(God and Poverty) Leviticus 19; 23 This sermon examines the Old Testament Law involving gleaning laws. In these laws we once again see God’s concern for the poor, and what we should do as his people. Hickory Lane Christian Church Washington Courthouse OH Rob Hoos
Introduction • A few years ago, when I was a preaching intern at Plainfield Christian Church, I had the opportunity to travel with some of the members of the church to New York City in order to help out with the summer outreach programs of Forefront Christian Church in Manhattan. • Upon arriving at our hostel, we unloaded our luggage, and the boarded one of the city busses to meet our group leaders in one of New Yorkʼs many parks. • When we met them, we found that they had an opening activity for us to engage in to familiarize us with the city, and to help us become more comfortable in the area we would be working in. A scavenger hunt. • Involved in this hunt was a number of landmarks, and stores, and streets and churches, enough that we could get used to how things are laid out. • Also included in this list was something that would help us to leave some of our first marks on the city, buy a flower, and give it away to someone else, to find a homeless person, and to give that one something to eat. • Stuff like that. It was just to encourage those who came from the church to get out of their comfort zone and reach out to these homeless. • As my partner and I wandered around trying to win the scavenger hunt, we came upon a homeless man sitting on the side of the street.