welcome to the marriage service of
Amy Sarah McKay
Gavin Alexander McCaughan
First Presbyterian Church Ahoghill 14th OctOBER 2016 “know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his” psalm 100:3
order of service Processional
Welcome and Opening Prayer
| Psalm 100
Marriage Ceremony
Scripture reading
| Rev. Eddie Kirk
| Philipians 2:1-11
| My Jesus, My saviour
| Rev. Andrew Kerr
Signing of Register signing of the register
| Psalm 103 | his name
| Be thou my Vision
Closing Prayer
Bridal party Maid of Honour: Bridesmaids:
Best Man:
Groomsman: Ushers:
Kirstie Murray Katie McKay Katie McNeill Robert McCaughan
Stuart McCaughan
Calvin Wilson
Ross Stevenson
Special thanks to
rev Eddie Kirk Rev Andrew Kerr David Murray (Pianist) Laura Dowey (Soloist) Louise Shaw (Cellist) Stuart McCaughan (Scripture Reading) Sadie Thompson (Caretaking) Dessie McMillen (Sound) Tracy Burton (Visual) Catering Team Thank you for sharing this day with us. Please join us for lunch in the hall after the service then meet at the Roe Park, Limavady, at 4:15pm for photographs.