CollegeFEST 2023 Corporate Partner Sponsorship Opportunities

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Saturday, September 23 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Innovation Square

Saturday, September 23, 2023

12:00PM - 5:00PM

Innovation Square (Indoor & Outdoor)

CollegeFEST, CampusROC's annual celebration for new and returning college students, is back for the third year! College students and recent graduates are invited to kick off the fall semester on September 23, 2023, by exploring Downtown Rochester, enjoying live music and entertainment, and connecting with our region's best employers.

CollegeFEST 2021

450 students

125 Employers & Exhibitors

7 Campuses Represented

CollegeFEST 2023

CollegeFEST 2022

Over 600 students

200 Employers & Exhibitors

9 Campuses Represented

Expected Student Attendance: Over 1,000

Expected Employer & Exhibitor Attendance: 250

Expected Campus Representation: 11

What's New?

CampusROC team growth

Established campus partnerships

Direct campus transportation

Additional outdoor and indoor activities

Top sponsor lounge with catered lunch

Employer & Exhibitor breakroom

Veteran & International Student Lounges

Employer Workshops: Recruiting Diverse Talent Series

Printed and Digital Map of Event for Employers & Students

Inside, assigned tabling

Why you need to be there:

Engage with hundreds of regional college students in just one day

Fill your co-op, internship, part time, and full time talent needs

Build a strong remarketing database

Develop authentic social media content

Put your company on the Greater Rochester map

Corporate Partner Sponsorship Opportunities

This year, CampusROC will be offering CollegeFEST-specific sponsorship, Annual Sponsorship, Exhibitor Sponsorship, and Raffle Sponsorship opportunities.

CollegeFEST Sponsorships: Sponsorship packages specific to CollegeFEST, providing access to premium table space, the opportunity to speak at closing, and dedicated marketing before, during, and after the event.

Annual Sponsorships: Annual packages that align with the 2023 - 2024 academic year, providing year-long access to our region's young talent pool, student data, and additional resources for your interns throughout the summer and winter.

Experiential Sponsorship: The opportunity to provide an interactive game and your own exhibit in the main outdoor space to increase student attraction and brand awareness. This sponsorship applies to our experiential and cultural organizations

Raffle Sponsorship: The opportunity to provide a raffle item and increase brand awareness to students participating in raffles. This sponsorship applies to our regional employers.

All sponsorship packages waive employer registration, and all packages are customizable to employer needs.

2023 Sponsorship Packages


Closing 3-5 minute speech opportunity

Work with CampusROC team to develop strong intern/co-op marketing campaign

Branded flag at event entrance

Catered lunch in sponsor lounge

Highlighted as Presenting sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to event

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Premier table space in venue to showcase organization

Logo included on event staff t-shirts

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Dedicated email blast to student distribution list before event


Desirable table space in venue to showcase organization

Logo included on event staff t-shirts

Logo included on registration tables

Highlighted as Gold sponsor on website leading up to and following the event

Dedicated email blast to student distribution before event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Catered lunch in sponsor lounge


Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Dedicated email blast to student distribution before event

Highlighted as sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following the event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Name included on event staff t-shirts

Catered lunch in sponsor lounge


Highlighted as sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following the event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Name included on event staff t-shirts

Catered lunch in sponsor lounge



Annual Sponsorship Packages


Two company-specific off-campus events to increase young and local talent pipeline during 20232024 academic year

Quarterly company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by sponsor

Access to CollegeFEST student registration maintaining confidentiality

First two micro-internship projects covered

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and post-graduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

Premium access for student interns to summer CampusROC intern events

All Presenting Sponsor benefits at CollegeFEST


One company-specific off-campus event to increase young and local talent pipeline

Biannual company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by sponsor

First micro-internship project covered

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and post-graduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

Premium access for student interns to summer CampusROC intern events

All Gold Sponsor benefits at CollegeFEST 2023


One dedicated office tour in 2023-2024 academic year to increase young and local talent pipeline

Premium access for student interns to summer CampusROC intern events

Annual company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by sponsor

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and post-graduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

All Silver Sponsor benefits at CollegeFEST


Annual company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by sponsor

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and post-graduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

All Bronze Sponsor benefits at CollegeFEST



Provide an Interactive Game & Exhibit for CollegeFEST! This sponsorship applies to our experiential and cultural organizations such as sporting teams, art galleries, theaters, museums, and fitness facilities and is an opportunity is for companies interested in being a part of the Experience Rochester Fair. This sponsorship does not apply to corporate employers.

Upon CampusROC approval, table space in vendor & exhibitor outdoor space in close proximity to large outdoor entertainment

Highlighted as sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following the event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Name included on event staff t-shirts

Meal vouchers for all representatives


Provide a Raffle Item (≤$200 Value) for CollegeFEST! This sponsorship applies to our corporate employers, as well as our experiential and cultural organizations interested in being a part of the Internship & Employment alley.

Waives event registration fee

Logo & company description included beside raffle item

Company name mentioned before winner announcement

Additional Sponsorships
Have questions or want to secure a sponsorship? Contact Julia Pagano, Talent Strategy Manager at Join us for the best five hours in #GreaterROC!

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