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02-03-10 15:25
COLOPHON This self-evaluation report was written by the Programme Industrial Design Engineering of the faculty of Engineering Technology of the University of Twente for the periodic assessment of research quality under auspices of the QANU (NVAO/VSNU). © 2010 University of Twente
University of Twente Faculty of Engineering Technology Industrial Design Engineering PO Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands T +31 53 4892547 F +31 53 4893471 W
Editors W.A. Poelman A. O. Eger F.J.A.M. van Houten Data collection & editor Anne-Marie Klijnstra Language editor Angie Souren MSc, Smarter Science Photography Jan Hesselink (a.o.) Design and layout Rob Hulsbosch
ISBN 978-90-365-3001-9
PREFACE We are proud to present the first official self-evaluation of research, carried out under the umbrella of Industrial Design Engineering. We are especially proud of the fact that such an extensive programme can be presented only seven years after the start of the course Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) in Twente. This was made possible by the contribution of an enthusiastic and competent team of professionals under the inspiring leadership of Professor Fred van Houten. Before reading this report it is of great importance to take notice of the following remarks. First of all one should realise that IDE did not start from scratch. At the start Twente was already well known in the field of design, but the emphasis was on mechanical design, design technology, design management and design for manufacturing. For marketing and innovation management IDE could build also on a strong fundament within the university and the same goes for subjects like consumer research and ethics. Missing links to build a full-grown course and research programme in IDE were sub-disciplines like ergonomics and design & styling. Expertise in the field of ergonomics was mainly built up within the faculty of Engineering Technology and Design & Styling was filled in by employing an experienced professor from “outside” (Eger). As technology is one of the main assets of IDE in Twente, a special chair has recently been created in the field of product realisation (Poelman). Secondly, it is important to notice that IDE in Twente is organised in a kind of matrix organisation within the faculty of Engineering Technology. Three chairs (Van Houten, Eger and Poelman) are directly involved in IDE and carry the responsibility for IDE research. This does not mean that other chairs do not cooperate in IDE research. Several chairs are involved intensively in the research for technical aspects in fields like energy, materials, tribology, biomedical engineering and sound/acoustics. The chair Product Realisation (Poelman) received as a special task to form a bridge between technology oriented chairs and IDE. That’s why several sub-programmes of those chairs are presented in the programme Product Realisation. Those chairs, as a whole, are not subject of this self evaluation, but only the specific subprogrammes as part of the research programme Product Realisation. Thirdly, we would like to point out that, because of the early stage of our research, we are not just interested in the opinion about past and present projects, but, in particular, also in the opinion about future plans. Many projects are presented in a concept phase and the response and advice of the committee will play an important role in decision making about the future of these projects. Because of this interest the number of projects presented might be somewhat larger than usual. We look forward to your visit and expect to learn a lot from discussions with you.
Prof dr Rikus Eising Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Technology
CONTENTS Colophon – 2 Preface – 3
1 GENERAL INFORMATION, MISSION STATEMENT – 9 1.1 Global data – 9 1.2 Historical context – 10 1.3 Socio-economic context – 12 1.4 Mission statement – 12
3 STRATEGY AND POLICY – 16 3.1 Introduction – 16 3.2 The concept of products – 16 3.3 Evolutionary Product Design – 17 3.4 Knowledge cycle of industrial design engineering – 18 3.5 Demarcation of IDE research – 19
1.1 LEADERSHIP – 41 1.1.1 Management style – 41 1.1.2 Means of motivation – 41 1.1.3 Communication and monitoring – 42 1.1.4 Process of improvement and innovation – 42
1.2 STRATEGY AND POLICY – 42 1.2.1 Introduction – 42 1.2.2 Sub-programme: Management of Product Development – 45 1.2.2 Sub-programme: Use Anticipation in Product Design – 49 1.2.3 Sub-programme: Computational Synthesis – 53 1.2.4 Sub-programme: Sustainable Energy Design – 56 1.2.5 Sub-programme: Product Life Cycle Management – 58 1.2.6 Sub-programme: Integrated Development of New Products and Processes – 61 1.2.7 Sub-programme: Design Support for Mechatronic Systems – 65 1.2.8 Sub-programme: Packaging Design and Management – 68
1.3.2 Processes of quality control – 71 1.3.3 Supervision of junior researchers – 71 1.3.4 Internal and external collaboration – 72
2.1 LEADERSHIP – 99 2.1.1 Organisation – 99 2.1.2 Motivation – 99 2.1.3 Communication and control – 99 2.1.4 Process of improvement and innovation – 100
2.2 STRATEGY AND POLICY – 100 2.2.1 Introduction – 100 2.2.2 Sub-programme: Evolutionary Product Development – 100 2.2.3 Sub-programme: History / Design History – 102 2.2.4 Connection to the education programme – 104
2.3 PROCESSES IN RESEARCH, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COLLABORATION – 104 2.3.1 Research atmosphere – 104 2.3.2 Processes of quality control – 104 2.3.3 Communication – 104 2.3.4 Supervision of junior researchers – 105 2.3.5 Internal and external collaboration – 105
3.1 LEADERSHIP – 118 3.1.1 Organisation – 118 3.1.2 Motivation – 118 3.1.3 Communication and control – 119 5
3.1.4 Process of improvement and innovation – 119
3.2 STRATEGY AND POLICY – 119 3.2.1 Introduction – 119 3.2.2 Sub-programme: Technology Diffusion – 121 3.2.3 Sub-programme: Mobility, Sociality and Safety – 123 3.2.4 Sub-programme: Industrial Building Innovation – 125 3.2.5 Sub-programme: Cradle to Cradle – 126 3.2.6 Sub-programme: Transformable Green Buildings – 128 3.2.7 Sub-programme: Materials Engineering – 130 3.2.8 Sub-programme: Biomedical Product Design – 133 3.2.9 Sub-programme: Sound Design and Perception – 135 3.2.10 Sub-programme: Friction and tactility in product-user interactions – 136
3.4 ACADEMIC REPUTATION – 139 3.4.1 Memberships in scientific boards – 139 3.4.2 Editorships and reviewing of academic journals – 140 3.4.3 Other proofs of academic reputation – 142
Horst building, home of the Industrial Design Engineering group.
Name of the Institute
Industrial Design Engineering
Date of establishment
Institutional affiliations
Faculty of Engineering Technology University of Twente
Formal responsibilities
Bachelor in Industrial Design Engineering Master in Industrial Design Engineering
Research area
Industrial Design Engineering
1.1 GLOBAL DATA The Faculty of Engineering Technology is responsible for three Bachelor programmes: Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Civil Engineering (CE), three related Master programmes and two 3TU Master programmes. IDE is not an independent department. The Faculty regards this as a strength. IDE research at the University of Twente is carried out by most of the research groups within Engineering Technology, but also by research groups of other faculties. In this respect, IDE in Twente is unique in the Netherlands and perhaps even in the world. A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE 9
A large section of the staff involved in IDE education and research is employed by the Department of Design, Production and Management, a cluster of full-time and part-time chairs addressing the area of product and production system research and development. Three full chairs carry the main responsibility for IDE education and research: - Design Engineering; - Product Design; - Product Realisation. The chair of Design Engineering hosts the part-time professor in Packaging Design and Management. The chair of Product Design hosts the part-time chair of Design History. The full-time chair of Product Realisation has recently been established. The staff associated with the three chairs comprises 2 associate professors, 22 assistant professors, 2 university teachers and 5 administrative and technical support staff. There are approximately 500 Bachelor and Master students, 15 PhD students and 1 post-doc. The Department’s budget is approximately € 550 K, of which 30 % is obtained from external funding. Full chairs coordinate their own research programme, divided into sub-programmes. Some of the subprogrammes are within the domain of competence of other chairs inside and outside the Faculty and are carried out by those chairs. In view of these programmes’ importance for the domain of Industrial Design Engineering, they are presented in the context of this self-assessment.
1.2 HISTORICAL CONTEXT The University of Twente was founded in 1961. Mechanical Engineering was one of the four initial departments. The first students arrived in 1964. Starting as a university of technology- the third in The Netherlands after Delft and Eindhoven – the university gradually broadened its scope to encompass disciplines like Public Administration, Business Administration, and Applied Educational Technology in the late 1970s and 1980s. Over the years, the University of Twente profiled itself more and more as an entrepreneurial university with a tradition in interdisciplinary research and education in the technical as well as the social sciences. In 2001, the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering merged to form the new Faculty of Engineering Technology. In 2000, the Department of Mechanical Engineering decided to initiate a new five-year educational programme in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) which was accredited in 2001. The first students enrolled in the same year. This educational programme has become a success, with close to 500 students enrolled now. In order to realise the educational programme, three sources of knowledge and capacity were identified. First of all, a substantial part of the required knowledge and capacity was available within the Department of Mechanical Engineering, especially in the fields of design methodology, design tools, materials and manufacturing. Secondly, knowledge and capacity could be supplied from within the rest of the university, from fields such as marketing, psychology, sociology and logistics. Lastly, knowledge and capacity had to be acquired from outside the university in specific IDE fields such as sketching, design and styling, graphic design, ergonomics and user investigation.
Figure 1 Knowledge sources at the start of IDE in 2001
Existing knowledge within mechanical engineering
New knowledge in the field of industrial design engineering
Existing knowledge within e.g. civil engineering, business- and human sciences
In 2008, the educational programme of IDE was evaluated for re-accreditation, with a positive result. The situation at the University of Twente is unique compared with Delft and Eindhoven in the sense that three educational and research programmes are embedded in one Faculty of Engineering Technology. The advantage of this is that it leads to intensive contacts between the members of the different research groups. An important quality of the IDE graduate is his or her ability to integrate the natural, engineering and social sciences. At the University of Twente, students develop this quality in a natural, almost organic way. As already explained, the IDE research group is linked to the educational programme with the same name, which started in the year 2001. New research activities started up somewhat later. Research in the field of human factors started in 2002 after the appointment of Dr Van der Voort as assistant professor associated with the chair of Professor Van Houten. Research in the field of design and styling started in 2003 after the appointment of Professor Eger. In 2007, Professor Ten Klooster (0.2 fte), an expert in packaging design and management, was appointed. In the same year, Professor Drukker (0.4 fte), an expert in design history, joined the Faculty. In December 2008, a new chair for Product Realisation was established and Professor Poelman was appointed. IDE-related research started much earlier, though. Engineering and design were not new topics at the Faculty of Engineering Technology. Research was already carried out in several disciplines relevant to IDE, like design methods and tools. Design and construction has been a research area from the beginning of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1964. In the early 1990s, the Faculty decided to continue only design education and abandon research in this field. The group on Design and Construction was dissolved and a multi-disciplinary design education group was established. In the group of Production Engineering, design research in the area of Intelligent CAD-CAM systems developed rapidly. The name of the group was changed to Design and Production Engineering in 1994. In 1998, a new chair was created within that group. Professor Van Houten was appointed as professor in Design Engineering. In 2001, he became Chair of the group. After the retirement of Professor Kals in early 2003, Professor Akkerman was appointed as his successor in Production Technology. Material sciences and manufacturing technology, which are now embedded in the Production Technology research portfolio, have been research areas at the Faculty of Engineering Technology since 1964. A Master track in the area of Architectural Building Components Design Engineering (ABCDE) or Product Development for the Building Industry is under development as a joint effort with the Department of Civil Engineering, but there is also cooperation between faculties: A IDE Bachelor variant with the emphasis on ICT has recently been launched together with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. These initiatives lead to broadening of the research programme towards building innovation and smart product design.
1.3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT Research in the field of IDE is carried out in a socio-economic context. In general, four stakeholders can be distinguished: the academic world, companies, society and students. As a university, we strive to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of Industrial Design Engineering. The medium is scientific publications. However, the new discipline of Industrial Design Engineering does not yet have a long academic tradition, and there are only limited opportunities for publishing in high-ranking journals. Non-scientific journals as well as conference contributions therefore of course also play an important role in the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Industrial Design Engineering. As entrepreneurial university, there is a strong tradition to cooperate with the second stakeholder, industry. The third stakeholder is society. A university has a task in developing knowledge which contributes to the realisation of societal goals. The existence of behavioural and social sciences at the same university stimulates that IDE research pays attention to societal issues, including environmental concerns. Last but not least, students are also stakeholders for IDE research. Especially in this start-up period of Industrial Design Engineering in Twente, knowledge development aimed at contributing to the quality of education was emphasised.
1.4 MISSION STATEMENT In concert with what was said in the previous paragraphs, our research mission statement reads as follows: Industrial Design Engineering related research within the University of Twente aims to develop qualitative and quantitative knowledge on all phases in the life cycle of products, i.e. initiative, design, production, use, maintenance and recycling, all with a strong emphasis on the user, in a societal and environmental context, with special focus on interdisciplinary cooperation, leading to answers on design questions from ‘the real world’.
2 LEADERSHIP The University of Twente is organised as a matrix organisation of faculties and institutes. By the end of 2006, the University of Twente had five faculties and six research institutes. Industrial Design Engineering in Twente has taken upon itself a special task as an intermediary between fundamental technological sciences and practical application in industry and society. Therefore, cooperation with each research institute in Twente is relevant. For each research institute, examples for mutual interest are provided below. CTIT
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology: Communication products with a special emphasis on human interface design IBR Institute for Behavioural Research: Product experience, design for emotion, with a special emphasis on scenario-based design IGS Institute for Governance Studies: Safety, IP, standardisation and certification IMPACT Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control Twente: Smart products, robotics with a special emphasis on interactive technology; design for sustainability and recycling of materials MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology Special functionalities in surfaces, resulting in visual and ergonomic improvements. MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine (formerly called BMTI): Products for biomedical objectives, with a special emphasis on ergonomics 12 A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE
Clearly, there is an influence of the discipline of industrial design engineering on other research groups in the Faculty of Engineering Technology and even in other faculties. Industrial Design Engineering can be regarded as an intermediary discipline for deployment of technology. Application of new information technology (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science) is only possible through the design of new devices and the same applies to new chemical micro-analysis techniques. The Faculty of Engineering Technology – in Dutch, Construerende Technische Wetenschappen (CTW) – is headed by the Dean, Professor Eising, who is assisted by a Management Team. Dean is a full-time position for a full professor. The Dean represents the Faculty in the University Management Team, and carries responsibility for all strategic, organisational, financial and personnel affairs concerning the Faculty. The Management Team is chaired by the Dean and meets every two weeks. Primarily, it discusses all strategic matters concerning the Faculty – ranging from strategic plans for research and education to organisational issues, human resource management, budgets and financial results, public relations and accommodation. Every month, the so-called Chamber meets to discuss matters of interest for the Faculty and to exchange information and opinions. The members of the Chamber are all full professors/ programme leaders of the three Departments and the two Directors of Education. All other (part-time) professors have a standing invitation to participate in the Chamber meetings. The Dean chairs the Disciplinary Councils of the Departments, in which the research strategy of the respective Departments is discussed. The members of the Disciplinary Council are the full professors/ programme leaders of the Department and the Director of Education of that Department. Each Council meets every month. To strengthen the design and production profile of the Faculty, the three full-time chairs of Design Engineering, Product Design, and Product Realisation (green of Figure 2) are clustered in the ‘vakgroep’ of Design, Production and Management. Each chair, however, has its own line of research. Furthermore, there are two part-time chairs for Design History (0.4 fte) and Packaging Design (0.2 fte). All Engineering Technology research groups participate in the Bachelor and Master programmes of Industrial Design Engineering. However, as mentioned before, the major effort in industrial design education and research is concentrated in the Design, Production and Management group presently consisting of also the full chairs of Surface Technology and Tribology, and Production Technology (purple in Figure 2). The other chairs most closely involved in IDE within the Faculty of Engineering Technology but not part of the Design, Production and Management group are Applied Mechanics and Biomechanical Engineering (also purple in Figure 2). As IDE is interdisciplinary, close cooperation with other chairs within and outside the Faculty goes without saying. The most important chairs in this respect are represented in grey in Figure 2.
Figure 2 The unique structure of Industrial Design Engineering Research in Twente
Advanced Robotics Stefano Stramigioli
Elastomer Technology and Engineering Jacques Noordermeer
Thermal Engineering Theo van der Meer
Mechanical Automation Ben Jonker
Innovation Processes Joop Halman
Mechanics of Forming Technology Han Huétink
Production Technology Remco Akkermans
Biomechanical Engineering Bart Koopman
Design Engineering Fred van Houten Packaging Design Roland ten Klooster
Surface Technology and Tribology Dik Schipper
Product Design Arthur Eger Design History J.W. Drukker
Experimental Psychology Willem Verwey
Market- & Organisation Dynamics André Dorée
Engineering Fibrous Smart Materials Marijn Warmoeskerken
Product Realisation Wim Poelman Applied Mechanics Andre de Boer
Social Safety Studies Marianne Junger
The involved chairs not only take part in IDE, but also in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Biomechanical Engineering. The interdisciplinary structure of the IDE research is fundamental for the Master track called Emerging Technology Design, coordinated by Professor De Boer. The translation of technological opportunities within the university into products is one of the unique selling points of IDE in Twente.
Overview of members of the IDE group (not complete).
These interdisciplinary cooperation linkages have resulted in the following list of programmes and programme leaders: Programme level and programme leaders 1 Design Engineering: 2 Evolutionary Product Development: 3 Product Realisation: Sub-programmes and leaders 1 Design Engineering and Packaging Design: Associated with chair: Theme 1.1 Design, Methods and Tools 1.1.1 Management of Product Development 1.1.2 Use Anticipation in Product Design 1.1.3 Computational Synthesis Theme 1.2 Energy and Sustainability 1.2.1 Sustainable Energy Design 1.2.2 Product Life Cycle Management Theme 1.3 Integration and Hybrid System Design 1.3.1 Integrated Development of New Products and Processes 1.3.2 Design Support for Mechatronic Systems 1.3.3 Packaging Design and Management (part-time chair) 2 Evolutionary Product Development: Associated with chair: 2.1 Evolutionary Product Development 2.2 History / Design History 3 Product Realisation Associated with chair: 3.1 Technology Diffusion 3.2 Mobility, Sociality and Safety 3.3 Industrial Building Innovation 3.4 Cradle to Cradle Not associated with chair: 3.5 Transformable Green Buildings 3.6 Materials Engineering 3.7 Biomedical Product Design 3.8 Sound Design and Perception 3.9 Friction and Tactility in Product-User Interactions
Van Houten Eger Poelman Van Houten
Lutters Van der Voort Tragter Reinders Toxopeus Vaneker Bonnema Ten Klooster Eger Eger Drukker Poelman Beusenberg Poelman Poelman Poelman Durmisevic Akkerman Koopman De Boer Schipper
3.1 INTRODUCTION The fact that the new IDE programme was not embedded in a new faculty but integrated in the existing Faculty of Engineering Technology is regarded as an asset rather than a constraint in the development of the research. The vision behind the policy underlying the research programme of Industrial Design Engineering is illustrated below with some reflections. The first reflection is about the concept of products as the subject of IDE. The second reflection is about evolutionary product development which is an important starting point for education as well as for research. The third reflection is about the relation between design and fundamental research.
3.2 THE CONCEPT OF PRODUCTS The University of Twente distinguishes itself both in education and research in the approach with respect to the phenomenon ‘product’. Time period Industrial Revolution Late 1960s Late 1990s Twente, early 21st century
Scope production process design process user behaviour entrepreneurship
Outcome > product > product > product > product
During the Industrial Revolution, a product was regarded as the output of a production process. The word ‘product’ has its roots in that period in which manufacturing was the main challenge. At the start of the IDE Department in Delft (1969), the challenge had moved from production of products to the design of products. Key question was how industrially made products could be taken to a higher level of form and function. This is in the tradition of the Faculty of Architecture in Delft, which formed the roots of Industrial Design Engineering. Architects became interested in the potential for designers of industrial manufacturing of mainly interior products. In the last decennium, attention moved again, this time from the design problem to the user; user-centred design became the starting point of extensive research activities. The University of Eindhoven started up ID at around the time when this shift of interest was taking place, which can be observed in its activities in which user interaction is very important. Twente has chosen a different starting point. For many years now, Twente has positioned itself as an entrepreneurial university. For Industrial Design Engineering, this implies that the starting point is in the first place the company involved, a company in need of new commercial activities. As a university, we therefore concentrate on the development of knowledge that can help companies to be successful in this respect. This does not mean that the research only focuses on the commercial aspects of products. All research should contribute to three domains: people, planet and profit. Unique for IDE at the University of Twente is the explicit role with respect to valorisation of technology within the university. IDE is regarded as a key discipline for application of technology for human benefit. This role is implemented in what is called Emerging Technology Design (ETD). Professor De Boer coordinates a special Master programme dedicated to ETD. Starting points of Industrial Design Engineering in Twente are reflected in the individual chairs. For example, in the chair of Product Design of Professor Eger, research is organised around a clear model of how product types develop during their existence, called the Evolutionary Product Development model 16 A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE
(EPD). The first phase in this development is often based on emerging technologies. This model is a research subject itself and provides a foothold for companies to develop a product plan for the future as well as for researchers in the area of industrial design to position their activities. This theory is explained in section 3.3. Special about the research policy of IDE is the embedding in the traditional, linear research chain which starts with fundamental research and ends with practical application in products and services. Design and styling is not only regarded as an output of this chain but also as an input for new fundamental research activities where it provides research questions for the natural and engineering sciences as well as the social sciences and humanities. This is elucidated in section 3.4.
3.3 EVOLUTIONARY PRODUCT DESIGN The model explains that each of six product phases displays a typical pattern of product characteristics. Every company making money through the development, production or marketing of products will have to deal with this phenomenon. Managing it requires skills with respect to management of product development and design methodology, but also a sound awareness of design history. In practice, products in each phase can be found on the market and for every phase specific knowledge is required. Figure 3 Model for Evolutionary Product Development (Eger, 2007)
Awareness nt Design me or y p o t l & styling Individualisation v e hi s e d n c t sig du , D e Segmentation o pr g y of olo Manufacturing t n od Itemisation me e t h e ag m an g n Optimisation M D e si Emerging Technology Design Performance
Generally speaking, the emphasis in the first phase – performance – is on new technologies. At this point, the nearby presence of technical specialists is advantageous to IDE, in the field of new materials as well as IT knowledge. New product functions are developed for which the functional performance of the products is the main challenge at that point. Tools like scenario application and creativity techniques can help to define completely new functions. New approaches like emerging product design and sources of innovation can help develop these new products. In the second phase – optimisation – new knowledge is required. The market no longer accepts imperfections and other disciplines become important. Manufacturing technology and quality control become increasingly relevant. Product development is aimed at improving performance, better reliability, improvement of ergonomics and safety. In the third phase – itemisation high quality and safety no longer suffice. Ergonomics and styling become important success factors. Research in the field of man-machine interfaces starts playing a role. Product development endeavours to develop extra features and accessories, including special editions of the product for different trade channels and target groups (segmentation). The last three phases co-exist. Product development is either aimed at the extra features and accessories, including special editions, or at mass customisation or cocreation, thus allowing the customer to influence the final result (individualisation). The social behaviour
of the company or organisation behind the product is becoming more and more important to the customer (awareness). The company can be successful with products that become more attractive during use (‘positive aging’). The EPD model provides a useful idea how several categories of knowledge are linked to product development. The model described in the next section will focus on the position of product design in relation to fundamental and engineering knowledge.
3.4 KNOWLEDGE CYCLE OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING The discipline of industrial design engineering can be characterised by the knowledge cycle (see Figure 4). Figure 4 Breakdown of research and design activities RESEARCH
Fundamental research
DEVELOPMENT Technical systems development
Applied research
Commercial systems development
PROCESS DESIGN Design & styling
Application design
With fundamental and applied research as an input, the Faculty of Engineering Technology is strong in the development of technical systems and even, together with companies, in the development of commercial systems. Application design is not new either in this Faculty. This cannot be claimed of design and styling, which was the missing link for establishing an educational and research programme in Industrial Design Engineering. In the well known linear model of research to market, design and styling seems distant from fundamental research, but design and styling is directly connected to fundamental research questions of both a technical nature and a human science nature. Below, some examples are provided for (natural and) engineering sciences as well as for the social sciences. Engineering sciences: - New functionalities of materials and coatings; - New driving, heating, cooling and lighting systems. Social and behavioural sciences: - Psychological and social aspects of products; - History of artefacts; - Form semantics. At the moment, we are seeing a growing involvement of fundamental research groups in the IDE programme; this will become clear in part B of this report.
3.5 DEMARCATION OF IDE RESEARCH The reflections above, combined with the opportunities, have resulted in a research programme which is distributed over three full chairs: Design Engineering (Van Houten), Product Design (Eger) and Product Realisation (Poelman). General programme leader is Professor Van Houten. The part-time chair in Packaging Design and Management of Professor Ten Klooster was added to the chair for Design Technology and the part-time chair History of Design of Professor Drukker was added to the chair of Product Design. In the following sections, the focus of all chairs relevant to IDE is discussed, starting with the directly involved chairs. Directly involved chairs A Design Engineering, Professor Van Houten The new chair in Design Engineering was founded in 1998 and Professor Van Houten was appointed. In 2000, he was asked by the Dean to start a joint exploration of the possibility to start a Bachelor/Master curriculum in Industrial Design Engineering. Time was short because the new educational programme was planned for September 2001. An enthusiastic group of young staff members spent many hours putting the curriculum together and finding outside expertise to help realising it. The second IDE chair – in Product Design – was established in 2003, with the appointment of Professor Eger. The research domain of the Design Engineering group was historically based on work in the field of Production Engineering, not so much on the technology of manufacturing processes but more on automation and informational support. In the early 1990s, the group was very successful in Computer Automation of Process Planning (CAPP). An offspring company was founded to exploit and further develop the PART system and is still a successful business with the commercialised results of research. Crossing the border of CAD/CAM, research was done on automatic tolerance allocation, constraint-based geometry generation and the so-called what-if system, finally resulting in information management for design processes and design tools. Another important topic was life cycle engineering. After the instantiation of IDE, its research portfolio was extended with physical and cognitive ergonomics and user-centred design, as well as mechatronic design and system engineering, and sustainable energy design. B Product Design, Professor Eger The chair Product Design aims to develop qualitative and – if possible – quantitative methods for the analysis of the history of products and for the development of new products. The product phase model plays a key role and serves as a guideline in the Product Design research plan. Starting from the well known six phases of the economic product life cycle (development, pioneering, penetration, growth, maturity, saturation), these phases are combined with a qualitative model of six product phases (performance, optimisation, itemisation, segmentation, individualisation and awareness). The most important aspect of this model is that the type of dominant product development is also influenced by the place the product occupies in its life cycle. The main practical implication is that one needs to consider this relationship explicitly when choosing specific product development activities, while the chance of success during the product development process can be enhanced when the life cycle is considered. Research areas are Evolutionary Product Development, Gender and Design and Co‑Creation. In research, the concept of a product is relatively broad; a product can also be interpreted as a service. C Product Realisation, Professor Poelman The chair Product Realisation was founded in December 2008 with the appointment of Dr Poelman as the first professor and is still in its start-up period. The chair is positioned between the ‘human/soft’ and the ‘technological/hard’ aspects of industrial design engineering. Design and styling as well as ergonomics and design history are regarded as soft aspects, while e.g. construction, material sciences and mechatronics are regarded as hard aspects. In the context of industrial design engineering, a distinction is made between three kinds of technology: Product technology (aimed at the functioning of products), manufacturing technology (aimed at the A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE 19
parts production and assembly) and design engineering (aimed at the methods and tools for design). Manufacturing technology and design engineering are well covered by existing chairs. Hence, the chair for Product Realisation will mainly focus on product technology. D Design History, Professor Drukker Design is an important aspect of, and embedded in, material culture. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the role of culture in design, which is best understood in a historical perspective. Interestingly, all explanation in cultural history is nowadays deeply influenced by evolutionary models. So design history, as one of the pillars of the Product Design group, acts as a ‘servant of two masters’. On the one hand, it tries to provide a cultural basis for the research carried out by Professor Eger, aimed at the further elaboration, testing and refinement of his model of evolutionary product development. On the other hand, a small number of independent PhD projects in design history and institutional history are carried out: Unruly Product Design, History of the University of Twente, and History of the Science Centre NEMO. Finally, Professor Drukker recently took the initiative for a research project aiming at a reformulation of basic principles of design history in an evolutionary perspective. Publications stemming from this project will be published in a series of articles in international journals, and will finally be summarised in a book, planned for publication in 2011. E Packaging Design, Professor Ten Klooster The research of Professor Ten Klooster concentrates on raising professionalism in the world of packaging. Mistakes are often made in this field of design. For example, many projects lead to designs that are not producible, the cost of products being thrown away in the packaging chain exceeds the value of the used packaging and packaging materials, and many graphical designs cannot be realised. Therefore, several themes have been set up to overcome such problems. The chair is funded by eleven companies and discussions are held with these companies twice a year on the themes and results to ensure continued contact with the market and its insights. Associated chairs Within the framework of the new IDE Master track of Emerging Technology Design, there are opportunities to carry out research which is focused on product applications of new technologies. The contribution of the following research groups to the IDE research programme is typical for the ETD approach. F Surface Technology and Tribology, Professor Schipper As a result of biomedical developments, there is an urgent need for tribological knowledge of soft tissues (tactile contact). Therefore, the Surface Technology and Tribology group started this theme a few years ago. Within the biotribology area, the main focus is on the interaction between human skin and objects. These objects can be of a range of types, with applications varying from medical and leisure to design and engineering and include both static contact and dynamic contact. Sub-micrometer texturing of surfaces is another research topic related to Industrial Design. G Production Technology, Professor Akkerman The establishment of the IDE programme reinforces the links between research and product development and widens the scope for research related to materials and production technology. Interests shared with IDE are the application of new materials and processes in new products, on the one hand when considering society’s needs for safety and sustainability and on the other hand when considering the specific opportunities of composite materials for construction applications and of advanced (composite) materials with added functionality. H Applied Mechanics, Professor De Boer Consumer product development research can benefit from theory and methods developed in the Applied Mechanics group. This could be a good base for valorisation. Acoustics is attracting a growing interest in the circles of industrial designers. A product’s sound influences the overall experience of the product considerably and sound also plays an important role in user interfaces. In the past, the research
of De Boer was mainly positioned in the area of mechanical engineering. Recently, several Master projects have been carried out in the area of IDE. I Biomechanical Engineering, Professor Koopman Biomechanical Engineering applies a systems approach to the human locomotor apparatus and combines fundamental research with the development of supporting devices. The group has developed a coherent expertise with clear research lines, to which each staff member contributes. The vast increase of educational tasks, with the development of three new educational programmes (IDE, BME started in 2001, and TM in 2003) and the large increase of Master students, contributed to the growth of the Biomechanical Engineering group and cooperation with IDE. J Thermal Engineering, Professor Van der Meer There are possibilities for research in the area of the 3TU Sustainable Energy Technology Master programme. A joint project for fuel cell integration in consumer products is in preparation. A new opportunity in cooperation is found in the new Master course for Architectural Building Components Design and Engineering. A strong cooperation with Dr Reinders (Design Engineering) already exists in the field of solar energy systems. Several Master projects are carried out in the field of solar energy applications. Cooperation has now also started in the field of the application of phase change materials in building components like dormers. K Elastomer Technology and Engineering, Professor Noordermeer Elastomers are materials typically suitable for use in consumer products. This research group is unique in the Netherlands. In the past, knowledge from this group was applied in several Master projects. Especially interesting for future research is the application of elastomers in dynamic applications in which products or components change form, influenced by human control or sensoring. Change of form could be realised with technologies like memory metal and piezo, but also with traditional, but integrated actuators. An example of a project proposed in the context of IMPACT (Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control, Twente) is Enriched Expression of Humanoids. L Engineering Fibrous Smart Materials, Professor Warmoeskerken Smart textiles are defined as textiles which adapt to circumstances. This can be realised by the material itself or by integrating electronic devices into the fabric. Nanotechnology plays an important role, e.g. inkjet printing of layers which can make textile hydrophobic on one side and hydrophilic on the other, preventing moist penetrating in one direction. Smart textiles offer many challenges for new applications for IDE as well as for the construction industry, where the application of textile in facades is growing. M Building innovation in construction and Market and organisation, Professors Halman and Doree Sustainability is an major issue in construction these days. In order to conserve our environment for future generations we must rethink the way we make and use things and develop more intelligent and sustainable solutions to treat material and energy resources. Sustainability concerns industries that seek to understand the environmental consequences of their current activities and how they can adopt sustainable business models. The aim of the cooperation with IDE is to create a research platform for design of industrial, green and transformable buildings at the Faculty of Engineering Technology. The objective of the centre is to position Twente as a centre for transformable green design and engineering debate in the Netherlands and internationally and to set a roadmap for the building construction in the 21st century. Associated chairs outside the Faculty N Philosophy, Professor Verbeek Professor Verbeek’s research focuses on the social and cultural roles of technology and the ethical and anthropological aspects of human-technology relations. He analyses how technologies mediate human actions and experiences, with applications to industrial design. He studies the interaction between technology and behaviour, and its relevance to technology design and environmental policy. Currently, Verbeek is working on the project ‘Technology and the limits of humanity’, which deals with
the ethics and anthropology of post-humanism, about human enhancement technology and its ethical and anthropological implications (NWO VIDI grant 2007). He recently completed the project Technology and the Matter of Morality, concerning the moral significance of technologies, and its implications for ethical theory and the ethics of technology design (NWO VENI grant 2003). O Advanced robotics, Professor Stramigioli Robotics has not been an important issue in IDE yet, but it will be in the near future. The need for intelligent mechanical devices for service purposes will grow considerably and in the design, the emphasis will change from technology to functionality, utility and usability. As already indicated sub K, one of the issues will be the improvement of the expression of the robot by form (face) speech and gestures. New archetypes will be developed for robots in several application areas. The developments will take place in a special lab which is a joint initiative of the chairs of Van Houten and Stramigioli. P Experimental Psychology, Professor Verwey Professor Verwey has already been involved in the research programme ‘Use Anticipation in Product Design’. Experimental psychology is an important discipline for industrial design with respect to aspects like the design of experience and forecasting of human behaviour as a result of new product functions. One of the issues for the future will be the introduction of domotics and other technical conveniences for elderly people. Simulations conducted in the Virtual Reality Lab will be an important research tool for behavioural research. Q Safety Studies, Professor Junger The research of Professor Junger is focussed on Crime Science. In this context, she has initiated an interfaculty research group with the same name. Poelman represents the Faculty of Engineering Technology in this group and covers the subjects of vandal-proof design and influencing unwanted behaviour by interactive technology. Design for crime prevention is an issue of growing interest. In London, a specialised design school has been established and cooperation with this school will be aimed for. R Marketing Communication and Consumer Psychology, Professor Pruyn Marketing and communication are important issues for IDE. Professor Pruyn is involved in several project proposals, e.g. in the field of interactive technology for crowd control, and has cooperated in the human interaction research with Dr Van der Voort.
4 RESEARCHERS AND OTHER PERSONNEL Table 1a Research staff at institutional level 2003
Sum 2003-08
Tenured staff
Non tenured staff
PhD students
Sum 2003-08
2009 6.26
Total staff
Table 1b Research staff at programme level 2003 Design Engineering Tenured staff
Non tenured staff
PhD students
15.93 2.42
Total staff
Evolutionary Product Development 0.54
Non tenured staff
PhD students
Tenured staff
Total staff
Product Realisation Tenured staff Non tenured staff PhD students
Total staff
5 RESOURCES, FUNDING AND FACILITIES Table 2a Funding and expenditure at institutional level Funding (K euro)
Direct Funding
Research Funding Contracts including indirect funding Other
Total including work in progress
Expenditure (K euro)
Personnel costs
Housing costs Other costs
Total including work in progress
Funding (%)
Research Funding
Contracts including indirect funding
Direct Funding
Total including work in progress
Expenditure (%)
Personnel costs Housing costs Other costs Total including work in progress
Table 2b Funding at research programme level Funding (K euro)
Design Engineering
Evolutionary Product Development Product Realisation
Funding (%)
Design Engineering Evolutionary Product Development Product Realisation Total
1 100%
6 PROCESSES IN RESEARCH, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COLLABORATION lnternal quality management and information exchange As mentioned before, the Faculty of Engineering Technology has a Management Team, a Chamber of Professors, and three Disciplinary Science Councils. The Dean chairs the meetings of the Management Team with the Chamber and the Councils. The Council for Industrial Design Engineering meets every month to discuss the research strategy and the curriculum. Internal collaboration At the University of Twente, collaboration, cohesion, quality and critical mass of research programmes are realised by the establishment of research institutes (see also Section A2), which enhances the cooperation across the boundaries of the individual faculties. The research affiliations of the Department of Design Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering Technology (CTW) are mainly with the institutes IMPACT and IBR. The Biomechanical Engineering group fully participates in MIRA. Furthermore, some research activities are part of the research programmes of CTIT and MESA+. The research of IMPACT, the main partner of the IDE group, focuses on Energy and Resources: The production, transport, storage and use of energy against the background of (re)utilisation of scarce materials and other resources. Energy efficient products and processes and the responsible use of resources are the basic elements of a sustainable society. Four research clusters have been defined: - Mechanics of Fluids, Solids and Systems - (Thermo)Chemical Reactions and Process Technology - Design, Synthesis, Materials and Production - Computational Science and Engineering In these areas, the Institute covers the full range from exploration and thorough understanding of the underlying principles of design and production methodology, physics, chemistry, mechanics and mathematics to the development of tools for practical applications and engineering solutions for industry and society. External collaboration At the national level, the Department operates in several formal research collaborations, the 3TU, the research schools, the Leading Technological Institutes and the Large Technological Institutes. In addition, there are international affiliations as described later. 1. The federation of the three technological universities In February 2007, the three technological universities in the Netherlands established the 3TU alliance with the aim to cooperate on education and research. In order to enhance the cooperation, so-called Centres of Competence (CoC) were formed on the following five subjects: (1) high-tech systems, (2) information and communication technology, (3) sustainable energy, (4) application of nanotechnology and (5) fluid and solid mechanics. For Industrial Design Engineering, the CoCs on high-tech systems, sustainable energy, information and communication technology, and on fluid and solid mechanics are of interest. In addition, six Centres of Excellence (CoEs) were formed to give an extra push to research in the fields of (1) intelligent mechatronic systems, (2) dependable ICT systems, (3) sustainable energy technologies, (4)
multi-scale phenomena, (5) bio-nano applications and (6) ethics and technology. A number of new professors in the mentioned CoE fields have been appointed within the framework of this cooperation. For the Faculty, a chair on Multi-Scale Mechanics and a chair on Automation and Control have been established. 2. Research schools In the Netherlands, so-called national research schools were established with the aim to enhance the cooperation between research groups of different universities. These research schools organise yearly symposia and courses for PhD students, to introduce them to the most recent developments in their discipline. The Department is involved in several national research schools like DISC (Dutch Institute of Systems and Control) and The Netherlands Research School of Integrated Design and Manufacturing (IPV), which is currently in the process of being converted to a national research school on Industrial Design Engineering. The University of Twente has recently started the Twente Graduate School, aiming at bundling research programmes on specific topics; thirteen programmes have been admitted until now. An application for a research plan on sustainability is under preparation. 3. Leading Technology Institutes (LTIs): A substantial part of the research of the Dutch universities is carried out in the framework of one of the four national so-called Leading Technology Institutes (LTIs). These institutes were established by the Ministry of Economic affairs in 1997, with the aim of improving the international competitive position of The Netherlands. Typically, 25 percent of the research is paid by the industry and 50 percent by the government. The remainder is matched by the universities. The actual research programmes are conducted mainly by PhD students and post-doctoral researchers. The Faculty participates in two of the LTIs, namely M2I and DPI. ffMaterials Innovation Institute (M2I) M2I initiates and coordinates academic research on materials production and forming processes. The three Dutch Technical Universities, the University of Groningen, the German RWTH Aachen and nearly all Dutch high-tech metal and composites materials industries participate in M2I. Professor Huétink, head of the group Mechanics of Forming Technology, is one of the academic founders of M2I. M2I conducts a focussed, application-oriented research programme supported by a more long-term oriented strategic programme in which M2I collaborates with other Dutch research organisations and by participation in international programmes. M2I has become the main platform for the interaction between academia and the materials industry and forms an essential part of the knowledge infrastructure. ffDutch Polymer Institute (DPI) DPI was founded in 1998 and set up to perform exploratory research in the area of polymer materials. Its industrial partners and knowledge institutes are equally distributed over the Netherlands and foreign (mainly European) countries. Professor Noordermeer has been a member of the board of DPI since 2000, presently in his role as Scientific Programme Chairman for Rubber Technology. DPI funds pre-competitive research and provides a unique platform for generating awareness of new technology, in which participating industrial companies communicate on a pre-competitive basis to trigger innovation. Since its start, DPI has been highly successful in integrating the scientific disciplines and know-how of universities into what is called the chain of knowledge needed to create the conditions for making breakthrough inventions and triggering industrial innovation. 26 A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE
4. Large Technological Institutes and TNO In the Netherlands, the four so-called Large Technological Institutes (GTIs) and TNO form a bridge between the development of new fundamental knowledge, mainly at the universities, and the further development to actual products and processes by the industry. For a number of disciplines, they prepare the step from fundamental knowledge to technology readiness. The Department has links to the following organisations: -- ECN (Energy Research Centre of The Netherlands); -- MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands); -- NLR (National Aerospace Laboratory); -- DELTARES (Institute for Delta Technology), which was recently founded and includes the former Delft Hydraulic Institute (WL) and the national institute for Geo-Engineering (GeoDelft); -- TNO (Netherlands organisation for applied scientific research) which is the largest organisation in this respect and has clustered a variety of disciplines into five core areas of which the area Science and Technology is the obvious partner for our Department. Three years ago, the government took a critical look at the functioning of the Large Technological Institutes and TNO. One outcome is that the programming of these institutes should become more driven by the demands of industry and society. Another outcome is the urgent recommendation to intensify the collaboration between the universities and the Large Technological Institutes and TNO. The Faculty of Engineering Technology has taken the lead to establish joint programmes between the University of Twente and the above mentioned institutes. Emphasis will be put on long-term, more fundamentally oriented types of collaborative programmes. 5. Structural linkages with industries ffTenCate The textile industry, formerly omnipresent in the Twente region, now serves a limited number of niche areas, an approach that is highly successful on the global market: artificial grass, advanced textiles and advanced composites. The Faculty is the natural research partner for these product developments. Co-operative projects are performed in artificial grass (Design Engineering) and aerospace (Production Technology) with various PhD projects completed and ongoing. ffCorus The cooperation with Corus (formerly Hoogovens) has existed for over two decades. Corus has financed several PhD research projects, mainly in the field of numerical simulations of forming processes. After the establishment of M2I, the cooperation with Corus became part of the M2I research programme as Corus is the main industrial partner of M2I. The cooperation was extended to the groups Mechanical Automation, and Surface Technology and Tribology. ffDaimler A.G. For several years, intensive cooperation of the Design Engineering group with Daimler A.G. has led to several PhD projects with the Daimler Research Lab in Ulm, Germany. During the review period, five of these projects were completed. Meanwhile, an additional project with the product development department of Mercedes Benz has been carried out in the field of motion capturing. ffThales T-Xchange is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Engineering Technology and Thales. T-Xchange carries out innovation projects on a commercial basis. T-Xchange staff is employed partly by the University and partly by Thales Netherlands. This is a typical example of facility-sharing and intensive industry-university cooperation. More information can be found in the B section under Design Engineering.
ffProRail /NS Reizigers The AdRem project addresses problems of slippery tracks and the consequences for safety, punctuality (corporate image) and technical issues like damage to rails and wheels. Several PhD projects are ongoing. ffNedTrain NedTrain finances a part-time chair in the field of Design for Maintainability. The first NedTrain sponsored PhD project in the field of maintenance issues has recently started. ffFrieslandCampina Royal FrieslandCampina reaches millions of people in more than one hundred countries around the world, with milk products, cheese, butter and ingredients. The company is a co-operation and has more than 130 years of commitment to sustainable dairy. They look for innovative packaging solutions and are interested in predicting consumer behaviour. ffPhilips Consumer Lifestyle A large collaborative project under the umbrella of the National Knowledge Workers Program has recently started. More than 40 people from Philips and about 20 from the department are involved. The focus is on three topics: Energy efficiency, Design for X and Robotics. ffVan der Lande Industries, OCE, ASML, Philips Applied Technolgies Through various IOP-Integrated Product Creation and Realisation projects these companies are involved in systems engineering and configuration design research, in particular around the topics Smart Synthesis Tools and Synthetic Environments. 6. International collaboration Most of the international collaborations with other universities and research organisations are projectbased. A number of our groups participate in European Framework Programmes. Our multidisciplinary approach makes us an interesting research partner, while this approach also requires collaboration with other disciplines and other research groups. More details are given in the B3 parts of the reports of the respective research groups.
7 ACADEMIC REPUTATION Staff members of IDE are members of editorial boards of international refereed journals. In addition, tenured staff and PhD students have presented their work in refereed journals and at numerous international conferences. Several members have received personal grants to develop their scientific work. The research groups have been successful in attracting research funds from national and international scientific programmes and from the industry. More details with respect to academic reputation can be found in the B sections, contributed by the respective research groups. Highlights of the past reporting period are: - Appointment of Professor van Houten as Vice President Elect of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) in 2008; - Election of Professor van Houten as member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) in 2009; - The Gold medal of the International Rubber Conference Organisation (IRCO) for Professor Noordermeer in 2005.
8 INTERNAL EVALUATION Internally, projects are evaluated at several levels. The research groups are embedded in the institutes of the University of Twente and large parts of the research are also positioned in national research schools. These institutes and research schools have their own sets of criteria for output and quality and the incorporation of our research can be regarded as an indication of recognition of its high standards. Many of the research projects are externally funded, implying that the projects undergo an extensive and thorough peer review procedure by the funding organisations such as STW, NWO and the EU. Additionally, direct research contracts from the industry can be regarded as proven quality.
9 EXTERNAL VALIDATION The research results of IDE are successfully implemented in practice. Knowledge transfer is an important objective of the group and takes place in a number of ways: -- Dissemination of results occurs at conferences and seminars, via guest lectures and in public media (transparency is an important condition for quality). -- A large number of projects are funded directly by users and practitioners. -- Collaboration with institutes for applied research is a given. -- There is involvement of users’ committees at the project level. -- There is also involvement in several in-company courses and committees. All groups have strong ties with the industry, institutes for applied science, societal organisations and various Ministries; this contributes to the direct applicability of the research results. Collaboration with the government and professional partners is strongly stimulated in order to disseminate research findings and to gain insight in the knowledge demands from practice.
10 OVERVIEW OF THE RESULTS Table 3 Aggregated results of the institute Industrial Design Engineering Academic publications
Sum 2003-08 2009
a. PhD. Theses + external
1 1
11 1
b. In refereed journals
c. Conference Proceedings
d. Monographs and editorial books
Professional publications and products
e. Book chapters
11 ANALYSIS, PERSPECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THE INSTITUTE When looking critically at the research situation in the IDE field, we can identify several strong points. For example within the University of Twente, the thresholds to other disciplines and also to companies in the neighbourhood are low. Unique is that human sciences are present at the same university. From the viewpoint of human resources, there is a good balance between senior and junior researchers and generally spoken, they show an entrepreneurial attitude. IDE started with a limited budget in combination with a heavy workload for educational tasks. The curriculum had to be developed first, at the cost of research. Apart from the role the factor time plays, this is related to the fact that several of the new staff members were recruited to fulfil educational tasks as the highest priority. Focusing the research programme has been quite difficult because of the fact that the educational scope intrinsically should be wide. However, this is not necessarily to be regarded as negative. The evolvement of a research programme should be based on organic development. Research questions will have the opportunity to emerge from industry and society. The research programme of the Design Engineering chair has its roots in the mechanical engineering domain. Since 2001, the programme has been extended and modified into the direction of subjects that are relevant for IDE as well. As that group still also participates in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum and in many research projects in that field, its profile is not as specifically dedicated to IDE as that of the other two chairs. The latter two chairs (Product Design and Product Realisation) had more freedom in formulating their research agendas and it was decided to implement them in a dynamic way. A completely planned and fixed research programme would prohibit the adaptability to changing circumstances. Because of this – what might, at first sight, look like a disadvantage relative to established IDE research programs like the one at Delft University of Technology – the University of Twente has the opportunity to jump into niche markets like the construction industry and product life cycle engineering for consumer products and capital goods. Especially the focus on research questions which are related to commercial issues is important in the programme. In Route 14, the research policy that the University of Twente has developed for the coming years, further merging between the social sciences and the natural and engineering sciences is stimulated. This offers opportunities for IDE. As the research institutes are primarily organised by cluster of disciplines, IDEoriented research will by definition stimulate the integration of disciplines and therefore, will fully meet the requirements of Route 14 policy. All of the above will have to take place against the background of some constraints, such as severe primary budget cuts and the extra attention that is still required for educational tasks. This is all happening in a period in which one might expect less (financial) involvement of industry as a result of the economic crisis. Strengths ----------
Embedded in Faculty of Engineering Technology Strong foundation with respect to technical aspects Low threshold to other disciplines Intensive cooperation with industry Social sciences at same university Good laboratory infrastructure, in particular for Virtual Reality Good balance between junior and senior researchers Entrepreneurial attitude Strong regional links
Weaknesses -- Limited primary budget in combination with heavy workload for educational tasks has consequences for time available for research -- Initially, additional manpower was recruited with education as main task -- Complex matrix organisation demands a lot of time and attention Opportunities -- Young and flexible organisation -- Low barriers between other disciplines within the University -- Support from University’s Route 14 policy for integration of social sciences and natural and engineering sciences -- Niche market developments, like IDE for building industry Threats -- Primary funding cuts -- Still a lot of extra attention required for educational tasks -- Decrease of involvement of industry as a result of economic recession Analysis Three focal areas of research can be distinguished within the IDE research programme: Design knowledge, product knowledge and manufacturing knowledge (see Fig. 5). In each of these areas, research is carried out, as follows: - Capability to design products: design technology - Capability to realise functions: product technology - Capability to manufacture products: manufacturing technology Technology has historically developed top-down. First, there were artefacts, made by handicraft. During the Industrial Revolution, we learned to industrialise the manufacture of products. As products as well as manufacturing processes became more complex, we needed new technologies to design those products: CAD, computer simulation, rapid prototyping etc. Figure 5 The relation between product knowledge, design knowledge and manufacturing knowledge
Design knowledge
New design questions and opportunities from product technology
Product knowledge
New design questions and opportunities from manufacturing
New manufacturing questions and opportunities
Manufacturing knowledge
However, we see a development in another direction too. Design technology (e.g. rapid prototyping) A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE 31
enables new manufacturing technology (e.g. rapid manufacturing). New manufacturing technology (e.g. miniaturisation) enables new product concepts (e.g. all kinds of portable equipment). The combination of these technologies in one faculty is beneficial for the cooperation between the research groups. Design technology research is mainly carried out by the chair for Design Engineering (Van Houten). Research on the link between product functionality and user experience is carried out by the chair for Product Design (Eger). Research on product technology is the domain represented by the chair for Product Realisation (Poelman). Of course, potential product technology is also researched and developed by many other chairs within the University, from informatics to nanotechnology. Manufacturing technology research is mainly carried out by the chair for Production Technology (Akkerman), but also by the chairs of Van Houten and Huétink. The scenario for the further extension of IDE research is controlled growth based on the profile that has been established until now. Scientific quality is an absolute premise both with respect to the acquisition of new staff members as well as to their scientific output in the form of publications in international high-ranking journals. As IDE is an engineering discipline, also other products of scientific work should be taken into account. For engineers, the participation in conferences is very important. There they can test their ideas and pick up new ones quickly by direct confrontation with their peers. In a fast-moving world, it is extremely important to publish quickly. The Internet is a publication and communication medium very suitable for engineers. Moreover, because it is officially possible to acquire a PhD on a design, this needs to be stimulated in particular among industrial designers. Their quality should be judged against a combination of papers and products. The research policy for IDE should follow the priorities set by the University’s research agenda and the needs of the customers. The customers consist of the following four groups: - The students: The most important products of a University are knowledgeable and skilful people who are capable of producing new knowledge. In other words, the prime objects of interest of a University are its students. There should be a distinct relationship between the objects set for the curriculum and the research topics being worked on. The prime research goal is education. - The industry: The majority of students, including those who obtain a PhD, will finally acquire a job outside academia. They should be capable of achieving breakthrough developments for society in the form of new products and services. This will usually be done in an industrial context. The industry needs good engineers and engineers need challenging jobs. Research project carried out with industry give the students the feeling that they work on relevant problems. One should, however, be careful that the industrial setting in terms of planning and control of PhD projects does not hamper creativity and the emergence of original ideas. - The universities: A minor fraction of the students with a PhD pursues a career in science. They should be given the opportunity to develop the areas of research described above. It is important that they get sufficient freedom to grow and become competitive in the international scientific arena. As a consequence, sometimes the research policy of chairs has to be adapted to newly gained insights by bright young researchers. - Society: As mentioned in the mission statement, societal benefits are an explicit goal. In this context cooperation with societal organisations, e.g. in the field of care and safety is regarded as important, as well as cooperation with local governments. As the research priorities set by the University are consolidated in the scientific agendas of the Research Institutes, the further development of IDE research is very much dependent on their mid-term and longterm goals. Within the IMPACT institute, fundamental decisions about priorities are foreseen for the first half of 2010. It is clear at the time of writing of this report that energy will be the main topic. Not only will the production of energy be covered, but also energy transport, storage and use. The issue of availability and utilisation of resources will also be taken into account. All of this has a strong link with all aspects of life cycle engineering. These decisions will have a large impact on the future research portfolio of 32 A · PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE
IDE. At the time of writing it is not clear yet what kind of influence the future priorities of the Institute of Behavioural Research will have on the research portfolio of the chair of Product Design. The same goes for institutes like MIRA, CTIT and IGS to which some (smaller) research efforts are committed. Adjusted goals As this self-assessment is the first one for our research, there is no previous assessment to refer to and the topic does not apply yet. Adjusted strategy There is no previous assessment, as this self-assessment is the first one for research. However, we can refer to the first plans which were included in the ACO application in the year 2000. The introduction to our research policy read as follows: ‘The IDE research is aimed at upgrading the discipline Industrial Design Engineering and the educational programme in particular. The emphasis is on interdisciplinary and participative domain research, mainly application-oriented, on integrative and organisational aspects of the product creation process and on research in the field of better and faster disclosure of existing knowledge from varied disciplines in the context of the Industrial Design Engineer as interdisciplinary knowledge integrator. Typical for IDE research is the integration of technical-scientific domains to multi-disciplinary application areas. Therefore, it is necessary to manoeuvre within the scientific area of tension of mono disciplines, while gaps of knowledge between the discrete research domains have to be filled in.’ There is no need to adjust this strategy. All decisions taken from the start with respect to research are in line with this intention.
from left to right: Prof dr ir Fred J.A.M. van Houten · programme leader Design Engineering Prof dr ir Arthur O. Eger · programme leader Evolutionary Product Development Prof dr ir Wim A. Poelman · programme leader Product Realisation
Research project: Integration of scenario-based design with the use of virtual reality and gaming techniques
B1 RESEARCH PROGRAMME: DESIGN ENGINEERING Programme Leader: Prof dr ir Fred J.A.M. van Houten Research Area The research of the Design Engineering group focuses on understanding and improving design processes. The group’s strategic goal is the development of methods and tools for scenario-based, user-oriented product development against the background of the requirements and constraints of the entire product life cycle. Design Engineering covers the entire product development cycle, from studies concerning future customer needs to process planning and manufacturing facility design. As the group was established in 1998 as a spin-off of the former group of Design and Production Engineering within the Department of Mechanical Engineering, it still has strong ties to production technology and equipment. This influences the way in which methods and tools for design support are developed. By gradually shifting focus to the fuzzy front end of the design cycle, new elements have been added to the group’s research portfolio, partly also because of its strong involvement in the creation of an educational programme in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE). The development of design tools requires a thorough basis in computer science, in the areas of product modelling and visualisation (CAD-CAM, VR, etc.) as well as of mechatronics because products to be developed do not only contain mechanical part. Systems Engineering is an important field of Design Engineering research. It supports the development of highly complex products by multidisciplinary teams of designers in often distributed environments. User-oriented design necessitates B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 39
a close cooperation with researchers from the behavioural science domain. Integration and synthesis are keywords in design engineering research. The traditional approach in the scientific community is to categorize research topics by discipline. This is not the appropriate angle of view for research in design engineering. A wide scope in terms of research topics does not indicate a lack of focus: Instead, the focus is on understanding and improving the design process irrespective of the product (the object) or the disciplines involved. This horizontal, synthesis-based approach is increasingly gaining interest in academia (staff and students) as well as among the customer base. Engineering research should be based on a sound scientific approach against a background of societal needs. As a consequence, the outcome should not be communicated just among scientists but also to a broader public, and not only in the form of written material, but also in a variety of other appearances. Mission The Design Engineering group’s mission is: To operate at the forefront of fundamental research and development in the integrated support of the product life cycle (from product and manufacturing facility design to product and production management, maintenance and recycling) by focusing on the integrative nature of this so-called horizontal discipline and to be part of the network of leading laboratories in this field, both in academia as well as in industry. Historical perspective Several of the research topics described in this report are also partly related to Mechanical Engineering because the Design Engineering group already existed before the educational programme in Industrial Design Engineering was established. These topics should be evaluated against that background. The University of Twente has bundled its research activities in research institutes for the past fifteen years. From the beginning, the Design Engineering research activities have been embedded in the Centre for Telecommunication and Information Technology (CTIT). This seemed quite logical because many of the research activities were ICT-related. However, as the majority of research programmes in the Faculty of Engineering Technology is embedded in the Institute for Mechanics, Processes and Control Twente (IMPACT) and because of the Department’s wish to stimulate further collaboration between research activities under that umbrella, the Design Engineering group formally transferred its research projects to IMPACT on 1 January 2008. Although the group has fulfilled a significant and successful role in the CTIT – among other things the (shared) coordinatorship of the CTIT Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) called NICE and participation in the CTIT SRO of E-productivity/Industrial Engineering – it was considered that eventually, the majority of the activities of the group would fit better within the renewed IMPACT profile. The activities of the Design Engineering group comply with the corresponding SROs, in particular with Design of Mechatronic Systems (High tech systems and Materials) and in the themes Energy and Sustainability. Collaboration Collaborative research is performed within the 3TU alliance, together with TU Eindhoven (Industrial Design) and Delft University of Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design), but also with large technological institutes like ECN (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands) and TNO (Organisation for Applied Scientific Research). An Innovative Research Programme (IOP) in the field of Integrated Product Creation and Realisation (IPCR) was proposed to the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2002 and was approved in 2004. The Design Engineering programme leader is a member of the IOP advisory board. The programme was launched in 2005 and is organised by SenterNovem. In the first phase, two tenders were released and seven projects with a total of 27 research positions were granted. The Design Engineering Group participates in four of those projects, with five PhD students. A second IOP-IPCR programme phase with a comparable budget 40 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
has been approved (2008-2012). The first tender of the second phase was issued in 2009. The IOP-IPCR projects are primarily directed toward the front end of the Product Creation Process. The IOP projects in which Design Engineering participates address the areas of scenario-based design, design synthesis tools, design for usability and the automatic generation of control software for mechatronic systems. The European (FP6) Network of Excellence (NoE) ‘Virtual Research Lab – Knowledge Community in Production’ (VRL-KCiP) was established in June 2004 (25 partners with over 250 participants). The Design Engineering Group is one of the five core members. In June 2008, the NoE was continued in the form of the ‘European Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association: a cluster leading excellence’ (EMIRAcle), which comprises the most active partners of the VRL-KCiP NoE. EMIRAcle is now preparing a new European infrastructures proposal called VISIONAIr The scope is to develop a high-bandwidth 3D-visualisation network for scientific cooperation. In addition, the Design Engineering group has participated in the European NoE ‘INTUITION’ in the area of Virtual Reality. The group works closely together with large international industrial partners like Daimler, Thales and Philips. The Design Engineering group is very active in several international scientific communities, in particular in the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP)
1.1.1 MANAGEMENT STYLE The Design Engineering group has a flat organisational structure: One full professor, two associate professors, 14 assistant professors and one part-time professor. The atmosphere in the group is collegial and friendly. The senior staff members have their own fields of expertise and corresponding responsibilities. The huge effort of creating and implementing a complete new Bachelor/Master programme in Industrial Design Engineering in addition to carrying out research and teaching tasks in Mechanical Engineering has created a strong bond between the people involved. The senior staff formally meets with the programme leader bi-weekly to discuss scientific and organisational matters. The programme leader is also the chairperson of the research group Design, Production and Management (comprising the full-time chairs in Design Engineering, Product Design, Product Realisation, Production Technology, Surface Engineering and Tribology and the part-time chairs in Design History, Packaging Design and Management, and Skin Tribology. Additionally, part-time chairs in Design for Maintainability and Cradle-to-Cradle design will be established in 2010. The full professors of this group have formal management team meetings on a bi-weekly basis as well as a formal meeting with all staff members and PhD students.
1.1.2 MEANS OF MOTIVATION The staff is highly motivated and cooperative. Their tasks are quite diverse as they have to contribute to several teaching programmes (Industrial Design Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Creative Technology). They cooperate in several research programmes. For many of them the workload has been extremely high because of their substantial contribution to the instantiation of the new educational programme in Industrial Design Engineering. The scientific careers of the staff members depend on scientific output but also on successful acquisition of research projects. In the past, the group has been very successful in the area of automated process B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 41
planning (the PART system) and feature-based design. The focus has gradually shifted to the field of scenario-based design and design synthesis, life cycle engineering, energy and sustainability and the area of systems engineering and design of hybrid systems (mechatronics). Project acquisition in these fields has been rather successful. The opportunity to establish very well equipped laboratories and the high level of industrial interest are also very motivating for the research staff.
1.1.3 COMMUNICATION AND MONITORING The research strategy of the group and its consequences for decision-making on the tactical and operational levels are discussed on a regular basis. Apart from the formal management meetings, there is daily informal contact between the project leaders and the programme leader. Project leaders keep their colleagues and PhD students informed. The senior staff members carry out the daily supervision of PhD students and PhD students are usually daily supervisors of Master students allocated to their PhD projects. PhD students also fulfil minor teaching tasks in the regular Bachelor programme such as assisting senior staff and acting as tutor or mentor (<10% of their time). Dedicated research meetings with presentations by PhD students take place on a bi-weekly basis. Externally funded projects (IOP-Innovative Product Creation and Realisation programme – where IOP stands for Innovatiegerichte Onderzoeksprogramma’s – and industrial sponsors) also have formal progress meetings with the project advisory boards (with academic and industrial members). However, intensive monitoring of the progress is more difficult because of distance, frequency of meetings and/or priorities set by company management. Video conferencing is used to reduce the need for travel.
1.1.4 PROCESS OF IMPROVEMENT AND INNOVATION Because the visualisation is core business of Design Engineering, the group tries to goad and stimulate the imagination of colleagues and business relations by making its research topics visible. An example of a successful development is the implementation of a large-scale research facility for product and design process development together with the Thales company in November 2005. In the group’s Virtual Reality lab, an innovative product creation process called the Technology Exchange cell (T-Xchange) has been implemented. This multimillion-Euro joint initiative is an excellent example of intensive industry-university co-operation, both in terms of facility-sharing as well as common interest project execution.
1.2.1 INTRODUCTION The research policy of the Design Engineering group is to focus on the integrative aspects of product and manufacturing facility design and to develop methods and tools which support design activities over the total product life cycle: From the generation of ideas and concepts to implementation, realisation, use, maintenance, repair and disposal. On the strategic level, much effort is put into the following: -- Further strengthening of the already good position of the group in the international scientific community (such as CIRP, which is the International Academy for Production Engineering: four of the group’s staff are members) and to be part of the network of world-class researchers, for example evidenced by the programme leader having been elected as member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering; -- Visibility on the European level in the preparation process of upcoming European framework
programmes and to help ensure attention for the research field of design and manufacturing (participation in EU FP7 High Level Group and contribution to Vision 2020 document); -- Actively promoting and helping to establish national programmes and collaborations in the field of design and manufacturing (such as IOP, High-Tech Systems and Materials, Creative Industry, National Research School Industrial Design). On the tactical level, the group’s policy is: - To be present in European projects by being a member of research consortia and networks (such as VRL-KCiP, EMIRAcle, Manufuture, NMP Factory of the Future, Infrastructures VISIONAIR); - To remain successful in acquiring research projects funded by the national government (such as IOP, NWO, STW); - To maintain a good relationship with the industry (multinationals as well as SMEs). On the operational level, the group wants to: - Attract excellent PhD students; - Acquire well funded (industrial) research projects; - Invest in world-class research facilities; - Stimulate multidisciplinary cooperation. Research themes and projects The Design Engineering research group contributes to the Bachelor and Master programmes in Industrial Design Engineering as well as those of in Mechanical Engineering. A joint Master programme together with Civil Engineering has been implemented in the area of product development for the building and construction industry. The group also participates in the 3TU Master programme on Sustainable Energy Technology. Traditionally, the research domain of the group was feature-based design and manufacturing. Many of the scientific ideas developed in that field during the period 1980-2000 have found their way to present-day CAD systems. All CAD systems are now feature-based, do support tolerances and offer improved support for the design-manufacturing chain. Design Engineering currently has three research themes. Research theme I: Design Methods and Tools ffManagement of Product Development Supporting the embodiment design phase (knowledge-based engineering) was the challenge for the first decennium of the 21st century. For that reason, the research staff of the Design Engineering group has worked on the development of evolutionary (dynamic) data structures for information management in manufacturing integration. These ideas have also been the basis for prototype applications developed for Daimler (ULEO and Connection Elements). ffUse Anticipation in Product Design The study of the interaction between the (future) user and a (future) product is a highly relevant research topic within Design Engineering. Both the physical as well as the cognitive aspects are studied. There is an obvious link with the domain of behavioural sciences related to physical and cognitive ergonomics and usability research. The use of synthetic environments (Virtual Reality) in SBPD has become a new subject of multidisciplinary research. Immersive visualisation techniques such as 3D screens and new interaction techniques such as haptics and multi-touch multi-user interaction surfaces have been combined in the group’s VR lab.
ffComputational Synthesis The development of a Smart Synthesis Tool Box has created a platform for configuration management and geometry generation. On the embodiment level, geometry can be generated on the basis of explicit (mating) and implicit (process) constraints. The ability to explore possible geometry solutions for specific material and process combinations relieves the designer from the tedious work on the low-level geometry input. Research theme II: Energy and Sustainability ffSustainable Energy Design Energy production, transport and consumption as well as sustainability are becoming important research subjects. Since the establishment of a new 3TU Master programme in Sustainable Energy Technology, several research groups work on the topic together. The Design Engineering group focuses on the improvement of photovoltaic technology both for large-scale solar plants as well as for smallerscale applications like building materials or even for consumer product integration. Another topic is hydrogen fuel cell technology and its applicability in consumer products. In particular, reducing the use of energy is an important area of research. ffProduct Lifecycle Management The Design Engineering group has a long tradition in life cycle management. Starting from life cycle analysis and the determination of eco-indicators, the emphasis has shifted to product life cycle design and management. The eco-effects during the use phase of the product and the possibilities for re-use of modules, parts and materials are being studied. Research theme III: Integration and Hybrid System Design ffIntegrated Development of New Products and Processes New materials and manufacturing/information technology can have a large influence on how products will be designed. New paradigms like 24/7 web-based manufacturing and layer-based techniques offer interesting opportunities for product designers to produce tailor-made products very quickly in small quantities at an acceptable price. Design for X, where X stands for the various steps in the manufacturing chain, aims at creating support for the designer with respect to manufacturability and (dis)assemblability of parts, the use of consumables and energy, maintainability, reusability, recyclability, etc. ffDesign Support for Mechatronic Systems Nearly all presently designed products are of a hybrid nature; they consist of (electro)mechanical parts, electronics and software. The design of these products requires multi-disciplinary development teams and a systems engineering approach. Coordination of collaborative work by experts from different domains is a very relevant topic of research. ffPackaging Design and Management This part-time chair has been established on the basis of a grant by the Dutch Packaging Centre (Nederlands Verpakkings Centrum, NVC). It is the only chair in Europe dedicated to packaging design. The interaction of product and packaging as well as the interaction between customer and packaging (user interface) are typical examples of hybrid systems that require a multi-disciplinary design approach.
1.2.2 SUB-PROGRAMME: MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Research theme I: Design Methods and Tools supervised by Dr ir D. Lutters Scope of research area ‘Management of Product Development‘ (MOPD) aims at the adequate, effective and efficient improvement of development cycles. In doing this, it does not aim at applying management book knowledge but rather at proper synthesis, by integrating the expertise involved in the many domains and fields related to product development cycles. It goes without saying that this integration relies on a thorough understanding of – and an obvious relationship to – those domains and fields. Nevertheless, the finesses of the individual domains themselves need not necessarily be investigated to their fullest extent to understand the way in which the domains interact. Rather, a number of areas and aspects are selected to serve as extensive and directed application areas. This includes topics like cost estimation, process planning, creativity techniques, various types of simulation, visualisation, and packaging. Relevance within industry In order to ensure a focus on employable, useful and pioneering research, it is essential that the research approach combines abstract and generic theoretical approaches with practical industrial relevancy infused by projects, implementations and case studies. These projects are performed at and in co-operation with industrial partners. Obviously, the results must be to the benefit of both science and industry. Because of this amalgamation, a specific research approach is chosen to avoid a bias towards being either too abstract or too skill-oriented. In focusing on certain phases of development cycles and elaborating them in case studies, methodological characterisations of the governance of development cycles are developed in their practical and industrial context. Perspectives within MOPD Six different perspectives are elaborated to get an autarchic and objective grip on the research area to serve both the research and practical context. Together, these perspectives give insight in the synergetic solution space, irrespective of particularities in specific phases, aspects or realisations. The perspectives are the following: -- Fundamentals; -- Life cycle; -- Information and knowledge realm; -- Design(er) support and development methods and methodologies; -- Design visualisation and virtual product interaction; -- Strategy and architectures. Fundamentals The fundamental axis addresses the theoretical developments that underlie development cycles. It aims at the analysis and extension of existing knowledge and methodologies in fields like traditional product development, aspects of development cycles, life cycle engineering, project management, supply chain management and any other fields underpinning improvements of development cycles in general. Also, fundamental issues concerned with the chosen application areas and aspects are studied. All research projects that are executed within the field of management of product development find their origin in this fundamental perspective. Additionally, they address all other perspectives, where each project has its own emphasis. Ultimately, all projects have a distinct focus on strategy and architectures.
Life cycle Different development cycles generally exhibit similar characteristics. These characteristics relate to the concatenated life cycles of products, projects/programmes, companies and technologies involved. Studying and modelling these life cycles – rather than enforcing them as management tools – engenders better insight in mutual dependencies between events or activities. Although related to traditional life cycle engineering and its derivatives, the life cycle axis of the framework extends well beyond sheer analysis and feedback. If the basics are thoroughly understood, life cycle models give directives (instead of edicts) for the governance of development cycles. The basics arise from the different (theoretical and industrial) modelling tools for the specific life cycles and their aspects, but it requires quite some conjoining effort to come to coherently applicable working methods and tools. The examination of life cycle aspects contributes to the development of models for mutual dependencies in development cycles, for workflow management models and for modelling, employing, and exploiting the dependencies between life cycle phases and life cycle aspects. Information and knowledge realm The term expertise refers to the realm of data, information and knowledge that is employed to give meaning to a specific viewpoint in a development cycle. It is this expertise that propels the evolution of the projects, whilst simultaneously allowing the projects to remain within the (also evolving) requirement specifications. The capacities and capabilities of all stakeholders involved are also addressed. Each development cycle has its own apposite underlying manner for dealing with information and knowledge, doing justice to the number and type of domains involved. In recognising that the underlying information content can – in context – become the flexible instigator of development cycles, the importance of structuring, employment and management of this information and knowledge content is apparent. Prerequisite for this is the proper denotation of the content. A sizeable research effort is invested in the relationships between the information and knowledge content and the evolution of development cycles. These relationships are expressed in terms of e.g. conceptual frameworks and ontology as drivers of project evolution.Design(er) support and development methods and methodologies Although the environment in which development cycles are executed can be geared towards the facilitation and initiation of evolutionary development, development cycles will always need control, in the context of the strategies, life cycles and information realm involved. This renders many existing product development methods and methodologies obsolete. Therefore new methodologies and methods are to be developed that not only do more justice to the increasing complexity of development cycles, but that also better exploit the increased understanding of the processes and fields of expertise involved. The basis, however, always is the support of designers and engineers to enable them to reach better solutions with less effort in less time. Real synthesis in development cycles is addressed by combining different perspectives, from and on multiple domains at different levels of aggregation. An important example is what-if design. Its objective is to support the design(er) by taking care of tasks that are considered more or less routinely, but also to help designers in quickly and effortlessly investigating and resolving consequences of modified decision outcomes, surpassing individual domains. Another example focuses on the way in which development cycles encompass multiple domains: Mechatronic features represent behaviour and embodiment from the geometric, electrical and software domains. Design visualisation and virtual product interaction In product development cycles, effective communication among product developers is increasingly based on virtual-reality techniques. This relates to both formal review moments and more informal sessions during development cycles. From a governance perspective, these visualisations and the corresponding interactions are directly related to the cadence of the development. On the one hand, adequate (virtual) product representations have to be available at the right moment. On the other hand, the observations during the sessions should be processed in such a manner that they can be fully exploited. Therefore,
new tools and working methods need to be developed that more effectively and efficiently address the integration of virtual reality techniques (in synthetic environments) in the product development cycle. Here, especially the relation with what-if design is relevant. Examples of important topics are multi-user interfaces, visualisation and interactive animation. Strategy and architectures Architectures are the liaison between theoretical insight and practical implementation. As such, they not only provide sanity checks of the concepts and guidelines for implementations. More importantly, they render ways for structuring development cycles in their context, are the binding factor between business processes, and can be used as essential communication tools, including e.g. organisational aspects and resources. The goal is to develop ways for compiling architectures taking into account the context and the different life cycles involved. This aim is independent of the level of aggregation: From strategic to operation levels, the architectures provide adequate support as well as interaction with other levels of aggregation. This implies that the governance of development cycles has a two-way interaction at every level: It is influenced by higher levels and will influence lower levels. This has implications for the way dependencies and workflow are dealt with, but also yields improved methods for addressing e.g. risk management and decision-making processes. If this is combined with the development and application of tools and working methods (from e.g. roadmaps on strategy level, via capturing design rationale, to production-scheduling approaches at operational level), a substantial contribution can be made to a firm and comprehensive foundation for integrated development cycles. For example, adequately relating architectures to strategy, dynamic project management enables a better focus on controlling the scope, contingencies, risk management, portfolio establishment and overall added project value. Synthesis Together, the six perspectives allow for well-founded and purposeful research in the field of product development cycles and their governance. It is essential that this framework pays equal attention to the domains and context involved, the approach chosen or enforced, the way development teams benefit from it, and the impact on the different life cycles involved. However, the gained experience and the acquired knowledge will foremost ensure the improved execution of subsequent development cycles, and simultaneously increase the individual as well as the overall expertise. The approach based on this framework ensures well-balanced research into the governance of product development cycles, equally leading to better theoretical and methodological understanding and modelling as well as to more apposite working methods and tools for application in practical situations. Projects ffCNC Worknet The supply chain for manufacturing (simple) milled products is often unnecessarily complex, both for producers and customers. In focusing on shoebox-type products, this supply chain can be made more efficient and effective. The process chain can be shortened dramatically by the CNC Worknet portal, which integrates and automates the steps from sales to process planning. Production and inspection are integrated and standardised in a generic manufacturing facility called a McMill. This Internet portal deals with all communication between the customer and the standardised fabrication facility. The research project develops the backbone for the CNC Worknet system, focusing on the synthesis between the quality and workflow management systems as well as on the effective and structured implementation based on a transparent and flexible architecture. Researcher: Ir D.C. ten Dam. Funded by the Solva Group.
ffInformation- and Knowledge-Based Support This research project has its focus on the way in which knowledge and information-based techniques can be used to support product development cycles. Not only the capturing and reuse of both structured and unstructured information resulting from development trajectories is important for this purpose. Especially information on this information (so-called meta-information) is able to provide support by giving insight in the applicability of specific working methods. The research project attempts to develop a holistic approach rather than dedicated information management tools. This approach aims at utilising the entire potential of (meta)information to support product developers towards more effectively and efficiently executing product development projects. Researcher: Ir W. Dankers. Primary funding. ffIntelligent Clothing Current technical and electronic products often force the user to interact using buttons, keyboard and pointers. To let the product perform an action, the thoughts of the user have to be converted into the language of the product: Buttons and clicks. This conversion can cause noise (translation errors), ignores body language and emotions, and often results in interaction with a small piece of the human body, mainly the hand. This causes a constant user awareness of the given input, resulting in interaction possibilities limited to the translation skills of the user. New electronic technologies are capable of sensing the environment and adapting to that information, leading to intelligent systems. Similar technological developments in the textile industry make it possible to integrate these intelligent systems into clothing. The goal of the project is to develop design strategies and guidelines to support designers in developing new interactive products and services that aim to increase the use of human motion and a human’s emotional state, and indicate to what extent the use of new interaction methods is desirable. Researcher: Ir R.G.J. Damgrave. Funding by IOP-IPCR. ffStructuring Unstructured Information Driven by increasing customer expectations and competition, the amount of information required and generated by the business processes of a typical organisation is increasing at a startling rate. A great challenge today is countering the effects of information overload in organisations in order for employees to find the information appropriate to their needs without having to sieve through excessively large quantities of information. The project aims at developing a framework that can be used to provide a unified, dynamic view of an organisation’s development-related information – of both the structured and unstructured kind. To ensure the applicability of the project results, several subprojects are defined and executed to test the developed tools and working methods. Moreover, these subprojects fuel the development of those tools and working methods. Researchers: Dr ir D. Lutters and Ir W. Dankers. Primary funding. ffVirtual tools A critical issue in current research and development projects is the information exchange and collaboration between the team members. Current research tools do not support the possibility to have people from different backgrounds work jointly and simultaneously on the same research items, whereas such multistakeholder collaboration is the key to synergy during any project. This project aims at project teams consisting of people from different (educational) backgrounds working individually on different aspects of a product at different places at the same time. The goal is to develop a framework that enables team members to work together with multiple users on the same information at the same time, independent of their physical location. The framework guides the development, implementation and use of virtual tools and methods in research and development projects. It should also cover the version history and status management of the project, while the project focus is on visualisation and interaction with virtual information. Researcher: Ir R.G.J. Damgrave. Primary funding.
ffWhat-if design In product development, many different aspects simultaneously influence the advancement of the process. Many specialists contribute to the specification of products whilst in the meantime, the consistency and mutual dependencies have to be preserved. Consequently, much effort is spent on mere routine tasks, which primarily distract members from the development of their main task: Creating the best solution for the design problem at hand. Many of these routine tasks can be translated into problems with a more or less tangible structure; often it is in fact an attempt to assess the consequences of a certain design decision for the rest of the product definition. What-if questions aim at structuring the steps that lead to design decisions in such a way that the product definition evolves in a transparent manner. As the structure of a what-if question is independent of the domain under consideration, what-if questions can relate to any aspect in the information content at any level of aggregation. Such a way of looking at products under development strongly binds different domains and downstream processes under consideration, thus enabling a more integrated approach of the design process. Researchers: Dr ir D. Lutters and Ir W. Dankers. Primary funding. ffHidden Health Obesity is a growing problem in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Medical Intervention is the most common approach to change consumer behaviour, but in most cases, this doesn’t work. Given the fact that most buying decisions are made in front of the shop shelves, these decisions can be influenced by the design of the packaging on the shop shelves. The project aims at understanding the relation between packaging design and shopping behaviour, so that it can be made easier for consumers to choose healthier food. By analysing in various ways how consumers make buying decisions, the project will engender tools and working methods to support packaging designers more effectively. The analyses and the development of tools and working methods are performed simultaneously, to allow for maximum synergy. This project is carried out in cooperation with Prof dr ir R. ten Klooster. Researcher: M. Zeko-Gelici MSc. Funding by PIDON.
1.2.2 SUB-PROGRAMME: USE ANTICIPATION IN PRODUCT DESIGN Research theme I: Design Methods and Tools supervised by Dr ir M.C. van der Voort Introduction The research group Use Anticipation in Product Design (UAPD) focuses on supporting designers in anticipating use within product design processes by means of the development of new design approaches and tools with the aim to improve user – product interaction. Special attention is paid to the development of scenario-based methods and tools. The study of interaction between the (future) user and (future) product is a highly relevant research topic within Design Engineering. Obtaining an accurate, comprehensive insight into how a product is used by its users in practice is essential for designing products that meet user expectations. The physical as well as the cognitive aspects are being studied. There is an obvious link with the domain of behavioural sciences related to physical and cognitive ergonomics and usability research. The use of synthetic environments (virtual reality, VR) in Scenario-based product design (SBPD) has become a new subject of multidisciplinary research. Immersive visualisation techniques like 3D screens and new interaction techniques like haptics and multi-touch multi-user interaction surfaces have been combined in the group’s VR lab. Theme Manufacturers of products are more and more confronted with complaints from customers that are not related to technical or functional failures, but to an unexpected mismatch between actual product B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 49
use and intended use by the manufacturer. Improvement of user – product interaction, also referred to as usability or the ease of use of a product, is therefore receiving more and more attention in product development. Good usability can lead to increased customer loyalty, a decrease of product returns and a decrease of call rates at customer service desks. However, usability is not a product quality that is intrinsic to only that product. It is a quality attribute of the interaction between a product and its user in a particular environment. Therefore, usability not only depends on the product characteristics, but on use situation characteristics (user, goal, environment) as well. As already mentioned, an accurate, comprehensive insight into how a product is used by its users in practice is essential for designing products that meet user expectations. Obtaining insight in these use situations is, however, complicated because the behaviour of users is never static or uniform and increasingly, products have become adaptive, and thus exhibit unpredictable behaviour as well. Therefore, in product development processes that take usability into account, there is a need for a frame of reference for these use situations. Scenarios can serve as such a frame of reference. The application of scenarios in the design process of (consumer) products is called scenario-based product design. Scenario-based product design is a generic term for design approaches that apply scenarios in the design process with the aim of achieving a high quality of product interaction. We define scenarios as explicit descriptions of the hypothetical use of a product by a certain person under certain circumstances. Scenarios can be applied throughout the design process. In the analysis phase, they can be used to gather and represent user needs and wishes, in the concept phase they can be used to create and reflect on concepts and in the prototyping phase they can be used as a frame of reference for user testing. In all phases, they serve as a communication tool because they are very easy to understand (regardless of background or training). For example, they can be used in the analysis phase to have users confirm the current use situation and problem domain and in the concept phase, they can be used to discuss concepts with users and other stakeholders. Instead of considering usability requirements with regard to users and environments independently, scenarios integrate reflection on these elements. A scenario-based approach has the advantage that a scenario can describe what happens in a particular situation without committing to details on precisely how things happen. Furthermore, a scenario can be made deliberately incomplete to help developers cope with uncertainty. SBPD is not a single design method. Instead, it is a category of numerous approaches that apply scenarios for different purposes, with different sources of inspiration and means of expression. As each design problem is unique, each case needs a dedicated design approach which includes a structured application of scenarios throughout the design phases. The application of use-anticipating methodologies is supported by the development of a set of design tools. Besides the development of tools for scenario generation, special focus is placed on the use of virtual reality and gaming techniques as design tools. An important, defining property of synthetic or virtual environments is that they are able to create an alternative reality in which objects and characters can be experienced that may be impossible to realise and experience in real reality. Virtual reality allows the creation of new objects, spaces, and interactions without the need for actual construction, thereby providing the possibility to experience products even in the very early stages of the design process. By employing simulation techniques, design information is made explicit and verifiable. Furthermore, all actors in a design process (regardless of background or training) can be enabled to influence design information directly and assess the consequences of their decisions. By allowing users to experience products in the very early stages of the design process, insight in user requirements, the communication within the design team, and innovation processes are enhanced. This, however, requires an environment that evokes natural behaviour from its users and allows each user to interact intuitively.
Research projects The UAPD research group incorporates 9 PhD research projects, all developing new use-anticipating design methods that, however, focus on different aspects. ffIntegration of scenario-based design with the use of virtual reality and gaming techniques This approach enables future users to compose a product according to their needs and directly evaluate this design within expected use scenarios through simulation (see also Figure 1), thereby revealing their actual needs and wishes to the designer. Researcher: Ir M. Tideman. Completed: spring 2008. Primary funding. ffSupporting designers in dealing with the dynamics of a use situation I.e. the variety of characteristics and goals of users as well as variety of the circumstances in which a product is used, in order to design a product that addresses the needs and wishes of users in all situations. Researcher: Ir M. van der Bijl-Brouwer. Expected end date: end 2010, part-time. Partly funded by IOP-IPCR project Design for Usability. ffSupporting the design process By providing tools to investigate the interactions between potential users and potential products by means of a synthetic environment, in particular the requirements for such a synthetic (partly virtual, partly real) environment and the way they should be incorporated in the design process in order to optimise the added value. Researcher: Ir J. Miedema. Completed: autumn 2009. Funded by IOP-IPCR project ‘Synthetic Environments’. ffFormalisation of the definition of scenarios In order to enable semi-automatic generation and selection of relevant scenarios by identifying the relevant components of a scenario in each of its application forms and the criteria used for scenario selection by designers in practice. Researcher: I. Anggreeni, MSc. Expected end date: autumn 2010. Funded by Centre for Telematics and Information Technology. ffReducing usability problems with electronic consumer products By developing and offering companies a coherent design methodology for anticipating the expectations and needs of users on the one hand, and product influences on use practices on the other. The methodology of scenario-based design is expanded to incorporate knowledge regarding the interaction between product design, user characteristics, and user behaviour resulting from the research project Design for Usability (involving the three Dutch Universities of Technology) as a whole. Researcher: Ir F.W.B. Hoolhorst. Expected end date: summer 2011. Funded by IOP-IPCR project Design for Usability. ffDeveloping a driver interface for transitions between automated and non-automated driving Optimised for user acceptance and at the same time fulfilling requirements regarding safety and traffic performance. In cooperation with the chair of Product Design. Researcher: Ir A.P. van den Beukel. Expected end date: end 2012, part-time. Primary funding. B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 51
ffIncorporating human factors as an integral part of the design process of advanced driver assistance systems. Traditionally, human factors are only incorporated in the analysis and evaluation phases. Aim is to help engineers also include human factors during synthesis activities. Researcher: Ir B.M. van Waterschoot. Expected end date: spring 2012. Funded by AIDA. ffFacilitating user participation in the design of medical appliances. Aim is to improve the usability and ‘experience’ of complex medical appliances and treatment systems through active involvement of users in problem-analysing, design-evaluating as well as design-generating activities. Researcher: Ir J.A. Garde. Expected end date: end 2013, part-time. Primary funding. ffDeveloping a surgical robotic manipulation system For the new generation of flexible instruments that increases the opportunities for minimal invasive surgery. Specific attention will be paid to intuitive control by means of haptic feedback, visual information and working posture. Together with Dr ir G.M. Bonnema. Researcher: Ir J.G. Ruiter. Expected end date: end 2012, part-time. Funded by PIDON project ‘Teleflex’. Cooperation Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of the research topic, the UAPD research group includes researchers from backgrounds in industrial design engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer science and cognitive psychology and works closely together with researchers from disciplines as human – computer interaction, ergonomics, psychology and philosophy. The embedding of the research group in this multi-disciplinary environment is ensured by its participation in national and international networks like the knowledge centre AIDA (Applications of Integrated Driver Assistance) and the European Network of Excellence INTUITION. The knowledge centre AIDA was initiated in cooperation with the Centre for Transport Studies of the University of Twente and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) in 2003. The UAPD research regarding the design of driver support systems is incorporated within AIDA. As part of AIDA, the research group also participated in the C,mm,n project, a large research project sponsored by the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment, which aims at developing the car of the future. Within the research on the design of medical appliances, the research group collaborates closely with several large hospitals (e.g. University Medical Centre Utrecht and Meander Medical Centre) as well as manufacturers (Storz, Stöpler, Nucletron). There exists a structural cooperation agreement with Nucletron in connection with the development of new cancer treatment systems. Furthermore, there is intensive cooperation with the MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine. Further cooperation with industry is realised by the group’s hosting of two research projects funded by the Dutch Research programme IOP-IPCR, i.e. Synthetic Environments and Design for Usability. These projects involve industrial partners such as Philips, Thales, Océ, PANalytical and Indes. These projects furthermore include all relevant research groups of the University of Twente, Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology, thereby realising national platforms for these research topics. The development of design tools is supported by the cooperation with TXchange. The high-tech virtual reality lab, a joint venture between TXchange and the Laboratory of Design, Production and Management, is an important asset in facilitating the development process. In addition, knowledge from research projects and case studies as well as experience on the use of virtual reality as a design tool are intensively exchanged. 52 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
Education The knowledge generated within the ‘Use Anticipation in Product Design’ group also finds its way to education through the involvement of the group in the courses related to user-product interaction within the Bachelor programme in industrial design engineering and biomedical engineering. In addition, the research group facilitates the SBPD course within the Master programme in Industrial design engineering. Results and future work Since its group in 2004, the research group has expanded rapidly. It is now a mature research group consisting of 1 associate professor, 3 assistant professors and 5 PhD researchers. Within the period of 2004-2009, 1 PhD research project and 12 Master research projects were completed. In the same period, the research group applied successfully in cooperation with other research groups for funding for 3.35 million Euros’ worth of research projects, of which € 730 K of external funding was directly granted to the UAPD research group. In August 2009, it was announced that a project on solving the paradox of user-centred design will be funded. The REPAR project, as it is called, started on 1 October 2009. The project aims at the development of virtual-reality tools to allow users to participate in the design process actively. (Total budget: 1.56 M euro. Involved partners: Industrial design TU/e, DAF Trucks, Philips research, Océ Technologies, Rademaker)
1.2.3 SUB-PROGRAMME: COMPUTATIONAL SYNTHESIS Research theme I: Design Methods and Tools supervised by Ir H. Tragter Introduction The research group Computational Synthesis is focussed on the development of a new generation of Computer-Aided Design software, where the act of creating solutions is executed by the software tool. Compared with traditional design tools, the user of such a system (a designer) specifies requirements instead of the solution (what instead of how). Theme Product development practices have evolved over recent years, as product cost, quality and time-tomarket have each become progressively important. In parallel, the product complexity has increased and the rapid pace of technology development has led to shorter product life cycles. Creating ‘a’ solution is not good enough anymore. To be competitive, best-in-class companies need the best solutions fast. Automating a design process is a proven way to address these goals. For routine design tasks, custombuilt synthesis software can be successfully used to generate optimal solutions. However, the required development effort is so big that it seems interesting only for some of the largest companies. The net result is many laboratory prototypes and very few applications in industry. Generic synthesis technology To solve the dilemma of promising technologies that see little application in real life, we are developing techniques capable of solving design problems in an industrial context. At the same time, we seek solutions so generic that they enable low-effort development of synthesis tools for a variety of application domains (similar to the ‘geometric kernel’ idea that resulted in the availability of low-cost 3D modellers nowadays). Candidate solution generation In our view, a Computational-Synthesis System (CSS) contains a model of the design, a synthesis algorithm B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 53
that generates candidate solutions and routines for the calculation of the behaviour and the optimisation. These are augmented with a library containing building blocks that make up a design and a user interface that enable specification of the design task and the viewing results. Within this setup, most of our research attention goes to the part considered least understood, the generation of the candidate solutions. Research projects Industrial involvement Research in computational synthesis involves multiple domains. It integrates advances in the modelling of designs and design knowledge, analysis techniques, the mathematics of constraint solving and optimisation with interactive graphics for visualisation and user interaction. The realisation of prototypes further expands this with the elicitation and modelling of knowledge from industrial experts (e.g. on baggage-handling or X-ray machines). By involving a diverse set of companies in our prototypes development, we are able to obtain the fundamental insights that enhance the generality of the techniques we bring forward. Smart-Synthesis Tools (SST) The SST project is a joined effort of our research group and colleagues from Twente and Delft (see Cooperation) plus four Dutch industries. Two of its four researchers are members of our group. ffKnowledge engineering for design automation This research concerns elicitation and modelling of knowledge from domain experts in technical domains. It answers the questions 1) how can expert knowledge be used to in a CSS and 2) how can this knowledge be acquired. Researcher: Ir W.O. Schotborgh. Completed: April 2009. Funding: IOP-IPCR. ffStructuring design problems for top-down and bottom-up approaches Deals with the division of design problems in smaller parts and integrating partial solutions into overall solutions (divide and conquer strategies). Like human designers, a CSS can be more efficient, when it takes low-level constraints at the detail level into account for decisions at higher levels of abstraction. Researcher: J.M. Jauregui Becker, MSc. Expected end date: spring 2010. Funding IOP-IPCR. Miscellaneous ffFrom fuzzy requirements to clear solution spaces Targets techniques that provide designers with insight in the relations between the specification space and the solution space. In traditional computation synthesis (CS) environments, users are allowed to specify multiple constraints, but these are hard-bordered. To support the ‘what happens if’ question of a designer, we are working on a prototype that accepts uncertain requirements. This CSS will give visual representations of solution spaces, correlate specifications with results and visualise the effects of uncertainties. Researcher: Ir H. Tragter. Started: winter 2008. Primary funding. ffToward an effective shaping process is a hybrid research activity with roots both in VR and synthesis Current modelling systems are capable of creating geometrical models of high precision and great visual appearance, but they require planning and long sequences of commands to reach these results. In this project, we try to find more effective ways to shape products by investigating unorthodox paradigms. The research has started with accumulation of statistical data on qualities of different shaping techniques. The ultimate goal is an intelligent environment in which designers can be more efficient in obtaining product shapes. In cooperation with the chair of Product Design. Researcher: Ir R.E. Wendrich, 0.4 fte assistant professor. Started:spring 2009. Primary funding. 54 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
ffAutomatic generation of control software for mechatronics systems In the Software Generation project, our group collaborates with three research groups from the Delft University of Technology (see Cooperation). One PhD student is member of our group. There is close cooperation with the group of Dr ir G.M. Bonnema. ffDesign patterns in multi-domain design The design of complex mechatronics systems involves multiple domain experts, models and tools. This research tries to improve the efficiency of the design team by introducing the design patterns paradigm. The patterns express structures of partial solutions and can coexist in multiple domains. Furthermore, they can be set up to hold their own knowledge, which makes them suitable for CS. The integration framework provides communication between the actors involved (people, models, CSS tools). In cooperation with Dr ir G.M. Bonnema. Researcher: Ir K.Woestenenk. Expected end date: winter 2011. Funding from IOP-IPCR. Cooperation The CS group collaborates in two multi-group IOP research projects. Smart Synthesis Tools (project leader H. Tragter) The project is financed by the IOP/IPCR programme (Ministry of Economic Affairs). It started in July 2005 with four researchers plus a software developer. The total budget is € 1.1 M, of which € 0.64 M for the CS group. Research partners: Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Delft University of Technology (Professor T. Tomiyama), Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming, University of Twente (Dr G. Steel). Industrial partners: Océ Technologies (printers), Vanderlande Industries (baggage handling), Philips (consumer products), PANalytical (X-ray analysis). Automatic Generation of Control Software for Mechatronics Systems (project leader Professor T. Tomiyama) A project funded from within the IOP/IPCR programme, started mid 2007. The overall budget is € 0.96 M, including € 0.24 M for our group. Research partners are Intelligent Mechanical Systems (Professor T. Tomiyama), Aircraft Design (Professor M. van Tooren) and Systems Control (Professor R. Babuska), all at Delft University of Technology. Industrial partners: Philips Medical Systems, ASML (wafer steppers), Science & Technology (SME), Océ Technologies (printers / photocopiers), Vanderlande Industries (logistic systems control). Results and future work Delivered in the period 2004-2009: 1 PhD, 3 Masters, 1 start-up company focusing on the development of Design Synthesis Tools Kits. Awarded research funding (together with other groups) is € 2.06 M of which € 0.89 M allocated for this group. After the start of the group in 2004 with 2 assistant professors (0.3 and 0.1 fte), there was a jump in capacity when the SST project was granted in 2005. The group is working on proposals on the Dutch and the European level. It is expected that research in these areas will expand to creative design within the next five years. Within the categories innovative, creative and routine design, the group started with the focus on the latter, which typically covers 80% of the design activities in industry. In the future, the attention will increasingly be shifted towards synthesis for creative design and multi-actor design. Another goal is to increase the effectiveness of computational synthesis. In future projects, experiments will be carried out in a controlled setup where the same design task is performed by designers equipped with different types of computer support.
1.2.4 SUB-PROGRAMME: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DESIGN Research Theme II: Energy and Sustainability supervised by Dr ir A.H.M.E. Reinders Introduction The research group Sustainable Energy Design (SED) focuses on the field of product design with sustainable energy technologies. The research aims to better integrate sustainable technologies in products by acquiring knowledge about the performance of the technologies in the field, by the development of new products and new design approaches favouring product innovation in this field and by the development of design tools which support designers in their design process. Theme Sustainable energy systems cover a broad range of technologies that can convert solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, wave and tidal energy, and hydrogen energy into electricity and usable thermal energy. Despite the Dutch national target to achieve 20% sustainable energy supply in 2020, the Netherlands lags behind in the field of sustainable energy from an international perspective. For instance in the period 2004 to the end of 2008, solar photovoltaic capacity increased six-fold, solar heating capacity increased twofold and total power capacity from new renewable resources increased by 75 percent globally, whereas growth rates in the Netherlands were close to stagnation. This situation could become a missed opportunity because the potential of renewable energy resources and the market for related products is enormous, i.e. the amount of power that can be produced by current sustainable energy technologies could supply a total of 5.9 times the global demand for power of which solar power’s share could be 3.8 times the global demand. In our opinion, appropriate design and engineering of usable applications and systems of renewable energy technologies could accelerate the transition to sustainable energy. To enable this transition, a balance of new product and service design, infrastructure and policy is necessary in combination with changes in energyrelated user behaviour. Not only sustainable development but also a growing need for security and autonomy of energy supply are significant reasons to focus on renewable energy technologies in both the western world and developing countries. However, up to date, the design of products based on sustainable energy technologies has only been explored to a modest extent. The widespread application of photovoltaic cells (PV), fuel cells, LEDs, biomass systems and other technologies is unusual, despite the fact that these technologies could be applied in products for a wide variety of applications – i.e. consumer products, building components, space applications, vehicles, robotics and business-to-business products – with a broad power range of milliWatts to kiloWatts. Topics of interest for research in sustainable-energy design are given below in relation to other sub-programmes of the IDE research programme: -- Feasibility studies of sustainable energy systems and products using sustainable energy technologies for specific circumstances of use regarding functionality, costs and environmental aspects. This topic is connected to sub-programme B1.2.5 Product Lifecycle Management. -- Industrial product design and prototyping of products using sustainable energy technologies. This topic is related to the sub-programmes B3.2.3 Mobility, Sociality and Safety and B3.2.6 Transformable Green Buildings. -- Human factors of product integration of sustainable-energy technologies such as experiences of users, design and styling, regulations and marketing. This topic relates to the sub-programmes B1.2.2 Use anticipation in product Design and B2.2.2 Evolutionary Product Development. -- Simulation and optimisation of integrated power systems in a product context are connected to subprogramme B1.2.3. Computational Synthesis.
Research projects and cooperation The SED research group has actively evolved since 2006. The research projects focus on different aspects described above. At present, SED covers 2 PhD projects, several short projects and approximately 8 Master projects. A post-doc position was acquired for the year 2008. The projects will be described hereafter. PhD projects ffExergetic system approach in the built environment In this project, one PhD student is supervised by the Departments of DPM and CME of the University of Twente. The project started in 2006 in a national project covering 3 PhD students in cooperation with Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology. Besides performance and financial evaluations of sustainable energy options in the built environment, the research comprises experimental research on the testing of phase changing materials in the built environment. The project is supported by IEA Annex ‘Low Energy Systems for High Performance Built Environment’ and several suppliers for energysaving building components. Researcher: Ir A.G. Entrop. Expected end date: 2012. Funded by SenterNovem. ffImproved mechanical design of PV modules One PhD student focuses on the improvement of materials and production processes in order to reduce costs of PV modules. The project started in 2008 and is commissioned by the PV module group of the Energy Centre Netherlands (ECN). The project merges expertise of the sections of Design Techniques and Production Technologies of DPM. Initially, the project was funded by SenterNovem; at present (2009), funding is arranged through the national ADEM programme. The project is carried out in cooperation with T. Vaneker under research topic B1.3.1. Researcher: M. Rashid, MSc, initially, but at present, a vacancy. Expected end date: 2012. Funded by ECN. Post-doc project ffIntegration of thermal, irradiance and performance models for photovoltaic/thermal solar products Funding for a post-doc position was acquired at IMPACT research institute covering the topic of modelling of irradiance in arbitrary geometries with the purpose to better support for product designers in the development of solar-powered products and building components. Cooperation took place between the Departments of DPM and TE of the University of Twente. Other parties involved were the Departments of STS of Utrecht University and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in New Delhi. Researcher: A. Tiwari, MSc., PhD. Completed in 2008. Funded by IMPACT. Education The research of SED is embedded well in the educational programmes of the Faculty of Engineering Technology. In the IDE Master programme Sources of Innovation, case studies of innovative product design with sustainable energy technologies, such as fuel cells, photovoltaic cells and LEDs are carried out each year, in cooperation with companies, yielding numerous product concepts and publishable information about design processes. In a recently initiated course (2008) named Functional Prototyping, these product concepts are realised and tested with regard to their functionality and performance. Moreover, the IDE Master course Create the Future was directed towards SED in 2006 and 2007. In academic year 2008, a new Bachelor course called Introduction to Sustainable Design was initiated. Since 2007, the course Solar Energy has been incorporated in the 3TU Master of Sustainable Energy Technology (SET). As a result, the number of students with an interest to complete the SET Master with an assignment in solar energy is growing. Since 2008, there is also involvement in the Master of Industrial
Design for the Building and Construction Industry in which SED provides input in the field of sustainableenergy technologies in the built environment. Results and future work Scientific output of SED since 2005 The objective for the next years is to continue developing the research field by creating a relevant network of interested parties, such as all levels of students, companies and research institutions, to set up joint projects which can lead to significant scientific results and journal publications. A collaboration between the University of Twente and ENEA (a public Italian research institute operating in the fields of energy, the environment and new technologies) will be prepared with the support of a recently received grant of the UT stimulation fund for international cooperation (2009). This plan will involve Master and PhD students working in the field of solar energy and sustainable lighting. Another objective is to establish shorter communication lines with European research institutions and major manufacturers of sustainable energy components with the purpose of staying informed about the latest developments in technology, financing and policy regarding sustainable-energy systems and creating better opportunities for participating in projects. Projects of students in the Master programmes of SET and IDE will be continued as a satisfactory way to conduct low-key research in conjunction with companies. For instance, cooperation with Dutch Space, Philips and Kamworks will be continued by Master projects focussing on the integration of sustainable technologies in a product context. Also, cooperation with design house DeMakersVan will be extended; the intention is to inspire with regard to sustainability by confronting technological concepts with imaginary concepts and to let these products find their way to a larger audience. Steps for acquiring research funds for new PhD positions are in progress. In the field of product design with solar technology, a PhD project will be funded by the Cartesius Institute and NHL in Leeuwarden. If the cooperation is positively appreciated, the outlook is to extend this project with a second PhD student. In the field of energy transitions, a proposal has been submitted to NWO entitled ‘Accelerating the transition to sustainable energy systems in the built environment -Finding linkages between policy design, behavioural change and product innovation’ which covers a cooperation between the Delft University of Technology (Design for Sustainability) and the University of Twente (Science, Technology, and Policy Studies, DPM and CME) by three PhD students. In the field of irradiance and performance models for photovoltaic/thermal solar products, the recently initiated collaboration with IIT in India will be continued in joint writing and publishing of papers and in Master projects.
1.2.5 SUB-PROGRAMME: PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT Research Theme II: Energy and Sustainability supervised by Ir M. Toxopeus Introduction The research on Product Lifecycle Management focuses on the applicability of product lifecycle assessment in design and product development processes. Considering design and development problems from a product life cycle approach (LCA) could support development teams in tackling issues caused by or related to the complete product lifecycle, although sometimes outside the direct influence of the development team. This approach has a strong connection to sustainability and environmental sound products. Within this general research subject several initiatives and directions are considered and discussed.
Theme The study of complete life cycles of products started at around 1950. Originally, this was done in a very basic way to assess the possible impact a product might have on its surroundings, notably its environmental impact. Traditionally, product development only paid attention to clearly defined targets or problems and therefore could create sub-optimal solutions that might prove useful to solving that specific problem, but might cause other and possibly even larger problems in other domains. Considering the complete lifecycle, preferably from a multidisciplinary viewpoint, might result in a better and overall more acceptable solution to the design problem. Since the 1990s, there is a trend away from the original environmentally oriented life cycle assessment towards analysis of existing products and simulation of the impact of their complete life cycles and towards a more proactive approach in order to incorporate life cycle improvements at an early stage within the product development process. Also, the interest in the product LCA from other engineering disciplines (besides the traditional environmental and sustainability departments) is growing. Probably the best known alternative subject for applying the LCA is economics, resulting in the growing popularity of life cycle costing. Within the research programme of Design Engineering, this sub-programme focuses on the current developments about incorporating or applying the product LCA within the actual product development process. Research project The PhD research focuses in particular on the problems with the LCA in relation to the innovative idea of flexible building components. The current promising innovation in the building industry is the transition from a very traditional in-situ product realisation process to a more industrial approach, and at the same time, to develop and apply building components as building blocks instead of only using building materials to be combined into building elements at the building site. A third and especially interesting development is the notion of flexible building, resulting in buildings that can be relatively easily adapted and adjusted to changing demands by its users. These innovative developments can benefit from or even depend on a just and honest LCA. Currently, it is already possible to distinguish several different issues (perhaps even problems) that are related to the LCA and need to be researched (and solved) for the described innovations to become successful within the building industry. One of these issues are the dynamics involved in the notion of flexible buildings. In traditional LCAs, there are no dynamics effects. Based on a predefined functional unit, the interventions caused by the product life cycle were averaged over the complete life cycle. However, if the function (and therefore the allocation to the functional unit) changes during the lifespan, dynamic effects are introduced within an LCA. Perhaps this can be illustrated by considering that multiple buildings stages, use stages and even disposal stages occur during a life cycle. This, in itself, could have implications for the notion of lifespan and life cycles, possibly resulting in an almost philosophical discussion. A more practical issue to be researched is the development of a classification structure for those so-called building components. Dr E. Durmisevic already has done some research on this subject. This issue also has some relation to the notion of roadmaps, especially considering the intension for flexibility. Strongly connected to this classification is the structure and development of a usable database for those components. The usability of that database should be focussed on architects, contractors, suppliers, the building industry in general, but also on the owners, users, initiators and developers of these flexible buildings. Another interesting research subject connected to this database could be the development of a systematic approach to determine the impact of those flexible buildings and components, for example the impact on the environment and therefore to indicate a level of sustainability. It should be clear that the described research project has a strong relation with the research subject of Green Building (Theme B3.2.6 by Dr E. Durmisevic) within the programme on product realisation by Prof dr ir W.A. Poelman. Furthermore, this research subject is associated with the IDF workgroup and supported by industry, local governments and housing associations participating in the pioneering project for innovations in the building sector, initiated by the Innovation Platform Twente.
Cooperation Apart from the obvious cooperation with Dr E. Durmisevic’s green building project (Theme B3.2.6 in the programme of product realisation by Prof dr ir W.A. Poelman), there are more research subjects that have a strong relation with the general research direction of product life cycle management. Cooperation with the research on Packaging Design by Professor Roland ten Klooster has already been established on a practical level. Within packaging design, the so-called packaging chain plays an important role. It is essential to consider the complete packaging chain, also from a more sustainable point of view. Clearly, the notion of a packaging chain has undeniable similarities with the notion of product life cycles. In fact, it could well be that the notion of a packaging chain is even more elaborate than just a product life cycle. As described as one of the main issues within the research project, the changing and dynamic behaviour of the function can cause unexpected difficulties, also in the packaging chain. Several graduation projects at the chair of packaging design and management currently focus on applying the LCA to study the impact of a complete packaging chain in order to support the development process of new packaging concepts. From the start of product life cycle management as a research direction, there has been cooperation with the chair of Thermal Engineering by Professor Theo van der Meer. This long standing relationship has resulted in cooperation at graduation level for projects by students of sustainable energy technology. For example, the applicability of several sustainable energy sources often also depends on the possibility of transforming, transporting and storing energy. It is only possible to support the necessary decisions during the product development process by applying the product LCA to this chain of energy supply. Obviously, some cooperation occurs on the level of the exchange of ideas, discussion and debate with the research of management of product development (B1.2.2) by D. Lutters (for example, regarding the notion and applicability of roadmaps to support the flexible and dynamic behaviour of data structures). Cooperation is also envisaged with T.H.J. Vaneker on design tools research (B1.2.6) and with H. Tragter on computational synthesis research (B1.2.3). Education The subject of product life cycles is already embedded within the educational programme of the Master programmes of Industrial Design Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. In the Master programme for IDE, a course on product life cycles has been developed and is considered a basic necessity for most tracks. A similar course is available for students of ME, IDM and SET (in a different setup due to their clearly different backgrounds and Bachelor programmes). To elaborate even further on the subject, a more voluntary research-oriented course is also available, LCA capita selecta, which requires more initiative from students. These courses have already resulted in several students, with very different backgrounds, starting graduation projects related to the subject of product life cycle management, although some of them are supervised by colleagues from different research subjects, owing to the specific subjects of their assignments or due to time constrains. Results and future work Although a great deal of time has been spent in the past to develop the Bachelor and Master courses in the subject of product life cycles and a lot of input was generated for other research projects, the tangible results directly related to this research theme are still somewhat limited. On the other hand, the described research project is intertwined with more extensive research for the building industry concerning innovations, especially the cooperation group IDF (industrieel duurzaam flexibel) which will partly fund the research hours, based on funding made available by the Innovation Platform Twente.
1.2.6 SUB-PROGRAMME: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES Research theme III: Integration and Hybrid System Design supervised by Dr ir T.H.J. Vaneker Introduction The recent financial crisis has emphasized once more that products and production processes cannot be seen as separate knowledge fields. Many companies that had been developing successful products for many decades find it difficult to deal with changing product demands and to adapt their supply chain accordingly. This strengthens the notion that new production methods must be developed and utilised to facilitate, for example, mass customisation and flexible supply chain reconfiguration. Product designers have to be trained to develop a holistic view, enabling them to envisage the long-term effects of their conceptual choices on all product features. In this light, the group of Integrated Development of New Products and Processes focuses on research into the interdependencies between product design and production processes. This will provide new design strategies, outlining a successful product development process for future designers. Theme Within the scope of IDE, the group of Integrated Development of New Products and Processes directs its focal point to the border of mechanical and industrial engineering. The research topics addressed within the group deal with the various ways in which product design interacts with production processes. This ranges from the definition of new products based on existing manufacturing processes (for example the definition of new cooling concepts based on mainstream printed circuit board manufacturing techniques) to the development of new production techniques that enable the production of required product characteristics directly (for instance 3D printing of ceramic micro-reactors). Research projects Short descriptions of finalised, ongoing or awarded long-term research topics ffMarket-Oriented Order Planning in the Automotive Industry: A Building Block for Support of Efficient Order-Processing To realise efficient order-processing in manufacturing companies in an increasingly dynamic environment is a demanding goal. This is especially the case for highly customised products in a declining buyers market. If efforts to increase customer demand fail and measures for capacity reduction are insufficient, customer-neutral orders have to be planned to balance production to the difficult to forecast market demands. Planning of customer-neutral orders goes beyond capacity-planning. At the start of the project, no planning methods or support tools existed for this purpose. As a result of the PhD project, a planning concept was proposed and tested that includes the number of producible orders of different product configurations, the computation of achievable contribution margins, and the calculation of the expected marketability of customer-neutral orders. The research was conducted in close cooperation with the Department of Product, Process, and Resource Integration of the DaimlerChrysler Group in Germany. Researcher: B.M. Sailer, MSc., PhD obtained in November 2004. Funded by DaimlerChrysler. ffInformational Integration of Product Development Software in the Automotive Industry: The ULEO approach To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of information-technological processes in automotive product development a new approach to product and process information sharing has been developed. The main goal of the research is to increase the level of support of development engineers by fusing isolated information sources. The research itself focused on the development of a tailor-made framework that
enables all product development software to share information via a Global Information Space (GIS). An Integrated Information Model (IIM) was developed that gives access to detailed information on other applications information kind and meaning. A semantic kernel is used to define relations between information sources and to navigate through the GIS. This research was conducted in close cooperation with the Department of Product and Production Modelling of the DaimlerChrysler Group in Germany. A software prototype has been further enhanced and has been used productively since early 2005. Researcher: J.U. Zimmerman, MSc., PhD obtained in April 2005. Funded by DaimlerChrysler. ffConnection Elements The project focussed on the development and introduction of a new concept for information modelling in automotive engineering. The present generation of tools to support the development of highly complex mechatronic products like cars offers too limited functionality for dealing with all interactions between parts. Geometric modelling tools like CAD systems cannot unite the mechanical and electrical domains. The configuration of cars is becoming increasingly complex because of the large numbers of customerselectable options. Data structures in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have to be extended and modified to support these requirements. Researcher: M. Groll, MSc., PhD obtained in January 2008. Funded by DaimlerChrysler. ffIntegrated Cooling Concepts for Printed Circuit Boards This research aimed at the development of innovative cooling concepts for electronic products. Thermal design is considered during the conceptual design phase of electronic systems, in order to find more integrated solutions. This multidisciplinary approach strives to develop improved thermal management systems for electronic products, in terms of thermal performance, compactness and flexibility. To develop a cost-efficient solution, the focus is on utilising standardised electronic manufacturing processes, such as printed circuit bard (PCB) production technology. Researcher: W.W. Wits, MS., PhD obtained in December 2008. Funded by SenterNovem. ffCAD Implementation of Design Rules for Aluminium Extrusion Dies The flow of aluminium within the die is governed by tribo-mechanical and rate- and temperaturedependent effects that have not yet been fully mathematically modelled. As a result, it is difficult to design the die geometry in such a way that the aluminium profile complies with high customer demands regarding dimensional accuracy and surface quality. A design method was devised that balances the exit velocity of flat dies by using a combination of variable sink-in and bearing geometry. Furthermore, design tools were defined and built that led to a reduction of design time and an increase of the number of inhouse die designs. Since the majority of these new designs is yielding a significant performance increase, overall productivity has increased while the labour and energy costs have decreased. Researcher: Ir G. van Ouwerkerk, PhD obtained in April 2009. ffWhat-if Design What-if design attempts to support the designer by addressing design problems, both in his or her own field of expertise, as well as from adjoining domains. To this end, what-if design research focuses on the development of methods and tools for real-time, in-process design support in order to enhance the search for optimal solutions. The main advantage of this way of designer support is that the design can be evaluated continuously on numerous fields of expertise, enabling the optimisation of the search for design solutions. Researcher: Ir T.H.J. Vaneker. Ongoing. ff3D Printing of Ceramic Micro-Reactors An evergreen challenge in chemical conversions is to achieve high selectivity when the product molecules are converted far more easily than the reactant molecules. In many cases, no processes exist because the combination of conversion and selectivity is much too low. Application of micro-reactors would become extremely interesting if it would enable this type of chemistry; specific selective conversions would then become possible but only by using micro-reactors. Within this research field, we want to explore if we 62 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
can build a similar micro-reactor via 3D printing. This micro-reactor will be used for high-temperature gas phase operation for the selective oxidation of methane. The same technology may well be applicable for many other selective oxidation reactions, including the production of fine chemicals. The research will focus on realisation of a proof of principle by manufacturing, both simple and more complex, monolithic ceramic devices. Various rapid manufacturing techniques, like selective laser sintering or inkjet printing, as well as the powders, binders and dispersants used, will be investigated. Based on the outcome of the research, a design of a catalytic-ceramic membrane reactor will be proposed. Researcher: Vacancy for a 1-year post-doc. Expected start date: early 2010. ffADEM An improved ability to adapt to various applications and increase of manufacturing capacity are essential for large-scale implementation of photovoltaic (PV) technology and a further reduction of costs. Thinfilm silicon technology is expected to play a substantial role in the required developments because of its typical characteristics, allowing for reduced materials use for the active layers and in-line production methods of complete interconnected monolithic structures. The manufacturing solutions presently chosen rely on expensive and disproportionate measures on the cell level, and materials choices that severely limit processing speed and flexibility. As a consequence, all manufacturers today use batch-wise encapsulation – typically on a scale of 5 x 1 m2 – resulting in a half-product suitable for add-on rather than for integration. Further, there are currently no developed (half) product concepts that can effectively deal with a variety of application classes. The current product concept, materials and manufacturing methods for thin film silicon module technology are not suited for optimal integration ability and mass production, and therefore do not utilise the potential advantages of the technology. To overcome this, the ADEM research will focus on new concepts for (half) products and their mass fabrication. Researcher: Vacancy for a PhD student. Expected start date: mid 2010. Cooperation The research within the group of Integrated Development of New Products and Processes has a strong focus on design, production and the integration thereof. Research focuses on the development of models and tools that enable designers to incorporate the opportunities of new and existing production processes into the design in an early stage. This requires a broad view on product realisation, which also reflects on the range of research fields in where cooperation has been established. Within the University of Twente, cooperative links exist with the groups of Product Lifecycle Management, Management of Product Design, Computational Synthesis, Production Technology, Mechanics of Forming Technology, the Laser Application Centre, Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Catalytic Systems and Micro Devices and the Membrane Technology Group. At the national level, the group is an active member of the RMCentre (research and educational centre on rapid manufacturing techniques) and board member of the national Manufuture initiative (which supports research and development for the Dutch knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry). At the global level, the group is part of EMIRAcle (The European Manufacturing and Innovation Association), ETRIA (European TRIZ Association of which the group leader is the current president) and CIRP (The international Academy for Production Engineering). Furthermore, cooperation exists with large industrial companies such as Thales Netherlands, Astron, Boal B.V., ECN, AWL, Bombadier, MAN, and DaimlerChrysler. Education The staff of the group of Integrated Development of New Products and Processes teaches courses and projects in the curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering (Bachelor/Master), Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor/Master), Sustainable Engineering Technology (Master) and Biomedical Engineering (Master). Furthermore, the Industrial Design and Manufacturing Master track has been developed and organised. This international Master is a cooperation between the Universities of Dortmund (Germany), Aalborg (Denmark), Strathclyde (Scotland) and Twente. This Master programme focuses on all aspects of product B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 63
realisation, from initial product concepts to the industrial manufacturing of fully defined products. It is open to both Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Engineering students. Results and future work During the period this report covers, 22 students at the Bachelor and Master level graduated. Five PhD students completed their research, which also led to the application of two worldwide patents. The group participated in the organisation of two conferences: The CIRP Design Conference (2008) and the TRIZFuture conference (2008). At the moment, the following research areas are identified as possible new areas of interest. - Within the European Factories of the Future FP7 call, a proposal has been submitted that focuses on condition-based supply chain configuration. The recent economic crisis has shown that in order for companies to survive, they need the ability to reconfigure their supply chain rapidly and efficiently. The purpose of this proposal is to integrate product design with the supply chain definition. The main partners are the University of Aachen (Germany), University of Budapest (Hungary), MAN (Germany) and Bombardier (Germany). - A new concept for a plug-and-produce laser welding production line in which laser welding robots are connected to a hub so that they are able to share laser sources. The effect on efficiency and flexibility will be further explored in cooperation with AWL-techniek (NL) and the chair of Mechanical Automation and Mechatronics (University of Twente). - All extrusion dies are designed according to one, often company-specific, design method. Recent research (CAD Implementation of Design Rules for Aluminium Extrusion Dies; see the section on research) that benefits can be obtained when the shape of the die is optimised for production speed, tolerances or/and shape complexity. The research will focus on the definition of these design rules and on the design support of the die designer. This work is carried out in close cooperation with the chair of Applied Mechanics. - The ongoing miniaturisation and integration of electronics in products has raised the demand for new, low-cost, flexible and accurate production technologies significantly. When creating metallic connections within products especially the functionality (for instance conductivity, RF properties or contact behaviour related to various plastics and metals) and geometrical constraints play an important role, as well as the economics of the production process. Within this project, the use of inkjet printing as a substitute for soldering and the effects thereof on the product design are investigated. (Thales NL, Astron, Tycho Electronics, University of Twente.) This research is conducted in cooperation with the chair of production technology. - Upon successful completion of the 1-year post-doc project 3D printing of Ceramic Micro-reactors (see research), a new project will be defined to utilise the identified rapid manufacturing techniques for further optimisation of the design of chemical micro-reactors. (PhD project; in cooperation with the groups Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Catalytic Systems and Micro Devices and the Membrane Technology Group.)
1.2.7 SUB-PROGRAMME: DESIGN SUPPORT FOR MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Research theme III: Integration and Hybrid System Design supervised by Dr ir G.M. Bonnema Introduction Research on multidisciplinary design has already been a long-term focus of the chair on Design Engineering. However, a specific group on systems engineering and multidisciplinary design of hybrid products is only currently being formed. The group aims at developing methods and tools for successful multidisciplinary cooperation. The main interest is in complex systems design, but other areas of multidisciplinary cooperation are researched as well. Theme Presently, most products consist of a combination of integrated electronic, mechanical and software modules. That is why they are called mechatronic systems. Integration occurs at nearly all levels of the product architecture; only at the lowest levels, one can see monodisciplinary components. This means that a design team should consist of designers from different disciplines. Each discipline has its own way of working, language and focus. Also, each discipline has strengths and weaknesses. Software is relatively flexible, dedicated electronics can provide faster computation, etc. It is the system designer’s task to decide which function is performed by which (combination of) disciplines, on the one hand. On the other hand, he or she also must make sure that the information during the design process flows between all designers involved. In the context of industrial design engineering, the products that are to be designed – consumer goods – will usually not be as complex as wafer steppers or medical imaging devices. Nevertheless, the same issues occur, even more so because often, no system designer was appointed. The industrial designer has to make sure all design effort results in a properly composed and balanced product. In the group on design support for mechatronic systems, the focus is on multidisciplinary cooperation and communication. There are different approaches to these issues. Figure 1 Research directions in the Design Support for Mechatronic Systems group
Create high-level models
se en n nd a t io o C rm o in f
Co m m o b in e t y p del es
Create high-level models: Creating an easy-to-use language that is understood by all disciplines involved. The language should be able to convey customer interests, technical opportunities and limitations, and result in simpler models that can be used by the more monodisciplinary designers. Condense information: In contrast to the general idea, expert designers do not use models that are as complete as possible. They use models that are as simple as possible. The issue is to find the essence of the problem, and describe that as compactly as possible. The process of simplifying the model of the problem is very useful in finding the parameters and processes that determine the actually achieved performance. B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 65
Combine model types: As each discipline has its own set of frequently used models, it is necessary to investigate a way of connecting these models. The goal is that each discipline can look at its own models but use data, where needed, from other models, without noticing. Different combinations of approaches are also possible, and thus investigated. Research projects ffFunKey Architecting – an integrated approach to system architecting using functions, key drivers and system budgets A method is developed that helps the designer to acquire context information, and the system designer to track the detail information. We use the combination of functional models, with performance models in the form of system budgets. The interface between the customer’s objects and the developer’s effort are key drivers. The goal is threefold: Achieve insight, create and maintain overview, and stimulate innovation. Researcher: Ir G. Maarten Bonnema. PhD obtained on April 3, 2008. Primary funding. ffIntegrated Cooling Concepts for Printed Circuit Boards This research aims to develop innovative cooling concepts for electronic products. Thermal design is considered during the conceptual design phase of electronic systems, in order to find more integrated solutions. This multidisciplinary approach strives to develop improved thermal management systems for electronic products, in terms of thermal performance, compactness and flexibility. To develop a costefficient solution, the focus is on utilising standardised electronic manufacturing processes, such as printed circuit board (PCB) production technology. Joint project with Dr ir T. Vaneker. Researcher: Ir W.W. Wits. PhD obtained on December 4, 2008. Funding from SenterNovem. ffDarwin project - Evolvability in designing medical imaging devices Many complex systems are developed incrementally. Each new generation is based on, and reuses, a large portion of the components of previous versions. Moreover, the systems are part of product families with common characteristics. By reverse architecting of the system design, and representing the information as compactly as possible, the reusability of the architecture is improved. Researcher: D. Borches Juzgado, MSc. Expected end date: summer 2010. Funding from Embedded Systems Institute. ffDesign Patterns in Mechatronics Design The research will formulate a design architecture and a framework with which multi domain design processes can be integrated. It aims at the definition of an abstract model layer that connects the various domain specific models and design processes involved. This layer can, apart from integration, also be used to maintain model consistency and to automate design tasks. We hypothesise that patterns can be found in this abstract layer which can be reused in subsequent designs. These patterns will be called design patterns. Researcher: Ir K. Woestenenk. Expected end date: spring 2012. On this topic there is close cooperation with the Computational Synthesis group of Ir H. Tragter. Funding from IOP-IPCR. ffDeveloping a surgical robot manipulator system for the new generation of flexible instruments (Teleflex) This is a joint project with the UAPD research group of Dr ir M. van der Voort. For more information, see Theme II. 66 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
ffAutonomous Litter-Collecting Robot Litter is a problem in many urban areas. Litter leads to more litter, higher crime rates, a lower feeling of safety. The expectations concerning cleanliness in town centres are increasing. To assist the city cleaners, a robot is developed that can autonomously find litter, manoeuvre towards it and collect it, while avoiding obstacles. This project is performed by students from industrial design engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and software engineering, under supervision of Dr ir G.M. Bonnema, Dr ir J. Broenink of EEMCS and Ir J. Leideman of Demcon. Funding: Foundation Nederland Schoon. ffMechatronic Features In many of today’s products, components stemming from the mechanical, electrical and/or software domain are combined. Therefore, it is essential that the product development process can adequately integrate those different domains. An example of the relation between domains is the association between product functions and the solutions from the different domains. Such associations lead to exponentially increasing complexity in product development processes. The reason for this lies in the fact that the hierarchical decomposition of product functionality does not allow for a one-to-one mapping with any hierarchical decomposition of the resulting solution for the overall problem. Mechatronic features are depicted as a method to map m elements in one domain to n elements in another domain. The introduction of mechatronic features results in adequately supporting the designer both in the conceptual design phase as well as in later phases of the design process. Therefore, the designer can use them as meaningful entities that aid in establishing purposeful product definitions. Researcher: Ir I.F. Lutters-Weustink. Funding from Daimler A.G. Cooperation As mechatronic design is, by nature, multidisciplinary, the group of people working on this topic consists of mechanical, electrical, communication, and industrial design engineers. This is deliberately aimed at in order to resemble the actual working environment of mechatronic system designers. Furthermore, the group cooperates with several other institutions like the Control Engineering group at the Faculty of EEMCS (Professor S. Stramigioli), and the Intelligent Mechanical Systems group at the Delft University of Technology (Professor T. Tomiyama). The Darwin project is an initiative of the Embedded Systems Institute in Eindhoven. In the Darwin project, the group cooperates with researchers from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Groningen. Furthermore, there is an intensive contact with the Buskerud University College in Norway (Professor Gerrit Muller). The biggest challenge for the group is to research and invent tools that actually work in an industrial setting. For systems design, complexity and large search spaces are a fact of life. These cannot be simulated with simple problems. Therefore, close contact and cooperation with industry is vital. Fortunately, there is a large base of companies to cooperate with. The FunKey research was applied at Mapper Lithography in Delft, the Darwin project has the MRI Department of Philips Medical Systems as industrial partner, and the integrated cooling principles were developed in cooperation with Thales. Furthermore, parts of projects are executed with ASML lithography, Océ, and Vanderlande Industries. Finally, the group works closely together with Demcon, the Nederland Schoon Foundation and the Hako company (Germany) in the litter-collecting robot project. Education The research of the group results in knowledge, tools and practical cases to illustrate courses in the IDE programme. Contributions are made to courses like Introduction to Industrial Design, CAD/CAM 1 (process, principles and tools), Product Design, the Design of Mechatronics and Systems project, and the Master track on Smart Environments in the Emerging Technology Design Master. B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 67
Outlook Because the group is still rather young, the goal is to improve the coherence of its research portfolio. The research area is extremely relevant for the Dutch metal-electro industry and therefore aims at an even closer cooperation with industry.
1.2.8 SUB-PROGRAMME: PACKAGING DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Research theme III: Integration and Hybrid System Design supervised by Prof dr ir R. ten Klooster Introduction The part-time chair of Packaging Design and Management was started on 1 May 2006 and is funded by the Netherlands Packaging Centre (NVC). Initially, the chair was instantiated for a period of three years, but NVC has decided to continue funding over a longer period. Because of the chair’s recent establishment, no past performance but only research plans can be presented. However, ample chances for funding (a.o. by the packaging industry) do exist. For the time being, Master students are carrying out minor research assignments until PhD positions can be opened. A pilot project with a major meat supplier (VION) was recently acquired. The first PhD project – Hidden Health – started in 2009. Theme The aim of the chair Packaging Design and Management is to raise professionalism in the world of packaging. Many mistakes are made in this field of design. For example, many projects lead to designs that are not producible, the total value of products being thrown away in the packaging chain exceeds by far the cost of the packaging process and materials used. Another example: Many graphical packaging designs cannot be realised. Therefore, several themes have been set up to overcome this problem. The chair is paid by eleven companies (coordinated by NVC, as already mentioned). To ensure contact is maintained with the market and related insights, a formal meeting is organised twice a year to discuss the themes and the results with these companies. Research projects ffDesign methods of product packaging combinations Product and packaging have to be designed together at the same time and in cooperation with each other. This means that developers with different backgrounds have to communicate and have to know what to bring to the discussion at what moment of the development process. This requires insights into the development process, but also communications skills, the ability to understand and convince developers of other fields like food technology, product design, pharmaceutics, etc. (The term products should be understood as broad as possible: Food, non-food, fast-moving consumer goods, durables, medical, industrial.) Functional specification is a way to overcome possible mistakes and to make it possible to communicate with specialists involved in the development. Differences in field of education, the educational level of product designers and packaging designers as well as their language and terminology are also bottlenecks. As packaging usually fulfils its functions over a shorter time span than the product itself, this asks for modelling as well. Researchers: Dr ir D. Lutters, Prof dr ir R. Ten Klooster. To be completed: 2013. Primary funding. ffFood Supply Chain 2015 Food supply has changed considerably over the last fifteen years. Ready meals or partly prepared meals have become popular; they only need finishing. Retailers and food services are increasingly operating on the same markets. This leads to suboptimal chains with too many players. One of the results is that a lot of
food is spoiled as well in the chain as in households. The research project intends to gain insight in trends and developments in this field and wants to sketch scenarios with solutions for food supply chain of the future. The use of software and intelligent and/or active packaging can be part of the solution. Healthy food, in particular to reduce overweight, is becoming an important topic. People want to know what they eat and what the possible consequences are. Packaging plays an important role in this. Finally, design rules for food packaging have to be set up. Researcher: Prof dr ir R. Ten Klooster. To be completed: 2013. Primary funding. ffThe packaging line of the future There is hardly any detailed knowledge about how to manage the design process of a packaging line. A packaging line usually is a serial configuration of machinery with different performance parameters. In between the machinery are buffers. Normally so called V-curves are used to set the speed over the line. In practice, the design of the packaging plays a major role, but this usually is neglected or unknown. Packaging line design processes can be optimised in many ways, for example with software. This research field aims to develop tools (software programmes) to get a better grip on the design process of packaging lines. The aims are to achieve higher overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), more innovation and higher flexibility. Researchers: Prof dr ir R. Ten Klooster, Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. Van Houten. To be completed: 2013. Primary funding. ffThe Intuitive Packaging Packaging should not open spontaneously or be opened too easily, for instance to avoid transport damage or because of the risk of shoplifting, but it should also not be too hard to open after the product has been lawfully bought and is intended to be used. This research field aims to gain insight in design rules: How to design a packaging which can be opened in a logical way. Research questions are for instance: -- Why do consumers not understand many packaging designs? -- What is the role of well known ways to open packaging? -- What is the role of rituals? -- Why are ergonomic design rules limited for packaging design? Finally, design rules and a way how to test packaging designs will be developed. This project is strongly related to the theme Use Anticipation in Product Design, Dr ir M. van der Voort (see B1.2.3) Researcher: Ir N. Peeters. To be completed: 2013. ffUnpredictable consumer behaviour It is not known in detail how consumers are influenced by the design of the packaging in their decision to buy a certain product. The question is: Which design parameters play a role and which are most important? One could think about colour, typography, images, fonts, shape, material, etc. This research theme focuses on shelf acceptance, which implies that emotional aspects that occur during use experiences of the product are not taken into account. Design rules will be developed, together with a method for testing the packaging design. A PhD student is working on this subject in a project called Hidden Health. The project is funded by the FrieslandCampina company and is executed in cooperation with the University of Utrecht. The visual appearance of the packaging is analysed and design rules are tested to make sure that people see packaging as predicted. Functional MRI scans will be made at the University of Utrecht of people who have to make choices based on the designed packaging. Eventually, this will lead to a design method in which the visual appearance of packaging can be designed with more predictable outcomes. This project is carried out in close cooperation with the section Management of Product Development (see B.1.2.2) Researchers: M. Zeko-Gelici Msc., Prof dr ir R. ten Klooster, Ir N. Peeters,, Dr ir D. Lutters, Ir R. Damgrave, Ir W. Dankers. To be completed: 2013. Funded by FrieslandCampina.
Cooperation Clearly, cooperation with the eleven companies who are funding the chair, together with the Netherlands Packaging Centre, is a premise. Many Master theses are carried out at these eleven companies, among which are major players in their field. These eleven companies are FrieslandCampina, Grolsch (SAB Miller), SmurfitKappa, Merck (Schering Plough – Organon), Heinz, Owens Illinois, Bosch Packaging Equipment, Corus (Tata Steel), Container Central, Rexam Metal Packaging and Budelpack. Additionally, Master theses are carried out for many other companies. There are good relationships with other universities. Guest lectures are presented at the Universities of Wageningen and Gent as well as Delft University of Technology. The project Hidden Health is executed in cooperation with FrieslandCampina and the University of Utrecht. Education Packaging Design and Management I is a 5 EC subject in the Master programme in which the basic aspects of packaging design are introduced. In Packaging Design and Management II, the aspects are further elaborated together with the introduction of other aspects. Capita Selecta gives ample room for additional subjects and research projects on packaging. The subject ‘Project K’ packaging is involved in the second year. Support is given to students in the defining their assignments on packaging design. Results and future work The outlines of the results are becoming clear now. In the future, this will lead to more publications about packaging design and to a better understanding of the fundamentals of packaging design. To form a steady self-supporting group on Packaging Design, more PhD projects are needed. A problem is that in this field the level of highly educated people is quite low, which makes it hard to find companies who see the benefit of a scientific approach. At the moment, we have about 25 completed Master theses on packaging; at least 6 of the graduates are working as packaging designer. It will take time, but the goal is to lift the scientific level of this sector. Once this has been achieved, it will be easier to start research projects. The group will therefore grow slowly but steadily.
1.3.1 RESEARCH ATMOSPHERE The University of Twente has created a matrix organisation: Educational programmes are the responsibilities of Faculties while research activities are organised in Institutes. The research groups have to work together in educational programmes and provide teaching capacity for the different curricula of the Faculty. The Faculty of Engineering Technology comprises three educational programmes, Industrial Design Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. As the staff of the Design Engineering group has been heavily involved in the preparation, launch and operation of the Industrial Design Engineering curriculum, there is a strong bond between the staff members and their research topics. Although the majority of the research topics are carried out under the flag of the IMPACT institute, there are an increasing number of topics that also would fit in institutes like CTIT, MIRA, IBR and IGS. The Faculty is sub-divided in departments, each consisting of at least one full-time chair and sometimes parttime chairs. The DPM Department comprises 5 full-time chairs and two part-time chairs. Regular meetings of all chairs together with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Technology are held in order to discuss the coherence and consistency of the research portfolios and plans of the different groups. The research strategy of the Faculty is discussed in the Board of Professors (Kamer van
Hoogleraren) and per educational programme in the Disciplinary council Industrial Design Engineering (Disciplineraad IO), the Disciplinary council Mechanical Engineering (Disciplineraad WB) and the Disciplinary council Civil Engineering (Disciplineraad CiT). On the Institute level, research matters are discussed in the Advisory board and the Strategic Board. There is a tendency towards institute research programme strategy becoming more influential. This creates dilemmas for the research group and for its individual staff members. On the tactical level, the decisions about which research funding to go for and on which topics to submit proposals is discussed by the head of the research departments, the full-time chairs and the senior staff members. On the operational level, it is decided which opportunities should be followed up (industry contacts, tenders, partner search requests etc.). It is important to have a proper mix between fundamental and applied projects, between industry projects and collaboration with external research institutions, between large and small projects. Not all opportunities are taken, but each one is rated against the strategic and tactical objectives of the group. In order to facilitate ample possibilities for interaction with and among PhD students, their workplaces are located as close as possible to the offices of the permanent staff, although the lack of space in combination with increase of the number of (PhD) projects has been causing problems recently.
1.3.2 PROCESSES OF QUALITY CONTROL In the structure of the IOP projects, quality control is intrinsically embedded. Each project is executed by three or four PhD students from different universities and different research groups. They work closely together and are monitored by a number of staff members of the participating groups. Furthermore, participating industry partners monitor progress through the executed cases and scheduled project meetings. In the projects with larger companies or research institutions – like Daimler, Thales, NS/ProRail, TNO, ECN – which accommodate several PhD students, quality control is implemented through (joint) project meetings and informal contacts. In the projects with smaller companies, more frequent project meetings are held and regular telephone contact is held. Monitoring of submission and acceptance of papers is another means of quality control.
1.3.3 SUPERVISION OF JUNIOR RESEARCHERS PhD projects are monitored by internal and external review mechanisms that partly depend on the type of project. Each student has a member of the permanent scientific staff as a supervisor. Apart from that, there is a formal reporting structure which depends on the funding mechanism. In IOP projects, the project management has to report on a half-yearly basis. Each project has an industrial advisory board which meets several times per year with the project leaders and PhD students. Industrial PhD projects have regular progress meetings with the academic and industrial supervisors. The programme leader has regular meetings with all PhD students. The frequency of these meetings increases during the project; in particular in the last year, during the writing of the thesis, the contact is intensive. PhD students participate in presentation sessions for the group where they give research presentations. Every PhD student has to write at least one scientific paper per year (position paper, concepts and preliminary results, implementation and results, wrap up and dissertation). On the average each student presents at least two papers at conferences and submits two papers to journals in total; some PhD students produce more.
1.3.4 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COLLABORATION Design Engineering is a multidisciplinary research field. Because all projects within a specific research theme are closely related, there is intensive contact between PhD students and staff members. The group works closely together with most of the other research groups in the Department. There are also close collaborations and joint projects with research groups of other faculties. Formally, these collaborations are implemented through participation in university research institutes like CTIT, IMPACT, MIRA (local), ESI and 3TU (national) and national research institutes like TNO (several branches), ECN, Gastec, etc. Apart from previously mentioned industrially funded PhD projects, there is cooperation with Philips Consumer Lifestyle, Twente Cable Holding, Solva Group/ Somatech, Demcon, Ten Cate (Thiolon, advanced composites and advanced textiles) and Mapper.
1.4 ACADEMIC REPUTATION Memberships in scientific boards -- Vice President of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Van Houten, 2009-present) -- Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) Van Houten, 2009-present) -- Vice President-Elect of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Van Houten, 20082009) -- Member of the Council of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Van Houten, 2006-present) -- Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Van Houten, 1994-present) -- Corresponding member of the International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CIRP) (van Houten, 1985-1994) -- Member of the CIRP publishing committee. (Van Houten, 2006-present) -- Chairman of the CIRP Scientific Technical Committee ‘Optimisation (van Houten,1997-2000) -- Secretary of the CIRP Scientific Technical Committee ‘Design’ (Lutters 2008-present) -- Associate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Lutters, 2005-present) -- Associate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Vaneker, 2008-present) -- Research Associate of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) (Wits, 2009-present) -- Chairman of IFIP working Group 5.3 (Computer Aided Manufacturing) (Van Houten, 2000-2006) -- Member of IFIP TC5 Van Houten, 2000-2006) -- Member of the Directory Board of EU NoE VRL-KCiP, ‘Virtual Research Lab, Knowledge Community in Production’ (Van Houten, 2004-2008) -- Vice President of the European Association EMIRAcle, (European Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association, a cluster leading excellence (Van Houten, 2008-present) -- Member of the Scientific Council of the INPG (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble) (Van Houten 2008-present) -- Member of the national IOP-IPCR programme advisory board (Van Houten, 2005-present)
Editorships and reviewing of academic journals Editorial boards: -- Chairman of the Editorial Committee of the CIRP Annals (Van Houten, 1999-2006) -- Editor CIRP Annals (Van Houten,1995-1999) -- CIRP International Journal on Manufacturing Science and Technology (Van Houten 2008-present) -- CIRP Journal on Manufacturing Systems (Van Houten, 1998-2006) -- International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (Van Houten, 2004-present) -- Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering (Van Houten 2008-present) -- Asian International Journal of Science and Technology (Van Houten 2008-present) -- Journal of Machine Engineering (Van Houten 2006-present) -- International Journal of Product Life Cycle management (Van Houten, 2006-present) -- Computers in Industry, Advanced Engineering Informatics, WPG-Annals, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, National Research Foundation of South Africa (Lutters, 2008) -- Pocketbook on Packaging (Zakboek Verpakkingen) Reed business information (Ten Klooster 2008) Reviewing: -- Computers in Engineering, Computers in Industry, International Journal of Computer Aided manufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Revue internationale de CFAO et d’infographie, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (Van Houten) -- CIRP International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (Lutters) Other proofs of academic reputation Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten -- Appointment as Invited Full Professor at the University of Tokyo (Leader of JR-East Maintenance Project) (1999) -- External assessor for PhD defences (Van Houten: Germany (1), France (7), Belgium (5), UK (1), Singapore (2), Sweden (1), South Africa (1) -- Chairman/Examiner for international accreditations (France (4) -- Member of review committees for University research programmes: (Van Houten: France (appointed by French government: CNRS): INPG research institutes. (Grenoble: Laboratoire 3S, G-Scope), (Paris: LURPA) -- Member of the jury for the best International Master’s programme (Germany DAAD 2006, 2007) Expert assessor of research programmes: -- The Modelling of Synthesis project, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research for the Future Programme (JSPS-RFTF) (December 2000) -- Laboratoire 3S, Université de Grenoble Membre du Comité Scientifique appointed by CNRS (1998, 2002 and 2006), conseil scientifique SWOT analysis (2009) -- Bremer Institut für Betriebstechnik und angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft (BIBA) (2002) -- LURPA, ENS Cachan, Membre du Comité Scientifique appointed by CNRS (2005) and appointed by Aeres (2009) -- Elected as Expert Assessor for the Mission Scientifique, Technique et Pédagogique du Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Departement Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur (DSPT8) (2005) -- Organiser of the EU Manufuture 2004 conference (under the Dutch EU presidency) -- Co-author to the EU Manufuture Vision 2020 document (for FP7 DG3) (2005) -- Board member of the Dutch Manufuture platform (2006-present) -- Board member of the Rapid Manufacturing Centre (2009-present) B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 73
-- Board member of the LEO Centre for Service Robotics (2009-present) -- Member of numerous international scientific committees of International conferences in the area of Design and manufacturing Dr ir M.C. Van der Voort -- Member of the Management Team of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) of the University of Twente (position: coordinator SRO NICE) (2003-2007) -- Member of Technical Programme Committee for 2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium -- Chair of the organisation of the CTIT symposium 2008 ‘Creative Industries -- Chair of the organisation of the symposium on Design for Usability (June 2008) -- Organiser of a special session on Scenario Based Product Design at the CIRP Design conference 2009. -- Reviewer Cirp Design Conference 2008 and 2009 -- Reviewer Design Research Society conferences 2008 and 2010 Ir F.W.B. Hoolhorst -- Member of the editorial board of the ‘Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie’ from fall 2009 Dr ir A.H.M.E. Reinders -- Member of the advisory committee of research institute IMPACT of University of Twente -- Sub-area chair of the international IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (2009) -- Area chair of the international IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (2010) -- Editor of a special issue of a scientific journal related to papers presented at this conference -- Reviewer for the International journal on Solar Energy -- Reviewer for International Journal of Hydrogen Energy -- Associate member of the international Alliance for Rural Electrification -- Advisor of the UT student solar team on photovoltaic technology. (The team participated in the World Solar Challenge in Australia in 2005, 2007 and 2009) Dr ir G.M. Bonnema -- Co-chair First Workshop on Complex Systems Architecting June 22, 2009, Delft -- Jury of the KIvI/Niria Thesis price 2008 -- Member of the Scientific committee of the TRIZ/Future conference 2008 -- Member of the Scientific committee of the CIRP Design conference 2008 Advisor of the World Solar Challenge Team Twente 2008-2009 -- Member of committee for new curriculum ‘Creative Technology’ 2008
1.5 INTERNAL EVALUATION The group has been quite successful in acquiring external funding, both from large international industries like Daimler A.G., Thales and from SMEs on the national level (Boal, Solva Group, Stork/Fokker, Demcon etc.). The group has also been successful in acquiring a leading position in the European Network of Excellence VRL-KCiP (member of the board, and ample funding for project management). Also, the preparations and applications for the IOP programme Integrated Product Creation and Realisation have been very successful (participation in six projects out of ten granted, six PhD student positions). All projects are intrinsically related and the involved PhD students work closely together. The projects fit well within the group’s research strategy.
1.6 EXTERNAL VALIDATION The group has a tradition in research in the area of feature-based design and manufacturing. A large percentage of the software developed in research projects has been commercialised and distributed worldwide. The most successful example is the PART system which is now sold by Siemens PLM software under the name Tecnomatix ‘Machining Line Planner’. The most important users are the big players in the automotive industry. This has resulted, among other things, in substantial research contracts with Daimler (5 PhD students). Research projects with Thales have resulted in several patents in the area of PCB design. Also in the field of production management a patent has been filed (Design of an Automatic Warehouse System). Long-term research contracts with smaller companies like Boal (> 15 years) have also proven that the outcome of the research is highly valued by the industry. The international scientific reputation of the group is high. This can also be concluded from the fact that the programme leader is regularly invited to participate in review committees for research programmes of renowned institutions. Important functions are fulfilled within the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) and the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). The Thales developed Effect Based Solution process is enhanced by advance simulation techniques developed by the Design Engineering group. The University of Twente offers a unique combination of technical and behavioural sciences to support these processes. The VR lab comprises advanced technology for multi-modal interaction (large scale 3D visualisation, haptics, multi-user multi-touch surfaces, full body motion capturing, 3D scanning and printing etc.). Copies under licence of the T-Xchange concept have recently been realised at the Paris Thales office at the École Polytechnique (Palaisau), at the DECIS lab in Delft and in Singapore. In that sense the Design Engineering group has already gained a worldwide reputation in innovative concepts for the engineering of (material and immaterial) products. Many commercial customer contracts have been acquired and executed during the last four years, varying from consumer product development, safety and security issues, infrastructure, construction, urban development etc. Recently T-Xchange has won the KIVI-NIRIA Innovation Game award. The VR lab is a very practical environment for protocol studies (it is equipped with video/audio capturing systems) and simulation studies. It is also the place to introduce and test ideas for new research projects, together with stakeholders. The various IOP projects contribute to and gain from the use of the VR lab and the participation in T-Xchange sessions. In that sense the T-Xchange forms the touchstone for the viability of the results forthcoming from the various research projects. Apart from that the VR lab is in itself an instrument for process improvement and innovation. Many ideas for new research projects emerge from the VR lab sessions with leading people from industry and government. In addition, the visibility at the European Commission and the visits of many key persons from science and industry visiting the VR lab make the group well known for its advanced ideas and projects. The group’s sound scientific base on the one hand and the practical approach with respect to implementation in combination with excellent research facilities and highly motivated researchers on the other hand make this group a very attractive partner for the industry, both as a supplier of highly qualified personnel and as partner in all kinds of joint research projects. Two patents have been granted for inventions by one of the PhD students working on the Thales/Astron PACMAN project, for a new type of heat sinks for printed circuit boards. Present occupation of former PhD students (2003-2008) Three PhD students stayed at the University of Twente as staff and one is now working at a large research institution in Germany. Three have founded their own businesses. The other six work in the industry.
1.7 RESEARCHERS AND OTHER PERSONNEL Table 4a Total research staff at programme level (in fte) Design Engineering Full professors Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. v. Houten Prof dr ir R. ten Klooster Associate professors Dr ir D. Lutters Dr ir M.C. van der Voort Assistant professors Ir A.H. Streppel Dr ir D. Lutters Dr ir M.C. van der Voort Dr ir G.M. Bonnema Ir F.G.M. Kokkeler Ir H. Tragter Dr ir I.F. Lutters-Weustink Ir T.H.J. Vaneker Ir M. Van der Bijl-Brouwer Dr A.H.M.E. Reinders Ir M. Toxopeus Ir R.G.J. Damgrave Ir J.A. Garde Dr ir W.W. Wits Dr ir O.W. Schotborg W. Dankers Ir M.M. Olthof Total tenured research staff Non-tenured staff Ir O.W. Schotborg Ir M.Meulenbelt Dr A. Tiwari MS Ir M.M. Olthof Ir N. Peeters PhD students R. de Jesus Silva Ir O.W. Schotborg Ir M. Tideman Ir W.W. Wits Ir J. Miedema Ir J.M. Jauregui Becker P.D. Borches Juzgado I. Anggreeni Ir A.G. Entrop Ir D.C. ten Dam Ir F.W.B. Hoolhorst Ir K. Woestenenk Ir B.M. van Waterschoot M. Rashid MSc Zeko Gelici, M.M., MSc J.G. Ruiter Ir T.D. Weidenaar Total non-tenured staff Total research staff
1 3
0.20 0.05
0.25 0.08
0.40 0.08
1.45 0.21
0.40 0.08
0.20 0.20
0.20 0.20
0.40 0.30
0.70 1.50 2.00 1.80 1.70 1.90 1.62 1.90 2.14 2.06 1.33 0.13 0.40 0.13 0 0 0 21.37
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.34 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.21 0.32 0.33 6.26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.20 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.13
0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.20
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.36 0.34 0.20
0.10 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.38 0.20
0 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.36 0.20
0 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.32 0.40 0.34 0.38 0.40 0.13 0.40 0.13
3 3 3 3 1
CTIT 3 1 3 3 3 3 CTIT 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0.36 0.67 0.20
0.88 3.71
0.80 0.33 0.80 0.27
0.27 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.47
2.48 5.68
3.14 6.64
CTIT = UT Research Institute, T-Xchange staff not included 76 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
Sum 2003-08 2009
0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.47 0.27 0.10
0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.10 0.33 0.43
0.80 0.20 0.54 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.10 0.80 0.80 0.53 0.60 0.53
4.84 8.29
6.46 8.97 9.87 13.95
0.67 0.20
PM 0.13 0.80 0.31
1.87 3.53 3.40 3.21 2.87 0.80 2.40 0.80 2.07 0.80 1.87 0.80 0.30 0.10 1.13 0.80 1.23 0.80 0.53 0.80 0.60 0.80 0.53 0.40 0 0.73 0 0.67 0 0.13 26.77 9.67 48.14 15.93
Table 4b Total research staff at programme level (in fte) 2003
Sum 2003-08
Total research staff theme I
Total research staff theme II
Total research staff theme III
Design Engineering
1.8 RESOURCES, FUNDING AND FACILITIES Table 5 Funding at programme level Funding in K euro
Direct funding
Research funding Contracts incl. indirect funding Other
Total (incl. work in progress)
Funding in %
Direct funding
Research funding
Contracts incl. indirect funding
Other Total (incl. work in progress)
* = rounding off
1.9 OVERVIEW OF THE RESULTS Key publications -- Schotborgh, W.O., Kokkeler, F.G.M., Tragter, H., & Houten, F.J.A.M. van. (2005). Dimensionless design graphs for flexure elements and a comparison between three flexure elements. Precision engineering (ISSN 0141-6359), 29(1), 41-47 -- Bonnema, G.M., & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). Use of models in conceptual design. Journal of engineering design, 17(6), 549-562 -- Vaneker, T.H.J., & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). What-if design as a synthesizing working method in product design. CIRP annals- Manufacturing design (ISSN 0007-8506), 55(1), 131-134 -- Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der, & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). A new product design method based on virtual reality, gaming and scenarios. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (ISSN 1955-2513), 2(4), 195-205, DOI 10.1007/s12008-008-0049-1 -- Jauregui-Becker, J.M., Wits, W.W. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Reducing design complexity of multidisciplinary domain integrated products: a case study. In F.J.A.M.van Houten, D.Lutters & J. Miedema, (Eds.) Proceedings of the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (pp. 149-154). Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo (ISBN 9781848002661). Best Paper Award
Table 6 Programme results: outcome numbers Design Engineering Academic publications
Sum 2003-08 2009
a. PhD. Theses + external
b. In refereed journals
c. Conference Proceedings
d. Monographs and editorial books
Professional publications and products
e. Book chapters
A full list of publications can be found at the end of this chapter.
1.10 ANALYSIS, PERSPECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME Strengths The research group Design Engineering: -- Has an international reputation of being at the forefront of scientific developments in the field of usercentred, scenario based design, Virtual Reality and systems engineering; -- Holds important positions in the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP); -- Programme leader is member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech); -- Has a substantial exposure on the organisational level of the European Union; (NMP, Manufuture); -- Has a strong international reputation in the CAD-CAM industry; -- Has substantial research contracts with large international companies (Daimler, Thales); -- Has excellent large-scale laboratory facilities (VR lab, T-Xchange, RMcentre); -- Has a broad spectrum of well focused supercritical research activities; -- Is the nucleus of the Netherlands’ strongest academic group on Design and Production; -- Trains Master and PhD graduates who are very much appreciated by industry and research institutions. Weaknesses The efforts to develop and teach several new educational programmes (Bachelor/Master, Industrial Design Engineering, Creative Technology, International Master Industrial Design and Manufacturing, Bachelor TOM, Master programme Architectural Building Components Design Engineering) have put a heavy burden on the staff. The scientific output of some staff members might otherwise have been even substantially higher during the assessment period. Most of the new staff members are young scientists who need some time to explore and build up their research areas. Because of that, the scientific output has been lagging somewhat behind, but is now up to standards again. Opportunities The euphoria about low-wage production in remote locations has been reduced to the right proportions and the willingness to invest in improvement of local production facilities and product development has substantially increased. High-level automation (24/7) is the new paradigm and the industry is in need
of bright ideas and practical implementation. This forms an excellent base for technologically oriented research groups in the domain of design and manufacturing. The national IOP-IPCR programme has been extended with two additional tenders (2009, 2010). The EU Manufuture initiative has been well received and a national Manufuture platform has been established. Project proposals in the fields of Infrastructures and Factories of the Future are being prepared. Several large international companies are becoming interested in the group’s scientific work. Product Life Cycle issues are gaining increased interest in the industry, not only from an environmental point of view. Maintenance is also becoming an important issue, particularly in the design phase of infrastructure. A part-time chair on Design for Maintainability will be established. Research contracts in the domain of maintenance engineering have been signed. The T-Xchange concept has proven to work for product design issues, but also in a more general sense for group decision-making processes.Several substantial research projects in the latter field are being carried out and many new ones are in preparation. As the facility is also the main laboratory of the DE group, the DE network is strengthened through cooperative research in this facility. Threats Local Availability of floor space (accommodation) is becoming a problem (both labs and offices) and is exceedingly costly. As a consequence, future expansion of research activities might become difficult. For the T-Xchange personnel office space has been rented on the business and science park. At a nearby Industrial park a building has been rented to accommodate the equipment of the Rapid Manufacturing Centre. The additional office space in the building will be used by (PhD)students. External The manufacturing industry has been under severe financial pressure and the political agenda has been adapted to that situation in a negative sense. For a while, it seemed that the support for design and manufacturing research had diminished. As a result, technologically oriented research in the field has been reduced quite dramatically at the sister universities of Delft and Eindhoven, at least in the Mechanical Engineering departments. The national research school ‘Integrated Manufacturing’ (IPV) has suffered substantially because of this. Most of the activities in the field of design and manufacturing have been transferred to the departments of Industrial Design. Consequently, a National Research School on Industrial Design will be established. Analysis After a period of change in research topics, moving from process planning and shop floor control towards the very front end of the product creation chain, together with the tremendous efforts to implement several new educational programmes, the situation of the group has now been stabilised. The instantiation of the IOP-IPCR programme and the success in the acquisition of a substantial number of IOP projects has provided the means for fundamental research in Design Engineering. The industry sponsored research projects which have been acquired can be considered evidence of the relevance of the group’s research. Large and small companies as well as national and international research institutions consider their partnership with the Design Engineering group as very valuable. The group’s international scientific position is very strong. It is quite remarkable that in the field of manufacturing there are no substantial complementary activities at the sister faculties, but it makes the Design, Production and Management group of the University of Twente by far the most important on the national level. New initiatives recently started or under development The cooperation with Thales under the T-Xchange flag has been further extended in the form of a five years cooperation contract. Several large customer orders have been acquired and several substantial B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 79
subsidised projects have been granted (T-XChange infrastructure, T-Xchange ECOsystem, ISETI). The IOP-IPCR programme will issue it fourth and last tender in 2010. The Design Engineering group is preparing proposals, amongst others in the field of Computational Synthesis and Scenario based Design. The interest in life cycle management of infrastructure is rapidly growing. This is complementary to the activities in the Sustainable Energy Technology programme. A joint project in the field of product development with integration of photovoltaic cells was recently acquired and another project, in the field of development of products around fuel cells, is in preparation under the ADEM umbrella with ECN. Energy and Sustainability will be one of the spearhead themes of the IMPACT research institute. The joint Master programme Architectural Building Component Design Engineering (ABCDE) directs its research activities towards Transformable Green Buildings (see B3.2.6: E. Durmisevic). A new externally funded part-time chair on Cradle to Cradle design has recently been established. Maintenance is an important aspect of Product Life Cycle Engineering. The Design Engineering group has played an important role in the preparation of a research programme on World Class Maintenance, amongst others by publishing a book on ‘Industrial Maintenance Requirements’. The next step is the launch of a large national programme on Maintenance (€ 50 M). Interest at several departments of the Dutch railways in maintenance issues is creating several opportunities for extension of the research portfolio of the group in the direction of maintenance engineering. The programme leader has experience in the field of maintenance engineering (joint publications with several Japanese colleagues and a visiting professorship in that field at the University of Tokyo). A PhD project on the operational consequences of slippery railroad tracks is currently underway. Large companies (Asset owners) are getting interested and maintenance consortia are being formed. In particular the design issues related to maintenance (model-based maintenance) are considered to become very important. Recently an additional contract with NedTrain has been signed about a PhD project in the field of Supportability Analysis. Additionally a new externally financed part-time chair Design for Maintainability will be established soon. In the area of mechatronics design and systems engineering there will be closer cooperation with other research groups. Already several joint mechatronics design research projects are carried out together with the Control Engineering Group of Professor Stefano Stramigioli: Teleflex: Control system and user interface for laparoscopic operations with flexible tools and a project on an Autonomous Litter Cleaning Robot (sponsored by the foundation Nederland Schoon and the Hako company). The research area Systems Engineering will be further strengthened by cooperation with industry (Hako, Mapper, etc.). Another activity of the Design Engineering Group is the participation in the IOP project Automatic Generation of Control Software for Mechatronic Systems coordinated by Professor Tomiyama of Delft University. To strengthen cooperation between the groups that are active in the field of mechatronics and systems engineering, the LEO centre for service robotics research has recently been established. Within the centre research is carried out in medical robotics, prosthetics, rehabilitation robotics, inspection and service robotics for hazardous environments, personal service robotics and humanoids. Facility sharing with industry provides a truly multidisciplinary research environment where prototypes can be built to prove the concepts and to demonstrate the outcomes of research to the public. Also recently the Rapid Manufacturing centre (RMcentre) has been established. Several partners from industry and education have brought together knowledge and equipment for layered manufacturing. Techniques like Selective Laser Sintering (3Dsystems), 3D printing (Objet, Zcorp), Fused Deposition Modelling (Stratasys) and Laser Cusing (Concept laser). This facility sharing centre is used to increase the awareness of the possibilities and its attractiveness for small series production, both for business to business as well as for tailored consumer products. The RMcentre also renders services to industry. A joint research project on printing of ceramics has been granted by IMPACT. Under the umbrella of the European Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association (EMIRAcle) a 80 B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING
joint FP7 Infrastructures proposal has been prepared. The members will work together in establishing a network of high level visualisation facilities to support collaboration between scientists. This Visionair project will utilise holographic tables in combination with haptic devices which are connected over ultra high bandwidth glass fibre connections. The Design Engineering Group is one of the core members of the consortium. In the area of user-product interaction, close cooperation with research groups in behavioural sciences has been established. Projects, in particular in the cure and care domain are in preparation.
1.11 FULL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Academic publications - a. PhD. Theses + external 2003 Layer, A. (2003, September 24). Case-Based cost estimation. A building block for product cost management and designfor-x. University of Twente (141 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 90-365-1961-6). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten & Prof dr ir H.J.J. Kals (ISBN 90-365-1961-6). Wijnker, T. C. (2003, January 28). Integration of information in manufacturing by viscoelastic bearing supports. University of Twente (150 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 90-365-1867-9). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten & Prof dr ir H.J.J. Kals (ISBN 90-365-1867-9).
2004 Mentink, R.J. (2004, February 20). Process management in design & engineering applying dynamic process modeling based on envolving information content. University of Twente (192 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 90-365-2003-7). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir H.J.J. Kals & Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten (ISBN 90-365-2003-7). Sailer, B. M. Dipl-Ing. (FH) (2004, November 17). Market-oriented Order Planning in the Automotive Industry. A Building Block for Support of Efficient Order Processing. University of Twente (133 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 90365-2087-8). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten (ISBN 90-365-2087-8).
2005 Zimmerman, J.U. (2005, April 29). Informational integration of product development software in the automotive industry-the ULEO approach. University of Twente (270 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 90-365-2164-5). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten (ISBN 90-365-2164-5).
2008 Bonnema, G.M. (2008, April 3). FunKey Architecting, an integrated approach to system architecting using functions, key drivers and system budgets. University of Twente (136 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 97890-365-2631-9). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten (ISBN 978-90-365-2631-9). Groll, M. (2008, March 13). Interconnection Based Product and Process Documentation. University of Twente (206 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2630-2). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten (ISBN 978-90-365-2630-2). Lingbeek, R.A. (2008, April 18). Virtual tool reworking. New strategies in die design using finite element forming simulations. University of Twente (124 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-77172-38-4). Prom./ coprom.: Prof dr ir J. Huetink, Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten & Dr ir V.T. Meinders (ISBN 978-90-77172-38-4). Tideman, M. (2008, March 28). Scenario based product design. University of Twente (180 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2615-9). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten & Dr ir M.C. van der Voort (ISBN 978-90-365-2615-9). Wits, W.W. (2008, September 4). Integrated cooling concepts for printed circuit boards. University of Twente (139 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2731-6). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten & Ir T.H.J. Vaneker (ISBN 978-90-365-2731-6).
2009 Ouwerkerk, G. van (2009, April 16). CAD implementation of design rules for aluminium extrusion dies. University of Twente (126 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2814-6). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 81
van Houten, Prof dr ir J. Huetink & Ir T.H.J. Vaneker (ISBN 978-90-365-2814-6). Schotborgh, W.O. (2009, April 24). Knowledge engineering for design automation. University of Twente (137 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2801-6). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir F.J.A.M. van Houten (ISBN 978-90-365-2801-6).
Academic publications - b. In refereed journals 2004 Brinke, E. ten, Streppel, A.H., Lutters, D. & Kals, H.J.J. (2004). Cost estimation architecture for integrated cost control based on information management. International journal of computer integrated manufacturing, (ISSN 0951-192X), 17(6), 534-545. Kals, H.J.J., Mentink, R.J., Wijnker, T. C. & Lutters, D. (2004). Information management and process integration in manufacturing. CIRP journal of manufacturing systems, Fertigungssysteme, systèmes de fabrication, (ISSN 1581-5048), 33(1), 1-10. Lutters, D., Vaneker, T.H.J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). ‘What-if’ design: a synthesis method in the design process. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 53(1), 113-116. Schotborgh, W.O., Kokkeler, F.G.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Dimensionless design graphs for flexure elements and a comparison between three flexure elements. Precision engineering - Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (ISSN 0141-6359), 29(1), 41-47. Takata, S., Kimura, F., Houten, F.J.A.M. van, Westkämper, E., Shpitalni, M., Ceglarek, D. & Lee, J. van der (2004). Maintenance: Changing Role in Life Cycle Management. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 53(2), 643-655. Mentink, R.J., Lutters, D., Streppel, A.H. & Kals, H.J.J. (2003). Determining material properties of sheet metal on a press brake. Journal of materials processing technology, (ISSN 0924-0136), 141, 143-154. Mentink, R.J., Houten, F.J.A.M. van & Kals, H.J.J. (2003). Process management for engineering environments based on dynamic process modelling. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 52, 351-354. Reinders, A.H.M.E., Vringer, K. & Blok, K. (2003). The direct and indirect energy requirement of households in the European Union. Energy policy, (ISSN 0301-4215), 31, 139-153.
2005 Heragu, S.S., Du, L., Mantel, R.J. & Schuur, P. C. (2005). Mathematical model for warehouse design and product allocation. International journal of production research, (ISSN 0020-7543), 43(2), 327-338. Schotborgh, W.O. & Kokkeler, F.G.M. (2005). Dimensionless design graphs for flexure elements and a comparison between three flexure elements. Precision engineering - Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, (ISSN 0141-6359), 29(1), 41-47.
2006 Bonnema, G.M. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). Use of models in conceptual design. Journal of engineering design and technology, (ISSN 1726-0531), 17(6), 549-562. Houtsma, J.A. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). Virtual reality and a haptic master¿slave set-up in post-stroke upper-limb rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1243/09544119H06104. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, (ISSN 0954-4119), 22(6), 715-719. De Jesus Silva, R. (2006). Integrated design decision support and logistics strategy. CIRP journal of manufacturing systems, Fertigungssysteme, systèmes de fabrication, (ISSN 1581-5048), 35 (1), 23-30. Vaneker, T.H.J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). What-if design as a synthesizing working method in product design. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 55 (2), 131-134.
2007 Mantel, R.J., Schuur, P. C. & Heragu, S.S. (2007). Order oriented slotting; a new assignment strategy for warehouses. European journal of industrial engineering, (ISSN 1751-5254), 1(3/2007), 301-316.
2008 Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). Tracing the Scenarios in Scenario-Based Product Design: A Study to Understand Scenario Generation. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 2(4), 123-136. Brouwer, M. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). Designing for Dynamic Usability: Development of a Design Method that Supports
Designing Products for Dynamic Use situations. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 2(1), 149-158. Jauregui Becker, J.M., Aalderink, B.J., Aarts, R.G.K.M., Olde Benneker, J. & Meijer, J. (2008). Design, implementation and testing of a fuzzy control scheme for laser welding. Journal of laser applications, (ISSN 1042-346x), 20 (3), 146-153. Jauregui Becker, J.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Structure and models of artifactual routine design problems for computational synthesis. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, (ISSN 1755-5817), 1(3), 120-125. Lingbeek, R.A., Gan, W., Wagoner, R.H., Meinders, V.T. & Weiher, J. (2008). Theoretical verification of the displacement adjustment. International journal of material forming, (ISSN 1960-6206), 1, 159-186. Lingbeek, R.A., Meinders, V.T. & Rietman, A. (2008). Tool and blank interaction in the cross-die forming process. International journal of material forming, (ISSN 1960-6206), 1(suppl. 1), 161-164. Meinders, V.T., Burchitz, I. A., Bonte, M.H.A. & Lingbeek, R.A. (2008). Numerical Product Design: Springback Prediction, Compensation and Optimisation. International journal of machine tools and manufacture, (ISSN 0890-6955), 48 (5), 499-514. Lutters, D. & Klooster, R. ten (2008). Functional requirement specification in the packaging development chain. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 57(1), 145-148. Miedema, J., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Advantageous application of synthetic environments in product design. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, (ISSN 1755-5817), 1(3), 159-164. Reinders, A.H.M.E., Jong, M. de, Kok, J.B.W. & Westendorp, G. (2008). Optimising a steam-methane reformer for hydrogen production. International journal of hydrogen energy, (ISSN 0360-3199), 34, 285-292. Vaneker, T.H.J., Koenis, P.T.G., Ouwerkerk, G. van, Nilsen, K.E. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Integrated bottom up and top down approach to optimisation of the extrusion process. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 57(1), 183-186. Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). A New Product Design Method based on Virtual Reality, Gaming and Scenarios. International journal on interactive design and manufacturing, (ISSN 1955-2513), 2(4), 195-205. Wits, W.W., Brok, G.J.H.M., Mannak, J. & Legtenberg, R. (2008). Novel cooling strategy for electronic packages: directly injected cooling. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, (ISSN 1755-5817), 1(3), 142-147.
2009 Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Bringing Scenario-Based Product Design into Practice: A Framework for Building and Using Scenarios. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 3(2), 339-354. Bijl-Brouwer, M. van der & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Participatory Scenario Generation: Communicating Usability Issues in Product Design through User Involvement in Scenario Generation. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 3(1), 269-288. Entrop, A.G., Brouwers, H.J.H. & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2009). Evaluation of energy performance indicators and financial aspects of energy saving techniques in residential real estate. Energy and buildings, (ISSN 0378-7788), in press. [on line]. Available from: [11-10-2009]. Hoolhorst, F.W.B. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Criteria for new-generation user-centered design methods. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 3(1), 145-154. Jong, M. de, Reinders, A.H.M.E., Kok, J.B.W. & Westendorp, G. (2009). Optimising a steam-methane reformer for hydrogen production. International journal of hydrogen energy, (ISSN 0360-3199), 34 (1), 285-292. Miedema, J., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Using Synthetic Environments to improve early product development stages. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, (ISSN 1755-5817), 1(3), 159-164. Preez du, N.D., Lutters, D. & Nieberding, H. (2009). Tailoring the Development Process According to the Context of the Project. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, (ISSN 1755-5817), 1(3), 191-198. Tomiyama, T., Gu, P., Jin, Y., Lutters, D., Kind, Chr. & Kimura, F. (2009). Design Methodologies: Industrial and Educational Applications. CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506), 58 (2), 543-565. Voort, M.C. van der & Tideman, M. (2008). Combining Scenarios and Virtual reality into a New Approach to Including Users in Product Design Processes. International journal of design, (ISSN 1991-3761), 7(4), 393-410. Wendrich, R. E., Tragter, H., Kokkeler, F.G.M. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Raw shaping form finding: tact tangible CAD. Computer- aided design and applications, (ISSN 1686-4360).
Wits, W.W., Vaneker, T.H.J., Mannak, J.H. & Legtenberg, R. (2009). Novel cooling strategy for electronic packages: directly injected cooling. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, (ISSN 1755-5817), 1(3), 142-147.
Academic publications - c. Conference proceedings 2003 Bonnema, G.M. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2003). Conceptual design in high-tech environment, published on CD-rom. In S. Tichkiewitsch & D. Brissaud, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 CIRP International Design Seminar. Laboratoire 3S. Brinke, E. ten, Streppel, A.H., Lutters, D. & Kals, H.J.J. (2003). Integrated cost support during product development. In U.P. Singh, M. Geiger, H.J.J. Kals & B. Shirvani (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2003, Proceedings of the International Conference (pp. 253262). Jordanstowns: University of Ulster (ISBN 1 85923 171 3). De Jesus Silva, R. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2003). Design for Logistics - the next step to achieve integrated design decision support and product variety - published on CD-rom. In S. Tichkiewitsch & D. Brissaud (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 CIRP International Design Seminar. Grenoble: Laboratoire 3S. Lutters, D., Tamminga, S., Streppel, A.H. & Kals, H.J.J. (2003). Material parameters and process control in air bending. In U.P. Singh, M. Geiger, H.J.J. Kals & B. Shirvani (Eds.), Sheet Metal 2003, Proceedings of the International Conference (pp. 361-370). Jordanstown: University of Ulster (ISBN 1 85923 171 3).
2004 Basson, A.H., Bonnema, G.M. & Liu, Y. (2004). A flexible electro-mechanical design information system. In Horváth, I.; Xirouchakis, P. (Ed.), Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2004) (pp. 879-890). Rotterdam, Lausanne: MIllpress, Rotterdam, Lausanne (ISBN 9059660188). Eger, A.O., Lutters, D. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Create the future: An environment for excellence in teaching futureoriented industrial design engineering. In Lloyd, P. Roozenburg, N. & McMahon, C. Brodhurst, L. (Eds.), The changing face of design education (Proceedings of the second International Engineering and product design education conference (IEPDE) (pp. 43-50). Delft, the Netherlands (ISBN 90-5155-020-0). Hittorf, G., Vaneker, T.H.J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). What-if design; A preliminary architecture and a survey of the main constituting elements. In Horváth, I.; Xirouchakis, P. (Ed.), Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2004), Lausanne (pp. 453-464). Rotterdam, Lausanne: Millpress, Rotterdam, Lausanne (ISBN 9059660188). Houten, F.J.A.M. van & Lutters, D. (2004). ‘What-if’ design as an integrative method in product design. In ElMaraghy, W.; ElMaraghy, H. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14th International CIRP Design Seminar 2004, CIRP2004Dn. Cairo, Egypt: ElMaraghy, W.; ElMaraghy, H. (Eds.). Available from: 2004 ElMaraghy, W.; ElMaraghy, H. (Eds.), Cairo, Egypt Lutters, D., Vaneker, T.H.J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). ‘What-if design’; A generic approach based on information management. In Dimitrov, D. Du Preez, N. & Wijck, W. van (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA’04) (pp. 119-124). Stellenbosch, South Africa (ISBN 0-7972-1018-0). Lutters-Weustink, I.F., Lutters, D. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Mechatronic features in product modelling, The link between geometric and functional modelling? In Dimitrov, D.; Du Preez, N. & Wijck, W. van (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA’04) (pp. 125-130). Stellenbosch, South Africa (ISBN 0-7972-1018-0). Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Design and evaluation of a virtual gearshift application. In Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2004 (IV ‘04), Parma (pp. 465-470). Parma, Italy (ISBN 0-7803-8311-7). Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). A haptic virtual prototyping environment for design and assessment of gearshifting behaviour. In Proceedings of the 14th International CIRP Design Seminar 2004 (CIRP 2004 Dn) CIRP annals, (ISSN 0007-8506). Cairo, Egypt: ElMaraghy, W.; ElMaraghy, H.. Available from: 2004 ElMaraghy, W.; ElMaraghy, H., Cairo, Egypt Vaneker, T.H.J., Lutters, D., Hittorf, G. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). ‘What-if-design’; An illustration of applicability in the field of mechanical design. In Dimitrov, D. Du Preez, N. & Wijck, W. van (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ‘04) (pp. 235-240). Stellenbosch, South Africa (ISBN 0-7972-1018-0).
2005 Bonnema, G.M., Lutters-Weustink, I.F. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2005). Introducing systems engineering to industrial design engineering students with hands-on experience. In H. Selvaraj & V. Muthukumar (Eds.), Proceedings of Eighteenth International Conference on Systems Engineering (pp. 408-413). Las Vegas (ISBN 0-7695-2359-5). De Jesus Silva, R. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2005). Integrated design decision support and logistics strategy. In W.L.
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2007 Entrop, A.G., Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Brouwers, H.J.H. (2007). Evaluation of financial aspects and energy performance indicators of residential building stock in the Netherlands. In H. Kenneweg & U. Tröger (Eds.), Proceedings Visionsimplementations- results. 2nd International Congress on Environmental Planning and Management, 5-10 August 2007, Berlin, Germany (pp. 399-402). Berlin, Germany: Springer (ISBN 978-3-7983-2049-9). Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2007). Design in the Era of Mass Customisation. In D. Dimitrov (Ed.), International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA ‘07 (pp. 81-99). Stellenbosch SA: University of Stellenbosch, SA (ISBN 0797211640). Lutters, D., Uys, W & Preez, N.D. du (2007). Design(er) support based on conceptual frameworks. In D. Dimitrov (Ed.), International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA ‘07, 31 January-2 Febuary 2007, Stellenbosch, South-Africa (pp. 371-376). Stellenbosch, SA: University of Stellenbosch, SA (ISBN 0797211640). Lutters, D., Johnson, M., Toxopeus, M.E. & Preez, N.D. du (2007). Introducing the Roadmap Concept to Inexperienced Users: A Case Study. In D. Dimitrov (Ed.), International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA ‘07 (pp. 481-486). Stellenbosch, SA: University of Stellenbosch, SA (ISBN 0797211640). Lutters-Weustink, I.F., Lutters, D. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2007). Domain Integration by Means of Features. In D. Dimitrov (Ed.), International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA ‘07 (pp. 107-112). Stellenbosch, SA: University of Stellenbosch, SA (ISBN 0797211640). Miedema, J., Meijer, F., Wang, H., Voort, M.C. van der, Broek, E.L. van den & Vergeest, J.S.M. (2007). Synthetic Environments as design tool - A case study. In A. Amditis, D Christopoulos & J. Perret (Eds.), The 4th International INTUITION Coference ‘ Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments’ (pp. 239-240) (ISBN 9789602546659). Miedema, J., Voort, M.C. van der, Lutters, D. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2007). Synergy of Technical Specification, functional specifications and scenarios in requirements specifications. In F.-L. Krause (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th CIRP Design Conference (pp. 235-245). Berlin: Fraunhofer IPK (ISBN 9783540698197). Nieberding, H., Lutters, D. & Preez, N.D. du (2007). Life-cycle Dependency of Models for Product Development Processes. In D. Dimitrov (Ed.), International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA ‘07 (pp. 499-504). Stellenbosch, SA: University of Stellenbosch, SA (ISBN 0797211640). Ouwerkerk, G. van, Vaneker, T.H.J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). A Cad module for automatically generating complex sink-in shapes for aluminium extrusion dies. In Hlebanja, Butala, P. (Ed.), Proceedings 39th CIRP International seminar on manufacturing systems (pp. 537-544). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana (ISBN 9616536095). Available from: 2006 University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (ISBN 9616536095) Ouwerkerk, G. van, Sluiter, E.J., Vaneker, T.H.J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2007). Development of a software module for functionality-driven manufacturability optimisations for sink-ins in extrusion dies. In Proceedings Aluminium Two Thousand. Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2007). A design method to assess the accessibility of light on PV cells in an arbitraty geometry by means of ambient occlusion. In G. Willeke & H. Ossenbrink (Eds.), Proceedings 22nd EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 2737-2739). Munich: WIP Renewable Energies. Reinders, A.H.M.E., Gooijer, H. de & Diehl, J.C. (2007). How participatory product design and micro-entrepeneurship favor the dissemination of photovoltaic systems in Cambodia. In M. Yamaguchi (Ed.), Technical digests 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, 3-7 December 2007, Fukuoka, Japan (pp. 892-893). Fukuoka, Japan: PVSEC Publication Office. Schotborgh, W.O., Tragter, H., Kokkeler, F.G.M. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2007). A method to translate an engineering design process into a structure for computational synthesis. In Knowledge, innovation and sustainability (pp. 65-66). Paris, France: Ecole Centrale Paris.
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2008 Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). Classifying Scenarios in a Product Design Process: a study to achieve automated scenario generation. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). Supporting Scenario Building in Product Design. In O. Abuelmaatti & D. England (Eds.), 22nd British Human Computer Interaction Group Annual Conference (pp. 111-114). Liverpool, UK: The British Computer Society (ISBN 9781906124069). Anggreeni, I. (2008). Supporting Scenario Generation in Product Design. In V. Vaishnavi & R. Baskerville (Eds.), Doctoral Consortium of the Third International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 421-422). Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Georgia State University. Bakker, M., Nijs, J., Helden, W. van & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2008). New concepts for solar collectors in 2030. In Eurosun 2008. Lisbon, Portugal: ISES Europe. Bonnema, G.M. & Borches Juzgado, P.D. (2008). Design with Overview-how to survive in complex organisations. In Proceedings 18th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE. Utrecht, the Netherlands: INCOSE (ISBN 0972056262). Bonnema, G.M. (2008). The Engineers’ Innovation Toolkit. In T.H.J. Vaneker & D. Lutters (Eds.), Triz-Future Conference ‘08 Synthesis of innovation (pp. 25-30). Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036527491). Borches Juzgado, P.D. & Bonnema, G.M. (2008). ‘Living’ Architecture Overviews - Supporting the Design of Evolutionary Complex Systems. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Borches Juzgado, P.D. & Bonnema, G.M. (2008). On the Origin of Evolvable Systems; Evolvability or Extinction. In I Horvath & Z. Rusak (Eds.), Proceedings TMCE 2008. Delft, the Netherlands: Delft University of Technology. Broek, E.L. van den, Meijer, F., Miedema, J., Wang, H., Voort, M.C. van der & Vergeest, J.S.M. (2008). Synthetic Evironments for Cooperative Product Design. In Yuhua Luo (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Cooperative Design Visualisation and Engineering) (pp. 1-10). New York: Springer. Available from: [12-04-2008]. Brouwer, M. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). Scenarios as a communication tool in the design process: examples from a design course. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands:
University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Entrop, A.G., Brouwers, H.J.H. & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2008). Field experiments on the use of phase changing materials, insulation materials and passive solar radiation in the built environment. In J. McCarthy & G. Foliente (Eds.), World Sustainable Building Conference 2008, September 21-25, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1 (102)-8). Rotterdam: CIB. Garde, J.A. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). The design of a new NICU patient area; combining design for usability and design for emotion. In C. Rust, K. Christer, J. Turnbull & J. Lever (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2008 Design Research Society Conference. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University (ISBN 9781843872931). Available from: 2008 Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK (ISBN 9781843872931) Gooijer, H. de, Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Schreuder, D. A. (2008). Solar powered LED lighting - Human factors of low cost lighting for developing countries. In 23rd EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 3361-3366). Valencia, Spain: WIP Renewable Energies (ISBN 3936338248). Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). New appoaches to Design Engineering research. In T.H.J. Vaneker & D. Lutters (Eds.), TRIZFuture Conference ‘08 Synthesis in innovation. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036527491). Jauregui Becker, J.M., Wits, W.W. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Reducing design complexity of multidisciplinary domain integrated products: a case study. In Proceedings of the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (pp. 149-154). Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo (ISBN 9781848002661). Jauregui Becker, J.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Structuring and modeling routine design problems for computational synthesis development. In F.J.A.M.van Houten, D.Lutters & J. Miedema, (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, NL: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Miedema, J., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Advantageous application of synthetic environments in product design. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente. Miedema, J., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Using synthetic environments to improve early product development stages. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Oostendorp, J.A., Draijer, B.J. & Lutters, D. (2008). Using Functional Specifications as a Framework for Innovative Packaging Development. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Available from: 2008 University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands (ISBN 9789036526340) [04-07-2008]. Ouwerkerk, G. van, Vaneker, T.H.J., Houten, F.J.A.M. van, Nilsen, K.E. & Koenis, P.T.G. (2008). Die Design and Manufacturability Formalisation Using the Medal Axis Transform. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar. Wauconda, USA: Extrusion Technology for Aluminum Profiles Foundation. Available from: 2008 Extrusion Technology for Aluminum Profiles Foundation, Wauconda, USA Ponsen, J.M. & Lutters, D. (2008). Mechanical engineering versus industrial design engineering education: Same philosophy, different implementation. In CIRP International Manufacturing Education Conference ‘08. Nantes, France. Preez, N.D. du, Lutters, D. & Nieberding, H. (2008). Tailoring the Development Process According to the Context of the Project. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Available from: 2008 University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands (ISBN 9789036526340) [04-07-2008]. Preez du, N.D., Basson, A.H., Lutters, D. & Nieberding, H. (2008). Roadmapping Methodology for Product Development. In Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology, PICMET 2008 (pp. 1189-1205) (ISBN 9781890843175). Reich, N. H., Sark, W. G.J.H.M., Wit, H. de & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2008). Energy balance estimation of device integrated PV for indoor irradiation conditions by means of a CAD simulation tool. In 23rd EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 3338-3343). Valencia, Spain: WIP Renewable Energies (ISBN 3936338248). Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2008). Product-integrated PV application - How industrial design methods yield innovative PV-powered products. In T. Anderson & (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. San Diego, USA: IEEE PVSC. Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). How innovation methods contribute to product design with PEM fuel cell technology for clean urban mobility. In Proceedings of NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2008. Sacramento, USA: The National Hydrogen Association.
Reinders, A.H.M.E., Jong, M. de, Kok, J.B.W. & Westendorp, G. (2008). Optimising hydrogen production of a steam-methane reformer by analytical modeling. In Proceedings of NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2008. Sacramento, USA: The National Hydrogen Association. Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Boer, A. de (2008). Product-integrated PV - Innovative design methods for PV-powered products. In European Commission & DG Joint Research Center (Eds.), 23rd EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 3321-3324). Valencia, Spain: WIP Renewable Energies (ISBN 3936338248). Schotborgh, W.O., Kokkeler, F.G.M., Tragter, H., Roring, M.H.L. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Towards a development method for computational synthesis systems. In D. Marjanovic, M. Storga, N. Pavkovi & N. Bojcetic (Eds.), 10th International Design Conference DESIGN 2008 (pp. 665-671). Dubrovnik-Croatia: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, (ISBN 9536313901). Schotborgh, W.O., Kokkeler, F.G.M., Tragter, H., Bomhoff, M. J. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). A Generic Synthesis Algorithm for Well-Defined Parametric Design. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Development and evaluation of a scenario based method for product design. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Arem, B. van (2008). A new scenario based approach for designing driver support systems applied to the design of a lane change support system. In Proceedings 2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Eindhoven, the Netherlands June 4-6 June, 2008 (CD-ROM). Eindhoven, The Netherlands: IEEE (ISBN 9781424425686). Available from: 2008 IEEE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (ISBN 9781424425686) [06-04-2008]. Tragter, H., Schotborgh, W.O., Roring, M.H.L. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2008). Generic data architecture for parametric synthesis system. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008 (pp. 5pp.). Enschede, Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Vreede, M. de & Lutters, D. (2008). A case-based comparison of four major creativity techniques for creative idea generating in product design. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340). Available from: 2008 University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands (ISBN 9789036526340) [04-07-2008] Vries, R. W. de, Vaneker, T.H.J. & Souchkov, V. (2008). Development of a framework for using TRIZ in a co-disciplinary design environment. In T.H.J. Vaneker & D. Lutters (Eds.), TRIZ-Future Conference ‘08 Synthesis of innovation (pp. 49-56). Enschede: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036527491) Wang, H., Meijer, F., Miedema, J., Broek, E.L. Van den, Voort, M.C. van der & Vergeest, J.S.M. (2008). Applicability of Synthetic Environments for Product Design. In X. Fischer & P. Ray (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering. Paris: Springer. Wang, H., Vergeest, J.S.M., Miedema, J., Meijer, F., Voort, M.C. van der & Broek, E.L. Van den (2008). Synthetic Environment as a Communication Tool for Dynamic Prototyping. In R. Rohatynski & P. Poslednik (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar and Workshop Engineering Design in Integrated Product Development (pp. 211-219). Gora, Poland: University of Zielona Gora (ISBN 9788374811897) Wits, W.W., Brok, G.J.H.M., Mannak, J. & Legtenberg, R. (2008). Novel cooling strategy for electronic packages: directly injected cooling. In F.J.A.M. van Houten, J. Miedema & D. Lutters (Eds.), CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036526340) Wits, W.W., Legtenberg, R. & Mannak, J. (2008). Selecting capillary structures for heat pipes in multilayer printed circuit boards. In G.G.M. Stoffels, T.H. van der Meer & A.A. van Steenh (Eds.), Proceedings Eurotherm 2008. Eindhoven: University of Eindhoven (ISBN 9789038612744) Wits, W.W. & Kok, J.B.W. (2008). Modelling the transient analysis of flat miniature heat pipes in printed circuit boards using a control volume approacht. In A.A. van Steenhoven, T.H. van der Meer & G.G.M. Stoffels (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2008) (CD). Eindhoven: University of Eindhoven (ISBN 978-90-386-12744). Available from: 2008 University of Eindhoven, Eindhoven (ISBN 978-90-386-1274-4) [05-18-2008]
2009 Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Supporting Scenario-Based Product Design and Its Adapters: An informal Framework for Scenario Creation and Use. In M.J. Smith & G. Salvendy (Eds.), HCI International (pp. 217-226). San Diego, USA: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-02555-6)
Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Supporting Scenario-Based Product Design: the First Proposal for a Scenario Generation Support Tool. In R. Roy & E. Shehab (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Design conference; Competitive Design (pp. 475-482). Cranfield, UK: Cranfield University Press (ISBN 9780955743641) Bijl-Brouwer, M. van der & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Strategies to design for dynamic usability. In Proceedings of IASDR2009 Design Rigor & Relevance (pp. 245-254). Seoul, Korea: Korea Society of Design Science (ISBN 978-89-963194-0-5) Borches Juzgado, P.D. & Bonnema, G.M. (2009). Coping with System Evolution: Experience in Reverse Architecting as Means to Ease te Evolution of Complex Systems. In 19th International Symposium of Systems Engineering. Singapore: INCOSE. Available from: 2009 INCOSE, Singapore [07-20-2009]. Dam, D. C. ten, Anema, H. F. A., Houten, F.J.A.M. van & Lutters, D. (2009). CNC Worknet: a network of flexible production plants. In 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Sustainable development of Manufacturing Systems. Grenoble, France: G-Scop (ISBN onbekend). Available from: 2009 G-Scop, Grenoble, France (ISBN onbekend) [06-03-2009]. Damgrave, R. G. J. & Lutters, D. (2009). The Drift of the Xsens Moven Motion Capturing Suit during Common Movements in a Working Environment. In R. Roy & E. Shehab (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Design Conference Competitive Design (pp. 338-342). Cranfield United Kingdom: Cranfield University Press (ISBN 9780955743641). Eggink, W., Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Meulen, B.J.R. van der (2009). A practical approach to product design for future worlds using scenario-development. In A. Clarke, P. Hogarth, B. Ion & C. McMahon (Eds.), The 11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Westbury, Wiltshire, UK: The Design Society and Institution of Engineering Designers (ISBN 9781904670186). Available from: 2009 The Design Society and Institution of Engineering Designers, Westbury, Wiltshire, UK (ISBN 9781904670186) [09-10-2009]. Entrop, A.G., Brouwers, H.J.H., Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Muntingh, F. (2009). Experimental research on the use of phase change materials to come to passive solar energy concepts (cd-rom). In A. van den Dobbelsteen, A. van Timmeren, M. van Dorst & E. Durmiscevic (Eds.), 3rd CIB international conferences on smart and sustainable built environments, 15-19 june 2009, Delft, the Netherlands. Delft, the Netherlands: Delft University of Technology (ISBN 978-90-5269-373-6). Garde, J.A. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). The Procedure Usability Game: A Participatory Game for the Development of Complex Medical Procedures & Products. In R. Roy & E. Shehab (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Design conference (pp. 483-489). Cranfield, UK: Cranfield University Press (ISBN 9780955743641). Gooijer, H. de, Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Schreuder, D. A. (2009). Solar power and LED lighting - New opportunities for affordable indoor lighting for rural families in “Base of the Pyramid” circumstances. In Proceedings of CIE mid term meeting and the light and lighting conference. Gorter, T., Reinders, A.H.M.E., Pascarella, F., Merola, A. & Scognamiglio, A. (2009). LED/PV lighting systems for commercial buildings design of a sustainable LED/PV symbiotic system. In W. Ossenbrink Sinke & P. Helm (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 4250-4255). Munchen, Germany: WIP - Renewable Energies (ISBN 3-936338-25-6). Available from: 2009 WIP - Renewable Energies, Munchen, Germany (ISBN 3-936338-25-6) [09-212009]. Hoolhorst, F.W.B. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). A concept for a usability focused design method. In Proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research 2009 - IASDR’09 (pp. 285-294). Seoul, Korea: Coex, Seoul Korea (ISBN 978-89-963194-0-5). Available from: 2009 Coex, Seoul Korea, Seoul, Korea (ISBN 978-89-963194-0-5) [10-18-2009]. Jauregui Becker, J.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). From How Much to How Many: a Method to Develop Representations for Computational Synthesis. In M. Norell Bergendahl, M. Grimheden, L. Leifer, P. Skogstad & U. Lindemann (Eds.), ICED09 The 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, Vol 6 (pp. 6-359-6-370). Stanford, USA: The Design Society (ISBN 9781904670100). Available from: 2009 The Design Society, Stanford, USA (ISBN 9781904670100) [08-24-2009]. Jauregui Becker, J.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Toward a Bottom-up Approach to Automate the Design of Cooling Systems for Injection Molding. In L.A. Piegl, T. Kurfess, R.J. Arinyo & W. Ma (Eds.), 2009 International CAD Conference and Exhibition. niet bekend: CAD Solutions LLC. Available from: 2009 CAD Solutions LLC, niet bekend [06-08-2009]. Klooster, R. ten & Lutters, D. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Design and Engineering in Packaging Development. In R. Roy & E. Shehab (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Design Conference Competitive Design (pp. 383-387). Cranfield, UK: Cranfield University Press (ISBN 9780955743641). Mackay, D., Wijlen, E.V. ter, Mendibil, K. & Mantel, R.J. (2009). Building dynamic capabilities through operations strategy: an empirical example. In M. Johansson & P. Jonsson (Eds.), Conference Proceedings 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference Ïmplementation-realising Operations Management knowledge”.. Goteborg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology. Olthof, M.M., Jauregui Becker, J.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Knowledge Aquisition of Routine
Design Problems in Industrial Settings. In E. Bolisani (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management (pp. 597-608). Reading, UK: Academic Publishing International (ISBN 9781906638405). Available from: 2009 Academic Publishing International, Reading, UK (ISBN 9781906638405) [09-04-2009]. Reich, N. H., Sark, W. G.J.H.M., Wit, H. de & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2009). Using CAD software to simulate complex irradiation conditions: predicting the charge yield of solar cells incorporated into PV powered consumer products. In T.J. Walters Anderson & R. Raffaelle (Eds.), Proceedings ot the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (pp. 1291-1296). Philadelphia, USA: IEEE and IEEE Electron Device Society (ISBN 978-1-4244-2950-9). Available from: 2009 IEEE and IEEE Electron Device Society, Philadelphia, USA (ISBN 978-1-4244-2950-9) [12-01-2009]. Reinders, A.H.M.E., Wit, H. de & Boer, A. de (2009). Design of fibre reinforced PV concepts for building integrated applications. In W. Ossenbrink Sinke & P. Helm (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 3940-3944). Hamburg: WIP - Renewable Energies (ISBN 3-936338-25-6). Available from: 2009 WIP Renewable Energies, Hamburg (ISBN 3-936338-25-6) [09-21-2009]. Reinders, A.H.M.E., Boer, A. de, Winter, A. & Haverlag, M. (2009). Designing PV powered LED products - Integration of PV technology in innovative products. In W. Ossenbrink Sinke & P. Helm (Eds.), Proceedings of 24th EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 3179-3183). Munchen, Germany: WIP - Renewable Energies (ISBN 3-936338-25-6). Available from: 2009 WIP - Renewable Energies, Munchen, Germany (ISBN 3-936338-25-6) [09-21-2009]. Reinders, A.H.M.E., Boer, A. de, Winter, A. & Haverlag, M. (2009). Designing PV powered LED products - Sensing new opportunities for advanced technologies. In T.J. Walters Anderson & R. Raffaelle (Eds.), Proceedings of 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (pp. 415-420). Philadelphia, USA: IEEE and IEEE Electron Device Society (ISBN 978-14244-2950-9). Available from: 2009 IEEE and IEEE Electron Device Society, Philadelphia, USA (ISBN 978-1-4244-2950-9) [12-01-2009]. Schotborgh, W.O., Kokkeler, F.G.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Analysis-Oriented Decomposition of Design Processes. In E. Bolisani (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management (pp. 755764). Reading, UK: Academic Publishin International (ISBN 9781906638405). Available from: 2009 Academic Publishin International, Reading, UK (ISBN 9781906638405) Schotborgh, W.O., Kokkeler, F.G.M., Tragter, H. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Why is design automation software not everywhere? In M. Norell Bergendahl, M. Grimheden, L. Leifer, P. Skogstad & U. Lindemann (Eds.), ICED09 The 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, Vol. 8 (pp. 8-1-8-10). The Design Society (ISBN 9781904670162). Available from: 2009 The Design Society, (ISBN 9781904670162) [08-24-2009]. Timmerman, M., Bakker, M. & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2009). A Plug-and-play liquid thermal panels - Integrated design for easy manufacturing and installation. In T.J. Walters Anderson & RaffaelleR. (Eds.), Proceedings of 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (pp. 838-843). Philadelphia, USA: IEEE and IEEE Electron Device Society (ISBN 978-1-4244-2950-9). Available from: 2009 IEEE and IEEE Electron Device Society, Philadelphia, USA (ISBN 978-1-4244-2950-9) [12-01-2009]. Tiwari, A. & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2009). Modeling or irradiance in a CAD environment for the design of PV powered products. In Proceedings of the 18th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference. Wendrich, R. E., Tragter, H., Kokkeler, F.G.M. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2009). Bridging the Design Gap: Towards an intuitive Design Tool. In Proceedings of the 26th ICSID World Design Congress and Education Congress 2009. Singapore: ICSID. Available from: 2009 ICSID, Singapore [11-25-2009]. Wits, W.W. (2009). Copper Foam for Capillary Structures in Heat Pipes. In N. Massarotti & P. Nithiarasu (Eds.), First International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems (pp. 277-280). Napoli, Italy: niet bekend (ISBN 9788874314591).
Academic publications - d. Monographs and editorial books 2003 Singh, U.P., Geiger, M., Kals, H.J.J. & Shirvani, B. (Eds.). (2003). Sheet Metal 2003. Belfast: University of Ulster at Jordanstown (ISBN 1 85923 171 3)
2004 Eger, A.O., Bonnema, G.M., Lutters, D. & Voort, M.C. van der (2004). Productontwerpen. Utrecht: Lemma BV (ISBN 9059313100)
2008 Lutters, D. & Miedema, J. (2008). Conference Proceedings CIRP Design Conference 2008. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente [CD ROM] (ISBN 9789036526340). Available from: 2008 University of Twente, Enschede, the B1 · DESIGN ENGINEERING 91
Netherlands (ISBN 9789036526340) Lutters, D. (Ed.). (2008). Design of Sustainable Product Life Cycles. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (ISBN 9783540790815) Vaneker, T.H.J. & Lutters, D. (Eds.). (2008). TRIZ-Future Conference ‘08 Synthesis of innovation. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente (ISBN 9789036527491)
Academic publications - e. Book chapters 2004 Bonnema, G.M. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Conceptual design in a high-tech environment. In Tichkiewitch, S.; Brissaud, D. (Ed.), Methods and Tools for Cooperative and Integrated Design. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 1-4020-1889-4). Geelkerken, R.H., Rodel, S. G. J., Kunst, E.E., Kommers, P.A.M., Miedema, H.A. Th. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Vascular Specialists Training, the Practise and the Future. In L. Bos, S. Laxminargyan & A. Marsh (Eds.), Medical and Care Compunetics 1 Series: Technology and informatics no 103 (Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, Vol 103, 0926-9630) (pp. 245-251).
2006 Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). What-IF-design as an integrative method in product design. In H.A. ElMaraghy & W.H. ElMaraghy (Eds.), Advances in Design (pp. 37-48). Berlijn: Springer Verlag (ISBN 1846280044). Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2006). Haptic virtual prototyping for design and assessment of gear-shifts. In H.A. ElMaraghy & W.H. ElMaraghy, (Eds.), Advances in Design (pp. 461-472). Berlin: Springer Verlag (ISBN 1846280044).
2007 Tideman, M., Voort, M.C. van der & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2007). Using virtual reality for scenario based product design. Proceedings of Virtual Concept. In X. Fischer & D. Coutellier (Eds.), Research in interactive Design. France: Springer Verlag (ISBN 2287287728).
2008 Preez, N.D. du, Louw, L. & Lutters, D. (2008). A knowledge network approach supporting the value chain. In A. Bernard & S. Tichkiewitch (Eds.), Methods and Tools for Effective Life-Cycle-Management (pp. 159-168). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (ISBN 9783540784302). Uys, W, Uys, E., Lutters, D. & Preez du, N.D. (2008). Improved Utilisation of Organisational Documents using a Conceptual Framework. In A. Bernard & S. Tichkiewitch (Eds.), Methods and Tools for Effective Life-Cycle-Management (pp. 347-361). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (ISBN 9783540784302).
2009 Anggreeni, I. & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Supporting Scenario-Based Product Design and Its Adapters: An Informal Framework for Scenario Creation and Use. In M.J. Smith & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5617) (pp. 217-226). Heidelberg Germany: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-02555-6) Waterschoot, B. M. van & Voort, M.C. van der (2009). Implementing Human Factors within the Design Process of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). In Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (pp. 461-470). Germany: SpringerLink (ISBN 978-3-642-02727-7).
Professional publications (including reports) 2004 De Jesus Silva, R. & Morabito, R. (2004). Optimising the scheduling of furnace loadings in an inox-steel foundry. Gestão e produção, (ISSN 0104-530X), 11(1), 135-151. Garde, J.A. (2004). Vormgeving op het witte doek. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(3), 14-16. Stevens, J.H. W., Schippers, D. & Reinders, A.H.M.E. (2004). Corporate design: zonder onderscheid geen identiteit. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(1), 22-25. Tideman, M. (2004). Afstelbare versnellingsbak. Ingenieur, (ISSN 0020-1146), 116 (3), 34-35. Winden, E.E. van (2004). De waarde van symboliek en vormgeving in Ghana. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(1), 38-40
2005 Tideman, M. & Klerkx, R.T. (2005). Gevoel wordt tastbaar. Machinebouw, (ISSN 1572-4980), 23, 36-38 Tideman, M. & Klerkx, R.T. (2005). Product assembleren dat niet bestaat. Metaal en techniek, (ISSN 0026-0479), 50, 14-15
2006 Eger, A.O., Bonnema, G.M., Lutters, D. & Voort, M.C. van der (2006). Productontwerpen. Utrecht: Lemma BV (ISBN 9059314786) Klooster, R. ten (2006). Het ontwerpen van verpakkingen, het ondergeschoven kindje. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 14 (6), 12-14 Mantel, R.J. (2006). meer actie in orderpicken. EVO logistiek, (ISSN 1570-1360), 5, 25. Mantel, R.J. (2006). Zoektocht naar de inrichting. Logistiek actueel, (ISSN 0929-1008), 1(8), 3-4. Tideman, M., Klerkx, R.T., Vis, R., Pardijs, M. R., Hartman, M. A. & Huizenga, B. (2006). Gaming als ontwerpgereedschap scenario gebaseerd product ontwerpen in spelvorm. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 14, 16-18.
2007 Kals, H.J.J., Buiting-Csikos, Cs., Luttervelt, C.A. van, Moulijn, K., Ponsen, J.M. & Streppel, A.H. (2007). Het productiebedrijf. In H.J.J. Kals & C.S. Buiting-Csikos (Eds.), Industriele productie (pp. 375-395). Den Haag: SDU Uitgevers (ISBN 9789039525296). Kals, H.J.J., Buiting-Csikos, Cs., Luttervelt, C.A. van, Moulijn, K., Ponsen, J.M. & Streppel, A.H. (Eds.). (2007). Industriele Productie. Den Haag: SDU UItgevers, (ISBN 9789039525296). Klooster, R. ten (2007). Verpakking buitenstebinnen (2007, June 14). Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Lutters, D. (2007). Product- en productieontwikkeling. In H.J.J. Kals & C.S. Buiting-Csikos (Eds.), Industriele productie (pp. 427-448). Den Haag: SDU uitgevers (ISBN 9789039525296). Streppel, A.H. (2007). Scheiden. In H.J.J. Kals & C.S. Buiting-Csikos (Eds.), Industriele Productie (pp. 129-145). Den Haag: SDU Uitgevers (ISBN 9789039525296).
2008 Borches Juzgado, P.D. (2008). Rationale RS: Independent Coil Releases. Eindhoven: Philips Healthcare. Borches Juzgado, P.D. (2008). RS: Independent Coil Releases. Eindhoven: Philips Healthcare. Eger, A.O., Bonnema, G.M., Lutters, D. & Voort, M.C. van der (2008). Productontwerpen. Den Haag: Lemma (ISBN 9789059312494). Klooster, R. ten (Ed.). (2008). Zakboek Verpakkingen. Doetinchem: Reed Business. Klooster, R. ten (2008). Belang en aard van verpakkingsbeleid. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 133-143). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten (2008). Enkele trends in de verpakkingsinnovatie. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 59-66). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Lox, F. & Wijnsma, E. H. (2008). Flexibele kunststof verpakkingen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 363-377). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten & Lox, F. (2008). Glas. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 290-322). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Schaik, J. van & Bezemer, L. (2008). Hechten, verbinden, lijmen en conditioneren. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 448-462). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Lox, F. & Wijnsma, E. H. (2008). Kunststoffen algemeen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 323-362). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Goor, A. R. van & Dirken, J.M. (2008). Logistiek: ontwerpen, plannen en sturen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 589-622). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Lox, F. & Schilperoord, A.A. (2008). Natuurwetenschappelijke grondbegrippen en toetsingsmethoden. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 102-123). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten (2008). Ontwerpmethoden voor verpakkingen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 713-741). Doetinchem: Reed
Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten (2008). Opdelen van de verpakkingswereld in sectoren en goederen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 71-86). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten (2008). Opzetten van een verpakkingslijn. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 467-474). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Dirken, J.M. & Lox, F. (2008). Overzicht van verpakkingsvormen en optimalisatie. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 86-101). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten & Dirken, J.M. (2008). Pictogrammen en iconen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 778-789). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Lox, F. & Wijnsma, E. H. (2008). Rigide en semi-rigide kunststof verpakkingen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 377-392). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Dirken, J.M. & Lox, F. (2008). Statistische data over de verpakkingseconomie. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 41-59). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten, Lox, F. & Colenbrander, W. H. (2008). Textiel, keramiek en kurk. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 438-447). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 978906228608). Klooster, R. ten & Lox, F. (2008). Verpakken en mechanisch bufferen van duurzame goederen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 561-576). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten & Stadt, K.E. C. (2008). Vouwkartonnen verpakkingen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 480-485). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten & Schilperoord, A.A. (2008). Wetgeving en normering. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 144-167). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten & Dirken, J.M. (2008). Winkelverblijf, handling en verkoopbevordering. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 637650). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Klooster, R. ten (2008). Zakboek Verpakkingen. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 475-480). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058). Lutters, D. (Ed.). (2008). Productontwerpen. Utrecht: Lemma (ISBN 9789059312494). Lutters, D. (2008). Prominenten aan het woord: Eric Lutters. Pakblad, (ISSN 1389-7381). Klooster, R. ten (2008). Aluminium. In Zakboek Verpakkingen (pp. 282-289). Doetinchem: Reed Business (ISBN 9789062286058).
2009 Hoolhorst, F.W.B. (2009). Ergonomie: gevaarlijke situatie door onduidelijke informatieborden. Tijdschrift voor ergonomie, (ISSN 0921-4348), 34 (6), 42-43
Patents 2003 Leerintveld, P.A.L. & Mantel, R.J. (01-28-2003). Automated warehouse system. no 1018629.
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Evolutionary Product Development in mobile phones
B2 RESEARCH PROGRAMME: EVOLUTIONARY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Programme leader: Prof dr ir Arthur O. Eger Introduction The chair Product Design was established in 2003 two years after the start of the Bachelor programme in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE). This programme originated from existing courses at the University of Twente in the fields of mechanical engineering and human sciences. Product design was regarded as a complementary discipline for realising a complete Bachelor and Master programme in the field of IDE. A few years later, the chair Product Realisation was added to the Faculty. This chair is aimed at improving the connection between technology development and industrial design and engineering. From the beginning, the chair of Product Design opted for a specific approach to research in which the dynamics of the role that products play in society or on the market are the starting point. These dynamics are regarded as an evolutionary process, which resulted in the name of the research programme Evolutionary Product Development. Within this theme, not only research is carried out with respect to the evolution of product development in general, but also other research with a historical dimension and related to the dynamics of society. Until the late 1980s, product development was generally considered a linear proces. Successful new (versions of) products were considered to be the next logical step in the continuous improvement of the B2 · EVOLUTIONARY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 97
product with regard to the price and performance. The basic thought behind this idea was based on the – in practice non-existing – principle of perfect competition, a term derived from neoclassical economic theory. According to this theory, a product can only survive in a market if it has an improved performance/ price ratio, relative to its predecessors. In the last quarter of the previous century, this principle received a great deal of critique: Development processes (e.g. product development) seemed to be much less predictable and unambiguous than the linear progress model suggested. In different fields of interest where innovation processes are studied, such as economics and technology studies, research was initiated to find new explanatory models that are concerned with the complicated way that innovation progresses. It is striking that this research, which has very different points of view due to the many research backgrounds, ended with the same type of explanations: Evolutionary models. Also in the field of product development, several authors – such as Steadman, Petroski and Norman – suggested an evolutionary process, but the practical consequences of this point of view remained unnoticed for many years. The linear model remained the general accepted theory in studies of product development and innovation management, as can be seen for instance in the approach followed in almost all introductory texts on design methodology. Despite of this, those practical implications are far-reaching: A number of economic phenomena, such as partial path dependency, embeddedness and technological lock-in, cannot be explained by the linear model and are therefore traditionally considered anomalies. However, they can be explained when an evolutionary product development model is used as a framework. This forms an important reason to further investigate the possibilities of an evolutionary vision on product development and innovation. A first step was made in the study by Eger, who started from the well known six phases of the economic product life cycle (development, pioneering, penetration, growth, maturity, saturation), and combined these phases with a qualitative model of six product phases (performance, optimisation, itemisation, segmentation, individualisation and awareness). The most important conclusion of this study is that the type of the dominant product development is also influenced by the place the product occupies in its life cycle. The main practical implication is that one needs to consider this relationship when deciding on specific product development activities explicitly, while the chance of success during the product development process can be enhanced when the life cycle is considered. The educational activities of the chair of Product Design are concentrated around the track Design & Styling. In industrial design engineering, a designer has to play several roles. Sometimes the most important part of industrial design is the application of a new technique. Other times, the development of a better user interface is more important. Most times, design combines and integrates many of these aspects. However, styling always plays an important role. In the Master track Design & Styling, attention is given to all aspects of product development, but the main points are evolutionary product development, styling and the design of emotional benefits. Four courses form the continuous thread through the Master track Design & Styling. In the first course, Past Futures, the history of style is the main theme. Design styles are placed in the context of the society of their times. The manifestos, pamphlets and other texts that propagate a certain style always have a utopian character. Nearly always, there is an idealistic vision about how society should be changed and the role the designer ought to play in that. In the second course, Evolutionary Product Development, the history of a chosen existing product is studied. An example of the product has to be bought and will be dismantled during a practical. The product is analysed with special attention to the used production methods (forming, separating and joining processes), materials and surface treatments (coatings). In the second part of this course, a redesign has to be made for the product. This design has to be a small next logical step based on the history of the product. The importance of emotional benefits has substantially increased over the past decades. Therefore, in the third course in this series, Design & Emotion, special attention is paid to this subject.
In the fourth and final course of this series, Create the Future, an effort has to be made to develop a product for the longer term, e.g. ten years or more. To realise this, several future scenarios have to be written first. Mission The chair of Product Design aims to develop qualitative and – if possible – quantitative methods for the analysis of the history of products and for the development of new products. The product phase model that Eger has designed (see Introduction) plays a key role and serves as a guideline in the research plan for the chair of Product Design. Research areas are Evolutionary Product Development, Gender and Design and Co-Creation. The research of the History of Product Design is concentrated on two aspects: The product and the organisation. In this research, the notion of a product is a broad one; it can also be a service. Finally, in close cooperation with the chairs of Design Engineering, Packaging Design, and Product Realisation, the sub-programmes ‘Use anticipation in Product Design’ and ‘Sustainable Energy Design’ are offered. The programmes are embedded in two institutes: The Institute of Behavioural Research (IBR) and the Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control, Twente (IMPACT). Please note that this chapter differs in some places from the SEP protocol. This was done because the chair of Product Design was established in 2003 and the research started a few years later. As a consequence there is not much “past performance”, which is an important part of the SEP protocol.
2.1.1 ORGANISATION The chair of Product Design, headed by Professor Eger, is a young chair in the Faculty of Engineering Technology. The chair also hosts the part-time chair of Design History of Professor Drukker. Besides the two professors, the staff consists of fourteen members, of whom three are full-time in education, six divide their time (50/50) between research and education, and the remaining five are either internal or external PhD students. The number of graduating MSc students is currently around twenty per year.
2.1.2 MOTIVATION The educational and scientific staffs have combined weekly meetings to exchange information and discuss upcoming events. The entire staff of the chairs Product Design and Design History meets every four weeks. In these meetings, both educational and research subjects are discussed.
2.1.3 COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL Every four weeks, the researchers and the professors meet in a Research Forum (Promotiekring). In this meeting, the progress of the research is discussed, new conference papers and journal papers are presented and discussed, and possible new projects are presented. As time is sometimes too short in the Research Forum, there are also individual meetings on a regular base between PhD students and their supervisors.
2.1.4 PROCESS OF IMPROVEMENT AND INNOVATION To monitor and improve the research of the chair of Product Design, a Research Advisory Committee has been formed. The Research Advisory Committee meets once a year with the research group. In between, members are individually consulted by researchers. The composition of the Research Advisory Committee for the research plan of the chair Product Design is as follows: - Dr J.M. Dirken EUR Ing., professor emeritus in Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology; - Ir drs Jeroen Verbrugge, managing director and co-founder at Flex/the INNOVATIONLAB, Delft; - Hollis Kurman, MSc, independent innovation consultant; former managing director and founder at Auberon Consultants, Amsterdam.
2.2.1 INTRODUCTION The chair of Product Design was established in 2003. Its staff consists of mainly young people with a broad experience in industry and at design bureaus. In the first years, the focus of the staff was mainly on developing courses in design education as a Bachelor and Master programme had to be developed first. Only during the last few years, more time has become available for research activities. The chair of Product Design focuses on the following research themes: - Evolutionary Product Development; - History / Design History. Further research themes of members of the chair of Product Design are carried out in cooperation with other research programs, including: - Use anticipation in Product Design (Van den Beukel); - Sustainable Energy Design (Meulenbelt). Note: This research programme clearly attempts to link theory to practice. The central research themes, as described above, are initially purely scientific, but almost everywhere, there is a clear link to design practice (key phrases: Innovation tool for SMEs; learning organisation; co-creation).
2.2.2 SUB-PROGRAMME: EVOLUTIONARY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir A.O. Eger ffEvolutionary Product Development The model developed by Eger in its current form is suitable for further improvement, through finding a better foundation in the recent literature about evolutionary technological development and by further empirical testing through historical case studies (working title: Evolutionary Product Development). Another aspect of the research on evolutionary product development is the possibility to apply the theory in other disciplines. Themes like the history of the University of Twente and of NEMO (see section B2.2.3) offer an opportunity to do so. Researchers: Eger and Drukker, ongoing. ffAn Innovation Tool for the SME The small and medium enterprises (SMEs, MKB in Dutch) in the Netherlands form a large group of businesses with an enormous innovation potential. In spite of this, just a small group of the SMEs is truly innovative. Innovations from SMEs seem to be limited by the gap between the generation of knowledge and the implementation of this knowledge by the businesses: the so-called innovation paradox. After a
while, not innovating will lead to a company’s demise. With the help of evolutionary product development, it is possible to make overall predictions for the development of a product after its market introduction. The model of evolutionary product development (product phases) can be translated into a tool to help a designer or a company in creating the next generation of a product. Researcher: Vermeulen. Started: 2008. Expected end date: 2012. ffDesign by men and women - Gender differentials in the way products are designed and styled This research can be brought under the scope of the product phase model by considering ‘design by men and women’ a form of segmentation, individualisation and awareness. Designers have a large influence on product designs and 2D design research has shown that a ‘mirroring principle’ or an ‘own-sex preference’ exists, in that women prefer designs made by women and men those by men. The approach of this research is to analyse the influence of the female designer versus the male designer on consumer product designs that are three-dimensional and analysing differences in the products designed by men and women to show the gender differentials in the way products are designed and styled. Researcher: Stilma. Started: 2005. Expected end date: 2011. ffDesign for women - How to design products with more attractiveness to female consumers, based on the gender differences This research can be brought under the scope of the product phase model by considering ‘design for women’ a form of segmentation. The central question of the research is: How can we apply the differences between men and women in a new product design? Design guidelines will be developed based on research into the biological and social inner differences between men and women, focused on the differences in experiencing, interacting and buying consumer products. The design guidelines will be tested and evaluated by applying them in different case studies. The goal of this research is to offer a new design approach to design products with more attractiveness to female consumers. Researcher: Raven. Started: 2008. Expected end date: 2014. Co-Creation ffDo-It-Yourself and Co-creation: representatives of a democratising tendency Co-creation can very well be regarded as a new type of DIY, adapted to modern times: (1) In both cases, the user takes part in the (product) development process, formerly done by a professional, (2) people’s reasons to do things themselves or to co-create are alike (e.g. joy, a sense of democratisation and control: ‘being your own boss’), and (3) both phenomena have always been preceded by the availability of the right tools, toolkits, and mediation, (technologically) allowing us to do the trick ourselves: Consumer power tools and kits in the 1950s, and today’s internet and web applications. Literature research seems to validate the assumption that people would rather design their own products, if only there is a possibility to do so. What are the implications of these DIY developments, which product categories do they concern and how should today’s suppliers and designers respond to the changes in the traditional structures of product design and development? Researcher: Hoftijzer. Started: 2007. Expected end date: 2012.
2.2.3 SUB-PROGRAMME: HISTORY / DESIGN HISTORY Sub-programme leader: Prof dr J.W. Drukker Design is an important aspect of, and embedded in, material culture. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the role of culture in design, which is best understood in a historical perspective. It is interesting that explanation in cultural history is nowadays strongly influenced by evolutionary models. So design history, as one of the pillars of the Product Design group, acts as a ‘servant of two masters’. On the one hand, it tries to provide a cultural basis to the research, carried out by Eger, aimed at the further elaboration, testing and refinement of his model of evolutionary product development. On the other hand, a small number of independent PhD projects in design history and institutional history are carried out: Unruly Product Design, History of the University of Twente, and History of the Science Centre NEMO. Finally, Drukker has started a research project during the last quarter of 2009, aimed at a reformulation of basic principles of design history in an evolutionary perspective. Publications, stemming from this project, will be published in a series of articles in international journals, and will finally be summarised in a book, planned for publication in 2011. ffUnruly Product Design The focus of product design is shifting from primarily offering functionality towards experience and emotion-driven product characteristics. According to the theory of product phases, products will end in a phase characterised by individualisation or awareness in which the affective, emotional and abstract product values become more and more important. Different authors have different ideas about how to implement this emotion and affection in product design. Some of them even argue that affectivity is not influenced by the design at all, but only through the meaning that the user attaches to the product. When we can no longer infer the design of the product from its (technical) function, the contemporary designer has to look for other practices for the materialisation of his or her ideas. In view of the earlier successes of movements like Memphis and more recently, the Droog Design, an unruly or non-rational approach to product design might play an important role here. Hume stated: ‘No reasoning can ever give us a new, original simple idea‘. A history of unruly product design will be documented. Placed in a historic cultural context, this will lead to a history of unruly design ideas that will be the basis for identifying common unruly design practices, thus providing strategies for implementing emotion and affection into product concepts. In the future, the set of unruly design practices will be analysed for its use possibilities within other common design theories, especially the Evolutionary Product Design theory of Eger. In addition, the derived theory will be used for further exploration of the human-product relationships in cooperation with the groups of Peter Paul Verbeek and Mascha van der Voort. Researcher: Eggink. Started: 2007. Expected end date: 2011. ffHistory of the University of Twente In 2011, the University of Twente (UT) will celebrate its fiftieth foundation day. This calls for reflection on the history of this university. Traditionally, the history of universities has been studied from an institutionalism perspective and later also from a social-historical perspective. Although both approaches have their merits, they also tend to overlook certain aspects of the history of universities. However, an approach emanating from the history of ideas may shed an interesting light on the history of the UT. Considering the (establishment of the) UT as a specific answer to a specific situation will help elucidate this institution’s unique nature. For what purpose was the UT established? What was the idea behind the experiment with the residential system and the deviating curriculum? How did the UT fare during the social upheaval of the 1960s and the 1970s? How did the UT respond to the
severe austerity policy of the government during the 1980s? And what where the consequences of the internationalisation of higher education? The research will produce detailed documentation of the history of the UT. Although the main structure of the document will be chronological, several aspects will receive attention. Education, research, the campus and its architecture, the administration and the management of the university are recurrent themes. Researcher: De Boer. Started: 2007. Expected end date: 2011. ffHistory of the Science Centre NEMO Science centre NEMO started as Museum van den Arbeid in 1923 and continued as NINT in 1954 and as newMetropolis in 1997. During these 90 years, it has evolved to become the largest science centre in the Netherlands. This evolutionary development is moving parallel to the increasing effects of technological change (industrialisation, mechanisation, electricity, and ever increasing computerisation) on Dutch society. One can read this history as an example of the way society thinks about technology, the promotion and education of science and technology and the role that museum visitors play. NINT outlived the Evoluon in Eindhoven and reopened in 1997 in a new building and with a new name: newMetropolis, National Centre for Science and Technology. NewMetropolis wanted to be a fourth-generation science centre with technological culture as starting point, without a collection, and aiming beyond mere attention for contemporary science and technology. The project NEMO 90 will write the history of NEMO from 1923 to 2013 by means of PhD research. Judith Gussenhoven has started with this research in 2008 and intends to finish it in 2013. The project is structured around the following viewpoints: a) Museum as product: importance of the analysis of the use of technology and the interaction with users and creator(s); b) Co-creation and co-evolution: The phenomenon that brings customers and producers together as coworkers during product development; c) Museum as communication instrument: Research of the effect of exhibitions on visitors and analysis of the effectiveness of the exposition ’instrument’. Researcher: Gussenhoven. Started: 2008. Expected end date: 2013. ffThe experience of touring in its material and spatial aspects in the 19th century Did the experience of the material and spatial aspects of touring change throughout the nineteenth century? In this question, three issues come together in a novel way. First, there is subjective, real-time, on-the-spot experience: The stream-of-consciousness, so to speak, of each human being. Long ignored, its primacy as a historical concern is now beginning to be recognised. Secondly, next to human relations, health, mentality and identity, the lived experience of materiality, although crucial, remains underresearched. Until today, students of material culture have been more occupied with the symbolism of things than with their physicality, more with communication, identity, social structure and ideology than with the direct experience of objects themselves. Those that have been interested in physicality often focussed on changes in human psychic makeup, or mentality, brought about by technical innovation, rather than changes in how objects directly impressed humans. Thirdly, travel and tourism are becoming fashionable academic topics and yet again, the literature emphasises intercultural contact, identity formation and the tourist’s preoccupation with authenticity, while how tourists deal with issues like speed, comfort, fatigue and mobility receive little interest. If we take experience – pay attention to physicality, material culture – but focus on its direct impact on the human user and observer, and tourism – yet with an interest in the act of the moving about itself – a whole new research spectre opens up, propelled by our conception of the nineteenth century as one of rapid technical change. Researcher: Geurts (joint project with Faculty of History, University of Oxford). Started: 2009. Expected end date: 2013.
2.2.4 CONNECTION TO THE EDUCATION PROGRAMME The research programme has a clear connection to education: The evolutionary approach naturally emphasises the importance of the historical component in product design processes (partial path dependency is sometimes clearly described using the phrase ‘history matters’). Within the Master curriculum, the significance of evolutionary product development and history as leading elements in product development processes are emphasised in the following courses: Evolutionary Product Development, Past Futures, Design & Emotion, and Create the Future.
2.3.1 RESEARCH ATMOSPHERE The research programme is carried out in an open-minded and critical atmosphere in which collaboration is explicitly encouraged, both among team members (e.g.: co-authored publications by Eger & Drukker and Stilma & Raven) and between team members and the outside world.
2.3.2 PROCESSES OF QUALITY CONTROL Internal exchange and intra-group reviewing of preliminary research results is standard practice in the group. The quality of the research programme as a whole is discussed during an annual meeting between the members of the group and the (external) research advisory council.
2.3.3 COMMUNICATION Members of the group are explicitly encouraged to submit their research results to international conferences and refereed journals. Conference attendance is encouraged, but strictly on the basis of active participation, that is, travel and housing expenses for conference attendance are only provided by the organisation for applicants with a submitted and accepted conference paper. This is standard practice for all team members. Beginning in 2008, a yearly exchange programme has been set up for students and staff with the Department of Architecture and Art Design of Jiaotong University (Beijing, China). Beginning in 2009, a joint PhD project (Geurts) was set up with the Faculty of History of the University of Oxford. Also starting in 2009, Product Academic Issues, the only Dutch-based international academic platform in the field of industrial design engineering, was founded at the joint initiative of Poelman and Eger. Institutionalised collaboration between Product Academic Issues and Zhuangshi Magazine, the leading Chinese journal on Art and Design, ensures a regular exchange between Western and Chinese publications in the field of industrial design: Selected and refereed articles, originally published in Chinese (Zhuangshi), are published in English (Product Academic Issues), and vice versa. Regular collaboration with a number of private and semi-public companies and organisations has been established during the past years (for details: see B2.3.5, External collaboration).
2.3.4 SUPERVISION OF JUNIOR RESEARCHERS Supervision of PhD projects is restricted to chair holders (Eger and Drukker). There is no delegation of supervision of PhD projects to Associate or Assistant Professors, because we think it is important that they first concentrate on their own PhD research. Supervisors and junior researchers meet formally on a monthly basis. At the core of these monthly sessions is always a written document produced by the junior researcher. In between these sessions, supervisors and junior researchers can (and do) meet each other as frequently as is considered desirable by one of the parties. The same applies to informal advice from senior researchers to junior researchers, regardless their formal relation.
2.3.5 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COLLABORATION Internal collaboration See Summary of Research Projects External collaboration Educational and governmental organisations Financing: - Board of the University of Twente (financing the History of UT project) - Cartesius Institute, Leeuwarden - STW, Utrecht Reviewing: - N.W. Posthumus Institute for Social and Economic History - Qatar National Research Fund (Member of Qatar Foundation) - Zhuangshi, the leading Chinese journal on Art and Design, published by Tsinghua University, Beijing Cooperation: - Department of Architecture and Art Design, Beijing Jiaotong University - Board of the University of Twente (financing the History of UT project) - Cartesius Institute, Leeuwarden - Faculty of History, University of Oxford - Zhuangshi, the leading Chinese journal on Art and Design, published by Tsinghua University, Beijing Companies Cooperation: -- Avions Voisin, Enschede -- BNC distribution, Groningen -- Donkervoort, Lelystad -- Fever Solutions, Leiden -- Recreatiecentrum it Fliet, Witmarsum -- FrieslandCampina, Veenendaal -- Philips DAP, Amsterdam -- Rabobank Nederland -- Soundprojects, Almere -- TukTukfactory, Amsterdam -- VPinstruments, Delft
2.4 ACADEMIC REPUTATION As the chair of Product Design was established quite recently, it does not have a long track record yet, although individual members of the group have a good academic record. The individual reputations of the group members are clarified below. Prof dr ir A.O. Eger Editorial boards: -- Chief Editor of Product Magazine, Journal of Industrial Design Engineering, a publication of Media Business Press, Rotterdam (since 2000) -- Corresponding editor of Zhuangshi, the leading journal on Art and Design in China, published by Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (since 2009) Reviewing: -- IEPDE conference ‘The Changing Face of Design Education’, 2004 -- Design History Conference ‘Evolution & Design’, 2006 Other evidence of academic reputation: -- Member of the jury of the Design for All award (part of the Nederlandse DesignPrijzen) from 2003 until 2006 -- Member of the Board of the Department of Industrial Design Engineering of KIVI NIRIA, the Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands (since 2004), Chairman of the Board (since 2009) -- Co-chair at the IEPDE conference ‘The Changing Face of Design Education’, 2004 -- Chair of the jury Professional Products of the Nederlandse DesignPrijzen, 2006 -- Chair of the jury of the ESEF Engineering Award in 2006, 2008 and 2010 -- Member of the main jury of the Nederlandse DesignPrijzen, 2007 -- Guest lecturer at the Beijing Jiaotong University (2008) -- Key note speaker at the PVT conference ‘ Van Technologie naar Psychologie’ (From Technology to Psychology) May 2009 -- Chair of the jury of the Shell LiveWIRE Young Business Award 2009 Prof dr J.W. Drukker Editorial boards: -- Co-organiser (together with Timo de Rijk) of the International Design History Conference ‘Evolution & Design’, Delft University of Technology, 2006 -- Fellow of the KNAW-licensed N.W. Posthumus Institute for Social and Economic History Reviewing: -- Peer reviewer for the National Qatar Research Fund (Member of Qatar Foundation) -- Peer reviewer for Product Academic Issues Other evidence of academic reputation: -- Guest lecturer at Beijing Jiaotong University, China (2008) -- Guest lecturer at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2008) -- Professor Emeritus, Delft University of Technology -- ‘Best Teacher of the University’ Award, University of Twente (2009) Ir A.P. van den Beukel Reviewing: -- IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2008, Eindhoven Other evidence of academic reputation: -- Patent, DE 10341471: Innenausstattungsteil für ein Fahrzeug und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung.
Ir W. Eggink Reviewing: -- Reviewer for Design IX conference Berlin – Design Principles and Practices – Common Ground Publishing Pty. Ltd. -- Reviewer for Journal of Engineering Design, Taylor and Francis -- Abstract Reviewer for International Association of Societies of Design Research – IASDR 2009 conference Rigor and relevance in design – October 18-22 – Seoul, South Korea Other evidence of academic reputation: -- Member of Selection Committee of Dutch Design Awards, Rado Young Designer Award, 18 October 2008, Eindhoven Ir M.Meulenbelt Evidence of academic reputation: -- From 2005 onward, Meulenbelt developed a LED-based efficient and uniform lighting system for internally illuminated displays, such as poster boxes. Royal Philips Electronics markets the patented system nationally since 2008 and globally since 2009. Ir Margot D.C. Stilma Reviewing: -- Reviewer for the 5th NVvE conference ‘Ergonomie in Uitvoering 2009’ (Ergonomics in Practice 2009). -- Reviewer for the KEER10 conference: the International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2010, organised by Arts et Métiers ParisTech and the Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE). Reviewing: November 2009 Ir F.G.A. Vermeulen Editorial board: -- Executive board of the Dutch Ergonomics Society (since May 2009)
2.5 INTERNAL EVALUATION This is the first self evaluation of the chair of Product Design. Hence, there are no previous assessments for comparison. Other aspects of internal quality control are described in B2.1.4.
2.6 EXTERNAL VALIDATION This is the first research assessment of the chair of Product Design. To monitor and improve the research of the chair of Product Design, a Research Advisory Committee has been formed. The Research Advisory Committee meets once a year with the research group. In between, members are individually consulted by researchers. See also part A.
2.7 RESEARCHERS AND OTHER PERSONNEL Table 4 Total research staff at programme level (in fte) Evolutionary Product Development Funding
Sum 2003-08 2009
0.16 0.40
Full professors Prof dr ir A.O. Eger
Prof dr J.W. Drukker
Assistant professors Ir M.D.C. Stilma
Ir A.P. van den Beukel
Ir W. Eggink
Ir J.W. Hoftijzer
Ir R.M. Waanders
3 1.99
0.32 0.54
Total tenured research staff
Non-tenured staff Ir F.G.A. Vermeulen
A.P.H. Geurts MPhil
Ir J. Gussenhoven
PhD students J.J. de Boer MA
Ir A. Raven
M. Pepping, MSc
Total non-tenured staff Total research staff
*/PM = not on UT payroll, T-Xchange staff not included
2.8 RESOURCES, FUNDING AND FACILITIES Table 5 Funding at programme level Funding in K euro
Research funding
Direct funding
Indirect funding Total Funding in %
Direct funding Research funding Contracts Other Indirect funding Total
2.9 OVERVIEW OF THE RESULTS Key Publications -- Eger, A.O. (2007, May 29). Evolutionaire productontwikkeling. (267 pages) (Den Haag: Lemma) (ISBN 9789059310544) -- Eggink, W. (2009) A chair to look to the moon: What we can learn from irrational design history for contemporary design practice. Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, (ISSN: 18331874), 3(1), 103-114 -- Drukker, J.W. & Velzen, Marjolein van (2009), ‘Overseas Trend: 19 世纪与20 世纪末的反技术先锋 设计-艺术与手工艺运动和荷兰后现代主义: Anti-technological avant-garde design in the 19th and late 20th century: Arts & Crafts and Dutch Post modernism (Part 1 & 2)’, Zhuang Shi magazine, (ISSN 0412-3662), August 2009, pp. 51-59 & September 2009, pp. 44-53 -- Eger, A.O & Drukker, J.W. (2010), Phases of product development: A qualitative complement to the product life cycle, Design Issues, 26( 2), pp. xxx-yyy Table 6 Programme results: outcome numbers Evolutionary Product Development Academic publications
Sum 2003-08 2009
a. PhD. Theses + external
0 1
0 1
b. In refereed journals
c. Conference Proceedings
d. Monographs and editorial books
Professional publications and products
e. Book chapters
A full list of publications can be found at the end of this chapter.
2.10 ANALYSIS, PERSPECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME Strengths The research group Product Design has a national reputation of being on the forefront of scientific developments in the field of Evolutionary Product Development and Design History. The group has substantial and growing exposure in the fields of Gender & Design and Co-Creation. In cooperation with the research group Use Anticipation in Product Design and the new Dutch car manufacturer in Enschede – Avions Voisin – promising research has been started up in the field of automotive design. Weaknesses Because of the strong focus on the educational programme in both the Bachelor and the Master of IDE, research activities could only start after a few years. A consequence of this is that the group has not been able to put much effort into building an international network and reputation. In 2008, a start was made with this, via an exchange programme with the Beijing Jiaotong University, and contacts were also B2 · EVOLUTIONARY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 109
developed with the Tsinghua University, which resulted in cooperation with their Zhuangshi Magazine. Also in 2009, a joint project with Oxford University was started. In 2009, contacts were made with the Institute Technology and Education (ITB) of the University of Bremen and the Technical University of Berlin. Opportunities The theory of Evolutionary Product Development can not only be used to give direction to new product development, it can also steer research activities. The research directions of Co-Creation and Gender & Design were started based on this model. In the strong competition with low-wage production in the Far East, these two research directions make it possible to create added value and keep production in the Netherlands and in Europe. Also, Co-Creation will play an important part in the newly started research field in Automotive Design, for instance in the design of the AJT-1, the new car of Avions Voisin. Threats Funding of research in the fields of the group Product Design has proven to be difficult. It seems that the projects are not technical enough for STW, and too technical for NWO. Perspectives and expectations After a slow start of the research activities, 2009 has shown a strong growth, both in funding (Cartesius Institute, a first STW Valorisation Grant) as well as in the output of the group. The expectation is that with the growing reputation of the group, funding will become easier as well. The new strategy of the University of Twente, as described in Route 14, will also offer possibilities for the group, since merging between social sciences and the natural and engineering sciences is exactly what IDE is all about.
2.11 FULL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Academic publications - a. PhD. Theses + external (prepared at UT) 2007 Eger, A.O. (2007, May 29). Evolutionaire productontwikkeling. Delft University (267 pages) (Den Haag: Lemma) (ISBN 9789059310544). Prom./coprom.: J.A. Buijs & J. W. Drukker (ISBN 9789059310544)
Academic publications - b. In refereed journals 2010 Eger, A.O & Drukker, J.W. (2010), ‘Phases of product development: A qualitative complement to the product life cycle’, Design Issues, 26, 2, pp. XXX – YYY
2009 Drukker, J.W. & Velzen, Marjolein van (2009a), Overseas Trend: 19 世纪与20 世纪末的反技术先锋设计-艺术与手工 艺运动和荷兰后现代主义: Anti-technological avant-garde design in the 19th and late 20th century: Arts & Crafts and Dutch Post modernism (Part 1), Zhuang Shi magazine, (ISSN 0412-3662). 2009(8), 51-59 Drukker, J.W. & Velzen, Marjolein van (2009b), ‘Overseas Trend: 19 世纪与20 世纪末的反技术先锋设计-艺术与手工 艺运动和荷兰后现代主义: Anti-technological avant-garde design in the 19th and late 20th century: Arts & Crafts and Dutch Post modernism (Part 2), Zhuang Shi magazine, (ISSN 0412-3662). 2009(9), 44-53. Eger, A.O. (2009), ‘Overseas Trend: 产品的演化发展. Evolutionary product development. Zhuang Shi magazine, (ISSN 0412-3662) 51(2), 56-63 Eggink, W. (2009). A practical approach to teaching abstract product design issues. Journal of engineering design, (ISSN 0954-4828), 20(5), 511-521
Eggink, W. A chair to look to the moon: What we can learn from irrational design history for contemporary design practice. Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, (ISSN: 1833-1874), 3(1), 103-114 Hoftijzer, J. W. (2009). DIY and Co-creation: Representatives of a Democratizing Tendency. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 3(6), 69-82. [on line]. Available from: prod.300 [11-01-2009] Raven, A. (2009). A new way of designing feminine products: Tough, but sensitive, a perfect balance. Design Principles and Practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 3(3), pp 355-370 Stilma, M.D.C. & Vos, O. (2009). Gender Based Product Design Research: Is there an Indicating difference in Product Design made by Male and Female Design Graduates. Design principles and practices: an international journal, (ISSN 1833-1874), 3(1), 425-438
2008 Drukker, J. W. (2008). Knel in het model: commentaar op Frankema & Smits en Touwen. Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis, (ISSN 1572-1701), 5(2), 151-159
Academic publications - C. Conference proceedings 2009 Beukel, A.P. van den (2009). Evaluation of ADAS with a supported-driver model for desired allocation of tasks between human and technology performance. In G. Meyer & J. Valldorf (Eds.), Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications; Smart Systems for Safety, Sustainability and Comfort (pp. 187-208). Berlin, Germany: AMAA (ISBN 9783642007446) Eggink, W. - A Chair to Look to the Moon: What We Can Learn from Irrational Design History for Contemporary Design Practice. Presented at Design IX; Design Principles and Practices – 15-17 February 2009 - Berlin Eggink, W., Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Meulen, B.J.R. van der (2009). A practical approach to product design for future worlds using scenario-development. In A. Clarke, P. Hogarth, B. Ion & C. McMahon (Eds.), The 11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education 10-11-September 2009, Brighton, UK. Westbury, Wiltshire, UK: The Design Society and Institution of Engineering Designers (ISBN 9781904670186). Available from: 2009 The Design Society and Institution of Engineering Designers, Westbury, Wiltshire, UK [09-10-2009] Hoftijzer, J.W. (2009). The Collaborative Design Lab (The future designer). In Proceedings MCPC 2009. Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University (ISBN onbekend). Available from: 2009 Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland [10-04-2009]
2008 Eggink, W. (2008). A practical approach to product design from a philosophical perspective. In A. Clarke, M. Evatt, P. Hogarth, J. Lloveras & L. Pons (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Engineering and Product Design Education International Conference (pp. 25-30). Wiltshire UK: Institution of Engineering Designers (ISBN 1904670040) Stilma, M.D.C. (2008). The influence of the designer’s gender (a study analysing similar products designed by male and female designers). In D. Marjonovic, N. Pavkovic, N. Bojcetic & M. Storga (Eds.), Design 2008 Conference (pp. 1065-1070). Dubrovnik, Croatia: The Design Society (ISBN 9789536313914)
2007 Eger, A.O. (2007). Evolutionary product development: how ‘product phases’ can map the status quo and future of a product. In Proceedings of the Design History Society Conference ‘Design and Evolution’. Delft: Design History Society (ISBN 9789051550320). Available from: 2007 Design History Society, Delft (ISBN 9789051550320)
2006 Reinders, A.H.M.E., Meulen, B.J.R. van der & Eger, A.O. (2006). Development of PV powered consumer products using future scenarios. In J. Poortmans, H. Ossenbrink, E. Dunlop & P. Helm (Eds.), Proceedings 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden (pp. 3251-3254). Munich: WIP-Renewable Energies (ISBN 3936338205) Stilma, M.D.C. (2006). Product design for women - How can product appearance match to the diversity of women and their preferences. In: Karlsson, M.A., Desmet, P., and van Erp, J. (Eds.), Proceedings from the 5th Conference on Design and Emotion 2006’ (paper number 204) (ISBN: 91-975079-5-4)
2005 Eger, A.O. & Boer, A. de (2005). Emerging Technology Design: A new master course at bringing emerging technologies its break through applications. In P. Rodgers, L. Brodhurst & D. Hepburn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Engineering and Product
Design Education, 15-16 September 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK , Vol 1 part 4 (pp. 121-126). UK: Routledge (ISBN 978-0415-39118-4 () Stilma, M.D.C., Oost, E.C.J. van, Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Eger, A.O. (2005). A study into students’ interests in industrial design engineering using a gender pattern analysis. In P. Rodgers, L. Brodhurst & D. Hepburn (Eds.), Crossing design Boundaries. Proceedings of the 3rd engineering & product design education international conference, 15-16 September 2005, Edinburgh, UK (pp. 145-150). UK: Routledge (ISBN 0-415391180)
2004 Eger, A.O., Lutters, D. & Houten, F.J.A.M. van (2004). Create the future: An environment for excellence in teaching futureoriented industrial design engineering. In Lloyd, P. Roozenburg, N. & McMahon, C. Brodhurst, L. (Eds.), The changing face of design education (Proceedings of the second International Engineering and product design education conference (IEPDE) (pp. 43-50). Delft, the Netherlands (ISBN 90-5155-020-0) Stilma, M.D.C., Stevels, A.L.N., Christiaans, H.H.C.M. & Kandachar, P.V. (2004). Visualising Green! - Visualising the Environmental Appearance of Audio Products. In Potter,.H. Reichl, H.; Griese, H. (Ed.), Driving forces for future Electronics (Proceedings of the Joint International Congress and Exhibition ELCTRONICS GOES GREEN 2004+ (EGG) (pp. 865-870). Berlin (Germany): Fraunhofer IRB verlag (ISBN 3-8167-664-2)
Academic publications - d. Monographs and editorial books 2007 Drukker, J.W. & Rijk, T.R.A. de (Eds.) (2007). Design and Evolution, Proceedings of the Design History Society Conference 2006, Faculty of Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, August 31-2 September 2006, Henri Baudet Institute, Delft (CD: ISBN 978-90-5155-032-0)
2004 Eger, A.O., Bonnema, G.M., Lutters, D. & Voort, M.C. van der (2004). Productontwerpen. Utrecht: Lemma BV (ISBN 9059313100). Eger, A.O., Bonnema, G.M., Lutters, D. & Voort, M.C. van der (2nd Printing 2006, 3rd Printing 2008). Productontwerpen. Den Haag: Lemma (ISBN 9789059312494/9059314786)
Academic publications - e. Book chapters 2010 Drukker, J.W. (2010). Macropolis en micropolis: de stad als vormmetafoor voor een Personal Computer, In: C. Collenteur, Duijvendak, M., Paping, R. & Vries, H. de (Eds.), Stad en platteland: artikelen aangeboden bij het afscheid van Pim Kooij als hoogleraar Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Serie: Historia Agriculturae),Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut: Groningen/Wageningen (ter perse)
2009 Drukker, J.W. (2009), De demografische component in de economische crisis van de jaren dertig: een correctie op het bestaande beeld, In: J. van Bavel, & Kok, J. (Eds.), De levenskracht der bevolking’: Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum, Universitaire Pers Leuven: Leuven, Belgium. (ISBN: 978 90 5867 789 1) Drukker, J.W. & Rijk, T.R.A. de (2009), American influences on Dutch material culture and product design during the interwar years, in: H. Krabbendam, Minnen, C.A. van & Scott-Smith, G. (Eds.) (2009), Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations,1609-2009, (pp. 442-456), Boom and Albany & State University of New York Press: Amsterdam & New York.( ISBN: 978 90 8506 653 8) Eger, A.O. (2009). Evolutionary product development in working class housing. In L. Lee & P. van Lombaerde (Eds.), Comparative methodologies: The world into culture. Liber amicorum Richard Foqué (UPA Editions) (pp. 298-317). Antwerp, Belgium: University Press Antwerp (ISBN 978 905487 630 4) Raven, A. (2009). Trends in Design for Women. In Fe-Male – new lifestyle consumer. In: Pink: Grotesque, Trendbook Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2009 (pp. 110-111). Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Design Platform Eindhoven, Lecturis (ISBN 9789490395018)
2007 Stilma, M.D.C., Stevels, A., Christiaans, H., & Kandachar, P. (2007). Visualising the Environmental Appearance of Audio Products. In:A. Stevels (Ed.), Adventures in EcoDesign of Electronic Products, 1993-2007 (pp. 288-295). Delft: Taylor& Francis Group plc. (978-90-5155-039-9)
Professional publications 2009 Eger, A.O. (2009). Designprijzen: de meest bekroonden. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17(1), 22-23 Eger, A.O. (2009). Leesvoer! Basisvaardigheden voor de productvormgever. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17(1), 29-29 Eger, A.O. (2009). Productgrafiek. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17(3), 6-8 Eger, A.O. (2009). Zhuang Shi Magazine en Product. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17(1), 20-20 Eger, A.O. (2009). Leesvoer! Het Ontwerpproces in de Praktijk. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17 (5) p., 26 Eger, A.O. (2009). Leesvoer! Integrated Design and Engineering. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17 (4),p. 21 Drukker, J.W. (2009), Things to come: een economisch-historische visie op de toekomst van het industrieel ontwerpen, Rede uitgesproken bij het aanvaarden van het ambt van hoogleraar Designgeschiedenis aan de faculteit Construerende Technische Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Twente op donderdag 3 December 2009, Universiteit Twente: Enschede
2008 Drukker, J. W. (2008). Behuizing voor een Supercomputer: vormgeving van de Corbu !pet Powerplant. Hoogeveen/ Groningen: !pet Automatiseerders Eger, A.O. (2008). Designprijzen: de meest bekroonden. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 16, 28-29 Eger, A.O. (2008). Productontwikkeling: zelf ontwikkelen of uitbesteden? Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 16, 6-8 Eger, A.O. (2008). Adding value by design. Plastics innovations, (ISSN 1876-8369), 2(1), 24-33 Hoftijzer, J.W. (2008), Co-creation: het nieuwe Doe-Het-Zelf?, Product, (ISSN 0929-7081) 16(5) 12-14 Raven, A. (2008). Ontwerpen voor vrouwen - Het roze tijdperk voorbij. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 16 (6), 8-11 Stilma, M.D.C. (2008). Gender en ontwerpen - verschillen in ontwerpaanpak bij mannen en vrouwen. Product, (ISSN 09297081), 16(6), 14-16
2007 Eger, A.O. (2007). De Nederlandse designprijzen. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 15(6), 18-19 Eger, A.O. (2007). Designprijzen: de meest bekroonden. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 15(1), 28-28 Eger, A.O. (2007). Evolutionaire productontwikkeling (deel 1). Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 15(4), 24-26 Eger, A.O. (2007). Evolutionaire productontwikkeling (deel 2). Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 15(5), 20-22 Eger, A.O. (2007). Wordt het nog wat met mass customisation en co-creation? Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 15(3), 12-13 Raven, A. (2007). Marketingkans: vrouwen zijn anders dan mannen. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, (ISSN: 0165-1439), 12 (41), 35-36
2006 Eger, A.O. (2006). De Nederlandse Designprijzen. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 14(6), 7-8 Eger, A.O. (2006). Designprijzen; de meest bekroonden. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 14(1), 13-14 Eger, A.O. (2006). Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs 2005/2006. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 14(2), 34-35 Eger, A.O. (2006). Leesvoer. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 14(2), 34-35
2005 Eger, A.O. (2005). Ben van Berkel: architectuur en industrieel ontwerpen. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(2), 28-31 Eger, A.O. (2005). De Gulden Snede en het Kindchenschema. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(1), 23-25. Eger, A.O. (2005). Frans van der Put. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(3), 9-13 Eger, A.O. (2005). International Design Yearbook 2005. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(5), 39-40 Eger, A.O. (2005). Jan Lucassen. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(6), 12-14 Eger, A.O. (2005). Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(1), 12-13
Eger, A.O. (2005). Morf: een klein, onooglijk monster. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 13(2), 13
2004 Eger, A.O. (2004). 35 jaar. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(4), 11-11 Eger, A.O. (2004). Boeken: Vision & Precision en Bright Minds, Beautiful Ideas. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(2), 40-41 Eger, A.O. (2004). Designprijzen: De meest bekroonden. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(6), 14-15 Eger, A.O. (2004). Het laatste woord is aan Jan Jacobs. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(3), 36-39 Eger, A.O. (2004). Stopping Power - Nieuwe uitgaven van boeken Dutch design. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(6), 30-33 Eger, A.O. (2004). Wim over Wim en Wim. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 12(1), 34-37 Eger, A.O. (2004). Create the future. Inaugurale rede (2004, September 30). Enschede: Universiteit Twente Eger, A.O. (2004). Van het eerste uur. Grondleggers van de faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen. Delft, The Netherlands: TU Delft, 75 pp.
2003 Eger, A.O. (2003). Aat Marinissen. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 11(2), 24-27 Eger, A.O. (2003). Gerard van Eyk. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 11(3), 34-38 Eger, A.O. (2003). Johannes Eekels. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 11(1), 21-23 Eger, A.O. (2003). Product publieksprijs. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 11(4), 6-7 Eger, A.O. (2003). Designprijzen: de meest bekroonden. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 11(4), 14-15
Research project: Mobility conveniences for elderly people
B3 RESEARCH PROGRAMME: PRODUCT REALISATION Programme leader: Prof dr ir Wim A. Poelman The chair Product Realisation was founded in December 2008 with the appointment of Dr Wim A. Poelman as the first professor and is still in its start-up period. The chair is positioned between the so-called soft and hard aspects of industrial design engineering (IDE). Design and styling as well as ergonomics and design history are regarded as soft aspects, while e.g. construction, material sciences and mechatronics are regarded as hard aspects. In the context of industrial design engineering, a distinction is made between three types of technology, namely product technology (aimed at the functioning of products), manufacturing technology (aimed at the parts production and assembly) and design technology (aimed at the methods and tools for design). Manufacturing Technology and Design Technology are well covered by existing chairs. That is why the chair for Product Realisation will mainly focus on product technology. At this moment, the scope of the research has to be kept wide, as the research has to be funded mainly by tertiary sources (the so-called third money stream). However, the research projects will have to fit within three main research areas: technology diffusion, mobility, sociality and safety, and industrial building innovation. These areas are determined as a result of a vision of the future, reflected in the following three propositions. Technology diffusion in product design is an opportunity for the University of Twente because of the unique excellent communication between the social sciences and the natural and engineering sciences
that exists here and the entrepreneurial orientation of the university. Mobility, sociality and safety are subjects for which many new products still can or should be realised and for which the University of Twente has a lot of knowledge to offer. Industrial building innovation research can learn a lot from research carried out in the field of IDE. Many building components and systems can or should be realised in favour of a more user-friendly, affordable and sustainable built environment. Mission The mission of the research programme of Product Realisation is to develop and transfer knowledge related to the optimal use of product technology in the industrial design engineering process and to apply this knowledge in product design. The objective is to build up a research and education activity with relevance for the University of Twente as well as for society and businesses. The aim is to make a contribution toward the valuable and sustainable application of technology in society. The programme is mainly embedded in the Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control, Twente (IMPACT). The link to this institute will be explained in the more detailed description of our research. With respect to the subject of “mobility, sociality and safety” cooperation within the institutes of IBR and IGS is growing.
3.1.1 ORGANISATION As mentioned before, the chair for Product Realisation started its activities in December 2008. Priority of the chair was the contribution to the curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) and to the development of a new Master track for Architectural Building Components Design and Engineering (ABCDE). Parallel to these activities, a research policy and programme were developed which are presented in this report. Initially, capacity was created by hiring expertise from outside the university as well as hiring student assistants. Although the chair for Product Realisation is self-supporting, there is a strong cooperation with the two other IDE chairs, Design Technology and Product Design, which meet in the Disciplinary Council for IDE. However, the chair for Product Realisation is also represented in Disciplinary Council of Mechanical Engineering. Both Councils are part of the Faculty of Engineering Technology.
3.1.2 MOTIVATION The chair is highly dependent on goodwill from other chairs owing to the fact that the Department is set up as a matrix organisation in which education is on a different axis than research. It is important to notice that Product Realisation is not a monopoly for this chair. One of the Master tracks of Industrial Design Engineering is Emerging Technology Design, coordinated by Professor André de Boer. He frequently refers students to the chair of Product Realisation for technology-driven projects. Crossreference between chairs within and outside the Department is of great importance. Therefore, much attention is paid to creating more goodwill for this new chair This is realised by, e.g., a presentation of the chair to which the entire Faculty community was invited and by participation in a conference and an exhibition on Materials Engineering to which colleagues were invited to present their research.
3.1.3 COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL Research plans and activities are intensively communicated in the Disciplinary Councils. Furthermore, communication takes place in meetings of research institutes and new taskforces like the interfaculty taskforce for Crime Science in which the chair for Product Realisation represents the Faculty of Engineering Technology. Also, intensive communication takes place within the context of IMPACT, for which a proposal was written on the subject of Enriched Expression of Humanoids. This proposal was accepted which probably will result in the appointment of a post-doc for one year to develop a research programme and acquire funding. Together with the chair for Product Design (Eger), we are editors of the professional magazine ‘Product’. Publication of academic issues will be realised in 2010.
3.1.4 PROCESS OF IMPROVEMENT AND INNOVATION This self-assessment is part of the usual process of quality improvement. Next year, an external committee will be invited to review the research activities related to the chair for Product Design. This committee will meet at least once a year to discuss research plans and practice.
3.2.1 INTRODUCTION The research projects and plans of the chair Product Realisation are a result of three parameters: -- Interpretation of the concept of product realisation; -- Context within the organisation; -- Context outside the organisation. After discussing these parameters, a description will be presented of the ongoing and planned activities. The interpretation of the concept of product realisation In industrial design engineering works, several different subdivisions of the discipline are used. A well known partition is into ergonomics, product design, engineering and management. At Delft University of Technology, this partition was initiated in 1969, but later ergonomics and product design merged into one department. In Twente, a different choice was made, based on the fact that IDE was not planned as a self-supporting Faculty but was regarded as part of the Department for Design, Manufacturing and Management (OPM). The question was what disciplines should be introduced to complement the existing disciplines to be able to educate industrial design engineers. Engineering knowledge was more than sufficiently available and management of product development was also already a point of attention. Product design was still missing as was ergonomics. Therefore, both disciplines were filled in by appointing specialists and establishing a new chair. Although the educational programme was assessed positively, there turned out to be a need for a special chair with, on the one hand, an integrating function for the various IDE sub-disciplines and on the other hand, a specialised function in the translation of technology into product functions. This chair received the name ‘Product Realisation’, while remaining aware of the fact that this is not a univocal concept. However, ‘Product Realisation’ fits better in this stage of societal development in which the primary question is no longer ’how do we design products’ but ‘which product will we design’ and ‘how do we deal with the available technology’. The new order of product realisation is:
- Determining product functions; -- Determining technologies to realise product functions; -- Design, testing and production; -- Sales, services and recovery. The traditional approach of industrial design engineering was focused on the third item on this list. In Twente, all four items receive attention. Determining product functions has become a subject of research in which scenario-based design plays an important role (Mascha van der Voort). Selecting which technologies to use has become an issue, as a result of the exponentially growing amount of available technology, combined with all the side effects of these technologies; this is one of the topics the chair for Product Realisation will focus on. Design, testing and production are well developed in Twente. Sales, services and recovery are subjects which have become more and more issues for industrial designers. New sales systems (internet), new service systems (ownership versus availability) are emerging and recovery of products at the end of life cannot be ignored anymore. Recovery will be an integral aspect of product realisation. Organisational context As already mentioned, the chair for Product Realisation aims to play a role in determining technologies for realising product functions and in the recovery of resources at the end of life. This implies close cooperation with providers of technology in other chairs and institutes within the university. In order to make technology available for new product development, the chair intends to play a central role in the diffusion of technology to designers, through the initiation of a product knowledge database system, as a corporate memory for the University of Twente. This project will be carried out in close cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) and is very much embedded in education. The aim is to develop an interactive database system in which input as well as output is facilitated by highly interactive systems. This project is initiated from the supply side of technology. On the demand side of technology, several research activities are planned. A representative example is Crime Science, a programme initiated by Professor Marianne Junger of the Faculty of Management and Governance. The role of the chair for Product Realisation is to investigate and apply technology which could influence the situation of crime occurrence in such a way that crime decreases. One of the responsibilities of the chair is setting up a Master programme and a research programme in the field of industrial design for the building industry (ABCDE). Here as well, the application of new technology will be an important issue. Examples of research activities in this field are the integration of phase change materials in building components and the application of advanced technologies for the re-use of building components. Broader context The chair of Product Realisation aims to play a role in society. Close cooperation with external parties is crucial. These parties are local governments, companies (Twente Innovation Platform) and other educational institutes in the region (Saxion). Close cooperation within the 3TU context is intended as well; we currently participate in the Delft project Concept House Village, for example. Research programme As explained, the research programme is built up with projects launched within the chair of Product Realisation and IDE-related projects initiated by other chairs. Four sub-programmes are distinguished within the chair: -- Technology diffusion in design as the core research issue (Poelman and Beusenberg); 120 B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION
-- Mobility, sociality and safety (Poelman); -- Industrial Building Innovation (Poelman); -- Cradle to Cradle (Poelman). Outside the chair, five sub-programmes are presented as part of this research programme: -- Transformable Green Buildings (Durmisevic); -- Materials Engineering (Akkerman); -- Biomedical Product Development (Koopman); -- Sound Design and Perception (De Boer); -- Friction and Tactility in Product-User Interactions (Schipper). These sub-programmes are discussed in the following sections.
3.2.2 SUB-PROGRAMME: TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION Sub-programme leader: Dr M. Beusenberg Introduction The programme focuses on the role of the industrial design engineer as an intermediary between research and market. Results from research find their way to the market through product design in many cases. Theme The issue of technology diffusion as an aspect of product design is represented by the scheme below. Figure 1 Productrealisation as an association between functionalities and potentialities Strategic product plan
objective functions
functionalities functionalities
product to design
functionalities objective functions
functionalities functionalities functionalities
association process
potentialities technology potentialities potentialities
potentialities potentialities
Operational product plan
In this model of product realisation, the process is regarded as an association process between desired functionalities and available potentialities. Potentialities are defined as performances of a technology out of the context of an application. In technology diffusion, the following three problem areas are distinguished: -- The definition of functionalities, which is a goal of e.g. scenario based design; -- The definition and representation of potentialities of available technologies; -- The association process itself as an aspect of design methodology. Research in the context of technology diffusion could in principle be related to each of the three problem areas. The research can be regarded as a follow-up of the thesis of Poelman (Technology Diffusion in B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION 121
Product Design). There are many research questions to be formulated and answered with respect to the process of technology diffusion. The main research question is how the interface between supply and demand should be organised in general. Many aspects play a role, such as identification of technology, representation, selection and evaluation, applied media, and cooperation. Whereas a lot of work is carried out with respect to the organisation of the design process, hardly any work is carried out with respect to the technology diffusion aspect. Designers are dependent on their directly evocable knowledge and on knowledge which they are able to attain from their specific situation. The first project, Technology Representation Tools, is focussed at the way potentialities are presented to designers in the most efficient (as well as effective and inspiring) way. Other research questions are related to specific cases which could tell us more about diffusion processes and about the assessment of technologies. Such projects are the ECC (Engineered Cementitious Composites) project and the project Enriched Expression of Humanoids. Research projects The Technology Diffusion research group incorporates one assistant professor for the time being with the dual task of carrying out the technology presentation tools project and initiating new research projects. ffTechnology presentation tools The development of a physical browser (objects) electronically linked to a database, and the investigation of the functionality, utility, and usability aspects of the system as a design tool which will be realised in the Faculty of Engineering Technology. This so-called Technotheque is intended to play a role as a corporate memory for the Faculty in which physical results of student work will be made accessible. Researcher: Beusenberg, start January 1st 2010, primary funding. ffSteering adoption of innovative materials with material properties (ECC as a case study) The project concerns the investigation of the potentialities of Engineered Cementitious Composites and the realisation of projects as a participative research activity to learn about the specific application of the material, but also about technology diffusion processes in general. Interesting about the project is the fact that what was originally building material is now interesting for industrial design projects because of its improved flexibility. The impact resistance of thin-walled products becomes much better. Researcher: Hoitink, start January 1st 2010, financed by HBO funding. Cooperation The Technotheque project is intended as a national initiative in which not only the three technical universities, but also the Hogescholen will participate. Cooperation with the Faculty of EEMCS is being initiated for the development of software. Several companies have expressed interest to supply samples and knowledge and several design agencies and departments are interested in using the tool in the future. Education The project has a direct link to education. In the course Manufacturing III in the second year of the Bachelor, students are involved in the acquisition of knowledge for the Technotheque. In design projects, they are invited to use the Technotheque as a source for design information. A course called Technology Gatekeeping is initiated as part of the Master programme. Results and future work The result of the work done so far is visible in the site A paper was presented in 2004, titled Technology Management in Product Design, Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (Millpress, Rotterdam). The Thesis Technology Diffusion in Product Design is partly based on this subject. 122 B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION
3.2.3 SUB-PROGRAMME: MOBILITY, SOCIALITY AND SAFETY Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir W.A. Poelman Introduction Product Realisation is an issue which plays a role in many areas of industrial activity. In this research programme, we focus on areas with a societal emphasis: Mobility, sociality and safety. New products could be realised enabling people to move from one place to another, inside as well as outside the home. New products could also be realised that would allow people to socialise with other people or to allow people to be and feel safe in their activities. Many products in these areas have been realised with technological possibilities as a starting point. This research programme is aimed at the creation process of new products with human behaviour as a starting point in the expectation that new opportunities will occur. Theme The research is based upon a model for value realisation depicted in the figure below. Figure 2 Value realisation model matter
properties functionalities
Product value is realised from left to right and needs are generally the starting point. Value for people, however, is not realised by fulfilling needs, but by realisation of values. Standards play an important, underestimated role in this process. New products may change standards, but many products are not successful because they obstruct standards. Products which have changed standards may decrease the quality of life. E.g., modern entrance control systems have resulted in a lower feeling of safety and fewer social contacts of elderly people. The sub-programme Mobility, Sociality and Safety aims at building up knowledge with respect to the development of new products based upon human values and standards. The main question is: ‘How would we design products when we take standards and values of people really as a starting point?’ Research projects ffMobility conveniences for elderly people A substantial development effort has gone towards solving mobility problems for elderly people. These efforts are aimed at physical needs, rather than at mental values. This has resulted in many, stigmatising products like walkers and elevator chairs. Conveniences for elderly people should be developed from the point of view of an inclusive design, in which products for elderly B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION 123
should be interesting for younger people as well. The research project will be built up with some cases in which this approach is tested. One of the first cases is the step lift, in which each step of a stairway is a small elevator in itself. Other cases are in development now. Another project concerns the application of an electric car for regional transport of elderly people, in cooperation with Eindhoven University of Technology and the Cartesius Institute in Leeuwarden. Researcher: Beusenberg, started September 1, 2010, financed by regional funding. ffDomotics in co-housing communities The influence of technological and physical functions on social interactions in co-housing communities Co-housing has gained renewed interest in the Netherlands, especially for populations of over 50 years of age and as an alternative for professional and family care, in combination with living independently. In a co-housing community people have the possibility to share daily life activities in a specially developed facility. This project presents the relation between changes in technical and physical characteristics and social interaction in a co-housing community. Research question: Which conditions can be put towards the technical and physical context of a co-housing community in such a way that an optimum base is developed for social interactions of the dwellers? Researcher: Bouma, continued in Twente January 1, expected PhD: December 31, 2011, financed by HBO funding. ffInteractive technology for crime prevention Information and communication technology is, in the context of criminality, generally applied separated from the context of entertainment and wellbeing. In the same public spaces you might find technology for safety purposes such as camera’s and access control, developed and supplied by completely different companies, you may also find technology intended for entertainment and wellbeing like lighting, music playback, and video screens. In the context of vandalism and criminality, we could categorise these technologies as re-active and proactive. Although a camera can have a certain proactive function, its main goal is being able to react to certain incidents. Although music in a shopping centre has mainly a pro-active function – to make people feel happy – music could be applied re-actively in order to distract the attention from less wanted activities. This project is under development in close cooperation with the Crime Science Research Group, initiated by Professor Marianne Junger of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences. Researcher: vacancy for PhD student, project proposal is pending at NWO in programme Complexity. ffEnriched expression of humanoids Man-made objects increasingly combine physical functions with Information technology. Humanoids probably form the most representative example of this phenomenon. However, in the wide range from a toaster to a humanoid there are many examples of products that have one thing in common: Together with the user, they form a man-machine system in which the correct exchange of information is indispensable. Generally spoken, objective information is exchanged, for which traditional technologies for perception and expression are applied. Looking at the machine part of the system, mostly simple physical controls (keys) and sometimes touch screens and also voice input are used. For expression, mainly sound generators and visual displays are applied. Especially in the field of humanoids, we nowadays see that not only objective, but also subjective information is communicated between humans and machines. This type of information could also be characterised as implicit or tacit, but regardless of what we call it, the expression technology currently used for machines is not suitable for this kind of information. Hence, the capability of expression of machines is still poor and should be enriched. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with Professor Stefano Stramigioli of the Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) Researcher: Vacancy for postdoc, project will start as soon as postdoc is recruited, financed by Impact.
Cooperation For this research, there is a strong cooperation with the following: - The chair of Advanced Robotics of Stefano Stramigioli at (EEMCS); - The chair of Experimental Psychology and Ergonomics of Willem Verwey at BS; - The chair of Applied Mechanics (sound research) of André de Boer at ET; - The chair of Surface Technology and Tribology (tactile experience) of Dik Schipper at ET; - The chair of Elastomer Technology and Engineering of Jacques Noordermeer at ET. Education The investigation of usable technologies is integrated in the Bachelor courses Manufacturing 3 and Technology Gatekeeping, both under responsibility of this chair. Jantine Bouma contributes to courses for marketing concerning user investigation and student design projects. Results and future work There are no results to be mentioned yet.
3.2.4 SUB-PROGRAMME: INDUSTRIAL BUILDING INNOVATION Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir W.A. Poelman Introduction As explained a research programme is under construction in the context of the new Master programme ABCDE. This sub-programme will be closely related to the other sub-programmes to achieve synergy. Within the ABCDE programme, a great deal of attention will be paid to subjects like new materials and domotics, which will be dealt with in other sub-programmes too. There will be less focus on building systems, as this issue is covered in the programme Green Transformable Buildings of Elma Durmisevic. Our starting point will be technological opportunities and add-ons to buildings to enable several functions in the field of ergonomics, comfort, energy saving and climate improvement. Theme The theme of the sub-programme for Industrial Building Innovation is the application of the technology diffusion model (see above) to the building industry, with a strong industrial design approach. User functions of buildings will be fundamentally analysed and technological opportunities will be explored in all fields of research. The focus is on matching user needs with technological opportunities and on developing new materials, components, products and knowledge for industry. Research projects ffIntegral foam application in concrete Concrete plays a substantial role in the worldwide CO2 emissions. There are several strategies for decreasing these emissions, for example, the use of alternative materials or the application of lower wall thickness. Another strategy is the application of foam which is practiced in a growing extent. Problems with foamed concrete are the assimilation of water and the vulnerability of the surface. This objective of this research project is to develop a so-called integral foaming system in which the exterior of the product is solid and rigid and the inside is foam. Several companies are involved in this research project. Researcher: Alkema, PhD project started 1st of January 2010, project proposal for funding is pending at Pioneering. B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION 125
ffSmart wall systems for climate control In this project, the central research question is ‘How to keep the temperature in a box of 3x3x3 meters, standing unobstructed in the Dutch climate, at exactly 20 degrees Celsius, only applying techniques of heat exchangers, heat storage, pumps and measurement and control, thus without explicit heating or cooling equipment?’ The principle to be researched is based on an insulating sandwich wall system with heat exchangers outside and inside. These heat exchangers are connected to two water tanks, one with cold water and one with warm water. A computer system uses the input from heat sensors to control valves and pumps circulating warm and cold water. The goal of the project is to minimise the parameters in energy management so as to optimise the design of the smart wall. The question is: How far we can go with equalising the temperature based on this technology? Other parameters like ventilation systems, windows, doors and the presence of people are added in a later stage to be able to adapt the system systematically to these practical circumstances. The perspective of the project is to be able to design buildings in which temperature is regulated without having to add energy from other sources than the direct environment. A new wall system could be developed with these research results as a starting point. Researcher: Poelman, Project proposal for funding pending at Oost N.V. Cooperation For the subject of Industrial Building Innovation cooperation is initiated with universities, research institutes and companies. Since the project leader worked for the chair of Product Development (Eekhout) of the Faculty of Architecture in Delft in the recent past, contacts with that group do not still have to be established. Cooperation with the chair of Product Development in Eindhoven (Lichtenberg) has already existed for many years as well. Depending on the subject, cooperation also takes place with several companies like Hurks Beton for ECC. A regional project called Pioneering is aimed at stimulating the construction industry. Through Pioneering, funding is possible for innovative research projects in which industry is involved. The research programme is developed in close cooperation with Pioneering. Education In all the research projects, students are involved as much as possible to realise synergy between education and research. The individual courses are set up in a way that opens the opportunity to integrate work for research projects. Results and future work The work has only just started and no results can be presented yet.
3.2.5 SUB-PROGRAMME: CRADLE TO CRADLE Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir W.A. Poelman Cradle to Cradle is a subject which will receive much attention in the coming years, partly because of intensified cooperation with Professor Michael Braungart who was one of the two initiators of the concept. That is why research in this field is presented in a separate sub-programme, which does not mean that sustainability aspects do not receive attention in other sub-programmes. Introduction The starting point of cradle-to-cradle design is the principle that waste should not exist. Waste should be
raw material for new products.Several aspects of cradle-to-cradle design need a research effort: -- Chemistry for upgrading waste; -- Logistics for managing waste; -- Design methodology to apply waste materials and components; -- Manufacturing technology to process waste; -- Quality control for waste materials to be reused. This research programme will pay attention to each of these aspects. Theme The theme of the sub-programme Cradle to Cradle is based on the relationship with the discipline of Industrial design engineering. The discipline will be considerably influenced by this cradle-to-cradle paradigm. Until now designers were used to obtaining materials and components from a market in which virgin materials prevailed. The designer was not involved in the origin of the materials and did not have to deal with the constraints connected with these materials. The discipline of industrial design engineering has become more complex because of the cradle-to-cradle approach and more creativity is asked for. Research projects ffApplication of recycled polypropylene in building components Polypropylene is one of the materials that are suitable for cradle-to-cradle application. Recycled polypropylene is frequently used in, e.g. bumpers of cars. Waste polypropylene generally stems from production waste. The amount of waste polypropylene entering the market is growing so fast that more applications should be developed. One of the fields of application is the building industry. Applications could be found in replacing materials in existing components or in designing new components. This research project is aimed at exploring the possible applications in building industry. At this moment, PVC is frequently applied in building components. In many cases, use of polypropylene would be possible, but the specifications of PVC are generally spoken more appropriate. New manufacturing technology could be developed to extend the options. Especially foaming technology and (co-) extrusion will be subject of research. The perspective of the project could be a more efficient use of recycled polypropylene. As plastic waste is collected separately in a growing number of countries these days, the developed technology could lead to new applications of this waste too. With the fact in mind that this material is even more contaminated with other materials, this research project could learn how to deal with that. Researcher: Bolink, started September 1, 2009, research financed from “Kenniswerkersregeling”. ffSupply-Driven Architecture Supply-driven architecture, also called supply-driven design (SDD), is design in which the availability of reusable components forms an explicit factor in the design process and in the decision making. Questions to be answered are the following: -- Could the supply side be able to offer enough options for the designer to be interesting? (What are the experiences with existing databases like the Reststoffenbeurs?) -- Could software help, and in what way, offer opportunities from the database to find the optimal components for the designer’s assignment? -- Could a database inspire the designer or will SDD decrease the creativity? -- Is the quality control problem solvable, as it is in automotive where databases for re-usable components are widely accepted? The perspective of this research is enabling a considerable reducing of carbon emission in building industry. Researcher: Poelman, started with papers for several conferences, funding is still point of attention.
Cooperation In this project, the chair cooperates with the Cradle to Cradle centre in Venlo and Saxion in Enschede. For supply-driven architecture, cooperation is planned with the recycling company Gansewinkel and for polypropylene with AKG. Education Supply-driven architecture is integrated in the courses presented by Poelman, especially for the ABCDE Master track. Results and future work One paper was presented on the subject of ECC and one about Supply Driven Architecture in Enschede at CMS 2009. A paper has been accepted for the TMCE (Tools and Methods for Competitive Engineering) conference in Ancona in May 2010.
3.2.6 SUB-PROGRAMME: TRANSFORMABLE GREEN BUILDINGS Sub-programme leader: Dr ir E. Durmisevic Introduction The aim of this sub programme is to create a research platform for design of industrial, green and transformable buildings at the Faculty of Engineering Technology. The core of this platform is formed by a research group, an experimental building site on the campus and the new Master programme ABCDE. There are a number of research projects (PhD and Master research) around this core. The research platform has a direct relationship with Innovation Platform Twente The objective of the centre is to position Twente as a centre for transformable green design and engineering debate in the Netherlands and internationally and to set a roadmap for the building construction in the 21st century. Participating researchers are: Prof. dr ir J.I.M. Halman (CM&E, chair in Innovation processes in construction), Prof. dr ir A.G. Dorée (CM&E, Market and Organization in construction), Dr E. Durmisevic (DPM), Ir E. Hofman (PhD), Ir J. Nijs (PhD), Ir B. Van Westerlo (PhD) and Ir K. Coucheir (PhD). Theme The need to conserve our environment for future generations is one of the greatest challenges that humankind must address. The way further is to rethink the way we make and use things and to develop more intelligent and sustainable solutions to treat material and energy resources The most compelling question for any designer today is: How do we design for a sustainable future? But it is also a question that concerns industries that seek to understand the environmental consequences of their current activities and how they can adopt sustainable business models. Research projects ffPlatform based development in the housing industry (2007-2010) The aim of this PhD research project is to develop models to map (1) the relation between customer requirements and product architecture designs and; (2) the relation between product architecture design and supply chain structure. The indicated models will be developed and validated within the specific setting of the construction industry. Budget: Tertiary money, funding provided by PSIBouw (Centre for Innovation in Construction). Responsible researcher and supervisors: Hofman (PhD student) Voordijk and Halman.
ffPhD research project: Interface design for open building systems (2009-2013) The aim of the research is to develop flexible interfaces for open system building concepts.Such interfaces will support individual development and manufacturing of building systems by different producers. At the same time, such a development would provide easier and faster construction and assembly on site and more designer freedom. Budget: Tertiary money, funding provided by the working group Industrial Demountable Flexible (IDF) buildings of Innovation Platform Twente. Responsible researcher and supervisors: Nijs (PhD student), Durmisevic and Halman. ffPhD research project: Implementation of the IDF concept (2010-2014) The aim of this project is to develop and test alternative strategies that secure a wide adoption of the IDF (Industrial Demountable and Flexible design) concept in the design and manufacturing practice. The research will be focused primarily on leaders in this field including architectural offices, clients (housing corporations, developers) and manufacturing companies. Examples of good implementation of the IDF concept will be analysed as well as the bottlenecks for the further successful implementation of IDF. Budget: Tertiary money, funding provided by the working group IDF from Innovation Platform Twente. Responsible researcher and supervisors: PhD (vacancy), Durmisevic and Halman. ffPhD research project: Development of flexible building systems for emergency relief in central Africa (2009-2013) The aim of this project is to develop green building methods for emergency housing in central Africa. The main focus of the research is on use of local materials, adaptability, disassembly and reuse of building materials. Budget: Tertiary money, funding provided by the Hogeschool Antwerpen. Responsible researcher and supervisor: Couscheir (PhD student), Durmisevic and Halman. ffPhD research project: C2C implementation of C2C principles in construction (2010-2014) The aim of this project is to develop and test an approach to successfully implement Cradle to Cradle (C2C) principles in the construction industry. The research project will conducted on the base of three building projects in the Venlo C2C area. Budget: Tertiary money, funding provided by the Venlo Municipality. Responsible researcher and supervisor: Van Westerlo (PhD student), Durmisevic, Braungart and Halman. Other research projects: ffLife cycle design of building and systems This research deals with a number of key elements of sustainable building technology such as design for disassembly, transformation design decision support models and assessment tools, disassembly potential of buildings and their impact on the environment. Budget: Tertiary funding and primary funding. Researchers: Durmisevic and Toxopeus. ffC2C implementation in construction The aim of the research is to provide a definition for Cradle-to-Cradle approach in construction and to propose an application of Cradle-to-Cradle principles into a building systems and building projects. Budget: Tertiary money, funding provided by VROM/TNO and Housing Corporation De Woonplaats. Responsible researcher: Durmisevic. ffSystems Design Integration The aim of this project is to create a platform for experiment in green and transformable buildings together with construction industry, Innovation Platform, students of the new Master ABCDE and researchers at the University of Twente. A dynamic and transformable building structure will be constructed on the university campus with exchangeable modules. The building will transform from year to year so that new insights in C2C material, flexible and demountable building techniques and reuse of materials as well as
adaptability to the changing climate conditions, water treatment systems and energy/climate concepts can be developed and tested. The kick-off with a mini symposium took place on 20 November 2009. Budget: Tertiary money and primary money. Project leader: Durmisevic. Cooperation The above mentioned research projects are conducted in close cooperation with the Innovation Platform Twente and the workgroup IDF. The C2C research is conducted in close cooperation with the Venlo C2C valley, TNO, Housing Corporation de Woonplaats, Delft University of Technology, and Eindhoven University of Technology. Besides the cooperation on the regional and national level, this group also cooperates internationally, with CIB and working commission W115 Construction, Material Stewardship, W104 Open Building, Yldiz University from Istanbul, University Sarajevo, Penn State University in the US, and Brussels University. In order to promote the objectives of the group, an international CIB conference was organised at the University Twente in June 2009 entitled Life Cycle Design of Buildings, Systems and Materials. Education The above mentioned research results are being directly coupled to the new Master ABCDE, Students from the Master ABCDE together with Industrial partners are involved in the design and construction project of green flexible systems. The development will take place in international composed multidisciplinary teams with students from the universities of Sarajevo and Istanbul. Results and future work In order to promote this new development at the University Twente an international CIB conference has been organised in June 2009. The participants came from fifteen different countries all over the world, interviews were given to journalists, scientific papers were written for the conference and for scientific journals, and a number of invited lectures have been given worldwide.
3.2.7 SUB-PROGRAMME: MATERIALS ENGINEERING Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir R. Akkerman Introduction Part of the activities of the chair Production Technology of professor Akkerman is of importance in the IDE context. For this reason several research projects are presented in this evaluation. The research in the field of materials engineering in the Production Technology group addresses technical issues of new products and new processes. The group’s mission is to develop methods for optimisation of manufacturing processes and the resulting product performance. We aim to operate at the forefront of research, and have an innovative impact on the industry. This helps the industry compete on the global market, while the findings and expertise are transferred into the education of young engineers at the same time. Theme ‘Processing’ and ‘Product performance’ of lightweight materials in structural applications are the key phrases of the main research themes of the Production Technology group. Processing and performance can be optimised after thorough analysis and modelling in combination with a robust experimental programme. An integral approach is pursued, taking into account the relationships between geometric design, production process and material properties. We are in the process of developing new research on non-reinforced plastics and light metals within these research themes. At the same time, we see a growth in applications by extending the group’s scope to industrial design engineering, considering society’s needs for safety and sustainability as well as the
specific opportunities of composite materials for construction applications and of composite materials with added functionality. Research projects ffMaterials for Safety Personal safety is a subject with many aspects. Production Technology concentrates on personal protection by means of absorption of impact energy. Applications can be e.g. in professional life and in sports. Design of energy-absorbing products for personal use is often based on heavy and bulky materials. Modern materials based for example on textiles offer good performance at a low weight and volume. Think for example of Aramide textiles for body armour. Also, these materials can combine flexibility at low rates of deformation and stiffness and corresponding load distribution over a larger area at high rates of deformation. The design of products with these modern materials is often based on trial and error methods due to their often complex behaviour. Production Technology studies the detailed deformation characteristics by means of experiments and numerical analysis, in order to develop and implement appropriate constitutive models. With those, design tools and methods are developed and used, specifically to optimise impact energy absorption and injury prevention at minimum weight and maximum wearability. Researchers: Siahaya, Warnet en Ten Thije. The project started in 2008 and is ongoing. It is financed by direct and contract funding. ffSmart Composites The increasing use of composite materials is mainly due to the combination of high stiffness and strength, good corrosion resistance and excellent formability with low density. The use of composites can be optimised by taking advantage of their possibilities for creating tailor-made items. The layered structure of the materials provides excellent opportunities for function integration by means of embedding thin layers or fibres. Optical fibres can be embedded to measure local strains or temperatures. Piezoelectric fibres can be used for similar purposes and for mechanical actuation. Thin layers can be deposited by e.g. inkjet printing to integrate printed conductors, resistors, semiconductors and photovoltaics, adding a wide range of functionalities to composite structures. Mechanisms can even be devised to make the materials selfhealing. Various projects are ongoing in this innovative area. An application of embedded sensing is condition (or structural health) monitoring. The structural integrity of composite components and structures is often inspected on a regular basis. This can be replaced by an embedded sensing network, recording the dynamic behaviour of the structure. By means of modelling the dynamics and developing inverse methods, the occurrence of damage can be monitored and localised, and therefore the health of the structure can be monitored. This emerging technology of embedded sensing and inkjet-printed electronics is explored for design of novel multifunctional applications. Researchers: Sridhar and Ooijevaar. The project started in 2007 and is ongoing. Funded by direct funding and EU. ffConstruction Application of Composites The physical properties of composite materials provide good opportunities for current and novel constructive applications. The combination of high strength and low density can be exploited in constructions of large span. The corrosion resistance is advantageous compared with steel constructions, in terms of lifetime and required maintenance. The materials provide great freedom of design for e.g. blob-like structures with a pronounced double curvature. Composite laminates offer good possibilities for function integration; e.g., thermal insulation and translucence can be inherent properties of load-bearing composite structures. Renovation of bridges and viaducts is another important theme. Ample experience in e.g. the US for composite repair of infrastructure provides a good starting point for the Dutch situation. Large-scale inspection of the Dutch bridges and viaducts teaches that also here, damage occurs earlier than predicted, partially caused by the increasingly higher traffic loads. Repair using concrete materials (even high-strength concrete) causes additional mass and hence even higher loads on the original structure. B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION 131
Light corrosion resistant materials have obvious benefits in this respect. The new branch of activities will be focused on materials, design and certification, as the specific constraints of civil and architectural applications (e.g. in terms of environmental conditions, dimensions and quantities as well as cost) require specific solutions (e.g. materials and manufacturing processes). Researcher: Vacancy. ffEcodesign / Green Materials and Processes Society, individuals, customers and companies are becoming increasingly environmentally aware and appreciate ‘green’ concepts. Environmental aspects are expected to play an increasingly important role throughout society, in many aspects of engineering and the related activities in this sub-programme. In this context, Production Technology focuses on the environmental aspects of the product and product development process, from design, materials, processing and use to end-of-life. Design: Ecodesign involves life cycle analyses in the design process. Environmental development methods are evaluated (such as eco-efficiency and eco-effectivity or C2C) and guidelines are developed for a green development process for structural components. Sustainable energy is a second branch of this activity. Production Technology is involved in the design and manufacturing of wind turbine blades. Materials: Biocomposites – more specifically, natural fibres and bioresins, either or not biodegradable – are attracting increased attention. Processes: Thermoplastic materials have an advantage over thermoset materials involving chemical reactions with possible undesired emissions. Methods are developed to minimise the energy required for processing, using accurate process modelling for process optimisation. Use: Smart maintenance enables optimum use of resources. By means of structural health monitoring, service and repair can be scheduled on an as-needed base rather than too late or too early and too often. Methods are developed for in situ detection of damage evolution in composite structures and for in situ detection of residual life of gas and water distribution systems. Self-healing materials are being developed for extending the products’ lifetime. Researchers: Grouve and Visser. The project started in 2008 and is financed from direct funding and EU funds. Cooperation The Production Technology group has a wide range of academic and industrial partners, on the national and international level. Examples are Ten Cate for materials, Thales for inkjet-printed electronics, Suzlon for wind turbines, gas network operators Liander, Cogas Infra & Beheer BV, Enexis and Stedin, water network operator Vitens for residual life time assessment and various international partners via the EU funded Joint Technology Initiative ‘Clean Sky’ for EcoDesign. Apart from this, the group hosts the TPRC, an open innovation centre founded together with Boeing, Ten Cate and Stork Fokker with the aim to accelerate the developments in thermoplastic composites throughout a range of value chains. Education The group is active in the Industrial Design Engineering curriculum, by means of the regular Bachelor materials courses and the regular Master courses on composites and on the interdependencies of design, production and materials. Research-related education is found in the emerging technology design courses and the Master projects. Results and future work The group’s main outcome is a combination of design tools and methodologies with actual product designs demonstrating this knowledge based engineering methods. Examples cover a wide range of applications, such as Aramide personal protection, hip protection for the elderly, printed radar antennas, structural health monitoring of composite constructions, a rapid prototyping system for the hot wirecutting process, design and manufacturing of light weight structures (wind turbine blades) and functional and self-healing materials. In the near future, we will further develop methods and explore the application 132 B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION
of emerging technologies concerning new materials and processes. We expect growth of the IDE-related activities in all of the four activities listed above.
3.2.8 SUB-PROGRAMME: BIOMEDICAL PRODUCT DESIGN Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir H.J.F.M. Koopman Introduction The sub-programme Industrial Design and Biomechanical Engineering is managed by Professor Bart Koopman. The focus of the research initiatives is on synergy between the expertise contained in the disciplines of biomedical engineering and industrial design engineering. Biomechanical engineering has a thorough knowledge of the functioning of the human body and industrial design engineering has profound knowledge concerning the development of professional and consumer products. Key question is whether the biomechanical engineering knowledge, which is now applied to specific cases in the fields of rehabilitation, orthopaedics and neurology, can be translated to products for a larger group of users. Theme Examples of technologies are: -- Use of external skeletons to support body functions; -- Control of mechanisms by selected muscle groups with feedback; -- Mobility support devices; -- Safety features to prevent falls of elderly people. This research cooperation with the chair of Biomechanical Engineering was initiated after the start of the chair for Product Realisation in December 2008, but before that start the chair was already involved in several Master projects of Industrial Design Engineering such as: -- Design of a wearable exoskeleton; -- Design of a suit for inertial motion capturing; -- Beating Headaches | Product analysis and development for Philips Consumer Health & Wellness. The research cooperation between the chairs fits excellently in the general research policy of Industrial Design Engineering, especially with respect to the following: -- Translation of advanced technology into products for people; -- Transition of products to a higher level in the evolutionary product development model; -- Integration of knowledge by interdisciplinary research. Research projects We are currently defining research projects, of which examples are given hereafter. ffArm support systems, the design of an active and wearable arm orthosis Background: Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a progressive disease diagnosed in childhood. After affection of the muscles in the lower extremities, muscles of the shoulder zone and arms follow. At some point, independent execution of daily tasks like eating becomes impossible without supporting devices. Due to medical developments, people with Duchenne are surviving longer and longer. However, participation in society is challenging owing to the social barrier which is often
experienced in relation to all devices attached to the wheelchair With currently available technologies, it should be possible to develop new devices that have a much lower social impact. The project is divided in three phases. First, a passive weight-compensating support will be developed, which can be used by people with some remaining muscle function. In the second phase, actuation will be added to develop an electrically driven orthosis, which can be used for rehabilitative patients. Due to passive balancing of the arm, just a small amount of energy is required to move the arm. In the third phase, the focus will be on motion intention control to support people with no remaining muscle power. Researcher: Koopman, in initiating phase. ffMan machine interfaces in prosthetics Storing mechanical energy when available and releasing it when necessary for each joint is one of the main functions of the actuator. On the other hand, to provide sufficient mobility for various motions, the actuator should adjust the dynamics of the prosthesis. In the scientific literature and on the market, lower limb prostheses are mainly classified into two groups, i.e. passive and active prostheses. Passive prostheses are designed to exploit the dynamics of walking thanks to their special kinematic configuration. However, these types of prostheses are characterised by constant stiffness and inability to adapt to various conditions. Moreover, with this kind of prosthesis, the gait becomes unnatural and the amputee consumes a large amount of metabolic energy to compensate for the lack of energy transfers from the lost muscles. On the other side, active prostheses have internal actuators which can be controlled during gait. Even though they can provide better gait and reduce the needed extra metabolic energy by power injection, this type of prosthesis has several drawbacks such as energy consumption, weight, cost, and perception. Therefore, they are far removed from having a similar performance as the biological leg. The main goal is to design an actuation system with the following properties; -- Ability to store and release the energy; -- Provision of energy exchange between knee and ankle joints; -- Continuously controllable stiffness and torque for providing different tasks in daily activities. Researcher: Koopman, in initiating phase. Cooperation The project Flextension is a cooperation between the international interest group for Duchenne patients and researchers of the University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, VUmc and UMC St. Radboud. The purpose is to develop a new wearable arm orthosis which is invisible and able to support the users’ arm actively. The reflex leg project for the development of the new leg prosthesis is a cooperation between groups of the University of Twente, Roessingh Rehabilitation Centre and the Icelandic prosthesis manufacturer Ossur. Education The Biomechanical Engineering Group offers Master courses in Biomechanics, Human Movement Control, Biomechatronics, Rehabilitation Technology, and the Design of Biomedical Products.
3.2.9 SUB-PROGRAMME: SOUND DESIGN AND PERCEPTION Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir A. de Boer Introduction Sub-programme leader for Sound Design and Perception is Professor André de Boer who holds the chair of Applied Mechanics. André de Boer is also coordinator for the Master track Emerging Technology Design. The research in this group is in the field of Structural Dynamics and Acoustics. Theme Sound is an underestimated aspect of product design. Some large companies in automotive industry and consumer goods (Philips) have integrated sound design in their design activities, but in general there is a lack of knowledge in this field. This sub-programme will pay attention to the integration of sound design in the design process by the development of tools. Attention will also be paid to the perception of sound caused by products or human beings in order to track the direction from which the sound is generated. Research projects The following projects are initiated in this research plan. ffHearing your Design Nowadays, it is possible to analyse the sound emitted by a product. However, one usually needs to build a prototype and perform acoustic measurements in an anechoic chamber. If the sound is not according to specifications (it may e.g. be too loud or too ‘tonal’), one then changes the design but can only analyse the result of that change after building another prototype, a process which is both time-consuming and costly. Although this is rarely done, one can also simulate the sound emitted by a product. In fact, it is possible to include the surroundings in which the product is intended to be used. (An electric shaver sounds different in a bathroom than it does in a living room.) Usually, the result of such an analysis is only given to the designer as a single number (the sound pressure level in decibels) or as a graph of the sound spectrum (sound as a function of frequency). Although the sound pressure level indicates the loudness, it does not give any clue as to the perception (colour) of sound, i.e. whether the sound is ‘comfortable’, ‘robust’, ‘cheap’ or ‘sportive’. This information should somehow be contained in the spectrum but even experts cannot deduce this from a graph. The problem is thus the inability of the designer to hear the product he or she is designing. The objective of this research programme is to develop a design environment in which the designer can hear the actual simulated sound and can quantify the (customer’s) perception of sound. Only then can the designer change the design and influence the sound that is emitted by the product in its surroundings in a virtual environment. Researcher: De Boer, in initiating phase. ffActively Steered Perception Acoustic source localisation concerns a combination of measuring with a lot of sensors (e.g. microphones) and numerical analysis methods with the goal of detecting the location of a noise source. This method is successfully applied to localise the parts of a structure that are responsible for the generation of noise. Another interesting application area for noise source localisation is the tracking of objects that make noise. One can think of the detection of people who display socially unacceptable behaviour (fighting, shouting, vandalism). Once the source has been localised, a camera can be directed in that direction automatically. The scientific challenge is to localise with much fewer sensors, in real time and on the mm scale, the way an animal or a human being can. The objective of this project is to develop such a noise-tracking method and demonstrate it on the Intelligent Robot that is developed in the framework of a Strategic Integration Programme (SIP) within the University of Twente’s research institute IMPACT. For this development, knowledge is required in
the fields of (acoustic) sensors, noise source localisation, control and actuation, signal processing and interpretation of sound quality. Most of the basic knowledge in these fields is present within the research groups of IMPACT and other institutes at the University. This project will combine this knowledge, which opens possibilities for acquiring external funding for research on monitoring and tracking of objects that generate and/or radiate sound. Researcher: Vikas Arora, started January 1, 2010, Financed by Impact. Cooperation For this research there is a strong cooperation with the following chairs: - Advanced Robotics of Stefano Stramigioli at EEMCS; - Product Realisation of Wim Poelman at Engineering Technology (ET); - Surface Technology and Tribology (tactile experience) of Dik Schipper at ET; - Elastomer Technology and Engineering of Jacques Noordermeer at ET; - Control of Anton Stoorvogel at EEMCS. Education The Applied Mechanics group offers the IDE Bachelor courses in statics, strength of materials, and structural dynamics and among others, the Master courses in engineering acoustics, computational structural optimisation and advanced dynamics. The engineering acoustics course is an important course for the Sound design and Perception programme, as it makes new research developments in this field directly available to the Master students.
3.2.10 SUB-PROGRAMME: FRICTION AND TACTILITY IN PRODUCT-USER INTERACTIONS Sub-programme leader: Prof dr ir D.J. Schipper Theme The theme Friction and Tactility at the Laboratory for Surface Technology and Tribology was defined in 2004. In 2006, an assistant professor (1.0 fte) was appointed on the subject of tribology of the human skin. Currently, two PhD research project grants have been awarded, one by TNO and one by the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI). Furthermore, J. van Kuilenburg, an expert in the field of skin friction with approximately 10 years of experience in the field of tribology of the human skin at Philips AppTech and TNO is working on a PhD thesis in cooperation with TNO, Philips, Lightmotif and M2i (the Materials to Innovate Research Programme). In 2009, research on the subject of friction and tactility was further expanded by establishing the chair of Skin Tribology; Van der Heide was appointed as a part-time professor for 0.2 fte. Research projects ffFriction and tactility in product-user interactions The importance of the surface finish of products is well recognised. The selection of a surface finish may be made on the basis of the optimal economic manufacturing process that will produce a surface that is adequate for the application. This research focuses on the design and manufacturing of surfaces with enhanced tactile feel. The following scientific and technological objectives are identified in order to reach the technological progress: - Establishing a relationship between surface geometrical features and human touch. This relationship serves as basis for the design and development of surfaces with a predefined touch. - Establishing process windows for surface texturing in manufacturing processes, e.g. injection moulding and sheet rolling. New tactile surface qualities must be produced in an economic, clean and safe way.
Tactility is assessed by tribological measurements with a dedicated tribometer. This tribometer measures the frictional aspects of surfaces in combination with the human skin, in vivo. This is of great importance as friction and wear characteristics depend on the actual system. Results of the friction measurements are combined with dynamic touch experiments using panel testing and touch-related questionnaires. Researchers: Masen and Van der Heide. Research started in 2006 and ongoing, direct funding. ffSkin tribology and comfort The look and feel of a surface are the result of the finish of the product. A surface is characterised by its surface features: The geometry, density and distribution of these features. During touch, surface features in contact with the skin cause a load distribution at the skin surface and thus a stress and strain distribution within the skin. Stresses and strains at mechanoreceptor locations within the skin evoke responses of the receptors, which are sent to the brain through the nerves. The activity of the central nervous system then produces a sensation which can be quantified in terms of perceived magnitude: The descriptive level. Finally, a value judgement of the sensation, a perceived quality of feel can be made: The emotional level. A mechanistic approach was adopted in which the stimuli at the skin, arising from product-user interaction, are translated into a perceived quality of feel. This touch-feel perception is evaluated through self-report experiments in which feelings are reported in terms of preselected word pairs. Using multivariate data analysis, feelings are related to surface feature parameters and frictional behaviour. The aim of this project is to develop a methodology based on state-of-the-art knowledge, which can be used in industry to predict and optimise the emotional qualities and expectations associated with specific surface finishes. Researcher: Van Kuilenburg. Research started in 2008 and ongoing, research funding by M2i/TNO. ffFunctional Surfaces Slip incidents account for a large proportion of serious injuries occurring on the work floor. British research has indicated that slip accidents: - Account for 33% of all reported major incidents on the work floor; - Cause one in five of over-three-day injuries to employees; - Result in two known fatalities per year in the UK. Friction (and therefore properties such as grip, slip resistance and slipperiness) is a system parameter and not a material property. This means that the frictional behaviour is the result of the interaction of the shoe, the floor and possible lubricants and contaminants (such as water, oil and sand particles) as well as the environment. The research will focus on slip prevention by advanced control of friction in the contact between the shoe and the floor. This will be done in four consecutive steps: 1. Analysing the mechanics of the contact between the shoe and the floor, including materials and surface properties; 2. Modelling the friction behaviour of the contact; 3. Validating the developed calculation models using laboratory experiments; 4. Applying these models and the obtained knowledge to develop a shoe-floor friction measurement system that will give reliable, meaningful and quantitative results. Researcher: Masen. Research started in 2008 and ongoing, direct funding. ffModelling contact in user-product interaction The tactile interaction between a user and a product is determined by the contact between the human skin and the surface texture of the product. The behaviour of human skin is visco-elastic and the skin’s properties are anisotropic. Therefore, the contact between human skin and product surfaces cannot simply be described using traditional engineering relations, such as Hertz’ equations for elastic contact. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the human skin depend on the environment: wet skin has a much lower Young’s modulus than dry skin. B3 · PRODUCT REALISATION 137
The aim of the proposed work is to model and predict the tribological response of the interface between human skin and the product. A model of a single rigid asperity in sliding contact with an anisotropic, visco-elastic body, such as human skin will be made. This model will be experimentally validated using the nano-tribometer and the inference microscope. Subsequently, the single asperity model will be extended to describe the tribological response of human skin in contact with rough surfaces. This extended model will be validated using a range of surface finishes. Researcher: Rodriguez. Research started in 2008 and ongoing, research funding by DPI. ffIn vivo measurement of skin friction Friction in human-product interfaces is considered to be of high importance in controlling comfort and, even more important, in controlling the perception of comfort as the result of the interaction between product and user. Experience has shown that sliding contact is one of the main causes of skin damage and irritation in object-skin interactions. This may involve a burning sensation and reddening of the skin or actual damage to the skin. Predicting and optimising friction starts with measuring it, at the proper scale, with reasonable operational conditions and most importantly: At the human skin. Applications can be found in decubitus ulcer prevention, sports floor design and skin care (such as shaving). The project focuses on the design and construction of a tribo-sensor for in vivo measurement of friction at a random spot at the human skin. Ideally, this friction sensor is: Small, i.e. handheld, portable and wireless, and able to evaluate a range of materials. Knowledge question: How to measure friction, in vivo, with one apparatus, independent of the position at the human body? The project will be concluded by a PhD Thesis that describes a friction sensor for human skin and that elaborates on the different design parameters, operational conditions, and quality of measurements on several persons and the validity of friction models from literature. Researcher: Veijgen. Research started in 2008 and ongoing. Funded by TNO. Cooperation Cooperation with groups of other institutes, universities and companies takes place in the running projects and initiated projects, as follows: - Tactile Properties of Stainless Steel Sheet, in cooperation with Spanish partners Tekniker and Arcerinox; - Design of Adaptive Prosthesis: Improved Friction and Wear Performance, in cooperation with Academic Medical Centre Groningen; - Slip and Grip - Shoes and Floors, in cooperation with Bata Industrials (safety shoes), AkzoNobel (floors and floor coatings), DeltaRail (knowledge centre on floors for Dutch Railways), TCKI- Technical Centre for the Ceramics Industry (floor tiles) and the Dutch Standardisation Agency NEN. Education A course has been developed for the IDE Master track Emerging Technology Design that is directly linked with the research that is carried out at the University of Twente. In this way, Master students are directly familiarised with the newest technology and methods to introduce new technologies in society. As a result, new developments in research in this field come immediately available to the Master students. Friction and tactility has been integrated in the educational programme in this course, called Surface Engineering for Look and Feel. This course focuses on the ‘Look and Feel’ of products from a surface engineering point of view: How the surface determines the visual appearance as well as the tactile properties of products. These look and feel properties are explained using surface roughness, contact mechanics, skin characteristics, manufacturing processes and surface treatments. Possibilities to change the look and feel of products are discussed.
3.3 PROCESSES IN RESEARCH, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COLLABORATION The research atmosphere is that of a starting, motivated group with many challenges for the future. Quality control processes are in the initiating phase and experience of other existing groups will be used. Communication lines are short because of the small number of group members. Supervision of junior researchers takes place on a daily basis. Fixed schemes for meetings with junior researchers are not necessary yet. With respect to internal and external collaboration, we can conclude that this is the basis of the research policy. All projects can be regarded as multidisciplinary and other chairs within the Faculty are involved in all projects. In many projects, cooperation also takes place with researchers from outside the Faculty and also from outside the University.
3.4.1 MEMBERSHIPS IN SCIENTIFIC BOARDS Akkerman -- 2006-now: European Association of Material Forming ESAFORM De Boer -- 2003-now: Netherlands representative in the Programme Committee of ICAS (International Counsel of Aerospace Sciences) -- 2004-now: Member of the Scientific committee of ISMA (International Seminar on Modal Analyses), KU Leuven -- 2007-now: Member of Advisory committee IOP ‘Self Healing Materials’ -- 2008-2013: Workpackage Leader of Netherlands/Belgium consortium IGOR within European JTI Cleansky ‘Green Rotor Craft’ programme -- 2009-2013: Member of steering committee TAPAS (Thermoplastic Affordable Primary Aircraft Structures). Large research programme of Dutch consortium in collaboration with Airbus. Doree -- 2002-now: Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Construction Law Halman -- 2000-2009: External member of the Scientific Research Committee at the Department of Architecture of Delft University of Technology -- 2000-now: Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Intent (Foundation promoting research and education in the field of Technology and Innovation processes) -- 2008-now: Chairman of the Scientific Committee of PRIMO: Public Risk Management Organisation -- 2008-now: Member of the Board for Post Academic Education (PATO) of the Royal Institute of Engineers, section Industrial Engineering and Management Science Van der Heide -- 2009-now: CapTech Governent Expert, European Defence Agency, Brussels Koopman -- 1999-now: Member of the management team of the CeRT (Centre for Rehabilitation Technology), since 1999) Masen -- 2008-now: Committee Member of the Institute of Physics Tribology Group
-- 2008-now: Member CEN ISO TR 11811 Guidance on Conducting NanoTribology Experiments Poelman -- 2007-2008: Member of the board Cityports Academy Rotterdam -- 2005-2008: Member advisory board Knowledge Circulation Utrecht University for Professional Education Schipper -- 1992-2000: Secretary International Research Group on Wear of Engineering Materials (IRG-OECD) -- 2000-now: National representative International Research Group on Wear of Engineering Materials (IRG-OECD) -- 2000- now: University Grants Committee UGC, CERG (Competitive Earmarked Research Grants), Hong Kong -- 2003-now: EU - ENIWEP (European Network for Industrial Wear Prevention, follow-up of Virtual Tribology Institute).
3.4.2 EDITORSHIPS AND REVIEWING OF ACADEMIC JOURNALS Akkerman Editor: - Composite Structures Reviewing: - Composites A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Composites B: Engineering, Composite Structures, Composite Science and Technology, Transport in Porous Media, International Journal of Forming Processes, Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK) De Boer Reviewing: - International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science - Proposals for Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), Flanders Science and Technology Institute (IWT), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) - Member of committee for the assessment of VIDI proposals (STW, 2004) - Member of committee for the assessment of Casimir proposals (STW, 2006) Doree Editor: - Member of Editorial Board Construction Management & Economics Reviewing: - Building Research and Information, Construction Innovation, Construction Management & Economics, Engineering, Construction and Architectural management, Journal of Construction Procurement, R&D Management Durmiscevic Editor: - Conference Proceedings of the CIB W115 Construction Material Stewardship group Life cycle design of buildings systems and materials, June 2009, University of Twente, ISBN 978-90-9024420-4 - Book of Abstracts of the CIB W115 Construction Material Stewardship group Life cycle design of buildings systems and materials, June 2009, University of Twente - Book in English International Design Studio, Design for Disassembly, June 2009, University of Twente, ISBN 978-90-365-2859-7
Halman Editor: - Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Project Management - Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJTM) - Area editor Risk and Uncertainty Management Reviewing: - Creativity and Innovation Management, Housing Studies, IEEE Engineering Management, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Supply chain Management: An International Journal Van der Heide Reviewing: - Wear, Tribology International, Journal of Materials Processing Technology and Surface and Coatings Technology - Reviewing of proposals for Dutch Technology Foundation (STW) and The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Koopman Reviewing: - Journal of Biomechanics, Clinical Biomechanics, Biological Cybernetics, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Experimental Brain research, Journal of Physiology, IEEE/Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation - Proposals for Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), Flanders Science and Technology Institute (IWT), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Masen Reviewing: - Journal of Tribology, Wear, Tribology International Poelman Editor: - Product, Academic Issues Reviewing: - International Conference on Tools and Methods for Competitive Engineering - International Conference on Design Education - Book: The Future Envelope 3 Schipper Editor: - Lubrication Science, ISSN 0954-0075 - TriboTest, ISSN 1354-4063 - Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, ISSN 0036-8792 Reviewing: - Frequently for: Journal of Tribology, Tribology Letters, Wear, Tribology International, Lubrication Science, TriboTest and Industrial Lubrication and Tribology - Less frequently for: Tribology Transactions, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Journal of Engineering Tribology
3.4.3 OTHER PROOFS OF ACADEMIC REPUTATION Akkerman - External assessor for academic promotions in the UK - Examiner for international PhD students (Sweden, South Africa) - Member of the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Member of the organising committee of the Composites symposium within the yearly Esaform conference (Akkerman, since 2002) - Member of the organising committee of the Esaform 2009 conference (Akkerman) De Boer - Local director of the Dutch graduate school Engineering Mechanics - Member of the accreditation committee for the Departments of Electrical-Mechanical Engineering at the Flemish universities of Brussels, Gent and Leuven. (De Boer, in 2004) - Member of Organizing committee of International Forum on Aero-elasticity and Structural Dynamics 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Chairman of PATON committee “Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design” and member of Advisory board of PATON Doree - Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the “Revaluing Construction” conference 2005 - Member of the programme board, examination committee of the part time MBA for construction industry; TSM Business School Major Research Programs: - Co-initiator (and Scientific Chairman) BSIK programme PSIBouw, total budget € 34 M - Co-initiator IPT Research Programme on Construction, budget € 30 M Awards: - Best scientific paper Award (2007) at 1st Manubuild International Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands Durmiscevic Chairs: - Co-chair of International CIB conference on Smart and Sustainable built environment held at Delft University of Technology 15-20 June 2009. - Chair of International CIB conference on Life cycle Design of Buildings systems and Materials held at University Twente 12-15 June 2009. - Chair of Sarajevo Design Week – Green Design held at University Sarajevo 04-11 September 2009. Invited lectures: - Twents Museum of Technology HEIM in Hengelo, 11 January 2009: Lecture Potential of Individual Sustainable and Flexible Buildings - Jerusalem Seminar in Architecture January 2009: Green Design from Theory to Practice ‘Green Design and Assembly of Buildings’ - Penn State University, US 15 February 2009: Seminar to discuss green assembly/disassembly of buildings - RecyclArt Brussels: NO SPEED TO WASTE - SUSTAIN DYNAMICS - Sarajevo Design Week September 2009: Design for Transformation and Disassembly of Buildings and Systems
Halman Awards: - Best scientific paper Award (2007) at 1st Manubuild International Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Best scientific paper Award (2006) at 6th International research conference in the built and human environment, 6-7 April 2006, Delft, The Netherlands, 1st prize Other: - Visiting professor at University of the Netherlands Antilles, chair Technology & Sustainable development - Visiting professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics Van der Heide - Member of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (since 2008) - Member Board Dutch Tribological Society of the Bond voor Materialenkennis (since 2007) - Senior Scientist / Leading Technologist Dutch organisation for applied scientific research TNO (since 2008) Koopman - Session/symposium organiser and chair at different international conferences Masen - Conference Chair Tribology for Energy Generation and Efficiency, London, UK, 17 Feb 2010 - Invited lecture: Tribology of the Human Skin, National Centre for Advanced Tribology (nCATS), Southampton University, United Kingdom, 21 Feb 2010 - Visiting Scientist, TNO Science & Industry, 2007-present - Visiting Researcher, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan – 2003 - Winner Young Investigators Award – International Tribology Conference Austrib’02, Perth, Australia, Dec 2002 Poelman - Board member Royal Institute of Engineers, Department of Industrial Design Engineering 1983-1998. Honorary member from 2000 onward - Member Pato section mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, 1988-1998 - Member General Board of Bond voor Materialenkennis 1998-2003 - Member assessment committee HBO Mechanical Engineering, 1999 Chairs: - Nationaal Kunststoffencongres 2009 - Conference Materials Engineering 2009 Eindhoven Juries: - GIO Erkenningen 2008/2009 (chair) (Dutch Design awards) - PRS prize for ergonomics - Materials Engineering Prize 2009 Schipper - Examiner for international PhD students (Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden) - Member STW jury’s - Chairman and secretary of the Dutch Tribological Society, Bond van Materialen Kennis - Member of the programme committee of several symposia, including: - International Symposium on “Friction, Wear and Wear Protection”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, 9-11 April 2008, Aachen, Germany - International Conference on “Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering‘, 11-13 June 2008, Iasi, Romania
Sridhar Awards: - Best Poster Award 2nd Int. Conference on Print & Media Technology 2007 (Sridhar) Warnet - Member of the organising committee of the ESIS TC4 Conference on the Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives 2005, 2008 (Warnet) Wijnant - Course on Acoustic Source Identification as part of the VKI lecture series on aero-acoustics
3.5 INTERNAL EVALUATION One of the pitfalls of a new chair can be an overload of initiatives. However, in the beginning an abundance of initiatives is also necessary because of the fact that not all initiatives will lead to funding. Within the context of the research programme Product Realisation, some results can be already been mentioned after one year. A research policy was developed. An assistant professor (Beusenberg) was hired and given the task to acquire his or her PhD in technology diffusion among other things. Two PhD students have started, financed by the Universities of Professional Education. (Sociality and ECC). One PhD student is on regional funding through the Cartesius Institute (Mobility). One post-doc is on a grant from the research institute Impact (enriched expression of humanoids). Several applications for funding are pending, which could lead to: -- One PhD student funded by the NWO programme Complexity on Crime Science; -- One PhD student from Pioneering, on foamed concrete); -- Two PhD students within the STW programme (Creative Industry) on mobility; -- One PhD student within the STW programme (Creative Industry) on robotics and design; -- One researcher within the Kenniswerkers programme (pp recycling for construction). Another result is the intensive cooperation with several chairs (also presented in this evaluation). As Product Realisation is interpreted as bridging technology and product design, this cooperation is of great importance. In the one-year period, the chair was involved in several international activities, such as juries, organisation commissions and as chair at conferences. One special activity is the initialisation of an academic issue of the professional magazine Product, of which the chair holder will be chief editor. A project management structure is indispensable for the successful development of the group. This is one of the reasons for hiring an assistant professor with a great deal of experience in this field and who has the potential to grow to an associate professor level.
3.6 EXTERNAL VALIDATION Until this evaluation, there has been no formal external validation by means of an assessment e.g. However, a lot of value is attributed to industry. Continuous validation of research activities takes place through intensive contacts with companies.
3.7 RESEARCHERS AND OTHER PERSONNEL As explained before, the research group Product Realisation has just started and counts, besides the professor, only one staff member, Marc Beusenberg. However, much effort is put into the involvement of other chairs in the research programme: This is considered to be part of the task of the group. Therefore, we have integrated those projects of other chairs in our programme that could be of importance for the realisation of future products. Such projects can be identified in the chairs of professors Akkerman, Schipper, De Boer, Halman, Dorée, Koopman and Van der Heide. Discussion takes place on a regular basis. Therefore, we decided to include these chairs in Table 4, but only for a limited amount of research fte.
University of Twente campus
Table 4 Total research staff at programme level (in fte) Product Realisation Full professors Prof dr ir W.A. Poelman Prof dr ir R. Akkerman Prof dr ir D.J. Schipper Prof dr ir A. de Boer Prof dr ir J.I.M. Halman Prof dr ir A.G. Dorée Prof dr ir H.J.M. Koopman Prof dr E. van der Heide Associate Professors Dr ir H.J.M. Koopman Assistant professors Dr ir L. Warnet Dr ir Y.H. Wijnant Dr ir M.A.Masen Dr E. Durmisevic Dr M. Beusenberg Total tenured research staff Non-tenured staff Dr ir R.H.W. ten Thije Ir L. Hoiting Ir J.C. Alkema Ir B. Bolink Ir K. Couscheir Ir R. Unal PhD students Ir M.A. Masen Ir R.H.W. ten Thije Ir H.A Visser A. Sridhar MSc Ir W.J.B. Grouve Ir E. Hofman Ir N. Veijgen N.V. Rodriguez Pareja MSc Ir J.T. Bouma V. Arora, MSc Ir J. van Kuilenburg P.L. Siahaya MSc Ir T. Ooijevaar Ir J.C. Nijs Ir A. Bergsma Total non-tenured staff Total research staff
0.07 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.05
0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.06
0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.07
0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.03
0.03 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.10
1 1 1 1 3
0.10 0.05
0.10 0.05
0.10 0.05
0.10 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.05 0.10
0.10 0.05 0.10 0.10
0.82 0.27
Funding 1 1 1 1 1 1/3 1 ?
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0.10 0.62
0.72 1.31
0.10 0.61
0.71 1.36
0.10 0.80 0.27
0.05 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.40
1.17 1.88
2.85 3.62
0.53 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
4.00 4.82
Sum 2003-08 2009 0.03 0.57 0.60 0.60 0.47 0.37 0.13 0
0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.02
0.60 0.30 0.25 0.10 0 4.49
0.10 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.44
0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.13 0.09 0.07
4.96 5.91
0.35 3.36 2.67 2.40 2.00 1.60 0.67 0.13 0.09 0.07 0 0 0 0 0 14.41 18.90
0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.09 0.80 0.73 0.73 0.13 0.20 0.20 8.18 9.62
3.8 RESOURCES, FUNDING AND FACILITIES It is important to notice that, in the tables below, funding is restricted to the chair which is directly related to IDE. The reason is that there recently evaluations have been carried out of the research in mechanical and civil engineering. Double evaluation is avoided by leaving them out. Table 5 Funding at programme level Funding in K euro
Direct funding
Research funding
Contracts incl. indirect funding
Funding in %
Direct funding
Research funding
Contracts incl. indirect funding
3.9 OVERVIEW OF THE RESULTS Key Publications -- Poelman, W.A. & Keyson, D. (Eds.). (2008). Design Processes, What Architects & Industrial Designers can teach each other about managing the design process. Amsterdam: IO Press BV (ISBN 9781586039455) -- Masen, M.A., (2010) A system based approach to tactile friction, Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (ISSN 1751-6161).(Accepted for publication) -- Nijhof, M.J.J., Beltman, W.M., Wijnant, Y.H., & Boer, A. de (2005). Structural and acoustic noise radiated by CD drives. In NOISE-CON 2005. Minneapolis, USA: NOISE-CON 2005 -- Hofer, A.P. & Halman, J.I.M. (2005). The potential of layout platforms for modular complex products and systems. Journal of engineering design, (ISSN 1466-1837), 16(2), 237-258 -- Durmisevic, E. (Ed.). (2009). CMS 2009 conference on lifecycle design of buildings, systems and materials, CIB W115 construction materials stewardship, 12-15 June 2009, Enschede, The Netherlands. Enschede, the Netherlands: CIB (ISBN 978-90-9024420-4) -- Forner Cordero A., Koopman H.F.J.M., Helm F.C.T. van der (2006): Inverse dynamics calculations during gait with restricted ground reaction forces information from pressure insoles. Gait and Posture (ISSN 09666362), 23, pp.189-199
Table 6 Programme results: outcome numbers Product Realisation Academic publications
a. PhD. Theses + external
1 0
b. In refereed journals
c. Conference Proceedings
d. Monographs and editorial books
Professional publications and products
e. Book chapters
Sum 2003-08 2009
3.10 ANALYSIS, PERSPECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME Future Perspective Product Realisation refers to one of the most challenging questions of modern society. Within the context of Industrial design engineering it could be regarded as the third wave. In the first wave the manufacturing problem was the starting point. In the second wave the design problem was the starting point and in the third wave the relation of technology to human values has become the starting point. This third wave has just started, however, several chairs are direct or indirect involved in this issue, in contexts such as robotics, ethics and care. The choice, to have society pull as a starting point, promises to open the road to a lot of interesting research. However, new technology as a starting point should not be forgotten. Many new, unexpected opportunities arise from the potentialities resulting from research, inside and outside the university. Strengths The strengths of the research group can be mainly found in the existence of a lot of technical research groups in the close neighbourhood, and in the availability of gamma sciences within the university. Also a solid, mainly national, network helps with setting up interdisciplinary research projects Weaknesses Weaknesses are the small scale of the research programme and little academic reputation till now. Opportunities An opportunity is the relative newness of the research topic. There is still the possibility to acquire an international position in this area. Another opportunity is a growing awareness of the threats of a fast growing industrialisation and informatisation of our society. This is reflected in the title of Poelman’s oration of 8 october 2009, titled “Product Realism”. Research is necessary with respect to the unlimited process of product realisation.
Threats An important threat is the decreasing availability of funding for research. Another threat is the difficulty of explaining the mission of the programme in general, which implies a variety of subjects. External The cooperation with the other two industrial design departments in Delft and Enschede will be of great importance for the development of the research program, but also cooperation with other research institutes and business organisations. Analysis It can be concluded that a lot of activities are initiated in one year. This is enabled by the “flying start” resulting from existing activities in the faculty and from former activities of the new professor. After one year we are at the point of making an inventory of all the research (and funding) opportunities. Next year a programme will have to be consolidated. Weak initiatives will be skipped and strong initiatives will receive a lot of attention from the point of management.
3.11 FULL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Academic publications - a. PhD. Theses + external 2007 Thije, R.H.W. ten (2007, September 21). Finite element simulation of laminated composite forming processes. University of Twente (128 pag.) (Enschede: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2546-6). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir R. Akkerman and Prof dr ir J. Huetink (ISBN 978-90-365-2546-6)
2009 Geffen, P. van (2009, May 14). Dynamic sitting. University of Twente (208 pag.) (Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2840-5). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr ir H.F.J.M. Koopman and Prof dr ir P.H. Veltink (ISBN 978-90365-2840-5)
Academic publications - b. In refereed journals 2003 Halman, J.I.M., Hofer, A.P. & Vuuren, W. (2003). Platform driven development of product families: Linking theory with practice. Journal of product innovation management, (ISSN 0737-6782), 20(2), 149-162
2004 Doree, A.G. & Holmen, E. A. K. S. (2004). Achieving the unlikely : innovating in the loosely coupled construction system. DOI1 0.1080/01446190420001290225. Construction management and economics, (ISSN 0144-6193), 22(8), 827-838 Halman, J.I.M. & Hofer, A. (2004). Complex products and systems: potential from using lay out platforms. Artificial intelligence for engineering design, analysis and manufacturing, (ISSN 0890-0604), 18(1), 55-69
2005 Hofer, A.P. & Halman, J.I.M. (2005). The potential of layout platforms for modular complex products and systems. Journal of engineering design, (ISSN 1466-1837), 16(2), 237-258 Pries, F. & Doree, A.G. (2005). A century of innovation in the Dutch construction industry. Construction management and economics, (ISSN 0144-6193), 23(6), 561-564
2006 Akkerman, R., Lamers, E.A.D. & Wijskamp, S. (2006). An integral model for high precision composite forming. Revue européenne de méchanique numérique = European journal of computational mechanics, (ISSN 1250-6559), 15(4), 359-377
Hofman, E., Halman, J.I.M. & Ion, R.A. (2006). Variation in housing design: Identifying customer preferences. Housing studies, (ISSN 0267-3037), 21(6), 931-945 Veenstra, V., Halman, J.I.M. & Voordijk, J. T. (2006). A methodology for developing product platforms in the specific setting of the housebuilding industry. Research in engineering design, (ISSN 0934-9839), 17(3), 157-173
2007 Thije, R.H.W. ten, Akkerman, R. & Huetink, J. (2007). Large deformation simulation of anisotropic material using an updated Lagrangian finite element method. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, (ISSN 0045-7825), 196(3334), 3141-3150
2008 Geffen, P. van, Molier, B.I., Reenalda, J., Veltink, P.H. & Koopman, H.F.J.M. (2008). Body segments decoupling in sitting: control of body posture from automatic chair adjustments. Journal of biomechanics, (ISSN 0021-9290), 41(16), 3419-3425 Grouve, W.J.B., Warnet, L., Boer, A. de, Akkerman, R. & Vlekken, J. (2008). Delamination detection with fibre Bragg gratings based on dynamic behaviour. Composites science and technology, (ISSN 0266-3538), 68(12), 2418-2424 Halman, J.I.M., Voordijk, J. T. & Reymen, I. M.M. J. (2008). Modular Approaches in Dutch House building: An Exploratory Survey. Housing studies, (ISSN 0267-3037), 23(5), 781-799
2009 Bruijn, H.P. de, Thije, R.H.W. ten & Johannes, S. (2009). Mastopexy with mesh reinforcement: The mechanical characteristics of polyester mesh in the female breast. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, (ISSN 0032-1052), 124(2), 364-371 Durmisevic, E. & Yeang, K. (2009). Designing for disassembly (DfD) (Special Issue: Patterns of architecture). Architectural design, (ISSN 0003-8504), 79(6), 134-137 Hofman, E., Voordijk, J.T. & Halman, J.I.M. (2009). Matching supply networks to a modular product architecture in the house-building industry. Building research and information, (ISSN 0961-3218), 37(1), 31-42 Rutten, M.E.J., Doree, A.G. & Halman, J.I.M. (2009). Innovation and interorganisational cooperation: a synthesis of literature. Construction innovation, (ISSN 1471-4175), 9(3), 285-297. [on line]. Available from: www.emeraldinsight. com/1471-4175.htm [04-01-2009] Sridhar, A., Dijk, D.J. van & Akkerman, R. (2009). Inkjet printing and adhesion characterisation of conductive tracks on a commercial printed circuit board material. Thin solid films, (ISSN 0040-6090), 517(16), 4633-4637 Sridhar, A., Reiding, J., Adelaar, H., Achterhoek, F., Dijk, D.J. van & Akkerman, R. (2009). Inkjet-printing- and electrolessplating- based fabrication of RF circuit structures on high-frequency substrates. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, (ISSN 0960-1317), 19(8) Stienen, A.H.A., Hekman, E.E. G., Helm, F.C.T. van der & Kooij, H. van der (2009). Self-Aligning Exoskeleton Axes Through Decoupling of Joint Rotations and Translations. IEEE transactions on robotics, (ISSN 1552-3098), 25(3), 628-633 Thije, R.H.W. ten & Akkerman, R. (2009). A multi-layer triangular membrane finite element for the forming simulation of laminated composites. Composites Part A, Applied science and manufacturing, (ISSN 1359-835X), 40(6-7), 739-753 Visser, H.A., Warnet, L. & Akkerman, R. (2009). An attempt to use scratch tests to predict the residual lifetime of unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) pipes,. Engineering fracture mechanics, (ISSN 0013-7944), 76(18), 2698-2710
Academic publications - C. Conference proceedings 2003 Thije, R.H.W. ten, Loendersloot, R. & Akkerman, R. (2003). Material characterisation for finite element simulations of draping with non-crimp fabrics. In V. Brucato (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (pp. 859-862). Salerno, Italie (ISBN 88-7676-211-6)
2004 Hofer, A.P. & Halman, J.I.M. (2004). The potential of layout platforms for modular complex products and systems. In I. Horváth & P. Xirouchakis (Eds.), Tools and methods of competitive engineering. Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on tools and methods of competitive engineering, Lausanne, Switserland,13-17 April 2004, Vol II (pp. 573-585). Rotterdam. The Netherlands: Millpress (ISBN 90-5966-018-8) Wang, Q., Chai, K.H., Brombacher, A.C. & Halman, J.I.M. (2004). Managing risk in modular product development. In M. Xie, T.S. Durrani & H.K. Tang (Eds.), IEMC 2004 Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable development, Proceedings of
the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, Vol. 2, 18-21 October 2004, Singapore, Thailand (pp. 815-819). Singapore: IEEE (ISBN 0-7803-8519-5). Available from: 2004 IEEE, Singapore (ISBN 0-7803-8519-5)
2005 Eger, A.O. & Boer, A. de (2005). Emerging Technology Design: A new MSc course at bringing emerging technologies its break through applications. In P. Rodgers, L. Brodhurst & D. Hepburn (Eds.), Crossing design boundaries. Proceedings of the Engineering and Product Design Education, 15-16 September 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Vol 1 part 4 (pp. 121-126). USA: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-39118-4) Hofman, E. & Halman, J.I.M. (2005). Identifying customer preferences for housing projects. In A.C.J.M. Eekhout (Ed.), Proceedings of Concept House 1, Towards customised industrial housing, Delft, The Netherlands, 22 June 2005 (pp. 111125). Delft (ISBN 90-5269-328-5) Nijhof, M.J.J., Beltman, W.M., Wijnant, Y. H. & Boer, A. de (2005). Acoustic modelling of fan noise generation and scattering in a modular duct system. In ICSV 2005. Lisbon Nijhof, M.J.J., Beltman, W.M., Wijnant, Y.H., & Boer, A. de (2005). Structural and acoustic noise radiated by CD drives. In NOISE-CON 2005. Minneapolis, USA: NOISE-CON 2005 Thije, R.H.W. ten, Loendersloot, R. & Akkerman, R. (2005). Drape simulation of non-crimp fabrics. In D. Banabic (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, 27-29 April 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Rumania (pp. 991-994). Bucharest, Rumania: The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (ISBN 973-27-1175-2) Thije, R.H.W. ten & Akkerman, R. (2005). Finite element simulation of draping with non-crimp fabrics (cd-rom). In V.E. Verijenko, S. Adali, E. Morozov & C.J. von Klemperer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th ICCM Conference (ICCM-15) 27 June-1 July 2005, Durban, South-Africa. Oxford, UK: Elsevier (ISBN 1-86840-589-3). Available from: 2005 Elsevier, Oxford, UK (ISBN 1-86840-589-3)
2006 Caerteling, J.S., Halman, J.I.M. & Doree, A.G. (2006). Determinants in the process of technology development and adoption in the public domain: a multiple case study. In D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, R. Vrijhoef, M. Hamblett & C. van den Broek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International postgraduate research conference in the built and human environment. Delft, The Netherlands, 6-7 April 2006 (pp. 608-618). Salford, UK: SCRI (ISBN 0 902896962) Caerteling, J.S., Halman, J.I.M. & Doree, A.G. (2006). Technology commercialisation in the public sector: a multiple case study. In R. Verganti & T. Buganza (Eds.), Proceedings of 13th International Product Development Management Conference, Milan, Italy, 12-13 June 2006 (pp. 217-231). Milan, Italy: EIASM Caerteling, J.S., Halman, J.I.M. & Doree, A.G. (2006). Technology commercialisation in the public sector: how government affects the variation and appropriability of technology. In M. Song & R. Litan (Eds.), Conference Proceeding for the 2006 Kauffman Foundation and IEI Research Conference on Technology Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship, Kansas City (Missouri), USA, 2-3 November 2006. Kansas City, USA: IEI / Kauffman foundation Halman, J.I.M., Gehner, E. & Jonge, H. de (2006). Risk management in the Dutch real estate development sector: a survey. In D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, R. Vrijhoef, M. Hamblett & C. van den Broek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International postgraduate research conference in the built and human environment. Delft, The Netherlands, 6-7 April 2006 (pp. 541552). Salford, UK: SCRI (ISBN 0 902896962) Hofman, E. & Halman, J.I.M. (2006). Variation in housing design: Identifying customer preferences. In D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, R. Vrijhoef, M. Hamblett & C. van den Broek (Eds.), 6th International Postgraduate Research Conference, Salford University & TU Delft, International Built & Human Environment research week, 6-7 April 2006. (pp. 351-368). Salford, UK: SCRI (ISBN 0 90289662) Stienen, A.H.A., Helm, F.C.T. van der, Prange, G.P., Jannink, M.J.A. & Kooij, H. van der (2006). Effects of Gravity Compensation on the Range-of-Motion of the Upper Extremities in Robotic Rehabilitation after Stroke (CD-ROM). http://isg. In J Dewald (Ed.), Proceedings of 2006 ISG meeting. Chicago, Ill, USA: NU-PT-HMS. Available from: 2006 NU-PT-HMS, Chicago, Ill, USA [10-09-2006] Thije, R.H.W. ten, Akkerman, R. & Huetink, J. (2006). Large deformation simulation of anisotropic material. In N. Juster & A. Rosochowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International ESAFORM conference on Material Forming, 26-28 April 2006, Glasgow, UK (pp. 803-806). Glasgow, UK: Publishing House Akapit (ISBN 83-89541-68-8) Wang, Q., Brombacher, A.C., Halman, J.I.M. & Chai, K.H. (2006). Managerial practices in platform based modular product development: An exploratory study. In R. Verganti & T. Buganza (Eds.), Proceedings of 13th International Product Development Management Conference, Milan, Italy, 12-13 June 2006 (pp. 1537-1555). Milan, Italy: EIASM
Warnet, L., Hulskamp, A. W. & Akkerman, R. (2006). Damage development around moulded-in holes in flat braided composites (CD-ROM). In A. Long (Ed.), In 8th International conference on Textile Composities, TEXCOMP-8, 16-18 October 2006, Nottingham, UK. Nottingham, UK: University of Nottingham
2007 Akkerman, R. & Villa Rodriguez, B. H. (2007). Braiding simulation and slip evaluation for arbitrary mandrels. In E. Cueto & F. Chinesta (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International ESAFORM conference on Material Forming (pp. 1074-1079). Zaragoza, Spain: American Institute of Physics (ISBN 978-0-7354-0414-4) Halman, J.I.M. (2007). Industrial building systems design and engineering: Accelerating change through research and education. In U. Knaack & T. Klein (Eds.), The Future Envelope, Will the future create the façade or will the façade create the future? Symposium, 11 June 2007 Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 97-109) Hofman, E., Voordijk, J. T. & Halman, J.I.M. (2007). Aligning product architecture design and sourcing decisions in the house building industry. In R. Lemming (Ed.), Purchasing & supply research: practice makes perfect. 16th annual IPSERA conference, 1-4 April 2007, Bath, UK (pp. 1-12). Bath, UK: CIPS. Available from: [04-01-2007] Hofman, E., Halman, J.I.M. & Voordijk, J. T. (2007). Aligning product architecture design and sourcing decisions in the house-building industry. In M. Sharp (Ed.), The transformation of the Industry - Open building manufacturing. Proceedings of the first international Manubuild conference. 25-26 April 2007, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (pp. 323-333). Londen, UK: Ciria (ISBN 978-0-86017-710-4) Hofman, E., Halman, J.I.M. & Voordijk, J. T. (2007). Design by sourcing, how to create variety economically. In M Garvin, F. Edum Fotwe & P. Chinowski (Eds.), Proceedings of ASCE Construction Research Congress, Grand Bahama island, May 6-8, 2007 (ISBN 0-9707869-1-3) Huerne, H.L. ter, Miller, S. R. & Doree, A.G. (2007). New technologies in the paving process need to be based on ‘common practice’ and ‘operator’s heuristics’. In H.D. Lee & M.A. Bhatti (Eds.), 5th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control (Mairepav5), park City, Utah, USA, 8-10 August 2007 (pp. 109-114) Kampinga, W. R., Wijnant, Y. H. & Boer, A. de (2007). The coupling of a hearing aid loudspeaker membrane to visco-thermal air layers. In B. Randall (Ed.), 14th International Congres on Sound Vibration. Cairns, Australia Miller, S. R., Huerne, H.L. ter & Doree, A.G. (2007). Understanding asphalt compaction: An action research strategy. In D. Amaratunga, R. Haigh, L. Ruddock & M. Alshawi (Eds.), 7th International Postgraduate Research Conference, 28 -29 March 2007, Salford, UK (pp. 456-466). Salford, UK: Research Institute for the Built and Human Environment, University of Salford (ISBN 978-10905732-22-7) Rutten, M.E.J., Doree, A.G. & Halman, J.I.M. (2007). Interorganisational cooperation in innovation: the role of systems integrators (Best paper award winner). In M. Sharp (Ed.), The Transformation of the Industry - Open building manufacturing. Proceedings of the 1st Manubuild International Conference, 25-26 April 2007, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (pp. 1-13). London, UK: Ciria (ISBN 978-0-86017-710-4). Available from: 2007 Ciria, London, UK (ISBN 978-0-86017-710-4) [04-25-2007] Visser, H.A., Engels, T.A.P., Govaert, L.E. & Bor, T.C. (2007). A new engineering approach to predict the hydrostatic strength of uPVC pipes (CD-rom). In M Rigdahl (Ed.), Proceedings of PPS E/A 2007. Gotenburg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology (ISBN CD-Rom) Wang, Q., Chai, K.H., Halman, J.I.M. & Brombacher, A.C. (2007). Risk and risk management strategies in product platform development. In Proceedings of the R&D management conference, Risk and uncertainty in R&D management, 4-6 July, Bremen, Germany. Bremen, Germany: Radma (ISBN 0-9549916-9-9.). Available from: 2007 Radma, Bremen, Germany (ISBN 0-9549916-9-9.) [07-04-2007]
2008 Avendano Castillo, J., Al-jibouri, S.H.S. & Halman, J.I.M. (2008). Conceptual model for failure costs management in construction. In 5th international conference on innovation in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), 23-25 June 2008, Antalya, Turkey Doree, A.G. & Miller, S. R. (2008). Is technology a new challenge for the field of construction management? In A. Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings 24th ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 175-184). Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-X). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-X) Duren, J. van & Doree, A.G. (2008). An evaluation of performance information procurement system (on cd-rom). In B.A. Allen, L. de Boer & L. Gormley (Eds.), Enhancing Best Practices in Public Procurement. 3rd International public procurement conference, 28-30 August 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Zoetermeer: Nevi. Available from: 2008 Nevi, Zoetermeer [08-28-2008]
Entrop, A.G., Brouwers, H.J.H., Dewulf, G.P.M.R. & Halman, J.I.M. (2008). Decision making processes and the adoption of energy saving techniques in residential and commercial real estate. In J. McCarthy & G. Foliente (Eds.), World Sustainable Building Conference 2008, September 21-25, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1 (1461)-8). Rotterdam: CIB Geffen, P. van, Molier, B.I., Reenalda, J., Veltink, P.H. & Koopman, H.F.J.M. (2008). A System That Adjusts Chair Configuration for Desired Postural Change (CD-rom). In Proceedings RESNA 2008 Annual Conference. Washington DC, USA : RESNA Geffen, P. van & Reenalda, J. (2008). DYNASIT: An Assistive Seating System that Controls Sitting Posture and Regulates Body Load Associated with Sitting Related Mobility Problems (CD rom). In Proceedings RESNA 2008 Annual Conference. Washington DC, USA : RESNA Grouve, W.J.B. & Akkerman, R. (2008). An idealised BC for the meso scale analysis of textile impregnation (CD-rom). In F. Trochu (Ed.), 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials. Montreal, Canada: Réseau Matériaux Québec Grouve, W.J.B., Akkerman, R., Loendersloot, R. & Berg, S. van den (2008). Transverse permeability of woven fabrics (CDrom). In P. Boisse (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International ESAFORM conference on Materials Forming. Lyon, France: Springer Verlag. Available from: 2008 Springer Verlag, Lyon, France Haanappel, S.P. & Akkerman, R. (2008). Non-Crimp Fabric Permeability Modelling (CD-rom). In F. Trochu (Ed.), 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials. Montreal, Canada: Réseau Matériaux Québec Hoezen, M.E.L. & Doree, A.G. (2008). First Dutch competitive dialogue projects: a procurement route caught between competition and collaboration. In A Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings 24th ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 535-543). Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008] Hofman, E., Halman, J.I.M. & Voordijk, J. T. (2008). Architectural innovation in a loosely coupled network, how to compensate for loose-coupling and inertia. In H. Koller, C. Herstatt & T. Teichert (Eds.), 15the EIASM international product development management conference, 30 June-1 July 2008, Hamburg, Germany Vol. 2008. EIASM international product development management conference, (ISSN 1998-7374) (pp. 1 (75)-23). Brussels: EIASM Hermkens, R.J.M., Wolters, M., Weller, J. & Visser, H.A. (2008). PVC pipes in gas distribution: still going strong! In Z. Davidovski, P. Belloir & J. Fumire (Eds.), Proceedings Plastic Pipes Symposium XIV. Budapest, Hungary Miller, S.R., Doree, A.G., Huerne, H.L. ter & Sluer, B. (2008). Paving the way forward: A case study in innovation and process control. In E. Beuving (Ed.), Asphalt - roads for life. proceedings 4th Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, 21-23 May 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark (pp. 204-208). Copenhagen, denmark: Eurasphalt (ISBN 978-90-802884-5-4). Available from: 2008 Eurasphalt, Copenhagen, denmark (ISBN 978-90-802884-5-4) [05-21-2008] Parlapalli, M.S.R. Pathi, Bor, T.C., Warnet, L. & Akkerman, R. (2008). Damage healing in thermoplastic composite plates by employing shape memory alloy wires (on USB stick). In Leif Asp (Ed.), Proceedings of ECCM13- 13th European Conference on Composite Materials. Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Institute of Composites; Royal Institute of Technology Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Boer, A. de (2008). Product-integrated PV - Innovative design methods for PV-powered products. In European Commission & DG Joint Research Center (Eds.), 23rd EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (pp. 3321-3324). Valencia, Spain: WIP Renewable Energies (ISBN 3936338248) Rutten, M.E.J., Doree, A.G. & Halman, J.I.M. (2008). How companies without the benefit of authority create innovation through collaboration. In A. Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings 24th ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 557-566). Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008] Rutten, M.E.J., Halman, J.I.M. & Doree, A.G. (2008). Fostering commitment to cooperate when leading interorganisational innovation. In H. Koller, C. Herstatt & T. Teichert (Eds.), 15the EIASM international product development management conference, 30 June-1 July 2008, Hamburg, Germany Vol. 2008. EIASM international product development management conference, (ISSN 1998-7374) (pp. 183-193). Brussels: EIASM Sridhar, A., Dijk, D.J. van & Akkerman, R. (2008). Inkjet printing of functional inks on PCB materials. In John Ling (Ed.), EIPC Winter Conference. Rome, Italy: Circuit World Thije, R.H.W. ten, Akkerman, R., Meer, L. van der & Ubbink, M.P. (2008). Tool-ply friction in thermoplastic composite forming (CD-rom). In P. Boisse (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International ESAFORM conference on Materials Forming. Lyon-France: Springer Verlag. Available from: 2008 Springer Verlag, Lyon-France Visser, H.A., Wolters, M., Bor, T.C., Engels, T.A.P. & Govaert, L. E. (2008). A new engineering approach to predict the longterm hydrostatic strength of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) pipes. In S. Patrick (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th International PVC Conference (pp. 377-387). Brighton, UK: IOM Communications, Brighton, UK
Visser, H.A., Hermkens, R.J.M., Wolters, M., Weller, J. & Warnet, L. (2008). Excellent impact performance of PVC pipeline materials in gas distribution networks after many years of service (CD-rom). In C. Beckervordersandforth, G.H.B. Verberg & M. Kramer (Eds.), Proceedings of International Gas Union Research. Paris, France: IGRC. Available from: 2008 IGRC, Paris, France
2009 Poelman, W.A. (2009). Supply driven architecture (SDA). In E. Durmisevic (Ed.), CMS 2009 conference on lifecycle design of buildings, systems and materials, CIB W115 construction materials stewardship, 12-15 June 2009, Enschede, The Netherlands (pp. 110-117). Enschede, the Netherlands: CIB (ISBN 978-90-9024420-4)
Academic publications - d. Monographs and editorial books 2008 Poelman, W.A. & Keyson D. (Eds.). (2008). Design Processes, What Architects & Industrial Designers can teach each other about managing the design process. Amsterdam: IO Press BV (ISBN 9781586039455)
2009 Durmisevic, E. (Ed.). (2009). CMS 2009 conference on lifecycle design of buildings, systems and materials, CIB W115 construction materials stewardship, 12-15 June 2009, Enschede, The Netherlands. Enschede, the Netherlands: CIB (ISBN 978-90-9024420-4)
Academic publications - e. Book chapters 2004 Verkerke, G.J., Mahieu, H. F., Geertsema, A.A., Hermann, I.F., Horn, J. R. van, Hummel, J.M., Loon, J. P. van, Mihaylov, D., Plaats, A. van der, Schraffordt Koops, H., Schutte, H.K., Veth, R. P.H., Vries, M.P. de & Rakhorst, G. (2004). Medical Devices. In Biomedical Devices and their Applications (pp. 119-200). Berlin: Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-22204-9)
2005 Doree, A.G. & Pries, F. (2005). Construction industry paradigm: the final frontier. In R. Shields & A. Manseau (Eds.), Building tomorrow: Innovation in construction and engineering (pp. 139-156). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate publishing Ltd (ISBN 978-0754-6437-8-6). Halman, J.I.M., Hofer, A.P. & Vuuren, W. (2005). Platform-driven development of product families, linking theory with practice. In T.W. Simpson, Z. Siddique & R. Jiao (Eds.), Product Platform and Product Family Design: Methods and Applications (pp. 27-49). New York, USA: Springer Science + Business media (ISBN 0-38-7257-21-7)
2007 Boisse, P., Akkerman, R., Cao, J., Chen, J. & Long, A.C. (2007). Composites forming. In P. Chinesta & E. Cueto (Eds.), Advances in material forming (pp. 61-79). Paris, France: Springer Verlag (ISBN 978-2-287-72142-7)
2008 Halman, J.I.M. (2008). Industrial building systems design and engineering: accelerating change through research and education. In U. Knaack & T. Klein (Eds.), T he Future Envelope, A multidisciplinary approach ( Research in Architectural Engineering series, Vol. 8, 1873-6033) (pp. 111-121). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS press (ISBN 978-1-58603-827-4)
2009 Poelman, W.A. & Keyson, D. (2008). Technology diffusions and design. The metabolism of knowledge. In W.A. Poelman & D. Keyson (Eds.), Design processes. What Architects & Industrial Designers can teach eachother about managing the design process (pp. 90-107). Amsterdam: IOS Press (ISBN 9781586039455)
Professional publications 2004 Boes, J., Doree, A.G. & Veen, B.T.M. van (2004). Grote ingenieursbureaus op zoek naar perspectief. Building business, (ISSN 1567-9381), 6(5), 16-19 Halman, J.I.M. & Keizer, J.A. (2004). Platform gedreven ontwikkeling van productfamilies. In P.C. de Weerd-Nederhof, B. Van Looy & K. Visscher (Eds.), Innovatie(f) organiseren (pp. 71-95). Deventer: Kluwer (ISBN 90 13 01782 7) Halman, J.I.M. (2004). Onderzoek naar platformgedreven innoveren in de bouw. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen), 13(5), 18-20 Halman, J.I.M. (2004). Platformbenadering voor innovatie in de bouw. Building business, (ISSN 1567-9381), 6(10), 59-59
Halman, J.I.M. (2004). Platformgedreven innoveren in de bouw / Platform driven development in construction. rede uitgesproken bij het aanvaarden van het ambt van hooglerraar Bouw/infra; innovatie in de bouw (2004, April 8). Enschede: University of Twente
2005 Doree, A.G. (2005). De bouw innovatiever? InterVisie, (ISSN 1572-204X), 3(4), 10-12 Doree, A.G. (2005). Bouwen aan positieve dynamiek. Verkenningen bouw proces innovatie en bouw informatisering, (ISSN 1871-207X), 2005(12), 3-9 Verkerke, G.J. (2005). Ontwerpen van biomedische producten: over de ruimte, brede blik (2005, May 19). Enschede: University of Twente
2007 Kampinga, W. R., Wijnant, Y. H. & Boer, A. de (2006). Modelling of a hearing aid receiver. 9th Engineering Mechanics Symposium: Lunteren (2006, October 26-2006, October 27)
2008 Durmisevic, E. (2008). Introduction - Multi-criteria design matrix. In E. Durmisevic (Ed.), International workshop Transformable multipurpose pavilion design and construction with the industry (pp. 8-13). Enschede/ Sarajevo/Istanbul: University of Twente/ University of Sarajevo/Yildiz Technical University (ISBN 978-90-902-3281-2) Durmisevic, E. (Ed.). (2008). International workshop Transformable multipurpose pavilion design and construction with the industry. Enschede/ Sarajevo/Istanbul: University of Twente/ University of Sarajevo/Yildiz Technical University (ISBN 97890-902-3281-2) Doree, A.G. & Caerteling, J.S. (2008). Het renderen van innoveren. Asfalt, (ISSN 0376-6977), 35, 22-24. Hofman, E. (2008). Keuzevrijheid voor consumenten. Cobouw, (ISSN 0010-0064), 24(10), 1-1
2009 Durmisevic, E. (2009). Bouwen van de toekomst. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen), 18(1), 14-16 Durmisevic, E. (2009). Introduction to the workshop framework - Design for disassembly of buildings Multi-criteria design matrix. In E. Durmisevic (Ed.), International design studio 2009.Design for disassembly: Design and build multipurpose transformable pavilions (pp. 14-21). Enschede/Sarajevo/Istanbul: University of Twente (ISBN 978-90-365-2859-7) Durmisevic, E. (Ed.). (2009). International design studio 2009. Design for disassembly: Design and build multipurpose transformable pavilions. Enschede/ Sarajevo/Istanbul: University of Twente/University of Sarajevo/Yildiz Technical University (ISBN 978-90-365-2859-7) Hofman, E. (2009). Modulaire bouwsystemen relatief onbekend, systeemontwikkeling vraagt nieuwe regels. Bouwformatie, (ISSN 1876-8822), 2(1), 12-13 Koopman, H.F.J.M. (2009). De menselijke maat. Aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar biomedische werktuigbouwkunde (2009, February 12). Enschede: University of Twente Poelman, W.A. (2009). Haal het maximum uit uw vakantie. Product, (ISSN 0929-7081), 17(5), 4-6 Poelman W.A. (2009) De zes geboden van goed Industrieel Ontwerp. Catalogus Erkenningen Goed Industrieel Ontwerp, Design Link, Amsterdam, ISBN 978-90-79791-02-6
Publications Wim Poelman Delft 2005 Poelman, W.A. (2005) Design for living. In: M. van Land & L.G.A.J. Reinders (Eds.) International Conference: Doing, thinking, feeling home. The mental geography of residential environments. (11 pp.) Delft: Onderzoeksinstituut OTB Poelman, W.A. (2005) & Keyson, D. Eds. (2008) Design processes Amsterdam: IOS press. Poelman, W.A.(2006) De Mep 2005. Product 13(4) 19-19
2006 Poelman, W.A. (2006) Domotica, technology push or market pull. Product 13(6) 18-19 Poelman, W.A. (2006) De tweede kamer als ontwerpbureau. Product 13(1) 27-27
Poelman, W.A. (2006) Design pressure cooker. Product 13(4) 33-34
2007 Lelieveld, C.M.J.L., Voorbij A.I.M. & Poelman W.A (2007). Adaptable Architecture. In Y. Kit5sitaka (Ed.) Building stock activation 2007 (pp. 245-252) Tokyo: TAIHEI Printing Co. Ltd. Poelman, W.A.(2007) Creatief met magnesium. Product 14(5) 14-15 Poelman, W.A. (2007) Design methodology and open building. In: M. Sharp (Ed.) Manubuild. Proceedings of the first international conference. The transformation of the industry – open building manufacturing. (12 pp.) London: CIRIA
2008 Poelman, W.A, (2008) Productfunction Analysis for the design of goals. TMCE 2008 April 21-25, 2008 Ishmir, Turkey Poelman, W.A. (2008) Materiaaltechnologie en inclusive design. In: Langdurige zorg en technologie, H.Kort, A. Cordia & L. de Witte (Eds.) Lemma Den Haag ISBN c) Poelman, W.A., Robers, K. (2008) Jongens denken in vectoren en meisjes in bitmaps. Product 16 (6) 12-13 Poelman, W.A. (2008) de beleving van mobiliteit. Product 17(6) 2-3
Federation of the three technical universities in the Netherlands (established in 2007) ABCDE UT Master in Architectural Building Component Design Engineering AIO Dutch abbreviation for Assistent in Opleiding / PhD assistantship Ba/Ma Bachelor master degree structure BSc Bachelor of Science BSIK Dutch abbreviation for Besluit Subsidies Investeringen Kennisinfrastructuur / Special settlement for Investments in Knowledge Infrastructure BE Biomechanical Engineering BMTI Institute for Biomedical Technology (MIRA) CAD/CAM Computer-aided Design and Manufacture Cartesius institute Institute for Sustainable Innovations of the Dutch Technical Universities CIRP Council of the International Academy for Production Engineering CoC Centre of Competence CoE Centre of Excellence CTW Dutch abbreviation for Construerende Technische Wetenschappen / Faculty of Engineering Technology CTIT Centre for Telematics and Information Technology CvB Dutch abbreviation for College van Bestuur / Executive Board of the University DE Design Engineering DELTARES Institute for Delta Technology, which was recently founded and includes the former Delft Hydraulic Institute(WL) and the national institute for Geo-Engineering (GeoDelft) DISC Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (research school) DPI Dutch Polymer Institute DSC Disciplinary Science Council ECN Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands EFD Engineering Fluid Dynamics (programme 8) EM The research school of Engineering Mechanics (also called graduate school) EMIRAcle Association of leading research laboratories aiming to act as a collaboration partner for European Product Development Enterprises in Manufacturing and Innovation ESEM European Society of Engineering in Medicine ET Faculty of Engineering Technology (in Dutch CTW) ETE Elastomer Technology & Engineering ETD Emerging Technology Design EU European Union EWI Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science fte Full-time equivalent GTI Dutch abbreviation for Grote Technologische Instituut / Large Technological Institute GW Dutch abbreviation for Gedrags-Wetenschappen / Behavioural Sciences HGL /HL Dutch abbreviation for hoogleraar; (Full) Professor IBR Institute for Behavioural Research ICT Information and Communication Technology IDE Industrial Design Engineering 157
Institute for Governance Studies Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control Twente Dutch abbreviation for Industriëel Ontwerpen / Industrial Design Engineering Dutch abbreviation for Innovatief Onderzoeks Programma / Innovative Research Programme Dutch abbreviation for Integrale ProductCreatie- en Realisatie / Innovative research programme in product Creation and Realisation The Netherlands Research School of Integrated Design and Manufacturing Indian Institutes of Technology Dutch abbreviation for ingenieur / Master of Science The research school for Fluid Dynamics (the J.M. Burgerscentrum) The Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences Life Cycle Analysis/approach Leading Technology Institute Materials Innovation Insttute Mechanical Automation Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Faculty of Management and Governance Mechanical Engineering Institute for Nanotechnology Mechanics of Forming Technology Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTI) Management Team Not applicable Natural Interaction in Computer-mediated Environments (Strategic Research Orientation) Netherlands Institute for Metals Research National Aerospace Laboratory Network of Excellence Dutch abbreviation for Nederlands Vlaams Accreditatie Orgaan/ Accreditation Organisation of The Netherlands and Flanders Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research Dutch abbreviation for Ontwerpen, Productie en Management / Design, Production and Management The Dutch School on Process Technology Surface technology / Tribology Doctor of Philosophy Production Technology Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (University Aachen, Germany) Scenario Based Product Design Structural Dynamics & Acoustics European Society for Engineering Education Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Sustainable Energy Technology, 3Tu Master Strategic Research Orientation
Surface Technology & Tribology Dutch Organisation for Technological Research Thermal Engineering The Netherlands organization for applied scientific research Technical University of Delft Technical University of Eindhoven Universiteit Twente / University of Twente Virtual reality Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment Dutch abbreviation for Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten / Association of Dutch Universities Dutch abbreviation for Werktuigbouwkunde / Mechanical Engineering
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02-03-10 15:25