Portfolio JM Martin

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contact@jmmartinamate.com / jmmartinamate.com / 130 20225055

But,why China? That’s the question that everybody’s been doing to me since I took the decision of coming to Shanghai. Why not Germany, France, UK? I’ve been asked this so many times that they’ve even made doubt about my choice. But the decision was already made. Hi, my name is José Manuel Martín Amate and I’m a 27 year old architect from Spain. To the question that head this letter I will answer now: Because world, the whole future world, is happening here, right now, and if I want to be an active part of that world, I have to make it in here first. Yeah right, situation back in Spain is frustrating: first prize competitions that never start the process, clients who drop out projects at the middle of them, but mostly, a very little stimulating environment where “everything’s already done”. China is the other side of the mirror: there’s excitement, opportunities and effervescence so, for a young man such as myself, being here is being in the right place, in the right time. If in the 20’s the Weimer Republic was the place for german, russian or italian architects, designers and artist, in 2015 the place is China, the place is the Pacific. As you can see both in my portfolio and my personal website, I’m a person who has made a big effort to learn how to deal with very different lines of work. That process of becoming someone with a wide profile has helped me to be a better professional. I will give you an example: working in 3D and rendering gave me a very careful eye with details, thing that, when I’ve worked in furniture design, has been essential. And because of my experience with furniture, I now take a lot more care on that aspect in every project, even in the urban ones. Also, my different works in graphic design and branding have given me a better understanding of the complexity of how every project works as one single entity, and we have to keep in mind every single perspective on it. So if you’re looking for somebody who have the willingness for learning and doing new things, as well as being able of managing very different aspects in a project, I’d be pleased to do my utmost in any subject I had anything to say. Best regards, JM Martín Amate.

WORK HISTORY Architect and 3D visualizer expert. Collaboration with many architects and architecture office in competitions and developing projects, hightlighting the continious work with Alt-Q Arquitectura. Collaborations and Competitions: 2015: Consulting: River Stragtegy Master Plan guidelines. Alt-Q Arquitectura 2014: Power Substation, Cultural and Social Facilities and Urban Renewal guidelines at degraded neighbourhood in Seville. Alt-Q Arquitectura.

José Manuel Martín Amate. Master in Architecture Birth date and Place: May 18th, 1987; Seville, Spain. Education: -Master in Architecture at the Higher Technical School of Architecture, University of Seville, Spain. -1 year (2009-2010) attending at the Politecnico di Bari, Italy. Courses: -3D&Rendering with Rhinos, 3Ds Max and VRay Academia Monzón, 2006 -Advance 3D&Rendering and postproduction Academia Render’s Factory, 2011 -Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis University of Seville’s Formation Center, 2013 -Autodesk Revit Academia Render’s Factory, 2013 -Architecture and Landscape University of Seville’s Formation Center, 2013 Phone number: Spanish number: +34 636 718068 Chinese number: 130 2022 5055 website: www.jmmartinamate.com Email: contact@jmmartinamate.com Languages:


Full professional proficiency

2014: Private Competition: “A Happy Place for Alberto”. Competition between friends to design a little and cheap house for Architect Alberto de Austria, from cerojugadores.com. 2014: Competition: Public square and parking in Palos de la Frontera, Huelva (in stand by). Alt-Q Arquitectura. 2014: Project for the renovation of the Santa Catalina’s Church and the construction of an Artisans Center in Trigueros, Huelva. Collaboration with Arch. Maria Barrero. 2014: Competition: Extension of the Architecture School of Seville (in stand by). Alt-Q Arquitectura. 2013: Competition: Juan A. Laínez Park in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Alt-Q Arquitectura. (first prize, construction in progress). 2013: 15. 000 m2 complex with gastronomic school, library, researching centre, market, restaurant and business incubator in Córdoba. (Graduation project) 2012: Competition: Sports Facilities in Brenes, Seville. Collaboration with Carmen C. Marchena López and 13thirteen. 2012: Competition: Young artist’s Residential building in Córdoba. Apartment building for the users of the new Contemporary Art Centre of Córdoba, by Nieto&Sobejano. Collaboration with Q87 and 13thirteen. 2012: Competition: Restoration of the Market Hall, Nueva Carteya, Córdoba. Revision of the quality of spaces and construction and reorganization of the building, by the creation of a new covering. Collaboration with Q87. 2012: Competition: Bus Station in Chiclana, Cádiz. Collaboration with Michel Gómez Cepero and 13thirteen. 2012: Competition: Occupational Facilities for disabled people in Seville. Collaboration with Laura Martínez Hernández and 13thirteen. 2012: Competition: El Coronil’s old Castle Visitor’s Centre. Rehabilitation of the walls and construction of a new building in order to guide the visitors of the castle and the village, El Coronil, Seville. Collaboration with Maribel Medrano Ramos. 2011: Students Competition: “La Ciudad del Flamenco” in Jerez, Cádiz. Jerez’s City Hall initiative for a revision of the Herzog&De Meuron winner proposal of this school and cultural centre in Jerez. Collaboration with 13thirteen and Q87.


2011: Consulting: Creation Center in Jerez, Cádiz. Workspaces for artists and craftsmen inside the historical center of the city. Urban Renovation guidelines. Collaboration with 13thirteen.

Beginner, currently taking lessons

2011: Competition: “Cortijo El Fraile” Investigation Center in Cabo de Gata-Níjar, Almería. Rehabilitation project of an old Farmhouse to create new researching labs. Collaboration with 13thirteen.

Basic proficiency

2011: Construction: “La Imperdible” Theater, Seville. Construction of the new theater by the river Guadalquivir. Collaboration with Daniel Gómez Valcárcel and 13thirteen (in progress) 2011: Students Competition: Enclosure of Barbate’s Harbor, Barbate, Cádiz. Proposal of the construction of a new separation between the harbor and the city’s access road. Collaboration with 13thirteen. 2010: Competition: Local Courts Building in Lora del Río, Seville. Alt-Q Arquitectura. 2010: Competition: Local Courts Building in Roquetas de Mar, Almería. Alt-Q Arquitectura. 2009: Consulting: Master Plan, Guidelines and threshold criteria required for the connection between the cities of Ubeda and Baeza, Jaén. Alt-Q Arquitectura

Other activities: From 2006 to 2012: Member of the Seville’s Architecture School Students Delegation. Organizing many events and students activities, the most important among them is the annual Culture Week, bringing to the students conferences and competitions. Some of the profesionals of all around the world who have been in the Cultural week have been: Brett Steele(AA London), Claus en Kaan Architecten(Netherlands), Robert Brufau, Alvaro Puntoni&Marta Moreira (Brazil), Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, Arturo Chicano and Fernando Espósito(Chile)... From April 2014: Collaboration in “Exando un Mano” (Giving a Hand: exandounamano.com), a multidisciplinar collective which goal is, literally, give a hand to Paula, a new born girl who was broght without her left hand. With 3d-printing technology Paula will be able to have one without expending thousands of euros on it.

2009: Competition: 20 Prefabricated Houses in Oria, Almería. Collaboration with Francisco Montero Fernández (built).


2008: Construction of a Pile-Dwelling in Brazil. Collaboration with Planeta Edriel (built).

Graphic techniques: -Specialized on 3D modelling of different scales: from architecture and landscapes, to objects and furniture with AutoCAD, Rhino, 3Ds Max and Grasshopper. -Creation of photorealistic images with VRay and Photoshop. -Specialized in photo-compositions by blending digital techniques and illustration or calligraphy. -Matte Painting-Skills on logo design and branding.

2008: Competition: Nursing House in Algeciras, Cádiz. Collaboration with ACTA Estudio. Designer on branding, industrial, furniture, interior and graphics, collaborating and working for different clients such as law firms, clothing stores, bars, architecture firms, interior design…

Software: -CAD, 3D, and Rendering: AutoCAD, 3Ds Max, Revit, Rhinoceros, VRay, Sketchup -Parametric design: Grasshopper -Graphic programs: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, After Effects. -Video: After Effects -Others: Pepakura Designer, Dynamic AP -Office

2014: 3D animation of Rafael De la Hoz’s masterpiece, the Chamber of Commerce of Cordoba. Research of the historical furnishig for its recovery and reproduction (in progress) From April 2014: Image & Marketing manager in Codesaik.com, a new startup born to make the process of finding a job or an employee, much easier. From November, 2012 to March 2015: Working for Universo Eirín, an interior design office, furniture manufacter and branding office. April 2012: Salone del Mobile di Milano’12. Member of the staff of Planeta Edriel SL and supporting them on sales with italian and english speaker clients.

3d printing: -Experience with a RepRap 3D-Printer. -Software: Cura, Slic3r-Printerface, Repetier

From june, 2011 to June 2012: Working for Planeta Edriel SL, a new furniture design brand, in different tasks such as industrial and graphic design or branding.

Web: -Wordpress

2011: Design for the contests: Cat Empire’s 10th anniversary (2nd place) and Queen’s 40th anniversary (finalist).

Photography: -Experience on architecture and landscape photography, also in studio with both models and objects.

From 2010: Freelance graphic designer and branding consulting.

Personal skills: -High motivated person, adventurous spirit and group worker. -Good communication skills. -Willing to learn. -Proactive person.

Photographer in different events, collaboration with artists. Architecture photography (historical heritage status). Highlights: 2012: Photo shooting for the music album: “Ternera o Vaca”. Artist: Guerra, producers: WARNER/ZONA BRUTA. 2011: Event BIA’11 (Buenas Intenciones Acciones), Seville. Photo shooting for the event. 2011: “The Zoo Story 2.3”. Photo shooting for the play, directed by Federico Vergne. Original by Edward Albee, 1958. Teaching: 3D, Rendering, Photoshop and architecture photography in Master-CAD Academy, from October, 2013 to October 2014. Digital illustration and drawings skills, resulting in many different series of work .

Contact references: Alt-Q Arquitectura: Ana Coronado Sánchez aneich@gmail.com, +34 680873929 Eirín: Mercedes Eirín mercedes@universoeirin.com, +34 655846106 Planeta Edriel: Antonio J. Perez antonio@planetaedriel.com, +34 617108993





(task on the project: 3D, rendering, graphic design, architectural design -Cultural/Convention center-)

Master Plan, Guidelines and threshold criteria required for the connection between the cities of Ubeda and Baeza, Jaén (both UNESCO World Heritage Sites). The connection is made through “dove strategy”, formed by five transport infrastructure, three of them already built: the highway, the regional road, a new urban axis –avenue-, the tram and the historical footpath. By analyzing the character of each one of these infrastructures four programmatic stripes are set:

1- Industry and business. 2- Commercial, 3- Residential 4- Residential and large public facilities

In order to avoid an excessive geometric rationalization, a sequence of green corridors are set over the “stove”. These corridors are traced over pre-existing natural sites –watercourses, forests, hills-, so the abstraction brought by the infrastructures fades.

Stave strategy


The intermodal transportation hub will give relieve to the area and will erase the condition of back-door to the neighborhoods attached to it, also it will take the central lead on improving mobility.

Sport facilities


Cultural/Conventions/hotel/archeological site

The Sports facilities and the Cultural Center are planned next to the tram stops as hybrid program centers to becoming cores y a new polycentric urban environment.

Residential area


Despite the great investment that local and regional governments have done in Guadalquivir River through the last years, there’s still an important portion of its riverside that needs a lot of work: we’re talking about the western entry to the city, outside the attractive and the money that the historical center gives to its adjacent areas. The Central Hospital area and the neighborhood of Parque Cruz Conde are, in a way, disconnected from the city and because of that, the side of the river behind them (because they




(task on the project: 3D, rendering, graphic design, architectural design -General project and Library-)


Mixed-use University of Cordoba


don’t face it), is completely disconnected from anywhere, even the front southern side. There’s a need of breaking the border, a need of crossing the river and revalorize both sides. Another essential strategy was to integrate the intervention within the degraded landscape of the area. Breaking big existing lots, and connecting the height of the urban spaces with the one of the river (+110

Classroom building University of Loyola

Landscape roundabout

Pedestrian walkway


Project’ section CONNECTING CITY AND RIVER. Public space strategy.

and +94) was also key on the project, so the generation of mid platforms seemed like the most appropriate decision. The platforms, alongside with the new equipment planned, would make the relation between not just two heights, but between two characters: urban and river. The public spaces system claims to recognize that there are different urban scales and dimensions that’s affect the area. We can see the


territorial scale when the river is used to articulate the whole city landscape. Then we have a second level, where the space tries to be a new city gate, a green corridor that leads to the historical center: park-city/park-river connections are reinforced. The last we see is the district scale, where two interventions, a central park to the residential area and the pedestrian axis which connects the Hospital and the northern neighborhoods.

RIVER STRATEGY MASTER PLAN, CORDOBA Three landmark buildings are placed at the intervention, making three seams that complete the walkway, these are: -A classroom building for the Medicine school, above a volume that connects classrooms and park through a sports hall, with courts and swimming pool. -A library, near the Hospital, with a conference hall and meeting rooms that can be used by both sanitary staff and students. -A classroom building for the University of Loyola, which also resolves the relation with the lower zone of the cornice and throws a gangway to the existing children park and recovers the historical promenade.

Public spaces section

Classroom building for Medicine and Sports facilities, University of Cordoba

Top view

General Library

Classroom building, University of Loyola


Residential buildings (relation with landscape)

The interest on this project resides on establish a relation with the actual cartography geometries, not just as a reference resulting in a coherent formal proposal, but as a guaranty that help us with this complex topography when working with the program that the competition ask to accomplish. Other major point here was the situation of the Hill, which is the physical center of the city, within less than 3km from the main landmarks: the historical center, national stadium, hospital, schools, malls‌

Peace Monument




(task on the project: rendering, architectural design -Squares and radio tower-, urban furniture design)


Radio tower (previously, it was a mast)



Sports zone






1 Crushed stone+sand finish layer (10cm) 2 Three layers of compacted stone (30cm) 3 Gravel layer (20cm) 4 Concrete slab 5 Water collector element

Auditorium Hotel

Conference Hall

The project addresses the regeneration of the pre-industrial fabric of neigh

bourhood of San Mateo in the historical center of Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. From the neighborhood, we learn the historically tested mechanisms of adaptation to the environment, wich distill the essence of vernacular architecture and, after its experimentation with environmental calculation tools, we will use it for our action strategy based on a by-pass-rhizome. The architectural realization of this process, which test and updates vernacular architecture, will crystalize into one of the pieces-examples proposed in the process: The artistic Revitalization Centre, which tries to take on the skills of its crafstmen.



JEREZ (task on the project: rendering, architectural design)


Restoration means recovery, and

oftenly, it means reuse and rethink. Only building that are used survived, so in order to make an historic building to survive, we have to rethink it and transform it to be more flexible than once it was. This project, a collaboration with Architect María Barrero Rescalvo, consists on the creation of an artisans and artist center in Trigueros, an 8000 people village near Huelva, in south Spain. The center is projected where the Santa Catalina’s church’s cloister used to be, now free and abandoned space. It’s a set (church and free space) that have adapted itself through the years to each formal use people have given to it. It’s a mould-building. If inside a so-strict and orthodox geometry like the Jesuit cross the people of Trigueros have been able to carry on with their purposes, the new geometry, set at the contiguous free space, it’s understood like a contemporary cloister and, like the church’s nave, it has the same logic: adaptability to any activity it might host. Because of that, all internal partitions placed are foldable. This cloister, elevated over the ground floor in order to create a public space, colonizes the church in two almost sculptural points: the staircases inside the church and the library glass cube, which is accessible from another metal stairs below the historical arcade. To achieve the fact of having a public plaza below the building, the structure has the lowest amount of pillars for a construction of this size, using them to create urban furniture, information panels and signs.





HUELVA (task on the project: 3D, rendering, architectural design, video)




SEVILLE (task on the project: rendering, architectural design -interior design, facade)

For this competition in Lora del Rio, a village 60km away from Seville, we got a trapezoidal lot without any clear alignment, and slightly outside the consilidated urban land, that told us (to our own understanding) that we have to design a building almost without prioritizing any of its urban references. The façade facing the highway had to assume, as an entrance to the city, the construction of a vision according to this circumstance, and the crossroads had to mark the difference between the front and the back. The curved shape of the building generates a polivalent capacity to respond to all the requirements that we see in this lot; we situate public space in the west side (above, in the images) facing the most urban contact of the site. Here we place the most “festive” function of the program: the wedding room, with an independent access. The result is a compact edification, dense, without any edges, which gives continuity to the façades and a great capacity of making the project a new urban landmark.



ground 0

ground 1

ground 2

ground 3






(task on the project: graduation project: whole project from design to structures)


Spain has become one of the most attractive places in the world, if we talk about cuisine and Córdoba, the legendary capital of the Umayyad Caliphate is trying to gain more visibility to south Spain in all this chef-mania. The center is formed by various nodes: the cooking school, with careers in cuisine, olive oil production (Córdoba is the second largest producer in the world, wine and food production; and R&D center with studies in tendencies, education, production, conservation and technology development; a business incubator; a library; a restaurant, where the student could have real practice; a market; a garden with orchards to supply the school. The building is projected with a “comb strategy”, which that lets it having two different gardens: one of them smaller and more private, and another one bigger for the orchards. This orchards are a sloped garden that provides with colors, aromas and products all the year. Regular garden lots are introduced in the middle of this vegetables labyrinth, and the sheets of water rest at the highest points of the slope, in order to facilitate the irrigation system.

Project for a restaurant specialized in wines and tapas wich would be inside of the “Berenjenal” complex in Córdoba, Spain. The atmosphere was formed largely by perception of materials and light, with a big contrast between flooring and walls, and the furniture set in the middle tones. The space of the main hall is formed along a white brick wall and the shelves where almost all fits: the containers for bottles that can be used for bags or hats, the lightning, the benchs or the flower pots. All this below a skylight that goes along with the furnishing. The bar it’s formed by a large piece of furniture made of white aged wood and it’s finished by a showcase with a couple of palmatum atropurpúreum that dramatize this space with their vivid red leaves, which also evokes the colour of the wine. The wall made of more of the wine containers separates the main hall and the lounge, an space crowned with a vertical garden, designed with eight strips of different plant species.

Wine shelves



CORDOBA (task on the project: complete project)

Check out & shopping area





(task on the project: complete project)

Alberto is an architect, and he wants to build his own house in a piece of ground he has in Trassierra, C贸rdoba. His idea was to create a small shelter, a retirement place to be alone with his thoughts in the middle of the sierra, so he started a competition between his architect friends to have as many ideas as possible. This is one of the proposals,

Ground floor

First floor

a small cabin, above the ground (the very near Guaditillo river use to flood), made with cheap materials: metal plates and pine wood, mostly, and the possibility of building it in a very short time, saving money on the process.

Armchair Laxus

Chaiselongue Salamandra

In my collaboration with Planeta Edriel, I had to deal with many different tasks such as industrial and graphic design, 3D, photography, branding, sales... We participated in the Salone del Mobile di Milano 2012, with very good sensations after it. The designs meant to be risky and inusual, taking inspiration from nature or industrial environments, as well as recycled materials.

Bed Tam-Tam

Armchair Cochinilla

Chair Lichens

Chair Neon

Eirín has been the last continious collaboration I’ve had in my country. Interested in my work with Planeta Edriel, I’ve worked with them in similar task, adding alsoo interior design projects. Mercedes Eirin is an artist and interior designer who works on every detail of the project proccess. She develops handicrafted pieces of furnitures for expositions, theater, and special sports. With projects in hotels, art exhibitions, plays, or the 2015 furniture catalogue, working with her studio it’s been a unique way of learning different ways of creation, many times, very apart from mine.

Shelf Free-box

Armchair Magma

Set 4-egg

Table Shadow

Chair School Boy

Table Pescador

This year is the 60th anniversary of Ra

fael De la Hoz’s masterpiece: The Chamber of Commerce of Cordoba and, to commemorate it, I started making a 3D video of the original project (which was modified 10 years after its construction). When I asked for some of the furnishing of the original project, I got “Some are missing, destroyed or maybe stolen”. So I started making a virtual reconstruction to bring them back again. There’s not a better way to celebrate an anniversary.

Secretary’s desk

Coffee table for the president’s office

Library’s chair

Table for the meeting room

President’s office chest of drawers

Regular chair

This is a series of illustration made with different techniques such as collage, watercolor, calligraphy, photography, digital painting... All of the blended in Photoshop, in order to make this old book pages, that try to condense certain moments in life.




Branding, naming for Construction Company

Poster and logo for music band : “The Spones”

Logo and name for Cooking school

Branding for Driving School

Queen’s 40th anniversary official contest, finalist desing

The Cat Empire 10th anniversary contest, finalist design

Branding, website and communication for Codesaik.com

Logo for Lawyer’s firm

Branding, catalogue, industrail desing for Planeta Edriel


Castello del Valentino, Torino

Brandenburger Tor, BerlĂ­n

Architecture School of Venice

Santa Catalina’s Church, Trigueros, Huelva

“15M”, spanish protester against politicians, 05/2011

Mykonos Church, Greece


JM MartĂ­n Amate contact@jmmartinamate www.jmmartinamate.com

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建筑师 & 设计

contact@jmmartinamate.com / jmmartinamate.com / 130 20225055

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