Feedback We welcome your comments. Send them to, or post them on our website, rochestercitynewspaper. com, our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed, @roccitynews. Comments of fewer than 350 words have a greater chance of being published, and we do edit selections for publication in print. We don’t publish comments sent to other media.
Cherry-picking the Constitution Mr. Thomas Mangan wrote a long letter to the editor (Feedback, November 2)
regarding his objection to Mary Anna Towler’s article, “A soccer team gives us an example of patriotism (Urban Journal, October 19).” The team from the World of Inquiry School followed the example set by others by kneeling during the national anthem at a match in protest of the treatment of minorities. I will not bore everyone with my life story, but I will say that I am actually from the South and was not just passing through. I am also an Army combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and I fought for the right of people to express themselves, as our Constitution guarantees. The First Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to express opinions and views, and to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even if the ideas are unpopular. It guarantees an individual’s right to physically gather with a group of people to picket or protest. It also guarantees an individual’s right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. These guarantees are clear. You cannot pick and choose the Constitution, Mr. Mangan. You cannot also fully explain away the racism still present in these verses of “The Star- Spangled Banner”: No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner 2 CITY
in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!
“Freemen” in those days meant free white men, not even including women. I abhor Mr. Mangan’s version of patriotism. He should, as we all should, support and defend the Constitution of the United States, even the parts with which we disagree. CLAYTON ADAMS
Reality missing from protest criticism
Thomas Mangan sees the world perfectly through his own eyes and wonders why others do not. Perhaps what Mr. Mangan saw in the South during what he refers to as the “segregation era” is what these young athletes see in Rochester today. Statistics reveal glaring inequities in education and access to career training and employment. The stigma of racial bias and violence resulting from hopelessness and despair is impossible to deny. One wonders whether the way Mr. Mangan views his upbringing in the South Bronx, where race “didn’t mean a thing,” as the way his black and brown classmates would remember it or see it today. He could demonstrate real courage by stepping back from his eagerness to lecture and engage in a conversation with these brave young men and listen, really listen to better understand why they take to the athletic field to make visible what those outside their reality refuse to acknowledge or face. Sports is one of the few avenues remaining where our segregated lives come together under the illusion of not seeing race.
NOVEMBER 16-22, 2016
Who knows? Mr. Mangan might decide to champion their cause and widen his understanding of what it means to be a true patriot. STEVEN JAROSE
End Citizens United
On January 21, 2010, the US Supreme Court made a ruling that is known as “Citizens United.” It allows for unlimited donations from individuals and foreign entities that can be anonymous. As it stands, it could lead to great corruption. Imagine, our government strongly shaped by anonymous donors. After John Paul Stevens, the Supreme Court justice, retired on June 29, 2010, he said in a subsequent 60 Minutes interview that he regretted the Citizens United decision. To paraphrase the Gettysburg Address, we might have a future government of the Super PAC’s, by the Super PAC’s, and for the Super PAC’s. This ruling needs to be revoked!
Winston Churchill said, “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else.” Let’s hope so! HOWARD WEISS
Lack of involvement is disheartening
Why was voter turnout across the country and in New York so low? Only 45 percent of people registered voted in the presidential election, and only 28 percent voted in local elections. Where are these missing people? Have they moved? Are they in college? Did they go to a nursing home or pass away? Did they stay home because they didn’t like the candidates, or are they exercising their right not to vote? I was an election inspector this year and saw people who were only voting in the presidential race. Some
asked who to vote for. At the voting booth is not the time to ask those questions, and we cannot tell you how to vote; it’s electioneering. You have to inform yourself or flip a coin. This is a failure of either the voter or the systems in place to educate. The board of elections in every county has a ballot in your district to preview. In this day and age of Google, you should be ashamed to walk in the door uninformed. It is disheartening. Younger people need to join their local party committees. Moms and dads need to get their children involved. I pushed a double stroller and collected signatures from my neighbors. Volunteer and you will learn so much. Register voters with the League of Women Voters, who are praying for young volunteers. Change happens all year and improves with more involvement. The World War II generation and the boomers are very civic-minded, but the baton has to pass. I know this because I lead a town democratic committee because no one else wanted to. Older volunteers are tired. Opportunities to lead are there. I was shocked by Trump’s win, and by Joe Errigo’s win in Monroe County. This district voted for someone who made racist comments. Come on, that is sad. The local races affect you more with road repairs, snow removal, bridge repairs, job creation, and how your local property taxes are spent. And to the Bernie or Bust people: pour your passion into education and activism. Join a party that fits you best, and volunteer. Live your values with volunteerism. We need open primaries in New York to engage more people, too. People complain, but if you are not more involved in the process than voting every four years, you’re cheating those who do pay attention.
Brava to JCC for open captions
We had the pleasure of seeing JCC’s first open-captioned production (“Church & State”) at CenterStage on October 23. Open captions are written displays of the script shown on a screen on one side of the stage. The captions flowed synchronously with the actors’ speech. Sitting in one section of the theater, we could read and hear the play simultaneously. CenterStage has collaborated with Geva (which offers open captions) in making them available to theatergoers who might have difficulty understanding dialog from the stage. Broadening accessibility for theatergoers with hearing loss benefits both the theaters and people who otherwise find it stressful to enjoy plays. As members of Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester Chapter Inc., we applaud another Rochester theater which has added open captions to its offerings. VIRGINIA GRAHAM JANET MCKENNA SUSAN MILLER
President-elect Trump
People vote for someone who is like them or who has qualities they’d like to have. The results just show that the worst of America won. The racism, misogyny, and hate were all just sitting there in the deepest guts of the country until Drumpf came along like an emetic and it all came pouring out. SAM MITRA
Trump DID not win by a landslide. In fact, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. It’s just that Trump won the Electoral College. In reality, more people voted for Clinton. Unfortunately, we lost the House and the Senate, which doesn’t allow us to have much leverage. The midterms are going to be more important than ever.
News. Music. Life. Greater Rochester’s Alternative Newsweekly November 16-22, 2016 Vol 46 No 11 250 North Goodman Street Rochester, New York 14607-1199 phone (585) 244-3329 fax (585) 244-1126 On the cover: Photo by Ryan Williamson Publishers: William and Mary Anna Towler Editor: Mary Anna Towler Editorial department Arts & entertainment editor: Jake Clapp News editor: Christine Carrie Fien Staff writers: Tim Louis Macaluso, Jeremy Moule Arts & entertainment staff writer: Rebecca Rafferty Music writer: Frank De Blase Calendar editor: Kurt Indovina Contributing writers: Roman Divezur, Kathy Laluk, Adam Lubitow, Ron Netsky, David Raymond, Leah Stacy Editorial Intern: Kiara Alfonseca Art department Art director/Production manager: Ryan Williamson Designers: Justyn Iannucci, Kevin Fuller Photographer: Kevin Fuller Advertising department New sales development: Betsy Matthews Account executives: Christine Kubarycz, Sarah McHugh, William Towler, David White Classified sales representatives: Christine Kubarycz, Tracey Mykins Operations/Circulation Business manager: Angela Scardinale Circulation manager: Katherine Stathis Distribution: Andy DiCiaccio, David Riccioni, Northstar Delivery City Newspaper is available free of charge. Additional copies of the current issue may be purchased for $1 each at the City Newspaper office. City Newspaper may be distributed only by authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of City Newspaper, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. City (ISSN 1551-3262) is published weekly by WMT Publications, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Rochester, NY (USPS 022-138). Address changes: City, 250 North Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14607. Member of the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and the New York Press Association. Annual subscriptions: $35 ($30 senior citizens); add $10 for out-of-state subscriptions. Refunds for fewer than ten months cannot be issued. Copyright by WMT Publications Inc., 2016 - all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without permission of the copyright owner.
After Trump’s ‘triumph’ There is no bright side. President-elect Donald Trump has started walking back some of his promises. A fence, maybe, instead of a wall. We’ll just deport criminals at first, not all undocumented immigrants. We’ll improve Obamacare, not repeal it. And he didn’t really mean all those campaign rants and threats, according to his apologists. That was just campaign hyperbole, the kind of thing candidates have to say to get elected. Relax if you like. But there is no bright side. The nation’s next president is a xenophobic nativist who has bragged about sexually assaulting women, whose lack of experience, vindictiveness, and volatile temperament make him not just unsuited for the job but dangerous. Mike Pence, Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich: We have known from the start what kind of people Trump would surround himself with. And the Congress that will be in power come January is full of Trump enablers. Together, they will set this country back in ways that will haunt us for decades. During his campaign, Trump was clear about his attitude toward people of color, toward women, toward Muslims, toward immigrants, toward people with disabilities. Now he can turn that attitude into terrible action. Backed up by the Supreme Court. Just as serious: his rhetoric is giving other Americans license to do great harm. It took less than a day for that to begin to exhibit itself here in Rochester, with a Muslim American woman reporting that two people had already told her to go back home where she came from, and someone burning Pride flags flying at two different homes. In Wellsville, someone painted “Make America White Again” and a swastika on a softball field dugout; at SUNY Geneseo, a swastika and “Trump” were painted on a dorm. On a bus in New York City, according to New York magazine, a white couple harassed a Muslim Hunter College student, yelling that she had to remove her hijab. Maybe these are the outbursts of a few extremists. Maybe their hate-filled celebration will flame out, and calmer heads will prevail among the Trump supporters. But a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiment was clearly a factor in Trump’s win. Trump bellowed out that sentiment. And numerous Republican leaders embraced him.
The future of the country hangs on what we learn from this election, and how we act on what we learn.”
This country’s traumatic history of discrimination and violence against minorities was never a thing of the past. Now, the person in charge of the president’s strategy will be a man who has been head of a white-nationalist, antiSemitic media company. Climate change, income inequality, Social Security, LGBTQ rights, abortion
rights, health care, international relations, diplomacy: Donald Trump and the hard right will be in charge of all of that come January 20. So: there is no bright side. But there are lessons in this election outcome. And the future of the country hangs on what we learn from them, and how we act on what we learn. Here are a few on my mind right now: 1) It’s long past time to address the needs of the unemployed and the underemployed. Technology and trade
agreements have left millions of Americans unemployed or underemployed. That is a fact. Better public policy could have helped prevent that, and we haven’t summoned the will to act. Donald Trump promised the moon in his campaign, but he can’t snap his fingers and create manufacturing jobs. And as important as infrastructure improvements are, we won’t solve all the problems of the unemployed with massive road, sewer, and bridge projects. Not everyone is skilled in those jobs. Not everyone lives where the work is needed. And short-term construction work is not a long-term career. Real solutions won’t come overnight. Some will take decades. But we’ll never get the equitable, strong economy we need if politicians in both major parties didn’t learn one of the big lessons from November 8: Many people were motivated continues on page 8
Spreading hate
More white supremacist fliers were spread in Pittsford in the days following Republican Donald Trump’s election as president. At least some directed viewers to; whiterochester. org now directs there, too. And at SUNY Geneseo, a swastika and “Trump” were scrawled in the common area of a dorm. The incident is being investigated as a hate crime.
Pride flags burned
A rainbow flag was burned on Atlantic Avenue and another on Marion Street on November 9. The Rochester Police Department is treating the incidents as arson and is working with the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley to resolve the cases.
MacDonald may take plea
Pittsford resident Martin MacDonald was offered a plea deal for allegedly shoving an autistic teenager during a race in Cobbs Hill Park in October. The incident gained national attention and prompted accusations of racism against MacDonald, who is white. The runner is black. If he takes the deal, MacDonald would have to do 120 hours of community service.
Senior staff changes at RCSD
Rochester schools Superintendent Barbara-Deane Williams changed the district’s senior level staffing. Elizabeth Mascitti-Miller returns to the district to support oversight of receivership schools, and the district’s new deputy superintendent is Kendra March. Deputy Superintendent Christiana Otuwa has resigned.
Working together to survive Trump
Urban-Suburban expands
The Rush-Henrietta Central School District voted to participate in the Urban-Suburban Interdistrict Transfer Program. Rush-Henrietta is expected to start with fewer than 10 seventh graders from the Rochester City School District next year. About 760 students participate in the Urban-Suburban program.
Progressives undoubtedly hoped they’d have an ally in President Hillary Clinton — even if she wasn’t far enough left for many of them. Instead, with Donald Trump, progressives will face a president who is apathetic at best and hostile at worst to their causes and concerns.
Social media comment stings UR prof
A Facebook comment backfired on University of Rochester professor Ted Pawlicki, who said he would pay to send Trump supporters to Canada if they promise not to return. Pawlicki apologized for the remark and stepped down from his position as head of the university’s undergraduate computer science program.
Tori Fox St. Jacques at the “Not My America” rally held in the University of Rochester’s Eastman Quadrangle last week. Several hundred people turned out to protest Donald Trump’s election. PHOTO BY RYAN WILLIAMSON
flag to show solidarity with the LGBTQ community. Stay vigilant and make sure that hate and abuse are challenged, says Scott Fearing, executive director of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley. “Everything he has been saying is negative — there’s nothing positive about him,” says Ayan Abdi, job/career placement assistant at Rochester Refugee Resettlement Services, about Trump. “That scares you, especially when that person is elected to be president.” The refugee community needs to hear that elected officials and the broader Rochester community have its back, she says. continues on page 7
The initial signs aren’t good. President-elect Trump appointed Myron Ebell, an outspoken skeptic of climate change, to oversee the transition of the Environmental Protection Agency. And you can probably wave goodbye to the Affordable Care Act. Locally, some activists say they are worried, but they’re not giving up. They need reassurance that their state and local officials, as well as the community, will fight with them, they say. And you can still lobby state and local governments for progressive policies and causes. Rochesterians can push City Council to pass its recently released Climate Action Plan, for example, and they can display a Gay Pride
Slaughter is an ardent supporter of Obamacare, which Trump and the Congressional GOP want to repeal and, Trump says, replace. She won’t stand for attempts to roll back reproductive rights, and she’s worried about potential GOP efforts to alter Medicare, she says. And as far as immigration goes, Slaughter and Trump are opposites.
Slaughter, Schumer brace for war Anytime Democrats or Republicans get whupped in a big national election, the pundits and chattering classes inevitably pose some existential questions: What went wrong? Does the party have a future? What is it? The 2016 presidential campaign was so ugly that reporters and TV talking heads are autopsying both parties. But there’s a different, practical discussion worth having before President-elect Donald Trump takes the White House in January: How can House and Senate Democrats buffer America from the worst parts of the Trump agenda and the agendas of the House and Senate GOP majorities? House Representative Louise Slaughter and Senator Chuck Schumer -- the likely Senate Democratic leader -- will be key players when it comes to pushing back on Trump and the GOP, but also in moving good legislation forward. Slaughter and Schumer are skilled at getting issues in front of the media and the public, which can help build public pressure for or against legislation. Slaughter starts her 16th House term in 2017, which makes her one of the most senior representatives in either party. She’s influential among Democrats, but has also
built meaningful cross-aisle relationships, which helps her shape legislation of local and national significance. “I’m hoping that we can have some meetings of the minds,” Slaughter says. “Our job is to move the United States forward, not to hold up one side or the other, but to do what’s best for the people that sent us.” Slaughter is an ardent supporter of Obamacare, which Trump and the Congressional GOP want to repeal and, Trump says, replace. She won’t stand for attempts to roll back reproductive rights, and she’s worried about potential GOP efforts to alter Medicare, she says. And as far as immigration goes, Slaughter and Trump are opposites. But she and many other members of Congress have common ground with Trump on trade. Neither Trump nor Slaughter supports the North American Free Trade Agreement or the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership; Trump has vowed to renegotiate the former and withdraw the US from the latter. Schumer will likely be the face and voice of Senate Democrats, as well as one of the conference’s key tacticians. He can be tough, and won’t shy away from
manipulating procedural rules in the chamber to block legislation – Slaughter says it might be possible for Senate Dems to block an Obamacare repeal -- and appointments, including Supreme Court nominees. Republicans have used a similar approach to great effect during Barack Obama’s presidency. Senate Democrats will spend the coming weeks figuring out how they’ll move forward, Schumer said in a postelection press release. Monroe County Clerk Adam Bello finds himself in a similar situation as Slaughter and Schumer, since county government is also dominated by the Republican Party. He is Democrats’ chance to let some air into a government that has been choked by cronyism and scandal. Bello was appointed to the office in January and elected to a full four-year term last week. In his first months, he pushed back on past practices by his predecessor, now County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo, particularly on passport fee waivers that violated federal law. He’s articulated a vision for the office that includes tech upgrades and a full-time downtown DMV office, but those ideas take money. Dinolfo will release her 2017
Congress member Louise Slaughter FILE PHOTO
budget proposal soon and it could leave Bello -- who is widely mentioned as a possible county exec candidate down the line -- without the funding to implement his plans. Bello beat the Republican candidate, Greece Town Clerk Cheryl Rozzi, by a substantial margin; he pulled in 58 percent of the vote to Rozzi’s 42 percent. So if he makes a public case for a downtown DMV office, for example, the Dinolfo administration may face pressure to cooperate.
Tweets that TWITTER.COM/
Disabled still fighting for equal access
Ericka Jones, far left, Stephanie Woodward, and Rasheem Broughton say the disabled must have better access to buildings. PHOTO BY RYAN WILLIAMSON
When Rasheem Broughton goes to shake hands, it’s a bit like lifting a broken wing. His hand floats in midair and his grip is soft and loose. Broughton has spent much of his adult life in a wheelchair. A gunshot wound when he was in his teens left him a quadriplegic with multiple disabilities. But it doesn’t hold him back or keep him from doing what he wants to do, he says. He works and is an active member of the community. “You learn to roll with it, quite honestly,” Broughton says. “You learn to take the obstacles as they come.” People with disabilities are in many cases no different from everyone else. They want good jobs, quality housing, and to spend time with family and friends. They like to shop, dine out, and go to movies and the theater. Most of the time, it’s not their disabilities that stop them from doing these things. The challenges come down to a combination of mobility, accessibility, and the need for stronger enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act, they say. “We don’t have concerns about our physical state,” says Stephanie Woodward, an attorney and director of advocacy for the Center for Disability Rights. “When you say physical concern, we say ‘disability.’ That’s who we are and we’re very proud of who we are and our disability identity.” Woodward, who sports a hot pink wheelchair, says she grocery shops the same as everybody else. “I will be found in the pizza roll section at least once a week, but it’s no more amazing 6 CITY
NOVEMBER 16-22, 2016
when we do it than when a nondisabled person does it,” she says. Mobility is critically important to the disabled, says Ericka Jones, an advocate at CDR. It’s more complicated than it is for a nondisabled person, and not something you can take for granted, she says. “It’s a different beast for people who are born with a disability compared to those who acquire their disability,” she says. But for both, there are issues with transportation that require advance planning. “You constantly have to figure out how you’re going to get from place to place,” Jones says. “You can’t ever decide on a whim that you want to go somewhere or do something that may involve transportation.” Jones once spent Christmas in the Buffalo airport eating vending machine snacks because the airline didn’t have the proper equipment to get her on the plane, she says. When you have to use a wheelchair, that becomes a major consideration in everything you do, Woodward says. “You can’t just hop in a taxi and you can’t just hop in with an Uber driver – we don’t hop anywhere,” she says. “Those of us who do have a car, we either have a lift system or a ramp into our vehicle and those are incredibly expensive.” But mobility is only part of the problem.
Sometimes business owners, builders, and developers fail to comply with the American with Disabilities Act, which often results in a denial of access to someone who is disabled. The ADA, which passed nearly 30 years ago, prohibits discrimination against people who are disabled and ensures equal
Activism continues from page 4
opportunity in terms of employment, accommodations, and transportation. A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially interferes with one or more major life activities, such as sight, hearing, or cognition. For many people, that activity is walking, Woodward says. “But what concerns us is our physical environment,” she says. “I’m concerned that where I want to go will discriminate against me by not allowing me in. As a lawyer, if I can’t get into a building, that prevents me from doing my job.” Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren is especially strong at promoting accessibility, Woodward says. “Her administration takes it very seriously and we’re very excited about that,” Woodward says. She cites the Clear the Snow so All Can Go campaign, a city ordinance that requires property owners to clear the snow off their sidewalks or pay a fine. But access even in the middle of summer remains a serious problem, Woodward says. Some businesses still don’t meet the minimum standards for providing access, including some that have been renovated. It’s not prohibitively expensive to fix an entrance, she says; if there are multiple steps, the business may be required to provide a ramp in a new or different entrance. David Stever, owner of Stever’s Candies on Park Avenue, did that during a remodel, and the ramp on his Vassar Street entrance gets a lot of use, he says. Even those small one-inch bumps in doorways can be a major problem, especially to someone like Rasheem Broughton, who is in a power wheelchair. “When you’re trying to fullthrottle a power chair to jump that inch- high curb, it doesn’t always go straight in,” he says. “You can go side to side.” Broughton has scraped his hands and even broken parts of his chair trying to overcome those bumps. “Compliance is a cost of doing business,” Woodward says. Ignorance about the law or neglect is not an excuse, and sometimes legal action is required, she says. “We’re portrayed as villains,” she says. “I don’t think we’re villains for trying to get to the same place you can get into without even thinking about it.”
Many opportunities exist locally for people to keep the work going to advance progressive causes. If your organization is missing from the following list, you can email your group’s name, contact information, and a brief description to themail@ We’ll add it to the list, which will be kept up on CITY’s website, www. Action for a Better Community: BLACK: Black Lives Matter Upstate New York: Enough is Enough (police brutality): Facing Race, Embracing Equity: Flying Squirrel Community Space (activist space): Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley: Genesee River Watch: Green Party of Monroe County: Ibero-American Action League (Latino-Hispanic advocacy): Islamic Center of Rochester, Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester: Judicial Process Commission (criminal and social justice): La Cumbre (Latino-Hispanic advocacy): Metro Justice (social and economic justice): Mothers Out Front (environment): Monroe County Democratic Committee: Monroe County Republican Party: Monroe County Independence Party: monroecountyipcom/homepage.html M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence: Occupy Rochester: Planned Parenthood: Rochester and Genesee Valley NYCLU: Rochester NOW: Rochester People’s Climate Coalition: Rochester Refugee Resettlement Services: Sierra Club (environment): Take Back the Land (housing for all): Urban League of Rochester: Workers Justice Center of New York (advocacy for farmworkers): Working Families Party: rochesterworkingfamilies/ YWCA (racial equity programs):
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Trump continues from page 3
to vote for Trump not because of racism or xenophobia, but because they want jobs and financial security. Donald Trump could actually lead this effort. And yet the news Sunday was that an initial Trump move will be to search for and deport as many as 2 to 3 million immigrants who he says are criminals and are in the US illegally. Smart political move, maybe; it may make Trump supporters feel better. But it won’t create jobs. It won’t improve anybody’s wellbeing. What we need are jobs that offer a stable future, college that is affordable, job-training programs, policies that lift wages. But those are expensive. And the country will have no way to pay for them after Trump and a Republican Congress cut taxes and ramp up military spending. Jobs were a key issue in this campaign. Unless we act, they’ll be a key issue four years from now. 2) The Democratic Party needs major reform.
On November 8, Democrats lost an election they should have been able to win. We can spend the next decade debating whether Hillary Clinton was the best candidate the Democrats had. Certainly she entered the campaign with a ton of baggage, and Democratic Party operatives seem to have underestimated its seriousness. But that wasn’t the only problem, and complaining about the FBI’s e-mail investigations – as Clinton is – is a dangerous distraction. Trump was promising change, and despite Barack Obama’s growing popularity, Clinton and her surrogates didn’t make a case effectively for continuing and expanding his policies. Just as serious: the Clinton camp reeked of elitism. It had an exclusivist, we-knowbest attitude at a time when young people in droves had been getting involved in public policy and political activism. The remnants of the Occupy movement, the growing Black Lives movement, the Fight for $15 movement: young people were involved in all of those. Bernie Sanders gained the loyalty of many of them. Clinton never did. And, in fact, she and her surrogates could be downright condescending toward them. There was former Secretary of State Madeline Albright’s comment at a Clinton rally last February, telling young women who were supporting Sanders: “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” There was feminist icon Gloria Steinem, at that same Clinton rally, adding to the insult: “When you’re young, you’re thinking: ‘Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie.’” And there was Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” description of Trump supporters. 8 CITY
NOVEMBER 16-22, 2016
You can’t insult voters in one breath and win them over in the next. Donald Trump is not a populist. His policies won’t help many of the people who voted for him. And a strong Democratic candidate should have been able to defeat him. Now, the Democrats have to wait two years for a chance to win control of the Senate, and the odds against them will be enormous then. And it’ll be four years, of course, before they have another chance at the White House. Given the work that has to be done, and the thinness of their bench, it may take that long for Democrats to turn their party around. At the moment, Democrats need a strong group of leaders, to not only reshape and reinvigorate the party but also to reinvigorate the rest of us, to help us overcome our disillusionment, to inspire us, and to keep us focused on the job ahead. Fortunately, we don’t have to look far for that leadership. It’s work tailor-made for Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama. 3) As for the rest of us? We have work to do. Protest marches are important. But that has to be followed by activism. And we all need to be in this for the long haul. This week, we’re publishing a partial list of local activist groups, and we’ll add to it throughout the coming weeks. Find one and get involved. The hard work – on justice issues, civil rights, the environment, health care, jobs, and all the rest – will have to start here at home.
Hampson and Wightman
The community lost two outstanding, creative members earlier this month, and this publication lost two friends and former writers, Tom Hampson and Warren Wightman. Tom – whose name is familiar to any area jazz lover, thanks to his long-running, engaging show on WXXI radio – initiated our coverage of jazz, bringing his knowledge, his experience as a musician, and his passion to our readers for several years. Warren, a brilliant, multitalented man, wrote about science and nature in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Each was an expert, with an astonishing breadth and depth of knowledge. And each had a unique ability to write about what he knew in a way that was both authoritative and great fun to read: interesting and personal. You felt you were listening to them talk, and they were talking especially to you. They loved what they wrote about, they were generous in sharing their knowledge and their talent, and we’re grateful for their important contributions to our pages.
For more Tom Tomorrow, including a political blog and cartoon archive, visit
URBAN ACTION This week’s calls to action include the following events and activities. All are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.
Meeting examines threats to reproductive rights The National Organization for Women will hold a special post-election meeting, “Fighting for Equality,” at 7 p.m. on Monday, November 21. The meeting will examine how women’s rights have
been threatened by this election, especially access to reproductive health care. The meeting will be held at First Unitarian Church of Rochester, 220 Winton Road South.
Film shows link between war and climate change
Veterans for Peace is sponsoring “Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives,” a documentary film by Alice and Lincoln Day that examines the impact that weapons test-
ing and war are having on natural resources and the planet’s ecosystems. The film, which will be shown on at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, illustrates how war could be the most destructive of human behaviors, though it’s not commonly thought of as a contributor to climate change. The event will be held at the Gandhi Institute, 929 South Plymouth Avenue.
Dining Penny pinching provisions [ CHOW HOUND ] BY KATIE LIBBY
Some of us are starting to feel the panic of the holiday season — especially when it comes to the balance of our bank accounts. A few of the things I am especially thankful for around the holidays include my Amazon Prime subscription (free two-day shipping is a necessity for all procrastinators out there) and the fact that there are plenty of places in the area to score happy hour cheap eats. Go forth. Eat, drink, be merry, and save your money. 2Vine (24 Winthrop Street) has recently undergone some major renovations, both to the space and to the menu. I’m a new disciple of the almighty oyster — I found the nerve to try them only a few years ago — and now I look for $1 oyster nights with fervor. Monday through Friday, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., 2Vine not only has $1 oysters, but $7 oyster shooters (basically a shot of Bloody Mary mix and vodka with an oyster at the bottom). The happy hour menu also includes mini fish tacos ($6), beef sliders ($6), and baked oysters ($5). Ox and Stone’s (282 Alexander Street) happy hour runs Tuesday through Friday, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Not only can you choose from an assortment of $3 tapas, glasses of sangria are $7, margaritas are $5, and all specialty cocktails are $1 off. Some selections from Ox and Stone’s tapas menu include flour tortilla chips with fresh guacamole, fire roasted
peppers, and chiles rellenos. Who knows, after a few of those $5 margaritas you might order the fried crickets. The happy hour at Avvino (2541 Monroe Avenue) runs Tuesday through Friday from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and includes $5 sushi rolls. All are chef ’s choice and change weekly, but the menu always includes at least one vegetarian option. Happy hour also include $5 glasses of their house punch and $3 sake, beer, and wine specials. If you’re looking for a happy hour that extends beyond Monday through Friday, West Edge Restaurant and Lounge (284
Exchange Boulevard) has deals on Saturday as well. From 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., all drinks are $1 off and all social plates and flatbreads are half price. Crab cakes, made with jumbo lump crab, roasted red pepper pesto, and lemon aioli, will only set you back $7. The chicken confit, caprese, or chef ’s featured flatbreads are $5.50 to $6.50, and vegetarian cheap eats include risotto fritters ($3.50) and tempura fried spring vegetables ($3.50). Other notable happy hour specials include $12 Mussels and Beer Mondays at Amore (1750 East Avenue) from 4 p.m. to close. Salena’s (302 North Goodman Street, Village Gate) happy hour is Tuesday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and features $2.50 Dos Equis drafts, $1 off other drafts, and $1 off margaritas. Select appetizers are also on special including the Dos Equis Braised Chicken Wings ($3.50) and Queso Fundido ($2.75).
If you're looking to save some pennies while eating out this holiday season, check out these happy hour specials. (Top left) Salena's has $2.50 Dos Equis drafts and $1 off margaritas, along with food deals. (Bottom left) West Edge has specials on Saturdays, where all drinks are $1 off and flatbreads are half price. (Above) Ox and Stone's happy hour features $3 tapas, sangria for $7, and $5 margaritas. FILE PHOTOS
Quick bites
Joe Bean Coffee Roasters (1344 University Avenue) will host a Black Friday Beer and Coffee Extravaganza on Friday, November 25, from 12 p.m. to 11 p.m. A variety of coffee beer will be on draft in addition to Bunny Bombs (Stillwater Big Bunny beer and an espresso shot) and the Breakfast Beer (draft beer and Kyoto Cold Brew). Black Button Distilling (85 Railroad Street) will release a port finished, barrel strength, single barrel, straight bourbon the weekend of November 18. The company has only made 312 bottles of the stuff and half are already sold. Tastings will be available at Black Button
Distilling for $8, which will be applied toward your purchase if you decide to buy a bottle. If you’re looking to get a head start on your holiday shopping this year, a subscription to the Empire Crate could be a good idea for your New York Stateloving friends and family. The monthly box subscription service was created by Brianne and Brandon Dingeman, and the couple aim to scour the Empire State for the best food finds and deliver them to subscribers. Subscriptions start at $39.95 a month. More information can be found at Chow Hound is a food and restaurant news column. Do you have a tip? Send it to food@
Upcoming [ ROCK ] Citizen. Thursday, December 15. Montage Music Hall, 50 Chestnut Street. 6:30 p.m. $15-$17.; [ SINGER-SONGWRITER ]
JT Woodruff. Tuesday, January 24. California Brew Haus, 402 West Ridge Road. 6 p.m. $13.; [ ROCK ]
Mike Doughty. Sunday, February 26. Flour City Station,
170 East Avenue. 8 p.m. $25-$30.;
West End Blend
As much A Tribe Called Quest as it is The Dap Kings, West End Blend is a beautiful amalgam of funky soul, R&B, and hip-hop. And although it gets lumped in under the jam band idiom, this 10-piece kick-in-thebutt from Hartford, Connecticut, is infinitely more cool and rockin’. It’ll get under your skin and into your bones. Upward Groove and Matt O’Brian will also perform. — BY FRANK DE BLASE
Young M.A had one of the most ubiquitous tacks of the summer. The Brooklyn-based rapper’s “OOOUUU” — just like it sounds — blew up, and the 24-year-old is still at the beginning of a wild ride: she performed the hit at the 2016 BET Hip-Hop Awards, and the song has gotten attention from Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, the Game, and Jadakiss. In a lot of ways, M.A is emblematic of the future of popular New York hip-hop — she’s openly gay, challenging stereotypes, and has built a DIY force in the social media age. We can expect a lot more summer hits from Young M.A. 6 Borough and DJ Grand Imperial will also perform. — BY JAKE CLAPP
10 CITY NOVEMBER 16-22, 2016
Grease Creepers
“Fresh Cut” Self-released
It was Hawker M. James’s 2015 release, “Long Playing, Low Fidelity,” that launched my love affair with his music. The songs were so catchy that no amount of lofidelity (which I love just as much) can take that away. James remains as enigmatic as his music, re-inventing himself and his approach. His latest single, “Love Like a Hurricane,” is a little bit slicker, bordering on epic ballad territory a la Matthew Sweet. I’ve seen James in various inceptions, from solo acoustic to full-on band, but his songs keep it all slick, glued, and smooth. Susanna Rose will also play. — BY FRANK DE BLASE
Guitarist and mandolin player Michael Lafon and guitarist Marjorie Guiton fell in love with Tzigane (Gypsy music) in their native France. Now, they tour the world as Bohemia, playing a vibrant strain of one of the world’s most popular genres. Opening at the beautiful Lyric Theatre will be The Rita Collective with accordion player extraordinaire Maury Rosenberg (from Hypnotic Clambake). — BY RON NETSKY
Pat Yeomans, Tristan Omand, and Tough Old Bird.
Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 8 p.m. $5.
Here’s a slab of pure, badass, American psychobilly. The Grease Creepers keep up with the style’s reverb-drowning, bassslappin,’ guitar-twangin,’ Bigsby-bangin,’ snare drum-bashin’ aesthetic. On “Fresh Cut,” Grease Creepers’ 13-track debut, the Rochester band sounds a lot like classic Cramps with its bravado and tight pants strut and preen. Now people tend to think the “psycho” prefix refers to the accelerated tempos and schlock horror topics, but in this type of music, it applies when a decent singer with drama, pathos, and ethos delivers with an exaggerated hiccuppunctuated croon. And thankfully that’s the case here. The singing absolutely rules on this record: it caterwauls suave and demonic as hell as it summons Lux Interior and The King from the grave. Live, the band is pedal to the floor with an impressive dynamic range in its songwriting, and “Fresh Cut” captures that energy perfectly. A great soundtrack to driving recklessly. — BY FRANK DE BLASE
Bachaholics Anonymous. St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 28 Lincoln St. Pittsford. 586-0580. 7:30-9 p.m. Music of Bach. Live from Hochstein: Willy’s Mambo. Hochstein
Performance Hall, 50 N Plymouth Ave. 454-4596. 12-1 p.m. By Dave Mancini, performed alongside Wilfredo Degláns, Tigran Vardanyan, Kieran Hanlon, Nick Weiser, Dave Mancini. [VOCALS]
Eastman Trombone Choir.
Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs St. 8 p.m.
Evan Meulemans “Lilac Drive” Self-released
Just Jazz Trio. Pythodd Jazz
If Evan Meulemans’ excellent new album, “Lilac Drive,” only contained the opening track, “Wisconsin,” it would be great — it would leave you wanting more. But the song has a beautiful build-up that leads into the down-stroke guitar joy of the next cut, “Some of My Time,” a tune that glows with sunshine-y pop. The whole album, 10 tracks in all, is optimistically mellow but in no way a downer. “Lilac Drive” ebbs and flows with a solid footing and a rock ‘n’ roll feel without the volume. Meulemans’ voice is hard to nail down. Is he a baritone? Is he a tenor? His vocal style is strident yet melodious as the words articulately spill out. The whole affair is produced with a gentle albeit steady hand. The guests — like producer Dave Drago and singers Susanna Rose and Jon Lewis, to name a precious few — add to this are plugged in sparingly and appropriate. This is predominantly an acoustic record with the music serving at the pleasure of the storied songs that come off with the catharsis of intimate pages being torn from a diary. It sounds like autumn. — BY FRANK DE BLASE
Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 4916649. 8-11 p.m. Margaret Explosion. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 7-9 p.m. White Hots Duo. Sticky Lips BBQ Juke Joint, 830 Jefferson Rd. 292-5544. 6:30 p.m. [POP/ROCK]
Wednesday Happy Hour: Amanda Ashley. Record
Archive, 33 1/3 Rockwood St. 244-1210. recordarchive. com. 5:30-7 p.m.
THU., NOVEMBER 17 [ACOUSTIC/FOLK] Jim Lane. Murph’s Irondequoit Pub, 705 Titus Ave. Irondequoit. 342-6780. continues on page 13
Local musician Nate Coffey does his talking with his guitar — or whatever instrument he happens to have in his hand. PHOTO BY AARON WINTERS
LET US CATER YOUR HOLIDAY PARTIES! • Veggies & Vegan • Mini pastries • Assorted spreads • Spanakopita • Much more! Voula’s Greek Sweets | 439 Monroe Ave Rochester, NY 14607 242-0935 | Mon - Sat 11am-7pm
12 CITY NOVEMBER 16-22, 2016
Parked beneath an ever-present chapeau, mild-mannered Nate Coffey is a superhero without the cape and tights under his street clothes. Despite his encyclopedic knowledge of the guitar, bass, and more, this unassuming cat is steeped in modesty. He plays loud but isn’t what you’d call a boisterous person. He plays his own guitar but doesn’t honk his own horn. You might even say he’s bashful. Coffey becomes one with whatever instrument he is playing, in whatever style he is playing, and with whichever band he’s playing. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Nate Coffey without an instrument — guitar, bass, drumsticks, whatever — in his hands. The man is music … all kinds of music. “I’m not a one-trick pony,” Coffey says. “People don’t know all the stuff I do. ‘Oh, I didn’t know you played flamenco guitar; I didn’t know you played upright bass.’ I try to be modest and not come across as some bonehead egomaniac. And that may hold me
back a bit. But I’m starting to let that go.” As guitarist for The Buddhahood, Coffey jumps on board the brass section’s blast of bombast, with the band, in turn, giving him carte blanche to riff at will. When teamed up with singer-songwriter Teressa Wilcox’s delicate storm, his bass cradles and roots the chanteuse’s mezza-soprano, all the while sending harmonic responses skyward that beautifully counter the melody. Coffey’s playing style is a kind of openended, blues-based wail. And that’s not all, folks. Coffey positively rocks finger-style flamenco guitar as a Spanish guitar duo with Matt Sauer every Friday happy hour at Havana Cabana. In addition, people can see him play a little bit of everything on Wednesday nights at Murph’s Pub in Irondequoit where he holds an open jam. Coffey caught the bug early on. He started out at age 11 as a drummer in his dad’s band, BC Enterprise, before landing a weekly gig with Uncle Big Bad and the Railroad Movement at Mastrella’s Steak House. “I was making 50 bucks a week,” Coffey says. “I was happy.” Next, he and his cousin formed No Control. It was the big 1980’s and Coffey says
he learned every Bonham lick there was. And he dressed the part. “I had zebra-striped pants, cut my shirt into fringe,” he says. “My girl had the big hair and the tight jeans. It was great.” No Control won a battle of the bands at the Dome Arena. Things kicked into high gear when Coffey turned 16. “My mom came home from work with a guitar case a co-worker had in his closet,” Coffey says. “I opened it up. It was a 1976 Fender P-Bass. My jaw dropped. I was like, ‘I’m in,’ so I spent two weeks up in the attic learning my dad’s music. He made me audition; he was tough on me. I had to cut it. And within two weeks, I replaced his bass player.” This, all the while he was learning the guitar. Coffey’s tenure in his dad’s band taught him to listen and feel, qualities that have made him an in-demand session player and side man. But unlike other multi-instrumentalists, Coffey doesn’t approach an instrument with the rudiments and application of another. He plays guitar as a guitar player.
“I totally hear my place in whatever element I’m in,” he says. “And as a bass player, you’ve got to support the guitar player, you got to lock in with that drummer.” Coffey’s bass playing is rhythmic and supportive yet melodic. It’s definitely more than just part of the foundation. “I try to color the music wherever it’s appropriate,” he says. “To enhance it. That’s my whole goal: to enhance. If I’m playing with other people, I’m going to be a supportive player.” In addition, Coffey has played and produced in the studio and played live with more area artists including Joff Wilson, Jimmie Highsmith Jr., Brian Rath, and the late Paulie Rocco. It’s all sort of like, “Insert Coffey here.” To clear up his chameleon status, Coffey has just released his third CD, “Rise Above It,” an eight-song slab of pure Coffey that’s steeped in a groove-conscious attack centered around a jazzy nonchalance and progressive attitude. There’s funk; there’s jazz; there’s even a little retro soul-pop number called “Shooting Star” that Marvin Gaye would have loved to get his hands on. With so many outlets for his music, Coffey starts out writing a song with no clear destination. “I write first before assigning it,” he says. And you too can learn to play like Coffey — or you can try anyway. Coffey teaches bass and guitar at Northfield Music, Experience Music, and The House of Guitars. Coffey has traveled some, playing his guitar in Spain, South America, and Jamaica. He even winds up getting gig’s when on vacation. He can’t help himself. “I’ll take a vacation, meet some people, and end up getting a gig,” he says. And because he gets carsick easily he doesn’t tour as much as he’d like in and around the states. “After about five hours, I’m like, ‘Where’s the Dramamine?’ But he plays it safe and avoids the lifestyle associated with working musicians like his dad. “He lived life to the fullest and burned out too quickly,” Coffey says. “I do play it safe. I don’t do massive amounts of drugs; I’m not on tour; I’m relatively healthy. I’m all about spreading the good vibes, and spreading the love with a positive feeling.”
On Sunday, the Ying Quartet will be joined by jazz and classical pianist and composer Billy Childs for a concert of music both cherished and new. A joint presentation of the Eastman Ranlet Series and the Eastman Piano Series, the program features the world premiere of Child’s Piano Quintet. The multi-Grammy winner’s new composition will be bookended by Alexander Borodin’s String Quartet No. 2 in D Major and Beethoven’s String Quartet in C Major.
Bug Jar booking impresario Tim Avery is fighting the good fight against cancer. And it ain’t cheap. So Maybird, Alberto Alaska, Dangerbyrd, Machine Gun English, and The Dirty Pennies are all banding together to play a show for this great cause. Avery is one of us, one of the good ones. In fact, there’re actually two benefits for the man. The second one, Roc4Tim, includes Joywave, Secret Pizza, Mikaela Davis, The Demos, KOPPS, Leus Zeus, King Buffalo, and more.
The Ying Quartet and Billy Childs will perform on Sunday, November 20, at Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs Street. 3 p.m. $22-$32. 274-3000; — BY DANIEL J. KUSHNER
The upcoming Bug Jar benefit for Tim Avery is Saturday, November 19, at the Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Avenue. 8 p.m. $8. The Roc4Tim benefit is Saturday, December 3, at Anthology, 336 East Avenue. 2 p.m. $20. — BY FRANK DE BLASE
8 p.m.
Mike Pullano. Via Girasole Wine Bar,
Arty Hill & the Long Gone Daddys.
3 Schoen Place. Pittsford. 641-0340. 7-10 p.m. [CLASSICAL]
Brockport College-Community Orchestra. Seymour College Union
Ballroom The College at Brockport, Residence Drive. Brockport. 395-2797. 7:30 p.m. Workds from Beethoven, Haydn, and Holst. $5. Eastman at Washington Square. First Universalist Church of Rochester, 150 Clinton Ave S. 546-2826. musicaspei. org. 12:15-12:45 p.m. Third Thursday Concerts. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave. 276-8900. Every third Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Made possible by Rippey Endowed Trust. Included w/museum admission. [JAZZ]
Dr. Jon Turner. The Rabbit Room, 61
N. Main St. Honeoye Falls. 582-1830. Jazz Lab Band. Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs St. 274-1000. 8 p.m. [POP/ROCK]
Sirens & Stilettos and Rock House Riot.
Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. 454-2966. 7:30 p.m. Pitty Love Rescue Calendar release party. Pizza followed by a raffle.
David Shaver with Special Guest David Russell. The Greenhouse
Café, 2271 E. Main St. 402-3243. 7-9 p.m.
Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. abilenebarandlounge. com. 9:30 p.m. $8. JD Blues Experiment. JB’s Smokehouse, 211 Main Street. East Rochester. 4850983. 8-11 p.m. [CLASSICAL]
Music Nova. Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs St. 8 p.m. Work from Knussen, Aperghis, Hurel, and Gordon.
Rochester Early Music Festival Gala Concert. Saint Anne Church, 1600
Mount Hope Ave. 585 271-3260. 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5-$30. Scott Dettra. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 25 Westminster Rd. 544-7998. 8 p.m. Masterclass with Scott Dettra Sat. Nov. 19, 9-11 a.m. $5-$12. [COUNTRY]
Closing Time. Sticky Lips BBQ Juke
Joint, 830 Jefferson Rd. 292-5544. 9 p.m. [JAZZ]
Chris Ott: Solo Piano. Prosecco
Italian Restaurant, 1550 New York 332. Farmington. 924-8000. 6:30-9 p.m. Deborah Branch. Amaya Indian Cuisine, 1900 S. Clinton Ave. 241-3223. Fred Costello & Roger Eckers Jazz Duo. Charley Brown’s, 1675 Penfield Rd. 3859202. 7:30 p.m. GCC Trio. Pythodd Jazz Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 491-6649. pythoddjazzroom. com. 8-11 p.m. Gian Carlo Cervone Trio. Pythodd Jazz Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 491-6649. 8-11 p.m. Performance by Abdul-Rahman Qadir, Dan Vitale, and Hanna PK. The Jane Mutiny. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 8 p.m. Lance Hoffman Quartet. Harry G’s New York Deli & Café, 678 South Ave. 2561324. 6-8 p.m. Nazareth College Jazz Ensemble. Nazareth College Wilmot Recital Hall, 4245 East Avenue. 389-2700. dept/music. 7:30-9 p.m.
Re-Bending and Breaking: Staebell, Chisholm, and Lanighan. Hochstein
Performance Hall, 50 N Plymouth Ave. 454-4596. 7 p.m. $5$10. Such Sweet Thunder. Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Dr. 475-7631. concert. 8-10 p.m. In collaboration with the RIT Celebrate Shakespeare Festival. Selections from the “Duke” Ellington and Billy Strayhorn suite. Performed by Carl Atkins and Jon Kruger. $5-$20. [POP/ROCK] 1000HP. Firehouse Saloon, 814 S. Clinton Ave. 319-3832. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. 21+. $5.
Cedryl Ballou & the Zydeco Trendsetters. Harmony House, 58 East
Main St. Webster. 7:15 p.m. $15.
Krazsman & Fishwife and The Genesee Two. Abilene Bar & Lounge,
153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 6-8:30 p.m. $8.
SAT., NOVEMBER 19 [ACOUSTIC/FOLK] continues on page 14 CITY 13
Connie Deming. Little Theatre
Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 8-10 p.m.
Evan Meulemans Release Show. Lovin’ Cup, 300 Park
Point Dr. 292-9940. lovincup. com. 7-10:30 p.m. Other acts include: Sonam Targee, and Ed Iseley. $5. Pepper & Sassafras. Rochester Christian Reformed Church, 2750 Atlantic Ave. Penfield. 7:30 p.m. $10-$20. [BLUES]
Friendsgiving: The Brothers Blue and Susanna Rose.
Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 9 p.m. Beard contest with prizes. Bring new socks to donate. $5. Vinny D Club. JB’s Smokehouse, 211 Main Street. East Rochester. 485-0983. 8:30 p.m. [CLASSICAL]
Harpsichord Recital: Malcolm Matthews. St. Mary’s Church,
15 St. Mary’s Place. 232-7140. 7:30-8:30 p.m. Apart of the Rochester Early Music Festival. [JAZZ]
Fred Costello & Roger Eckers Jazz Duo. Charley Brown’s,
1675 Penfield Rd. 385-9202. 7:30 p.m. Mike Melito Trio. Pythodd Jazz Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 491-6649. pythoddjazzroom. com. 8-11 p.m.
Bohmeia and The Rita Collective. Lyric Theater,
440 East Ave. 256-0444. 7:30 p.m. $25. [HIP-HOP/RAP]
Young M.A., 6 Borough, and DJ Grand Imperial. Main Street Armory, 900 E. Main St. 2323221. 7:30 p.m. $30-$75. [POP/ROCK]
The Cage Kings, Astraea, Wyatt Coin. Firehouse Saloon,
814 S. Clinton Ave. 319-3832. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Hey Mabel. Gigi’s Italian Kitchen, 2256 Hudson Ave. 544-5440. gigisitaliankitchen. com. 8:30 p.m. Josh Shapiro CD Signing. Wegmans Pittsford, 3195 Monroe Ave. 586-6680. 12-2 p.m. Michael Angelo Batio. House of Guitars, 645 Titus Ave. 5443500. The Taint. Sticky Lips BBQ Juke Joint, 830 Jefferson Rd. 292-5544. 10 p.m.
Compline at Christ Church. 14 CITY NOVEMBER 16-22, 2016
There is a sense of expectation and wonder that comes with the quickly approaching holiday season. On Friday and Saturday, that magic arrives early when the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and its music director, Ward Stare, present Cirque de la Symphonie in the appropriately grand Kodak Hall. Beautiful and compelling classical music joins forces with stunning acrobatic feats in a concert that is meant to captivate the family. This is classical music with a twist — and an acrobatic leap-and-catch, perhaps. The RPO and Cirque de la Symphonie will perform on Friday, November 18, and Saturday, November 19, at Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, 60 Gibbs Street. 8 p.m. $23-$114. 454-2100;; — BY DANIEL J. KUSHNER Christ Church, 141 East Ave. 454-3878. 8:30-9:30 p.m.
Eastman-Ranlet Series: Ying Quartet with Billy Childs.
Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs St. 274-3000. 3 p.m. $20-$30.
Geneseo Symphony Orchestra and Festival Chorus. Wadsworth Auditorium at SUNY Geneseo,, 1 College Circle. Geneseo. (585)-2455516. 3 p.m. Featuring GSO’s Jim Tiller, Gerard Floriano, Jonathan Gonder. Nazareth College Choirs. Nazareth College Linehan Chapel, 4245 East Ave.,. 3892700. 3-4:30 p.m.
November Afternoon Concert Series. Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Ave. 2 p.m. $26-$120, reservations required.
Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Hochstein
Performance Hall, 50 N Plymouth Ave. 454-7311 x224. 7:30 p.m. $5-$12. Tschaikowsky Concert. Irondequoit United Church of Christ, 644 Titus Ave. 2667030. 3 p.m. $10 donation. [VOCALS]
Becoming Me by Fatima. Unity
Church of Greater Rochester, 55 Prince Street. 585-4730910. 12:45-2:30 p.m. Concert of Polish Art Songs. Third Presbyterian Church, 4 Meigs St. 275-9898. rochester. edu. 4-5 p.m. Music of Chopin, Moniuszko, and more. Performed by Paweł Konik, and Michał Biel.
Watercolors. Pythodd Jazz
Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 4916649. 5:30-8:30 p.m.
MON., NOVEMBER 21 [CLASSICAL] Brass Guild. Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs St. 8 p.m. Clarinet Choir. Eastman East Wing Hatch Recital Hall, 26 Gibbs St. 8 p.m. [JAZZ]
Flower City Jazz Society: The Barroom Buzzards. Radisson Hotel Rochester Airport, 175 Jefferson Rd. 729-6555. 6:30-9:30 p.m. $12.
Jazz Jamm Session with Tony Hiler Trio. Pythodd Jazz Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 4916649. 7-10 p.m.
Eastman Percussion Ensemble. Kilbourn Hall, 26
Gibbs St. 8 p.m. Tuesday Pipes. Christ Church, 141 East Ave. 454-3878. esm. 12:10 p.m. [POP/ROCK]
Don Christiano and Ted Perkins. ,. 232-3230. 8-10 p.m.
Skylar Shaw (as Guildenstern), Spencer Christiano (as Hamlet), and Sean Michael Smith (as Rosencrantz) in the Shakespeare Players’ production of “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.” PHOTO BY ANNETTE DRAGON
Heads, they lose “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead”
The Shakespeare Players of Rochester, through November 19, present “Hamlet,” directed by Peter Scribner, in repertory with Tom Stoppard’s 1967 play “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,” directed by Jean Gordon Ryon, which explores “Hamlet” through the lens of lesser-known characters. The productions share a cast, and are presented alternating days and times in order to allow audience members to see both performances. When the play begins, Rosencrantz (Sean Michael Smith) and Guildenstern (Skylar Shaw) are dead — or, are they? Even they don’t seem to know how they exist. The plot, at first, seems a sort of holding pattern, a purgatory, an existential state of being: characters waiting for a story. (And to that end, the production has often been compared to Beckett’s “Waiting
for Godot.”) To take their minds off this plight of non-existence, the duo banters, plays “Questions,” and flips a coin which consistently lands on heads. The curiosity of this luck prompts Guildenstern — the analyst of the two — to wonder if they are in some sort of alternate reality. And so they are. They don’t exist yet, in a way, because their part of the story doesn’t exist yet. The audience, of course, has figured out by then that they are watching “Hamlet” from behind the curtain — “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead” might be considered a spinoff of “Hamlet.” Here, onstage, is Hamlet (played to hilarious satire by Spencer Christiano), bidding his love interest, Ophelia (an appropriately wan Jamie Tyrell), to “get thee to a nunnery”; there is Hamlet’s newly crowned uncle, Claudius, and adulterous mother, Gertrude. The characters — except Rosencrantz and Guildenstern — seem to come and go as they please. “It’s like living in a public park,” Rosencrantz cries. Each of these scenes is fleeting, as are the roles of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in “Hamlet.” They are but messengers, perhaps friends of Hamlet, who are ultimately betrayed and killed. “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead” takes the cameos in “Hamlet” and makes them leading roles. The Player (Bill Alden) and the seven Tragedians, who are ultimately part of Hamlet’s revenge, have fuller roles in this production than they do in “Hamlet.”
Smith and Shaw are well cast in the leading roles. They’re about the same age, and both actors do a commendable job with the massive amounts of snappy dialogue and rhetoric. Facial expressions and body language are equally important in this show — a fact that, no doubt, director Jean Gordon Ryon emphasized in rehearsals, as none of the actors appear despondent at any point. Smith, who is a local filmmaker, plays the part of the airheaded Rosencrantz to perfection, fluctuating between an empty mind and the throes of anxiety. Shaw’s Guildenstern, as the thinker, has many of the quotable lines in the show, which Shaw capitalizes on. The Player’s experience and confidence is a good balance to the youth and insecurities of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and Alden has a strong stage presence. Between him and the leading duo, there were many laughs from the audience. (And if Christiano’s Hamlet portrayal is any indication, that would be a very entertaining show to see either before or after this one.) The set, designed by John Jaeger, is simple. MuCCC’s stage area has been built up into a wide corner staircase of a few steps, and the only scene with significant set pieces comes near the end of the play, when a sea voyage is suggested. The bareness of the stage adds to the questions of existence throughout. Lighting by Chris McCormack and sound by Ken Dauer is also minimal, though effective. Costumer Sarah Michelle Scarpulla stays traditional with the costumes, including stately crowns, satin dresses, and breeches. Ultimately, the success of the show relies not on special effects but on the acting and the script to carry the audience through two and a half hours — three acts, with two 15-minute intermissions — of dialogue. Inside the program, there’s an insert dedicating both shows to the memory of Carl E. Girard, an active young member of the local theater scene and 2002 Nazareth College graduate who passed away earlier this year. This, like many other things, is a testament to the hard work and camaraderie shared by Rochester’s performing artists. Rochester is fortunate to have a theatrical society dedicated to Shakespearean works, and a repertory venture is a particularly admirable accomplishment, especially on the budget and time constraints of a community group.
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Art teasing slices again and again, at times using mirrors to frame an incomplete view of a whole, and alludes to opulence and abundance without tipping into the cold vulgarity of excess. At many points, any ravenous curiosity about celebrity is quieted and humbled by Opie’s focus on the basic humanity of the woman. These images “satisfy our curiosity about the private life of one of Hollywood’s most enduring legends,” Molesworth writes. “However, the photographs do not feel invasive or sensational. Rather, Opie’s camera caresses tabletops, knickknacks, and furs like a small child running her hand over appealing surfaces so as to learn them better.” The power of the work comes from a gently exciting push and pull between what is recognizable from Taylor’s public life and the glimpses of her private reality — how the accoutrements of her accomplishments and fame were interpreted by the Catherine Opie shot “Balloon Shades” (pictured) at Elizabeth Taylor’s California home close to the end woman herself and incorporated into her of the star’s life. The image is part of “Catherine Opie: 700 Nimes Road,” on view at George Eastman environment of memory. Museum through January 8. PHOTO PROVIDED One of the most curious shots in the oeuvre is “The Quest for Japanese Beef,” named for the words enigmatically scrawled in lipstick upon a vanity mirror, above neat rows of makeup and the glints of jewels. a prized work by Andy Warhol, Opie’s focus “Catherine Opie: In one of the few outdoor shots, Opie settles upon the tangible-intangible interplay 700 Nimes Road” showcases “The Elizabeth Taylor Rose” as full, between the tactile trappings of a life in the THROUGH JANUARY 8, 2017 blushing blooms a bit beyond their prime, limelight and the private self-reflections GEORGE EASTMAN MUSEUM, standing proud and vibrant in a private yard. particular to the star. 900 EAST AVENUE Opie again hints at age in “Balloon While providing the sum of a renowned TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, 10 A.M. TO life, Opie’s images convey also the feeling of Shades,” an odd shot in which the artist 5 P.M.; SUNDAY, 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. has centerd on the embroidered window a lived-in environment. Taylor’s awards are $5-$14 | 271-3361; EASTMAN.ORG treatments. The image both echoes Taylor’s enshrined in muted, slightly rustic rooms, aesthetic tastes found elsewhere in the show and her associations with other celestial — with muted jewel tones and slight wear and humans, such as Michael Jackson, come { REVIEW ] BY REBECCA RAFFERTY tear to the house, forming a portrait of lived-in down to Earth when framed in mundane elegance. But the “sumptuous fabric possesses snapshots at a bedside table. A grouping of Although the George Eastman Museum bodily qualities: Its sags recall breasts, buttocks, framed family photos includes a card with recently announced that its entire collection the same “Footsteps in the Sand” quote you and wrinkled flesh,” provided text points out. is now viewable online, don’t let that stop As a whole, the show forms an acute might find on your aunt’s fridge. you from making the trip. A number of portrait of its subject; her presence is felt The portfolio “humanizes Taylor — she fascinating shows now on view provide the through her environment and belongings. was after all a grandmother nearing the end casual goer and the history enthusiast alike But perhaps the most accurate portrait of of her life — while maintaining her status as with enough interest to fill a day. And there Taylor-the-legend comes in the form of some an iconic celebrity who used her staggering are of course the borrowed exhibits that can of the more unique images Opie shot of the beauty and talent to advocate for those in only be viewed in person. In the museum’s Project Gallery, Catherine need,” writes Helen Molesworth, chief curator star’s jewels, which maintains the shifting unknowability of a person amid so many at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Opie’s “700 Nimes Road” is a meditative, straightforward images of her stuff. Angeles, in a provided statement. candid peek into the private residence and inner life of Elizabeth Taylor. Given free access Opie captures a heap of jeweled and ordinary Prismatic octagon glories puncture an ethereal, milky atmosphere in the image, AIDS ribbons, representing one of Taylor’s to document the space as she wished, Opie “Yellow Diamond Abstract.” To create the specific passions (she co-founded the American shot thousands of images over the course of shot, Opie brought one piece from Taylor’s Foundation for AIDS Research, and founded six months, from 2010 to 2011 — Taylor jewelry collection outside, “where it caught the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation). died during this period, in March 2011. and refracted the brilliant Southern California Deeper into the gallery, one wall is “How can an artist construct a fresh, dedicated to images of Taylor’s clothing: rows sunlight,” provided information states. distinctive portrait of one of the most of shimmering dresses, furs, and leather coats “Refraining from fetishizing Taylor’s jewelry photographed celebrities in the world?” a bit for its monetary value, the photograph conveys on hangers, presented without fanfare as of wall text in the exhibit inquires. Though though the viewer merely opened a wardrobe. the sensorial pleasures of diamonds that the show contains images of Taylor through delighted Taylor.” Opie repeats this method of providing family photos, and her likeness as depicted in
Glimpses beyond glamour
16 CITY NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2016
Art Exhibits [ OPENING ] RIT Bevier Gallery, 90 Lomb Memorial Dr., Booth Building 7A. Norman Ives Retrospective. Through Jan. 8. Letterforms curated by John T. Hill. [ CONTINUING ] ART EXHIBITS 1570 Gallery at Valley Manor, 1570 East Ave. Memories, Life, and Perception. Through Dec. 4. Artwork by the Haas family. 5468400. Bertha VB Lederer Gallery, Brodie Hall, 1 College Dr. WITNESS by Marie Watt. Through Dec. 10. Work draws from history, biography, protofeminism, and Indigenous principles. 245-5813. Bridge Art Gallery University of Rochester Medical Center, 300 Crittenden Blvd. Age and Beauty and Gallery Expansion. Through Nov. 30. Celebrate aging as the accumulation of experience, perspective, strength, and wisdom of time by local artists. 275-3571. Create Art 4 Good Studios, 1115 E. Main Street- Suite #201 Door #5. Explorations with Joy Argento. Through Nov. 19. 210-3161. Gallery 384, 384 East Ave. Lynne Feldman and Nancy Valle. Through Nov. 28. Acrylic and fabric paintings and collage by Feldman; ceramics by Valle. 4734000. Genesee Center for the Arts and Education, 713 Monroe Ave. He’ll Print on Anything. Through Dec. 3. Featuring the works of Mitchel Ahern. 244-9312. rochesterarts. org.; Good Things..Come in Small Packages. Through Nov. 17. Featuring 50 small ceramic works. Juror: Doug Peltzman. 244-1730.; Under Safelight. Through Dec. 30. Photographs by Chris Holmquist, Jonathan Merritt, and Mark J. Watts. 271-5920. Image City Photography Gallery, 722 University Ave. The B&W Invitational. Through Nov. 27. Black and white photography by Steve Copeland, Tim Fuss, Joel Krenis, and more. 749-7010. International Art Acquisitions, 3300 Monroe Ave. Still Life with Apples. Through Nov. 30. Work by Monteiro Prestes. 264-1440. Link Gallery at City Hall, 30 Church St. New Energy. Through Dec. 6. 271-5920. linkgallery. Lockhart Gallery at SUNY Geneseo, 28 Main St. Landscape Sublime. Through Dec. 10. Closing reception Wed., Dec. 7, 5-7 p.m. Digital photographs by Anastasia Samoylova. 245-5813. geneseo. edu/galleries. Main Street Arts, 20 W. Main St., Clifton Springs. Ceramics, Furniture, and Still Life Painting. Through Nov. 15. Curated exhibition of ceramics and furniture with still life paintings, by 15 local artists and makers. 315462-0210. mainstreetartsgallery. com.; Setting the Table. Through Nov. 25. Collaborative works by ceramic artists and furniture makers. 315-462-0210. Nazareth College Arts Center Gallery, 4245 East Ave. The Greater Good: Social Design Invitational. Through Nov. 18. Celebrates outstanding graphic
design work that had a positive social impact. NTID Dyer Arts Center, 52 Lomb Memorial Dr. Second Glance. Through Dec. 3. A show inspired by observations that go unnoticed. Presented through a selection of printmaking methods. Nu Movement, 716 University Ave. Squared Off. Through Jan 6. Opening receptions Fri. Dec. 2 & Jan. 6. 6-9 p.m. 704-2889. Oxford Gallery, 267 Oxford St. Points of View. Through Dec. 3. Featuring sculptures and works in mixed media by Kristine Bouyoucos and William Keyser. 271- 5885. Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery, 71 S. Main St. Canandaigua. Holidays at the Gallery. Through Jan. 7. Work by regional artists in several mediums. 394-0030. prrgallery. com. The Gallery @ Art & Music Library, Rush Rhees, 755 Library Road. Ink & Stitch. Through Jan. 1. An exhibit of sewn figure drawings by Kate Fisher. Opening reception Sat., Nov. 19, 3-5:30 p.m. 2732267. artmusic/gallery. Williams Gallery at First Unitarian Church, 220 S Winton Rd. Scenic New York. Through Nov. 23. Landscapes in oil by Carol Thiel.
Art Events [ WED., NOVEMBER 16 ] Art, Spirit, and the Road. 7:309 p.m. Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Fitzhugh Street Sixteen years of Itinerant Artist Project, with Jim Mott. Three presentations spanning over all three days 3254000. spirituality-arts.html.
Comedy [ THU., NOVEMBER 17 ] Rich Vos. 7:30 p.m. Comedy Club, 2235 Empire Blvd Webster Through Nov. 19. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30 p.m. Additional 10 p.m. show Fri. & Sat 671-9080. [ SAT., NOVEMBER 19 ] Nuts and Bolts Comedy Improv. 8-10 p.m. Spotlight Arts, 3 Railroad street . Fairport $10. 683-1654. john@spotlightarts. com.
Theater Bearing Witness. Through Nov. 27. Downstairs Cabaret Theatre, 20 Windsor St Through Nov. 27. Thurs., Nov. 17, 24, 7 p.m. Fri. & Sat., Nov. 18, 19, 8 p.m. Sun., Nov. 20, 27, 2 p.m. Written and performed by Thomas Bird $25. 325-4370. downstairscabaret. com. ELF The Musical JR.. Sat., Nov. 19, 3-4:30 & 7-8:30 p.m. and Sun., Nov. 20, 2-3:30 p.m. Greece Odyssey Academy, 750 Maiden Ln. Presented by Odyssey Academy Music & Drama $8-$10. 966-5300. Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance. Fridays, Saturdays, 8 p.m. and Sundays, 2 p.m Salem United Church of Christ, 60 Bittner St 232-5570.
Hip Hops and Groovy Grapes. 7 p.m. I-Square Conference Center, 400 Bakers Park . Irondequoit Wine and beer tasting with five course meal $45. 266-1068 x204. Mingle at the MAG. 6-9 p.m. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave. Scavenger hunt through the MAG (for teams of up to 6 people). Includes dinner, raffle, admission to gallery, and a DJ. 21 and over $25. 238-4800.
Food Network personality Alton Brown will bring his “Eat Your Science” tour to Rochester on Friday, November 18, 8 p.m., at the Rochester Auditorium Theatre (885 East Main Street). Brown was the Peabody Award-winning host of “Good Eats” for more than 10 years, when the show’s unique mix of food, science, and comedy made it one of the most popular shows on the Food Network channel. Brown has gone on to host “Cutthroat Kitchen” and “Next Iron Chef,” and will debut a new Internet-only show, similar to “Good Eats,” in 2017. Brown’s latest interactive live show combines food, science, comedy, and yes, even singing.
Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” gets a modern twist from the Nazareth College Department of Theatre and Dance. The comedy tale of star-crossed lovers and misused magic now focuses on gender identity in order to make audiences ponder the question: what does it mean to be male or female? Director Lindsay Reading Korth’s production features gender-bending characters such as Bottom and Oberon to further the commentary on gender roles present in many of Shakespeare’s plays.
“Eat Your Science” is kid-friendly and Brown chooses members of the audience to be his culinary assistants. Tickets are $52 to $153. 222-5000; — BY KATIE LIBBY Godsepll. Fri., Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 19, 2 & 7:30 p.m. Finger Lakes Community College, 3325 Marvin Sands Dr $8-$10. 785-1242. The Lady Who Cried Fox. Fri., Nov. 18 and Sun., Nov. 20. Golden Ponds, 500 Long Pond Rd Through Nov. 20. Fri. & Sat., Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Nov. 20, 12:30 p.m $27 Reservations required. 225-2419. Miracle on 34th Street the Musical. Sat., Nov. 19. RAPA, Kodak Center, 200 W. Ridge Rd. Through Nov. 27. Nov. 19, 20, 26, 27, 2 p.m., and Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m $19.75-$49.50. 254-0073. MOTHER (and me). Through Nov. 20. Geva Theatre Center, 75 Woodbury Blvd Through Nov. 20. Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 17, 18, and Wed. Nov. 16, 7 p.m. Sat. Nov. 19, 2:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. Sun. Nov. 20, 3 p.m. Starring Melinda Buckley. A one-woman show about her relationship with her larger than life mother. Directed by Mark Cuddy $35. 420-2059. The Pirates of Penzance. Through Nov. 20. Salem United Church of Christ, 60 Bittner St Through Nov. 20. Fri. & Sat. Nov. 18, 19, at 8 p.m. Sun. Nov. 20, 2 p.m. A comic operetta, presented by Off-Monroe Players Donations encouraged. 232-5570. The Pariah Monologues. Sun., Nov. 20, 6-8 p.m. Impact Theatre, 1180 Canandaigua St. Nov. 20, 6 p.m. Impact Theatre & The In Your Face players. Mature audiences RSVP, donations accepted 597 3553.
Theater Audition [ WED., NOVEMBER 16 ] Footloose the Musical. 6-8 p.m. A Magical Journey Through Stages, Auditorium Center, 875 E. Main St Grades 6-9. Prepare 32 bars from two contrasting songs By appointment only. 935-7173.
Festivals [ WED., NOVEMBER 16 ] Jewish Book Festival. Through Nov. 20. JCC Rochester, 1200 Edgewood Ave. Through Sun. Nov. 20. Events range in lectures, readings, concerts, and film screenings Price varies based on event 461-2000x237. Rochester Mini Maker Faire. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Rochester Riverside Convention Center, 123 E. Main St $8-$12. 478-6898. https:// [ SUN., NOVEMBER 20 ] Jewish Book Festival. Through Nov. 20. JCC Rochester, 1200 Edgewood Ave. Through Sun. Nov. 20. Events range in lectures, readings, concerts, and film screenings Price varies based on event 461-2000x237.
Film [ WED., NOVEMBER 16 ] Sidney Poitier Film Festival. 6:30 p.m The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue In association with Geva Theatre Center. A Sidney Poitier film will be shown every Wednesday in November (excluding Nov. 23), following with a post-screening discussion $7. 258-0400. [ SUN., NOVEMBER 20 ]
[ FRI., NOVEMBER 18 ] Groove Juice Special with the Djangoners. 8 p.m.-midnight. The Historic German House Auditorium, 315 Gregory Street $12-$15. 585-563-6241. evan@ groovejuiceswing. com.
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” will perform on stage at the Callahan Theater, Nazareth College Arts Center, 4245 East Avenue. The show will run Thursday, November 17, through Saturday, November 19, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, November 20, at 2 p.m. General admission is $13-$15, all local students receive half price tickets. Free for Nazareth students. For tickets and more information, call 585-389-2170 or visit — BY KIARA ALFONSECA Walking In Their Shoes. 2:30-5:30 p.m. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue Showing of documentary “God Grew Tired of Us” Benefit for Saint’s Place, which provides clothing, household goods, and English tutoring to legal refugees $25.00. 385-6860. event/Sep16/god-grew-tired-us.
Holiday 2016 Holiday Bazaar. Thu., Nov. 17, 6-9 p.m. StudioMOVE!, 16 Mendon Ionia Rd . Mendon Proceeds go to raffle & Women Build for Habitat for Humanity $5. 582-6384. Artful Holidays Craft Show and Sale. Through Nov. 19. Livingston Arts Center, 4 Murray Hill Dr Mt. Morris Through Nov. 19. Admission supports New Deal Gallery Restoration Fund. Featuring art from local artists $3. 243-6785. Brockport Symphony Orchestra: 4th Annual Welcome Santa Concert. Sat., Nov. 19, 11 a.m.-noon. The Mall at Greece Ridge, 271 Greece Ridge Center Dr. Conducted by Jonathan Allentoff. Featuring vocal artist Mary Wojciechowski. Music from Frozen, Home Alone 2, Bach, and more 402-8126. Glass Wonderland. Nov. 17-Jan. 3, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Corning Museum of Glass, 1 Museum Way Through Jan. 3. Events and prices vary through out the time of the exhibit 800-732-6845. glass-wonderland. Holiday Bazaar Arts & Crafts Sale. Fri., Nov. 18, Sat., Nov. 19 and Sun., Nov. 20. Rochester Museum and
Science Center, 657 East Ave. More than 200 artists $5-$7. 697-1942. Skycoasters Turkey Bash. Fri., Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m.-midnight. Decades Party: 60’s-90’s. Musical acts: Hall Pass, the Village Guys, and special guest Gene Cornish $11-$15. 3852228. The Sweet Creations Gingerbread Display. Through Dec. 14. George Eastman Museum, 900 East Ave. Through Dec. 14. A display of cleverly designed decorated gingerbread houses. The houses will be available for purchase through a silent auction 271-3361. Tabletop Tree Display & Auction. Through Dec. 16. George Eastman Museum, 900 East Ave. Proceeds benefit flower arrangements in the historic house throughout the year Included w/museum admission. 271-3361. Wreath Display & Auction. Through Nov. 27. George Eastman Museum, 900 East Ave. More than 25 wreaths donated by florists and garden clubs, available for sale via silent auction Included w/admisison. 271-3361.
Special Events [ WED., NOVEMBER 16 ] Loch Knit Monster Pop Up Shop. 5-7 p.m. Little Button Craft & Press, 658 South Ave 371-7891. [ THU., NOVEMBER 17 ]
[ SAT., NOVEMBER 19 ] Iron Whiskey’s Moustache Contingent Movember Event. 2-7 p.m. Record Archive, 33 1/3 Rockwood St. Performances by Tommy Brunett Band, Dick Storms, and more 244-1210. Nathan Lyons Memorial Event. 3-5 p.m. Visual Studies Workshop, 31 Prince St. 442-8676. Neighborhood Appreciation Dinner. 6:30 p.m. Turkish Cultural Center, 2692 Dewey Ave. RSVP Required. 585-453-0533. Preparing for the Holidays. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Rd Mumford Prepare the holidays the 19th century way $10. 5386822. Social Justice Craft Sale. 12-4:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 220 S Winton Rd Includes cafe. Proceeds will go to social justice causes including Urban Development, City School district, and more 415-4893.
Lectures [ WED., NOVEMBER 16 ] The Art of Connecting: Three-Part Presentaion. 7 p.m. Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Fitzhugh Street Presented by Jim Mott. Talks about the Itinerant Artist Project 325-4000. jimmott. com. Author Talk: The Creator’s Game: A Story of Baaga’adowe. 7-9 p.m. Seneca Art & Culture Center, 7000 County Road 41 Talk by Art Coulson’s 425-1864. [ THU., NOVEMBER 17 ] Artist’s Talk : Jason Lazarus, Gestures Toward the Photographic. 6 p.m. Dryden Theatre, 900 East Ave 271-3361. dryden-theatre. Robert Bringhurst lecture for the RIT Goudy Award in Typographic Excellence. 7-9 p.m. Rochester Institute of Technology University Gallery - University Services Center, 158 Lomb Memorial Drive 475-3961. [ FRI., NOVEMBER 18 ] “New Americans: Who Stays?” UN Day Conference. 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. The Strong National Museum of Play, 1 Manhattan Square To educate local public and bring together agencies providing services for Refugees and Immigrants in the Greater Rochester area 263-2700. CITY 17
Movie Theaters Searchable, up-to-the-minute movie times for all area theaters can be found at, and on City’s mobile website.
Brockport Strand 93 Main St, Brockport, 637-3310,
Canandaigua Theatres 3181 Townline Road, Canandaigua, 396-0110,
Cinema Theater 957 S. Clinton St., 271-1785,
Culver Ridge 16 2255 Ridge Rd E, Irondequoit 544-1140,
Dryden Theatre 900 East Ave., 271-3361,
Eastview 13 Eastview Mall, Victor 425-0420,
Geneseo Theatres Geneseo Square Mall, 243-2691,
Greece Ridge 12 176 Greece Ridge Center Drive 225-5810,
Henrietta 18 525 Marketplace Drive 424-3090,
The Little 240 East Ave., 258-0444
Movies 10 2609 W. Henrietta Road 292-0303,
Pittsford Cinema 3349 Monroe Ave., 383-1310
Tinseltown USA/IMAX 2291 Buffalo Road 247-2180,
Webster 12 2190 Empire Blvd., 888-262-4386,
Vintage Drive In 1520 W Henrietta Rd., Avon 226-9290,
Lighting the way “Moonlight”
They force an audience to relate to others even when there’s no obvious commonality; bonded (R), DIRECTED BY BARRY JENKINS only by our shared humanity. OPENS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Open-hearted and immensely moving, the luminous “Moonlight” allows its audience [ REVIEW ] BY ADAM LUBITOW to become part of a young, gay black man’s journey to find himself. Only the second We as a nation aren’t exactly in a good place at the feature from writer-director Barry Jenkins moment; people are disillusioned, angry, sad, and (following “Medicine For Melancholy” all the things don’t show signs of improving any time way back in 2008), “Moonlight” is also one of soon. As humanity consistently finds new ways to the best films of the year. divide itself, it feels that we’re only growing more Based on the play “In Moonlight Black Boys and more frightened: of ourselves, of each other, Look Blue” by Tarell Alvin McCraney, the story and what the future might hold. incorporates elements taken from his personal In troubled times we often turn to art for an experience as well as that of Jenkins (both grew escape, but more critically, art can also reflect and up in Miami’s Liberty City housing projects shape the way we think — it can challenge our where “Moonlight” is set). It follows the life of preconceived notions and make us view the world Chiron, picking up at three critical points in his in a new light. Roger Ebert famously said, “The life: childhood, as a teenager, then finally as an movies are like machines that generate empathy. adult. In the first section, Chiron (Alex Hibbert) It lets you understand a little bit more about is known as “Little,” a nickname given to him different hopes, aspirations, dreams, and fears.” by the schoolmates who relentlessly bully him. Withdrawn and shy, he’s a target because those around sense that he might be gay, even if he doesn’t yet understand what that means. Hiding out from his bullies in an abandoned apartment building, Little is discovered by a local drug dealer named Juan Alex Hibbert in “Moonlight.” PHOTO COURTESY A24 FILMS (Mahershala Ali).
Y 18 CITY NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2016
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Treating the boy with a disarming gentleness, he brings Little home to his girlfriend Teresa (singer Janelle Monáe, warm and affectionate in her feature debut). They show him kindness when the young boy needs it most, and over time Juan becomes a father figure to the young boy. The couple offer a respite from Little’s mother, Paula (Naomie Harris), a nurse who slowly drifts from casual drug use into the depths of addiction to crack cocaine. We next pick up with Chiron (Ashton Sanders) as a teenager. His only friend is a loquacious boy named Kevin (Jharrel Jerome), and he’s still isolated. As Paula has descended further into addiction, it’s clear that his childhood has taken a toll, and the wounds run deep. In the last chapter of the film, Chiron has grown up. He’s now going by the name “Black” (Trevante Rhodes), and is now living in Atlanta and dealing drugs. He’s hardened both mentally and physically, his muscles and armor built to protect and shield himself from the world. He’s transformed himself, constructing a new identity for himself based on what he’s come to believe being a man really means. But an unexpected phone call sends Black journeying back home to Miami to grapple with his past, his relationship with his mother, and just maybe, to reconnect with Kevin (now played by the magnetic André Holland). It’s hard to talk about the story without sounding somewhat reductive. On its face, this tale is a familiar one, but the details and the way Jenkins burrows inside his protagonist sets it apart. Though it involves drugs, incarceration, and the ever-present threat of violence, “Moonlight” is not a gritty tale of life on the streets; the result is much more impressionistic.
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Film Previews Full film reviews available at
It’s reminiscent of “Boyhood” in depicting how events in our life send us down certain paths, and how they shape the person we ultimately become. Jenkins gives his film a heightened, almost dreamlike aesthetic: cinematographer James Laxton cranks up the color and saturation, while the evocative musical score by Nicholas Britell provides the beat. It’s a testament to Jenkins direction and his ability with actors that the entire ensemble is extraordinary. Most remarkable are the three actors portraying Chiron: they don’t much look alike, but their performances create the throughline for the entire film. Despite the physical changes, there’s a clear connection as Sanders and then Rhodes each convey how remnants of Chiron’s younger self are present in the older. Through downcast eyes and tiny gestures, they show us the guarded heart at the center of a wounded young man. Naomie Harris is excellent in a role that could easily tip into cliché. Both Jenkins and McCraney’s mothers struggled with addiction, and her character is informed by their real-life experiences. The same goes for Mahershala Ali, who finds the truth at the heart of each of his character. Both intimate and expansive, “Moonlight” is exhilarating filmmaking. Immediate and achingly emotional, it offers what, at their very best, movies can provide better than any other art form: a deeply felt sense of empathy. We might not necessarily share Chiron’s experiences, but we understand them. Above all, the film is a beautiful and heartfelt plea for compassion, and that feels exactly like the world could use more of right now. Visit on Friday for additional film coverage, including a review of the documentary “Gimme Danger,” about influential rock band The Stooges.
[ OPENING ] BILLY LYNN’S LONG HALFTIME WALK (R): A soldier is brought home for a victory tour following a harrowing Iraq battle, and through flashbacks we see what really happened to his squad. Pittsford BLEED FOR THIS (R): The true story of world champion boxer Vinny Pazienza who, after a near fatal car crash, made one of sport’s most incredible comebacks. Starring Miles Teller and Aaron Eckhart. Culver, Greece DON’T BLINK - ROBERT FRANK (2015): This documentary covers the life and work of influential photographer and filmmaker Robert Frank. Dryden (Wed., Nov. 16, 8 p.m.) THE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN (R): Life gets even more unbearable for an outcast teen when her best friend starts dating her older brother. Starring Hailee Steinfeld and Woody Harrelson. Culver, Greece EYES OF LAURA MARS (1978): A famous fashion photographer develops a disturbing ability to see through the eyes of a killer. Starring Faye Dunaway, Tommy Lee Jones, Raul Julia, and Brad Dourif. Dryden (Thu., Nov. 17, 8 p.m.) FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM (PG-13): Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) arrives in the US with a suitcase full of magical creatures, but when they escape the wizarding world is thrown into chaos. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, IMAX, Pittsford, Tinseltown THE FIRST BORN (1928): A beautiful young woman marries a wealthy man, but he turns out to be a cad who mistreats her and cheats on her at every opportunity. Dryden (Tue., Nov. 22, 8 p.m.) GIMME DANGER (R): An in-depth look at legendary punk band The Stooges. Little THE LAST STARFIGHTER (1984): A teen video game expert finds himself transported to another planet after conquering his favorite video game, only to find out it was a test for real-life adventure. Little (Sat., Nov. 19. 9:30 p.m.) METROPOLIS (1927): Fritz Lang’s high influential silent science-fiction epic. Dryden (Fri., Nov. 18, 8 p.m.)
MOONLIGHT (R): The life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami. Little, Pittsford NORA PRENTISS (1947): A straitlaced doctor becomes involved with an alluring nightclub singer, and is faced with the choice of leaving her or divorcing his wife. Dryden (Sun., Nov. 20, 2 p.m.) RIDE THE PINK HORSE (1947): An army veteran travels to the rural New Mexican town of San Pablo to avenge the death of his old war time buddy. Starring Robert Montgomery. Dryden (Sat., Nov. 19, 8 p.m.) SEVEN (1995): What’s in the box?! Little (Fri., Nov. 18, 9 p.m.) [ CONTINUING] THE ACCOUNTANT (R): As a math savant cooks the books for a new client, the Treasury Department closes in on his activities and the body count starts to rise. Starring Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, J.K. Simmons, and John Lithgow. Canandaigua, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown ALMOST CHRISTMAS (PG13): A dysfunctional family gathers together for their first Thanksgiving since their mom died. Starring Gabrielle Union, Danny Glover, Omar Epps, and Mo’Nique. Culver, Greece, Tinseltown, Webster ARRIVAL (PG-13): Amy Adams stars as a linguist who’s recruited by the military to assist in translating alien communications. With Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker. Culver, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown, Webster THE BEATLES: EIGHT DAYS A WEEK - THE TOURING YEARS (NR): A compilation of found footage featuring music, interviews, and stories of The Beatles’ 250 concerts from 1963 to 1966. Directed by Ron Howard. Little BOO! A MADEA HALLOWEEN (PG13): Madea winds up in the middle of mayhem when she spends a haunted Halloween fending off killers, paranormal poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls and zombies while keeping a watchful eye on a group of
misbehaving teens. Henrietta, Tinseltown, Webster DOCTOR STRANGE (PG-13): After his career is destroyed, a brilliant but arrogant surgeon gets a new lease on life when a sorcerer takes him under his wing and trains him to defend the world against evil. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown, Webster FINDING DORY (PG): Pixar’s sequel to their smash “Finding Nemo” finds Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) going off on a journey of her own, in search of her long-lost family. Movies 10 THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN (R): Emily Blunt stars as a young woman who witnesses a murder on her way into work and becomes entangled in the ensuing investigation. Eastview, Henrietta, Pittsford HACKSAW RIDGE (R): The true story of WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, the first Conscientious Objector in American history to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Pittsford, Tinseltown HELL OR HIGH WATER (R): A divorced dad and his ex-con brother resort to robbing banks in order to save their family’s farm in West Texas. Starring Chris Pine, Jeff Bridges, and Ben Foster. Movies 10 INFERNO (PG-13): After waking up in a hospital with amnesia, professor Robert Langdon and a doctor must race against time to foil a deadly global plot. Starring Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Henrietta, Tinseltown, Webster JACK REACHER: NEVER GO BACK (PG-13): Jack Reacher must uncover the truth behind a major government conspiracy in order to clear his name and uncovers a potential secret from his past that could change his life forever. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Henrietta, Tinseltown, Webster KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS (PG): A young boy must locate a magical suit of armor in order to defeat a vengeful spirit looking to carry out an age-old vendetta. Movies 10
THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (PG13): In this remake of John Sturges’ classic western, seven gun men in the old west gradually come together to help a poor village against savage thieves. Starring Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke, and Vincent D’onofrio. Movies 10 MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN (PG-13): Tim Burton directs this fantasy about a teenager who finds himself transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures intent on destroying them. Canandaigua, Culver OUIJA: ORIGIN OF EVIL (PG-13): A mother and her young daughters find themselves threatened by a malicious spirit when their scam séance business inadvertently conjures real evil. Culver PETE’S DRAGON (PG): The adventures of an orphaned boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just so happens to be a dragon. Movies 10 THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS (PG): This animated adventure chronicles what our pets get up to when we’re not around. Movies 10 SHUT IN (PG-13): While holed up in her isolated home with her disabled son, a child psychologist works to locate a client who’s gone missing. Starring Naomi Watts and Jacob Tremblay. Canandaigua, Culver, Geneseo, Tinseltown SNOWDEN (R): Oliver Stone directs the true story of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Movies 10 SUICIDE SQUAD (PG-13): A secret government agency recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency. Starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, and Jared Leto. Movies 10 TROLLS (PG): Two loveable trolls set off on a journey to rescue her friends from an angry giant in this animated adventure. Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, and Zooey Deschanel provide voices. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown, Webster CITY 19
Classifieds For information: Call us (585) 244-3329 Fax us (585) 244-1126 Mail Us City Classifieds 250 N. Goodman Street Rochester, NY 14607 Email Us classifieds@ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY
All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it unlawful, “to make, print, or publish, any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call the local Fair Housing Enforcement Project, FHEP at 325-2500 or 1-866-671-FAIR. Si usted sospecha una practica de vivienda injusta, por favor llame al servicio legal gratis. 585-325-2500 - TTY 585-325-2547. ALL AREAS - ROOMMATES. COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: Honeoye Falls Village: 3 BRs, 1.5 BA Ranch. Bsm’t, Gar, 1 Yr Lease, $1295+Util. NO CATS. NO SMOKERS. TEXT:PC59817 TO:VIDEOS... Jan D’Ambrosio-585-749-1396
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The Emporium SIX USED FLASH Drives and 1 SD Card sale. SD Card 35GB like new. Phone Grant 585.435.4046. Cash $50 for all.
For Sale 48 QUART COOLER Coleman $18.00 585-490-5870 7 FEET STEP LADDER, Heavy duty wooden $22 585-4905870 Advent/Christmas Star Christmas ornament, star shape; diameter 18in. $5.00. 585.663.6983 CAR BIKE RACK New $15 585225-5526 CHRISTMAS ANGEL 11”H hooded cloak of white brocade with tan trim, cone base. $5.00. 585-663-6983. location Charlotte. DOG TIE-OUT TROLLEY 75 ft for large dog, weather proof, aircraft cable. Never used, still rolled up. $40 585-880-2903 HORSE HACKAMORE Western, braided leather, puts pressure on nose $45 585-880-2903 KENSINGTON LAPTOP LOCK for sale. Steel cable side lock w/2 keys. 6’ long. Anchors with loop to whatever. Like New $10 cash. Mary 585.435.4046 KEROSENE HEATER Good condition. $35.00. Needs wick. Tom 266-3518 LEATHER JACKET PO black, size L $35 Call Jim 585-2255526 LOGITECH WIRELESS KEYBOARD message at Mary 5854354046. Cash $20 TENOR SAX Excellent condition. Complete, includes hard case with pockets. All $500.00. Call Tom 266-3518 TRELLIS TUTEUR STYLE 54”H 15” diameter, 4 legs,
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black finish steel. $ 20.00. 585-663-6983 location Charlotte. USED DELL ISPIRON 15r Notebook, 6 Gb memory, 15.6” screen, Windows 10, Explorer 11. “As Is”, in good condition. Phone Grant 585.435.4046. Cash $250. WATER TREATMENT UNIT Brand new in box. (2) (NSA100s) NSA Bacteriosatatic $25 each 585-880-2903 WOOD BURNING TOOL for wood or leather $8 585-225-5526
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Jam Section BRIAN S. MARVIN Lead vocalist, looking for an audition to join band, cover tunes, originals and has experience with bands 585-270-8377 CALLING ALL MUSICIANS OF
ALL GENRES the Rochester Music Coalition wants you! Please register on our website. For further info: www. info@rochestermusiccoalition. org 585-235-8412 CONGA PLAYER - / percussionist, looking for work in J jazz, Afro Cuban Jazz or any other musical group. Peter 585-820-0586 FLOWER CITY PRIDE BAND LGBTQ community marching and pep band. No auditions, all are welcome. Email info@ for details. NEW ROCHESTER NY Internet forum for amateur musicians. Read and post messages. Find other amateurs to practice with, find venues to perform at, etc. RAMMSTEIN TRIBUTE BAND “MUTTER” needs bass & lead guitar players. Practice every other week. No rental or utility charges 585-621-5488 RAMMSTEIN TRIBUTE BAND “MUTTER” needs keyboard & rhythm guitar players. Practice every other week. No rental or utility charges 585-621-5488 VOCALIST AVAILABLE, - living in Rochester area. Can sing Pop,soul, rock, R&B, blues, big band. Experienced and seasoned. Call 585-615-9292 WANTED 2 FEMALE guitarists to play lead & rhythm or rhythm & bass w/2 gentlemen on drums & guitars for rock/R&B funk- style music, call 585355-4449
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Your business belongs at 110 Halstead Street in a well-located East Side address.
HomeWork A cooperative effort of City Newspaper and RochesterCityLiving, a program of the Landmark Society.
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473-6610 or 473-4357 23 Arlington St. NY D.O.T.#9657 USDOT 1644177NY BROCKPORT VILLAGE: 97 WEST AVE. $114,900 COMMERCIAL - Great investment opportunity. Several uses under current zoning. Great location, near Hospital. Parking in front/rear lots. Remodeled in 2010. Located across from Strong West (formerly Lakeside Hospital). Ryan Smith @ Remax Realty Group 585-218-6802
Find your way home with
Opportunity on Versailles
287 Versailles Road Situated on a quiet street that is lined with shade trees and family-owned houses, 287 Versailles Road has the potential to be an impressive home in a neighborhood that truly fosters a sense of community. Throughout the day, neighbors can be seen walking down the street and greeting each other. Just one block from the Irondequoit town line, there are many walkable destinations near Versailles Road. One of the most popular destinations is the Olmsted-designed Seneca Park and the Seneca Park Zoo, both just a short walk away. Like its neighboring homes, this 1,300 square foot Colonial was built in the 1920s. While the windows have been updated, 287 Versailles retains is original clapboard siding along with several other historic features such as leaded glass windows in the living and dining rooms and charming wood trim throughout the house. The first floor consists of the kitchen, the living room, and a dining area. Once refreshed, a decorative fireplace in the living room has the potential to be a charming focal point—and a would-be buyer is very likely to find the original hardwood floors beneath the current carpeting. Adjacent to the well-lit living room is an enclosed sun porch. This space could be used as a sunny office, a cozy playroom, or even an extra guest room. The second floor houses three good-sized bedrooms, each with ample closet space and
windows that allow sunlight to fill the second floor. The bathroom features a full bath/ shower and enough square footage for a new owner to update or restore the bathroom. The third-floor attic is spacious and untouched. A buyer with vision and commitment could transform the wide-open attic into a stunning master bedroom or loft space. Like other houses on the block, this home’s backyard is grassy—shaded by old-growth trees. The yard is fully fenced, providing privacy and the opportunity to let your pets enjoy the outdoors. The yard also features a newer storage shed and access to the onecar garage. This home comes with kitchen appliances and a washer and dryer. The home has a central air conditioning system and forced-air heat. The basement provides additional storage space and has plumbing to accommodate a simple half-bath, which could be readily updated. A home with much potential, 287 Versailles Road is listed at $88,900. To learn more about 287 Versailles Road or to schedule a visit, contact Jim Flammia of Nothnagle Realtors at 585-347-1823. by Lisa Feinstein Lisa is Vice President for Institutional Advancement at The Strong and an avid fan of historic architecture and neighborhoods.
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Full-Time Assistant Community Manager. Responsibilities include marketing and rental of units, fulfillment of compliance obligations and interface with the tenants. This position is vital to the successful management and occupancy of the apartments. The position will require constant communications with all parties involved in the day-to-day operation of the project (s). HUD and LIHTC experience preferred, but will train the person with the Right Enthusiastic Attitude. Please apply online at: 22 CITY NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2016
Are you a NYS Certified Teacher? EnCompass: Resources for Learning is now hiring Part-time Academic Coaches to work after school 2- 4 afternoons per week between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30PM. EnCompass is searching for Part-time Academic Coaches with specializations in various High School educational content areas including Social Studies, Math, English Language Arts and Science. These extremely rewarding positions pay $25 per hour. Interested candidates please send your resume to You may also view position openings at:
working in a healthcare setting? We are seeking individuals interested in playing a role in exceptional patient care by providing documentation support to a physician in a healthcare setting. This Medical Scribe position is located in Preston, MN. Apply today by visiting our website: www.elitemedicalscribes. com Call to learn more about this opportunity: 612-564-0367
LIFESPAN’S OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM is looking for volunteers to advocate for individuals living in long-term care settings. Please contact, call 585.287.6378 or e-mail for more information
MEALS ON WHEELS needs volunteers in the City of Rochester. Meals are delivered weekdays between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM. To get started visit our website at or call 274-4385.
BECOME A DOCENT at the Rochester Museum & Science Center Must be an enthusiastic communicator, Like working with children. Learn more at http://www.
SENECA PARK ZOO Society seeking volunteers and docents for ongoing involvement or special events. Roles available for all interests. Contact to learn more.
Or call 585-697-1948
VOLUNTEER NEEDED TO help with social media campaigns and communications writing. Experience required. Contact Claudia at or call 262-7044
CARING FOR CAREGIVERS Lifespan is looking for volunteers to offer respite to caregivers whose loved ones have been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s Disease. For details call Eve at 244-8400 Interested in Volunteering? The Genesee Country Village & Museum involves many volunteers in dynamic and engaging opportunities for programs and events. For more info: call (585) 294-8225 or email
Career Training AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN)
Strong Staffing, at The University of Rochester, is currently looking for experienced individuals to fill temporary positions in: • Clerical & Secretarial support (Medical & Administrative) Requires strong customer service & computer skills. Prefer typing speed of at least 45 wpm. • Patient Care Technicians, and Ambulatory Technicians Requires recent, related experience in a patient care setting.
Apply online at Use a Keyword search for Strong Staffing and apply to the appropriate job posting. EOE Minorities/Females/Protected Veterans/Disabled
[ LEGAL NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Detrios, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/29/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 154 Cobblestone Court Dr, #224, Victor, NY, 14564. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ LEGAL NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Occasional Elegance, LLC. Arts. of Org. were filed with SSNY on 8/17/16. Its office is in Monroe County, New York. The SSNY has been designated as agent and the process shall be mailed to 325 Tremont Street, Rochester, New York 14608. No member of the Company shall be liable in their capacity as members for debts, obligations or liabilities of the Company. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Morgan Cheektowaga LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/31/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Ben David & Lutzato Nechasim LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/8/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to POB 30071 Rochester, NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] 100 Wellington NY LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10/25/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to PO Box 30071 Rochester, NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] 152 Curits LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/8/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to POB 30071 Rochester, NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] 180 SC, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on August 10,
2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 1001 LEXINGTON AVENUE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, 14606. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] 211 NORTH WINTON ROAD, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on August 10, 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 159 ROBY DRIVE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, 14618. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Advanced Environmental & Wildlife Services LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/30/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 402 Quaker Meeting House Rd Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Atal LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/13/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 1167 Channing Woods Dr Webster, NY 14580 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] BRUNSWICK BROTHERS, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/04/16. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2060. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 471 Bay Village Drive, Rochester, NY 14609. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Btdm Properties, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/9/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 44 Whitespire Ln Webster, NY 14580 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Civic Decency LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with NY Secy. of State (SS) on 9/9/16. LLC’s office is in Monroe County. SS is
designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SS shall mail a copy of any process to LLC’s principal business location at 16 West Main Street, Suite 761, Rochester, NY 14614. LLC’s purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] CLASS PROPERTIES, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 09/14/16. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, PO Box 19602, Rochester, NY 14619. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] COP Chili, LLC App. for Auth. filed w/ SSNY 9/21/16 Off. in Monroe Cnty. Arts. of Org. filed w/ SSDE 2/8/16. SSNY design. as agt. of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 919 Conestoga Rd., Bldg. 3, Ste. 211, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. Add. req. to be maintained in DE: 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. Name and add. of the auth. officer in DE where copy of Arts. of Org. is filed: Secretary of State, John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Divinity Janitorial LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/8/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 677 Royal Sunset Dr Webster, NY 14580 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Douglas Hinchey Livestock, LLC Art of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 9/20/2016. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 20 Valerie Trl, Spencerport NY 14559. Purpose: Any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] EASTCOAST ITALIAN, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/30/16. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2060. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 7 Van Auker Street, Rochester, NY 14608. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
[ NOTICE ] Engine No. 5, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with NY Secy. of State (SS) on 10/19/16. LLC’s office is in Monroe Co. SS is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SS will mail a copy of any process to LLC’s principal business location at 59 Stoneycreek Circle, Rochester, NY 14616. LLC’s purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Gaff Properties LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with NY Secy. of State (SS) on 8/17/16. LLC’s office is in Monroe Co. SS is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SS will mail a copy of any process to LLC’s principal business location at P.O. Box 534, Webster, NY 14580. LLC’s purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Graywood Custom Homes, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on SEPTEMBER 16, 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 1001 LEXINGTON AVENUE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, 14606. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Jack Holder, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/20/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to Jack R. Rollwagen 787 E Ave Brockport, NY 14420 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] JJ’s Consulting & Investing, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 9/2/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 160 Sierra Dr., Rochester, NY 14616. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] JRG Residential, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on July 5th 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The SSNY has been designated as its agent upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 63
cont. on page 24 CITY 23
Legal Ads > page 23 Rocmar Drive Rochester, NY 14626. Purpose; any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Junior Transtrade LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10/11/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 1838 Crittenden Rd #6 Rochester, NY 14623 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] M & J Monumental Properties, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 10/6/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Ave., Ste. 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] Marway Properties, LLC filed Arts. of Org. with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on September 15, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 105 McLaughlin Road, Rochester, NY 14615. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] MOMENTUM VENTURES, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 9/7/16. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The
LLC 64 Averill Ave #411 Rochester, NY 14620. Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Name of LLC: EVC Property Maintenance Solutions, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 10/7/16. Office location: Monroe County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The LLC, 53 Fairview Ave. (Upper), Rochester, NY 14619, Attn: Eric Van Caeseele, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Name of LLC: Maple Tree Family LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 9/15/16. Office loc.: Monroe Co. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Business Filings Inc., 187 Wolf Rd., Ste. 101, Albany, NY 12205, regd. agt. upon whom process may be served. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Not. of Form. of 359 Alexander LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/8/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it maybe served. SSNY may mail a copy of any process to LLC. 90 Parkhurst Drive, Spencerport, NY 14559. Purpose: any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Form. of MATHER CONSTRUCTION PRO, LLC (the “LLC”). Art. of
To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at Org. filed with Secretary of the State of NY (SSNY) on 10/19/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 3 Fiora Dr, E. Rochester NY 14445. Purpose: any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 15 Utica Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 270 STONE ROAD LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/27/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 100 Alexander St., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 272-276 AMES STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC. Art.of Org. filed Secretary of State of NY (“SSNY”) 10/12/2016. Office location: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom
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process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 506 W. Broad St., Rochester, NY 14608. Purpose: any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 36 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on November 17, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 40 Main Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 45 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 50 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law.
[ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 52 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on November 17, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 55 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 561 SOUTH CLINTON AVENUE LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/27/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 100 Alexander St., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 58 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 8458 Ridge Road, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State
is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of AASV-001 LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) September 22, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 87 Woodgreen Drive Pittsford NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities including leasing residential properties [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of ALEXANDER 93 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/27/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 100 Alexander St., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Applewood Redevelopment, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 8/30/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 251 Tait Ave, Rochester, NY 14616. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of BWTH, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 10/05/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 21 Crossbow Dr., Penfield, NY 14526. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of CARPENTER HOME SERVICES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/29/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 3632 East Ave., Rochester,
NY 14618. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of CFitness, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/3/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Concordance Housing, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 10/15/2016 Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 17 Sunrise Park, Pittsford, NY. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of FIT Response, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 05/26/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at143 Paxton Road, Rochester, NY 14617. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of FTB Enterprises, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on October 20, 2016. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to 63 Thatcher Rd, Rochester, NY 14617. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of GAM Real Estate Holdings, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/24/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 40 Chadwick Manor, Fairport, NY 14450. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Genergize LLC. Art. of
Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 10/5/16. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 80 St Andrews Blvd, Fairport, NY 14450. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Hidden Oaks Contracting Services, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/29/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of HISTORIC ROCHESTER PROPERTIES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/20/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 793 S. Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Horsepower Advisors LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/3/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. bus. addr..: 192 Knickerbocker Rd., Pittsford, NY 14634. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011. Purpose: all lawful purposes. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Hurley Care Solutions, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/27/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 79 Jay Vee Lane, Rochester, NY 14612. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Jessica Fowler, LCSW, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with the New York Department of State on September 14, 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process
Legal Ads against the Company may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 945 E. Henrietta Rd – Suite 7A, Rochester NY 14623. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activity.
System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of Mertz Alley Properties LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 10/20/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 160 Despatch Dr., East Rochester, NY 14445. Purpose: any lawful activities.
Notice of Formation of Jinger Management, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/19/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 11 Justinshire Dr., Henrietta, NY 14467. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ]
Notice of Formation of KLCWM, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) on October 14, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 14 Cloverwood Drive Brockport, NY 14420 . Purpose: any lawful activities.
Notice of Formation of Michael J. Stachura & Associates, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 10/12/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to PO Box 100, LeRoy, NY 14482. Purpose: any lawful activities. Michael J. Stachura, Organizer.
Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name FOX PRO SERVICES LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Sec. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on September 27, 2016. Office location: Monroe. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: The LLC, 8 Cullen’s Run, Pittsford, New York 14534. Purpose: any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of Morgan Charlotte Street LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/5/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities.
[ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name VALOR TRIATHLON PROJECT LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Sec. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on October 19th, 2016. Office location: Monroe. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: The LLC, 257 Peakview Drive, Henrietta, New York 14467. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Manning Partners, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/17/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. bus. addr.: 290 Woodcliff Dr., Fairport, NY 14450. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation
[ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Morgan Cheektowaga Holdings LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/31/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of MORGAN CITY WALK FLATS GP, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/12/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. office of LLC: 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Robert Morgan at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of MORGAN CITY WALK FLATS, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/13/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. office of LLC: 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Robert Morgan at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Morgan Overlook Apartments LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/4/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Morgan Overlook Management LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/4/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Morgan Overlook Realty LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/4/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of MRBAIR LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/21/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. office of LLC: 3505 Elmwood Ave., Rochester, NY 14610. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of NATIVE BETA, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on
09/19/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Paul Leak, 140 Murphy Pl., Apt. #4, W. Henrietta, NY 14586. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of New York Income Partners IV, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/20/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Monroe Capital, Inc., 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Paceline Spinning LLC. Art of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 10/24/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 11 Cheshire Lane Rochester NY, 14624. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of PARKER JOHN PROPERTIES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/4/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1305 Millcreek Run, Webster, NY 14580. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of PORT BAY COTTAGES, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/20/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 44 Hulburt Ave., Fairport, NY 14450. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Sandhill Group LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/21/09. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Ste. 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228, the registered agent of LLC
upon whom process may be served. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Slyde Lyfe LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 9/26/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 620 Park Ave. #392, Rochester, NY 14607. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of T Shaped Consulting, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) Oct. 3, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC at 290 Tobey Road Pittsford, NY 14534 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of The Softball Training Edge, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on September 6, 2016. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to 21 Tudor Rd., Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Troy’s Big Tow LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 10/5/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1421 Scottsville Rd., Rochester, NY 14624. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of ZENDOG INN, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/14/15. Office in Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 2728 Church Rd Hamlin, NY 14464. Purpose: Any lawful purpose [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation
ofSunshine Smile Dentistry, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/09/16. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of any process to Registered Agent: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of FUSIONBRANDS, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/06/16. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in Pennsylvania (PA) on 01/27/16. Princ. office of LLC: Mendon Rd., PO Box 36, Pittsford, NY 14534. NYS fictitious name: FUSIONBRAND PRODUCTS, LLC. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. PA addr. of LLC: 19 Old Barn Dr., W. Chester, PA 19382. Cert. of Form. filed with Pedro A. Cortes, Secy. of the Commonwealth, 302 N. Bldg., Harrisburg, PA 17120. Purpose: Manufacturing, merchandising and marketing consumer products through wholesale and retail channels. [ NOTICE ] Papco Enterprises, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 8/19/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 1933 Baird Rd Penfield, NY 14526 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Proper T LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/28/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to Legalinc Corporate Services Inc 197 Wehrle Dr #1-086 Buffalo, NY 14221 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Przybycien Farm, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with NY Secy. of State (SS) on 10/7/16. LLC’s office is in Monroe County. SS is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SS shall mail a copy of any process to LLC’s principal business location at 1831 Manitou Road, Attn: Member, Spencerport, NY 14559. LLC’s purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ]
Sweet Jude’s LLC Art. of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/28/2016 Office location: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of processes to 567 Galbro Circle, Webster, NY 14580 Purpose: any lawful activity [ NOTICE ] TURNING POINT MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING, PLLC filed Articles of Organization with the Department of State of NY on 7/15/2016. Office Location: County of Monroe. The Secretary of State of NY (“SSNY”) has been designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any such process served to: The PLLC, 2480 Browncroft Blvd., Ste. L-120, Rochester, NY 14625. Purpose: Mental Health Counseling. [ NOTICE ] WESTERN NEW YORK CONCIERGE MEDICAL, PLLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on October 13, 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 1001 LEXINGTON AVENUE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, 14606. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Yeskat LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 8/31/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 73 Holyoke St Rochester, NY 14615 General Purpose [ NOTICE } Notice of Formation of 8 Prince Realty LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 11/1/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE } Notice of formation of 26 Holley Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on March 10, 2015. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be
served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE } Notice of formation of 56 King Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secretary of State on November 21, 2014. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to P. O. Box 444, Brockport, NY 14420. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE } TLH Development, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 8/17/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 194 Countryshire Dr Rochester, NY 14626 RA address 29 Atkins St #4 Rochester NY 14608 General Purpose [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] GIFT GARDEN LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 11/4/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served, SSNY shall mail process to GIFT GARDEN LLC, 412 Fiesta Road, Rochester, NY 14626 General Purpose. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Level Steps, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 10/04/16. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 130 King Arthur’s Court, Rochester, N.Y. 14626. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Not. of Form of RJO CHICKEN, LLC. The Art of Org. were filed Sc’y State (SSNY) 9/29/16. Office location Monroe County. SSNY designated as the agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail a copy to 740 Driving Park
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Legal Ads > page 25 Avenue, Door Letter “I”, Rochester, NY 14613. Purpose of LLC: any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Notice of Formation of Daniele Management, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on October 20, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to principal business location: The LLC, 2851 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618. Purpose: any lawful activity [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Notice of Formation of Inside Out Counseling LCSW PLLC Art. of Org. with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/7/16. Office in Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave. Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Notice of Formation of Westpoint Marina, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on October 24, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to principal business location: The LLC, 2851 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] W.R. Revels Company, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 07/11/2014. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 270 Exchange Blvd. #236, Rochester NY 14608. The purpose of the Company is Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 1378 EAST RIDGE ROAD, LLC ] The name of the Limited Liability Company is 1378 East Ridge Road, LLC. Articles of Organization were
filed with the New York Secretary of State on 11/04/2016. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The New York Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to 52 Southern Pine Circle, Rochester, NY 14612. The LLC is organized to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC Law. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF APWIL, LLC ] APWIL, LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with NY Secretary of State (SSNY) 10/12/16. Office location: Monroe County, NY. Principal business location: 1265 Scottsville Rd, Rochester, NY 14624. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to CT Corporation System, 111 Eighth Avenue, NY, NY 10011 which is also the registered agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ Notice of Formation of D&T Rents Holdings LLC ] D&T Rents Holdings LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the NY Dept. of State on 10/18/16. Office location: Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and is directed to forward service of process to P.O. Box 92280, Rochester, NY 14692. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ Notice of Formation of D&T Rents Jefferson LLC ] D&T Rents Jefferson LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the NY Dept. of State on 10/18/16. Office location: Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and is directed to forward service of process to P.O. Box 92280, Rochester, NY 14692. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ Notice of Formation of D&T Rents Salt LLC ] D&T Rents Salt LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the NY Dept. of State on 10/18/16. Office location: Monroe County. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served
26 CITY NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2016
To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at and is directed to forward service of process to P.O. Box 92280, Rochester, NY 14692. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF FLOUR CITY POPS LLC ] Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on Oct. 7, 2016. Office location: Monroe. Princ. Office of LLC: 1324 Klem Road, Webster, NY 14580. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1324 Klem Road, Webster, NY 14580. Reg. Agent is: None. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ] Name: Gather Planning and Design, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 10/06/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to the LLC, Megan Steenburgh, 21 Hunters Run, Pittsford, NY 14534. The purpose of the company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC ] CenterPointe Group, LLC has filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on October 14, 2016 with an effective date of formation of October 14, 2016. Its principal place of business is located at 125 Canal Landing Blvd. Rochester, New York in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any process shall be mailed to 125 Canal Landing Blvd., Rochester, New York 14626. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful activity for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Law. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PLLC ] Jennifer Mural, LCSW, PLLC has filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on October 19, 2016. Its principal place of business is located at 84 Briarcliffe Road, Rochester, New York in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any
process shall be mailed to 84 Briarcliffe Road, Rochester, New York 14617. The purpose of the PLLC is to practice the profession of social work. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PLLC ] Stacey Steinmiller, LCSW, PLLC has filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on October 26, 2016. Its principal place of business is located at 595 Blossom Road, Suite 315, Rochester, New York in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any process shall be mailed to 595 Blossom Road, Suite 315, Rochester, New York 14610. The purpose of the PLLC is to practice the profession of social work. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PRICE HOMESTEAD, LLC ] Price Homestead, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the NY Secretary of State on September 1, 2016. (1) Its principal office is in Monroe County, New York. (2) The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent upon whom process against it may be served and its post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him or her is c/o William Chase, 1096 Gilbert Mills Road, Honeoye Falls, New York 14472. (3) The character or purpose of its business is to engage in any lawful activity for which limited liability companies may be organized under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Act. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF SUNSATIONAL TAN & LIMOUSINE SERVICES, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ] SUNSATIONAL TAN & LIMOUSINE SERVICES, LLC, a NYS LLC. Formation filed with SSNY OCTOBER 13, 2016. Its principal office is in Monroe County, NY. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against it is: The LLC, 3240 CHILI AVENUE ROCHESTER 14624. Purpose: Any lawful purposes. [ NOTICE OF SALE ] Index No. 2015-12865 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE ESL Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff, vs. Brenda Stupia, Deceased, and any persons who are heirs or distributees of
Brenda Stupia, Deceased, and all persons who are widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs, devisees, distributees, successors in interest of such of them as may be deceased, and their husbands, wives, heirs, devisees, distributees and successors of interest all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to Plaintiff; Lisa Stupia; John Stupia; United States of America; People of the State of New York, Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated October 24, 2016, entered herein, I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction in the lobby of the Monroe County Office Building located at 39 West Main Street, Rochester, New York, County of Monroe on November 30, 2016 at 10:45 a.m., on that day, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the City of Rochester, County of Monroe and State of New York, known as 151 Mohawk Street, City of Rochester, NY; Tax Account No. 091.75-1-19; lot size: 35 x 96.76 Said premises are sold subject to any state of facts an accurate survey may show, zoning restrictions and any amendments thereto, covenants, restrictions, agreements, reservations, and easements of record and prior liens, if any, municipal departmental violations, and such other provisions as may be set forth in the Complaint and Judgment filed in this action. Judgment amount: $28,037.10 plus, but not limited to, costs, disbursements, attorney fees and additional allowance, if any, all with legal interest. DATED: October 2016 Deborah Indivino, Esq., Referee LACY KATZEN LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 130 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: (585) 324-5767 [ NOTICE OF SALE ] Index No. 2016-2620 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE Klemens Leskovics’ Living Trust, dated September 25, 2006, Plaintiff, vs. James E. Mason; New York State Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated October 24, 2016, entered herein, I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction in the lobby of the Monroe
County Office Building located at 39 West Main Street, Rochester, New York, County of Monroe on November 30, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., on that day, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Hamlin, County of Monroe and State of New York, known as 3283 Roosevelt Highway, Hamlin, NY; Tax Account No. 020.043-14; 13.4 acres. Said premises are sold subject to any state of facts an accurate survey may show, zoning restrictions and any amendments thereto, covenants, restrictions, agreements, reservations, and easements of record and prior liens, if any, municipal departmental violations, and such other provisions as may be set forth in the Complaint and Judgment filed in this action. Judgment amount: $207,056.24 plus, but not limited to, costs, disbursements, attorney fees and additional allowance, if any, all with legal interest. DATED: October 2016 Deborah Indivino, Esq., Referee LACY KATZEN LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 130 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: (585) 324-5767 [ NOTICE OF SALE ] Index No. 2016-2709 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE ESL Federal Credit Union, f/k/a Eastman Savings and Loan Association, Plaintiff, vs. Richard Custodio; Carmen Custodio a/k/a Carmen S. Custodio; United States of America o/b/o Internal Revenue Service; New York State Department of Taxation & Finance; David Pantojas, Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated October 20, 2016, entered herein, I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction in the lobby of the Monroe County Office Building located at 39 West Main Street, Rochester, New York, County of Monroe on November 30, 2016 at 9:30 a.m., on that day, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the City of Rochester, County of Monroe and State of New York, known as 5658 Bleile Terrace, City of Rochester, NY; Tax Account No. 091.77-218. Said premises are sold subject to any state of facts an accurate survey may show, zoning restrictions and any
amendments thereto, covenants, restrictions, agreements, reservations, and easements of record and prior liens, if any, municipal departmental violations, and such other provisions as may be set forth in the Complaint and Judgment filed in this action. Judgment amount: $21,621.00 plus, but not limited to, costs, disbursements, attorney fees and additional allowance, if any, all with legal interest. DATED: October 2016 Seema Ali Rizzo, Esq., Referee LACY KATZEN LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 130 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: (585) 324-5767 [ NOTICE OF SALE ] NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF MONROE PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST Robert J. Taylor, Sr., et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated 8-26-2016 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Foreclosure Auction Area, Hall of Justice - Lower Level Atrium, 99 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, NY, County of Monroe on 12-7-2016 at 10:00AM, premises known as 93 Pomeroy Street, Rochester, NY 14621. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Rochester, County of Monroe and State of New York, SECTION: 091.680, BLOCK: 0003, LOT: 016.000. Approximate amount of judgment $65,125.63 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index#: 12638/2014. Joanne Best, Esq., Referee Frenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman & Gordon, LLP 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 01-073569-F00 [ NOTICE OF SALE ] SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF MONROE CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff -againstWALTER S. TUTTLE, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated March 11, 2016, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Monroe County Office Building, 39 W. Main Street, Rochester, NY on December 1, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. premises situate in the Town of Penfield, County of Monroe, State of New York, bounded and described as follows. Lot 74 of section 1C Belvista Heights Subdivision, as shown on a map of said
subdivision filed in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office in Liber 168 of Maps, page 64. Section 108.08 Block 1 Lot 90. Said premises known as 123 LONGSWORTH DRIVE, PENFIELD, NY Approximate amount of lien $134,393.94 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney.Index Number 4256/2014. STEVEN LEVITSKY, ESQ., Referee David A. Gallo & Associates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 95-25 Queens Boulevard, 11th Floor, Rego Park, NY 11374 File# 4722.1914 [ SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS ] SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE Plaintiff designates MONROE as the place of trial situs of the real property mortgaged Premises: 25 BOUCKHART AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14622 Section: 77.17 Block: 1 Lot: 20 INDEX NO. 4719/2016 CIT BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. DAVID N. HAWKINS, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF NELSON R. HAWKINS, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND
Legal Ads FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, “JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #12,” the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendants. To the above named Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the United States of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said United States of America shall not expire until (60) days after service of the Summons; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $153,000.00 and interest, recorded on October 10, 2007, at Liber 21481 Page 0129, of the Public Records of MONROE County, New York, covering premises known as 25 BOUCKHART AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14622. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. MONROE County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not
stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: November 2nd, 2016 RAS BORISKIN, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff BY: DANIEL GREENBAUM, ESQ. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 106 Westbury, NY 11590 516-280-7675 [ SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS WITH NOTICE ] Index No. 20165797. Date Filed: 10/19/2016. MORTGAGE PREMISES: 292 LAVERNE DRIVE, ROCHESTER, NY 14616. SBL #: 060.48 – 3 – 11 Plaintiff designates Monroe County as the place of trial; venue is based upon the county in which the mortgaged premises is situate. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF MONROE DITECH FINANCIAL LLC F/K/A GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC, Plaintiff, -againstUNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN BRACCI, if living, and if dead, the respective heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignors, lienors, creditors and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and their respective husbands, wives or window, if any, and each and every person not specifically named who may be entitled to or claim to have any right, title or interest in the property described in the verified complaint; all of whom and whose names and places of residence unknown, and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the Plaintiff, ET AL, Defendants. To the above-named defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within
thirty (30) days after service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AND YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THE COURT WHERE YOUR CASE IS PENDING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE SUMMONS AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. SENDING A PAYMENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL NOT STOP THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $79,207.00 and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Monroe on June 28, 1993, in Book number 11612 Page number 0001, covering premises known as 292 Laverne Drive, Rochester, New York 14616, County of Monroe and State of New York – SBL #: 060.48 – 3 – 11. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendant and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises. TO the Defendant(s) Unknown Heirs to the Estate of Stephen Bracci, the foregoing Supplemental Summons with Notice is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. R. A. Dollinger A.J.S.C. of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated October 10, 2016. Dated: New
Rochelle, New York October 18, 2016 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. /s/_________________ SONIA J. BAEZ, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot Street, Ste. 210 New Rochelle, New York 10801 (914) 636-8900 File #: 16-300570 HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and nonprofit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Department of Financial Services at 1-800-342-3736 or visit the Department’s website at www.dfs. FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. CITY 27
28 CITY NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2016