CITY Newspaper, December 27, 2017 - January 2, 2018

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New Year’s Eve Party? Make it


News. Music. Life. Greater Rochester’s Alternative Newsweekly December 27, 2017 January 2, 2018 Vol 47 No 17 250 North Goodman Street Rochester, New York 14607-1199 phone (585) 244-3329 fax (585) 244-1126

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Cookies and Cupcakes


274 N. Goodman St. • 319-4314

On the cover: Illustration by Ryan Williamson


Publishers: William and Mary Anna Towler Editor: Mary Anna Towler Editorial department Arts & entertainment editor: Rebecca Rafferty Staff writers: Tim Louis Macaluso, Jeremy Moule Music editor: Jake Clapp Music writer: Frank De Blase Calendar editor: Kurt Indovina Contributing writers: Roman Divezur, Daniel J. Kushner, Kathy Laluk, Adam Lubitow, Amanda Fintak, Mark Hare, Alex Jones, Katie Libby, Ron Netsky, David Raymond, Leah Stacy



Art department Art director/Production manager: Ryan Williamson Designers: Renée Heininger, Jacob Walsh

A Fair Trade Marketplace


PSST. Can’t decide on where to eat?

Check with our dining writers for vetted grub.

Feedback We welcome your comments. Send them to themail@rochester-citynews. com or post them with articles on our website, Those of fewer than 350 words have a greater chance of being published; we edit selections for publication in print, and we don’t publish comments sent to other media.

Rochester’s DACA students

On our article on the challenges of University of Rochester students who are in the US with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status: DACA is just like the



Temporary Protective Status program. The goal for Democrats is permanent placement in the US. “Delayed” or “Temporary” are just terms used to mislead. These are programs used by Democrats to import as many refugees from third world countries as they can, then fight to keep them permanently. Pass a “Dream Act” and legalize millions of illegal aliens (DACA) – but they don’t want to separate families, so add another 1-2 million.

DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

Same with the TPS program. Chain migration. Obama put a warm and fuzzy name on it: “Dreamers.” Have you noticed the Democrats have actually changed the language? It’s not “illegal alien,” it’s “immigrant.” They’re not “adults,” they are “kids” or “children.” One in four American citizens are unemployed, 40,000 veterans are homeless and unemployed, but illegal aliens’ security is the top priority? There are an estimated 800,000 DACA recipients in the US. That is 800,000 jobs American citizens don’t have or will be in competition for. The Mainstream Media and Democrats would have us believe that the 800,000 DACA and TPS recipients are not taking jobs Americans want. But they’re not all picking strawberries; they take great jobs. Good enough jobs to buy homes and put their kids through college. So when you hear of the “contributions” by illegal aliens who are paying taxes, remember that there is also a cost in jobs that citizens should have. Why

must the citizens of our country have competition for jobs and education in their own country from foreign nationals? MICHELE RYAN

I was appalled to read the school counselor’s response – “Your mother broke the law. Can’t she go back to her country and come back legally?” – to Haydi Torres, a UR DREAMer. Haydi had reiterated the police officer’s comment, “I don’t know anything about you. I don’t know if you stole this car or if you’re carrying drugs,” after stopping the car driven by her undocumented mother, with Haydi and other children in it. (No reason for the encounter was given.) The officer’s remark, though outrageous, does not seem as shocking, because, unfortunately, it has become the norm. But the school counselor’s remark was an offensive and totally inappropriate response to a student who sought support and understanding. Hopefully the college is aware.

Advertising department New sales development: Betsy Matthews Account executives: William Towler, David White Classified sales representatives: Tracey Mykins Operations/Circulation Business manager: Angela Scardinale Circulation manager: Katherine Stathis Distribution: David Riccioni, Northstar Delivery City Newspaper is available free of charge. Additional copies of the current issue may be purchased for $1 each at the City Newspaper office. City Newspaper may be distributed only by authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of City Newspaper, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. City (ISSN 1551-3262) is published weekly by WMT Publications, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Rochester, NY (USPS 022-138). Address changes: City, 250 North Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14607. Member of the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and the New York Press Association. Annual subscriptions: $35 ($30 senior citizens); add $10 for out-of-state subscriptions. Refunds for fewer than ten months cannot be issued. Copyright by WMT Publications Inc., 2017 - all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without permission of the copyright owner.




How will we fill up downtown’s retail space? Next year could be a turning point for downtown Rochester – if we’re lucky. If the new apartments and condos fill up, if the projects still on the drawing board become a reality, if we haven’t over-built.... That’s a lot of if’s, but the developers insist that there’s a market for what they’re creating. If so, there’ll be a lot of new people living downtown. And that’s really good news, for the city’s tax base, for businesses and arts organizations that operate downtown, for the community in general. But many of these buildings will be “mixed use”: residential and commercial. And in addition to offices, “commercial” often means restaurants (which could quickly result in oversaturation) and “retail.” Stores. Where you buy things. Maybe there’ll be a few actual stores, with stuff to buy inside. But everybody knows what’s happening with retail. Online shopping is gobbling up a lot of it. It was interesting, then, to come across Sidewalk Lab’s article “Street Life After Retail: 5 Scenarios That Imagine the Future.” And the ideas in it are worth thinking about as city officials, developers, downtown residents, and urban activists think about downtown Rochester’s future. As the Sidewalk Labs article says, “lively streets are the hallmark of great cities,” and what’s inside the buildings determines how lively the adjacent streets and sidewalks are. If developers set aside the first and second floors of their new residential buildings for retail, and that retail doesn’t materialize, those spaces will be dead. And so will the sidewalks. The authors of the Sidewalk Labs article conducted what they called “a thought experiment,” looking at the history of retail changes, retail trends today, technology, social trends, and other things and came up with five possible futures for urban retail spaces – three that they think would have a positive impact on downtowns, two that would have a negative impact. The positives: 1) “Mutable markets”: temporary retail setting up in existing space. Popups, in other words. Social media and “digital wayfinding” technology makes it possible for short-term businesses to get the word out and attract customers. Their temporary nature and flexible space demands make the use inexpensive. And the changing content and diversity of uses and customers creates interest. 2) “Indie guilds”: groups of individual businesses – offering handmade items, maybe – share space where they can make and sell

As residential development continues downtown, we need to think creatively about how we use first-floor space in this postretail environment.” their creations. This idea, too, would foster creativity, diversity, and pedestrian interest. 3) “Community commons”: In this concept, Sidewalk Labs’ writers picture a wide variety of uses in the first-floor space of apartment buildings, uses that serve the building’s residents and others: day care, senior health center, community programs.... The two concepts with negative impacts: 1) focusing on high-end retail and similar uses, which causes the area to become “an elite fortress,” and 2) using vacant lots as “automated retail dispensaries,” where robots put together online orders from shipping containers or trucks and customers drive in to pick them up, a use that turns adjacent streets and sidewalks into “the domain of machines,” says Sidewalk Labs. None of these are flashy concepts. And, in fact, the three positives bear a striking resemblance to the concept proposed by activists who want to keep Midtown’s Parcel 5 as a civic-square type of space, available for a variety of public uses. As downtown’s population grows, there’ll undoubtedly be a demand for some additional traditional commercial uses – restaurants, small retail and service businesses. But there’s already a good bit of empty space downtown, and we’re creating more as development on such sites as the Inner Loop infill continues. A good number of organizations and websites like Sidewalk Labs are focusing on the future of first-floor spaces in center cities. They can help us expand our vision a bit as we lay out the future of our own center city, to make sure it’s the lively, diverse place it needs to be.



Canal Corp. pauses tree plan

The New York State Canal Corporation will hold off on removing trees from select Erie Canal banks in Brighton, Pittsford, and Perinton and will hold two public meetings on its plans early in the new year. Residents will be able to voice their concerns directly to the agency. Canal Corporation officials have plans to clear several sections of the canal embankment of all trees, a step they’ve said is necessary to allow for proper inspection of the canal banks and to ensure their integrity. Residents and leaders in the three towns want canal officials to either scrap the tree removal plan or drastically scale it back.

Mayor names new leaders

The Warren administration began rolling out changes in top positions last week. Among them: Kate Washington, director of development services in the Neighborhood and Business Development department, will become executive director of the city’s new Market Driven Community Cooperatives Corporation. Dana Miller, who leaves City Council at the end of this year, will take Washington’s place in NBD.

And in the Rochester Police Department: La’Ron Singletary becomes a deputy chief, serving as the RPD’s Public Information Officer, and Fabian Rivera and Elena Correia become commanders. City officials say the RPD promotions reflect administration’s commitment to increasing diversity in the police force.


Irondequoit, school district will recoup some Medley money

The East Irondequoit school district and the Town of Irondequoit have agreed to a settlement with Bersin Properties, the former owner of Medley Centre (now called Skyview on the Ridge by its new owners and investors). The town and district will split $1.4 million from Bersin Properties, the company headed by developer Scott Congel. The company will pay out $900,000 up front and then another $500,000 if it prevails in a separate lawsuit against his former lender, Nomura. The settlement relates to payments in lieu of taxes and penalties that the developer failed to pay to the school district and town.

Area will celebrate Douglass’s 200th

The statue of Frederick Douglass will be moved in 2018 from the bowl area of Highland Park closer to South Avenue. PHOTO BY RYAN WILLIAMSON

Local governments and numerous Rochester arts organizations are planning a year’s worth of events to commemorate Frederick Douglass’s 200th birthday. The former slave, abolitionist, writer, and orator – who chose February 14 as his birthday – lived in Rochester from 1843 to 1872 and published his newspaper, The North Star, here. The City of Rochester is designating next year as “200 Years of Douglass” and will start its yearlong commemoration by dedicating its New Year’s Eve fireworks display to Douglass. The city will also use a new Flower City logo during the year, incorporating Douglass’s portrait. And there are plans to move the statue of Douglass — the first statue in the US dedicated to a black person — from where it stands in Highland Park, near the Bowl, to a more visible site closer to South Avenue.

EARLY HOLIDAY DEADLINES In observance of CHRISTMAS CITY Newspaper will have early deadlines for the issue of January 3 The holiday deadline for display and classified-display ads and all editorial

4 p.m. on Thursday, December 28 Our offices will be closed on Monday, January 1

For any questions, please contact 4 CITY

DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

Several arts and cultural events have already been announced for early in the year: Rochester Contemporary Art Center will host an exhibit exploring Douglass’s legacy, February 2 through March 18; David Shakes and his theater company, The North Star Players, will perform “No Struggle, No Progress” at MuCCC, January 16 to 20; the Rochester Oratorio Society will perform “Frederick Douglass at 200” on February 16; the Eastman Museum will host a lecture on Douglass and photography on February 10; and there will be a celebration at 2 p.m. January 4 at Hochstein, the site of a funeral service for Douglass in 1895. In a related development, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has asked the National Park Service to add Mount Hope Cemetery – where both Douglass and Susan B. Anthony are buried – to the National Register of Historic Places.

“People were dying every day from HIVand AIDS-related illnesses because the federal government refused to say the words and refused to put money behind programming.” [ ROWAN COLLINS, OUT ALLIANCE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ]


CDC censorship spurs local, national alarm Words matter. That’s why so many people and organizations were alarmed by reports that the Trump administration told top Centers for Disease Control officials to avoid seven terms as they prepared budget documents: transgender, fetus, evidence-based, science-based, vulnerable, entitlement, and diversity. (The CDC’s head denies that the terms are banned and that any language suggestions were meant to help dodge criticism from Republican Congress members, but skepticism abounds.) And that’s also why the Out Alliance – formerly the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley – organized a demonstration last Thursday protesting the directive. The organization’s leaders say the CDC’s whole purpose is to work on saving lives, and the administration’s reported actions remind them of a time when silence about a serious public health crisis cost many lives within the LGBT community. “One of the last memorable times the CDC and other federal agencies have avoided certain language was really notably during the AIDS epidemic in the 80’s,” says Rowan Collins, communications manager for the Out Alliance. “People were dying every day from HIV- and

AIDS-related illnesses because the federal government refused to say the words and refused to put money behind programming.” The country didn’t make progress on the HIV/AIDS epidemic until the government and the public acknowledged the crisis and the fact that it was disproportionately affecting gay people, Out Alliance leaders said in a press release about its demonstration. Public health threats need to be described clearly in order to be addressed, or the consequences can be fatal, the release says. But as the CDC has acknowledged LGBTQ people and their public health needs, it’s been able to do research that has, in turn, led to better policies and health outcomes for the population, Out Alliance leaders say. Organizations across the country now fear that the CDC is about to take a big step backwards. If agency officials aren’t free to talk about vulnerable populations – whether they’ve been directly ordered to avoid the term or whether they feel pressure to avoid the topic – then the agency may not be able to adequately address the specific public health needs of rural populations, of people living in

tribal areas, and of low-income people, Collins says. The Out Alliance and other LGBTQ advocacy groups across the country are also worried about the inclusion of “transgender” on the list of banned words. They fear that the CDC may not look at “the transgender community and the specific health risks that exist within that population,” Collins says. Michael Halpern, deputy director of the advocacy group Union of Concerned Scientists, lashed out at the directive as an extension of the Trump administration’s “assault on science.” He pointed to the Trump administration’s scrubbing of climate change references from federal websites as an example. And he referred to several other actions restricting public and media access to scientific data, killing studies on issues including teen pregnancy, and preventing staff from speaking on issues including climate change. In one post, Halpern called on the CDC’s new director, Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, to make it plain and clear that agency staff members aren’t restricted from using the so-called banned words and that they’re encouraged to make science the focus of their work. And he referenced that

The Out Alliance’s Rowan Collins PHOTO BY RYAN WILLIAMSON

agency’s own scientific integrity policies – though they date to the end of the Obama administration – which emphasize research and results that drive decisions and aren’t influenced by policy or political issues. “Actions that divert the agency from its grounding in science could compromise the progress they are making in tracking opioid overdoses, reducing teen pregnancy, protecting the elderly from the flu, and slowing HIV transmission among transgender Americans,” Halpern wrote in one of the posts.






February 14-18, 2018 at the Kodak Center Main Stage






DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

INTRODUCTION There are a lot of talented, dedicated people working to make the Greater Rochester Region a better place to work, live, and play. But many times, the same names appear in the headlines, while other, equally deserving people go unnoticed. The Rochester 10 — an annual feature by CITY Newspaper — turns the spotlight on some of the area’s hard-working background players. Every person below stands out as someone who contributes to their field (and to Rochester) in interesting, varied ways. We believe you should know about them. From arts and spirituality to tech, urban planning, and work with refugees, the 10 people featured here are working to improve our community. And it’s often difficult to pin them down to one area of interest; you’ll find that many passions intersect. You can learn more about these interesting Rochesterians below. Is there someone you know who deserves to be profiled? Leave a comment for future consideration below this article online at

Profiles presented in no particular order















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MIGUEL MELÉNDEZ Many people who live in the North Clinton area know Miguel Meléndez. The 31-year-old was hired in 2010 as special projects director for Ibero-American Development Corporation, and he’s a can-do, rising star in Rochester’s Latinx community. One reason: his commitment to helping create a vibrant, flavorful northeast neighborhood that is known for its rich culture rather than its history of poverty and drug activity. Meléndez interned at IADC in 2006 while he was still attending St. John Fisher College. His work began to lay the groundwork for the nonprofit organization Project HOPE, whose letters stand for “Healthy Outcomes through Participation, Education, and Empowerment.” “What we are trying to do is improve quality of life by promoting the physical, social, and emotional health of the neighborhood,” he says. For instance: diabetes is prevalent in Rochester’s Puerto Rican community, partly due to poor dietary habits and a lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables, Meléndez says. It took some time, but the neighborhood’s stores now offer more healthy options. Stores owners learned that fresh produce will sell. “People want it and will buy it if it’s available to them,” he says. Meléndez has been involved with numerous efforts to improve the area through Project Hope, such as creating a community park and neighborhood gardens and coordinating outdoor events and activities for children. And beyond that, he’s helped with efforts to demolish vacant homes and build new housing. He’s also involved with law enforcement in an aggressive effort to rid the area of its drug activity. Meléndez has worked hard to help improve the image of the area, which has meant encouraging residents to be more engaged and reminding them that the area has many of the same valuable assets as other neighborhoods, he says. “I tell people it’s not as bad as you think it is,” he says. “It’s only as bad as you want to believe it is.” He attributes the success he’s had at such a young age to understanding the challenges that many people living in the North Clinton area face every day. “I know what it’s like to have to overcome,” he says. “I also know 8 CITY

DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018




that the Clinton Avenue Latino is hardworking, someone who is waking up and going to work like everyone else. I see the Latino community as very resilient.” And clearly, Meléndez himself is resilient. His mother died when he was 9 years old after a fall from the family’s front porch. His father died six years later from chronic health problems. Losing both parents at a young age was a major struggle for him, he says. But he credits a supportive older sister, a counselor’s mentoring at East High School, and participation in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps for helping him through those years and inspiring him to pursue college and a career. “It grounded me,” he says. “I was a unit commander in my senior year. It helped me to develop leadership skills.” Though he’s been fortunate to find his passion, Meléndez says he’s a little troubled when he hears people say that

Miguel Meléndez is helping create a vibrant, healthy northeast city neighborhood.

they are depending on him. He doesn’t see himself as a service provider at IADC; he says he’s an educator. “It’s not Miguel planting gardens on every corner,” he says. “There are a lot people committed to improving this

area. I’m not doing this for them. I try to teach people how to do something themselves, because the people who live here need to know they have the power to change this community. They just need to know how.”


With her ministry and yoga center, Imani Olear is helping people heal their human spirit.

IMANI OLEAR Imani Olear has a tattoo on her body of a bird flying free from its cage. It’s in memory of her mother, who suffered from schizophrenia through much of her life, she says. One of her favorite memories of her mother was of the time she gave Olear and her siblings snacksize packages of crackers as gifts. Each child received a package, and Olear’s mother kept one. It was unusual, but endearing, Olear says. “It’s a wonderful metaphor: Give from your heart, but it’s okay to keep something for you,” Olear says. “I still see her in beautiful glimpses of light.”

Though Olear remembers her mother mostly as a person living with mental illness, she taught her everything she knows about compassion and kindness, she says. Olear, who is 48, moved from Columbus, Ohio, to Rochester 12 years ago, and since then she’s been busy spreading her own brand of compassion and hope. She’s a pastor at Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation and founder of Yoga 4 a Good Hood – a non-profit that offers the physical and mental health benefits of yoga to people who often can’t afford it. Through her ministry and yoga, much of Olear’s work is focused on healing the human spirit, she says. Many of the people she meets are suffering from addiction, abuse, and severe stress. “Yoga is not about touching your toes,” she says, “it’s about ending the constant chatter in your brain.”

She strives to help people shed their fears and insecurities and embrace who they are instead of trying to conform, which she calls wearing a mask. At one point in her life, “I chose to wear masks, too,” she says. For a while, she says, she turned to stripping and sex to pay her bills. There was also the boyfriend who sold drugs. And she lost her first congregation in Rochester trying to model what she thought others expected of a pastor, she says. “I made all of these mistakes,” Olear says. “But after all of that anxiety and tension, I realized I fit just fine as I am. I’m good even with all of the shit I’ve done in my life.” It’s a message she hopes resonates through her work, particularly with the women she meets who are often living in poverty, are incarcerated, or are in an abusive relationship.

“Many women in poverty are not just sexualized,” says Olear. “Too often they are told what to do and how to be. You’re a commodity; that’s your worth.” Frequently, the women Olear meets who have spent time in prison will say it was because they did something illegal on behalf of the men in their life. One woman told Olear that she had never in her life been touched by someone who wasn’t expecting something in return. “Our deepest fear is that we are inferior,” Olear says. “Most people living in poverty are also dealing with sexism, racism, classism, and all those other isms, and they never hear that they are powerful. When that happens to you and you believe it, you never get the opportunity to be you.”


RACHEL Y. DEGUZMAN Rachel Y. DeGuzman talks about her work, and the mission of her business, 21st Century Arts, with such warmth and passion that it’s hard to end our interview. We’ve been talking for more than an hour and I’m doing mental math to figure out how late I could leave Spot Coffee and still make my next meeting. There are two tracks DeGuzman’s work as 21st Century Arts follows: She provides consulting to artists and cultural organizations, and presents community-focused programs, often using art to help people work through difficult conversations and issues. The connective tissue, she says, is promoting sustainability and relevance in the arts. That sustainability and relevance — and a needed accountability — comes from addressing systemic racism and creating a culture of equity within Rochester arts. “I’m trying to disrupt how we perceive things,” DeGuzman says. “That’s my goal: to disrupt. You can’t fix anything you haven’t identified. I’m saying out loud what a lot of people think — that there’s racism in the arts in Rochester, and that’s a problem.” In a city where people of color make up the majority of the population, the leadership of Rochester’s major cultural institutions does not reflect the diversity of the city’s inhabitants. Further, support is needed for smaller organizations run by people of color. “This conversation — about how do we get more black and brown bodies in institutions that are putting on the same work that they’ve done for 50 years — doesn’t talk about the organizations that have struggled in communities of color,” DeGuzman says. DeGuzman — who moved to Rochester from Michigan when her husband took a new job here — “found her home in the arts,” she says, in 2001 when she became Director of Development at Garth Fagan Dance. In the years since, DeGuzman worked with The Commission Project, was Nazareth College Arts Center’s marketing and publicity manager, and in 2011, became Rochester City Ballet’s director of advancement and external relations. She left RCB in 2013 to start 21st Century Arts. Among a head-spinning list of accomplishments and other projects, 10 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018


BY JAKE CLAPP DeGuzman also hosts a radio show on WAYO; produced A Street Light Festival at the Village Gate in 2015; received Geva Theatre’s 2016 Essie Calhoun Diversity in the Arts Award; and just completed a two-year Field Leadership Fund fellowship, which partnered her to work with Kyoung’s Pacific Beat, a New York City-based theater company. Alongside its consultancy work, 21st Century Arts produces events focused on addressing large community issue. In 2014, 21st Century Arts, RIT, and PeaceArt International hosted “Diversity in the Arts: A Call to Action in ROC,” a symposium that featured Aaron Dworkin, president of the Sphinx Organization and an Obama appointee to the National Council of the Arts. This year, 21st Century Arts organized “At the Crossroads: Activating the Intersection of Art and Justice,” a series of creative workshops and discussions that started with the “Art Power” symposium in October. Earlier this month, “And, Ain’t I a Woman: A Long Table Conversation and Installation” gathered together a significant list of Rochester women of color from arts and social justice fields to discuss intersectionality in light of New York State’s celebration of 100 years of women’s suffrage. “To have a conversation like that without art would be good, but why not use art as a vehicle to start a conversation like that?” DeGuzman says. “Art feeds the soul, but it also has a role to play in creating greater understanding.” DeGuzman says 21st Century Arts is a laboratory, a space for experimentation. She hopes that can add to the conversations that need to happen in Rochester’s arts community. “I want to put a ding in the arts and racism in the arts here,” she says. “I want to put a ding in the way we regard community’s relationship to the arts beyond race. I want to put a ding in innovating in the arts. I don’t have the hubris to think that my ding is transforming the whole thing, but maybe I’ll inspire other people to put in some of their own dings, or maybe they already are and I can help support them. But there will be enough dings, and that’s how transformation happens.”

Rachel Y. DeGuzman holds a work by Rochester artist Amanda Chestnut, who created the piece for the recent 21st Century Arts event "And, Ain't I a Woman: A Long Table Conversation and Installation."



Ray Ray Mitrano at Parcel 5, which has been the focus of his most recent civic engagement art actions. On the day of his interview the parcel was lively despite the cold, with groups of skaters reveling in the lot and many people lingering to chat or passing through.

RAY RAY MITRANO Ray Ray Mitrano is an illustrator, but he’s primarily interested in drawing people together. Through an ongoing series of playful artistic actions that are rooted in performance art and social engagement, he aims to cultivate civil discourse and action between ordinary people. He describes his efforts as the juxtaposition of different people, some who might not usually consider themselves artists, coming together in places that aren’t traditional art spaces like a gallery or a museum. Mitrano has been bringing together groups around Rochester, “trying to get activists to create more like artists and artists to strategize more like activists,” he says. “Artists can do more than design posters and websites and do graphic design; they need to be in the meetings physically strategizing the tactics and the way these campaigns move, and envisioning the unexpected ways of how to persuade people to engage issues.” In the past, these ideas have manifested in a series of events — part of his thesis project at Visual Studies Workshop — that explored the trajectory of the 2016 presidential election. Troubled by the way the two-party system has closed the high percentage of unaffiliated voters out of taxpayer-funded primaries, and the way that claims of voter fraud have disenfranchised even more people (and how that’s all contributed to low voter turnout), Mitrano held a series of events to try to reverse apathy and quicken our atrophied sense of involvement in the system. He held weekly civic discussions at Small World Books and gonzo fake elections and “fake news” protestdemonstrations — long before that term became what it’s become — at Visual Studies Workshop and at polling sites. Most recently, his focus is on facilitating more public discussion about Parcel 5 and what should happen with that land in the center of the city. He doesn’t claim to have the right answer regarding if or how the space should be developed; he’s pushing for more citizens to claim their stake in the discussion. “It’s a hub for downtown,” Mitrano says. “Groups that I’ve been intersecting — like Showing Up for Racial Justice, or the Police

Accountability Board, or Metro Justice, or ROCitizen — they know I’ve been deeply invested in bringing about awareness on the lack of public process for Parcel 5 and Midtown’s future, and so they sort of pile in with ideas on what they could do to intersect with that idea of the ‘public space for all’ type of movement.” Mitrano says he feels successful when audience-participants see the existing intersection of systemic racism and public space. Rochester is the fourth poorest city in the country, with a high child poverty rate, and we’re hugely segregated, he says. “A lot of the ways to fight back and to ‘resist’ I think would be to do what communities and especially middle class, white, privileged males like myself haven’t been doing the past few decades — building strong neighborhoods. Engaging your block; engaging your neighbors. Doing things to tie people together on a local level. I think that naturally cultivates our elected representation to more reflect us, and engage civic action and discourse.” We’re in a position, Mitrano says, to potentially prevent Rochester from being gentrified negatively in the way that so many other American cities have.

“The artists and the people and community can really put their foot down and not make it that place which it might become in a decade,” he says. “I see Parcel 5 not just as something where it gets ‘figured out’ top-down. If it’s creatively done through a diverse coalition of people, figuring things together, making this space — whatever it becomes — would be a revolution for Rochester. Just the act of engaging, envisioning something here will better Rochester. And right now we don’t get that public process from our city government so we have to make it ourselves.” CITY 11

SAFI OSMAN When refugees come to the United States, they aren’t coming as delegates or visitors. They’ve often lost family, friends, homes, and the lives they once lived. They come to new places where they don’t know anybody and where they may not know the language. They also don’t know where to find grocery stores and hospitals, or how to get their children into school. These are people who have endured incredible hardship, and they need help. Sadiya Omar, herself a former Somali refugee, saw those needs when she arrived in Rochester. In 2002, she founded the Somali Community of Western New York to provide services and education to Somali refugees. The organization has since evolved into Refugees Helping Refugees, and it now serves people from any country, with the goal of helping them become self-sufficient and rebuild their lives. (Omar received a Jefferson Award for public service in 2016.) As the organization’s name implies, much of its core, all-volunteer staff comes from refugee backgrounds. Among them is Safi Osman, a former Somali refugee who gives out her cell phone number to refugees and tells them to call at any time if they need help, even if it’s the middle of the night. Recently, Osman translated for a newly arrived Somali refugee who had to go to a local emergency room. Osman stayed with the woman through the evening and into the early morning, while other volunteers cared for the woman’s children. Another day, Osman went with two people to Monroe County’s social services offices so they could regain the Medicaid coverage they had just lost. Osman often helps with transportation and translation, though when she first began with Refugees Helping Refugees she taught sewing (that work-skills program is led by other volunteers now). The organization teaches English, computer skills, and cooking skills; helps with case management and job searches; and holds weekly activities for seniors. Osman came here in 1996 from a refugee camp in Kenya, where she shared a tent with her five children and their father. They didn’t get mats or clothing, everything was dirty, and there was no privacy. Her sister, who was already in the United States, helped arrange for the family to come to the US, and Osman says that like many refugees, she felt safe when she arrived. But she also had to adjust to a new place, though she was able to start working and building a new life soon after she arrived. She feels that it’s important to help other refugees, who have needs similar to the ones she had, in whatever ways she can. “We can’t ignore it, because we came to the United States as refugees,” Osman says, “and we know how difficult a life refugees have.” 12 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018


Safi Osman gives new refugees her cell number and tells them to call her at any time if they need help.

DAVIN SEARLS Davin Searls, Executive Director of Discovering Deaf Worlds, is based here in Rochester, but his work stretches well beyond the city. Discovering Deaf Worlds provides capacity building training to deaf community leaders in developing countries. According to a 2009 study by the World Federation of the Deaf, around 90 percent of deaf people in developing countries receive no formal education. And far too often, decisions are made about those populations without their involvement. DDW works with leaders in those countries to identify what areas they need training in, and then brings in experts to provide said training. Searls joined DDW in 2008, and in the years since has conducted presentations on human rights, advocacy, and diversity within the global deaf community. He has also led development trainings with community leaders in the Philippines, India, and more recently, the Dominican Republic. “In so many other countries we work in, deaf people are told what they can’t do, but here in Rochester, deaf people are recognized for what they can do,” Searls says during a phone interview coordinated with a sign language interpreter. “With our world growing ever-more interconnected, we have a responsibility as global citizens to advance the rights of others. Rochester is well known for its accessibility and as one of the top cities for deaf people; it’s a model for what other communities can do.” Recently, DDW collaborated with the National Technical Institute for the Deaf for the Global Readiness Leadership Program, which focused on international deaf students attending the college. As part of their RIT/NTID education, students were given an opportunity to develop leadership skills, in hopes they’ll return home to advocate for underrepresented communities. The 2016-17 pilot program included eight students — representing Myanmar, Nepal, India, the Philippines, Ghana, Zanzibar, South Korea, and Malaysia. “All of them really grew and became better leaders on campus,” Searls says. “We just applied for a grant in Zanzibar thanks to one of the students we worked with — this grant will be focused on building the capacity of deaf women and girls there.” Searls formerly chaired the International Experts Group sub-committee of the National Association of the Deaf, and is currently a member of the Human Rights Experts Group of the World Federation of the Deaf. Still, in 2013 he gave a compelling TEDxRochester presentation about deaf culture in the city. “While most of my work is abroad, Rochester has given me a foundation to branch out,” Searls says. Searls is deaf, and is part of a fourthgeneration deaf family from Rochester. Before he joined DDW, Searls lived in China for a year, teaching at a college in Changchun. While there, he witnessed neglect and physical and verbal abuse of deaf children.


Davin Searls is part of a fourth-generation deaf family from Rochester. He is now the Executive Director of Discovering Deaf Worlds, which works with deaf community leaders around the globe.

That ultimately pushed Searls to take on his current work. Rochester, he says, has deaf lawyers, deaf doctors, deaf dentists, and we see an abundance of individuals with long-term careers and success. Searls wants to bring that spirit to other countries.

“We’re fortunate to have so many deaf professionals from Rochester, some of them provided training to our group in the Philippines,” he says. “It’s really inspiring for our partners to see deaf people who have ‘made it’ and are giving back. It makes them realize that they can do the same thing in their communities.” CITY 13


DAN SCHNEIDERMAN Back in November, there was a giant, firebreathing, mechanical dragon just chilling in downtown Rochester. You can thank Dan Schneiderman for that. The dragon, known as “Heva Meta,” was displayed to turn heads toward the annual Rochester Mini Maker Faire, an event that showcases invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. That’s what Schneiderman is all about: bringing attention to the emerging world of makers — anyone who, literally, just makes anything. “I would even consider cooking to be a form of making,” Schneiderman says. The native Rochesterian has a bachelor’s degree in Information Science Technology from RIT and is first-andforemost a maker. “I love to bring art and tech together in crazy and unusual ways,” he says. Schneiderman has recently been working heavily with cardboard and recycled materials to create things from a working pinball cabinet to a miniature (but by no means small) replica of the Rochester 14 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

skyline. The mini Rochester is made entirely out of Amazon’s cardboard boxes and is meant to be a ploy to get Amazon’s attention during its search for the location of its second North American headquarters. Schneiderman’s craft goes beyond any physical medium: His most prominent skill may be his ability to organize and bring attention to a community. He’s been the coDan Schneiderman also organized the MAGIC Center's chair organizer of the Rochester first ArTech Cre8-a-th0n. Mini Maker Faire for the last four years — 2017 was the event’s best attended. He sees the Maker Faire as a Rochester’s maker roots, Schneiderman says, may just as well have paved the path way to point out that anyone can for Xerox, Kodak, and Bausch & Lomb. start making. “Rochester is a city of But Schneiderman sees tech in Rochester makers,” he says. “We’ve had this long shifting from the big institutions to the history, I’d say even going back to the smaller outfits; the DIY, startup sort of Erie Canal. I see the Erie Canal as folk. He points to new companies, like the largest maker project New York Datto and Cloud Checker — both of State has ever accomplished, and it’s which have already expanded into bigger impacted Rochester’s culture.”

spaces — pop up over the last couple years. Not to mention there has been growth in the game industry as well. “This next generation is finally starting to step up,” Schneiderman says. “We’re starting to share and communicate.” When he’s not crafting with cardboard, making wearable tech, or organizing the next maker project to be featured at either the Rochester Fringe or the Mini Maker Faire, he works at RIT as the research associate and community liaison for FOSS@MAGIC (Freedom of Open Source Software at the Media, Arts, Games, Interaction, Creativity Center). And he works directly with students on open source code and projects. This year, Schneiderman earned the Emerging Leaders Award from the Digital Rochester Great Award. He’s confident the tech industry is here to stay, but more importantly, it’s here to grow. When asked why he thinks things are starting to take shape here in tech, Schneiderman answers simply: “We’ve just got the right people, at the right time, doing the right things.”



Reuben J. Tapp is a certain kind of Renaissance man. Not quite a polymath, like Michelangelo BY LEAH STACY and Leonardo da Vinci, but the kind that does a little bit of everything — not surprisingly, many creatives fall into that category. On a cold November morning, he’s sitting at Spot Coffee on East Avenue, clicking away on his cellphone, a steaming cup on the table in front of him. For Tapp, this midmorning meeting feels more like midafternoon; his daily schedule usually kicks off around 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. and lasts until about 11 p.m. Tapp’s primary training is in “Theatre of the Oppressed,” a form of theatrical performance that is used to promote social change. Much of his current work is rooted in the Rochester Bronze Collective, a group he co-founded four years ago. “I liked the connotation of social justice in the idea of a ‘collective,’” he says, adding that it meant funding and other resources would be equally earned and shared. “That sort of model benefits all members and creates more opportunity.” RBC focuses specifically on the African diaspora within the Rochester community, and the group often collaborates with the Sankofa Festival, which was founded by husband and wife Curtis and Marie Rivers as a platform for black playwrights and just celebrated 10 years. Tapp works side-by-side with the festival to produce video marketing pieces, write, direct, act, and serve as dramaturg as needed. Tapp also founded his own company in 2009, the Maplewood Performing Arts Centre, and he’s a teaching artist in the city school district specializing in African folk tales. Future plans include bringing the same sort of programming to local correctional facilities. To hear him list the creative positions he’s held recently is staggering — but to him, it’s normal. “Most artists around here do a lot of different things, since they’re not usually making their money off art,” Tapp says. At that moment, his cell phone goes off and he pauses to read the text message. “I’m so sorry,” he says, explaining that a resident is having electrical issues that morning. “I just want to make sure nothing goes really wrong before the repair guy gets there.” It’s then he adds a few more roles to his growing list: Tapp is also a property manager and a family man. A job offer for his wife, Ronke (who is a psychiatrist), at the University of Rochester brought the Tapps to Rochester Reuben J. Tapp and his wife have lived in the Maplewood Neighborhood for almost 10 years. It doesn't have a physical location, but Tapp a decade ago. Though he had degrees in bases his theater company, The Maplewood Performing Arts Centre, there. agribusiness, Tapp was then touring the country and working with children’s theater companies. Girls.” Everything is shot in front of a green screen at Aside from a brief stint in the South Wedge when they When they arrived in Rochester, he decided to his home, and most of the videos feature one of his first moved to Rochester, Tapp and his wife have lived in stay local to be near his wife and kids. That’s family members. Maplewood for almost 10 years; hence the name of his when he pivoted, forgoing his pursuit of an theater company, which doesn’t yet have a physical location “Making these videos with my children, especially, is equity card for more performance opportunities but will likely be based there. really about the importance of presentation — black female in Rochester. Other ongoing projects include shooting and editing role models and black media representation,” he says. “What’s that saying?” he says with a laugh. several YouTube channels, where he creates original Tapp is now gearing up for the annual Bronze Collective “Learn to fly, and grow wings on the way down? series like “Sistah Doctor,” “Princess Reh,” and “Mocha Theater Festival, taking place in February at MuCCC. That’s what I did.” CITY 15


Tanya Mooza Zwahlen founded a planning firm that's built a reputation for community engagement.

TANYA MOOZA ZWAHLEN For community planning to really work, it needs to emphasize the “community” part as much as it does “planning.” That’s as true for a neighborhood street redesign as it is a big housing project or a city master plan. As Tanya Mooza Zwahlen pursued her graduate degree in community planning from Cornell University, her instructors drilled that approach into her and the other students. And she carried that mindset into her post-degree job with one of the region’s big architecture, engineering, and consulting firms. The more projects she worked on, the more she realized she had something important and unique to offer her team 16 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

members. Often, the engineers she worked with weren’t terribly comfortable speaking to rooms full of people, but she was. In fact, she delighted in it. “I really wanted to hear what they had to say, even if it was negative,” Zwahlen says. “In my opinion, more input creates a better end product.” Fast forward a decade-plus and Zwahlen has her own firm that specializes in getting and processing that input. She started Highland Planning in 2007, and over the years, it’s become a go-to for governments, organizations, and developers who want to truly engage and listen to the people who have stakes in their projects. Highland Planning has guided Headwater Foods and other nonprofits in developing strategic plans; worked with the city on several neighborhood initiatives, such as organizing merchants in the Dewey Avenue Driving Park corridor into an active community group; and helped Monroe Avenue merchants organize and put on the Show on Monroe. Recently, it helped Greentopia wrap up a plan for

the nascent High Falls EcoDistrict. Those projects all relied heavily on community outreach and input in some way or form, and they’re just a sampling of the work Zwahlen and her staff do. Currently, Highland Planning is in the thick of another big job: leading public outreach and engagement for Reimagine RTS. The Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority started the process with the goal of evaluating and overhauling Greater Rochester’s transit system. But it wants the effort to be driven by the wants and needs of its current users, as well as potential new users. Zwahlen and her crew have also developed a kit of agendas, prompts, and worksheets that neighborhood and advocacy groups can use to hold meetings and prepare their own recommendations and input for the transit agency. And the firm’s charge has also meant going to public events and places and encouraging people to take a nuanced online survey. “RTS is like a dream client,” Zwahlen says. “They are not afraid to be really

creative, and they really do want to hear what people have to say.” And Zwahlen is also starting to venture beyond planning into developing. Her firm’s office is in the back of a former church at the corner of Meigs Street and South Clinton Avenue, recognizable to many as the location of Playhouse/Swillburger. John Trickey bought the building after it was seriously damaged in a fire, and Zwahlen along with Playhouse/Swillburger co-owner Jeff Ching partnered with Trickey to rehab and renovate the place. The collaboration grew out of Zwahlen’s work with the city and some neighborhood business organizations. Zwahlen and Ching are currently in the process of buying the building from Trickey. “I had this burning desire to do something significant,” Zwahlen says. “The metaphor I like to use is, city planning is standing on the sidelines yelling into the game, like, yelling ‘This is what you should do.’ I think real estate development is getting on the field and doing it.”

IAN WILSON Dr. Ian Wilson is best known in the local arts community as the founder of WALL\THERAPY, the annual muralism festival that has hired local, national, and international artists to paint more than 120 murals on Rochester’s walls since 2011. But his main work is in vascular medicine. Wilson in 2016 left his job as a radiologist at Highland Hospital to begin Rochester Endovascular, a startup that treats people whose circulatory systems are in such dire states of illness that they are candidates for limb amputation. “The reference that kind of got me started along this path was a paper put out by Dartmouth about vascular disease in the United States,” Wilson says. “And several times they made mention of the Rochester region as an example of how bad things are, especially in New York State.” At the time, Wilson says, we had some of the highest amputation rates in the state, and “among certain populations, our amputations were eight per 1,000, which approximated some counties in rural Mississippi. But you think, ‘this is Rochester, New York.’ We have so much intellectual talent here, and so many resources, there’s no reason why our statistics should be as bad as they are.” Endovascular medicine is the treatment of problems affecting blood vessels. Procedurally, it involves a low-invasive surgery where a small incision is made near each hip to access the vessels. Wilson describes it as a compliment for vascular treatment that’s already being offered, but may not be viable for everyone. “There are people for whom a surgical bypass would be very risky,” he says. “We perform procedures under minimal, moderate sedation, so the risks are lower, the recovery is two hours plus procedure, typically, and then people go home.” Wilson and his team have treated more than 30 people to date. Because the medical office is out-patient, treatment is more affordable and accessible to more people than it would be with the overhead from a hospital stay. And it saves the system money, too — Wilson says that out-patient surgical services offered at practices like Rochester Endovascular save, on average, $1 billion per Medicare region across the country. Situated just off the 590 expressway in Brighton, the 4,000-square-foot facility is a soothing environment and feels decidedly un-clinical, with a warm palette, bathed in natural light, and with views of the woods. The business currently employs eight people, and it doesn’t just serve patients in the city of Rochester; patients are referred to them from the surrounding region as well. Rochester Endovascular recently treated a man from the Dansville area who has toe ulcers and has been living with constant, excruciating pain from ischemia — an inadequate blood supply — to his foot. “Meaning, the next stop in the natural history of his vascular disease would be an amputation,” Wilson says.


Dr. Ian Wilson is known in the arts crowd as the founder of Rochester's annual muralism festival, WALL\THERAPY. His newest endeavor is Rochester Endovascular, an outpatient medical office that treats underserved patients with circulation ailments.

There are a lot of people in the rural environments around the city who are also underserved, in terms of certain conditions, Wilson says. “They’re often written off as folks for whom certain options just aren’t viable. It’s logistics; it’s a matter of insurance coverage. A lot of the folks we are trying to serve in both urban and rural locations are on Medicaid. But by virtue of the size of our practice and the technology

in our portfolio, we can still take care of people who have Medicaid and not do so at a loss. “Finances don’t really drive what we’re doing,” he adds. “We take care of people who we’re not even enrolled with their insurance plans yet. That doesn’t stop us from providing care — we can figure that stuff out. Risks are worth assuming because of the potential impact you can make.” CITY 17

18 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

Dining & Nightlife

Above: a five-juice flight at Just Juice; above right: fresh, bottled juices are stocked in the to-go cooler. PHOTOS BY RYAN WILLIAMSON


Just Juice, in early December, opened its new location on University Avenue — down the road from its former spot in the M/Body Fitness building — a chic little joint designed by Lives Styled to feel like a balmy oasis, with seating and counters by Staach. Just Juice offers personalized juice cleanses as well as a variety of smoothies and other healthy treats. The menu is entirely vegan, gluten-free, and

peanut-free, and food processors used for other kinds of nuts are kept separate from ones used for produce. Founder Damaris Pinedo began her career as a cytotechnologist at the University of Rochester Medical Center, screening for cancer and infectious disease, but shifted her focus to nutrition when her cousin was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. “My interest kind of started a little before that,” she says, “because I always suffered from digestive issues, endometriosis, and PSO, so I was looking for different ways to heal that are not invasive and actually make you feel good afterwards. That’s how I came across juicing — I was just looking for more of a spiritual kind of cleanse. And all of the physical ailments I was suffering from were disappearing, so I knew I was onto something.”

Pinedo says her research quickly became a lifestyle. “I was benefitting from it, and my cousin was too, so it was something I wanted to share with others,” she says. From there it just snowballed. In 2010, she became certified in teaching and prepping raw vegan food, and received her certification as a Holistic Health Coach in 2011 from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. By May 2012, Pinedo was offering fresh juice from a renovated 1970 Aristocrat camper at the Brighton Farmer’s Market, and in 2013 she opened her first storefront at 713 Park Avenue. She moved to the M/Body Fitness spot about two years later. Pinedo says her medical background is a comfort to clients who come to her with specific ailments. In addition to treatment, it’s also about proactive prevention of disease, and providing support for your system in the case that it’s faced with fighting an illness. “Instead of waiting for that moment where you’re put in a position where you have to change everything at one time,” Pinedo says, “this is a nice way to gradually start making lifestyle changes. Over time your palate changes and you just crave healthier, cleaner food.” Just Juice’s menu is as much a result of research into nutrition as it is experimentation with flavor balances. The tastes of certain fruits and vegetables pair well together, Pinedo says, but the pairings also take into account nutrient absorption — for example, it’s easier for systems to absorb the iron in spinach when it’s paired with the vitamin C found in citrus. Pinedo says she’d start a novice juicer on something a little sweeter, like the refreshing power tonic Kale Ale (which uses kale, apple, pear, cucumber, and lemon), and over time build up to the more bitter and nutrientdense Green Love (kale, dandelion, parsley, cilantro, celery, cucumber, romaine, green apple, lemon, and ginger). Some of the main ailments that bring people in the door are digestion and skin issues, particularly eczema, Pinedo says. But she’s also had clients who are going through

cancer treatment or recovery, including two former employees. “Sometimes when people are going through treatment, they’re not necessarily physically hungry, but they’re still thirsty,” Pinedo says. “So I tell people to make it count, what’s actually going into their body.” You can sample all five of the shop’s fixed menu juices — which includes the aforementioned Kale Ale and Green Love as well as the heat-filled Fireball (orange, apple, cucumber, lemon, ginger, and cayenne), the earthy-sweet Beet It (beets, carrots, apple, cucumber, lemon, ginger, turmeric), and the vibrant Anti Inflam (carrots, apple, orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric) — by opting for the juice flight (five two-ounce shot glasses for $8). Beyond juice, Pinedo and her team offer one- or two-ounce power shots, including the Wheatgrass ($3 for the one-ounce; $5 for the two-ounce) — using a sweet, rich grass sourced from Thunder Mountain Foods in Bath, New York — and the kicky Lemon Ginger Cayenne ($2; $3). They also offer a variety of seemingly indulgent smoothies, including the Shamrock (banana, cacao powder, peppermint extra, spirulina, coconut, cacao nibs) — seriously, eat your heart out, Mickey D’s. Just Juice sources its produce locally as much as possible, and Pinedo has relationships with the Good Food Collective’s collaboration of farms, Fellenz Family Farm, Wild Hill Farm, and various farmers at the Brighton Farmers Market. Its fresh turmeric comes from a farm in Hawaii and arrives two days after it’s harvested. Pinedo also works with Community Composting to dispose of the fibrous waste from juicing. A to-go refrigerator is stocked with bottled juices and daily specials, which lately has included a Peppermint Cashew Mylk ($6) and jars of kimchi and sauerkraut from Small World Food. Just Juice will open on New Year’s Day, and offers an activated charcoal “Black Magic” juice which, Pinedo says, is great for hangovers. CITY 19

Upcoming [ COUNTRY ]


Dwight Yoakam. Friday, February 9. Kodak Center, 200 West Ridge Road. 8 p.m. $31-$81.; [ ROCK ]

Jonathan Richman. Saturday, March 10. Skylark Lounge,

40 South Union Street. 10 p.m. $18-$23.; [ ROCK ]

Joe Bonamassa. Monday, April 30. Auditorium Theatre,

885 East Main Street. 8 p.m. $82-$182.;


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 RADIO SOCIAL, 20 CARLSON ROAD 7 P.M. | $13-$15 | RADIO-SOCIAL.COM; ANAMON.BANDCAMP.COM [ INDIE ROCK ] Ana Emily Monaco, vocalist and guitarist for the trio Anamon, flirts with punk and country and likes to keep her songs short and sweet. The tunes are mid-tempo numbers with elements of shoegaze, stripped down but lush with cinematic reflections of life’s grind. Anamon — also including bassist Benton Sillick and drummer Aaron Mika — brings to mind Rochester performers like Americana singer Rita Coulter or the 1980’s female-fronted trio The Rumbles at its most vulnerable moments. It’s a combination that’s intimate, spare, and evocative. Mikaela Davis and Overhand Sam and the Bam Bam Band will also perform. — BY ROMAN DIVEZUR

Johnny Rawls SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 DINOSAUR BAR-B-QUE, 99 COURT STREET 10 P.M. | FREE | DINOSAURBARBQUE.COM; JOHNNYRAWLSBLUES.COM [ SOUL/BLUES ] Johnny Rawls sings the bluesy side of soul — or maybe it’s the other way around. This Mississippi-born singer has been nominated for a Blues Award 12 times. He was O.V. Wright’s music director until Wright’s passing in 1980, and Rawls released his first solo album after knocking about as a sideman “Here We Go” in 1996. — BY FRANK DE BLASE


or real jazz in Rochester, tune to 90.1 FM or

Classic Tracks Current Grooves Future Legends

We’re Rochester’s jazz station (and one of just a few full-time jazz stations in the U.S.), taking jazz further by playing everything from bop to big bands, swing to soul jazz, Latin to fusion and beyond. 20 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018



Passive Aggressives Anonymous

ACOUSTIC/FOLK JAVA. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 7-9 p.m.

“The Mauve Album” Self-released

Bone Mask SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 BUG JAR, 219 MONROE AVENUE 9:30 P.M. | $5-$7 | BUGJAR.COM; BONEMASK.BANDCAMP.COM [ HARDCORE ] Bone Mask checks all the boxes for

a self-described sludge-doom-hardcore band. The pounding, propulsive drums; crushing guitar and bass; and guttural vocals are all there. But what stands out about the band’s EP, which it released last summer, is just how unrelenting the music is. It’s not so much a bludgeoning, brutal quality as it is a heavy churn that hammers the listener with thick waves, pauses, and then resumes the pounding from a different direction. Floated Magazine New Year’s Eve Bash will also feature REPS, The Weight We Carry, and KODIVK. 21 and older show. — BY JEREMY MOULE

Kaylin Cervini and Her Wolves FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 FLOUR CITY STATION, 170 EAST AVENUE 8 P.M. | $5 | FLOURCITYSTATION.COM; FACEBOOK.COM/KAYLINCERVINIMUSIC [ POP ] Dressed like she’s heading over to Grandma’s

house, Kaylin Cervini sings with a hint of mystery in her beautifully warbling alto. Her music is in the folk vein without the distraction of an agenda. This leaves plenty of room for the drama to show up and out. With Vinyl Orange Ottoman, Charlie Lindner, and Eli Flynn. 21 and older show. — BY FRANK DE BLASE

Passive Aggressives Anonymous’s new “The Mauve Album” opens with a Martin Denny-esque, cocktail shift and shuffle of sorts that lulls the listener into an immediate hypnotic willingness. So much so that the album’s songs segue smooth and seamlessly with little or no warning. You’ll find yourself in the middle of track three, the subtly hilarious “Sex in Space,” before you realize how fast the record is moving along. Tonally speaking, the album is quite consistent in its mellow, exotic beauty. It would qualify to be classified as a study in lounge — sans the clichés — melancholy if it weren’t for the wry lyrical humor throughout. The sound is big and comes off even bigger. And the production stays out of the way of itself for the most part, allowing the band’s core sound to dominate splendidly. “The Mauve Album” is really just a fine collection of contemporary torch songs that swing and burn passively and aggressively. — BY FRANK DE BLASE


Paul Strowe. B-Side, 5 Liftbridge Lane. Fairport. 585-315-3003. 7-10 p.m.

Shinji Kazama, Periodic Table of Elephants, CD-ROM. Funk

‘n Waffles, 204 N Water Street. 585-448-0354. 8 p.m. $5.

[ THU., DECEMBER 28 ] ACOUSTIC/FOLK The Crawdiddies. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 7-9 p.m. John Akers. 585 Rockin Burger Bar, 250 Pixley Road. 5852470079. 5-8 p.m. Steve West. Brown Hound Downtown, 500 University Ave. 506-9725. brownhoundbistro. com. 6-8 p.m. BLUES

Nate Coffey

Hanna & The Blue Hearts Duo.

“Forever Shine” Self-released

Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 8-10 p.m.

Comin’ on long and strong a little like Gary Moore, Rochester’s Nate Coffey uses his guitar to set fire to everything in sight on his new CD, “Forever Shine.” Now with this one, Coffey has really got his fingers in the mix, up to the second knuckle. On some of the tracks, like “You Are the Angel,” it’s a veritable Coffey buzz with the prolific musician playing all the instruments. The opening two tracks, “Gotta Know” and “Souls to Shine,” have Coffey showing exactly why it is he’s such an in-demand guitar slinger, teacher, sideman, and hat model as well as a permanent member of the Flour City’s gregarious gift of groove, The Buddhahood. But not everything on “Forever Shine” is incendiary: for example, check out the mellow detour of “Song for My Friends” — my de-facto favorite after a coupl of spins. The record has a pleasant, rhythmic ebb and flow front to back. It’s the sound of a smile, and just an all-around good album. — BY FRANK DE BLASE


Mel Henderson & Joe Chiappone Jazz Duo. Via

Girasole Wine Bar, 3 Schoen Place. Pittsford. 641-0340. 7-10 p.m. REGGAE/JAM

Personal Blend, Upward Groove, Joe Kaplan. Funk ‘n Waffles, 204 N Water Street. 585-448-0354. 8:30 p.m. $5. POP/ROCK

Marty Roberts & Donny Conga. B-Side, 5 Liftbridge

Lane. Fairport. 585-315-3003. 7-10 p.m. continues on page 23

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Music Is there room for improvisation or interpretation? Taddy: Nothing is pre-set. The sounds are

always different in some way.

Trombulak: I might switch and read

something else. I get these ideas right in the middle of performing. I know there is this core, this skeleton holding everything together, and we just flesh it out while it’s happening.

What are you writing about? Trombulak: All different things. Some of

it is mystical; some of it is about reverence of nature. I pay a lot of attention to how words sound together and how they sound coming out of my mouth. Taddy: It’s not so much that we write about topics as we write about the core of a human trying to resonate. Because with how the sounds are pulsing and throbbing, it’s very therapeutic. When I’m writing words for her it harkens to a neutral time — a time that is ancient but a time that exists neutrally to create the awareness of existing basically. Like there’s an overarching theme of slowing things down. Alyson Trombulak and Harold Taddy lead meditation-esque live performances as The Velvet Noose. PHOTOS PROVIDED

It sounds like meditation. Taddy: Exactly. I consider it live meditation.

Primitive humanity exploration

Do you encourage your audience to join you at that level? Taddy: We do. But we don’t verbally


The Velvet Noose is a duo of sublime simplicity masquerading as complexity. It skates the razor between a song’s impulse and its actuality. Alyson Trombulak, the spoken word component of The Velvet Noose, offers beguiling hints at a broader picture over Harold Taddy’s soundscape manipulation via a droning MOOG Oscillator. The band conjures wonderment and infinite fascination with the splendor and spectacle of its live show. It’s a quiet, disquieting, blissful chaos. It soothes, and it seethes. Say goodbye to music as you know it; The Velvet Noose will shatter preconceived notions about music on the fringe. Taddy and Trombulak stopped by CITY Newspaper to explain, to confound, and to astound even further. An edited transcript follows.

CITY: How did The Velvet Noose get going? Harold Taddy: I’ve been performing in

different genres of music over the years. I grew up on punk rock; then eventually started doing acoustic music. A few years ago I was hosting a series of open mics in State College, Pennsylvania, and Alyson would come up and do spoken word while I played acoustic guitar. I started to improvise and play more ambiently. It revealed itself as something that could get intense, and we started taking it more seriously within the last few years. It isn’t something you intentionally pursued? Alyson Trombulak: It’s just been evolving since

than the parts. I can read to myself and he can play music by himself, but us together … before, I would have never thought of reading a Bukowski poem. Isn’t the spoken word aspect music as well? Does the MOOG give the voice a sort of abstract musicality by proxy? Trombulak: Being analog, the drones are really

alive and take on this personality of their own which colors the spoken word.

How does the creative process begin? Taddy: I would say with the oscillators. We’re

we realized it was something we could do together; he’d do the music part of it and I’d do the spoken word. It has come together in this really cool way now. It happened on its own; it wasn’t something that was planned. Just all of a sudden, we were doing it.

really honing it in after 10 shows as The Velvet Noose. The oscillator begins and this soup is created. Alyson’s performance is getting more and more theatrical. I wear a mask, and the way we dress and the way we move, it’s kind of been snowballing. It’s like the horns of an animal you grab ahold to steady it in some way.

Where did the spoken word come from? Trombulak: It came from when I was a kid, I

How does a droning oscillator fit in? Taddy: We focus on analog oscillators

had the opportunity to read in front of people and tell stories. Taddy: I’ve encouraged her to do more because it’s this natural thing. So the music you make still manages to astound you? Trombulak: Now we’re like the sum is greater

22 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

designed by Bob Moog. That’s what we use specifically to create our sound. An oscillator is always on — it’s always resonating. Once you amplify the oscillator, you can then manipulate the tone. It’s just a raw, unending tone. We’ve started taking the droning MOOG oscillators more seriously in our personal life; I do it for meditation.

dictate that. It’s almost like it has to happen if you’re paying attention. The tones and the words pull you in. It’s very much like a ritual — a ritual of patience and endurance. We play non-stop. There are rises and falls in the music. It’s more performance art than simply a band playing. It’s an immersive experience. It’s an invitation to a shared vision.

Which do you prefer: an audience that gets it or one that is confounded by the sound and spectacle? Taddy: I like the curiosity. Trombulak: We’re curious Taddy: There’s an element to it that is

quite shocking. It’s musical and dreamlike, but there’s this great heaving intensity. And Alyson’s voice is so commanding. It’s so tender and severe and I’ll bash on these drums and scream. What makes us unique is the intensity of the theatrics going on. It’s an experience.

Do audiences ever miss the point or get you wrong? Taddy: People think we’re communicating

with spirits, but it’s our release of ourselves. It’s primitive humanity exploration. Trombulak: We’re not putting restrictions on the performance, the ritual itself, and hope the audience doesn’t either.


Steve Lyons Happy Hour Show. B-Side, 5 Liftbridge

Lane. Fairport. 585-315-3003. 5-7 p.m. BLUES

Hanna & The Blue Hearts Piano & Drum Duo. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 8-10 p.m. JAZZ

Resonant Freqs. Abilene Bar &

Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. abilenebarandlounge. com. 5:30 p.m. R&B/ SOUL

Mitty and the Followers. Funk ‘n Waffles, 204 N Water Street. 585-448-0354. 9 p.m. $5. POP/ROCK

King Buffalo, The Dirty Pennis, and House Majoirty. Bug Jar,

219 Monroe Ave. 8 p.m. Sweater party and Bobby T benefit show. Rubblebucket. Anthology, 336 East Ave. 8 p.m. $20-$25. Teagan & The Tweeds. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 224-0990. 9 p.m. These Guys. Nashvilles, 4853 W Henrietta Rd. Henrietta. 3343030. 9 p.m. Woody Dodge. Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. abilenebarandlounge. com. 9 p.m. $5.


ROC City Writers Festival. The Greenhouse Café, 2271 E. Main St. 270-8603. 5-9 p.m. Eight music performances and art Vendors. BLUES

Dave Riccioni & Friends.

Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 9 p.m. Goodbye 2017 party. $5.

Hanna PK & Gian Carlo Cervone. Nick’s Chophouse, 5

Beeman St. Canandaigua. (585) 393-0303. 7:30-10:30 p.m. COUNTRY

Alyssa Trahan. B-Side, 5

Liftbridge Lane. Fairport. 585315-3003. 8-11 p.m.

Jeff Riales and the Silvertone Express. Little Theatre Café, 240

East Ave. 258-0400. 8-10 p.m. Slow Rides. Nashvilles, 4853 W Henrietta Rd. Henrietta. 3343030. 9 p.m. R&B/ SOUL

Mojo Monkeyz Year End/ Holiday Celebration. Johnny’s

Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 224-0990. 7:30-11 p.m.



For those that love John Brown’s Body, this is the band’s send-off; it’s taking an indefinite hiatus. The Ithaca-based “future roots reggae” band is saying its goodbyes to fans and to 2017 with a one of a kind show featuring three bands that have never shared a stage, and likely never will again. JBB will join Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad and Thunder Body for the first night of Forever Party. Giant Panda will back for night two, with New York City-based Dub collective, Easy Star All-Stars, and The Saplings. The All-Stars will perform its best-selling, Pink Floyd reinterpretation album “Dub Side of the Moon.” The two-night Forever Party will take place Saturday, December 30, and Sunday, December 31, at Anthology, 336 East Avenue. 7 p.m. both nights. Advance tickets are $20 night one; $30 night two; $40 two-night ticket. — BY AMANDA FINTAK REGGAE/JAM

Barroom Philosopher’s, Mother Funkin Planets. Funk ‘n Waffles,

Sexy Teenagers presents New Years Eve Bash. Firehouse

204 N Water Street. 585-4480354. 7 p.m. Other acts include Stone Jack Ballers, and Aaron Rizzo. $10.

Saloon, 814 S. Clinton Ave. 3193832. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Sexy Teenagers, Wyatt Coin, Quickside, and more. Free champagne toast at midnight. $5.


The Weight We Carry, REPS, KODVIK, BONE MASK. Bug Jar,

Druse, Barbarosa, California Cousins, Carpool. Bug Jar, 219

Monroe Ave. 8 p.m. Anthony Frosino Memorial Show. $5-$10.


Compline, performed by the Schola Cantorum. Christ

Church, 141 East Ave. 4543878. 9-9:30 p.m. JAZZ

Bob Sneider Trio. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 7-9 p.m. REGGAE/JAM

Dirty Blanket and Root Shock. Funk ‘n Waffles, 204 N Water Street. 585-448-0354. 8 p.m. $10-$15.

POP/ROCK Rescue 11. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 2240990. 9 p.m.

219 Monroe Ave. 8 p.m. Presented by Floated Magazine. $7.


4Th NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Alice in Wonderland Theme! Themed Drink Specials All Night Join us for Midnight Champagne Toast Snacks provided. (Kitchen will be closed.) CALL FOR RESERVATIONS: 471-8803


Happy Hour with Stormy Valle. Record Archive, 33 1/3

Rockwood St. 244-1210. 5-8 p.m. POP/ROCK

The Mighty High and Dry. Little Theatre Café, 240 East Ave. 258-0400. 7-9 p.m. Songwriters in the Round: Katie Preston. Funk ‘n Waffles,

204 N Water Street. 585-4480354. 7 p.m. Songwriters share their stories, what inspires them, and new music. $5.


Grove Place Jazz Project.

Downstairs Cabaret Theatre, 20 Windsor St. 325-4370. 7 p.m. $10.

302 North Goodman Street in Village Gate ROCHESTER’S ONLY LIBRARY OF LIBATIONS CITY 23

Events New Year’s Eve Guide Rags to Riches New Year’s Eve Bash A two-part party you can choose-your-ownadventure: Luxuriate upstairs clinking glasses of gin and champagne, or take a trip downstairs to a hardy tavern flowing with whiskey and beer. 7 p.m. $50. The Daily Refresher, 293 Alexander St. 360-4627; Wall Street Bar & Grill Celebration Six hours of open bar, champagne toast at midnight, full hors d’oeuvres, and special guest DJ. $75. 8 p.m. Wall Street Bar & Grill, 330 East Ave. 319-5696; Mullers Cider House Celebration Admission includes a bottle of champagne style corked cider to open at midnight. Unlimited hors d’oeuvres, music by DJ Greg Best, cash bar & more. 8 p.m. $50-$75. Mullers Cider House, 1344 University Ave. 287-5875; NYE at Vinyl Five hours of premium open bar, hors d’oeuvres, and special DJ to be announced. 9 p.m. $65. Vinyl, 291 Alexander St. 325-7998;

[ CALENDAR ] COMPILED BY KURT INDOVINA [ COMEDY ] New Year’s Eve Spectacular Featuring live music, live actors, a champagne toast at Midnight, followed by after-show dance party. 7:30 & 10 p.m. $25-$30. Geva Theatre Center, 75 Woodbury Blvd. 232-4382; New Year’s Eve with Tony Baker 7:30 & 10 p.m. $20-$25. Comedy @ the Carlson, 50 Carlson Rd. 426-6339; The Capitol Steps The Capitol Steps return to the Arts Center for Rochester’s favorite New Year’s Eve tradition of politically based satire ripped from current headlines. 2 p.n. & 6:30 p.m. Live jazz prior to both performances and during intermission. $60-$75. Nazareth College Arts Center, 4245 East Ave. 389-2170; [ FILM ] It Happened One Night 7:30 p.m. $8. The New Year’s Eve dinner is sold out, however, tickets are still available for the film screening. 900 East Ave. 327-4800;

[ MUSIC ] NYE with Mikaela Davis & Friends An evening of music and some surprises. Other performances include Pleistocene and Anamon. 7 p.m. $13. Radio Social, 20 Carlson Rd. 2441484; Sexy Teenagers present New Year’s Bash Live music from Sexy Teenagers, Wyatt Coin, Quickside, and more. Free champagne toast at midnight. 9 p.m. $5. Firehouse Saloon, 814 S Clinton Ave. 319-3832; Floated Magazine Presents: NYE at Bug Jar Featuring The Weight We Carry, REPS, KODIVK, and BONE MASK. 8 p.m. 21 and over. $7. Bug Jar, 219, Monroe Ave. 454-2966; British Invasion Bash A “British Invasion” themed New Year’s Bash featuring live music from Wild Horses, champagne toast at midnight, and more. 6 p.m. $10. 292-9940; Dirty Blanket and Root & Shock 8 p.m. $10-$15. Funk ‘n Waffles, 204 N Water St. 448-0354; Joe Beard, Steve Grills & The Roadmasters 10 p.m. Free. Dinosaur BBQ, 99 Court St. 3860127; Rusted Root 8 p.m. $10. ROC Dome Arena, 2695 East Henrietta Rd. 334-4000;

[ SPECIAL EVENT ] New Year’s Phantom Ball Jaunty music, fun food, live performances, tarot readings, and creepy good times. Free. 8 p.m. The Spirit Room, 139 State St. 397-7595; New Year’s Eve Dance Party Kick 2017 in the ass. Classic dance jams, free noisy things, drink specials, and more. Free. 4 p.m. 232-9030; Every Adventure Requires a First Step Alice in Wonderland-themed party. No costumes required, but are welcomed. There’ll be snacks, and a champagne toast. Free. 8 p.m. Nox: Craft Cocktails & Comfort Food, 302 N. Goodman St. E101. 471-8803; New Year’s Eve Dance Party Music, dancing, exclusive donuts, donut wall, food & cocktail specials, and more. Free. 8 p.m. Boxcar, 127 Railroad St. 270-5942;

Family NYE’s Party DJ dance party with Tones Entertainment, bounce houses, obstacle course, photo booths, magicians, and more. Free. 7-10 p.m. Joseph A. Floreano Riverside Convention Center, 123 E. Main St. 232-7200;

24 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

Kiss Off 2017 NYE Party 8 p.m. $50. Bar Louie, 935 Jefferson Rd. 4173610; First Night Rochester Featuring ice rinks, party zone, bounce houses, games, and more. 6-10 p.m. $4-$185. Bill Gray’s Regional Iceplex, 2700 Brighton Henrietta, Town Line Road. New Year’s Eve Dinner at the Old Toad A Monte Carlo themed event. Dinner at 5:30 p.m. till 9 p.m. Includes complimentary glass of champagne 7 p.m. to in the New Year in England. $55-$65. 232-2626; Rockin ‘n the Garden 2018 Five hours of open bar, champagne toast, elegant dinner buffet, live entertainment, photo booth, and more. 8 p.m. $119. Hilton Garden Inn, 155 E. Main St. 232-5000; NYE Baller Brunch Special menu with an additional list of Baller specials, as well as champagne. 11 a.m. ORBS Restaurant and Bar, 758 South Ave. 471-8569;

New Year’s Eve at Branca Midtown Limited á la carte menu, fancy holiday specials, and complimentary champagne. 4:30 p.m.-2 a.m. By reservation. Branca Midtown, 280 E Broad St, Suite 100. 434-5243; Skyball NYE 2018 Premium open bar for three hours, passed appetizers, pizza, dessert, and a champagne toast. Live entertainment by DJ Adriana. Party swag included. 9 p.m. $99. City Grill, 384 East Ave. 222-2489; Party Like Gatsby Six course tasting dinner, champagne at midnight, live Gatsby era music, dancing, photo booth, party favors, and more. 9 p.m. $89. The Cub Room, 739 S. Clinton Ave. 3635694; [ THEATER ] Big Wigs A Las Vegas-style show complete with impressions of Cher, Tina Turner, Joan Rivers, and more. 9 p.m. $27-$29. Jewish Community Center, 1200 Edgewood Ave. 461-2000; The Jersey Tenors A Opera/Rock Mash-up of some of the most iconic Opera classic alongside Rock N’ Roll hits by Queen, Journey, Elton John, and more. New Year’s Eve tickets include prize drawings. 8 p.m. $35. The Downstairs Cabaret, 3450 Winton Place. 325-4370; Marc Salem’s Mind Over Rochester A comedic display of mind reading and more. New Year’s Eve tickets include prize drawings. 9 p.m. $30. The Downstairs Cabaret, 20 Windsor St. 325-4370;

HMM Productions Presents

8pm Friday, January 5, 2018 Hochstein Performance Hall 50 N. Plymouth Avenue Tickets $35 at Wegmans $40 at door CITY 25

Arts & Performance Art Exhibits [ OPENING ] International Art Acquisitions, 3300 Monroe Ave. Vanishing Horizon. Through Jan. 31. Watercolors by Arno Arrak. [ CONTINUING ] 1570 Gallery at Valley Manor, 1570 East Ave. ‘Tis the Season. Through Jan. 1. Artwork and crafts by Cheryl and Don Olney. 546-8400. Art Museum of Rochester, 610 Monroe Ave. “Beast” Through Dec. 31. Paintings by Rochester native Alexander Spacher. Thursday 5 to 11 p.m., Friday through Sunday, 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. 615-9015. Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. The Lobby Presents. Through Dec. 31. Art by Flour Pail Kids, Black Cat Horror Memes, and Stormy Made. Central Library, Children’s Center, 115 South Ave. 2017 Art of the Book Exhibit. Through Dec. 31. Featuring the art of the book: artists books and altered books. A Different Path Gallery, 27 Market St. Brockport. Works by D Scally and J Retallack. Through Jan. 4. 637-5494. Gallery 384, 384 East Ave. Winsome Winter Wishes. Through Jan. 28. Featuring live music by Chet Catallo. Art by Wendy Menzie, Margaret Miyake, and more. Gallery Q, 100 College Ave. Take the Long Way Home. Through Jan. 25. Work by Nancy Topolski and Allen C. Topolski. Gallery r, 100 College Ave. Patricia Russotti: Marking Matters in Time. Through Jan. 21. Photography and installation by Patricia Russotti. 585-256-3312. Geisel Gallery, Second Floor Rotunda, Legacy Tower, One Bausch & Lomb Place. The Arena Art Group. Through Dec. 30. GO ART! Seymour Place, 201 E Main St. Batavia. Cabel and Zen. Through Feb. 3, 2018. An exhibit of Photography and Illustration by Jim Burns. 343-9313. Hedonist Artisan Chocolates, 674 South Ave. Stormymade at Hedonist. Through Dec. 30. 461-2815. Makers Gallery and Studio, 34 Elton Street. A Little Death. Through Dec. 31. Art by Nicholas Gurewitch. 507-3569. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave. Wendell Castle: Remastered. Through Dec. 31. The first to showcase the digitally crafted works of Wendell Castle. 276-8900. Oxford Gallery, 267 Oxford St. Holiday Exhibit. Through Jan. 13. Holiday themed paintings by Patricia Tribatone, Anthony Dungan, Rosemary Lyons, and more. Patricia O’Keefe Ross Gallery at St. John Fisher, 3690 East Ave. ELEMENTS. Through Jan. 5. Recent works by Jappie King Black, Bill 26 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018


ART | MIRKO PYLYSHENKO RETROSPECTIVE Mirko Pylyshenko taught printmaking at SUNY Brockport during the Cold War era, and for more than 60 years has served the Rochester Ukrainian community in the fields of the arts, education, religion, youth programs, and the credit union movement. Pylyshenko’s work — characterized by graphic, bold lines and figurative elements — has been shown widely. He also created the BOA Editions logo. There’s just a few more days left to catch an exhibit of 52 years of his linocuts and etchings in “Mirko Pylyshenko Retrospective: Prints from 1956-2017,” which is on view through December 30 at Flower City Arts Center’s Joe Brown Gallery. Flower City Arts Center is at 713 Monroe Avenue. Open Monday through Thursday, noon to 7 p.m.; Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Free admission. 244-9312; — BY REBECCA RAFFERTY


FILM | ‘ARSENIC AND OLD LACE’ By now you might be a bit over the holiday spirit — hell, I was done with carols and seasonal films when they debuted in November (sorry-not-sorry). So if you’re looking to clear your brain of Santa and mangers and panic-heavy commercialism for a tic, head over to the Dryden Theatre for one of two screenings of the classic 1944 madcap comedy “Arsenic and Old Lace.” Director Frank Capra’s only film with leading man Cary Grant tells the story of a drama critic, Mortimer Brewster (Grant), who on the day after his nuptials learns that his elderly aunts are murderers, and that madness and homicidal tendencies run in the family — one of his brothers believes he’s Teddy Roosevelt and the other is on the lam for a string of killings. Screens Thursday, December 28, and Saturday, December 30, at the Dryden Theatre at the George Eastman Museum, 900 East Avenue. 7:30 p.m. both nights. $8 general; $4 for students; free to members. 327-4800; — BY REBECCA RAFFERTY

Stephens, and Bill Judkins. RIT Bevier Gallery, 90 Lomb Memorial Dr., Booth Building 7A. After the Ball. Through Jan. 6. Exhibition focuses on selected costumes from the annual Beaux Arts Ball. Schweinfurth Art Center, 205 Genesee St. Quilts=Art=Quilts. Through Jan. 7. A display of quilts. 315-255-1553. The Clover Center for Arts and Spirituality, 1101 Clover St. The work of Carl Chiarenza. Through Jan. 1. Also featuring work by Connie Hindero, Neal McDannel, and Anne Marcello. 473-3200. clovercenteroffice@

Ugly Duck Coffee, 89 Charlotte St. Sequin Fix. Through Jan. 1. Art by Lauren Ceike. Williams Gallery at First Unitarian Church, 220 S Winton Rd. Nature’s Beauty. Through Jan. 15. Photography by Joseph Woody.

Art Events [ MON., JANUARY 1 ] Genesee Valley Plein Air Painters 2018 Art Show. Jan. 1-Feb. 1. Barnes & Noble, 3349 Monroe Ave. Through Feb. 1. Opening reception Sun., Jan. 7, 3-5 p.m. Features 75 paintings created by artist members in the Greater Rochester 586-6020.

Comedy [ WED., DECEMBER 27 ] Goo House: A Nice Holiday Treat. 8-10 p.m. Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. Featuring: Colin Burgess, Dewey Lovett, Jon Schuta, and more. Music by Buffalo Sex Change $6-$8. 402-9157. Jokers-R-Wild: A Comedy Showcase. 8-10 p.m. Black Button Distilling, 85 Railroad St. Features stand-up comics from around Rochester 730-4512. [ THU., DECEMBER 28 ] Jim Florentine. 7:30 p.m. Comedy at the Carlson, 50 Carlson Rd Thurs.-Sat. Dec. 28, 29, 30, 7:30 p.m.

Additional 10 p.m. show Fri. & Sat. Dec. 29, 30

and astonishing artifacts from Ripley’s Believe It or Not!. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secrets of the Sewer. Through Jan. 1, 2018. The Strong National Museum of Play, 1 Manhattan Square Through Jan. 1 410-6365.

Kids Events [ WED., DECEMBER 27 ] Book and Beast. 11-11:30 a.m. Seneca Park Zoo, 2222 St. Paul St 336-7213.

Workshops [ WED., DECEMBER 27 ] Sparkling Wine and Food Pairing Class. 6-8 p.m. Via Girasole Wine Bar, 3 Schoen Place . Pittsford $35. 6410340.


Museum Exhibit [ WED., DECEMBER 27 ] The Science of Ripley’s Believe It or Not!. Through Jan. 2, 2018. Rochester Museum and Science Center, 657 East Ave. Through Jan. 2. Collection of intriguing objects

Little Women, The Musical. Thu., Dec. 28, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 29, 8-10 p.m., Sat., Dec. 30, 8-10 p.m. and Sun., Dec. 31, 2-4 p.m. Blackfriars Theatre, 795 E. Main St $31.50-$39.50. 454-1260.

GETLISTED get your event listed for free e-mail it to Or go online to and submit it yourself!

CITY Newspaper presents



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Not For Profit 501(c), Non Sectarian CITY 27

Movie Theaters Searchable, up-to-the-minute movie times for all area theaters can be found at, and on City’s mobile website.


Brockport Strand 93 Main St, Brockport, 637-3310,

Canandaigua Theatres 3181 Townline Road, Canandaigua, 396-0110,

Cinema Theater 957 S. Clinton St., 271-1785,

Culver Ridge 16 2255 Ridge Rd E, Irondequoit  544-1140,

Dryden Theatre 900 East Ave., 271-3361,

Eastview 13

Lights in the dark

CITY’s top movies of 2017

Eastview Mall, Victor 425-0420,


Geneseo Theatres

2017 was a rough year for just about everyone. At a time when the world seemed intent on burning itself to the ground (sometimes literally) at every opportunity, and Hollywood engaged in a long overdue purging of power-hungry predators, writing about movies often felt hopelessly trivial. But against the odds, this turned out to be a pretty great year for film. It was a heartening reminder that art can sustain us even in the most difficult of times, and that occasionally we can still have nice things. From the multiplex to the art house, the movies that most spoke to

Geneseo Square Mall, 243-2691,

Greece Ridge 12 176 Greece Ridge Center Drive 225-5810,

Henrietta 18 525 Marketplace Drive 424-3090,

The Little 240 East Ave., 258-0444

me this year weren’t (for the most part) escapist yarns, but stories that said something about the current state of the world, or reminded me of the humanity that makes it worth fighting for.

del Toro’s lushly-rendered fantasy is a swooning romance, an ode to classic cinema, and a celebration of outsiders, all wrapped in the tale of a mute woman who falls in love with a fish monster.

1. “Call Me By Your Name”: Director Luca Guadagnino brings a tactile sensuality to this achingly tender romance between a teen and the handsome research assistant (Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer, respectively) who comes to live with his family for one summer at their vacation home in Italy. Rendered with the vivid detail of a long-held memory, it’s a love story you can practically smell, touch, and taste.

4. “BPM”: Following members of AIDS activist

2. “The Florida Project”: This

Movies 10 2609 W. Henrietta Road 292-0303,

empathetic portrait of the “hidden homeless,” from director Sean Baker, is equal parts funny and devastatingly sad, with a remarkable performance from newcomer Brooklynn Prince.

Pittsford Cinema 3349 Monroe Ave., 383-1310

Tinseltown USA/IMAX 2291 Buffalo Road 247-2180,

Webster 12 2190 Empire Blvd., 888-262-4386,

Vintage Drive In

3. “The Shape of Water”: Guillermo

1520 W Henrietta Rd., Avon 226-9290,

group ACT-UP Paris in the early ‘90s, Robin Campillo’s impassioned, heartbreaking, but ultimately hopeful drama tells a story of young people fighting for their very existence, and learning how to make a life amidst protest.

5. “Columbus”: The remarkably assured debut of director Kogonada is a quiet, meditative drama about two strangers (John Cho and Haley Lu Richardson) forming an unexpected connection over architecture in small town Indiana. 6. “Lady Bird”: Greta Gerwig’s hilarious and heartfelt coming-of-age story features beautifullycalibrated performances from Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf as a mother and daughter who love one another, but can’t keep from driving each other crazy. 7. “Get Out”: A thrilling, genre-defying high wire

act, Jordan Peele’s diabolically sharp satire has plenty on its mind as it takes incisive aim at white liberal racism and so-called “allies.”

8. “The Big Sick”: Kumail Nanjiani writes and

Chalamet and Hammer in “Call Me By Your Name.” PHOTO COURTESY SONY PICTURES CLASSICS


28 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

stars in the real-life story of how he met his wife, and delivers the freshest, funniest, and sweetest addition to the romantic comedy genre in years. 9. “The Lost City of Z”: In telling the story

of early 20th-century British explorer Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam, in his best-ever performance), who ventured deep into the jungles of South America and was never seen again, James Gray turns it into a lyrical, ambiguous exploration of obsession and the human desire to delve into the unknown.

10. “Whose Streets?”: Sabaah Folayan’s vital

documentary provides a ground-level view of the protest and unrest that erupted in Ferguson in the wake of the killing of Michael Brown. The picture it paints is both infuriating and absolutely necessary.

11. “mother!”: No movie more confounded and

baffled audiences than Darren Aronofsky’s biblicalenvironmental-social allegory, and I loved every batshit crazy minute of it.

12. “A Ghost Story”: An existential contemplation

of mortality, time, and the things we leave behind when we’re gone. Haunting in every sense.

13. “Mudbound”: Dee Rees’ beautifully ambitious

tale of family, love, and racism in the American South. Picked up by Netflix out of Sundance, the film is a true epic, and I just wish more audiences had the opportunity to enjoy it on the big screen.

14. “Faces Places”: New Wave director Agnes Varda and street artist JR tool around the French countryside in a van that looks like a camera in this joyful exploration of the relationship between art and community.

The okayest show on Earth “The Greatest Showman” (PG), DIRECTED BY MICHAEL GRACEY NOW PLAYING [ REVIEW ] BY ADAM LUBITOW

It’s easy to respect the ambition behind “The Greatest Showman,” an all-new, completely original movie musical based on the life of circus impresario P.T. Barnum. Coming from a first-time filmmaker — Australian music-video director Michael Gracey — the long-inthe-works film has been something of a passion project for star Hugh Jackman. The film’s an over-the-top, song and dance extravaganza so eager to please that its defining characteristic can only be described as “enthusiastic,” but it possesses a winning earnestness that helps overcome some of its shortcomings. Barnum was a complicated figure, but “The Greatest Showman” has no aspirations toward authenticity, foregoing nuance to focus on a formulaic rags-toriches story filled with bland platitudes about celebrating originality and chasing one’s dreams. The film positions Barnum as the champion of society’s outcasts and misfits, though the real-life Barnum’s actions fell much more on the side of exploitation than advocacy.

15. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”: For his follow-up to Marvel’s smash hit, James Gunn delivered a mega-budget blockbuster in which his band of galactic superheroes mostly sit around and talk about their feelings. The result was hilarious, exciting, and surprisingly touching. Honorable Mentions: “Baby Driver,” “Blade Runner 2049,” “Coco,” “Dunkirk,” “A Fantastic Woman,” “God’s Own Country,” “Good Time,” “I, Tonya,” “John Wick: Chapter 2,” “The Killing of a Sacred Deer,” “Personal Shopper,” “The Post,” “Princess Cyd,” “Professor Marston and the Wonder Women,” “A Quiet Passion,” “Raw,” “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” “The Work.”

Hugh Jackman in “The Greatest Showman.” PHOTO COURTESY 20TH CENTURY FOX

On one hand, that’s totally fine — most people aren’t going to a splashy, big-budget movie musical expecting anything resembling realism — but there was certainly the potential for something more interesting to be mined from the same material. And while the film is simply aiming to entertain, the approach does allow the film to fall into the uncomfortable territory of a white savior narrative a bit too often. But taken simply as pure pop confection, the film’s not without its pleasures, and it’s easy to get swept up in the spectacle. The version of Barnum portrayed in the film is a family man, the poor son of a tailor, but with aspirations of achieving something more. And that includes the promise of a better life for his wife Charity (a lovely Michelle Williams) and their two daughters. He eventually finds a way to make something of himself, creating a “museum of curiosities,” an entertainment showcase he fills with novelty acts like a bearded lady (Keala Settle) and the diminutive Tom Thumb (Sam Humphrey). Most would call it a freak show, though for better or worse the film suggests it gave these unique individuals a sense of purpose and community, presenting them with opportunities they’d never otherwise have. As the show grows in popularity, Barnum recruits a business partner, Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron), who immediately falls in love with pinkhaired trapeze artist Anne Wheeler (Zendaya). That love story feels wildly underdeveloped — we never get any real sense of what exactly attracts the pair to each other, aside from the fact that, well, they look like Zac Efron and Zendaya. It might have helped things if Anne were given even a mere hint of a personality. Despite flouting convention, Barnum still desires the approval and validation of mainstream society, and he eventually attempts to gain legitimacy by becoming the manager of opera singer Jenny Lind (Rebecca Ferguson).

He ushers her on a tour across the country, which creates conflict when it requires him to be away from his family for lengthy stretches of time. Connecting it all is a pop soundtrack featuring original songs by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, the prolific duo responsible for the songs from last year’s “La La Land,” and the Tony-winning stage musical “Dear Evan Hansen.” Their work here leans toward the generic, overproduced sound of modern Top 40, but there are a few hummable tunes to be found. The screenplay by Jenny Bicks and Bill Condon is fairly by the numbers, and while the occasional cheap-looking digital effect sometimes makes the spectacle seem smaller and more muted than it should, director of photography Seamus McGarvey makes sure the razzle dazzle shines through. Hugh Jackman has always been a hugely charismatic presence, especially when he’s in song-and-dance mode. He’s the film’s secret weapon, and he sells the role of Barnum with everything he’s got. He’s matched every step of the way by a game Efron, who seems to be enjoying getting back in touch with his “High School Musical” roots. Their major song together, where Barnum plies his wouldbe partner with booze in an attempt to convince him to join the circus, is one of the film’s more enjoyable numbers. Besides that song, the film’s choreography is disappointingly bland, and only the “Rewrite the Stars” number — as Anne swings Carlyle up and around the rafters of the empty tent — truly manages to utilize the circus space in any inventive way. But “The Greatest Showman” is admirably uncynical in its aims: it just wants to leave viewers with a smile on their face, and that earns the film a certain amount of goodwill. If you’re a musical fan who doesn’t mind a heaping helping of cheese with your entertainment, there’s bound to be something under this big top you’ll be able to enjoy.

PSST. Looking for more movie reviews?

We’ve got a bonus feature online from Adam Lubitow.


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PSST. Out of touch? Out of tune? See our music reviews from Frank De Blase.

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Upper Monroe or Upper ‘Fun-roe’? 94 Belmont Street Writer and journalist Leah Stacy dubbed the Upper Monroe neighborhood as “Upper Fun-roe.” It’s no wonder since this neighborhood is considered one of the “best under-the-radar-neighborhoods” for urban living. Its quiet tree lined streets are filled with affordable turn of century homes bursting with charm. Within walking distance you can enjoy the recreational activities that Cobbs Hill Park provides including a newly added dog park. Enjoy Rochester’s skyline and views while hiking on the 1.7 mile trail in Washington Grove or around the reservoir located in Cobbs Hill Park. But that’s not all! This diverse neighborhood is in close proximity to both the Culver Road Armory, which boasts exceptional restaurants and shopping, and the locally owned businesses along Monroe Avenue. Take in all this neighborhood has to offer as you sit on the front porch of 94 Belmont Street. Let’s walk inside this 1,478 square foot turn of the century home. As you enter the foyer you are greeted by gleaming hardwood floors. Look to the right and notice the fine craftsmanship of the large pocket door that separates the living room from the foyer. A beautiful tiled fireplace with a heavy wooden mantle complements the living room, which opens into a spacious dining room. Both rooms have extra high ceilings adorned with wide crown moldings, hardwood floors, and large windows that yield a bright and cheery air.

appliances, overlooks a partially fenced backyard with a quaint garden/storage shed. And how convenient to walk out the back door of your kitchen and enjoy outdoor grilling and entertaining on the backyard patio--a summer oasis. Other conveniences this home offers are off-street parking with a newly installed driveway and an updated first floor powder room. Off of the foyer to left is a stately oak banister and hardwood steps that lead to second floor bedrooms – four in all. All bedrooms also feature hardwood floors and large windows. The second floor has one full bath with a hallway linen closet and laundry shoot. As a matter of fact, there is no need to carry heavy baskets down to the laundry hookup in the basement since there is a laundry shoot on every floor. From the second floor, walk up to the large, bright partially finished attic. With a few minor additions the attic could be transformed into an awesome master bedroom, office, or playroom. Interested in becoming a homeowner in this highly desirable neighborhood? Then check out 94 Belmont Street; affordably priced at $150,000 and listed by Tiffany Hilbert of Keller Williams Realty. Tiffany can be contacted at 585-362-8901 or e-mail by Ann Marie Gorman

The newly remodeled eat-in kitchen, with ample cupboard space and stainless steel

Ann Marie is a Landmark Society volunteer. CITY 31

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OPERA GUILD OF Rochester needs a volunteer to assist with newsletter publication, and event helpers for the annual recital and opera presentations. For details see home page at

Contact Urban League Of Rochester today to become a mentor to the youth in our community! Email Charisma Dupree at to get started.

SENECA PARK ZOO Society seeking volunteers and docents for ongoing involvement or special events. Roles available for all interests. Contact to learn more.

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ST. JOHN’S HOME s looking for volunteers to transport residents on Tuesday mornings to and from Catholic Mass within our home. Please call volunteer office at 760-1293 for more information.

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Legal Ads [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of AHV HOLDINGS LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/3/2017. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 375 Averill Ave., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] 127-129 Randolph LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/21/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to Po Box 30071 Rochester, NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] 243-245 Augustin LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10/16/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to Po Box 30071 Rochester, NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] 750 PANNELL ROAD, LLC Arts of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on Nov 3,2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to 9 Little Spring Run, Fairport, N.Y. 14450. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Articles of Organization with respect to Ambassador Transportation, LLC, a New York Limited Liability Company, were filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York on December 1, 2017. The County in New York State where its office is located is Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of Ambassador Transportation, LLC upon whom process against it may be served, and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against Ambassador Transportation, LLC served upon him or her is 7272 W. Henrietta Road, West Rush, New York 14543. There are no exceptions adopted by the Company, or set forth in its Operating Agreement, to the limited liability of members pursuant to Section 609(a) of the Limited Liability Company Law of the State of New York. Ambassador Transportation, LLC is formed for the

purpose of operation of a limousine service and for all other lawful activities that may be conducted by the Company. [ NOTICE ] C3 Evolution Group, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10/5/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 1325 Klem Rd Webster, NY 14580 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Chianfoni & Brockler, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on November 29th, 2017. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 984 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620. The purpose of the Company is retail herbal store. [ NOTICE ] Daniel Green Construction, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/27/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to Daniel Green 74 Sheffield Rd Rochester, NY 14617 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Enalas Holdings LLC filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on 11/30/2017 with an effective date of formation of 11/30/2017 and a name change to Fulcrum Holdings LLC effective 12/4/2017. Its principal place of business is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any process shall be mailed to 14 Vantage Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful activity for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Law.

To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 11/27/2017. Cty: Monroe. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Attn: Manager, 73 Parkmere Rd., Rochester, NY 14617. General Purpose. [ NOTICE ] Lakeview Building, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/17/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 217-45 Hempstread Ave Queens Village, NY 11429 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Maayan LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/6/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 550 Latona Rd #D419 Rochester, NY 14626 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Medy LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/6/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 550 Latona Rd #D419 Rochester, NY 14626 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Normandy River Estates, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/8/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 1120 Sw Shorebrook Dr Normandy Park, WA 98166 RA: Aveon Realty Management, Inc. 32 Hampton Oval New Rochelle, NY 10805 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Notice of Form. of GT4 PROPERTIES, LLC (the “LLC”). Art. of Org. filed with Secretary of the State of NY (SSNY) on 11/8/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13TH AVE, SUITE 202, BROOKLYN, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose.



GADIR LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 11/7/2017. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 550 Latona Rd., Ste. D-419, Rochester, NY 14626, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Form. of YELLOW BULL, LLC (the “LLC”). Art. of Org. filed with Secretary of the State of NY (SSNY) on 11/16/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 195 Pearson Ln, Rochester, NY 14612. Purpose: any lawful purpose.

[ NOTICE ] J. Madeline’s Quilt Shoppe LLC, Arts of

[ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation

of 151 Saratoga, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/27/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 845-491 SOUTH & GOOD HOLDINGS LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/3/2017. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 375 Averill Ave., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Aerial Imageworx, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 09/26/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 10 Briar Patch Rd, Rochester, NY 14618 . Purpose: Photography. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of AUTOMATED BOOKS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/20/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Bernadette S. Davis, 5B Myrtlewood Drive, Henrietta, NY 14467. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of CRAZY MO GUITAR LLC. Art.of Org. filed Secretary of State of NY (“SSNY”) 11/14/2017. Office location: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 80 Guinevere Dr., Rochester, NY 14626. Purpose: any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of DAJ V, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/15/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: David A. Julian, 1358 E. Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14612. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ]

Notice of Formation of DO Enterprises of NY, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/20/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 59 North Main St., Hoyeoye Falls, NY 14472. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Elite Mind Technologies, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/13/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 4566 Hemingway Hwy, Hemingway, SC 29554. Purpose: any lawful activities.

NY 14586 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of JPC Property Group LLC. Art. Of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/13/2017. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 51 Belltower Lane, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of KATCom, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/24/17. Office in Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 320 Washington St N, Suite 101, East Rochester, NY 14445. Purpose: any lawful activities.



Notice of Formation of FLATIRON FARM, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 8/24/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 508 RUSH-HENRIETTA TL RD, W. HENRIETTA, NY 14586 . Purpose: any lawful activities.

Notice of Formation of Kedimar LLC, Art of Org filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) 12/1/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Northwest Registered Agent, LLC, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Office 40, Albany, New York 12207

[ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of GRAY CABIN LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/13/2017. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1111 Ogden Parma Townline Rd., Spencerport, NY 14559. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of JAMES CARS OF GREECE LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/17/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Frank W. Tessitore, O’Donnell & Tessitore LLP, 76 Bedford St., #38, Lexington, MA 02420. Purpose: Any lawful activity

[ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). Name: Spring Street Holdings LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on November 21, 2017. Office location, Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: P.O. Box 30278, Rochester NY 14603 Purpose: any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ]


Notice of formation of MDM MAC Properties Farmington LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/6/2017. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1000 Sanford Rd. N, Churchville, NY 14428. Purpose: any lawful act

Notice of Formation of JG AG & TURF, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 8/25/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 508 RUSH-HENRIETTA TL RD, W. HENRIETTA,

Notice of formation of NBREW ENTERPRISES LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/13/2017. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may


be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 689 Regina Dr., Webster, NY 14580. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of NBSS Enterprises, LLC (the “LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the NY Secy of State (“SOS”) on 11/17/17. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. SOS is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SOS shall mail a copy of such process to 63 Thatcher Rd., Rochester, NY 14617. The LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of RALLOD LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/19/17. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. office of LLC: 18 Esternay Ln., Pittsford, NY 14534. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of ROC HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/17/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to ELISSA L JOHNSON 32 WEBBER CIRCLE ROCHESTER, NY 14626 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of STONEWOOD PARK, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 11/14/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 2300 BUFFALO ROAD, Rochester, New York 14624. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of SWAN DIVE 289, LLC Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 11/14/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 289 Alexander Street, Rochester, New York 14607. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of The Law Offices of

Kevin D. Fitzgerald, PLLC Art of Org filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) 12/7/2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 7 Caywood Lane, Fairport, New York 14450. Purpose: Practice of law. [ NOTICE ] NOTICE OF FORMATION OF TOMANDA PROPERTIES, LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (“SSNY”) on 12/12/2017. Office in Monroe County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to TOMANDA PROPERTIES, LLC, C/O THOMAS S. GRAFF, 31 TYNEDALE WAY, NORTH CHILI, NY 14514. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Tuxedo Corner, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/17/17. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 9 Bramblewood Circle, Rochester, NY 14624. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of WILY HOLDINGS LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/1/2017. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 375 Averill Ave., Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION being held at Chester’s Self Storage 600 W Broad St. Rochester NY 14608 on Thursday, January 11th at 1:00 pm. The following customers’ accounts have become delinquent so their item (s) will be auctioned off to settle past due rents. NOTE: Owner reserves the right to bid at auction, reject any and all bids, and cancel or adjourn the sale. Name of tenant: , Unit 8 Alcindor Coleman $210, Unit 15 Julian Harris $228, Unit 41 Felica Fraguada $308, [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of Plaza Street Fund, IX, LLC. App. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/29/17. Office location: Monroe

cont. on page 34 CITY 33

Legal Ads > page 33 County. LLC formed in Missouri (MO) on 11/21/17. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the MO address of LLC: 9237 Ward Parkway, Ste. 230, Kansas City, MO 64114. Arts. of Org. filed with MO Secy. of State, 600 West Main St., Jefferson City, MO 65101. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of Rochester-Dewey FDS 715464, LLC. App. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/6/17. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in North Carolina (NC) on 3/6/17. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Capitol Services, Inc., 1218 Central Ave., Ste. 100, Albany, NY 12205. NC address of LLC: 106 Foster Ave., Charlotte, NC 28203. Arts. of Org. filed with NC Secy. of State, 2 South Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of TLH BEAUTY LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/19/17. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 11/14/17. Princ. office of LLC: 100 Chestnut St., Ste. 1803, Rochester, NY 14604. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the princ. office of the LLC. DE addr. of LLC: c/o Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. Of the State of DE, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity

[ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of WATCO SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES, L.L.C. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/29/17. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 11/21/14. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY 122072543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Freight brokerage services and any other lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] RED BARN MANAGEMENT, LLC Arts of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on Nov 9,2017. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to 9 Aldwick, Fairport, N.Y. 14450. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Steven Braun, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 11/9/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 3 Red Plank Way Rochester, NY 14624 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] The Vaeth Group LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 9/27/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 20 Mt Eagle Dr Penfield, NY 14526 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Tune Yourself, LLC Filed 12/19/17 Office: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent for

To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at process & shall mail to: 5 Sheldon Drive, Spencerport, NY 14559 Purpose: all lawful [ NOTICE ] Value Management Solutions, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with NY Secy. of State (SS) on October 12, 2017. LLC’s office is in Monroe Co. SS is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SS will mail a copy of any process to 145 Culver Rd., Suite 100, Rochester NY 14620. LLC’s purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Vibebin LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10/3/17. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 379 Broadway #2A Brooklyn, NY 11211 General Purpose [ NOTICE OF AUCTION ] Erie Station Storage, LLC Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at public auction pursuant to New York state lien law section 182 beginning on Tuesday, January 9th, 2018 @ 11:55am and ending Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018 @ 2:00pm. The auction will take place online at All sales are subject to prior claim. The lien holder reserves the right to reschedule or adjourn the auction and reject any/all bids. The personal property described as furniture heretofore stored with the undersigned by Karen King Unit #311. All sales are final. Cash only. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ] The name of the LLC is NP 671 Park Ave LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed with the NY Secretary of State on 11/7/17. The LLC office is located in Monroe County. The

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34 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

NY Secretary of State is designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served, and the address a copy shall be mailed is 135 Corporate Woods STE 300 Rochester NY 14623. The LLC is managed by a manager. The purpose of the LLC is any lawful business. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC ] 898 Ridge Road LLC filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on 7/17/2003, with an effective date of formation of 7/17/2003. Its principal place of business is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any process shall be mailed to 8 Skytop Lane, Pittsford, NY 14534. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful activity for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Law. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC ] 960 East Ridge Rd, LLC filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on 12/11/2017 with an effective date of formation of 12/11/2017. Its principal place of business is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any process shall be mailed to 104 Angels Path, Webster, NY 14580. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful activity for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Law. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC ] Moonlighting on Edisto LLC filed articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State on 12/7/2017 with an effective date of formation of 12/7/2017. Its principal place of business is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process may be served. A copy of any process shall be mailed to 21 Hillsboro Rd., Rochester, NY 14610. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful activity for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under Section 203 of the New York Limited Liability Company Law. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF THE GARDENS AT FIELDSTONE 1-38.11 LLC ]

The name of the Limited Liability Company is The Gardens at Fieldstone 1-38.11 LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the New York Secretary of State on 11/8/2017. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The New York Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such procesds to 2833 Ridge Road West, #26461, Rochester, NY 14626. The LLC is organized to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC Law. [ NOTICE OF SALE ] SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF MONROE BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff -against- JAMES F. STEWART, JR., LINDA J. STEWART, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated October 12, 2016, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Monroe County Hall of Justice, 99 Exchange Blvd, Lower Level Atrium, Rochester, NY on January 11, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. premises situate in the Town of Irondequoit, County of Monroe and State of New York, known and described as Lot No. 19 of Irondequoit Village, Section 1, Ellinwood Drive, as shown on a map thereof filed in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office in Liber 144 of Maps, Page 5. Said Lot No. 19 is situate at the Northwest corner of Ellinwood Drive and Sandcastle Drive and is of the dimensions as shown on said map. Section 77.17 Block 2 and Lot 27. Said premises known as 95 SANDCASTLE DRIVE, ROCHESTER, NY Approximate amount of lien $238,746.24 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number 11134/2013. LARA R. BADAIN, ESQ., Referee David A. Gallo & Associates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 99 Powerhouse Road, First Floor, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 File# 9026.70 [ SUMMONS WITH NOTICE ] SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE Index No. 17/8665 RJI No.: Assigned Judge: Hon.

Daniel J. Doyle, J.S.C. CITIZENS BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, -against- John Roe and Jane Roe, said names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiffs, the persons or parties intended being all unknown heirs-to-law and nextof-kin of Larry R. LaDue, deceased, late of the Town of Greece, County of Monroe, State of New York, PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and “JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #12”, the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to the plaintiffs, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises described in the complaint, Defendants. : TO UNKNOWN HEIRS of LARRY R. LADUE: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to serve upon plaintiff’s attorneys an answer to the complaint in this action within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if the summons is not personally served upon you within the State of New York. The United States, if designated a defendant on this action, may appear or answer within sixty (60) days of service. In case of your failure to answer, judgment will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The basis of the venue designated is that the mortgaged property is located in Monroe County. Dated: December 19, 2017 COOPER ERVING & SAVAGE LLP Albany, New York BY:/s/ Michael A. Kornstein Michael A. Kornstein, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 39 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor Albany, New York 12207 (518) 4493900 TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS of LARRY R. LADUE: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Daniel J. Doyle, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 27th day of November, 2017, and filed with the complaint and other papers in the Office of the Clerk of Monroe County. This is an action for foreclosure of a mortgage made by Larry R. LaDue, deceased, to Citizens Bank, N.A. f/k/a RBS Citizens Bank, N.A.

in the original amount of $69,000.00 with interest, dated May 2, 2013, recorded May 3, 2013, in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office in Liber 25072 of Mortgages at Page 158. The relief sought is the foreclosure of the mortgage lien and the public sale of the mortgaged premises and in case of your failure to appear, judgment may be taken against you extinguishing any interest or judgment lien you may have in the mortgaged premises. The premises indexed in this action are described and commonly known as 112 Willowbrook Road, Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York (Tax Map No. 060.421-21). A complete legal description is as follows: **See Schedule Annexed** Dated: December 19, 2017 COOPER ERVING & SAVAGE LLP Albany, New York BY:/s/Michael A. Kornstein Michael A. Kornstein, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 39 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor Albany, New York 12207 (518) 449-3900 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF MORTGAGED PREMISES ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Greece, County of Monroe and State of New York known and described as Lot 82 on a map of Willowbrook Subdivision as shown on a map filed in Monroe County Clerk’s Office in Liber 49 of Maps at page 35. Said Lot 82 fronts on the east side of Willowbrook Road, and is 50 feet in width, front and rear, and 150 feet deep, according to the dimensions shown on said map. [ SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE ] SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE Index No. E2017000484 TOWER DBW V TRUST 2015-1, Plaintiff, v. ROBERT N. RUSCHER; WILLIAM J. RUSCHER A/K/A WILLIAM J. RUSCHER, JR., if living, or if he be dead, his wife, heirsat-law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, assignees, lienors, creditors, successorsin-interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said WILLIAM J. RUSCHER A/K/A WILLIAM J. RUSCHER, JR., by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and all creditors thereof,

and the respective wives, or widows of his, if any, all of whose names and addresses are unknown to Plaintiff; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE and “JOHN DOE #1” THROUGH “JOHN DOE #100”, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the amended complaint in the above-entitled foreclosure action, and to serve a copy of your answer on Plaintiff’s attorney within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal service within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the amended complaint. Monroe County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the subject premises. Dated: December 6, 2017 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an Order of Honorable Daniel J. Doyle, a Justice of the Supreme Court, dated November 27, 2017, and filed with supporting papers in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office. This is an action to foreclose tax liens encumbering the property known as 226 Hilltop Road, Town of Greece, New York and identified as tax account no.: 060.34-124 (the “Tax Parcel”). The relief sought is the sale of the Tax Parcel at public auction in satisfaction of the tax liens. In case of your failure to appear, judgment may be taken against you in the sum of $7,135.81, together with interest, costs, disbursements and attorneys’ fees of this action, and directing the public sale of the Tax Parcel. PHILLIPS LYTLE LLP Anthony J. Iacchetta Attorneys for Plaintiff TOWER DBW V TRUST 2015-1 28 East Main Street Suite 1400 Rochester, New York 14614 Telephone: (585) 238-2000


Bright Idea

Cai, a 28-year-old man in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China, had plenty of time to consider traffic patterns as he waited for the lights to change during his daily commute. So much, in fact, that he decided to take matters into his own hands on Sept. 27 and paint new traffic arrows on the roadway. A traffic camera captured the whole project as Cai carefully added a straight arrow to the existing left-turn and U-turn arrows. “I saw the straight lane was always packed with cars, while the turning left lane has a lot of space,” Cai told police. “So I thought changing the signs would make my commute smoother.” The BBC reports that police fined Cai the equivalent of about $151, and crews removed the new straight arrow from the road.

Hair Trigger

Timothy Colton, 28, is cooling off in the Clark County (Nevada) Detention Center after being charged with arson and the attempted murder of his 66-year-old mother, who has limited mobility. The Nov. 27 altercation apparently started over a laundry dispute, but North Las Vegas police said Colton became aggressive and threatened to kill his mother and burn the house down. Fox News reports that Colton set fire to the front door and then ran away to hide under a car in a nearby parking lot, where officers found him. Police said he was “kicking the back seat door and hitting his head on the plastic partition between the front and rear seats” in the patrol car during his arrest. He was being held on $100,000 bail.

On the Naughty List

A man in Australia couldn’t wait for Santa to deliver his Christmas wish: a 5 1/2-foot-tall “Dorothy model” sex doll. So, according to the Victoria Police Kingston Crime Investigation Unit, he

broke into an adult entertainment store in Moorabbin on Dec. 4 by cutting through a fence with bolt cutters and smashing his way through the door. After quickly loading Dorothy into the back of his van, he took off. Security cameras caught the event, but the thief was disguised with stockings and a balaclava pulled over his head. A mall Santa working the weekend shift in late November got more than he bargained for at Dufferin Mall in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, when an unnamed woman unloaded a sleigh-full of obscenities on him, saying, “Do you have a sleigh? No? ... You’re not magic! You’re not even real! I heard about it when I was a young kid!” A bystander with a cellphone captured the tirade on video, reported the New York Post, and true to his spirit, St. Nick kept his composure and tried not to engage with the elf-hater. A mall spokesperson said the woman left without further incident.

The Passing Parade

Faye Preston of Hull, Yorkshire, England, loves her neighborhood -- even the homeless folks who gently ask for change, or, in Preston’s case, make love in her driveway. She stepped out one night in November to smoke a cigarette and saw a couple under a blanket in her drive, and decided to let them be. But when she went out the next morning, “They were having actual sex on my driveway. The movement going on under the cover was unmistakable,” Preston wrote in the Hull Daily Mail. Still, she was worried about running over them, so she called police, who eventually removed them. “If I was homeless, I’d come here too,” Preston wrote. “Where else can you go for a posh meal, followed by cocktails in a swanky bar and finish the night stepping over some frisky homeless people fornicating on your driveway?


[ LOVESCOPE ] BY EUGENIA LAST ARIES (March 21-April 19): Instability will set in when it comes to love and romance. Either you will be confused or someone you love won’t be responding the way you want. Don’t put pressure on anyone or act impulsively when you should be laid-back and observing, reflecting and questioning your feelings. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Mingle, engage in activities that interest you, and most of all don’t hesitate if you feel you have a special connection with someone. Show interest, make suggestions and take the time to get to know the ins and outs of your love interest’s life and future goals.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Honesty will play a major role in your personal life. Start by recognizing your true feelings and expressing what you do and do not like. A relationship that isn’t based on trust and loyalty doesn’t have a lot of hope for survival. Straight talk will encourage longevity. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Step out on a limb and take it upon yourself to make the first move. Love is in the stars, but if you don’t follow your feelings and do something to make it happen, you’ll have regrets. Don’t be shy; open up and make your thoughts and feelings known.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): A playful persona will not be a draw for everyone you meet, but it will attract someone you can have a lot of fun with. Don’t feel the need to make a commitment when you need time to let your feelings grow and your personal plans for the future unfold. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Say little, do a lot, and you’ll capture someone’s attention. Socializing, getting together with old friends and traveling will encourage chance meetings. Don’t let an opportunity get away. Speak up and make a date if you see someone who sparks your interest. It’s up to you to make things happen.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Negativity will deter a good relationship. Don’t jump to conclusions or let others ruin your chance to get to know better someone who interests you. A situation you are currently facing will leave you feeling uncertain about your future. When it comes to love, common sense will be required. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Touch base with someone from your past who still makes your heart flutter. Reconnecting at the right time can turn a friendship into a romantic relationship. Take a different approach and you will get different results. Don’t fear being unique. Offer something special that will intrigue and entice.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): It isn’t likely that you will give or get a straight answer when it comes to affairs of the heart. Don’t jump to conclusions or take a yes or no as gospel. An attraction to someone quite different from you will need time, patience and tender loving care. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sign on the dotted line. Whether you are walking away from someone or toward, you need to be firm, factual and have all the right answers in place in order to end this year and begin the next on a high note. Don’t settle for less then what you deserve.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You’ll want to make personal changes, but first consider the consequences. Don’t overreact or ignore good advice. Limit indulgent behavior that leads to a poor decision that you will regret. When it comes to affairs of the heart, bide your time and rethink your strategy. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You’ll be living in a dream world when it comes to romance. It’s good to set your standards high, but being realistic is the way to a happy ending. Self-deception is apparent when trying to assess if someone is into you or not. Don’t overspend trying to win someone’s affection. CITY 35

36 CITY DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018

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