Build Your Business.
Our readers want advice from Rochester’s Top Building & Remodeling Experts.

Our April and May issues of Rochester Magazine will feature Home and Design 2025. This special section will include everything from home improvement advice to remodeling and design trends, to how to create the perfect outdoor space.
We’ve partnered with the Rochester Area Builders and our April issue will include the Spring Showcase of Homes.
STAND OUT: Advertise with a full or half-page ad in both our April and May issues, and we’ll invite YOUR BUSINESS to SHARE TIPS, YOUR ADVICE, AND A PHOTO with our readers and your potential clients in both issues.

As a member of the Rochester Area Builders, you will receive a discount on your advertising in these issues.
Full page: $1275 | Half page: $795 | Quarter page: $535 PRICE IS PER ISSUE AND INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL DESIGN
Your guide to reaching your audience!
Average 56,000 print readers per month x 60 minutes per reader = 3,360,000 minutes per month!

HURRY! The deadline to reserve space in this special section is MARCH 10! AD DEADLINE IS MARCH 17!