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Rochester has struggled with issues of racial and social injustice and inequity for many decades. Greater Rochester Chamber, as a voice and representative for the business community, has a role to play in ensuring safety, prosperity, and a more level playing field for all of our citizens.
Rochester is the home of Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and so many other voices of progress and change. We must follow in their footsteps to address the broken systems and choices that have led us to where we are today We must forge a new normal that uplifts all of our citizens and the Greater Rochester region as a whole
Greater Rochester Chamber welcomes this group of dedicated DEI Leaders to come together to learn and share best practices among each other facilitated by a DEI expert - a friend and partner to Greater Rochester Chamber, Sesha Yalamanchilli Together, you will begin sharing ideas, challenges, and successful approaches to advance DEI efforts.
We believe that through this DEI Leadership Exchange program, we will be able to harness the collective power of our region’s top leaders from these organizations of different sizes and in different sectors by bringing a broad range of perspectives on DEI to the table.
Thank you for joining this robust group of DEI Leaders w Greater Rochester Chamber's 2024 DEI Leadership Exch program Because of your time and commitment to making a difference, we will see tangible results and positive change.
Thank you and all the very best.
Bob Duffy President & CEO Greater Rochester Chamber
To offer a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Leadership Exchange program that provides an exclusive space for top diversity leaders in the Greater Rochester community to share ideas, skills, and strategies to shape business practices and create meaningful differences in their organizations and community
Helping create meaningful conversations about DEI in today's workforce among top leaders who can implement initiatives in their organizations, as well as our community at large.
Giving these changemakers a platform, and a voice to foster DEI initiatives that has been overlooked and sidelined.
We are a stronger voice - TOGETHER!
Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Sady, an award-winning Queer Latina changemaker with a background in HIV prevention and a commitment to social justice, currently serves as the Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Leading the company's DEI strategy, she introduced the I D E A Mindset, a framework that became one of the company's core values Under her guidance, the organization received numerous workplace DEI awards Actively involved in various volunteer roles and serving on multiple boards, Sady has earned recognition, such as being featured in the Changemakers exhibit at the Rochester Museum and Science Center. Her impactful work has garnered local, state, and national awards, including acknowledgment on the RBJ Power List of LGBTQ+ Business Leaders and the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce Colors of Success DEI Leadership Award. Sady holds degrees in Gender Studies and Leadership & Organizational Change and resides in Rochester with her wife and three children.
Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Regional Transit Service (RTS)
Tracy leads the Regional Transit Serviceʼs DEI strategy and is focused on driving lasting cultural and behavioral change Tracyʼs work includes implementing DEI initiatives, serving as a strategic partner to the Authorityʼs leaders, and helping the organization strengthen its capacity to live its mission and values by fostering an anti-racist, diverse, equitable, and inclusive community of belonging. She is also focused on building and establishing partnerships with members of the community to increase access and opportunity for all people. Prior to joining RTS, Tracy built a career in higher education with the State University of New York (SUNY) and the private sector that spanned more than 25 years. Tracy has served on several boards over the years, including as Vice Chair of the Foundation Board and Secretary of the Corporate Board at the Anthony L. Jordan Health Corporation.
Sydney Bell
Manager, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
ESL Federal Credit Union
SydneyE Bell(she/her)istheManagerofDiversity,Equity&Inclusion(DEI)atESL FederalCreditUnionwheresheleadsDEIprogrammingandeducation,andsupports overallDEIstrategyefforts.
SydneyisanadjunctprofessorofDEIatNazarethUniversityandCourseDeveloperwith RITCertified SheservesasaCo-chairoftheFriendsof540groupwith540WMain,Inc, andViceChairoftheBoardofDirectorsattheWomenʼsFoundationofGeneseeValley.
SydneyholdsaMasterʼsdegreeinHumanResourceDevelopmentfromNazareth UniversityandeCornellʼsDEICertificate Sheisacertifiedantiracismfacilitatorthrough 540WMain,Inc.,andisaSafeZonecertifiedtrainerthroughtheSafeZoneInitiative.
Chief Equity Officer
City of Rochester
DanTButlerRev ButleristheChiefEquityOfficerfortheCityofRochester Hewasborn andraisedinRochester,NY HeattendedHousatonicCommunityCollegeinBridgeport, CT,andreceivedaBehavioralHealthCareSpecialistTrackIcertificateandanassociate degree in General Studies. He returned to Rochester to obtain a Bachelorʼs degree in Organizational Management and a Masterʼs in Strategic Leadership from Roberts WesleyanCollege
Additionally,DanreceivedtheCertificateinDiversityandInclusioninHRManagement fromCorexcelinJanuary2022andtrainingfromtheRacialEquityInstitute TheGreater RochesterChamberofCommercerecognizedRev ButlerasaDEI(Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion)2022ColorsofSuccessAwardNominee
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Rochester Housing Authority
MeliszaCamposworksatWegmansFoodMarketsasthenewDirectorofDiversity& Inclusion Shehasheldvariousrolesinvolvingmarketing,management,andleading customerserviceinitiatives.Mostrecently,sheintroducednewprogramsintothestoreto evolveincredibleservice,anewmarketstrategytoimprovebrandloyalty,employee education,customeracquisition,andretention Previously,CamposwasVPofOperations andInstructionatDaleCarnegiewheresheexecutedinitiativesthatrankedherofficein thetoptenfranchisesintheworldformarketpenetration.
Sheisamaximizeratheartwholedanaward-winningdeliveryteamwithDaleCarnegie andisoneof35masterfacilitatorsintheworld.InadditiontoservingontheUnitedWay BoardofDirectors,sheservesontheRBTLʼsBoardofDirectors,SUNYGeneseoʼs CollegeCouncil,andisaformerelectedofficial CamposistherecipientoftheATHENA YoungProfessionalAward,theRBJʼs40under40,GirlScoutsWomenofDistinctionand theLatinasUnidasLeadershipAward
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Rochester Housing Authority
Melisza Campos works at Wegmans Food Markets as the new Director of Diversity & Inclusion She has held various roles involving marketing, management, and leading customerserviceinitiatives.Mostrecently,sheintroducednewprogramsintothestoreto evolve incredible service, a new market strategy to improve brand loyalty, employee education,customeracquisition,andretention Previously,CamposwasVPofOperations andInstructionatDaleCarnegiewheresheexecutedinitiativesthatrankedherofficein thetoptenfranchisesintheworldformarketpenetration.
Sheisamaximizeratheartwholedanaward-winningdeliveryteamwithDaleCarnegie andisoneof35masterfacilitatorsintheworld InadditiontoservingontheUnitedWay Board of Directors, she serves on the RBTLʼs Board of Directors, SUNY Geneseoʼs CollegeCouncil,andisaformerelectedofficial CamposistherecipientoftheATHENA YoungProfessionalAward,theRBJʼs40under40,GirlScoutsWomenofDistinctionand theLatinasUnidasLeadershipAward
Deputy Director, Language Access Coordinator Department of Human Resource Management City of Rochester
FernánR Cepero,MA,MS,PHR,SHRM-CP,istheDeputyDirectoroftheDepartmentof HumanResourceManagementfortheCityofRochester,NY Previously,hewasaSenior ResourcesBusinessPartnerfortheYMCAofGreaterRochester,supportingtheYMCAof theUSAServiceDeliveryPartnersystemandtheAllianceofNewYorkStateYMCAs FernánhasalsoworkedasanEmployeeDevelopmentManageratNestleWatersNorth America,focusingonrecruiting,employeedevelopment,andsuccessionplanning.At XeroxCorporation,heservedasHumanResourceandEmployeeDevelopmentManager, responsiblefortheirPeopleDevelopmentStrategy
AnAdjunctProfessoratSouthernNewHampshireUniversityandRochesterInstituteof Technology,FernánteachesHumanResourceManagement,Diversity,Equity&Inclusion, andOrganizationalDevelopment HehasheldleadershiprolessuchasPastPresidentof theGeneseeValleyChapteroftheSocietyforHumanResourceManagementandPast StateDirectoroftheNewYorkStateSocietyofHumanResourceManagement Fernán'saccoladesincludethe2005AndrewYoungAwardfordiversity&inclusionfrom YMCAoftheUSA,the2007HumanCapitalMagazineFutureHRLeadersAward,andthe 2017Values-BasedLeadershipAwardfromtheNationalHumanAssociationRochester Chapter HeholdsanMS inHumanResourceDevelopmentfromRochesterInstituteof Technology,anMA inForeignStudiesfromAmericanUniversity,andaBA from FordhamUniversity.Additionally,Fernániscertifiedinvariouspsychologicalassessment toolsandinstructionaldevelopmentprograms
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Rochester Housing Authority
NatashaDicksLPEC,Diversity,Equity&Inclusion,isaHumanResourceProfessional withmorethanadecadeofdiverseandprogressiveHRexperience Currently,sheserves astheDiversity,Equity&InclusionOfficerwithRochesterHousingAuthority Sheholdsa BSwithafocusinPsychologyandSociologyfromHowardUniversity.Natashaiscertified inDiversity,Equity&InclusionandLeadershipProfessionalinEthics&Compliance, UnderstandingandDevelopingCulturalDiversity,Leadership,Team-Buildingand CoachingSkillsforManagers,WorkplaceCultureCrossroads:IntersectionofDEI& MentalHealth,andDiversityandMentalHealth
Natashaisdedicatedtocreatingadiverseenvironmentthatbuildsopportunitiesof learningandgrowthtofosterrespectandbelongingwithintheworkplace Shebelieves thatpeoplewhoareheard,seen,respected,andincludedareinclinedtobemorecreative, innovative,andproductivewhichinturnimprovesemployeemorale.Shecurrentlyserves asamemberoftheMARCNAHRODiversityandInclusionSubcommittee
NatashaisaRochester,NYnativewithfamilyrootsofsharecroppersfromKingstree,SC. HerfatherfoundedUpstateInteriorsLLCandUpstateInteriorsLLCAcademy,aminority constructioncompany,whereNatashaistheSiteManager Natasha,alongwithher brothers,sisterinloveandcousin–unioncarpenterinstructor,decidedtobringtheir fatherʼsvisiontolifebyprovidingconstructiontradetrainingtominoritieswithinthe Rochestercommunity
L3Harris Technologies
Renee Elwood SHRM-CP (she/her) serves L3Harris Technologiesʼ Communications Systems business as Lead, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion A role that inexhaustibly spans employee experience and feedback for 9,000 team members globally; 11 employee resource groups; engagement initiatives; and leadership authenticity and approachability, Reneeʼs role, in summation, is molding an environment of belonging To complement her passion for inclusivity and bachelorʼs degree in health care administration, Renee has secured several certifications, including Certificate in Organizational Inclusion & Diversity from Michigan State University; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Champion from L3Harris Technologies; and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Building a Diverse Workforce from Cornell University Sheʼs been awarded the Rochester Business Journal Health & Wellness Champion of the Year in 2021 along with multiple honorees of the Rochester Business Journalʼs Wealth of Health Award Her other accolades include developing employee engagement and well-being programs, creating evidence-based educational programs, and managing several DEI strategies and employee recognition programs in her two decades of experience
Zahira is presently the Director of Engagement & Internal Communications at PathStone Corporation In this role, Zahira is responsible for providing consistent and engaging communication to the employees and serving as a champion for positive cultural change, including employee engagement In addition to employee engagement, Zahira spearheads and coordinates the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts at PathStone. Before PathStone, Zahira served as the Human Resources Generalist & PRIDE (LGBTQ+) Coordinator at United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes. She is also a 2019 Latino Leadership Development Program graduate.
z is DS+COʼs senior editor + inclusive language specialist, overseeing all editing, ing and DEI-related copy review for the marketing agency and all of its clients ed her career as a newspaper editor and designer before moving into education cations and then finding a path back into her love of editing Her passion is and helping authors turn their copy into stories that connect with readers, on intentional, inclusive and accurate language and helping others understand ct of their words. Sheʼs certified in editing for conscious and inclusive language member of the American Society for Editing and DS+COʼs DEIB team. Outside g work, sheʼs a Rochester Teen Book Fest board member, former Crescent Trail Hiking Association board member, and is an advocate for community youth theater programs and education.
Susanna Speed (she/her) is the Sr Director of Diversity, Equity and Belonging at Trillium Health and has been with the company for over 10 years in many roles, including care management, prevention, sexual health and education For the past 17 years Susanna has worked with a variety of populations, including people living with disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities, children in care and other groups who have historically been marginalized Susanna is on the Steering Committee for Levine Center to End Hate, a board member of Rainbow Seniors ROC and continues to lead Pride efforts in Rochester Susanna graduated from the University at Buffalo with a Bachelorʼs degree in English and a Masterʼs degree in Global Gender Studies.
Operations Manager, Environmental, Inclusion Council Co-Chair LaBella Associates
Linden Speranza is Operations Manager of the Environmental Division at LaBella Associates She completed a Bachelor of Science in Public Policy earning magna cum laude distinction at Rochester Institute of Technology in 2010 She went on to complete a Master of Science in Science, Technology and Public Policy in 2015, specializing in sustainability topics She has 12 years of experience as a project management professional and began her career working as a GIS drafter before moving on to manage green and healthy home residential rehab projects for disadvantaged communities in the non-profit sector. She began working in the solar industry in 2014 and has since led over 100 residential and commercial solar projects through the design and construction phases. Linden was appointed co-chair of LaBellaʼs Inclusion Council in 2023 and is particularly passionate about advancing the interests of women and neurodiverse people in the engineering and architecture industry,
Director, Military Equal Opportunity 107th Attack Wing, New York Air National Guard
Major Talledo oversees diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity policies for the 107th Attack Wing, ensuring fair treatment and career opportunities for Air Force members. In this role Major Talledo is tasked with assessing the organizational culture of the unit via surveys, focus groups, and various observational methodologies He provides results and guidance to unit leaders, DEI specific training, and conducts fact finding investigations into alleged instances of discrimination or sexual harassment In his civilian role, Major Talledo serves as Assistant Director of Business Development at RIT's Saunders College of Business, actively participating in their DEIB committee He holds a BA in Psychology, an MBA from Canisius College, and a Master in Health Systems Administration from the Rochester Institute of Technology In his civilian occupation, Major Talledo works for RITʼs Saunders College of Business as the Assistant Director of Business Development, in that capacity he is also involved with their newly instituted DEIB committee