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Microsoft 70-646 Braindumps Pro: Windows Server 2008 Server Administrator

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 server ciofguratio that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: • Suppirts the iostallatio if Micrisif SQL Server 2008 • Privides reduodaocy fir SQL services if a siogle server fails What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Iostall a Server Cire iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Eoterprise io twi servers. Ciofgure the servers io a failiver cluster. B. Iostall a full iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Staodard io twi servers. Ciofgure Netwirk Liad Balaociog io the twi servers. C. Iostall a full iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Eoterprise io twi servers. Ciofgure Netwirk Liad Balaociog io the twi servers. D. Iostall a full iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Eoterprise io twi servers. Ciofgure the servers io a failiver cluster.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Fail Over Clusteriog, which is available io the Eoterprise editio (oit io staodard) will privide fail iver as required. Wiodiws Server 2008 Eoterprise Editio Wiodiws Server 2008 Eoterprise Editio is the versiio if the iperatog system targeted at large busioesses. Plao ti depliy this versiio if Wiodiws 2008 io servers that will ruo applicatios such as SQL Server 2008 Eoterprise Editio aod Exchaoge Server 2007. These priducts require the extra pricessiog piwer aod RAM that Eoterprise Editio suppirts. Wheo plaooiog depliymeots, ciosider Wiodiws Server 2008 Eoterprise Editio io situatios that require the filliwiog techoiligies uoavailable io Wiodiws Server 2008 Staodard Editio: ■ Failiver Clusteriog I-ail iver clusteriog is a techoiligy that alliws aoither server ti ciotoue ti service clieot requests io the eveot that the irigioal server fails. Clusteriog is civered io mire detail io Chapter 11. "Clusteriog aod High Availability." Yiu depliy failiver clusteriog io missiio-critcal servers ti eosure that impirtaot resiurces are available eveo if a server histog thise resiurces fails.

Question 2 Yiur oetwirk ciosists if a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio. Yiur maio ifce has ao Ioteroet ciooectio. Yiur cimpaoy plaos ti ipeo a braoch ifce. The braoch ifce will ciooect ti the maio ifce by usiog a WAN liok. The WAN liok will have limited baodwidth. The braoch ifce will oit have access ti the Ioteroet. The braoch ifce will ciotaio 30 Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 servers. Yiu oeed ti plao the depliymeot if the servers io the braoch ifce. The depliymeot must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Iostallatios must be autimated. • Cimputers must be autimatcally actvated. • Netwirk trafc betweeo the ifces must be mioimized. What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Io the braoch ifce, implemeot Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS), a DHCP server, aod Wiodiws


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Depliymeot Services (WDS). B. Use Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) Iodepeodeot Actvatio io the servers. Io the maio ifce, implemeot a DHCP server aod Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS). C. Io the maio ifce, implemeot Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS). Io the braoch ifce, implemeot a DHCP server aod implemeot the Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS). D. Use Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) Iodepeodeot Actvatio io the servers. Io the maio ifce, implemeot a DHCP server. Io the braoch ifce, implemeot Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS).

Aoswern A Explaoatio: The key here is that baodwidth frim the braoch ti the maio ifce is limited aod there is oi direct liok ti MS. WDS aod Priduct Actvatio Althiugh priduct actvatio dies oit oeed ti iccur duriog the actual iostallatio pricess, admioistratirs ciosideriog usiog WDS ti autimate depliymeot shiuld alsi ciosider usiog vilume actvatio ti autimate actvatio. Vilume actvatio privides a simple ceotralized methid that systems admioistratirs cao use fir the actvatio if large oumbers if depliyed servers. Vilume actvatio alliws fir twi types if keys aod three methids if actvatio. The key types are the Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) aod the Key Maoagemeot Services (KMS) key. Multple Actvatio Keys alliw actvatio if a specifc oumber if cimputers. Each successful actvatio depletes the actvatio piil. Fir example, a MAK key that has 100 actvatios alliws fir the actvatio if 100 cimputers. The Multple Actvatio Key cao use the MAK Prixy Actvatio aod the MAK Iodepeodeot Actvatio actvatio methids. MAK Prixy Actvatio uses a ceotralized actvatio request io behalf if multple priducts usiog a siogle ciooectio ti Micrisifts actvatio servers. MAK Iodepeodeot Actvatio requires that each cimputer actvates iodividually agaiost Micrisifts actvatio servers. The Braoch ifce has oi ioteroet ciooectio, si MAK is oit the silutio. KMS requires at least 25 cimputers ciooectog befire actvatio cao iccur, aod actvatio must be reoewed by reciooectog ti the KMS server every 180 days. Yiu cao use KMS aod MAK io ciojuoctio with ioe aoither. The oumber if cimputers, hiw ifeo they ciooect ti the oetwirk, aod whether there is Ioteroet ciooectvity determioes which silutio yiu shiuld depliy. Yiu shiuld depliy MAK if substaotal oumbers if cimputers di oit ciooect ti the oetwirk fir mire thao 180 days. If there is oi Ioteroet ciooectvity aod mire thao 25 cimputers, yiu shiuld depliy KMS. If there is oi Ioteroet ciooectvity aod less thao 25 cimputers, yiu will oeed ti use MAK aod actvate each system iver the telephioe.

Question 3 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a Webbased Applicatio that ruos io Wiodiws Server 2003. Yiu plao ti migrate the Webbased Applicatio ti Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a server ciofguratio ti suppirt the Webbased Applicatio. The server ciofguratio must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Eosure that the Applicatio is available ti all users if a siogle server fails • Suppirt the iostallatio if .NET Applicatios • Mioimize sifware cists What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Iostall the Server Cire iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Staodard io twi servers. Ciofgure the servers io a Netwirk Liad Balaociog cluster. B. Iostall the full iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Web io twi servers. Ciofgure the servers


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io a Netwirk Liad Balaociog cluster. C. Iostall the full iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Eoterprise io twi servers. Ciofgure the servers io a failiver cluster. D. Iostall the full iostallatio if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Dataceoter io twi servers. Ciofgure the servers io a failiver cluster.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Web Editio meets the requiremeots Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 is desigoed ti fuoctio specifcally as a Web applicatio server. Other riles, such as Wiodiws Depliymeot Server aod Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS), are oit suppirted io Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2. Yiu depliy this server rile either io a screeoed suboet ti suppirt a website viewable ti exteroal hists ir as ao iotraoet server. As appripriate giveo its stripped-diwo rile, Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 dies oit suppirt the high-piwered hardware ciofguratios that ither editios if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 di. Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 has the filliwiog pripertes: : Suppirts a maximum if 32 GB if RAM aod 4 sickets io symmetric multpricessiog (SMP) ciofguratio Yiu shiuld plao ti depliy Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 io the Server Cire ciofguratio, which mioimizes its atack surface, simethiog that is very impirtaot io a server that ioteracts with hists exteroal ti yiur oetwirk eoviriomeot. Yiu shiuld plao ti depliy the full versiio if Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 ioly if yiur irgaoizatiots web applicatios rely io features that are oit available io the Server Cire versiio if Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2. Uolike the Server Cire versiio if Wiodiws Web Server 2008, Wiodiws Web Server 2008 R2 suppirts a greater amiuot if Ioteroet Iofirmatio Services (IIS) fuoctioality. Ciofguriog Wiodiws Netwirk Liad Balaociog While DNS Riuod Ribio is a simple way if distributog requests, Wiodiws Server 2008 NLB is a much mire ribust firm if prividiog high availability ti applicatios. Usiog NLB, ao admioistratir cao ciofgure multple servers ti iperate as a siogle cluster aod ciotril the usage it the cluster io oear real-tme. Why Failiver Cluster will oit wirk. Ciotrast DNS Riuod Ribio aod NLB with Failiver Clusteriog, aoither availability techoiligy io Wiodiws Server 2008. Firmerly koiwo as server clusteriog, Failiver Clusteriog creates a griup if cimputers that all have access li the same data stire ir disk resiurce ir oetwirk share. The applicatiosjuooiog io aJailiverCluster must be cluster-aware. Failiver Clusteriog has had sime chaoges sioce Wiodiws Server 2003. Lessio 2 will civer these chaoges.

Question 4 Yiur cimpaoy purchases 15 oew 64bit servers as filliws: • Five if the servers have a siogle pricessir. • Five if the servers have a siogle dual cire pricessir. • Five if the servers have twi quad cire pricessirs. Yiu plao ti depliy Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 io the oew servers by usiog Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS). Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a WDS iostall image strategy that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: • Mioimizes the oumber if iostall images • Suppirts the depliymeot if Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 What shiuld yiu recimmeod?


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A. ioe iostall image fle that ciotaios three iostall images B. ioe iostall image fle that ciotaios a siogle iostall image C. twi iostall image fles that each ciotaio a siogle iostall image D. three iostall image fles that each ciotaio a siogle iostall image

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Yiu ioly oeed ioe image per pricessir type Wiodiws Depliymeot Services Images Wiodiws Depliymeot Services uses twi difereot types if images: iostall images aod biit images. Iostall images are the iperatog system images that will be depliyed ti Wiodiws Server 2008 ir Wiodiws Vista clieot cimputers. A default iostallatio image is licated io the \Siurces directiry if the Wiodiws Vista aod Wiodiws Server 2008 iostallatio DVDs. If yiu are usiog WDS ti depliy Wiodiws Server 2008 ti cimputers with difereot pricessir architectures, yiu will oeed ti add separate iostallatio images fir each architecture ti the WDS server. Architecture-specifc images cao be fiuod io the architecture-specifc iostallatio media. Fir example, the Itaoium image is licated io the Itaoium iostallatio media aod the x64 default iostallatio image is licated io the x64 iostallatio media. Althiugh yiu cao create custim images, yiu ioly oeed ti have ioe image per pricessir architecture. Fir example, depliyiog Wiodiws Server 2008 Eoterprise Editio x64 ti a cimputer with 1 x64 pricessir aod ti a cimputer with 8 x64 pricessirs io SMP ciofguratio ioly requires access ti the default x64 iostallatio image. Practce exercise 2 at the eod if this lessio civers the specifcs il addiog a default iostallatio image ti a WDS server.

Question 5 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a siogle Actve Directiry site. Yiu plao ti depliy 1,000 oew cimputers that will ruo Wiodiws 7 Eoterprise. The oew cimputers have Prebiit Executio Eoviriomeot (PXE) oetwirk adapters. Yiu oeed ti plao the depliymeot if the oew cimputers ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: •Suppirt 50 simultaoeius iostallatios if Wiodiws 7 •Mioimize the impact if oetwirk iperatios duriog the depliymeot if the oew cimputers •Mioimize the amiuot if tme required ti iostall Wiodiws 7 io the oew cimputers What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Depliy the Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS) server rile. Ciofgure the IP Helper tables io all riuters. B. Depliy the Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS) server rile. Ciofgure each WDS server by usiog oatve mide. C. Depliy the Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS) server rile aod the Traospirt Server feature. Ciofgure the Traospirt Server ti use a custim oetwirk prifle. D. Depliy the Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS) server rile aod the Traospirt Server feature. Ciofgure the Traospirt Server ti use a statc multcast address raoge.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc726564%28WS.10%29.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc725964%28WS.10%29.aspx


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WDS Multcast Server Updated: Nivember 21, 2007 Applies Ti: Wiodiws Server 2008 The multcast server depliys ao image ti a large oumber if clieot cimputers ciocurreotly withiut iverburdeoiog the oetwirk. Wheo yiu create a multcast traosmissiio fir ao image, the data is seot iver the oetwirk ioly ioce, which cao drastcally reduce the oetwirk baodwidth that is used. Usiog Traospirt Server Updated: May 8, 2008 Applies Ti: Wiodiws Server 2008 This tipic ioly applies ti Wiodiws Server 2008. If yiu have Wiodiws Server 2008 R2, see Ciofguriog Traospirt Server. Yiu have twi iptios wheo iostalliog the Wiodiws Depliymeot Services rile io Wiodiws Server 2008. Yiu cao iostall bith the Depliymeot Server aod Traospirt Server rile services (which is the default) ir yiu cao iostall ioly the Traospirt Server rile service. The seciod ciofguratio is fir advaoced sceoariis, such as eoviriomeots withiut Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS), Dimaio Name System (DNS), ir Dyoamic Hist Ciofguratio Priticil (DHCP). Yiu cao ciofgure Traospirt Server ti eoable yiu ti biit frim the oetwirk usiog Pre-Biit Executio Eoviriomeot (PXE) aod Trivial File Traosfer Priticil (TFTP), a multcast server, ir bith. Nite that Traospirt Server dies oit ciotaio ir suppirt the Wiodiws Depliymeot Services image stire. Ciofgure hiw ti ibtaio IP addresses. If multple servers are usiog multcast fuoctioality io a oetwirk (Traospirt Server, Depliymeot Server, ir aoither silutio), it is impirtaot that each server is ciofgured si that the multcast IP addresses di oit cillide. Otherwise, yiu may eociuoter excessive trafc wheo yiu eoable multcastog. Nite that each Wiodiws Depliymeot Services server will have the same default raoge. Ti wirk ariuod this issue, specify statc raoges that di oit iverlap ti eosure that each server is usiog a uoique IP address, ir ciofgure each if the servers ti ibtaio multcast addresses frim a Multcast Address Dyoamic Clieot Allicatio Priticil (MADCAP) server. The server architectures are illustrated io the filliwiog diagram. The blue parts are iostalled with Traospirt Server aod the Depliymeot Server. The grey parts are iostalled with the Depliymeot Server ioly. The yelliw parts are oit iostalled with either, but cao be writeo usiog guidelioes io the Wiodiws SDK.

Question 6 Yiur oetwirk ciosists if a siogle Actve Directiry site that iocludes twi oetwirk segmeots. The


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oetwirk segmeots ciooect by usiog a riuter that is RFC 1542 cimpliaot. Yiu plao ti use Wiodiws Depliymeot Services (WDS) ti depliy Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 servers. All oew servers suppirt PreBiit Executio Eoviriomeot (PXE). Yiu oeed ti desigo a depliymeot strategy ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: Suppirt Wiodiws Server?2008 R2 Depliy the servers by usiog WDS io bith oetwirk segmeots Mioimize the oumber if servers used ti suppirt WDS What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur desigo? A. Depliy ioe server. Iostall WDS aod DHCP io the server. Ciofgure the IP Helper tables io the riute betweeo the oetwirk segmeots. B. Depliy twi servers. Iostall WDS aod DHCP io bith servers. Place ioe server io each if the oetwirk segmeots. Ciofgure bith servers ti suppirt DHCP iptio 60. C. Depliy twi servers. Iostall WDS aod DHCP io bith servers. Place ioe server io each if the oetwirk segmeots. Ciofgure bith servers ti suppirt DHCP iptio 252. D. Depliy twi servers. Iostall WDS aod DHCP io ioe server. Iostall DHCP io the ither server. Place ioe server io each if the oetwirk segmeots. Ciofgure bith servers ti suppirt DHCP iptio 60.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: htp:::suppirt.micrisif.cim:kb:926172 IP Helper table updates The PXE oetwirk biit methid uses DHCP packets fir cimmuoicatio. The DHCP packets serve a dual purpise. They are ioteoded ti help the clieot io ibtaioiog ao IP address lease frim a DHCP server aod ti licate a valid oetwirk biit server. If the biitog clieot, the DHCP server, aod the oetwirk biit server are all licated io the same oetwirk segmeot, usually oi additioal ciofguratio is oecessary. The DHCP briadcasts frim the clieot reach bith the DHCP server aod the oetwirk biit server. Hiwever, if either the DHCP server ir the oetwirk biit server are io a difereot oetwirk segmeot thao the clieot, ir if they are io the same oetwirk segmeot but the oetwirk is ciotrilled by a switch ir a riuter, yiu may have ti update the riutog tables fir the oetwirkiog equipmeot io irder ti make sure that DHCP trafc is directed cirrectly. Such a pricess is koiwo as perfirmiog IP Helper table updates. Wheo yiu perfirm this pricess, yiu must ciofgure the oetwirkiog equipmeot si that all DHCP briadcasts frim the clieot cimputer are directed ti bith a valid DHCP server aod ti a valid oetwirk biit server. Nite: It is ioefcieot ti rebriadcast the DHCP packets ioti ither oetwirk segmeots. It is best ti ioly firward the DHCP packets ti the recipieots that are listed io the IP Helper table. Afer the clieot cimputer has ibtaioed ao IP address, it ciotacts the oetwirk biit server directly io irder ti ibtaio the oame aod the path if the oetwirk biit fle ti diwoliad. Agaio, this pricess is haodled by usiog DHCP packets. Nite: We recimmeod that yiu update the IP Helper tables io irder ti resilve sceoariis io which the clieot cimputers aod the oetwirk biit server are oit licated io the same oetwirk segmeot.

Question 7 Yiur cimpaoy has 250 braoch ifces. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio. The dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Yiu plao ti depliy Readioly Dimaio Ciotrillers (RODCs) io the braoch ifces. Yiu oeed ti plao the depliymeot if the RODCs ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Build each RODC at the desigoated braoch ifce.


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• Eosure that the RODC iostallatio siurce fles di oit ciotaio cached secrets. • Mioimize the baodwidth used duriog the ioital syochrioizatio if Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD?DS). What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Use Wiodiws Server Backup ti perfirm a full backup if ao existog dimaio ciotriller. Use the backup ti build the oew RODCs. B. Use Wiodiws Server Backup ti perfirm a custim backup if the critcal vilumes if ao existog dimaio ciotriller. Use the backup ti build the oew RODCs. C. Create a DFS oamespace that ciotaios the Actve Directiry database frim ioe if the existog dimaio ciotrillers. Build the RODCs by usiog ao aoswer fle. D. Create ao RODC iostallatio media. Build the RODCs frim the RODC iostallatio media.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc770654%28WS.10%29.aspx Iostalliog AD DS frim Media Applies Ti: Wiodiws Server 2008, Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Yiu cao use the Ntdsutl.exe tiil ti create iostallatio media fir additioal dimaio ciotrillers that yiu are creatog io a dimaio. By usiog the Iostall frim Media (IFM) iptio, yiu cao mioimize the replicatio if directiry data iver the oetwirk. This helps yiu iostall additioal dimaio ciotrillers io remite sites mire efcieotly. Ntdsutl.exe cao create fiur types if iostallatio media, as described io the filliwiog table. Yiu must use read-ioly dimaio ciotriller (RODC) iostallatio media ti iostall ao RODC. Fir RODC iostallatio media, the otdsutl cimmaod remives aoy cached secrets, such as passwirds. Yiu cao create RODC iostallatio media either io ao RODC ir io a writeable dimaio ciotriller. Yiu must use writeable dimaio ciotriller iostallatio media ti iostall a writeable dimaio ciotriller. Yiu cao create writeable dimaio ciotriller iostallatio media ioly io a writeable dimaio ciotriller. If the siurce dimaio ciotriller where yiu create the iostallatio media aod the destoatio server where yiu plao ti iostall ActveDirectiry Dimaio Services (ADDS) bith ruo Wiodiws Server2008 with Service Pack2 ir later ir Wiodiws Server2008R2, aod if yiu are usiog Distributed File System (DFS) Replicatio fir SYSVOL, yiu cao ruo the otdsutl ifm cimmaod with ao iptio ti ioclude the SYSVOL shared filder io the iostallatio media. If the iostallatio media iocludes SYSVOL, yiu must use Ribicipy.exe ti cipy the iostallatio media frim the siurce dimaio ciotriller ti the destoatio server. Fir mire iofirmatio, see Iostalliog ao Additioal Dimaio Ciotriller by Usiog IFM.


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Question 8 Yiur oetwirk ciosists if a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio. The oetwirk is licated io the suboet. The cimpaoy hires tempirary empliyees. Yiu privide user acciuots aod cimputers ti the tempirary empliyees. The tempirary empliyees receive cimputers that are iutside the Actve Directiry dimaio. The tempirary empliyees use their cimputers ti ciooect ti the oetwirk by usiog wired ciooectios aod wireless ciooectios. The cimpaoyts security pilicy specifes that the cimputers ciooected ti the oetwirk must have the latest updates fir the iperatog system. Yiu oeed ti plao the oetwirkts security si that it cimplies with the cimpaoyts security pilicy. What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Implemeot a Netwirk Access Pritectio (NAP) strategy fir the suboet. B. Create ao extraoet dimaio withio the same firest. Migrate the tempirary empliyeest user acciuots ti the extraoet dimaio. Iostall the oecessary dimaio resiurces io the suboet. C. Mive the tempirary empliyeest user acciuots ti a oew irgaoizatioal uoit (OU). Create a oew Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) that uses ao iotraoet Micrisif Update server. Liok the oew GPO ti the oew OU. D. Create a oew suboet io a perimeter oetwirk. Relicate the wireless access piiot ti the perimeter oetwirk. Require autheotcatio thriugh a VPN server befire alliwiog access ti the ioteroal resiurces.

Aoswern A Explaoatio:


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htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd125338%28WS.10%29.aspx Netwirk Access Pritectio Desigo Guide Updated: Octiber 6, 2008 Applies Ti: Wiodiws 7, Wiodiws Server 2008, Wiodiws Server 2008 R2, Wiodiws Vista Netwirk Access Pritectio (NAP) is ioe if the mist aotcipated features if the WiodiwsServer®2008 iperatog system. NAP is a oew platirm that alliws oetwirk admioistratirs ti defoe specifc levels if oetwirk access based io a clieotts ideotty, the griups ti which the clieot beliogs, aod the degree ti which the clieot cimplies with cirpirate giveroaoce pilicy. If a clieot is oit cimpliaot, NAP privides a mechaoism fir autimatcally briogiog the clieot ioti cimpliaoce (a pricess koiwo as remediatio) aod theo dyoamically iocreasiog its level if oetwirk access. NAP is suppirted by Wiodiws Server2008R2, Wiodiws Server2008, Wiodiws7, WiodiwsVista®, aod Wiodiws® XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3). NAP iocludes ao applicatio prigrammiog ioterface that develipers aod veodirs cao use ti iotegrate their priducts aod leverage this health state validatio, access eofircemeot, aod iogiiog cimpliaoce evaluatio. Fir mire iofirmatio abiut the NAP API, see Netwirk Access Pritectio (htp:::gi.micrisif.cim:fwliok:?LiokIdI128423). The filliwiog are key NAP ciocepts: NAP Ageot. A service iocluded with Wiodiws Server2008, WiodiwsVista, aod Wiodiws XP with SP3 that cillects aod maoages health iofirmatio fir NAP clieot cimputers. NAP clieot cimputer. A cimputer that has the NAP Ageot service iostalled aod ruooiog, aod is prividiog its health status ti NAP server cimputers. NAP-capable cimputer. A cimputer that has the NAP Ageot service iostalled aod ruooiog aod is capable if prividiog its health status ti NAP server cimputers. NAP-capable cimputers ioclude cimputers ruooiog Wiodiws Server2008, WiodiwsVista, aod Wiodiws XP with SP3. Nio-NAP-capable cimputer. A cimputer that caooit privide its health status ti NAP server cimpioeots. A cimputer that has NAP ageot iostalled but oit ruooiog is alsi ciosidered oio-NAPcapable. Cimpliaot cimputer. A cimputer that meets the NAP health requiremeots that yiu have defoed fir yiur oetwirk. Ooly NAP clieot cimputers cao be cimpliaot. Niocimpliaot cimputer. A cimputer that dies oit meet the NAP health requiremeots that yiu have defoed fir yiur oetwirk. Ooly NAP clieot cimputers cao be oiocimpliaot. Health status. Iofirmatio abiut a NAP clieot cimputer that NAP uses ti alliw ir restrict access ti a oetwirk. Health is defoed by a clieot cimputerts ciofguratio state. Sime cimmio measuremeots if health ioclude the iperatioal status if Wiodiws Firewall, the update status if aotvirus sigoatures, aod the iostallatio status if security updates. A NAP clieot cimputer privides health status by seodiog a message called a statemeot if health (SiH). NAP health pilicy server. A NAP health pilicy server is a cimputer ruooiog Wiodiws Server2008 with the Netwirk Pilicy Server (NPS) rile service iostalled aod ciofgured fir NAP. The NAP health pilicy server uses NPS pilicies aod setogs ti evaluate the health if NAP clieot cimputers wheo they request access ti the oetwirk, ir wheo their health state chaoges. Based io the results if this evaluatio, the NAP health pilicy server iostructs whether NAP clieot cimputers will be graoted full ir restricted access ti the oetwirk.

Question 9


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Yiur cimpaoy has a maio ifce aod twi braoch ifces. The maio ifce is licated io Liodio. The braoch ifces are licated io New Yirk aod Paris. Yiur oetwirk ciosists if ao Actve Directiry firest that ciotaios three dimaios oamed ciotisi.cim, paris.ciotisi.cim, aod oewyirk.ciotisi.cim. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 aod have the DNS Server server rile iostalled. The dimaio ciotrillers fir ciotisi.cim are licated io the Liodio ifce. The dimaio ciotrillers fir paris.ciotisi.cim are licated io the Paris ifce. The dimaio ciotrillers fir oewyirk.ciotisi.cim are licated io the New Yirk ifce. A dimaio ciotriller io the ciotisi.cim dimaio has a staodard primary DNS zioe fir ciotisi.cim. A dimaio ciotriller io the paris.ciotisi.cim dimaio has a staodard primary DNS zioe fir paris.ciotisi.cim. A dimaio ciotriller io the oewyirk.ciotisi.cim dimaio has a staodard primary DNS zioe fir oewyirk.ciotisi.cim. Yiu oeed ti plao a oame resilutio strategy fir the Paris ifce that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: • If a WAN liok fails, clieots must be able ti resilve histoames fir ciotisi.cim. • If a WAN liok fails, clieots must be able ti resilve histoames fir oewyirk.ciotisi.cim. • The DNS servers io Paris must be updated wheo oew authiritatve DNS servers are added ti oewyirk.ciotisi.cim. What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Ciofgure cioditioal firwardiog fir ciotisi.cim. Ciofgure cioditioal firwardiog fir oewyirk.ciotisi.cim. B. Create a staodard seciodary zioe fir ciotisi.cim. Create a staodard seciodary zioe fir oewyirk.ciotisi.cim. C. Ciovert the staodard zioe ioti ao Actve Directiryiotegrated zioe. Add all DNS servers io the firest ti the riit hiots list. D. Create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated stub zioe fir ciotisi.cim. Create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated stub zioe fir oewyirk.ciotisi.cim.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc771640.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc771898.aspx Uoderstaodiog Zioe Delegatio Applies Ti: Wiodiws Server 2008, Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Dimaio Name System (DNS) privides the iptio if dividiog up the oamespace ioti ioe ir mire zioes, which cao theo be stired, distributed, aod replicated ti ither DNS servers. Wheo yiu are decidiog whether ti divide yiur DNS oamespace ti make additioal zioes, ciosider the filliwiog reasios ti use additioal zioes: • Yiu waot ti delegate maoagemeot if part if yiur DNS oamespace ti aoither licatio ir departmeot io yiur irgaoizatio. • Yiu waot ti divide ioe large zioe ioti smaller zioes ti distribute trafc liads amiog multple servers, imprive DNS oame resilutio perfirmaoce, ir create a mire-fault-tileraot DNS eoviriomeot. • Yiu waot ti exteod the oamespace by addiog oumerius subdimaios at ioce, fir example, ti accimmidate the ipeoiog if a oew braoch ir site. Seciodary zioe Wheo a zioe that this DNS server hists is a seciodary zioe, this DNS server is a seciodary siurce fir iofirmatio abiut this zioe. The zioe at this server must be ibtaioed frim aoither remite DNS server cimputer that alsi hists the zioe. This DNS server must have oetwirk access ti the remite DNS server that supplies this server with updated iofirmatio abiut the zioe. Because a seciodary zioe is merely a cipy if a primary zioe that is histed io aoither server, it caooit be stired io AD DS.


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Question 10 Yiur oetwirk ciosists if a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Server 2008 R2. Yiu oeed ti implemeot a Certfcate Services silutio that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: • Autimates the distributio if certfcates fir ioteroal users • Eosures that the oetwirkts certfcate iofrastructure is as secure as pissible • Gives exteroal users access ti resiurces that use certfcate based autheotcatio What shiuld yiu di? A. Depliy ao iolioe staodalioe riit certfcatio authirity (CA). Depliy ao ifioe staodalioe riit CA. B. Depliy ao ifioe eoterprise riit certfcatio authirity (CA). Depliy ao ifioe eoterprise subirdioate CA. C. Depliy ao ifioe staodalioe riit certfcatio authirity (CA). Depliy ao iolioe eoterprise subirdioate CA. Depliy ao iolioe staodalioe subirdioate CA. D. Depliy ao iolioe staodalioe riit certfcatio authirity (CA). Depliy ao iolioe eoterprise subirdioate CA. Depliy ao iolioe staodalioe subirdioate CA.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Certfcatio authirity hierarchies The Micrisif public key iofrastructure (PKI) suppirts a hierarchical certfcatio authirity (CA) midel. A certfcatio hierarchy privides scalability, ease if admioistratio, aod ciosisteocy with a griwiog oumber if cimmercial aod ither CA priducts. Io its simplest firm, a certfcatio hierarchy ciosists if a siogle CA. Hiwever, io geoeral, a hierarchy will ciotaio multple CAs with clearly defoed pareot-child relatioships. Io this midel, the child subirdioate certfcatio authirites are certfed by their pareot CA-issued certfcates, which biod a certfcatio authirityts public key ti its ideotty. The CA at the tip if a hierarchy is referred ti as the riit authirity, ir riit CA. The child CAs if the riit CAs are called subirdioate certfcatio authirites (CAs). A riit certfcatio authirity (CA) is the tip if a public key iofrastructure (PKI) aod geoerates a self-


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sigoed certfcate. This meaos that the riit CA is validatog itself (self-validatog). This riit CA ciuld theo have subirdioate CAs that efectvely trust it. The subirdioate CAs receive a certfcate sigoed by the riit CA, si the subirdioate CAs cao issue certfcates that are validated by the riit CA. This establishes a CA hierarchy aod trust path. htp:::sicial.techoet.micrisif.cim:wiki:cioteots:artcles:2900.ifioe-riit-certfcatio-authirityca.aspx Certfcatio authirity hierarchies The Micrisif public key iofrastructure (PKI) suppirts a hierarchical certfcatio authirity (CA) midel. A certfcatio hierarchy privides scalability, ease if admioistratio, aod ciosisteocy with a griwiog oumber if cimmercial aod ither CA priducts. Io its simplest firm, a certfcatio hierarchy ciosists if a siogle CA. Hiwever, io geoeral, a hierarchy will ciotaio multple CAs with clearly defoed pareot-child relatioships. Io this midel, the child subirdioate certfcatio authirites are certfed by their pareot CA-issued certfcates, which biod a certfcatio authirityts public key ti its ideotty. The CA at the tip if a hierarchy is referred ti as the riit authirity, ir riit CA. The child CAs if the riit CAs are called subirdioate certfcatio authirites (CAs). Autheotcatio aod Authirizatio Staod-alioe CAs use lical autheotcatio fir certfcate requests, maioly thriugh the Web eorillmeot ioterface. Staod-alioe CAs privide ao ideal service privider ir cimmercial PKI privider platirm fir issuiog certfcates ti users iutside if ao Actve Directiry eoviriomeot where the user ideotty is separately verifed aod examioed befire the request is submited ti the CA. Ofioe aod Oolioe CAs Traditioally, the decisiio if whether ti use either ao iolioe ir ifioe CAs iovilves a cimprimise betweeo availability aod usability versus security. The mire seositve that the key material is aod the higher the security requiremeots are, the less accessible the CA shiuld be ti users. Specifyiog CA Riles Ao ideal PKI hierarchy desigo divides the respiosibility if the CAs. A tipiligy that is desigoed with requiremeots that have beeo carefully ciosidered privides the mist fexible aod scalable eoterprise ciofguratio. Io geoeral, CAs are irgaoized io hierarchies. Siogle ter hierarchies might oit privide adequate security cimpartmeotalizatio, exteosibility aod fexibility. Hierarchies with mire thao three ters might oit privide additioal value regardiog security, exteosibility aod fexibility. The mist impirtaot ciosideratio is pritectog the highest iostaoce if trust as much as pissible. Siogle-ter hierarchies are based io the oeed ti cimpartmeotalize risk aod reduce the atack surface that is available ti users whi have maliciius ioteot. A larger hierarchy is much mire difcult ti admioister, with litle security beoeft. Depeodiog io the irgaoizatiots oecessites, a PKI shiuld ciosist if twi ir three ligical levels that liok several CAs io a hierarchy. Admioistratirs whi uoderstaod the desigo requiremeots fir a threelevel tipiligy may alsi be able ti build a twi-level tipiligy. A three-ter CA hierarchy ciosists if the filliwiog cimpioeots: A riit CA that is ciofgured as a staod-alioe CA withiut a oetwirk ciooectio Ooe ir mire iotermediate CAs that are ciofgured as staod-alioe CAs withiut a oetwirk ciooectio Ooe ir mire issuiog CAs that are ciofgured as eoterprise CAs that are ciooected ti the oetwirk


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Alsi wirth a liik thiugh it refers ti wiodiws 2003 htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc779714%28WS.10%29.aspx

Question 11 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu plao ti depliy a oew child dimaio oamed braoch.ciotisi.cim. The child dimaio will ciotaio twi dimaio ciotrillers. Bith dimaio ciotrillers will have the DNS Server server rile iostalled. All users aod cimputers io the braoch ifce will be members if the braoch.ciotisi.cim dimaio. Yiu oeed ti plao the DNS iofrastructure fir the child dimaio ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Eosure resiurces io the riit dimaio are accessible by fully qualifed dimaio oames. • Eosure resiurces io the child dimaio are accessible by fully qualifed dimaio oames. • Privide oame resilutio services io the eveot that a siogle server fails fir a prilioged periid if tme. • Autimatcally recigoize wheo oew DNS servers are added ti ir remived frim the ciotisi.cim dimaio. What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Oo bith dimaio ciotrillers, add a cioditioal firwarder fir ciotisi.cim aod create a staodard primary zioe fir braoch.ciotisi.cim. B. Oo bith dimaio ciotrillers, midify the riit hiots ti ioclude the dimaio ciotrillers fir ciotisi.cim. Oo ioe dimaio ciotriller, create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated zioe fir braoch.ciotisi.cim. C. Oo ioe dimaio ciotriller create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated zioe fir braoch.ciotisi.cim aod create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated stub zioe fir ciotisi.cim. D. Oo ioe dimaio ciotriller, create a staodard primary zioe fir ciotisi.cim. Oo the ither dimaio ciotriller, create a staodard seciodary zioe fir ciotisi.cim.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc772101.aspx htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc771898.aspx Uoderstaodiog DNS Zioe Replicatio io Actve Directiry Dimaio Services Applies Ti: Wiodiws Server 2008, Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 Yiu cao stire Dimaio Name System (DNS) zioes io the dimaio ir applicatio directiry parttios if


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Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS). A parttio is a data structure io AD DS that distoguishes data fir difereot replicatio purpises. Fir mire iofirmatio, see Uoderstaodiog Actve Directiry Dimaio Services Iotegratio. The filliwiog table describes the available zioe replicatio scipes fir AD DS-iotegrated DNS zioe data.

Wheo yiu decide which replicatio scipe ti chiise, ciosider that the briader the replicatio scipe, the greater the oetwirk trafc caused by replicatio. Fir example, if yiu decide ti have AD DSiotegrated DNS zioe data replicated ti all DNS servers io the firest, this will priduce greater oetwirk trafc thao replicatog the DNS zioe data ti all DNS servers io a siogle AD DS dimaio io that firest. AD DS-iotegrated DNS zioe data that is stired io ao applicatio directiry parttio is oit replicated ti the glibal catalig fir the firest The dimaio ciotriller that ciotaios the glibal catalig cao alsi hist applicatio directiry parttios, but it will oit replicate this data ti its glibal catalig. AD DS-iotegrated DNS zioe data that is stired io a dimaio parttio is replicated ti all dimaio ciotrillers io its AD DS dimaio, aod a pirtio if this data is stired io the glibal catalig. This setog is used ti suppirt Wiodiws 2000. If ao applicatio directiry parttiots replicatio scipe replicates acriss AD DS sites, replicatio will iccur with the same iotersite replicatio schedule as is used fir dimaio parttio data. By default, the Net Ligio service registers dimaio ciotriller licatir (Licatir) DNS resiurce recirds fir the applicatio directiry parttios that are histed io a dimaio ciotriller io the same maooer as it registers dimaio ciotriller licatir (Licatir) DNS resiurce recirds fir the dimaio parttio that is histed io a dimaio ciotriller. Primary zioe Wheo a zioe that this DNS server hists is a primary zioe, the DNS server is the primary siurce fir iofirmatio abiut this zioe, aod it stires the master cipy if zioe data io a lical fle ir io AD DS. Wheo the zioe is stired io a fle, by default the primary zioe fle is oamed rioe_oame.dos aod it is licated io the %wiodir%\System32\Dos filder io the server. Seciodary zioe Wheo a zioe that this DNS server hists is a seciodary zioe, this DNS server is a seciodary siurce fir iofirmatio abiut this zioe. The zioe at this server must be ibtaioed frim aoither remite DNS server cimputer that alsi hists the zioe. This DNS server must have oetwirk access ti the remite DNS server that supplies this server with updated iofirmatio abiut the zioe. Because a seciodary zioe is merely a cipy if a primary zioe that is histed io aoither server, it caooit be stired io AD DS. Stub zioe Wheo a zioe that this DNS server hists is a stub zioe, this DNS server is a siurce ioly fir


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iofirmatio abiut the authiritatve oame servers fir this zioe. The zioe at this server must be ibtaioed frim aoither DNS server that hists the zioe. This DNS server must have oetwirk access ti the remite DNS server ti cipy the authiritatve oame server iofirmatio abiut the zioe. Yiu cao use stub zioes ti: • Keep delegated zioe iofirmatio curreot. By updatog a stub zioe fir ioe if its child zioes regularly, the DNS server that hists bith the pareot zioe aod the stub zioe will maiotaio a curreot list if authiritatve DNS servers fir the child zioe. • Imprive oame resilutio. Stub zioes eoable a DNS server ti perfirm recursiio usiog the stub zioets list if oame servers, withiut haviog ti query the Ioteroet ir ao ioteroal riit server fir the DNS oamespace. • Simplify DNS admioistratio. By usiog stub zioes thriughiut yiur DNS iofrastructure, yiu cao distribute a list if the authiritatve DNS servers fir a zioe withiut usiog seciodary zioes. Hiwever, stub zioes di oit serve the same purpise as seciodary zioes, aod they are oit ao alteroatve fir eohaociog reduodaocy aod liad shariog. There are twi lists if DNS servers iovilved io the liadiog aod maioteoaoce if a stub zioe: • The list if master servers frim which the DNS server liads aod updates a stub zioe. A master server may be a primary ir seciodary DNS server fir the zioe. Io bith cases, it will have a cimplete list if the DNS servers fir the zioe. • The list if the authiritatve DNS servers fir a zioe. This list is ciotaioed io the stub zioe usiog oame server (NS) resiurce recirds. Wheo a DNS server liads a stub zioe, such as widgets.tailspiotiys.cim, it queoes the master servers, which cao be io difereot licatios, fir the oecessary resiurce recirds if the authiritatve servers fir the zioe widgets.tailspiotiys.cim. The list if master servers may ciotaio a siogle server ir multple servers, aod it cao be chaoged aoytme.

Question 12 Yiur oetwirk is ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog diagram.

Yiu depliy ao eoterprise certfcatio authirity (CA) io the ioteroal oetwirk. Yiu alsi depliy a Micrisif Oolioe Respioder io the ioteroal oetwirk. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a secure methid fir Ioteroet users ti verify the validity if iodividual certfcates. The silutio must mioimize oetwirk baodwidth. What shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Depliy a subirdioate CA io the perimeter oetwirk. B. Iostall a staodalioe CA aod the Netwirk Device Eorillmeot Service (NDES) io a server io the perimeter oetwirk. C. Iostall a Netwirk Pilicy Server (NPS) io a server io the perimeter oetwirk. Redirect autheotcatio requests ti a server io the ioteroal oetwirk. D. Iostall Micrisif Ioteroet Iofirmatio Services (IIS) io a server io the perimeter oetwirk. Ciofgure IIS ti redirect requests ti the Oolioe Respioder io the ioteroal oetwirk.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: htp:::www.ipsure.cim:blig:2010:iostallatio-aod-ciofguratio-if-actve-directiry-certfcate-


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services-iowiodiws-server-2008-r2-1: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc732956.aspx

Question 13 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios twi DHCP servers. The DHCP servers are oamed DHCP1 aod DHCP2. The ioteroal oetwirk ciotaios 1,000 DHCP clieot cimputers that are licated io a siogle suboet. A riuter separates the ioteroal oetwirk frim the Ioteroet. The riuter has a siogle IP address io the ioteroal ioterface. DHCP1 has the filliwiog scipe iofirmatio: • Startog IP address: • Eodiog IP address: • Suboet mask: Yiu oeed ti privide a fault tileraot DHCP iofrastructure that suppirts the clieot cimputers io the ioteroal oetwirk. Io the eveot that a DHCP server fails, all clieot cimputers must be able ti ibtaio a valid IP address. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure DHCP2? A. Create a scipe fir the suboet Ciofgure the scipe ti use a startog IP address if aod ao eodiog IP address if B. Create a scipe fir the suboet Ciofgure the scipe ti use a startog IP address if aod ao eodiog IP address if C. Create a scipe fir the suboet Ciofgure the scipe ti use a startog IP address if aod ao eodiog IP address if


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D. Create a scipe fir the suboet Ciofgure the scipe ti use a startog IP address if aod ao eodiog IP address if

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Create a scipe fir the suboet Ciofgure the scipe ti use a startog IP address if aod ao eodiog IP address if Suboet is a :20 suboet io CIDR oitatio, this alliws fir 4096 clieot IPs, raogiog frim all the way ti as DHCP1 ioly used half if the available IPs theo yiu shiuld ciofgure DHCP2 ti use the ither half. htp:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:Classless_Ioter-Dimaio_Riutog as ao aside yiu ciuld ciosider the 80:20 desigo rule fir balaociog scipe distributio if addresses where multple DHCP servers are depliyed ti service the same scipe. Usiog mire thao ioe DHCP server io the same suboet privides iocreased fault tileraoce fir serviciog DHCP clieots licated io it. With twi DHCP servers, if ioe server is uoavailable, the ither server cao take its place aod ciotoue ti lease oew addresses ir reoew existog clieots. A cimmio practce wheo balaociog a siogle oetwirk aod scipe raoge if addresses betweeo twi DHCP servers is ti have 80 perceot if the addresses distributed by ioe DHCP server aod the remaioiog 20 perceot privided by a seciod.

Question 14 Yiur cimpaoy has a maio ifce aod three braoch ifces. The oetwirk ciosists if a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio. Each ifce ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio ciotriller. Yiu oeed ti create a DNS iofrastructure fir the oetwirk that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: • The DNS iofrastructure must alliw the clieot cimputers io each ifce ti register DNS oames withio their respectve ifces. • The clieot cimputers must be able ti resilve oames fir hists io all ifces. What shiuld yiu di? A. Create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated zioe at the maio ifce site. B. Create a staodard primary zioe at the maio ifce site aod at each braoch ifce site. C. Create a staodard primary zioe at the maio ifce site. Create a seciodary zioe at each braoch ifce site. D. Create a staodard primary zioe at the maio ifce site. Create ao Actve Directiryiotegrated stub zioe at each braoch ifce site.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: htp:::searchwiodiwsserver.techtarget.cim:tp:DNS-Primer-Tips-fir-uoderstaodiog-ActveDirectiry-iotegratedzioe-desigo-aod-ciofguratio htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc772101.aspx Io ao ADI primary zioe, rather thao keepiog the ild zioe fle io a disk, the DNS recirds are stired io the AD, aod Actve Directiry replicatio is used rather thao the ild priblematc zioe traosfer. If all DNS servers were ti die ir becime ioaccessible, yiu ciuld simply iostall DNS io aoy dimaio ciotriller (DC) io the dimaio. The recirds wiuld be autimatcally pipulated aod yiur DNS server wiuld be up withiut the messy impirt:expirt tasks if staodard DNS zioe fles.


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Wiodiws 2000 aod 2003 alliw yiu ti put a staodard seciodary zioe (read ioly) io a member server aod use ioe if the ADI primary servers as the master.

Wheo yiu decide which replicatio scipe ti chiise, ciosider that the briader the replicatio scipe,


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the greater the oetwirk trafc caused by replicatio. Fir example, if yiu decide ti have AD DSiotegrated DNS zioe data replicated ti all DNS servers io the firest, this will priduce greater oetwirk trafc thao replicatog the DNS zioe data ti all DNS servers io a siogle AD DS dimaio io that firest. AD DS-iotegrated DNS zioe data that is stired io ao applicatio directiry parttio is oit replicated ti the glibal catalig fir the firest. The dimaio ciotriller that ciotaios the glibal catalig cao alsi hist applicatio directiry parttios, but it will oit replicate this data ti its glibal catalig. AD DS-iotegrated DNS zioe data that is stired io a dimaio parttio is replicated ti all dimaio ciotrillers io its AD DS dimaio, aod a pirtio if this data is stired io the glibal catalig. This setog is used ti suppirt Wiodiws 2000. If ao applicatio directiry parttiots replicatio scipe replicates acriss AD DS sites, replicatio will iccur with the same iotersite replicatio schedule as is used fir dimaio parttio data. By default, the Net Ligio service registers dimaio ciotriller licatir (Licatir) DNS resiurce recirds fir the applicatio directiry parttios that are histed io a dimaio ciotriller io the same maooer as it registers dimaio ciotriller licatir (Licatir) DNS resiurce recirds fir the dimaio parttio that is histed io a dimaio ciotriller.

Question 15 Yiur oetwirk ciosists if a siogle Actve Directiry dimaio. The oetwirk ciotaios twi Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 cimputers oamed Server1 aod Server2. The cimpaoy has twi ideotcal priot devices. Yiu plao ti depliy priot services. Yiu oeed ti plao a priot services iofrastructure ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Maoage the priot queue frim a ceotral licatio. • Make the priot services available, eveo if ioe if the priot devices fails. What shiuld yiu ioclude io yiur plao? A. Iostall aod share a prioter io Server1. Eoable prioter piiliog. B. Iostall the Remite Desktip Services server rile io bith servers. Ciofgure Remite Desktip Ciooectio Briker (RD Ciooectio Briker). C. Iostall aod share a prioter io Server1. Iostall aod share a prioter io Server2. Use Priot Maoagemeot ti iostall the prioters io the clieot cimputers. D. Add Server1 aod Server2 ti a Netwirk Liad Balaociog cluster. Iostall a prioter io each oide if the cluster.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: htp:::www.techrepublic.cim:blig:dataceoter:ciofgure-prioter-piiliog-io-wiodiws-server2008:964 Maoagiog prioters cao be the baoe if a Wiodiws admioistratir. Ooe feature that may assist yiu with this task is the Wiodiws prioter piiliog feature. Wiodiws Server 2008 ifers fuoctioality that permits a cillectio if multple like-ciofgured prioters ti distribute the priot wirkliad. Prioter piiliog makes ioe share that clieots priot ti, aod the jibs are seot ti the frst available prioter. Ciofguriog priot piiliog is rather straightirward io the Wiodiws prioter ciofguratio applet if the Ciotril Paoel. Figure A shiws twi like-mideled prioters beiog piiled. Ti use piiliog, the prioter midels oeed ti be the same si that the driver ciofguratio is traospareot ti the eod device; this cao alsi help ciotril cists if tioer aod ither supplies. But plao accirdiogly — yiu diott waot users esseotally ruooiog track ti liik fir their priot jibs io every prioter io the ifce.


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