the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
the city as park‌‌an open space economy
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
Grab bag from the grattan institute ‘social cities’ study: 25% of Australians live alone connectedness can be more important than food! sports facilities are important places for social connection 10 mins of commuting means 10% fewer social connections people tend to connect online more with those living nearby people living close to green space feel less lonely introduction: social cities
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
introduction: winding back to the 70s
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
introduction: winding back to the 70s
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
introduction: and back to the 60s
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
introduction: and back to the 60s
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
“the need of cities for a most intricate and close grained diversity of uses that give each other constant mutual support socially and economically ” Jane Jacobs– The Death and Life of American Cities, 1961
introduction: close grained diversity
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
post war planning - zoning, permissive uses, contributions emphasis on quantity of open space – (NPFA) environmental movement – green bans 1970s needs/demands planning – the recreation spectrum 1980s shift from quantity to quality of open space 1990s community participation and integrated planning - 1990s people and place – leisure, health and wellbeing - 2000s the integrated public and private domain -? modern history: open space planning in australia
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
public open space park public realm
public domain
civic space
perceptions and definitions; the tyranny of terminology
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
so, what is a park?: hyde park
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: the ponds parklands
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: centennial park
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: sydney harbour
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: customs house forecourt
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: the opera house forecourt
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: rundle mall
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
what is a park?: exhibition road, london
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
cultural - meaningful, relevant, diverse social - vibrant, supportive, engaging, open environmental – healthy, coherent, connected economic - creative, innovative, evolutionary Candy Chang
widening our horizons: quadruple bottom line
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
widening our horizons: what are we addressing?
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
time constrained/over-programmed lives - time for leisure? poor diet - time, availability, quality, cost sedentary work - minimal incidental activity nature deficit - lost connections, experience, understanding safety perceptions - reduced play risk/range, less walking rise of the individual - ‘pay to play’, personal wellbeing more activity, less reflectivity - events, celebrations, coffee cause and effect: people and leisure
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
reduced private open space - outdated public domain barriers to access - road, rail, poor cycle/walk infrastructure limited flexibility - single use, over-designed, cluttered amenity - noise, sun/shade, walkability, aesthetics nature deficit – focus on green buildings not ecological services car oriented planning - short journeys by car
cause and effect: place and leisure
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
cause and effect: the role of place in leisure
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
diversity of opportunity - economic/social/cultural/environmental density and proximity - time and distance
accessibility and connectivity - physical, visual, perceptible meaning and relevance - connection and identification flexibility and adaptability - a ‘stage set’ for activity/experience evolutionary - permanent and ephemeral affordability and manageability - sustainable responses: place as the enabler
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
making more of what we’ve got - getting the basics right first building relationships - linking people/place, people/people improving connections - access, proximity, visibility, integration planning top-down and bottom-up - public, private, community ensuring the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
possible responses: principles
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
inner ring city suburb substantial population growth – 10% pop’n, plus 30,000 work changing demography – transitory, diverse, evolving business hub for the city – Macquarie Park river frontage and national parks- Lane Cove and Parramatta rich cultural heritage – Aboriginal and European
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: the city of ryde
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
outer ring district major land area – 6,800 sq kms minimal population growth projected - 5,000 from 2011-31 ageing demography local economy – agriculture, education, tourism river frontage and national parks - Hawkesbury rich cultural heritage and high scenic values
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
demonstration: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
demonstration: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
applying the principles: hawkesbury city
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
plan holistically – work, leisure, transport, environment embrace density by nurturing diversity cultivate proximity by improving connectivity seek serendipity by creating opportunity foster partnerships to share the journey seek complexity not complication …….and always to a quadruple bottom line
where next: planning principles
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
healthy natural systems as the foundation public domain plans, not open space plans integrate open space planning plan movement as recreation and transport data is your friend layer values and uses
where next: planning principles
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
‌‌.in closing
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
in closing: some problems are good ones
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
in closing: success can be patchy
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
in closing: success can be patchy
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
in closing: success can be patchy
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
“Cities are the absence of space between people and companies; they are proximity, density, closeness.”
Book image
Edward Glaeser – The Triumph of the City, 2011
in closing: the reason for cities
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
in closing: cup cakes in the cbd
the city as park ictc conference gold coast 2012
the city as park…….it’s the economy stupid!.