their 32-year drought in dramatic fashion SEE P28 & 32

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Gardai say Ana case was ‘unprecedented’ Boy A and Boy B sentenced


Gardaí who investigated the shocking murder of Ana Kriegel described the case as “unprecedented.” Speaking at a press briefing following the sentencing of Boy A and Boy B on Tuesday, Superintendent John Gordon

was direct and to the point. “None of us have seen anything of this nature in our time and hopefully will never see anything of its nature again,” he said. The two teenage boys had earlier been sentenced for Ana’s murder last year. Now aged 15, they were convicted in June of murdering Ana, thus becoming

the youngest murderers in the history of the State. The boys aged 13 when they killed Ana in a derelict house in Lucan. The lead investigator on the case, Detective Inspector Mark O’Neill, said establishing a motive was vital as soon as they suspected Ana had been killed by other children. FULL STORY ON PAGE 4

Goodbye Uncle Gaybo

DUBLIN has been paying tribute to long-time neighbour Gay Byrne since sad news of his death broke earlier this week. SEE PAGE 3

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