The designing + building of a comprehensive, historically & geographically accurate, 1:650 scale LEGO landscape of Imperial Rome at its height (circa 320 CE). The totality of the work will be realized over the course of several years, during which time compartmentalized areas of the ancient city will be incrementally added to the expanding diorama; eventually growing to encompass all aspects of the Eternal City within the 3rd-century Aurelian Walls.Omnium Rerum Principia Parva Sunt

The Roman civilization indelibly shaped the course of Western history. Its influence has permeated nearly every aspect of modern life, including literature, philosophy, social order, architecture and urban design. If Latin influence is foundational to modern society, then the City of Rome itself was once the cornerstone of the ancient world:

Western Civilization Republic Empire Kingdom

Designing and building an enormous diorama of Imperial Rome at its 4th-century zenith will serve to inspire countless children & adults for generations to come. It will provide endless educational value rooted in the timeless historical and architectural precedence of the Eternal City. Ambitious in its scope, such a LEGO landscape would have unrivaled potential to purvey critical lessons in world history while illustrating the Classical landmarks we all know as ruins in their pristine and richly colored provenance; giving them new depth through the physical and geographical portrayal of their contemporary context. Furthermore, the accessibility of such an artistic medium as LEGO to the broader public increases multifold the emotional resonance of the work on exhibit-goers and patrons alike, while sacrificing none of the historical accuracy and rigorous dedication to the historicity of the esteemed subject matter.

“Where Lydian Tiber flows with gentle course between the fertile fields where heroes dwell. Prosperity, a kingdom ... are there obtained for you.”
Vergil, The Aeneid
Area represented: 5.3 sq mi (~3,500 acres)
Dimensions at 1:650 scale: 28.5’ x 23’

Requisite gallery area: 700 sq ft minimum
Estimated number of parts:

SPQR (2019)
Aurelian Walls
Vatican Hill Expansion
Lanciani’s Forma Urbis Romae

• Forma Urbis Romae (map, 1901) Rodolfo Lanciani

• Plastico di Roma Imperiale (physical model, 1971)
Italo Gismondi
• The Ancient City (book, 1998)
Peter Connolly
• The Atlas of Ancient Rome (book, 2017)

Andrea Carandini
• Rome (3D model, ongoing)
History in 3D
I ♦ N
II ♦

VI ♦
114,000+ parts
First Century Jerusalem BrickUniverse,
84,000+ parts Forbidden City BrickUniverse, LLC - exhibtion piece 67,000+ parts Vatican City 2021 2020 2021 2020 2019

Since 2019, I have completed no fewer than five successive LEGO landscapes varying in size from 66,000 parts in SPQR to more than 114,000 parts in Jerusalem. All told, these works - and the rapid succession in which they were designed + built - provide viable proofs of concept beyond any shadow of a doubt!
SPQR album on Flickr