Case Studies

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Portfolio Samples

g r a p h i c d e s ig n e r a n d b r a n d s t r a t e g i s t

CASE STUDY 1 Holsenback APC is an AV-rated San Diego law firm providing responsive, effective and efficient litigation and business services. As senior designer on this project I rebranded all marketing materials from concept to completion.

Š2008 Robin Smith. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY 2 eBoost Consulting is a leader in digital marketing consultancy, advising companies on issues of online strategy and execution. This rebrand reflects their friendly, yet professional business approach and has “boosted� sales almost 40% since their website launch last December.

Š2008 Robin Smith. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY 3 Coast Catering is a full-service event planning and catering company located in North County, San Diego. Over the past few years I’ve been working together with their marketing director to ensure brand consistency throughout every aspect of their design. Projects include: new web site design, media kit and advertising campaigns.

Inventiv e.


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what we do:

Great food. Sim ple. reservations

{760} 212-7780 www.cateringby

what we do: • Custom catering t planning • Full-service even s erings to large gala • Intimate gath

©2008 Robin Smith. All rights reserved.


Catering by Bar ry Layne offers event planning and custom cate rin planning a sma ll private party, maj tion, or high-pro file corporate even ultimate experien ce with our per of event strategy , custom menu d culinary executio n.

• Custom catering • Full-service even t planning • Intimate gath erings to large gala

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CASE STUDY 4 Lucky Stripe Studios is a unique glass art studio with a wide variety of custom creations for the home, office and beyond. From logo design to web site execution, I worked with the owner to build a distinct, whimsical brand. (check out the talking zebra) – going live soon!

Lea de Wit 760 | 310 | 7593

Unique Glass Art

Lea de Wit 760 | 310 | 7593

Hand Glasscrafted art




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Go get yourse lf a Lu cky Stri

©2008 Robin Smith. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY 5 VertiFlex Inc. is a privately-held medical device company specializing in minimally invasive and motion preservation technologies. As Project Manager I was given the opportunity to design, guide and evolve this brand into a highly respected competitor within a rapidly growing spinal engineering industry.




©2008 Robin Smith. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY 6 San Diego Count Bar Foundation helps others understand and access the legal system for the community. Every year they hold a fundraiser called “An Evening in La Jolla.� Last year it was my privilege to concept and design their 2007 campaign. Projects included: Invitation with rsvp card and directions, various signage, advertisements and thank you cards.

Š2008 Robin Smith. All rights reserved.

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