How to use waste water for other water uses with the help of Grey water storage There are many types of water storage like potable, rain water, Grey water storage. Biggest advantage of water storage is that it ensures the availability of water when you are in need. Grey water is water that can be used in cleaning, washing, toilets and other non-potable works therefore Grey water storage is very important.
We all know that how much important is water to human lives and therefore we must save water. Around 70 percent of total earth surface is covered with water but only 1 percent of total water present over the earth is useful for human needs as majority of water is salty water and cannot be used for drinking purpose. There are few techniques to make salty water potable but because of the cost associated it is practically not possible to use them at a commercial level. We all use to store water to avoid the scarcity of water in our homes apart from potable water storage other types of water storage like Grey water storage and rain water storage are quite useful in preserving the water. This article will focus over the different types of water storage. Potable water storage is to store water for drinking purpose or for the human consumption. Often the quantity of potable water storage is not very much and people prefer to store around twenty to fifty liters of water for drinking purpose and storage capacity of any such water tank is limited to the supply of water required in a specific day. Mostly water coolers are sufficient to store potable water and use of regular plastic tanks for potable water storage is limited yet. People do not like to drink water which have been stored for two three days in a tank and they prefer fresh and chilled water directly from the water cooler. Most of the water storage tanks are not able to ensure safe and pure water which is suitable for drinking purpose therefore people rely over water coolers for potable water storage. Rain water storage or sometimes refereed as rain water harvesting is to store water from rain for the domestic use. Rain water harvesting is also very beneficial for the areas where the underground water levels are quite low because rain water harvesting is helpful in increasing the underground water levels as well. There are different methods to store rain water and they differs country wise also in some countries people use to store rain water by using bamboos and in some countries people use rain water storage tanks to store rain water from the roof of the house. Governments also use rain wells to store rain water in some countries which are very helpful in increasing the ground water levels. Grey water storage is quite infancy and very useful type of water storage. Grey water got its name from the middle stage of water from white water (potable and fresh water) and black water (water from sewage). Grey water is waste water from the household work which can be used for purposes other than human consumption. Many works like washing, cleaning, construction and irrigation can be done with Grey water and therefore the Grey water storage is very helpful in saving the potable water from not potable uses. There are many types of tank available for grey water storage ranging from the plastic water tanks to portable water tanks. A good use of Grey water is in flush of toilets and in many countries people use Grey water storage tank as a supply source for flush of toilets. Water containing any type of feces or organic waste comes in the category of black water and should be avoided for any domestic use.