Ware Portfolio 2015

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Robyn Ware Por,olio

Contents: 1.  Profile 2.  Example Case Study 3. – 5. Project Examples

CONTACT DETAILS Robyn Ware (850) 321-­‐3747 RobynL.Ware@gmail.com sites.google.com/site/robynlware/ EDUCATION

Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL Masters in Architecture 2009 Shaw University Raleigh, NC BA in Elementary EducaKon 2005 SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES Proficient in: MicrosoP Office AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator SketchUP Skillful in: Art & Design Principles & Design Process MulKtasking OrganizaKon & Planning ConfidenKality PresentaKon & CommunicaKon Research Project & Budget Management Vendor RelaKons Employee Training

VOLUNTEER EXPEREINCE SparkTLH Tallahassee, Florida Founder Current Knight CreaKve CommuniKes InsKtute Tallahassee, Florida Community Catalyst 2013-­‐2014 University of Florida Summer InsKtute Field School New Orleans, LA Summer 2008 HOBBIES AND INTERESTS PainKng Drawing CraPing Movies Reading Animals Traveling Comic Books Learning Archery MeditaKon Walking Research

WORK EXPERIENCE Center for Plasma Science and Technology Southern AssociaKon of Colleges and Schools Commission Florida A&M University on Colleges Office 2007 – Present Florida A&M University AdministraKve Coordinator 2013-­‐2014 ResponsibiliKes: Project Coordinator •  Project manager on grants and sub-­‐contracts ResponsibiliKes: •  Facilitates procurement services •  With SACSCOC Director, coordinated •  DraP employee contract forms commiZee acKviKes related to compleKon of •  Developed grant budgetary spreadsheets University AccreditaKon Reports •  Train new employees on University policies •  Prepared and reviewed reports, report graphs, and procedures and surveys •  Maintains laboratory equipment inventory •  Researched, reviewed, and analyzed data and surplus related to University SACSCOC AccreditaKon •  Facilitates travel arrangements and reports documentaKon for conferences •  ParKcipated with Strategic Planning Online •  Took the lead on draPing center improvement training to make report construcKon more analysis efficient Florida InformaKon Technology Career Alliance Freelance Designer Florida A&M University Jennings’ Residence – 2014 2014 ResponsibiliKes: AdministraKve Assistant •  Conducted in-­‐home assessment to gain ResponsibiliKes: understanding of clients’ needs, style, and •  DraPed employee contract forms budget •  Collaborated between administraKve team •  Planned spaces based on clients’ needs and the student ambassadors •  Created digital design presentaKons •  Facilitated travel arrangements and •  Managed all paperwork associated with documentaKon for conferences proposals, budgets, quotaKons, and invoices •  Developed and maintained project budgetary spreadsheets


Case Study Scenario: Library of the Future QuesIon: How do you define the needs and program for the main branch building of this library system? The library wants to provide more acKve access to its services because they have a goal to become a model for the ‘library of the future’. MeeKng with the client establishes the goals and wants from the project. Before designing a program a Needs Assessment will be conducted to define the necessiKes that the program will have to meet. The program will evolve from the needs assessments and a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, OpportuniKes, and Threats) of the current space and condiKons. The Needs Assessments will cover the following areas based off the goals and mission of the library: •  Community StaKsKcs (populaKon and demographics) •  Outline of current services available through the library •  Community Input These areas will highlight how much traffic the main branch library currently receives and if it meets the current needs of the surrounding community. Community input will provide feedback as to which services are valued and will also give suggesKons to services and features that may be missing from the library. The SWOT Analysis will cover the following areas and be conducted during and aPer a survey of exisKng library condiKons and spaces: •  Current inventory of space •  Historically preserved features •  External structures and spaces •  Entries and exits •  Landscaping •  Signage •  Parking areas •  Safety/Security

•  External lighKng •  Books and materials return drops •  External building maintenance and mechanics (ac units, power boxes, water faucets) •  Internal structures and spaces •  Windows •  Interior lighKng •  Floor and wall finishes •  AcousKcs •  Power outlets •  Shelving •  Public work staKons •  Front desk area •  Staff areas/offices •  Bathrooms •  Flow of traffic •  Safety/Security •  Storage •  Signage •  Art •  Service zones The SWOT Analysis shows the strong and weak points of the exisKng program and what adjustments need to be made. The results from the Needs Assessment and SWOT Analysis will show a gap between the current state and the desired goal. The renovaKon and expansion program will be created as a soluKon to close that gap to meet the goal and mission of the library.


Jacksonville MariIme Museum

Studio: Graduate Design 6.5 This project was a submiZal to the AssociaKon of Collegiate School of Architecture (ACSA 2008 Steel Design Student CompeKKon. The compeKKon called for a mariKme museum that would sit at 1404 Gatorbowl Blvd. in Jacksonville, Florida. The building program called for the structure to show technological advancements to make the building energy efficient. The building design draws influence from the nauKcal shell and the landscaping is inspired by crop circles. The main objecKve of the design is to increase permeability and promote energy efficiency. Transparent photovoltaic panel allow for permeability in public spaces while also collecKng sunlight to convert into electricity. The roof line is designed to collect rain water for landscape irrigaKon. Machine-­‐room-­‐less elevators and the installaKon of operable windows in the administraKon areas decrease the need for more electrical energy use.


A Study of Learning and Daylight: UIlizing Architectural Daylight Strategies for Learning Styles Prototype Classrooms

Studio: Graduate Thesis This thesis is a study of daylight and learning. CreaKng an environment to encourage and enhance learning is important to human development. Studies have shows that daylight has a direct posiKve effect on student work performance and learning. ObservaIon: Learning is an important part of human development and well being. Significance: While the built environment doesn’t teach students, the students are directly affected by elements of that environment in ways that effect how they learn. Role of Architecture: Architects have a role in creaKng built learning environments that will can either help or hinder the learning process. Focus of Research: To study how the internal needs of the classroom effect architectural form. Using Howard Gardner’s Learning Style Theory, eight prototype classroom configuraKon were designed to best exemplify each of the eight proposed learning styles. Taking into account the internal needs of each classroom configuraKon, architectural lighKng strategies were selected to allow opKmal daylight filtraKon. Google Sketch Up was used to observe the outcome. APer observing the eight learning style classrooms, three synthesis classroom configuraKons and architectural lighKng strategies were designed to meet the needs of all learning styles in one space.


Jennings Residence Garage RenovaIon

Atlanta, GA Freelance Design The garage renovaKon for the Jennings Residence was out of need of a older relaKve coming to live with the family. The family asked for a private suite with siong area, bed area, closet, and bathroom while also keeping a common area for laundry. The tropical tones chosen promotes a soothing and calming environment. Accessibility, ergonomics, day lighKng, privacy, and comfort were all driving factors in the design. ConstrucKon was done by Brian Doles of Colby Homes Services


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