5 minute read

SynoPSiS of cooPeRaToR’S SeSSion

- For May 22, 2023 Board Meeting

Response: No one was handpicked. Management no longer has a partnership with the Board of Directors regarding the community rooms and that was stated at the meeting. While there may be some disappointment, again, the idea is, that anyone who came to that meeting, who was there, those were the people who were signed up as keyholders. There is one other building where three of the ladies came together and those three were present at the meeting. They will let me know which one of them wishes to serve as an alternate, so we are not handpicking anyone to serve. That is a misstatement. If the three of you can all work together, let us know.

Question: I would like to know why the work on the facade in the buildings have stopped. We haven’t seen any work in at least this year. They have taken down the rigs from Building 13. Not all the buildings in that circle have been done, so what happened? My second question has to do with the law firm. Is Rochdale Village paying for legal services for two firms, and if we are what is the distinction in the services that they are providing?

Response: Management shared in regards to the façade work, the work has stopped due to lack of funding. We are in the process of an application with the City Council for additional funding. They had funded Rochdale Village last year to the tune of $2.8 million for facade work. We have another application now to continue that work. In the meantime, we are doing daily inspections and fencing off or blocking off areas that maybe an issue with regard to safety. That work is set to continue as soon as the funding is approved. That includes balconies

Response: Board President explained that the Board retained the services of an additional law firm, which is not uncommon for a development of this size and that law firm works directly with the Board to help us as we transition to different professionals that we are bringing on.

Question: The signs are obsolete and irrelevant. The words are faded and rules should be reviewed, inspected and revised or done away with and should be enforced and jive with our leases.

Response: Management expressed that they are drafting sign revisions. They are not quite ready yet but will be brought to the Board for review once they are.

Question: At the last Board Meeting there was a situation and how it was handled, in my opinion, was horrible. Where is the training that Public Safety can literally yell at someone which can escalate into something else? That same lieutenant who was a sergeant came up to me in 2019 and it was unfounded what she said I supposedly did. They couldn’t even find it on the camera. Why is she still here? I wrote a letter of complaint. So, tell me about this training that they have? Can I please have Human Resources e-mail, because I would love to send a complaint. Is that what the task force is used for, to throw us out? That is what we are paying them for, to scream on us? Why was the lady treated like that? I ask for the Human Rights Director e-mail address so now I am really going to make a complaint. What is her address, please, her e-mail address?

Response: Chief stated, I would like to go back to that 2019 incident and just clarify one thing that you said. I did investigate that incident that you are referring to and you stated that it was not observed -- the action that you were accused of doing was not observed. The entire incident was not observed on camera so we couldn’t have gone through with it.

Response: Management provided email address, JayWilliams@RochdaleVillage.com and requested that they be emailed directly.

Question: I want to ask who is the general contractor that has the performance bond and the contract for the convector job? How much is the performance bond? Does it cover the contract plus the addition that you put through last month which we haven’t seen because it will be on the next month’s Bulletin”. How much is the contract costing? Does that include all of the individual contracts to the electrician and to the plumbing company? Did you bid it in pieces? Have you done that someplace else?

Response: Management shared that the general contractor and the bond is with Genesis Construction. In the neighborhood of $28 million I think is the total. It was broken into two parts. One was material and one was labor. I have worked here for the last decade so I would say within the year before. I didn’t do that kind of capital work prior to coming to Rochdale. Not on this scale.

Question: Are you aware that MSI did have a problem in another location where an electrical job was started and it took over ten years to get it finished because the contractor walked away from the project? What happens if the contractor walks away from this job, who is going to pay for it? When you have a large job that is being done, the whole job, not just the materials but the performance of the job, the completion you have an architect and engineer who supposedly wrote up the whole package so that you can send it out to bid, and the reason for going out to bid was to have the whole thing put in one package so that all entities will be tied into the package, and if anybody did anything wrong, it can be covered by a performance bond for the whole thing.

Response: I don’t want to talk of the top of my head, but I can get back to you.

Response: Chairperson, for the sake of time recommended a meeting between cooperator and management to discuss further.

Question: What is the status of the Pavilion at this time? I was here in March and the Board had not established a fee. What is the tentative date, still Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day? Will the Rose Garden be available? Can you use that for rental? Is there a fee also?

Response: Management and the Board are still reviewing the rates. There were preliminary conversations with regard to rates and days and times. There were other pressing matters that needed to be attended to, so we will have to revisit that and get back to the community with the final answer. The same for the dates as well, Ma’am. So, both have to be finalized by management and the Board. We are working towards that goal. I’ll take your contact and have the Community Center Director contact you.

Question: We don’t have a fish market in Rochdale Village. Can we have the fish truck that came last week come on weekends for service, one day in the small mall and one day in the big mall?

Response: Management shared that that will have to be discussed of course with Management and the Board.

Cooperators Sessions ended at 7:52pm.

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