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Brief VC Vaults are a money lending company aimed at students and a young audience alike. VC aims to remove the dull connotations that can come with banking and lending whilst still maintaining a serious tone. We are looking for an effective logo that is impacting and eye catching and diverse in that it will need to apply across multiple formatting. We want the logo to address a strong visual presence, one that reflects on the company’s strengths with a fun side to the finish. As part of a branding package we will be looking for an appropriate range of stationary and shop front dressing in form of banners and poster drops. Background / Considerations Who is the market and what is the brands history? What is the overall goal of the new design project? What are you trying to communicate and why? Are you trying to sell more products or get awareness of your product / service? Do you want to completely reinvent yourself or are you simply updating your promotional material? What are your target market’s demographics & psychographics? I.e. the age, gender, income, tastes, views, attitudes, employment, geography, and lifestyle of those you want to reach. What copy needs to be included in the design? Who is providing the copy? What pictures / photographs / diagrams etc. need to be used? Who is providing these? What size is the design going to be? Where is it going to be printed / used? The web, business cards, stationery, on your car? What other information should you know in regards to specifications? Mandatory Requirements Logo Stationary Mugs Shirt Bags
Deliverables Leaflets Poster Banner Business Card
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.