The Time Management Practice of ‘Time Batching’ Rob

The Time Management Practice of ‘Time Batching’
Time batching is a method that promotes flexibility in completing a variety of tasks while capitalizing on the momentum by batching similar types of work together.

When people multitask and switch between disparate tasks, they have to shift their goals and activate new job rules.
The basic idea of time batching is simple—an individual looks at their tasks for the day or week, sorts them into buckets and blocks of time to complete tasks in a specific bucket—the buckets group similar goals together, minimizing the amount of effort spent on rule activating between functions.

Some time batchers find success in dividing their tasks into shallow and deep tasks. Superficial jobs are things like responding to emails or data entry work—things that require less brain power to complete. Deep duties might include creative work or strategic planning—heavier lifts that may require more mental resources.

Everyone’s time batching buckets will look different. The beauty of time batching is that it’s a customizable approach to time management that each individual can tailor to suit their needs.