5 minute read
Residence Life Policies
-Candles and Wax Heaters -Mug Warmers -Weapons of Any Kind -Water Pipes/Hookah -Hoverboards -Combustive Chemicals -Toaster -Subwoofers -Alcohol -Grills -Halogen lamps -Waterbeds or other water-filled furniture
-Live trees (e.g, holiday trees) -Large Potted Plants -Mattresses -Pets (caged or uncaged) -Air conditioners -Incense
-Lofts -Dart boards and darts
-Oil Lamps -Air Conditioner units
-Space heaters
-Griddles -Air Fryers -Hookah/Tobacco -Pressurized canisters (i.e. CO2 and scuba equipment, helium tanks, and spray paint) Room Decorations: Residents are encouraged to tastefully decorate their room to reflect their own personality. Nails, tacks and tape damage the walls and should not be used. Residents will be charged for such damage. Residents may use 3M Command picture hanging strips and sticky-tack/mounting tape, some of which may be available in the campus store as long as properly removed. Only spring-loaded rods may be used for curtains. Students may not paint their rooms nor use wallpaper or border trim. Décor that may be considered inappropriate must be removed. Continued violation of décor regulations may result in fines and/or discipline. Students must remove all decorations and tape or other residue upon check out. Storage: Rochester University has no space for residents to store items outside their assigned room. No University furniture or items belonging to residents may be stored outside the room. Items left or stored outside a room will be disposed of and residents will be charged and/or fined for disposal and/or violation of housing regulations. No items may be placed under the stairs or in the hallway per fire code regulations. There are companies in the area that rent storage spaces. For more information on these companies please contact The Center for Student Life.
Security: Each residence hall bedroom door has a lock and Rochester University ensures that the locks are maintained in working order. Residents should report malfunctioning locks immediately to Community Leaders or by emailing operations@rochesteru.edu. Residents may not affix any additional locks on bedroom/bathroom doors. Residents may not undermine the use of room security by disabling locks. This includes any action which prevents the bedroom lock from functioning as intended. In addition, window screens should not be removed by students for any reason. Residents may not use emergency exits or windows for entry or exit of the building except in emergency situations. Residence Life staff encourages residents to purchase small lock boxes or safes to keep in their personal bedrooms for the storage of personal valuables. Residents may not allow any other individuals to use their ID and room keys to enter the residence halls or individual rooms. Any unauthorized use will result in disciplinary actions. Rochester University is not responsible for damages to personal property in a resident’s suite/bedroom. Residence Life encourages residents to obtain renters insurance. Fire doors should never be propped open by residents.
Hall Sports: Sport activities are not permitted inside the residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to, throwing objects, rough-housing, water fights, and roping. Active use of bicycles, skateboards/longboards, rollerblades/skates, scooters, or other related equipment is prohibited to use within campus housing facilities. The use of drones or aerial vehicles is prohibited within all Residence Life facilities and surrounding areas.
Business Operation: Residents are not permitted to operate a business within any residence hall.
Windows: Hanging, climbing, or attempting to climb on/within buildings is prohibited. Throwing, shooting, or dropping any object (including liquids) within or from any residence hall is prohibited. Residents are not permitted to remove window screens.
Pranks: Pranks are considered a serious offense to community living. Individual or group activities that result in disturbances or distress to others or that cause damage or destruction to property are prohibited. Using or attempting to use University property in a manner inconsistent with its designated purpose is also prohibited. Residents who participate in pranks will be referred to Student Conduct.
Failure to Comply: Residents are expected to comply with all reasonable requests and instructions of Residence Life staff members in the performance of their duties. Residents must cooperate with staff, provide accurate information, and properly identify themselves to Residence Life staff members when those staff members are in the performance of their duties. Residents that fail to identify themselves with student ID or who are disrespectful to staff will be referred to Student Conduct.
Emergency Protocols
Safety and Security Protocols: In the event that an emergency arises, it is the goal of Rochester University and Residence Life professional staff that all residents are fully prepared and know what to do and how to respond. Resident safety is of the utmost importance. Community Leaders will meet with all students at the beginning of each contract term to review emergency protocols. Residents should be aware of all protocols and take all alarms, threats, and warnings seriously. Tornado: Tornadoes can occur at any time, but are more prevalent during the Spring months. They are usually a funnel-shaped cloud, spinning rapidly and extending toward earth from the base of a thundercloud. When close by, a tornado sounds like the roar of airplanes. In the case of severe weather or a tornado, residents will be directed by a Community Leader or a Residence Life professional staff member to the stairways and/or the building’s basement. Suitemates should check to make sure other suitemates are exiting their room. Residents should take keycards and close all doors. Flashlights are not provided by Residence Life. Residents should consider obtaining flashlights for their suite in the event of a power outage or extreme weather. Candles are prohibited.
Tornado Watch
A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for the development of a tornado. A tornado watch will be announced only through local radio and television (no sirens). Although tornado watches are issued frequently, residents should be prepared to take appropriate action, should threatening weather develop.
Tornado Warning
A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted and Rochester University is in its path. The County Emergency Management Agency will activate its siren. The siren will issue a steady tone for three to five minutes. If residents hear the siren they should proceed to the designated areas.