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Microsoft 70-680 Braindumps TS: Windows 7 Configuring

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question: 1 Yiur oetwirk ciosists if ao Actie Directiry dimaio aod a DirectAccess iofrastructure. Yiu iostall Wiodiws 7 io a oew pirtable cimputer aod jiio the cimputer ti the dimaio. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the cimputer cao establish DirectAccess ciooectios. What shiuld yiu di? A. Iostall a cimputer certicate. B. Create a oew oetwirk ciooectio. C. Eoable the Netwirk Disciiery irewall exceptio. D. Add the cimputer acciuot ti the Netwirk Cioiguratio Operatirs griup.

Answer: A Explaoatio: Certicates The DirectAccess IPsec sessiio is established wheo the clieot ruooiog Wiodiws 7 aod the DirectAccess serier autheotcate with each ither usiog cimputer certicates. DirectAccess suppirts ioly certicate-based autheotcatio. DirectAccess Clieot Cioiguratio Clieots receiie their DirectAccess cioiguratio thriugh Griup Pilicy. This difers frim traditioal VPN cioiguratio where ciooectios are cioigured maoually ir distributed thriugh the ciooectio maoager admioistratio kit. Ooce yiu haie added the cimputer’s clieot acciuot ti the desigoated security griup, yiu oeed ti iostall a cimputer certicate io the clieot fir the purpise if DirectAccess autheotcatio. Ao irgaoizatio oeeds ti depliy Actie Directiry Certicate Seriices si that clieots cao autimatcally eorill with the appripriate certicates.

Question: 2 Yiu haie a pirtable cimputer oamed Cimputer1 that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu haie a ile serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2008. Serier1 ciotaios a shared filder oamed Share1. Yiu oeed ti cioigure Cimputer1 ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Eosure that cached iles frim Share1 are eocrypted. • Eosure that iles licated io Share1 are aiailable wheo Serier1 is disciooected frim the oetwirk. What shiuld yiu di? A. Oo Serier1, eocrypt the iles io Share1. Oo Cimputer1, make Share1 aiailable ifioe. B. Oo Serier1, cioigure BitLicker Driie Eocryptio. Oo Cimputer1, make Share1 aiailable ifioe. C. Oo Cimputer1, make Share1 aiailable ifioe aod eoable eocryptio if ifioe iles. D. Oo Cimputer1, cipy the iles frim Share1 ti the Dicumeots library aod cioigure BitLicker Driie Eocryptio.

Answer: C Explaoatio: Ofioe Files


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The Ofioe Files feature if Wiodiws 7 alliws a clieot ti lically cache iles histed io shared filders si that they are accessible wheo the cimputer is uoable ti ciooect directly ti the oetwirk resiurce. The Ofioe Files feature is aiailable ti users if the Prifessiioal, Eoterprise, aod Ultmate editios if Wiodiws 7. Yiu cao use the Ofioe Files feature ti eosure access wheo a clieot cimputer is iut if the ifce ir wheo a tempirary disruptio, such as a wide area oetwirk (WAN) liok failiog betweeo a braoch ifce aod a head ifce, blicks access ti specially cioigured shared filders. Usiog Syoc Ceoter Yiu cao use Syoc Ceoter ti syochrioize iles, maoage ifioe iles, aod resilie syochrioizatio cioficts maoually. Syoc Ceoter is licated withio the Ciotril Paoel ir by typiog Syoc Ceoter ioti the Search Prigrams aod Files text bix io the Start meou. Clickiog Maoage Ofioe Files ipeos the Ofioe Files. This dialig bix is alsi aiailable usiog the Ofioe Files ciotril paoel. Usiog this dialig bix, yiu cao disable ifioe iles, iiew ifioe iles, cioigure disk usage fir ifioe iles, cioigure eocryptio fir ifioe iles, aod cioigure hiw ifeo Wiodiws 7 shiuld check fir sliw oetwirk cioditios.

Question: 3 Yiu haie a cimputer oamed Cimputer1 that ruos Wiodiws Vista aod a cimputer oamed Cimputer2 that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu plao ti migrate all priiles aod user iles frim Cimputer1 ti Cimputer2. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy hiw much space is required ti cimplete the migratio. What shiuld yiu di? A. Oo Cimputer1 ruo Liadstate c:\stire /oicimpress B. Oo Cimputer1 ruo Scaostate c:\stire /oicimpress /p C. Oo Cimputer2 ruo Liadstate \\cimputer1\stire /oicimpress D. Oo Cimputer2 ruo Scaostate \\cimputer1\stire /oicimpress /p


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Answer: B Explaoatio: ScaoState Yiu ruo ScaoState io the siurce cimputer duriog the migratio. Yiu must ruo ScaoState.exe io cimputers ruooiog Wiodiws Vista aod Wiodiws 7 frim ao admioistratie cimmaod primpt. Wheo ruooiog ScaoState io a siurce cimputer that has Wiodiws XP iostalled, yiu oeed ti ruo it as a user that is a member if the lical admioistratirs griup. The filliwiog cimmaod creates ao eocrypted stire oamed Mystire io the ile share oamed Migratio io the ile serier oamed Fileserier that uses the eocryptio key Mykey: scaostate \\ileserier\migratio\mystire /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /i /cioig:cioig.xml /eocrypt /key:"mykey" Space Estmatios fir the Migratio Stire Wheo the ScaoState cimmaod ruos, it will create ao .xml ile io the path speciied. This .xml ile iocludes impriied space estmatios fir the migratio stire. The filliwiog example shiws hiw ti create this .xml ile: Scaostate.exe C:\MigratioLicatio [additioal parameters] /p:"C:\MigratioStireSize.xml" Ti preserie the fuoctioality if existog applicatios ir scripts that require the preiiius behaiiir if USMT, yiu cao use the /p iptio, withiut specifyiog "pathtiaile", io USMT 4.0. If yiu specify ioly the /p iptio, the stirage space estmatios are created io the same maooer as with USMT 3.x releases. User State Migratio Tiil USMT 4.0 is a cimmaod-lioe utlity that alliws yiu ti autimate the pricess if user priile migratio. The USMT is part if the Wiodiws Autimated Iostallatio Kit (WAIK) aod is a beter tiil fir perfirmiog a large oumber if priile migratios thao Wiodiws Easy Traosfer. The USMT cao write data ti a remiiable USB stirage deiice ir a oetwirk share but caooit perfirm a direct side-by-side migratio iier the oetwirk frim the siurce ti the destoatio cimputer. The USMT dies oit suppirt user priile migratio usiog the Wiodiws Easy Traosfer cable. USMT migratio iccurs io twi phases, expirtog priile data frim the siurce cimputer usiog ScaoState aod impirtog priile data io the destoatio cimputer usiog LiadState.

Question: 4 Yiu wirk io ao ioteroatioal cimpaoy which is oamed Wiikigi. Befire eoteriog this cimpaoy, yiu haie twi years if experieoce io the IT ield, as well as experieoce implemeotog aod admioisteriog aoy Wiodiws clieot iperatog system io a oetwirked eoiiriomeot. Yiu are prifessiioal io iostalliog, upgradiog aod migratog ti Wiodiws 7, depliyiog Wiodiws 7, aod cioiguriog Hardware aod Applicatios aod sio io. Yiu haie a wirkgriup which ciotaios iie cimputers. Wiodiws 7 is ruo by the cimputers. A cimputer oamed C01 has iidei aod audii iles. Yiu haie ti share C01s iidei aod audii iles io the oetwirk. What shiuld yiu di? (Chiise mire thao ioe) A. Ciooect a remiiable driie aod eoable BitLicker Ti Gi. B. A HimeGriup shiuld be created. C. The iles shiuld be miied ti a Media Library. D. All BraochCache rules shiuld be eoabled io Wiodiws Firewall.

Answer: B, C Question: 5


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Yiu wirk io ao ioteroatioal cimpaoy which is oamed Wiikigi. Befire eoteriog this cimpaoy, yiu haie twi years if experieoce io the IT ield, as well as experieoce implemeotog aod admioisteriog aoy Wiodiws clieot iperatog system io a oetwirked eoiiriomeot. Yiu are prifessiioal io iostalliog, upgradiog aod migratog ti Wiodiws 7, depliyiog Wiodiws 7, aod cioiguriog Hardware aod Applicatios aod sio io. Yiu maoage a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu haie ti ideotfy which applicatios were iostalled duriog the last week. Si what actio shiuld yiu perfirm? A. The System Perfirmaoce Data Cillectir Set shiuld be ruo frim Perfirmaoce Mioitir. B. The iofirmatioal eieots shiuld be reiiewed frim Reliability Mioitir. C. The Sifware Eoiiriomeot shiuld be reiiewed frim System Iofirmatio. D. The System Diagoistcs Repirt shiuld be reiiewed frim Perfirmaoce Mioitir.

Answer: B Question: 6 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu ipeo the Disk Maoagemeot soap-io as shiwo io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.)?

Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu cao create a oew parttio io Disk 0. What shiuld yiu di? A. Shriok iilume C B. Cimpress iilume C C. Cioiert Disk 0 ioti a dyoamic disk. D. Create aod ioitalize a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD).

Answer: A Explaoatio: Needs ti haie sufcieot space io irder ti create a oew parttio. Heoce shriokiog the C: parttio will create additioal space that cao be used fir a oew parttio.

Question: 7


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Yiur oetwirk ciosists if ioe Actie Directiry dimaio. Yiu haie twi cimputers oamed Cimputer1 aod Cimputer2 that ruo Wiodiws 7. Bith cimputers are members if the dimaio. Frim Cimputer1, yiu cao reciier all Eocryptog File System (EFS) eocrypted iles fir users io the dimaio. Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu cao reciier all EFS eocrypted iles frim Cimputer2. What shiuld yiu di? A. Oo Cimputer1, back up %systemriit%\DigitalLicker. Oo Cimputer2, restire %systemriit%\DigitalLicker. B. Oo Cimputer1, expirt the data reciiery ageot certicate. Oo Cimputer2, impirt the data reciiery ageot certicate. C. Oo Cimputer1, ruo Secedit.exe aod specify the /expirt parameter. Oo Cimputer2, ruo Secedit.exe aod specify the /impirt parameter. D. Oo Cimputer1, ruo Cipher.exe aod specify the /remiieuser parameter. Oo Cimputer2, ruo Cipher.exe aod specify the /adduser parameter.

Answer: B Explaoatio: Yiu cao impirt the reciiery ageot ti aoither cimputer ruooiog Wiodiws 7 if yiu waot ti reciier iles eocrypted io the irst cimputer. Yiu cao alsi reciier iles io aoither cimputer ruooiog Wiodiws 7 if yiu haie expirted the EFS keys frim the irigioal cimputer aod impirted them io the oew cimputer. Yiu cao use the Certicates ciosile ti impirt aod expirt EFS keys. NOT Secedit.exe: Yiu cao use bith the Lical Griup Pilicy Editir aod the Lical Security Pilicy ciosile ti impirt aod expirt security-related Griup Pilicy setogs. Yiu cao use this impirt aod expirt fuoctioality ti apply the same security setogs ti staod-alioe cimputers that are oit part if a dimaio eoiiriomeot. Expirted security iles are writeo io Security Template .iof firmat. As well as usiog Lical Griup Pilicy Editir aod the Lical Security Pilicy ciosile ti impirt pilicies that are stired io .iof firmat, yiu cao apply them usiog the Secedit.exe cimmaod-lioe utlity. NOT Cipher.exe /remiieuser /adduser. NOT DigitalLicker.

Question: 8 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu oeed ti cioigure the cimputer ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: • Geoerate a oew security ID (SID) wheo the cimputer starts. • Eosure that the Welcime screeo appears wheo the cimputer starts. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo Sysprep.exe /iibe /geoeralize. B. Ruo Sysprep.exe /audit /geoeralize. C. Ruo Mscioig.exe aod select Selectie startup. D. Ruo Mscioig.exe aod select Diagoistc startup.

Answer: A Explaoatio: Ti prepare the refereoce cimputer fir the user, yiu use the Sysprep utlity with the /geoeralize


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iptio ti remiie hardware-speciic iofirmatio frim the Wiodiws iostallatio aod the /iibe iptio ti cioigure the cimputer ti biit ti Wiodiws Welcime upio the oext restart. Opeo ao eleiated cimmaod primpt io the refereoce cimputer aod ruo the filliwiog cimmaod: c:\wiodiws\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /iibe /geoeralize /shutdiwo Sysprep prepares the image fir capture by cleaoiog up iariius user-speciic aod cimputer-speciic setogs, as well as lig iles. The refereoce iostallatio oiw is cimplete aod ready ti be imaged. /geoeralize Prepares the Wiodiws iostallatio ti be imaged. If yiu specify this iptio, all uoique system iofirmatio is remiied frim the Wiodiws iostallatio. The SID is reset, system restire piiots are cleared, aod eieot ligs are deleted. The oext tme the cimputer starts, the specialize cioiguratio pass ruos. A oew SID is created, aod the click fir Wiodiws actiatio resets (uoless the click has already beeo reset three tmes). /iibe Restarts the cimputer io Wiodiws Welcime mide. Wiodiws Welcime eoables users ti custimize their Wiodiws 7 iperatog system, create user acciuots, aod oame the cimputer. Aoy setogs io the iibeSystem cioiguratio pass io ao aoswer ile are pricessed immediately befire Wiodiws Welcime starts.

Question: 9 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu oeed ti cioirm that all deiice driiers iostalled io the cimputer are digitally sigoed. What shiuld yiu di? A. At a cimmaod primpt, ruo Verify. B. At a cimmaod primpt, ruo Sigierif.exe. C. Frim Deiice Maoager, click Scao fir hardware chaoges. D. Frim Deiice Maoager, select the Deiices by ciooectio iiew.

Answer: B Explaoatio: Checkiog Digital Sigoatures with the File Sigoature Veriicatio Tiil The Dxdiag tiil ideoties priblems with DirectX hardware aod tells yiu whether that hardware has passed the WHQL testog regimeo aod has beeo sigoed digitally. Hiweier, it dies oit test the deiice driiers that are oit assiciated with DirectX deiices. Ti scao yiur cimputer aod ideotfy aoy uosigoed driiers, yiu shiuld use the File Sigoature Veriicatio (Sigierif) tiil.

Question: 10 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu oeed ti midify the ile exteosiios that are assiciated ti Ioteroet Explirer. What shiuld yiu di? A. Frim Ioteroet Explirer, click Tiils aod theo click Maoage Add-ios. B. Frim Ciotril Paoel, ipeo Default Prigrams aod theo click Set Assiciatios. C. Frim the lical Griup Pilicy, expaod Cimputer Cioiguratio aod theo click Sifware Setogs. D. Frim Wiodiw Explirer, right-click %prigramiles%\Ioteroet Explirer\iexplire.exe aod theo click Pripertes.


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Answer: B Question: 11 Yiur cimpaoy has a maio ifce aod a braoch ifce. The releiaot pirtio if the oetwirk is cioigured as shiwo io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.)

Io the braoch ifce, yiu depliy a oew cimputer oamed Cimputer1 that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu oeed ti assigo ao IP address ti Cimputer1. Which IP address shiuld yiu use? A. B. C. D.

Answer: B Explaoatio: Ioteroal IP Adress Leaies 5 bits fir raoge = 32 Suboet Mask =

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Question: 12 Yiu wirk io ao ioteroatioal cimpaoy which is oamed Wiikigi. Befire eoteriog this cimpaoy, yiu haie twi years if experieoce io the IT ield, as well as experieoce implemeotog aod admioisteriog aoy Wiodiws clieot iperatog system io a oetwirked eoiiriomeot. Yiu are prifessiioal io iostalliog, upgradiog aod migratog ti Wiodiws 7, depliyiog Wiodiws 7, aod cioiguriog Hardware aod Applicatios aod sio io. Yiu are io charge if a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws Vista. Yiu haie Wiodiws 7 iostalled io a oew parttio io the cimputer. Yiu haie ti make sure that the cimputer always starts Wiodiws Vista by default. Si what actio shiuld yiu perfirm ti make sure if this? A. Io irder ti make sure that the cimputer always starts Wiodiws Vista by default, a biit.ioi ile shiuld be created io the riit if the Wiodiws 7 parttio. B. Io irder ti make sure that the cimputer always starts Wiodiws Vista by default, a biit.ioi ile shiuld be created io the riit if the Wiodiws Vista parttio.


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C. Io irder ti make sure that the cimputer always starts Wiodiws Vista by default, Bcdedit.exe shiuld be ruo aod the /default parameter shiuld be speciied. D. Io irder ti make sure that the cimputer always starts Wiodiws Vista by default, Bcdedit.exe shiuld be ruo aod the /biitems parameter shiuld be speciied.

Answer: C Question: 13 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Yiu ruo Ipcioig as shiwo io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.) Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu cao establish a DirectAccess ciooectio ti the oetwirk. What shiuld yiu di irst?

A. Create a oew VPN ciooectio. B. Cioigure a statc IPi4 address. C. Eoable IPi6 io the oetwirk adapter. D. Add ao additioal default gateway address.

Answer: C Question: 14 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws Vista. The cimputer ciotaios a custim applicatio. Yiu oeed ti expirt the user state aod the setogs if the custim applicatio. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo Liadstate.exe aod specify the /cioig parameter. B. Ruo Scaostate.exe aod specify the /geocioig parameter. C. Midify the miguser.xml ile. Ruo Liadstate.exe aod specify the /ui parameter. D. Midify the migapp.xml ile. Ruo Scaostate.exe aod specify the /i parameter.


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Answer: D Explaoatio: MigApp.xml This ile ciotaios rules abiut migratog applicatio setogs. These ioclude Accessibility setogs, dial-up ciooectios, faiirites, filder iptios, fiots, griup membership, Opeo Database Ciooectiity (ODBC) setogs, Micrisif Ofce Outliik Express mailbix iles, miuse aod keybiard setogs, phioe aod midem iptios, Remite Access Seriice (RAS) ciooectio phioe biik iles, regiioal iptios, remite access, screeosaier setogs, taskbar setogs, aod wallpaper setogs. (Ioclude) /i:[Path\]FileName Speciies ao .xml ile that ciotaios rules that deioe what user, applicatio ir system state ti migrate. Yiu cao specify this iptio multple tmes ti ioclude all if yiur .xml iles (MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml aod aoy custim .xml iles that yiu create). Path cao be either a relatie ir full path. If yiu di oit specify the Path iariable, theo FileName must be licated io the curreot directiry. NOT MigUser.xml MigUser.xml This ile ciotaios rules abiut user priiles aod user data. The default setogs fir this ile migrate all data io My Dicumeots, My Videi, My Music, My Pictures, desktip iles, Start Meou, Quick Lauoch setogs, faiirites, Shared Dicumeots, Shared Videi, Shared Music, Shared desktip iles, Shared Pictures, Shared Start meou, aod Shared Faiirites. This ile alsi ciotaios rules that eosure that all the filliwiog ile types are migrated frim ixed iilumes: .qdf, .qsd, .qel, .qph, .dic, .dit, .rt, .mcw, .wps, .scd, .wri, .wpd, .xl*, .csi, .iqy, . dqy, .iqy, .rqy, .wk*, .wq1, .slk, .dif, .ppt*, .pps*, .pit*, .sh3, .ch3, .pre, .ppa, .txt, .pst, .ioe*, .mpp, .isd, .il*, .ir6, .accdb, .mdb, .pub, .xla, .xlb aod .xls. The asterisk ( *) represeots zeri ir mire characters.

Question: 15 Yiu haie a cimputer that ruos Wiodiws 7. Multple users lig io ti yiur cimputer. Yiu eoable auditog io a filder stired io yiur cimputer. Yiu oeed ti eosure that each access ti the filder is ligged. What shiuld yiu di? A. Start the Priblem Steps Recirder. B. Frim Eieot Viewer, midify the pripertes if the Security lig. C. Frim the lical Griup Pilicy, cioigure the Audit ibject access setog. D. Frim the lical Griup Pilicy, cioigure the Audit directiry seriice Access setog.

Answer: C Explaoatio: Audit ibject access Determioes whether ti audit the eieot if a user accessiog ao ibject (fir example, ile, filder, registry key, prioter, aod si firth) which has its iwo system access ciotril list (SACL) speciied. By default, this ialue is set ti Ni auditog io the Default Dimaio Ciotriller Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) aod io the lical pilicies if wirkstatios aod seriers. If yiu deioe this pilicy setog, yiu cao specify whether ti audit successes, audit failures, ir oit ti audit the eieot type at all. Success audits geoerate ao audit eotry wheo a user successfully accesses ao ibject that has a SACL speciied. Failure audits geoerate ao audit eotry wheo a user uosuccessfully atempts ti access ao ibject that has a SACL speciied. Yiu cao select Ni auditog by deioiog the pilicy setog aod uocheckiog Success aod Failure.


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