Rock Hall Fireworks

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May 1,2010

Dear Friends,

The 171h annual Rock Hall 41h Of July Fireworks Show will soon be upon us, and we're ready! What began in 1993 as a celebratory salute to an American heritage forged through 'Bombs bursting in air', has mushroomed into an iconic event that captures the essence of our American spirit. What can be better than to sit with family and friends. sharing good times and memories, against the backdrop of one of the best fireworks displays on the Eastern Shore? The Rock Hall Fireworks Committee and Richard Proctor & Co. have a spectacular evening of fireworks planned for our unique Rock Hall Harbor setting. Be prepared to be wowed and dazzled as we transform our harbor into a theatre of sound and light. Our show is funded by people like you, who appreciate the importance of what we are doing. There are absolutely no government dollars involved in this production. Perhaps this is why our show will go on. This is a show for the people, by the people. All monies collected will go directly to event expenses and unused funds will be given to the Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company. We have followed this format since 1993 and to date have donated over $300,000 to these local heroes. You may donate to honor or remember your own heroes who will be recognized on our large Donor Board placed in Rock Hall.


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July-.3rd will be a day to.mark.on your calendar.Because July 41~..falls_Dll Sunday th is year many of the Rock Hall events that are typically held on the 4th will be held on Saturday the 3rd, including the popular Main Street parade. Plan to come to town early and join us for this most festive Rock Hall tradition. At 7pm the US Navy Jazz Band "Commodores" will perform at a free outdoor concert at The Sailing Emporium on Rock Hall Harbor. Bring a lawn chair and be prepared to enjoy that big band sound as can only be played by one of the finest jazz ensembles in the United States. Imrnediateiy following the concert - FIREWORKS! Thank you



W.A. Willis, Rock Hall41h of July Fireworks, Best On the Shore

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