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Road RunneR RepResents Rochdale in Mini MaRathon

by MIkell rIChards

Knownto locals as the New York Mini 10K, there’s no denying the fact that Mastercard New York Mini 10K is a big deal. It’s undoubtedly on the bucket list of professional athletes as well as novices around the world, and everyone who enters undergoes rigorous training, flying in even, for a chance at not only the prize money, but for the glory and ability to say they’d done it.

The race was an idea that became a reality in 1972, the initial goal of it being to foster women’s participation and success in sports, and since then the race has grown in size as well as prestige. This year was the 51st race in its history and Rochdale Village sent a delegation of five runners from the Rochdale’s NYRR (New York Road Runners) Striders. New York Road Runners is a statewide walking group, with a branch right here in Rochdale Village. The Rochdale Village group meets up every Monday at 8:45 a.m.

The race began promptly at 8:00 a.m. in Central Park on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Of the 8,369 women who completed the race, Rochdale Village NYRR Strider Cheryl Lee covered the 6.2 required miles in 1 hour, 19 minutes and 11 seconds, which made her the first strider to cross the finish line.

Cheryl Lee was not a runner but a walker up until April 2022 when she joined the Striders. Not only was this her first ever 10K, but before entering in this race, three miles was the longest she had ever attempted. Her coach believed in her, however, and so Cheryl focused on her goal – to just finish. In doing that, she was able to receive her finisher medal with pride. She added that she is looking forward to her next

10K and maybe even a half marathon next year.

Cheryl Lee urged other cooperators to take a chance on walking for their health, “Come out and give it a try. It’s a fellowship that betters your mind, body, and soul. It all starts with walking. A lot of people think you run to run but no! it starts with walking.”

NYRR (New York Road

Runners) is a free statewide fitness program that aims to improve attitudes towards exercise and make walking and running accessible to seniors interested in getting active to stay fit or to improve their health. Sign up today! Email striders@nyrr.org or call 212-548-7357 for more information.

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