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SynoPSiS of cooPeRaToR’S SeSSion

- For June 26, 2023 board MeetIng

Chair Dr. Althea Hicks opened the cooperator’s session at 7:22PM

Question: Can you give me an update on the SCREE? It has not been adjusted on my carrying charge.

Response: Management shared that the SCREE was entered and will be reflect on the statement for July.

Question: Who sets policy? Are there different policies or different tiers of policy setting in Rochdale Village? Are there other entities in Rochdale Village that also set policy and how does one tier compare to the other? Is there a dominant policy-setting group and others that work under that particular setting group? Does the Board have staff members who report to the Board and are considered not to be under management? What kinds of research do you all do as a Board? What kinds of data do you put together?

Response: The Board President shared that normally the Board is the policy-setting body. There are sometimes when management may make recommendations to the Board for certain procedures. The persons or people who currently now report to the Board or are under the Board’s jurisdiction would be management and most of the professional Attorneys. Those who have oversight of housing would not report to the Board. The research and data depends on what we are looking at. If we are looking at something regarding a professional entity, we may lookup that professional entity on-line, do they have a website, what type of credentials they have, who do they serve etc... We may look at the Department of State records to determine if they are a legitimate business entity, or go to the State to obtain information

Question: My question about the driving and parking of vehicles on campus, track marks and use of the 20-minute ramp by maintenance. They speed up out of this parking lot, blow their horns at people and they pull right up to people scaring people as they are driving.

Response: Management responding to inform that the rule on campus is no more than five miles per hour. We routinely send notices to our staff to remind them and I know that the supervisors will report it. We have cameras all over the place, so if anyone does see a situation where a cooperator is being honked at or our vehicles are going more than five miles an hour, please report it to management and we will do our research and make sure that that stops.

Question: What are your thoughts on twenty-four hour laundry hours, however there were some cooperators who had concerns about safety, because they are saying that if the laundry rooms are open throughout the night, there is a possibility of intruders or people trying to get into the laundry rooms, that are either unauthorized or that may be causing trouble.

Response: Management shared that they do not think it is a good idea. We did extend the hours for Covid and we kept them that way. Currently they open up at 5:00am and they close at 1:00am, so that is twenty-one hours of laundry room hours

Question: Can we get a laundry washer/dryer update?

Response: Management shared that the current contractor has been given thirty days to show cause and to be able to improve the conditions in the laundry rooms. It is tasked with management to followup with the contractor and based upon our assessment of the orders given to the current vendor, come back to the Board with a report, so that the Board can make a decision on what to do next with the laundry rooms as far as the existing contract is concerned.

Question: I just wanted a verification about this DEC $40,000 emission violation. Was this just for the package boiler? The way that I understood, the emissions were not reported for the package boiler, Boiler Number Five, the external boiler? Who is responsible for submitting the emissions? Do we have to hire this environmental compliance company at a one-time fee of $62,470 in order for them to follow through on this or to get them to reduce the violation? Is the violation because it wasn’t done. This is a part of your job and seems to be incompetence on the part of management and shareholders have to pay for it.

Response: The Director of the Power Plant, confirmed that is was for all of the boilers under Title V and that he is responsible for submitting the emissions. Management shared that there are two parts, the compliance portion is done and then the violation portion. The compliance portion, is so that we can in be in compliance for our

Title V through completing stack tests, which means that you have to ramp the boilers up to full capacity and then the DEC will take a sampling of the emissions and that is a part of the compliance piece. I don’t think that we should be responsible for those violations.

Question: Congratulations to the new Board. You guys are really doing amazing things here -- My concern is about the Manager’s Contract. In the past, we hired a management company that really did the worst job of all. I am asking you to consider this and let MSI handle its business here. Why do we have to change management? Why are we charging people for every committee that we do; why? Where is the money being accounted for? Did you go back five years for the New Year’s money? What is going on with the community rooms?

Response: Board President indicated that every board committee has a budget line and it is up to the Chairperson of said committee to determine when they have an event, if they want to ask for a nominal fee to defray some of the cost associated with the events in Rochdale Village. When they do that, they defray some of that cost and it does not do anything but help the corporation. There are committees that do not charge. We are not charging for everything. Yes, I reviewed five years and reported it at a previous board meeting. Community rooms will be discussed when the President’s report is given.

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