Hedgehog.idea -journal-

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strangers are not strange

hedgehog idea

- Journal -

Hedgehog idea - Journal A system which opens new conversations with strangers.

A documentation of the progress and the final developed process Critical Making / Section 002 DESN 321 Spring 2015 Instructor Garnet Hertz Keith Doyle Student Robin Weinder Topic “Strangers are not strange“ hudgehog.idea

strangers are not strange

What is your approach to communication?

awareness statement concept following steps

impression movie | talks | observations | persona

research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

The project‘s framework is like a “box“ because it allows me to think “outside of the box“. There are many important steps. It begins with awareness and ends± with thinking about the following steps that contain the realization of the project. Each step have its own eligibility.

awareness ae e o e o o i e

observations | impression movie | talks | persona

The foundation of the project is awareness and observation in our ecological and social environment. Which kind of services, products, problems and processes are there? How do we live our lives? To me design is very much about what we do every day. With an impression movie, some conversations and talks, observations and created personas I got some important influences for the following steps.


observations | impression movie | talks | persona

It was an evening in Stockholm as I sat in a Coffeehouse, trying to get in touch with the Swedish culture and their people. I didn’t know if anybody wanted to have a conversation or not. I wondered I could create something identify who was open for conversation. That was the go for the project. I was thinking about conversations in between strangers and how social networks and the internet impact ed them. We have become a society that seems to have forgetten how to have personal interactions with strangers. My perception is that the modern time of social media and cellphones with internet, overloads us with options to get in touch with strangers in a impersonal way.±±±


observations | impression movie | talks | persona

Lets have a look in a coffee house at Davie at Denman Street. There are many people in the coffee house but the most of them are alone or engaged with their technical devices. The original definition of a coffee house is.

“From a cultural standpoint, coffeehouses largely serve as centers of social interaction: the coffeehouse provides social members with a place to congregate, talk, write, read, entertain one another, or pass the time, whether individually or in small groups of two or three people.“ Why have we deviated from the orignal defition? How often do we have conversations with strangers. I‘m sure that personal conversations with both friends and with strangers are very helpful and important. Because of this reason I started a project in Critical Design and searched for a possibility to give the customer of a coffeehouse a chance to communicate whether they want a conversation or not. „talt to me“ or „don’t talk to me“



observations | impression movie | talks | persona

From a cultural standpoint, coffeehouses largely serve as centers of social interaction: the coffeehouse provides social members with a place to congregate, talk, write, read, entertain one another, or pass the time, whether individually or in small groups of two or three people.

How has the internet changed our social behavior?

Have we forgotten how to have conversations with strangers around us?


observations | impression movie | talks | persona

It might be beneficial to get offline and rediscover face-to-face communication.

Let’s start a new conversation and be open to new ideas.


observations | impression movie | talks | persona

There is a method to open new conversations ...


observations | impression movie | talks | persona

Searching for feedback about the existing situation of coffeehouses in terms of conversations from potential users of my system and building relations with them.

Getting in and getting on, as a key for useful design results.

There were many obvious talks in terms of why the customers of a coffeehouse were inhibited to open new conversations with strangers. The most of the interviewed members didn‘t think about the benefits of a good conversation with a stranger. But the most talking members knew that was hard to get in touch with a stranger but see many potential in the idea the think about a solution. There was the go for my next step.


observations | impression movie | talks | persona

I created personas of strangers so I could see multiple perspectives. All names and adjectives are randam.

Birgit 36 year Business Woman Busy, friendly, helpful, open for strangers, lovely, extroverted

Fathi 29 year Carpender (here for holiday) alone, like to get in touch with strangers and the culture, friendly, easy

Prash 25 year Film-Composer Extroverted, friendly, helpful, open for strangers, lovely, talkaktive

Dan 19 year Student Busy, friendly, helpful, open for strangers, introverted, shy

Stephan 32 year Student alone, like to get in touch with strangers and the culture, friendly, easy

Peter 38 year Gamedeveloper Introverted, unfriendly, closed for strangers

Jane 56 years Pensioner Funny, interested,

a a e e statement o e o o i g ste

| Digital culture destroyed personal conversation. | We have forgotten how to have conversations with strangers around us. | It‘s might be beneficial to get offline and rediscover face-to-face communication. | Let’s start a new conversation and be open to new ideas.

The project statement is the most important part of a critical design project. It shows the designer‘s attidude and observations. In my project I like to look critically on the social behavior in terms of getting in touch with unknown persons and the impact of the internet use. With the project I want to keep in mind there are many benefits of a social change towards a helpful and talkative society.

a a e e ae e concept following steps

research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects



research drafts explain movie visualisation used objects possible objects

The category of the concept contains the development of how the system is working. Specific product research and some drafts with modeling are part of the development. An understandable visualization should show how the result looks and works.


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

One way of the reasearch went in the direction of diffeerent coffeesleeves.


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

Get in touch with to process. I tought about which persons, objects, contexts, spaces, barrier and chances are theire existing. Think about the wordings and the interactions. Developing a storyboard for the different movie.


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

In which way can we communicate these two feeling of contakt and no conatct. There are different ways. My task was to design a product that communicates. | Think about the „tool“ for the communikation. _with objekt _with colour _with shapes _with symbols _with wording | Printmedia _posters, flyer _process visualisaiton _explaining video Mindmapping in a very good tool for a good overview.


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

Changes your mind a you could change your color. A draft without glue makes it happen.


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

hedgehog idea

hedgehog idea

Develop a name and a logo was also part of the project. To me it‘s very important to give the “baby“ a name. Than the project and the idea is more touchable. I decided the hedgehog sign because the hedgehog communicates als to much different feeling. Interested and nosy, and attention, I don’t want to have contact right know. This metaphor fit at the hedgehog.idea too. The raph drawing style should support the lovely mood of the hole concept. Also it’s specialy for humans and they aren’t perfect at all.

h e dg dge eho g idea


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

The second film is about how the idea is working. It shows how the customer interacts with the coffee sleeves. It is like a real szene in a caffeehouse.



research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

The video ends but the idea should be grow up.


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

hedge i de

eho g ea


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

don‘t talk to me

talk to me


research | drafts | explain movie | visualisation | used objects | possible objects

+ ++


The idea can be extended in different other ways in the coffeehouse or outside of the coffeehouse. We can communicate in different ways. Not only with these two colors of the coffee sleeve. We could generate different shapes, different objects or spaces which communicate these two options off the own mood. We could extend the system and add more different mood rather than only these two moods or colors. For example “I need help“, “I wanna go biking“, “I’m helpful“, “I need business“ ... Or if we hold on these two colors and think about different products which communicate these two moods in terms of a new conversation.s We could adapt the idea on t-shirts, on spoo ns, plants, stickers, Tabels disks, ...

hedgeho g i dea

It is a method to open new conversations.

a a e e ae e o e following steps Manufakturing http://www.coffeesleeves.ca http://www.webstaurantstore.com/575/coffee-cup-sleeves.html https://www.customcupsleeves.com

First coffeehouse for the texting Gene cafe



www.facebook.com/hedgehog.idea www.vimeo.com/117778183 www.vimeo.com/121731342


This project was a great This project was a great opportunity for me to get in touch with man strangers in Vancouver.

I learned a lot in terms of, how I generate a project with many people with other you many english skill. It was a challenge and in the same time a change to lern the language. The value of this project goes in a way of social design. Products playing a secondary roll in this sort of project. I’m glad to had the possibility to collect much knowledge about Critical Design and also Social Design. I look forward that in the next few month the first hedgehod. idea sleeves gonna be in texting.

strangers are normal

hedgeho g i dea

Lets do it.

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