ETWINNING PROJECT TEDDY GOE S VIRT UAL (PRE-C OVI D – TEDD Y’S AD VENTUR ES) TA RGE T A U D IE N C E : Year1 TIME L IN E : January 2021- April 2021 AB OU T THE P R OJE C T Teddy's Adventures started in January 2020 and had to stop in March due to COVID-19 restrictions. In October 2020 we decided to re-launch the same project but to go completely virtual with new members, new activities. Our mascot Teddy will be introduced to students aged 4-6 years and together we shall be exploring 6 virtual activities involving different Web 2.0 tools. Through these activities they can express themselves using digital media and technologies. Communication will also occur through a variety of applications. PRE-COVID19 JAN 2020-MAR2020 The students aged 5-6 years hosted Teddy which is the project's mascot. Teddy travelled from one school to another and stayed in a particular school for a whole week. During that week Teddy participated in different activities held within that school. Teachers kept record of all these activities in a collaborative eBook. The project started in January 2020 and will end April 2021. W ORK P RO C E S S Scholastic Year 2020-2021 During the 2nd and 3rd term the following activities have to be carried out. 1. Activity 1 Introduction using Thinglink & Padlet 2. Activity 2 New friends using Flipgrid 3. Activity 3 How do we keep safe? using Twinboard 4. Activity 4 Coding Unplugged 5. Activity 5 Video Conferencing using Teams 6. Activity 6 Sending an eCard using Canva E X P E C TE D RE S U L T S Teachers together with their pupils will explore different Web 2.0 Tools. They will collaborate in various activities throughout the project and get to know each other and make new friends.