New Briefs

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


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Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Healthy Living The Brief To promote a more healthy way of living. Through healthier food consumption. If possible, using local agriculture to support the design. This should be done through methods of packaging and distribution.

Considerations Must be done through packaging, and printed material. Has to try and promote awarness of supporting the local agriculture as well as making people aware of what they are eating and where it has come from. Try to focus it around the local communities as much as possible, in order for them to relate to it.

Concept/ Proposition To create a range of packaged goods that embodies a local food producer and their belifes. Using font and innovative packaging to convey the healthier message. Consideration for viral marketing if applicable.

Mandatory Requirments Target Audience Healthy eaters, non healthy eaters. Local communities.

Range of packaging and distribution methods. Variety of media could be useful. Research Blog

Deliverables Tone of Voice Light hearted, informative.

Range of packaging solutions and distribution methods. 3 A2 presentation boards.

Studio Deadlines

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - New Burger Bar The Brief Promote a new burger bar in Leeds city center. Create a brand identity that is ‘hip’ and ‘fashinable’. Must retain a homey feel.

Considerations has to fit in with the local surroundings, while standing out amongst them. All merchandise must be relevant to the branding. As well as having multi applications of the branding image itself.

Concept/ Proposition Create a range of promotional material that will promote the new burger bar, with all its flavors. Must be transfereable to web, using modern technology to promote the brand. i.e apps etc. The branding must be transferable across all products. Using type as the main form of display. Mandatory Requirments Target Audience

Logo, packaging, promotional material. Considerations for screen based design.

Young professionals and students. Age ranging from 20 to 35. With expendable income, and an urge to treat themselves. Deliverables Tone of Voice Homey, comforting while having an heir of elegance surrounding the products.

Packaging, brand, promotional material. a range for each. final products. Blog Research

Studio Deadlines

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Safe Sex The Brief A government campagne to promote safe sex and link it to sexually transmitted diseases in the UK.

Considerations Needs to be interesting and possibly interactive in order to drive home the information and the message. Cannot be smutty or tacky. Something that works on a different level, and convery the message in an interesting way.

Concept/ Proposition To create a range of posters, and viral marketing techniques to promote awarness of safe sex and the links it has. Using type and appropriate fonts to convey the message. Possible use of html emailing.

Mandatory Requirments Target Audience

Range of posters. Range of viral marketing.

Young adults 16 - 25.

Deliverables Tone of Voice Serious, shock tactics.

Posters and web based information. A2 Presentation boards Blog Research Studio Deadlines

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Design weekly The Brief Re-Design the cover of the current UK - Design weekly. Using informative type and appropriate colour choices to represent the brand, as well as creating a variety of different covers to play across the month.

Considerations This will be displayed among other creative magazines, so it needs to stand out. The range needs to be easily edited so that it creates a specific but different range. It will be for designers, so needs to be interesting for a designer to pick up.

Concept/ Proposition To use the appropriate type and create an interesting cover, that both engages and infroms the reader. Using a range of print method in order to create interesting and textured covers.

Mandatory Requirments Target Audience

Range of covers, and possible branding within the rest of the magazine.

Designers. Young professionals.

Deliverables Tone of Voice Serious.

Range of covers for the magazine. Blog Research

Studio Deadlines

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Urban Outfitters The Brief Urban Outfitters is seeking a strategic campaign to promote a new seasonal product line unveiled during Valentine’s Day and extending into the Spring season. They are looking for something unique that still sustains the look and overall feel of the Urban Outfitters’ brand. This campaign will then be rolled out within the store and possible out of store marketing campaigns.

Concept/ Proposition A magazine spread, surrounding the brand and products. s well using an email flyer. A range of promotional flyers to entice and inform new customers. Using their style but incorporating different forms of type and possible use of photography.

Considerations Urban Outfitters originated as “The Free People’s Store”. It has an emphasis on creativity and funk, featuring a line of clothing that has evolved from a combination of vintage, bohemian, retro, ironically humorous, and kitschy styles. The goal of Urban Outfitters is to offer a product assortment and an environment so compelling and distinctive that the customer feels an empathetic connection to the brand and is persuaded to buy. • Utilize design styles that compliment the Urban Outfitters’ look and feel • Assist the Urban Outfitters’ line in expanding to a larger demographic • Highlight/create a “humorous spin” on Valentine’s Day Mandatory Requirments

Target Audience The Urban Outfitters’ target audience is generally 18-30 year-old young adults, however products are aimed toward those who choose to live the “Urban Outfitters’ way of life” -- trendy, creative, and expressive. Urban Outfitters has established itself through understanding its customer base and creating a connection on an emotional level. Their success is attributed to their brands being both compelling and distinct. Tone of Voice Humerous design

Use Urban outifitters logo. The design style of Urban outfitters. Range of products.


Range of products. Magazines spread. Email flyer.

Studio Deadlines

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Food on the Move The Brief This challenge is to redesign the packaging for a lunchtime wrap and an individual cake.

Concept/ Proposition Create innovative packaging solution that can encompass both of the products needed for designing. Use of type as the prodomenant visual aid.

Considerations protecting the prodcut from food factory store and then to where the consumer eats the product. Product visability - allowing the consumer to see the product they are buying. Consumers buy with their eyes. Easy to open - making the packs tamper evident in store, but then easy to open once purchased. Sit within the food to go market. Not use excessive packaging and be easy to recycle at the of its use.

Mandatory Requirments Target Audience Aimed at target age of 25 to 40 year olds.

Range of covers, and possible branding within the rest of the magazine. Use cardboard as the main material. Plastic film window material can be used to improve product visability.

Deliverables Tone of Voice Light hearted.

Provide a model with graphics for both your wrap concept and your cake concept. Provide 3x A3 supporting development boards Studio Deadlines MARCH 2nd 2012

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Premium packaging for wine The Brief Your challenge is to design and model a premium end packaging for wine to be filled into; moving away from the glass bottle; and one that offers a distinctive and unique shape, using a suitable raw material.

Considerations Wine is predominatly filled in glass bottled today but more and more wine producers are converting to plastic and carry boxes. Marketing opportunities and a visual ‘shelf appeal’. Must have the ‘wow’ factor.

Concept/ Proposition Create innovative packaging solution that can encompass both of the products needed for designing. Use of type as the prodomenant visual aid.

Mandatory Requirments Target Audience Aimed at target age of 25+

Must have the ‘wow’ factor. Suitable raw material. Visually enticing and new.

Deliverables Tone of Voice Light hearted.

Provide propsed idea. Provide 3x A3 supporting development boards

Studio Deadlines MARCH 2nd 2012

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - Type Museum The Brief To create a range of typographic posters that could be sold in the Type Museum in London. Using a range of printing techniques to create diversity and range, as well as showcasing the many type printing techniques. The subject matter is free, but must engage the audience.

Considerations Consider the type museum environement, and how best to showcase the new range of posters. Also consider what information you would display using type (if it is information as all). There is also a possibility for the range to work across a range of products, so consider those aspects of the design work.

Concept/ Proposition To create a range of posters using a variety of different fonts and techniques of manipulating type whether it be through the process of print. Or whther it be the fonts themselves. I will also consider the range across products, so as to give it another basis to work on.

Target Audience Type enthusiasts, artists.

Mandatory Requirments A range of posters, blog. Research. Consideration for the work to go onto products and the possibility of screen.

Deliverables Tone of Voice Sleek, elegant, commical.

Provide a range of posters, printed in a vairety of ways. Possibility of screen work and a range of products (if you can have examples too) Studio Deadlines N/A

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - D&AD White Pencil The Brief We want to make it impossible for anyone to ignore Peace Day. We want to make it a day that everyone around the world engages with, so that governments and leaders in conflict zones have no other choice but to implement it. The task is to grow grassroots awareness and active personal engagement with Peace Day, to make this day ubiquitous and as part of our social fabric as Valentines’ Day or Mother’s Day, in fact more so. To be truly effective Peace Day needs to be observed by a huge proportion of the earth’s population on an ongoing yearly basis. Concept/ Proposition Create a viral marketing campigne to establish POD, using type to create a logo that fully represents the dday and it’s meaning. range of promotional solutions to spread the word.

Target Audience 18+

Considerations Peace One Day have been advised by leading social statisticians that the tipping point of awareness that will allow a day to become ‘institutionalised’ in the calendar is roughly 20% of the world’s population. If POD can generate that level of engagement around the day, it will become selfsustaining. But POD are aiming high: they want to reach 3 billion people with the message of Peace Day by September 2012. Your challenge is to help them get as far along that path as you can. Think beyond and across your discipline to solve this problem. Be a creative polymath, a creative collaborator, a creative activist. Use everything you have to solve this, after all, this problem is everybody’s. Collaboration is key to Peace Day and could be more than key to your solution. We want to see ideas that happen and the ability to making them happen may not rest entirely in your hands. Be as creative in your collaborations as you are in your thinking, who else can you leverage to get this done, students, suppliers, other creatives. Mandatory Requirments Peace One Day logo The date: “21 September – Peace Day”

Tone of Voice Serious.


Range of solutions to the identity problem. Presentations boards of developemt and finals. Studio Deadlines 3rd September 2012

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


Module Title




Outcomes Doc. Code

BRIEF TITLE - The Scene (tapas) The Brief To create a range of promotional material to promote the new Tapas bar in Stamford. Showcasing new and exclusive offers. To also design their menu, and create an engaging way to interact with the menu.

Considerations Need to consider the essence of tapas very carefully and try to convey the innovative feel across to prospective clients. It also has a modern sohpisticated take on itself, so need to consider that when working with the appropriate type faces.

Concept/ Proposition Use type to create the range of promotional material, keeping in-keeping with the theme of the bar/ restaurant. Modern feel with an exotic touch. I also propose to create an innovative and interactive menu, that showcases the food as well as engaging the consumer. Mandatory Requirments A5 Flyers. Menu. Web considerations. Target Audience Local people, age range from 18+. Targeting people who like the quirky.

Deliverables Tone of Voice

A5 flyers, a range appropriate to the message. Menu. Web considerations.

Light hearted and informative. Studio Deadlines N/A

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