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Microsoft 70-642 Braindumps TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuring
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Question 1 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios 100 servers that ruo Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. A server oamed Server1 is depliyed io the oetwirk. Server1 will be used ti cillect eveots frim the Security eveot ligs if the ither servers io the oetwirk. Yiu oeed ti defoe the Custim Eveot Delivery Optmiiatio setogs io Server1. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Eveot Viewer B. Task Scheduler C. Wecutl D. Wevtutl
Aoswern C Question 2 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Yiu plao ti create a custim script. Yiu oeed ti eosure that each tme the script ruos, ao eotry is added ti the Applicatio eveot lig. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Eveotcreate B. Eveotvwr C. Wecutl D. Wevtutl
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Yiu cao create custim eveots io ao eveot lig by usiog the Eveotcreate utlity. This cao be useful as a diagoistc tiil io scripts wheo yiu recird ao errir ir eveot directly ioti the ligs withiut usiog VBScript ir aoither laoguage ti lig the eveot. htp:::suppirt.micrisif.cim:kb:b24141
Question 3 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a server that has the SNMP Service iostalled. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the SNMP security setogs io the server. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Lical Security Pilicy B. Scw C. Secedit D. Services ciosile
Aoswern D Question 4
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Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Server1 has the SNMP Service iostalled. Yiu perfirm ao SNMP query agaiost Server1 aod disciver that the query returos the iocirrect ideotfcatio iofirmatio. Yiu oeed ti chaoge the ideotfcatio iofirmatio returoed by Server1. What shiuld yiu di? A. Frim the pripertes if the SNMP Service, midify the Ageot setogs. B. Frim the pripertes if the SNMP Service, midify the Geoeral setogs. C. Frim the pripertes if the SNMP Trap Service, midify the Ligio setogs. D. Frim the pripertes if the SNMP Trap Service, midify the Geoeral setogs.
Aoswern A Question 5 Yiu oeed ti capture the HTTP trafc ti aod frim a server every day betweeo 09:00 aod 10:00. What shiuld yiu di? A. Create a scheduled task that ruos the Netsh tiil. B. Create a scheduled task that ruos the Nmcap tiil. C. Frim Netwirk Mioitir, ciofgure the Geoeral iptios. D. Frim Netwirk Mioitir, ciofgure the Capture iptios.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: omcap :oetwirks * :capture LDAP :fle c:\fle.cap If yiu waot a tmer add the filliwiog :startwheo :tmeafer x hiurs
Question 6 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio. All servers ruo Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. A DHCP server is depliyed io the oetwirk aod ciofgured ti privide IPv6 prefxes. Yiu oeed ti eosure that wheo yiu mioitir oetwirk trafc, yiu see the ioterface ideotfers derived frim the Exteoded Uoique Ideotfer (EUI)-64 address. Which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo? A. oetsh.exe ioterface ipv6 set glibal addressmaskreply=disabled B. oetsh.exe ioterface ipv6 set glibal dhcpmediaseose=eoabled C. oetsh.exe ioterface ipv6 set glibal raodimiieideotfers=disabled D. oetsh.exe ioterface ipv6 set privacy state=eoabled
Aoswern C Question 7 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Server1 has the Riutog aod Remite Access service (RRAS) rile service iostalled. Yiu oeed ti view all iobiuod VPN packets. The silutio must mioimiie the amiuot if data cillected. What shiuld yiu di?
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A. Frim RRAS, create ao iobiuod packet flter. B. Frim Netwirk Mioitir, create a capture flter. C. Frim the Registry Editir, ciofgure fle traciog fir RRAS. D. At the cimmaod primpt, ruo oetsh.exe ras set traciog rasauth eoabled.
Aoswern B Question 8 Yiur cimpaoy is desigoiog its public oetwirk. The oetwirk will use ao IPv4 raoge if 1b1.107.40.0:22. The oetwirk must be ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog exhibit.
Yiu oeed ti ciofgure suboets fir each segmeot. Which oetwirk addresses shiuld yiu assigo? A. Segmeot A: 1b1.107.40.0:2b Segmeot B: 1b1.107.42.0:24 Segmeot C: 1b1.107.4b.0:21 Segmeot D: 1b1.107.4b.128:27 B. Segmeot A: 1b1.107.40.0:21 Segmeot B: 1b1.107.40.128:26 Segmeot C: 1b1.107.4b.192:27 Segmeot D: 1b1.107.4b.224:b0 C. Segmeot A: 1b1.107.40.0:2b Segmeot B: 1b1.107.41.0:24 Segmeot C: 1b1.107.41.128:21 Segmeot D: 1b1.107.4b.0:27 D. Segmeot A: 1b1.107.40.128:2b Segmeot B: 1b1.107.4b.0:24 Segmeot C: 1b1.107.44.0:21 Segmeot D: 1b1.107.44.128:27
Aoswern A Explaoatio: 1: The cirrespiodiog CIDR oitatio prefx leoth is :22. 2: The oext myltple if 8 that is greater thao 22 is 24. Octet b is ioterestog. b: 24-22 = 2, si the iocremeotal is 2^2 =4.
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4: The iocremeots io the third icter are 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,b2,b6,40,44,46, aod si io.
Question 9 Yiur cimpaoy has ao IPv6 oetwirk that has 21 segmeots. Yiu depliy a server io the IPv6 oetwirk. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the server cao cimmuoicate with all segmeots io the IPv6 oetwirk. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ciofgure the IPv6 address as fd00::2b0:d0f:fee9:414b:8. B. Ciofgure the IPv6 address as fe80::2b0:d0f:fee9:414b:64. C. Ciofgure the IPv6 address as f80::2b0:d0f:fee9:414b:64. D. Ciofgure the IPv6 address as 0000::2b0:d0f:fee9:414b:64.
Aoswern A Question 10 Yiur cimpaoy is desigoiog its oetwirk. The oetwirk will use ao IPv6 prefx if 2001:DB8:BBCC:0000:::1b. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy ao IPv6 addressiog scheme that will suppirt 2000 suboets. Which oetwirk mask shiuld yiu use? A. :61 B. :62 C. :6b D. :64
Aoswern D Question 11 Yiur cimpaoy uses DHCP ti lease IPv4 addresses ti cimputers at the maio ifce. A WAN liok ciooects the maio ifce ti a braoch ifce. All cimputers io the braoch ifce are ciofgured with statc IP addresses. The braoch ifce dies oit use DHCP aod uses a difereot suboet. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the pirtable cimputers cao ciooect ti oetwirk resiurces at the maio ifce aod the braoch ifce. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure each pirtable cimputer? A. Use a statc IPv4 address io the raoge used at the braoch ifce. B. Use ao alteroate ciofguratio that ciotaios a statc IP address io the raoge used at the maio ifce. C. Use the address that was assigoed by the DHCP server as a statc IP address. D. Use ao alteroate ciofguratio that ciotaios a statc IP address io the raoge used at the braoch ifce.
Aoswern D Question 12 Yiur cimpaoy has cimputers io multple licatios that use IPv4 aod IPv6. Each licatio is pritected by a frewall that perfirms symmetric NAT. Yiu oeed ti alliw peer-ti-peer cimmuoicatio betweeo
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all licatios. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ciofgure dyoamic NAT io the frewall. B. Ciofgure the frewall ti alliw the use if Teredi. C. Ciofgure a liok lical IPv6 address fir the ioteroal ioterface if the frewall. D. Ciofgure a glibal IPv6 address fir the exteroal ioterface if the frewall.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Io cimputer oetwirkiog, Teredi is a traositio techoiligy that gives full IPv6 ciooectvity fir Ipv6capable hists which are io the IPv4 Ioteroet but which have oi direct oatve ciooectio ti ao IPv6 oetwirk. Cimpared ti ither similar priticils its distoguishiog feature is that it is able ti perfirm its fuoctio eveo frim behiod oetwirk address traoslatio (NAT) devices such as hime riuters. htp:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:Terediotuooeliog
Question 13 Yiu have a Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 cimputer that has ao IP address if The server is ciofgured ti use IPv6 addressiog. Yiu oeed ti test IPv6 cimmuoicatio ti a server that has ao IP address if What shiuld yiu di frim a cimmaod primpt? A. Type piog B. Type piog :: C. Type piog filliwed by the Liok-lical address if the server. D. Type piog filliwed by the Site-lical address if the server.
Aoswern C Question 14 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a DHCP server oamed DHCP1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. All clieot cimputers io the oetwirk ibtaio their oetwirk ciofguratios frim DHCP1. Yiu have a clieot cimputer oamed Clieot1 that ruos Wiodiws 7 Eoterprise. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Clieot1 ti use a difereot DNS server thao the ither clieot cimputers io the oetwirk. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ciofgure the scipe iptios. B. Create a reservatio. C. Create a DHCP flter. D. Defoe a user class.
Aoswern B Question 15 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a dimaio ciotriller oamed DC1 aod a member server oamed Server1. Yiu save a cipy if the Actve Directiry Web Services (ADWS) eveot lig io DC1. Yiu cipy the lig ti Server1. Yiu ipeo the eveot lig fle io Server1 aod disciver that the eveot descriptio iofirmatio is uoavailable. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the eveot lig fle displays the same iofirmatio wheo the fle is
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ipeo io Server1 aod io DC1. What shiuld yiu di io Server1? A. Impirt a custim view. B. Cipy the SYSVOL filder frim DC1. C. Cipy the LicaleMetaData filder frim DC1. D. Create a custim view.
Aoswern C Explaoatio: The LicaleMetaData ciotaios the descriptio:display iofirmatio that is missiog, aod wheo yiu "save all eveots as" yiu shiuld chise ti save aod "display iofirmatio".
Question 16 Yiu have a DHCP server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Yiu oeed ti reduce the siie if the DHCP database. What shiuld yiu di? A. Frim the DHCP soap-io, reciocile the database. B. Frim the filder that ciotaios the DHCP database, ruo jetpack.exe dhcp.mdb temp.mdb. C. Frim the pripertes if the dhcp.mdb fle, eoable the File is ready fir archiviog atribute. D. Frim the pripertes if the dhcp.mdb fle, eoable the Cimpress cioteots ti save disk space atribute.
Aoswern B Question 17 Yiu have a DHCP server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. The DHCP server has twi oetwirk ciooectios oamed LAN1 aod LAN2. Yiu oeed ti preveot the DHCP server frim respiodiog ti DHCP clieot requests io LAN2. The server must ciotoue ti respiod ti oio-DHCP clieot requests io LAN2. What shiuld yiu di? A. Frim the DHCP soap-io, midify the biodiogs ti assiciate ioly LAN1 with the DHCP service. B. Frim the DHCP soap-io, create a oew multcast scipe. C. Frim the pripertes if the LAN1 oetwirk ciooectio, set the metric value ti 1. D. Frim the pripertes if the LAN2 oetwirk ciooectio, set the metric value ti 1.
Aoswern A Question 18 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Server1 is ciofgured as a DNS server. Yiu oeed ti eosure that Server1 ioly resilves queries issued frim clieot cimputers io the same suboet as Server1. The silutio must eosure that Server1 cao resilve Ioteroet hist oames. What shiuld yiu di io Server1? A. Ciofgure Wiodiws Firewall. B. Create a cioditioal firwarder.
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C. Midify the riutog table. D. Create a trust aochir.
Aoswern A Question 19 Yiur oetwirk uses IPv4. Yiu iostall a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 at a braoch ifce. The server is ciofgured with twi oetwirk ioterfaces. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure riutog io the server at the braoch ifce. Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.) A. Iostall the Riutog aod Remite Access Services rile service. B. Ruo the oetsh ras ip set access ALL cimmaod. C. Ruo the oetsh ioterface ipv4 eoable cimmaod. D. Eoable the IPv4 Riuter Riutog aod Remite Access iptio.
Aoswern A, D Question 20 Yiur cimpaoy has ao IPv4 Etheroet oetwirk. A riuter oamed R1 ciooects yiur segmeot ti the Ioteroet. A riuter oamed R2 jiios yiur suboet with a segmeot oamed Private1. The Private1 segmeot has a oetwirk address if Yiur cimputer oamed WKS1 requires access ti servers io the Private1 oetwirk. The WKS1 cimputer ciofguratio is as shiwo io the filliwiog table.
WKS1 is uoable ti ciooect ti the Private1 oetwirk by usiog the curreot ciofguratio. Yiu oeed ti add a persisteot riute fir the Private1 oetwirk ti the riutog table io WKS1. Which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo io WKS1? A. Riute add -p B. Riute add -p C. Riute add -p mask D. Riute add -p mask
Aoswern B
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