Additional majors approved by state
Powerful computer resources supplement formal classroom learning.
Bringing Rochester College one step closer to the addition of new majors in English and music, the Michigan Department of Education recently confirmed placement of the proposed majors under current degree approvals. We presently have nearly a hundred students pursuing degrees in education, stated Dr. Michael Westerfield, vice president for academic affairs. Of that number, almost half are planning to certify in either English or music. Consequently, the addition of majors in those areas is a high priority for us. In a January meeting with David Hanson, state specialist on accreditation and approval, col-
Technology improvements scheduled Major improvements in technological support recently surfaced as an institutional priority as college officials outlined summer plans. While other projects may be more visible, enhancement of our technical capabilities will have a greater impact on cam-
Making Headlines FUTURE LEADERS College tops list of ministry majors. Page 2. HEARTS OF GOLD Students begin inner city effort. Page 3. ADULT PROGRAM Weekend College adds second major. Page 4. LECTURESHIP Program finalized for 41st annual series. Page 5. MEMORIAL PLAZA Associates announce plans for brick plaza. Page 6. ANGEL PROJECT Fund raising project continues to multiply. Page 7. ALUMNI TALENT Musical features alumni talent. Page 9. DONOR RECORD Donors set new record for gift income. Page 10.
pus learning in the years to come, stated Mark Davis, vice president for operations. By the end of the summer, we plan to have the entire faculty online, and students will be able to connect their computers to a new local area network from their individual rooms in the residence halls, stated Shane Godmere, director of information technology. In addition, cable will be in place for future installation of a broadband network. After installing a fiber optic backbone to the residence halls for the computer network, campus technicians will run approximately 40,000 feet of cable into individual rooms. Each room will have two ethernet jacks, providing high-speed network access for campus residents. Students have been able to connect to the campus network by modem for some time, stated Mr. Godmere. The new system will provide direct access to the Internet, e-mail, web directories, and student file space at a much higher rate of speed. The process of pulling cable for the computer network also gave us an opportunity to install cable for a future broadband network, Mr. Godmere continued. By adding headend equipment at a later date, we will be able to broadcast campus programs, lectures, and sporting events anywhere on the campus. In addition to installing the local area network in the residence halls, technicians also will complete a special area for instructors in the College of Extended Learning. The room will support
an on-line program that is scheduled to begin in the fall. Two groups of adult students have been testing on-line course modules since February, stated Mr. Godmere. The room will support distance learning instructors and students with the very best in current technology. As we move into the next century, we want to become known for our use of advanced computer technology, stated Dr. Ken Johnson, president of the college. Consequently, a major portion of our next strategic plan will address this important issue.
lege officials confirmed that current approvals for the Bachelor of Science degree are not restricted. New majors may be added to that degree title without the need for further approval from the Michigan Department of Education, stated Mr. Hanson. With the support of the state, the college next approached the North Central Association. Our present relationship with North Central requires us to go to them for the addition of any new majors, Dr. Westerfield noted. When we contacted the North Central Association about the proposed majors, our liaison recommended that we request a focus visit to review the programs and to request removal of stipulations, stated Dr. Westerfield. If our request is approved, it will allow us to add majors as we are able without having to obtain North Central approval for each individual major. We have scheduled a focus visit for April 14-15, and the NCA Commission will act upon our team s recommendation later this summer, Dr. Westerfield continued. In the meantime, we are increasing our library acquisitions to support the new programs and have already hired two additional faculty members. Initially, we plan to add majors in English and music, Dr. Westerfield stated. However, in our strategic plan we are project-
ing the addition of majors in history, communication, general science, and mathematics. Although all of these majors are designed to serve the needs of our education students, they also will provide options for students who seek a variety of employment opportunities beyond teaching. During the past eight years, Rochester College has made a transition to senior college status, stated Dr. Ken Johnson, president of the college. We have chosen majors that we can deliver with quality, while meeting the needs of the greatest number of students. At the opening of the year, 90% of the students with declared majors were enrolled in four-year programs offered by Rochester College. The largest number selected management concentrations under the Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Human services concentrations and the cooperative program in education drew equal numbers of students. The remainder chose concentrations under the Christian services major. We are finally at the point where more students are transferring to rather than from Rochester College, noted Dr. Johnson. As we position ourselves for the next decade, we are confident that we will be able to serve an even greater number of students with our new academic programs.
Hundreds visited campus for the 22nd annual Celebration in Song on March 20-21. Alpha Tau and Kappa Tau captured both the Larry Jurney and Randy Gill Awards for their lively production entitled Tautanic. Alicia Avant, Steven Bruce, Dion Frasier, and Holly Johnson hosted the event.
campus life
College tops list of ministry majors Great Lakes region rallies in support of the college Dear Friends, Across the Great Lakes region exists a fantastic spirit among the constituency of Rochester College. After decades of effort, there is widespread satisfaction that the college s rate of progress is increasing, thanks to many who labored on the foundation for four decades. This satisfaction has contributed to record enrollment, record levels of gift income, and a wonderful, positive sense of community. As I travel the region, I am tremendously pleased with the heightened attention to Rochester College as a provider of quality, career-focused academic programs in an environment that strengthens faith. First and fundamental to our work is our most widely used textbook - the Bible. Every student uses scripture for a textbook in their Christian faith core of classes. Second most fundamental to our work is committed faculty who relate every discipline to that primary text. Third most critical to our mission is probably financial resources, especially endowment. Without resources, we cannot attract and serve those who want to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. You, the readers of the North Star, are our best friends. The future of the college, in many ways, depends on your willingness to include the college in your planned giving, both in life and in death. Your gifts help secure the future of this fine college and its work with Christian youth. Thank you for your confidence in our work. Cordially,
Kenneth L. Johnson President
Rochester College topped a significant category in a January enrollment report of the Christian Chronicle. Figures revealed that Rochester College has the largest percentage of undergraduate ministry majors among liberal arts colleges affiliated with churches of Christ. Thirteen percent of the current student body lists a ministry major. For nearly forty years, Rochester College has remained faithful to its heritage of training students for service in the ministry, stated Dr. Melvin Storm, director of the College of Religion. The strength of our program is reflected in the number of alumni and students choosing a ministry major on our campus. When the college began offering a bachelor s degree in Bible in 1980, only a few alumni served as ministers in Michigan Churches of Christ. Now, alumni serve in ministerial roles at twenty-eight congregations in the state. Our program attracts students with a wide range of interests, noted Dr. Storm. Even though our youth ministry option is now the most popular, Christian ministry and biblical studies each enroll nearly as many students. Rochester College currently is
Ministry major B.J. Gensic uses resources in the Muirhead Library. completing a new strategic plan for the next five years. In that plan, the College of Religion has projected the development of a missions major. This year s addition of a missionary in residence and an increase in activity within the missions club has rekindled an interest in foreign missions, stated Dr. Storm. We plan to continue bringing a missionary in residence to campus each year and eventually expect to hire a full-time in-
Psi Chi accepts charter Psi Chi, a national honor society in psychology, recently approved institutional membership for Rochester College. As a result, the faculty chartered a campus chapter during the fall semester, joining over 900 colleges and universities across the nation. For years we maintained a chapter of Psi Beta, an honor society for two-year institutions,
Annual Homecoming festivities featured the crowning of a king and queen, and an 83-78 victory over St. Clair College of Windsor, Ontario. Class representatives included Nathan Oliver, Davison, MI; Vanessa Mosely, Midland, TX; Nadine Taylor, Marion, MI; Dion Frasier, Buffalo, NY; Holly Johnson, Garden City, MI; Matt Miller, Wyoming, MI; Melita Lock, Port Colborne, ON; Brian Thrift, Ortonville, MI; King Chris Davis, Rochester Hills, MI; Queen Angela Gonzalez, Allen Park, MI; Trevis Willis, Midland, MI; Nicole Caprio, Massapequa, NY; Marvin Williams, Elkhart, IN; Amy Peasley, Blanchard, MI; Phil Claybrooke, Rochester Hills, MI; and Melissa Coe, Davisburg, MI.
stated Dr. Ben Noah, sponsor of the organization. Our move to Psi Chi was unique in that we were the first college ever to upgrade from Psi Beta to Psi Chi, affiliating us with four-year colleges and graduate schools. Founded in 1929, Psi Chi exists to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship, and to advance the science of psychology. Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society. Not only does membership in Psi Chi look great on an application to graduate school, but also on a resume stated Dr. Noah. It opens the door for additional student scholarships and even provides a source of networking for employment. In coming months, the Rochester College chapter plans to host speakers from the profession. Eventually, they hope to participate in the national Adopt-a-Shelter program. Charter members of the Rochester College chapter include Stacey Bowers, Clarkston, MI; Audra Campbell, Indianapolis, IN; Katherine Dezur, Troy, MI; David Handley, Jackson, MI; Katrina King, Pontiac, MI; Helen Krechnyak, Harrison, MI; Melita Lock, Port Colborne, ON; Margaret Majewski, Rochester Hills, MI; Heather May, Sundridge, ON; Steve Ostrowski, Auburn Hills, MI; Angela Qualls, Plainfield, IN; and Kelly Quinn, Woodslee, ON.
structor with a degree and field experience in missions. We have a fantastic student body, made up of committed young people who want to serve God with their lives, stated Dr. Ken Johnson, president of the college. Many of them major in Bible or ministry. Many others choose majors in such areas as education, music, psychology, and business, fully intending to be servants in the kingdom as they pursue their careers.
Why RC?
Why does Rochester College exist? Because of students like Angie! Angie Qualls is a senior behavioral sciences major from Plainfield, Indiana. Her father and mother also attended the college. As a seventeen-year-old freshman, I still had a lot to learn, Angie commented. Rochester College created a safe, Christian environment for me to grow and explore my faith. A regular participant in Celebration in Song, Angie is also president of her social club. She has performed with the A Cappella Chorus, represented her class at Homecoming , and been initiated into Psi Chi. As I look back on my time at Rochester College, I cannot think of any place that would have been better or more beneficial for me.
campus life
Students begin inner city effort among homeless
Employee Highlights Assisting the M-21 Church of Christ in Corunna, Michigan, while they search for a minister, Elton Albright, director of church relations, has been preaching for the congregation on a regular basis since December. Often invited to speak on a variety of special occasions, Dr. David Fleer, associate professor of religion, began the calendar year by speaking at a Central Ohio preacher s meeting. Later in the month, he taught a special class on Acts at the Southside Church of Christ in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and spoke at a winter camp session for the Metropolitan Detroit Youth Chorus. Chairing a team from the North Central Association, Dr. Michael Westerfield, vice president for academic affairs, visited the American Indian College of Phoenix in February. In March, he spoke at a Teacher s Banquet for the Sunset Church of Christ in Taylor, Michigan, and chaired a consultant evaluators session at the annual meeting of the North Central Association in Chicago, Illinois. Based upon student recommendations, Who s Who Among America s Teachers recently named Dr. Ben Noah, assistant professor of counseling, and Sarah Reddick, assistant professor of social work, to appear in their 1998 edition.
Enlightenment, a new campus organization dedicated to sharing the light of the gospel with the needy, initiated an inner city mission effort during the fall semester. The group quickly attracted the interest of a number of students with a desire to help individuals in need. People are suffering and do not have the gospel, stated David Brown, president of the organization. When considering where we should begin our efforts, we chose the Cass Corridor, one of the poorest districts in the heart of Detroit. Just prior to Thanksgiving, members of Enlightenment arranged to provide and serve a turkey dinner in a shelter for the homeless on the Cass Corridor. The discouraging atmosphere of the shelter quickly turned into a positive evening for everyone, David stated. While setting up for the meal, we sang, someone spoke, and then we prayed for the food, David recalled. We then continued to sing and visit with the people during the meal. I met people who were physically hungry and spiritually starving, stated Vanessa Mosely, a freshman from Midland, Texas. A lady came up to me and said, Let s have us some prayer. I was beaming from the inside out. That is how God works. God used that night to plant seeds in those people, Vanessa continued. I left that night fully refreshed in the joy of the Lord.
Club members receive guidance from Terry Pitts as they prepare chile for a winter meal on the Cass Corridor. God was drawing these people to Him, but at the same time He was pulling me out of my comfort zone to do His work. Based upon the response of both the recipients and the students, the group decided to begin revisiting the shelter on a bimonthly basis. When a member of the Traverse City Church of Christ heard of the group s efforts, he donated an entire cow, which he had butchered for use in preparing the meals. We see a definite response from our efforts, stated David.
Student eyes Olympics Holding both a gold and silver medal from the State of Michigan Qualifying Tournament, Manuel Florescu is now ready to demonstrate his Tae Kwon Do skills at the U.S. National Tournament in May. The junior Christian services major from Romania eventually would like to compete on the U.S. Olympics team. If I am successful at the National Tournament in Iowa, I will then be eligible for the U.S. Na-
Manuel Florescu perfects his form as photographed by Tiffany Hanna.
tional Team trials in July, stated Manuel. The national team represents the U.S. in all international games, competing for the world championship title. Since the Olympic games occur only once every four years, the national team provides training and competition for the remainder of the time, Manuel continued. Most members of the Olympic team are selected from the national team. Fluent in Romanian, English, Japanese, Hungarian, and Greek, Manuel has lived in seven nations. He competed with the Romanian and Greek national teams before arriving in the United States. He enrolled at Rochester College last fall after completing a diploma at the Sunset International Bible Institute. A favorite among the students, Manuel recently baptized a fellow student from Japan who was raised in a Buddhist home. His fluency in Japanese gave him the opportunity to study with the girl in her native language. At Rochester College I have found encouragement, understanding, and friendship, stated Manuel. I have received a lot of support and trust, while assuming personal responsibilities and accomplishing my goals.
Originally, we were concerned about follow-up with the people we met. Then, the Trumbull Avenue Church of Christ in Detroit offered to work with the prospects that we found. Trumbull Avenue even has a counselor with addiction training, so we feel good about their participation. In an another phase of their efforts, Enlightenment is working with Michigan Christian Youth Camp to sponsor a number of orphans and disadvantaged children for a week of camp. The group hopes to not only provide
funds for campers, but also a number of workers who will donate a week of their summer to work with the children. We simply want people to see God through the members of Enlightenment, David commented. Our projects are a way to meet the needs of people and share the gospel message with them. Traditionally, our students have a heart for service, stated Dr. Ken Johnson, president of the college. We are thrilled to see Enlightenment become a moving force on our campus.
lege r Col ucture e t s e Roch e Infrastr
ing th gdom Build f the Kin o jobs ge ~ d e l w ships kno ation l e r s~ home
The infrastructure of the Kingdom of God on earth is made up of people - all kinds of people (Matthew 13). Individually, we have all sorts of differences that make each of us unique before God. Some are strong, some are weak, some are healthy, some are sick, some are young and learning, others are old, and some are mature. Whatever the state of each individual, the strength of the Kingdom does not lie solely in individuals but also in the strength of relationship that binds Kingdom-persons together. For our youth to learn - to really learn - how to build the Kingdom by holding hands with persons unlike themselves, we who are older and more mature must not only teach but must also lead them into relationship and service. Routinely, our students are involved, under mature leadership, in projects or ministries that carry the good news of our Master into varied market places of life. Over spring break, a group of students from Rochester College went to Petosky, Michigan, to assist a small church. This year, many have been involved in a project to feed and teach a group of homeless persons in Detroit s Cass Corridor, a notoriously challenging area. Many others are now raising funds for summer evangelistic campaigns in foreign lands. In these partnershipping efforts, our emerging leaders learn the value of relationship. Christians need each other. We need positive, encouraging relationships among ourselves, as we wear ourselves out battling Satan and the powers of evil.
campus life
Weekend College adds second major Based upon a strong response to Weekend College and inquiries from students, Rochester College recently announced the addition of a second accelerated program for working adults. On July 17, the College of Extended Learning will begin a weekend program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in behavioral science. Now that Weekend College is off the ground, we are getting a lot of phone inquiries, stated Angela Hazel, director of the College of Extended Learning. With-
out advertising, we already have about fifteen students ready to begin the behavioral science program in July. The format of the new program will be identical to the management degree initiated last summer. A typical student will take three courses per session and attend classes on alternate weekends, allowing them to complete their program in as little as seventeen months. Our program will differ from the management major in that it
Dr. Johnson visits with students in the first cohort of Weekend College.
will be geared specifically for students intending to go on for graduate studies, noted Mrs. Hazel. Even though both are accelerated programs, the behavioral science major will emphasize the development of the research skills required for graduate programs in counseling, psychology, and social work. We have talked with a lot of people who will be able to convert work experience into credit, Mrs. Hazel continued. Many of them have worked in inpatient mental health hospitals, abuse recovery facilities, and human services administration, but are not able to advance in their professions without a degree. By the end of the summer, the College of Extended Learning projects an enrollment of about ninety students in the Weekend College program. The first cohort of Weekend College, which began classes last summer, will graduate in December of 1999. With very limited promotion, Weekend College has developed very rapidly, stated Mrs. Hazel. The students are very pleased with the program and are continually referring their friends and coworkers to us.
Teams play in nationals Athletics CROSS COUNTRY Prior to traveling to Unity, Maine, for the NSCAA national finals, the women s cross country team captured the Delta College Invitational. At the finals, the team took runner-up position and Tiffany Hanna of Warren, Michigan, received All-American honors. VOLLEYBALL Starting with three freshmen and competing with institutions as large as Oakland University and Ferris State, the volleyball team ended their season with a 12-15 record. The team took second place at the Logan County Bank Volleyball Classic, hosted by Cincinnati Christian College. TRACK Freshman Tiffany Hanna broke the college s indoor record for the mile event on multiple occasions during the indoor track season. SUMMER CAMPS Rochester College plans to host soccer and cross country camps for high school students this summer. See page twelve for dates and contact phone numbers.
Based upon power ratings for their 1997-98 seasons, both the men s and women s basketball teams earned bids to their respective national tournaments. The teams traveled together to Salina, Kansas, for the events. Our win-loss record during the season was not as high as usual, but we played games with three NCAA division I institutions, seven NCAA division II teams, and three NAIA schools that were ranked during the season, stated Garth Pleasant, head coach of the men s team. Some of our losses were close. We tied Oakland University with forty seconds on the clock, and did the same with Northwood University with a minute to go. At the national tournament, the men s team entered as the ninth seeded team. While defeating Central Maine Tech, Kansas Wesleyan, and St. Mary s College, a loss to Blackburn College in the second round placed the Warriors in fifth place. Senior Paul Robak earned All-American honors from the NSCAA. The women s team started their season with a tournament championship at the Lakeshore Tipoff Classic in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, stated head coach Barry Wheeler. At one point during the season, we came within three points of defeating Northwood University, an NCAA division II institution. The lady Warriors entered the national tournament as the seventh seeded team. An early 67-78 loss to Arkansas Baptist and a loss to two-time defending cham-
pion Kansas Wesleyan, placed the team in eighth position. Freshman Bhree Nagel was selected to the first team and won All-American honors from the NSCAA. Within a year or two, we still hope to join the NAIA, stated Coach Pleasant. One of the NAIA conferences is interested in having us join their league, but probably will first require us to have a consistent home court in our own athletic center. College officials are including construction of an athletic center in the next strategic plan. Possible partners for the project currently are being considered.
Molding Futures ...
Brian Stogner, Michael Light, and Gail Strickler Good instructors are the heart of a quality academic program. The lives of students at Rochester College are molded not only through strong experiences in the classroom, but by individual attention and personal relationships with instructors. Some of the outstanding faculty members that serve the students of Rochester College are introduced below. Joining the full-time faculty in January as chairman of the Behavioral Science Department, Brian Stogner previously taught at the University of Michigan in Flint and served on the adjunct faculty of Rochester College. An alumnus of the college, he holds a bachelor s degree from the University of Michigan and a master s degree from Wayne State University. He will receive his doctorate from Wayne State this summer. In addition to his work at the college, he is a consulting neuro psychologist for the Genesys Regional Medical Center in Flint, Michigan, specializing in cases dealing with head injuries, strokes, and other related medical problems. After serving in the United States Air Force and as minister of the Flushing Church of Christ, Michael Light, instructor of history, completed his bachelor s degree from Rochester College in 1981. He then served as an admissions counselor, coached cross country and track, and taught part-time for the college until joining the full-time faculty in 1993. He also holds a master s degree from Oakland University and will begin a doctoral program at Wayne State University in the fall. Known for building strong relationships with her students, Gail Strickler, assistant professor of business, obtained her bachelor s degree from Lipscomb University and her master s degree in management from Walsh College. She worked as a coordinator for Westwood Springs, an apartment complex near Chicago, before moving to Michigan. Mrs. Strickler began teaching for Rochester College in 1990.
Employee Openings Finish Carpenter. Carpentry skills required to fulfill primary responsibilities. Applicants must also be able to assist with a variety of other maintenance duties. Phone Garry Balk, plant superintendent, at 248.218.2060. Housekeeping Assistant. Phone Dennis Carter, housekeeping supervisor, at 248.218.2065. Employee openings soon will be posted under people on the Rochester College web site. You can view the site at Warriors Bob Kofahl and Nate Touri rebound for Rochester College.
41st Annual Rochester College
Bible Lectureship
October 4-6, 1998
God is With Us Lessons from the Patriarchs
Area-Wide Worship Service at Opening Keynote Speakers David Davenport Floyd Rose Rick Atchley Dallas Walker Mark Frost Daytime Classes Textual and Practical Series for Ladies Special Singing A Cappella Chorus Jesse H. Bishop Crusaders
dowed scholarship with a minimum donation of $10,000. Once a fund is started, many donors continue to add to the fund, allowing the size of the scholarship awards to increase as the fund builds, Mr. Albright added. In the months following the scholarship dinner, a relative of Royce Dickinson, for whom one scholarship is named, recognized the recipient of their family s award in a brochure designed for prospective students. That situation would not have occurred without the introductions the scholarship dinner provided. The relative approached me with the brochure at the Metro Detroit Lectureship and proudly asked if I knew that the student in one of the pictures was the recipient of Royce s scholarship, stated Cathy Ries, an administrative secretary. She was so excited to know the student and realize that he is benefitting from the scholarship. We have been so pleased by the response to the dinner that we have slated it as an annual
Bible Lectureship builds momentum Opening night guests of the 1997 lectureship packed the auditorium of the Rochester Church of Christ. Enthusiasm for the annual event ran high as the week continued and as planners began finalizing the program and speakers for next fall. By the time last year s program ended, we already had most of our speakers in place for next year, stated Doug Edwards, coordinator of the event. Our Bible faculty is excited about the response to last year s program, and has actually started on 1999! The fall lectureship will open on Sunday evening, October 4, with another area-wide worship service. A record crowd of 1,055 packed the building last year, and we again expect to overflow the building, stated Mr. Edwards. As part of the area-wide worship service, Dr. David Davenport, president of Pepperdine University, will present the keynote address on Sunday night. Later in the evening, we again will feature the Jesse Bishop Crusaders,
Dinner honors scholarship sponsors Donors to endowed scholarship programs at Rochester College and recipients of those funds gathered in the Gold Conference Room prior to the opening of the lectureship for the first annual scholarship dinner. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their evening together, stated Elton Albright, associate director of development. A scholarship becomes very personal when both the donor and recipient are able to meet each other. Those attending the dinner were delighted to meet the students who are benefitting from their investment, Mr. Albright continued. In the weeks following the dinner, many received personal notes from the students in addition to a photograph that was taken at the dinner. Currently, Rochester College awards about $20,000 per year from fifteen endowed scholarship funds. Once an endowed scholarship is established, only the interest is used to provide scholarships for worthy students. Individuals can begin an en-
event, stated Mr. Albright. We have already scheduled next year s scholarship dinner for Saturday, October 3, and anticipate it becoming a highlight of the year for the participants. Those interested in establishing an endowed scholarship fund may contact Doug Edwards, vice president for development, at 1.800.521.6010.
the singing group that proved to be a highlight on last year s program, Mr. Edwards added. Several local congregations dismissed their Sunday evening services and attended the opening night program, stated Mr. Edwards. Again, a metro-wide steering committee will help us promote the event. As the week continues, speakers will draw lessons from the Patriarchs, with the theme God is With Us. The schedule will include classes and keynote lectures on the days the follow. Just like Sunday, we are striving for a full house on both Monday and Tuesday, stated Mr. Edwards. The slate of speakers is outstanding, so we are confident that people will want to come and hear them. Monday night s program will feature Floyd Rose of Valdosta, Georgia. Rick Atchley of Richland Hills, Texas, will speak on Tuesday evening. Afternoon keynote speakers include Dallas Walker of Detroit, and Mark Frost of Trenton, Michigan. Daytime textual classes will be led by Rex Hamilton, Dr. John Willis, Dr. Mark Shipp, and Dr. Mike Moss. Tim Kelly, Dr. Evertt Huffard, Dr. John Mark Hicks, and Dr. Randy Gill will teach the practical classes. Dr. Helen Young will present a special series especially for ladies. We accomplished one of our major goals last year as the size of the crowd increased, noted Mr. Edwards. This year we want to continue building the attendance
while improving the quality of everything that happens during this special series. Those outside of the metro area can obtain a copy of the program by calling the Development Office at 1.800.521.6010. Latest information about the lectureship is also available on the college web site at
Equipment Donations Items that currently could be used by the college and result in tax benefits to the donor include: high quality microscopes drum set automobiles (any size) mini-vans or trucks flammable storage cabinet lawn mowers televisions (27 or above) video cassette players tractor and attachments tractor brush hog snow plow lap top computers rack stereo system overhead projectors golf carts (maintenance) fireproof files To discuss donation of a particular item, please phone Doug Edwards, vice president for development, at 1.800.521.6010.
40th Annual Bible Lectureship sets record Opening with a capacity crowd, the 40th Annual Bible Lectureship began with a newly organized area-wide worship service. The program drew the largest crowd since the evening lectures began meeting in the auditorium of the Rochester Church of Christ. During the week, speakers from around the nation developed the theme, Faith Triumphant.
During the lectureship, the college honored individuals for long-term service to the church in the North. Those honored include Michael and Ruth Ellen Anglin, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, 41 years; Allen and Marie Barber, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 47 years; Dr. Vernon and Alice Boyd, Lathrup Village, Michigan, 42 years; Bob and Rachael Davison, Washington, Pennsylvania, 42 years; Herb and Charlotte Dean, Shelby Township, Michigan, 42 years; Monroe and Julia Hawley, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 52 years; Ben and Peggy Morton, Southgate, Michigan, 50 years; John and Leavie Phillips, Detroit, Michigan, 40 years; and Ron and Donna White, Lincoln Park, Michigan, 40 years. Hellen Wood enjoys visiting with scholarship recipient Jason Biskner.
Build Better Churches! Midwest Sermon Seminar Rochester College May 18-21, 1998
Jack Reese John Mark Hicks Dave Bland Gary Holloway
Wisdom Literature
for information contact 248.218.2102
from the
Jim Wood Leadership Seminar Rochester College May 29-30, 1998 featuring Dr. Ian Fair and a number of local leaders information contact 248.218.2022
Associates announce plans for plaza Anticipating further development of the campus of Rochester College, the Associates recently announced plans to construct a memorial plaza. Components of the plaza, including flag poles, benches, and bricks, will honor individuals and families named by donors to the project. We first became interested in developing a brick project after the Associated Women for Christian Education Conference was held on our campus in the summer of 1996, stated Lora Jones, chairperson of the project. Representatives from other colleges told of their projects and this one immediately attracted the attention of our ladies. The Associates commissioned Rob Clarke, a former student and owner of CBI Design Professionals, to design the plaza. In looking for possible locations, the Associates chose a spot near the new residence hall complex. When first built, the plaza will be located near the end of the new campus entrance road, stated Mr. Clarke. When the road eventually circles the athletic fields, the plaza will set at the bend of the road. It is also designed as a formal entrance to a riverside park that grew out of the residence hall construction project. So far, many of the larger items
Associates Memorial Plaza Honor a spouse, friend, relative, former faculty member, classmate, or family in a beautiful project being planned for the campus of Rochester College. Options for Honoring: Flag Poles Benches (sold out) Collard Lights Bricks (two sizes) Marble Pavers Contact Lora Jones at 1.810.752.7661 for the plaza have been reserved, stated Mrs. Jones. However, we have nearly 2,000 bricks that are still available to donors. We do not intend for the plaza to honor just Associates, but anyone a donor chooses, including spouses, family members, alumni, students, teachers, and friends. Two types of bricks are available for purchase. Regular 4"x8" bricks range from $50 to $100, depending on the number of engraved lines. Larger 8"x8" bricks, available for $250 each, allow for
four lines of text. A number of 8"x16" marble pavers also are available for $350 each. It is important for donors to realize that gifts to this special project are tax deductible just like other gifts to Rochester College, noted Mrs. Jones. These are exciting times for Rochester College, stated Mrs. Jones. We hope the project will enhance the campus atmosphere while honoring those who have worked hard to see the college develop to this point.
Area organizations launch campaign Seven church-related institutions located in or near Michigan recently announced a cooperative effort to encourage estate planning. Built upon a national program entitled Leaving a Legacy, the institutions launched a campaign among churches of Christ in Southeast Michigan during the month of March. There is a wide disparity between giving in life and giving in death, stated Jerry Starling, a representative of the Church of Christ Care Center and the individual who recommended development of a campaign. While nearly 70% of all American households make charitable gifts each year, only about 3% make charitable bequests upon death. Christians do much better with their annual giving, but differ little from the national pattern when it comes to estate gifts. With national and brotherhood trends in mind, representatives of the Church of Christ Care Center, Luckett Christian Academy, Michigan Christian Youth Camp, Midwestern Christian Institute, Rochester College, Shults-Lewis Child and Family Services, and Valley Christian Academy decided to develop a local Leaving a Legacy campaign. During the next twenty-five years, an estimated $500 million will pass from one generation to the next among church members in Southeast Michigan. Bob Jackson, advisor to the group and retired president of Ford Motor
Land Development Corporation stated, If secular groups can cooperate to raise community awareness of the need for estate planning, surely we can cooperate to raise awareness among our church community. As the campaign unfolds, the planning committee is supplying church bulletin inserts and providing speakers for special sermons on the need for estate planning. They also are hosting a series of free seminars on individual estate planning and offering oneon-one consultation for those interested in developing a personal plan. We want people to know that charitable estate planning in its various forms is one of the best tools for preserving an estate from
major tax depletion, enabling individuals to pass even more on to their heirs and favorite ministries, stated Mr. Starling. During the next half century, economic pressures on churches and church-related ministries certainly will increase, stated Dr. Ken Johnson, president of Rochester College. Our task is to help our brotherhood recognize that stewardship at death can singlehandedly resolve the economic crisis that our congregations and church-related ministries will face in the next century. We do have adequate resources in our church family to sustain all major ministries of the churches of Christ in the Great Lakes region if we plan and use our blessings wisely.
Planned Giving Matters Doug Edwards Vice President for Development Making Choices for Your Estate Kahlil Gibran once said, All you have shall some day be given; therefore, give now that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors. Many do not realize how important it is to plan and make careful choices while we enjoy good health. If we do not plan, our state of residence may become our inheritor. Our greatest opportunity to give to a charity will be the lifelong accumulation of physical blessings that God has given us, whether large or small. This might be your house, furnishings, car, stock, or other securities. We have to ask, What are our goals? Do you want to do something for family? Help a charity? Advance God s kingdom? Do you want tax relief? Reduce probate costs at death? Provide current income with intentions of leaving a tax-free estate? So many choices need to be made as one decides how to be a good steward of God s blessings. Thankfully, there are many options available. However, one often needs help or advice in the process of making these significant choices. Rochester College can provide counsel as you make important choices. I will be glad to put you in touch with professionals who can advise you as you make proper choices for your estate. Please call 1.800.521.6010 and press option four on the menu. We will be happy to assist you in any way possible.
Committee members plan for the local Leaving a Legacy Campaign.
Memorial and Honor Gifts October 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998
MEMORIAL GIFTS LINDA ABNER Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark BETTY ALBRIGHT Elton & Rita Albright EVERETTE ALEXANDER Bill & Joyce Burgess Eleanor Davis BILL BAILEY Judy Bailey JOHN BARNUM Norma Jean Ryan ROSS BATEMAN Dan & Anne Bateman LARRY N. BOUMAN Martha Bouman MAXINE BUSH Flaura Owen EDNA CHATTIN Dick & Mary Lou Aeder FLOYD CLOUSE Iola Rummel ROSSIE COE Sibyl Coe BARBARA COLLINS Doris Dunn OLIVE COUNTRYMEN Art & Marge Pope HELEN RYAN DAVIS Norma Jean Ryan RALPH E. DAYTON Earl & Janet Carpenter Glenna Hart LEONARD DICKINSON Glenn & Joan Berry Joe & Lareita Campbell Ed & Delores Dickinson Everett & Maxine Foster Clayton & Mary Haupt Sam & Darlene Randazzo ROYCE DICKINSON Ed & Delores Dickinson Royce & Terri Dickinson VI DREGORIO Clyde Summers BOB DUNN Doris Dunn MARTIE DUNN Donald Dunn ISLA EGELAND Carletta Miller CHARLES H. FISHER John & Iris Williams FRED FISHER Nelson & Janis Eddy CLAUDE & MARY FRENCH Virgil & Ann Bentley LUCILLE FRENCH Dan & Lois Hagerman CYRESS W. GALLAHER Nick & Geneva Schafsnitz JIM & BESSIE GALLAHER Carolyn Roe BERNIE GIBBONS Carletta Miller ELMER GOERKE Art & Marge Pope LEMMA GOOCH Terry & Lynn Dortch Lake Orion Church of Christ Flaura Owen Lawrence & Margaret Pike COREY & EVAN GRANTHAM Steve & Julie Harper SANDY GRANTHAM Robert & Denise Ammerman Noreen Andrews Viola Coltson Ellis & Florence Cottrell Harold & Marevia Cregor Harvey & Sister Dunham Ray & Marcheta Felts Mr. & Mrs. Allen Flaugher Peggy Golliher Rodney Grantham Harold & Doris Hicks Paul & Jeanne Huff Keith & Wilma Kennedy Norman Lyons
Ed & Doris Mettler Laneda Routh Sneed Lang P.C. Law Offices Larry & Lynne Stewart Pat Weathers Bill & Dorothy Williamson Jessie & Sarah Yoakum A.K. GUTHRIE Nell Holt RALPH H. HALE Howard & Elva Hale DIANE HILL William Hill LILLIAN HINSON Robert Porter ELZA HUFFARD Geneva Parker BROADIE HUNSUCKER Marvin & Clemmie Allison EMMA RUTH JACKSON Nick & Geneva Schafsnitz H.E. & ERSA JONES Ron & Rena Jones ROBERT & MARELLE JONES Ron & Rena Jones LYNNE KIKHOEFEL Mildred Kikhoefel EVELYN KILMER Gene & Wanda Hatcher ALBERT & LORENE KING Ron & Rena Jones ALBERT RICHARD KING Ron & Rena Jones DARRELL LANHAM Arthur Curnutte Family ULDEAN LEDFORD Wilma Lutz EARL & ERMA LOMAX Earl & Janet Carpenter JOHN LOOFBURROW Mary Larson PAUL LUTZ Don & Judy Blake Wilma Lutz ELMER MITCHELL Rick & Judy Cox MR. & MRS. GENE MONROE Ed & Geraldine Monroe ELSIE MONTGOMERY Art & Marge Pope Cal & Patsy Seccombe Jess & Lorene Temple GERALD & OLLIE MONTGOMERY Gerald & Judy Montgomery ESTIL MOORE Mary Moore LOUISE NICKS Clifford Nicks Holden Ave. Church of Christ Keith & Wilma Kennedy WALTER NONNENMACHER Milton & Evelyn Fletcher Brent & Kay Magner Larry & Lynne Stewart SARA F. PATE Barry & Rebekah Pate JOHN PATRICK II M. Dominique Marcelin GUY PERRY Anna Carter Art & Marge Pope RUTH PETERSON Arthur Curnutte Family MARY RAMONA PHILLIPS Vicki Phillips JOSEPH PRIESTLY Dorothy Thomas MAURICE REHKOP Earl & Janet Carpenter ALBERT RIDEOUT John & Iris Williams CHERYL RILEY James & Pamela Flannery JIM RUSHFORD Jerry & Lori Rushford MORRIS A. RYAN Norma Jean Ryan SAM SAMSON Norma Jean Ryan
SAMUEL S. SMITH Elton & Rita Albright BESSIE STEPHENS Mark & Janice Stephens GRACE STRICKLAND Kathleen Baumgarten Sally Belli Charlyne Donahoe Livonia Church of Christ Gerald & Mary Mack JAMES SWALLOWS Amelia Opal Swallows PRUDY BELL SWINFORD Norma Jean Ryan ELIZABETH TEMPLE Jess & Lorene Temple MARIA TUCKER Jewell & Lavon Tucker MAY DELL TURNER Bob & Mary Utley L.C. & ELIZABETH UTLEY John & Christine Utley CHARLES VINCENT Tullos & Thelma Vincent LAWRENCE VINTHER Iris Vinther EDDY WALLACE Louise Grist BUFORD WINN Jim Bill & Betty McInteer LARRY WITZELING Pete & Jane Bullotta Sandy Witzeling LILBURN WOMACK Launa Womack JIM WOOD Hellen Wood LAURA WORK Lillie Mae Erwin Evelyn Osborn Ed and Joan Work HONOR GIFTS MARY ELLEN ADAMS John & Mary Ann Craig BILL ALBRIGHT Elton & Rita Albright CLARITA BILLBERRY Elton & Rita Albright ODIS & GINNY BROWN Charles & Margaret Hadfield Art & Marge Pope EVADNA C. BURTON Vicki Phillips ECHO MEADOWS CHURCH Meadowlawn Church of Christ JOHN FISHER William & Diane Hill BRUCE & JUDY FOULK David & Cindy Schofield MILTON & EVELYN FLETCHER Connie Higginbotham IRENE GATEWOOD Eloise Muncy JAMES & KATHY GRIFFIN BEULAH HUFFARD Geneva Parker CAROL MEGDAN Art & Marge Pope PAULINE MONTGOMERY Charles & Margaret Hadfield Marge Pope MARY MOTSINGER Martha Bouman RICK & CAROL PASSAGE Jess & Lorene Temple W.J. (GENE) PHILLIPS & JEANNE ROBBINS PHILLIPS Vicki Phillips LARRY STEWART Roy & Ethelene White WARD & RUTH SULLIVAN Gary & Dana Davis JACK & DOROTHY WOODHOUSE Robert & Bev Stanger JOAN M. WORK Ed Work
Memorial gifts and honor gifts may be sent to the Office of the President at the college address on the mailing panel. Be sure to include 1) your name and full address, 2) the name of the person being honored, and 3) the name and address of the person to receive an acknowledgment card.
Margie Zurlinden, Mary Johnson, and Jeannette Schiele make angels.
Angel project blossoms Beginning as a modest project to raise funds for the college, the assembly and sale of angel pins has blossomed into a major project within less than a year. Since last summer, Mary Johnson, wife of the college s president, and several helpers from the Associates have sold over 6,000 pins. We saw our first angel on Bea Oberholzer at the Chicagoland Partnership Dinner, stated Mrs. Johnson. After learning that Bea s daughter made the pin, we asked Bea to send information about the product. She ended up sending samples and $100 worth of parts to get us started! About ten ladies assemble the pins in about fifty different designs, and dozens of people are now selling them. The pins are available in three sizes and range in price from $5.00 to $18.00. Many are standard designs, while about one-third are custom made with birthstones or to reflect an individual s career, hobby, or favorite sport. Every day we get calls from people wanting more angel pins, so each of us keeps a supply on hand, stated Jeannette Schiele. We have people whom we have
never met selling hundreds of angels for Rochester College! I had a call from a public school teacher who said that many of the teachers in her school are wearing the pins as a silent witness for the Lord, stated Mrs. Johnson. A pin was given to a mother who lost a son to a drunk driver, and now several in that community wear what has become known as the Andy Angel. While wanting to raise funds through an affordable item, we were also looking for a way to promote Rochester College, Mrs. Johnson continued. The card with every pin names the college, so we have had a lot of nice discussions with people who are unfamiliar with what we do. We are participating in several craft shows at high schools and community festivals, stated Margie Zurlinden. We put out information and talk about the college everywhere we go. This project continues to grow in an amazing way, noted Mrs. Johnson. It has been so successful that we hope to raise enough funds through this project alone to completely renovate and refurnish the college cafeteria.
Attorney Dan Matson of Dewitt, Michigan, recently donated a number of items to the college for a collection on the history of the churches of Christ in Michigan. The items included an early journal of the Plum Street Church of Christ, the first congregation in Detroit, with entries from the 1800 s. The Hamilton Avenue Church of Christ, successor of the Plum Street church, passed the materials on to Mr. Matson several years ago when he assisted in the sale of their building, since his family attended the Plum Street congregation. To donate historical materials to the collection, contact Dr. Vernon Boyd at 248.356.9225.
Alumni News and Notes
Noteworthy Following a keynote address at the annual lectureship, Dr. Jerry Rushford, a member of the class of 1963, signed copies of his book, Christians on the Oregon Trail. Released in 1997, the book tells the exciting story of a courageous generation of Christians that migrated to the west coast during the 1800 s. Already in its second printing, the book can be ordered from the Rochester College Bookstore. Phone the store at 1.800.521.6010.
ibbean International. On the private island, class members played sand volleyball, snorkeled in the ocean, road banana boats, and barbecued on the beach. Our evenings together were a highlight of the trip, noted Mrs. Vincent. On the first night we showed slides, the second night we looked at photo albums, and the third night we shared the
Rob Ford recently passed the Certified Information Systems Auditor exam and is employed as a corporate auditor for Oklahoma Gas and Electric. Rob is the son of Dr. George Ford, one of the college s founding board members, and ElMeta Ford, first president of the Associates. His wife, Judy (Shoop-65), worked as secretary of the Edmond Church of Christ and now provides day care for a grandchild. The couple has three married children and lives at 2801 Red Fern, Edmond, OK 73034.
Thayer and Cheryl (Evans) Salisbury recently returned from mission efforts in Nigeria. Thayer is preaching for the Heritage Church of Christ in Huntington and working on his doctoral degree at Concordia Theological Seminary. Cheryl is a homemaker. The couple has four sons, Joseph, Kelcy, Preston, and Mark. The family lives at 3815 E. 800 S., Columbia City, IN 46725.
experiences of our lives over the past few years. Everyone opened up and our hearts were touched. It was like Thursday night devotionals three nights in a row! The trip was so successful that we are already planning another for the year 2000, Mrs. Vincent stated. Everyone was so pleased that they did not want to wait another five years.
Roger Pace will retire from the Navy Chaplain Corps in August, after twenty-three years as a captain. He now supervises all Navy chaplains in the European area from a port in Italy. Roger plans to return to the states with his wife, Lugenia, and work with a church. He can be reached at PSC 811, Box 156, FPO, AE 09609. 1968 Bob Stewart is a senior software engineer for Cisco Systems, the source for over half of the equipment sold for the Internet. Bob and his wife, Vivian (Hale), have two sons, Bob (1990) and Ben (1992), who both graduated from the college as valedictorians of their respective classes. Bob and Vivian live at 976 Mason Road, Wilton, NH 03086. 1972
Class members pose for a picture on board the Royal Caribbean cruise.
Award granted at birth New keepsakes began appearing in baby books this spring as the Alumni Office began sending certificates for Gold and White Awards to those alumni submitting birth announcements for publication in the North Star. We want alumni to know that Rochester College is here to serve their sons and daughters, stated Larry Stewart, coordinator of alumni activities. This memento emphasizes that fact as early in a child s life as possible. Second-generation students of the college began receiving Gold and White Awards in 1989. The award amounts to $150 toward first-year expenses for students with one parent that completed at least twelve hours, and $300 for students with two parents that completed at least twelve hours.
Class celebrates with reunion cruise Members of the class of 1982 made history last fall as they hosted a unique fifteen-year reunion. Participants boarded a Royal Caribbean cruise line to share a four-day adventure. Dan Isenberg and I served as officers of our class and we still get together on occasions, stated Jill (Jezierski) Vincent, owner of Travel Designs and organizer of the reunion. Last spring, we realized that the fifteen-year mark for our class was approaching and no one had made plans for a summer reunion. As we talked, we decided to break new ground and put together a reunion cruise, Mrs. Vincent continued. Even though this was a totally new concept, we had eight couples and four singles decide to participate. It was unique to build new memories with each other in a cruise setting, stated planner Dan Isenberg. We had a lot of laughs during the dinners and with our karaoke singing, but also some very uplifting devotionals that reminded us how lucky we are to be Christians. During their cruise, the group visited the Bahamas and a private island owned by Royal Car-
Since 1979, over 200 secondgeneration students have enrolled at the college. They have represented such places as Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Canada, Chile, Jamaica, and Nigeria. It is always thrilling to watch second-generation students interact with one another, stated Mr. Stewart. They find that they have so much in common. Many, like their parents, have become best friends after enrolling. To submit a birth announcement, send the form on this page or register on the alumni section of the college s web page.
Connie (Sanders) Harrison recently earned her master s degree and is the dean of health and human services at the Auburn Hills campus of Baker College. Her husband, Fred, is employed by the Chrysler Corporation. Fred and Connie have two sons, Eric and Brent. The family lives at 49233 Maplewood Lane, Macomb, Township, MI 48044.
We want to hear from you! Share your news! Clip and return this form to Larry Stewart, Director of Public Relations, Rochester College, 800 West Avon Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48307. Name (maiden if appl.) ____________________________________ Years __________ Occupation _____________________________ Spouse's Name (maiden if appl.) ____________________________ Years __________ Occupation _____________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City ________________________ State __________ Zip _________ Phone (area code ________) ________________________________ Please note children's names, recent births, job changes, marriages, promotions, etc. on a separate sheet of paper and send it to the college with this form.
1976 Joy (Varner) Knuckles is employed as a graphics artist for Riverside Graphics. Joy, and her daughter, Kim, live at 476 Heber Springs #B, Batesville, AR 72501. 1978 Gary Cummins is working as a machine technician for General Motors. Gary, and his wife, Ginny, live at 44299 Franciscan Drive, Canton, MI 48187. Jim and Vicki (Saur) Trombly are living at 428 Colt Terrace, Grand Prairie, TX 75050. Jim is a computer technician, and Vicki is employed as a loan processor. 1979 Austin Anthony joined Rebecca and Elizabeth in the home of Larry and Karen (Wiggins) Miller on July 1, 1997. Larry is an engineer and Karen is a homemaker. The family lives at 5053 McLendon, Antioch, TN 37013. 1981 Rhonda Sullenger married Keith Laurin on August 17, 1996. Ronda is a dental receptionist, and Keith is an electrical apprentice with General Motors. The couple lives at 118 Paul Revere Lane #18, Flint, MI 48507. 1982 Dan Billingsley recently accepted a position as an information systems manager with the Durcon Company, the largest client from his consulting business. Dan and his wife, Lisa, have two children and live at 19653 Antago, Livonia, MI 48152. Jeneice (Clouse) Corwin is a secretary at the Toledo Museum of Art. Jeneice, her husband David, a builder of Timberframe homes, and their son, Daniel, live at 2650 West Temperance, Temperance, MI 48182. John Hoenstine is a sergeant for the Indianapolis Police Department. John and his wife, Kerri, live at 4336 Skylark Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46239. 1984 Joel Cranford is preaching for
Have You Registered? Alumni, have you registered your e-mail address on the college web site? If not, please do so today! Now on the alumni page: E-Mail Directory North Star Information Form Coming on the alumni page: Alumni Guestbook Campus News for Alumni Missing Alumni Listing Reunions and Alumni Events the Penobscot Valley Church of Christ part-time while working as a graphics designer for Website Services International. Joel and his wife, Beth, now reside at 331 Levenseller, Holden, ME 04429. Eric and Jennifer (Habermel) Diehl recently moved to 230 South Walnut, West Union, IA 52175. Eric is coaching soccer for Upper Iowa University, and Jenny is a homemaker. The couple has two girls, Danielle and Jessica. Mike and Peggy (Whitman85) Morningstar can be contacted at or P.O. Box 471, Valparaiso, IN 46384. Mike is a molding engineer for Dwyer Instruments, and Peggy is a houseparent for ShultsLewis Child and Family Services. 1985 Mark and Denise (Wright-86) Hammitt are living at 4025 Kevin Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78413. Mark is an associate minister of the Weber Road Church of Christ, and Denise teaches second grade. The couple has three children, Preston, Courtney, and Reagan. 1986 Caleb Nathaniel joined Mikalah in the home of Steve and Monica (Morris) Hanes on January 7. The family resides at 402 East Delaware, Fortville, IN 46040. 1989 Tim Mays recently received a promotion at the Michigan Truck Plant of Ford Motor Company. He lives at 906 South Schuman, Westland, MI 48186. 1990 In addition to teaching Bible and English and managing the business office for Galilee Christian High School, Hashim Hayik preaches for the Eilaboun Church of Christ. Hashim and his wife, Rawia, who also teaches English, have a son, Wiam Billy. The family can be contacted at P.O. Box 174, Eilaboun, Israel 16972. Linda Mordaunt plans a March wedding to Bill McParlan, a computer analyst. Linda is a regis-
tered nurse at St. John Hospital and serves on a nursing research committee. She lives at 23340 Jamison, Macomb, MI 48042. Tom Twigg has been promoted to staff sergeant in the U.S. Army. His wife, Dollie (Jones-79), is employed as a school nurse. The couple recently extended their stay in Germany for eighteen months, and can be contacted at B Co. 32nd Sig. Bn., Cmr. 440, Box 464, APO, AE 09175. Chris Ward recently married Vicki Holmes. Chris is the owner of Enterprise Consulting Group. The couple lives at 4150 Beech Grove, Grove City, OH 43123.
Alumni talent showcased in musical Nearly 700 people from the Rochester community recently enjoyed a production of A Time to Stand, a musical about the story of Esther. Almost every phase of the production, from writing of the musical score to the actual stage performance, showcased the talents of alumni and students from Rochester College. Visitors made up almost half of our audience on both nights, stated Mark Brackney, family minister of the Rochester Church of Christ and member of the class of 1990. The production s humor allowed people to open up to the real message that God really cares for His people. A Time to Stand is the second of three musicals written by Randy Gill, a former instructor of Rochester College and member of the class of 1974, and Jeff Walling. Jeff wrote the scripts and we collaborated on the songs, stated Mr. Gill. Originally, we wrote our musicals for the Christian Children s Theatre Workshop, an outreach of the Mission Viejo Church of Christ in Los Angeles, Mr. Gill noted. A Time to Stand has been published and is now being produced all over the country. Members of the Rochester congregation, alumni from a variety
Alumni Dan Isenberg and Terry Pitts develop a scheme in the musical. of years, and several current students worked side by side with costuming, set construction, and acting for the production, stated Frank Pitts, musical director and member of the class of 1986. The interaction was a tremendous experience for everyone. Working on the production brought back a lot of fond memories for those of us who used to be a part of Celebration, stated Mr. Brackney. Having Gale Edwards
(former Celebration director and class of 1967) serving as stage director was like old times. Once we move into a new fine arts center, we hope to do one broadway and one Christian musical each year, stated Mr. Pitts, who also teaches at the college. Our production of A Time to Stand demonstrated a strong interest in future productions involving students, alumni, and local church members.
1991 Sherrie (Allen) Bailey is a reservation sales agent. She recently graduated from Wright Business School and has returned to Oklahoma Christian for further studies. She lives at 2600 N.W. 63rd #61, Oklahoma City, OK 73116. David Simons was installed as a deacon of the Central Church of Christ in December. In January, he had a kidney transplant, donated by his older sister. David and his wife, Angela, have two sons, Bill, a sophomore at Rochester College, and Robert. The family lives at 25 Skyview Meadows, Hedgesville, WV 25427. Jennifer Wallace teaches fifth grade for the Flint Community Schools. She can be contacted at or 5115 North Belsay Road, Flint, MI 48506. 1992 Geoffrey Burtis will complete his master s degree at Abilene Christian University this spring. His wife, Nerrissa (McKee-90), is an administrative coordinator at ACU. The couple lives at 720 High Street, Abilene, TX 79603. After purchasing a home at 1140 Third, Wyandotte, MI 48192 in May, Bill and Adrianne (Yen) Castleman welcomed Emily Ryann on August 27, 1997. Bill is an automotive designer for T.G. North American Corporation, and Adrianne is employed by Total Travel Management.
Former basketball players spanning nearly twenty years of Warrior teams competed with one another in an alumni basketball game on Homecoming Day. Everyone had such a good time that we plan to make this an annual Homecoming activity, stated Coach Garth Pleasant. 1993 Jeff Wise is employed as a forester for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. He can be contacted at HC, Route 2, Box 722, L Anse, MI 49946. Steve Zavitz and his wife, Ellie, graduated from Lakehead University in December. Both work as bicycling and hiking guides for Backroads. The couple is scheduled to lead groups in France this spring and fall. They can be contacted at 375 Waverley Street #2, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1B7. 1994 Aaron Burtch is a sports broad-
caster for WKTX and is planning a March wedding to Sara Aiklen. He lives at 500 North Judge Ely #3-107, Abilene, TX 79601. Jim Theisen recently began work as an electrical engineer for Lockheed Martin Corporation. His wife, Jennifer (Fredin) finished an education degree and is now a homemaker. The couple lives at 5765 Remington Circle #809, Fort Worth, TX 76312. 1995 Steven Bowers is working parttime in the Muirhead Library at Rochester College. He also has been accepted into a library science program at the University of
Michigan. He lives at 53 West Cornell, Pontiac, MI 48340. Mark Greeley is a student at Clarion University and manager of the Moonlite Drive-In. He can be contacted at R.D. #4, Box 2663A, Brookville, PA 15825. Benny Lumpkins is a fireman in the United States Air Force. He lives at 245-B Lantana Lane, Hampton, VA 23669. On July 26, 1997, Megan Nicole joined Jason in the home of Skip and Heather (Hanna) Mirch. Skip is a security officer and Hanna is a homemaker. The family lives at 40647 Drury Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48310.
TRUSTEE S ALLIANCE Mary Ellen Adams Vernon & Kay Adams Betsy Addams Ameritech Foundation Anonymous Donor Associates of Rochester College Susie Atkinson Judy Bailey Alan & Michele Bain Robert & Lucy Benham Gary Brewster Kathy Brittingham Jeri Cardwell Norman & Marge Christman Chrysler Corporation Toni Curtis Dearborn Church of Christ Betty Dickinson 78 Faye Dilgard Eaton Corporation Ron & Cathy Englehart John & Beth Fisher Floyd Kent Foundation Ford Motor Company Zella Freeborn Otis & Irene Gatewood General Motors Foundation Tim & Donna Hickerson Ken & Mary Johnson Pat & Jane Kirby Larry & Marian Kreul Clarence & Jerri Locke 66 Mrs. Robert D. Luchsinger Wilma Lutz Alberta Muirhead Art & Marge Pope Annette Riley Rochester Church of Christ Santa Fe Pacific Foundation Marvin & Dot Sims Harold & Helen Slater Donald Smith Paul & Margaret Southern Bob & Mary Utley Warner Lambert Company The Washington Foundation Gordon & Carole Wright
LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE Jack Allen Anonymous Donor Jim & Nell Chamblee Gary & Dana Davis 76 Ed & Delores Dickinson 79, 80 Dow Chemical James & Pamela Flannery Dave & Joann Fugate 72 Duane & Patty Harrison Dean & Thelma Hoggatt Bob & Linda Jones Phillip & Peggy Malone Jimmie & Rosalie McGuire Larry & Mary Moebs Mary Moore Bob & Kathy Norton 82, 83 Dean & Zan Oliver 73, 75 Lynn & Barbara Packer Jim & Caye Randolph Nick & Geneva Schafsnitz State Farm Foundation Bob & Vivian Stewart 68, 67 Alan & Debra Waites Lawrence & Linda Watson Bill & Eva Young
PRESIDENT S CIRCLE Adrian Church of Christ Elton & Rita Albright Robert & Denise Ammerman 78 Ann Arbor Church of Christ Roger & Kathy Anspach Darrel & Carol Ashby Jim & Vivian Avey Melvin & Dorothy Barnes Marjorie Bash Bellsouth Corporation James Brown 62 John & Rosemary Brown Ronnie Brumbaugh Gary & Rosemary Carson Bobby Carter Donald Carter Jr. 64 Tedd & Linda Case Ralph & Lorraine Church Ken & Cheryl Coggeshall 75 Comerica Inc. Jeff & Mollie Debandt Detroit Edison Dan DeYoung Niles & Diana Dover Doris Dunn Pansy Durrill Steve & Mildred Eckstein Doug & Janet Edwards 62 Fourth Avenue Church of Christ Gene & Peg Fowler Gannett Foundation Al & Suzanne Garner Todd & Connie Graham 71 Charles & Lynn Griffin GTE Corporation Howard & Joan Hagerman Tom & Peggy Hebel 73 William Hill Holmes Road Church of Christ Bruce & Elsie Hostrup Ingersoll-Rand Company John & Verdena Ireland Gerald & Lucille Isom ITT Corporation ITW Robert & Jane Jackson David & Ruby Johnson Kellogg s of Battle Creek Mike & Dawn Kurschat 86 Lake Orion Church of Christ Lincoln Park Church of Christ Tim Mays 89 Jim & Carol McCartney 78 Mr. McNeely & Dr. Wells Ralph & Wilma McQueen Dean & Mary Moore 62 National Bank of Detroit William Nations Rudy & Anna Northcutt Northwest Church of Christ John & Mary Lou O Brien Occidental Oil Foundation J.R. & Marty Ogburn Auritus Oliver Al & Elfrieda Oz Lucien & Ida Palmer Mary Pearson Vicki Phillips 71 Diane Philpot Plymouth Community United Way Betty Porter Quinn & Peggy Reed Clarence Rohlfs Iola Rummel Ed & Catherine Sadurski
Gunther & Jane Schlender James & Betty Scott Donald & Landra Shotts Sid & Joan Smith Dick & Chloe Stephens Stony Island Church of Christ Mark & Leslie Stowe 74 Mary Taylor Irma Terpenning Michael & Brenda Tittle Jean Titus Glenn & Mary Trenary J. P. & Lavon Tucker Upjohn Company USG Foundation Inc. Van Dyke Church of Christ Mike & Sharon Westerfield Roy & Sue Westerfield Earl & Wilma Williams Tom & Carol Williamson 62, 63 Bob & Velma Wineinger Hellen Wood Ed & Joan Work 65 Dave & Teri Zito 76
PROGRESS CLUB Allstate Foundation Amoco Foundation Inc. Auto-Owners Insurance Travis & Hazel Blue Roger & Sherry Bousho Candace Cain Gregg & Rachel Carrier 68 Peggy Chittick Ray & Barbara Clark Michael & Cheryl Cook 76 Rick & Judy Cox 64 William & Elselene DeWeese Gertrude Dykes Harold Gore Steve & Julie Harper 79 Gail & Caroline Hopkins Johnson & Johnson Company Johnson Controls Foundation Neales & Jean Kennedy Eugene & Jean Morris Jim & Bertha O Rourke Don & Bernice Oberholzer Bill & Mary Lou Shipp Mark & Beth VanRheenen Warren & Mary Etta Whitelaw
ACHIEVERS CLUB Beatrice Amen Noreen Andrews Allen & Marie Barber Clifford Barrick Donald C. Barton Larry & Kaye Baxter Danny & Denise Beeks 73 Jim & Martha Begin 62 Bob & Betty Bell Bob & Becky Bennett Don & Judy Blake Jerry & Rita Brackney James & Mildred Broome Helen Brown Timothy & Laurie Burns James & Linda Butterfield Joe & Lareita Campbell Jim & Betty Casey 62 Lyle & Jean Clarke Rob & Sherri Clarke 82, 84 Dean & Ruth Clutter Theo & Maxine Coleman Godfrey & Barb Collins Walter & Shirley Conner Alex & Marie Craig Bob & Jennie Cross Arthur & Mary Curnutte Steve & Debra Davis Herb & Charlotte Dean Dowagiac Church of Christ Thomas & Joanne Duncan Nelson & Jan Eddy Myron & Betty Edwards Estate of Jennie Belle Moore Jerry & Joyce Felzien Dennis & Linda Finley Milton & Evelyn Fletcher John & Agnes Flowers Everett & Maxine Foster 83 Bruce & Judy Foulk Robert & Paula Garrett 74 Mike & Anne Garrison 84 Oscar & Hazel Glover Savage & Mariella Goff Greg & Kathy Guymer 78 William & Jean Harris David & De Anna Harvill Norman & Merilyn Herron Jeff & Paula Herron 75 Brian & Julie Hoggatt 87 James & Ruth Hoggatt Shannon & Susan Houtrouw Jimmy & Bernice Hutton IBM Corporation Dan & Lora Isenberg 82 Leonard & Dixie Jacobsen Bennie & Mildred Jamison Mildred Kikhoefel Harold & Shirley King Max & Jerry Lancaster Jim & Mary Langford Roy Litton Lockheed Martin Corporation Rob & Karen Losher 85 Ray & Sharyn MacDonald 65 Gordon & Nancy MacKinnon 81, 76 Ernest & Betty Maness Lenora Mangus Lamar & Joan Matthews Ernie & Ginny May 77, 78 Dick & Betty McClurg George & Pat McCracken Christopher & Kalai McHan Donald & Judy McKenzie Megatech Engineering, Inc. Mich Con Foundation Shelton & Carol Middleton Emmett & Ruth Mobley David & Barbara Morrow David & Amy Nelson Ben & Susan Noah Northwestern Group Marketing W.A. O Neal Jack & Barbara O Rourke Tom & Amy Ogar 82 Don & Nita Ogburn Gary & Cynthia Osborn Barry & Rebekah Pate 71 John & Leavie Phillips Lawrence & Margaret Pike Dave & Janette Preece 76 Tim & Ivy Pruitt 82, 83 Jim Puckett Richard & Gena Richardson Harry Riemenschneider Don & Kim Robinson 72, 76 Rochester Community Chorus Robert & Mildred Rucker Larry & Linda Samuels Tom & Della Savage
Bill & Violet Seaton Calvin & Patsy Seccombe Doug & Shelia Selke Ken & Debbie Shepard 76 Bill & Joanne Shinsky Jerry & Marion Starling Lowell & Betty Steele Larry & Lynne Stewart 70, 74 Ruby Stewart Thomas Storen Mel & Diane Storm Harvey & Ruth Stringfellow Jerry & Connie Tallman 93 Jess & Lorene Temple Tenneco Inc. Joe & Kathy Terrell Averill & Wilma Thomas David & Susan Thomas Jim & Raida Thomas Phoebe Thornton Warren & Susan Turney Utley Brothers, Inc. John & Mildred Viglasky Reed & Pam Vinson 67, 69 Iris Vinther Voorhees, Siple & Summerford Funeral Home Roy & Jan Wagers Jim & Dorothy Warren Paul & Ruth Watson Don & Doe Whetstone Rubye Williams Launa Womack Rick & Shirley Wood Jack & Dorothy Woodhouse Carrie Yoakum Jesse & Sarah Yoakum Gloria Yu
PARTNERS CLUB A. J. Danboise Son Plumbing & Heating Andy Allen Mary T. Anderson Manly & Louise Ballard John & Anita Barcroft Dan & Anne Bateman N. H. Beaman John & Helen Belt John & Joanne Benedict Gary & Pamela Birdwell Gary & Gail Biskner Leonard & Dona Blake 61 Vic & Mary Bliss 90 Mary Bloomingburg Bobby & Peggy Boyd Vernon & Alice Boyd Mark & Christine Brackney 90, 89 Dan & Sandra Bradburn Erma Brand Ken & Barb Burman 70 Greg & Karen Campbell 85 Anna Carter Bob & Jan Chaffin Graydon & Edna Chester John & Rita Clark Jerry & Emma Colglazier Rick & Dimple Correa Randy & Linda Coss 71 Gene & Mary Alice Cowie Bob & Nola Cucheran 67, 64 Harrison Davis Mark & Penny Davis Stanley & Jean Davis James & Kathleen Derickson Clark Dickerson Mark & Kathy Dillard 78 John & Kathy DiMarzio 83, 62 Ralph & Bernice Dingess Fritz & Kathy Duesel 82 Charles & Marlene Dyer Jerry & Virginia Ebeling Pat & Marilyn Evans Pat & Beatrice Eveland Kurt & Jody Fleischhut 82 Florida Power & Light Mary Anne Foersterling Derrel & Pat Fox Jerry & Teresa Gailbreath 76, 75 Jack & Carol Gatewood Mamie Gentry Shane & Michele Godmere 91 Dean & Dolly Griffith Vernon & Opal Hampton Scott & Laurie Hartley Connie Higginbotham Leslie & Iris Hinds Ben & Louise Holt Albert & Evelyn Hoschna Paul & Lena Hubbard J&L Specialty Products Foundation Don & Tracy Jamison 79 Roger & Pat Jewett Kalkaska Church of Christ James & Harriet Kilpatrick Virgil & Loretta Kimble Walter & Lottie Kos Bill & Donna Krist Ted & Dorothea Lafever John & Frances Langlois Dick & Maxine Lyman Pansy Mangion Vera Manley Glenn & Dee Martin Jeffrey & Leslie Martin Jim & Ruth Maxwell Wallice & Virginia Mays Doug & Diana McArthur 69 John & Patti McClelland Hubert & Shirley McFall Tony & Barbara McKee Wilma McKeel Madge Meixner Richard & Billye Melton Harley & Arnalde Miller Joseph Moitozo Louis & Jocelyn Montgomery Pauline Montgomery Jerry & Elaine Morris Leon & Emma Mullens 70 Barbara Murray Lester Murrell Irma Nave Walter & Barbara Neild Bruce & Robin Nettles 83 Larry & Kay Norman North Broadway Church of Christ Edward & Joan Palmer 68, 67 Rick & Carol Passage Scott & Kathleen Passon 83 Robert & Wanda Peace A.D. & Sue Phillips Brenda Phillips 77 Paul & Georgia Phillips Frank & Terry Pitts 86, 83 Edith Pociask William Potere 64 Lillian Reaume Jack & Joann Recor Tom & Diane Rellinger 80 Jack & Phyllis Reynolds Herbert & Alice Rodgers Julian & Lori Santellan 81 Frederick Schimon
Constance Schlub Jack Schuck Donald & Bobbie Schulz Jean Schwallie Ken & Debbie Scott Kevin & Lori Shaffer Tom & Anita Simpson Craig & Phyllis Slocum 81 Don & Janet Smith John & Judy Smith 65 62 Jack & Charlotte Snider Steve & Kelly Sprague Coy & Wynelle Spurgeon Stamford Church of Christ Robert & Bev Stanger James & Kathy Stone James & Vivian Stringer Jerry & Janet Tarrant Cloyd Taylor Paul & Sonja Temple Jim & June Thomas Alton & Carol Tripp Fred & Betty Trost TRW Foundation Dick & Judy Tudhope John & Chris Utley Kathy Volke Wal-Mart Foundation Al & Brenda Warner 65
Mildred Bell Steve & Brenda Belville 77 Joe & Linda Bennie 79 Virgil & Ann Bentley Chuck & Wanda Bergdahl Sylvia Berger Clifford & Sherry Bernor Glenn & Joan Berry Ed & Lois Birdwell Mike & Janice Birdwell 70 Mrs. Dallas Blankenship Mary Blaylock Maurits & Imogene Blomberg Blue Cross/Blue Shield Jim & Vickie Bolton Benny & Susan Boone Andy & Rebecca Borchers Martha Bouman Steven Bowers 95 Glenn & Shirley Boyd Gracie Bracken David & Alisa Brackney 87, 86 George & Kathleen Brackney Bill & Barb Brooks 71 William & Katherine Brooks Bill & Jamie Brosey Charles & Linda Brown Diane Brown Ronald & Nancy Brown 71
NORTH STAR Herma Conrad Ron & Tanya Content 81 Katie Cook Gaines & Eleanor Cope Fred Copple Scott & Melissa Cottrill Mr. & Mrs. Tim Couch Sherrill & Yvonne Cox 67 Vivian Cox Tom & Mary Craig Tom & Audrey Crampton 74 James & Joyce Crawford Willie & Virgie Crawley Earl & Helen Crocker John Crozier CSX Corporation Gary & Ginny Cummins 78 Ron & Jan Cummins 80 Dennis & Emmy Curnutte 71, 69 Burl & Evelyn Curtis Earl & Verlene Davis Eleanor Davis Jewell Davis John Davis Stan & Pam Day 65 Stephen & Patrice Deckard John & Suzzanne Dempsey Alan & Gail Diana 69, 70 Doyle & Myrtle Dickinson
Donors set record Donors continued to rally in support of Rochester College during the 1997 calendar year, as 2,312 individuals and organizations provided a record $1,424,839 in gift income. For the third consecutive year and third time in college history, gift income passed the million dollar mark. The Lord has blessed the college with a substantial increase in funding, stated Doug Edwards, vice president for development. Because of the generosity of our friends and alumni, major improvements have been made for our students through gifts to operational programs and the Foundation for the Future campaign. Nationwide, over 1,000 employers continued to match employee gifts during the past year. Rochester College received matching gifts from fifty-three companies, totaling an impressive $137,669 of the college s gift income. Rochester College salutes the good people and organizations listed on these two pages, stated Mr. Edwards. These donors have helped us transform the campus and set the stage for our next campaign, which we hope to launch in coming months. Club Name
Pledge Level Donors
Trustee s Alliance Leadership Alliance President s Circle Progress Club Achievers Club Partners Club Century Club Student Sponsors
over $5,000 47 2,500-4,999 25 1,000-2,499 99 750-999 25 400-749 137 250-399 155 100-249 701 1-99 1,123
Total of Donors and Gifts Lila Warren Patric & Debbie Watkins 68 Jerry & Linda Watson John & Ada Watson Rick & Karen Watson 70 Lyle & Freddie Wheeler Larry & Phyllis Wilkins Gary & Barbara Williams 68 Jerry & Gencie Williams Sandy Witzeling Cynthia Woods Don & Kathy Wray Helen Yarema
CENTURY CLUB 360 Communication Gary & Donna Ablett Billy Adams Dick & Mary Aeder Albany Church of Christ Cecil & Shirley Alexander Nan Alexander Gerald & Helen Allen Marvin & Sister Allison Cheryl Alm Betty Alston American States Insurance Company Tony & Tina Amorose 76 Dale & Lucy Anthony 63 Jim & Debbie Arnett Leonard Austin Bill Avery Justin & Joan Avey Virginia Axford Linda Badour Daryl & Monna Bailey Duane & Marilyn Bailey Larry & Barbara Baker Phyllis Baker Rory & Ronda Barneche 74 Sarah Barnes Kathryn Barrick Elfie Bates Richard & Cheryl Bates Berlin & Jill Batey Earl & Pat Baumunk James Bazel Alice Beal Robert & Jean Bechler Lynn & Barbara Bell
Thomas & Deborah Brozowski Jim Bruff 67 Gene Bryant John & Barbara Bryant James & Louise Bugg 65 Pete & Jane Bullotta Robert & Lennie Bumbalough Peter & Bonita Bumpass Jim & Wendy Burcham Bill & Joyce Burgess Ruth Buschmann Kevin & Cathy Bushre Gary & Wendy Byram Lee Cagle Garland & Jeanne Cain Michael & Marilynn Canterbury Glenn & Fran Carnes Carrel & Nancy Carpenter Earl & Janet Carpenter Ken & Diane Carty Leo & Ruth Casey Oscar & Dottie Chaffin John & Mary Chalk Alphonse & Clara Chaney Beaulah Cheeks Darryl & Gina Cheeks Christ Foundation Hilma Christy Stan & Tawnya Clanton Buddy & Margaret Clark Robert & Dorothy Clark Vernon & Sheryl Clark Jesse & Andrea Clayton Helen Clemons Tony Coccia Dwight & Jan Coe Henry & Lee Coe Sibyl Coe David & Barbara Cole Harlie & Nellie Cole Imogene Cole Tom Cole Clinton & Lila Coleman Gary & Marge Collins Ron & Kay Collins Columbiana Church of Christ Conant Gardens Church of Christ Concerned Brethren Bill & Ava Conley Robert & Marie Conn Phil & Tamera Conner 89, 90
Gifts $922,936 79,631 144,504 20,861 69,663 45,998 99,862 41,384
2,312 $1,424,839 Brett Dicks Elmer & Veneda Dillard Harry & Jean Dimpfl Nick DiToro Kenneth & Nancy Dodd Sharon Donnenwerth Dow Corning Corporation Michael & Lisa Dryden 84 Steve Dukes Bob & Terry Duncan 74 Don Dunn Mickey & Rennae Dunn 73 Sam & Dorothy Durrance Chuck & Joyce Duvall 63 Irv & Olga Dworkin Olga Dworkin John & Patty Dyer 89 Lathell Dymacek East Sparta Church of Christ Delen Eberhardt Alva & Audrey Edens Fred & Lynn Edens Louis & Carolyn Elliott Bill & Martha Ellis Darrel & Joy Emerson 68 Robert & Susan Epley John & Lucile Erickson Jonathan & Becky Evans Gene & Betty Ewing Miles Ezell, Jr. Floyd & Beverly Fair Carl & Sue Feltner Keith & Pat Ferchau 61 Geraldine Fielder Gary & Diane Finley Lorraine Firebaugh First United Methodist Church Jerry & Barbara Flatt Lillian Fonville Bob & Jane Forrester 62 Thomas & Juanita Fralick E.L. & Mildred Freeland Matthew & Janine French 76 Mark & Cheryl Frost Don & Jo Fugate Audrey Gardner Bill & Nancy Garrett James & Bonnie Gatewood James & Johnnie Gatewood Roger Gean 97 Mildred Geer
General Mills Foundation Doyle & Linda Gerig Randy & LaJuana Gill 74 Stewart & Claudia Gillespie Austin & Dorothy Gilley Darlene Gilliland 83 Charlotte Given Harry & Becky Glover 73 Bennie & Pat Glover 65, 68 Elizabeth Glover Howard & Marilyn Goodin David & Deborah Goodman David & Bobbie Goodman Billy & Nancy Gordon Bob & Kim Graf 84 Connie Graham Eugene & Rosie Graham Timothy & Nancy Grahl Jeff & Ruth Green Donald & Ginger Griesing Jack & Crystal Grizzell Norman Grizzell Todd & Carla Grizzell 86 Brett & Connie Groves 78 Ray & Diane Guinn Jane Gunter Lee & Peggy Gunter Richard & Joan Hackman Charles & Margaret Hadfield Jim & Sandy Haferkamp 88 Wayne & Norma Hagaman Robert Hagan Dan & Lois Hagerman 76 Dick & Marvine Hahn Dennis & Sheryl Hall Mattie Hall Don & Cindy Halverson Ernest & Sue Hamady Earl & Rosemary Hamb John Hamilton Ron & Kay Hammond Ken & Ruth Ann Handley 70 Naomi Hanford Billie Kay Hanson 67 Walter & Maxine Harlan Dexter & Greta Harney Mr. & Mrs. Brown Harris Lavonda Harris Cegal & Barbara Harrison Brent & Letha Harshman Mr. & Mrs. L.R. Harshman Hartford Inspection & Insurance Co. John & LeAnn Harvey 83 Harvey Gospel Singers Debbie Haskell Frona Hawkins Norm & Larretta Hay Helen Hayner Rodney & Angela Hazel 91, 86 Ron & Laureen Hazel William & Mary Heaney David & Pamela Heintzman 76 Wes & Kathryn Hendrick Kenneth & Linda Hendrix 61 Clarence & Dixie Henker Allen & Barbara Henry Mildred Henry Don & Marilyn Henson Gary & Marilyn Henson 62 Ronald & Betty Henson Don & Jean Herman Aaron & Reta Herren Adrian & Barbara Herren Russell & Linda Heston Hazel Hibbard Earl & Helen Hickey Andy & Lyn Hinson Marcia Hinson George & Vivian Hockenberry Edward & Linda Hodgens Randy & Jan Hoffman 77 Ted & Bonnie Holcombe Anna Holder Elizabeth Holland Roy & Sandra Hollis Warren & Deane Holmes John Honey Kenneth & Mary Hooton Charles & Annie Hopkins Don & Betty Horsman Steve & Janet Hosler Ruth Howard David Howell Jerry & Peggy Howell 71 Robert & JoAnn Hrabak Rick & Kellie Hueter Arlen & Amanda Hunt Gerald & Barbara Hyder Charles & Pam Hyndman Jim & Barbara Ingram Bertha Jackson June James Roderick & Florence Janich Ray & Debora Jeffers Thomas Jelley Bob & Mildred Jenkins Bernice Johnson Wayne & Fran Johnson 76 Lillian Johnson Sherry Johnson 72 Ronald & Teresa Johnson 82 Donald & Cathy Jones 84 Don & Dawn Jones 81 James & Lila Jones 67 Robert & Lora Jones Ron & Rena Jones Larry & Donna Joseph Kevin & Tammy Kadrich Michael & Betty Kalasz Mark & Allison Karnes Dale & Maxine Keene Dale & Barb Kelly Tim & Peggi Kern 79 Naim & Ferial Kheir Fred & Hazel Kibler Dave & Karen King 81 Mike & Glenda King Bill & El Kirby Lewis & Gwen Kirkpatrick Mary Klinger David & Tina Kosuth David & Elaine Laikind Fred & Janet Lair Marion Lake Michael & Darlene Lake 80 Steve & Candy Lance 71 Mary Larson 68 Ed & Betty Laura Waylon & Martha Lawrence Dan & Linda Lawson 71 Fran Lawson Jeffrey & Linda Lawther 74 Fred & Carolyn Lear Jim & Lori Ledford Marty & Crystal Lee 74 Roger & Carol Lee Tom & Brenda Lekki Claude & Madge Lewis Ed & Carole Lewis Gary & Denise Lewis 71 John & Pamela Lewis 71 Fred & Anne Liimatta 68 Bedford Lindsay Alex & Gale Litrichin Jim Litton
David & Kathy Litzkow Hubert & Willa Locke Ronald & Kathleen Logan Michael & Joan Long 74 Melvyn Long 85 Mike & Kathy Long Robert & Laura Long Daniel & Sue Longfellow Tom & JoAnne Longfellow 78 Eric Lorf 85 John & Karen Losher 62 Ron & Betty Losher 62, 61 Jesse & Oleen Lovelace Gary & Onita Lutes 61 Terry & Dawn Luxton 73, 77 Bill & Mary Jo Lytle Florence Mabry Russell & Loraine Mabry John & Karen Magness Karen Mainero John & Lorna Mangold Adlai & Joyce Martin Bill & Chris Martin Eleanore Martin Olga Martin Martin Insurance Agency Mark & Kathy Matchynski Sandy Mathey Craig & Jennifer Matthews Billy & Reba Mattox James & Delma Mayes Martha Maynard Paul Mays 81 Bill & Marie McBroom Melvin & Jackie McBroom Glen & Mollie McCarty Evelyn McClure Larry & Billie McCoy Phil & Dee Dee McCullough 69 Daniel & Angella McFall Jim Bill & Betty McInteer Herchel & Diane McKamey David & Barbara McKee Donald & Rosemary McLennan Ken & Willa McMillon George McNair Harry & Gerry McNally Pat & Pamela Medlock 85 Clovis & Jo Meixner Dan & Justina Meixner 80 Gregory & Mary Melega Allie & Michelle Merriweather Larry & Brenda Messenger Michael & Lynn Messier Luddie Mickens Matthew & Kathy Mihm Barney & Dorris Miller Carletta Miller Gary & Gail Miller John & Paula Miller 76 Embrey & Dorothy Milner Dennis & Cheryl Mince Hugh & Joy Mingle Jerry & Barbara Miracle Claudia Mitchell 72 Ken & Gayle Mitchell Hubert & Marie Mobley John & Irene Moody Erle & Mona Moore George & Sharon Moore Helen V. Moore Mike & Peggy Morningstar 84, 85 John & Norma Morris Inez Mosley Emma Moss Mt. Pleasant Church of Christ Gregory & JoAnn Mull Michael Mullins Kendall & Karen Murphy Raymond Myle Michio & Lorraine Nagai Nationwide Insurance Jeanne & Sandra Naysmith 67 Robert & Anne Neil Barney & Sharon Neill James & Ruth Nelson Clyde & Carrie Newton Geneva Newton Bill & Ruth Nichols Rocky & Wilma Nichols Vernon & Delores Nichols Edith Nonnenmacher Dale & Barbara Norris Bob & Marge Norton Cheryl O Rourke 76 Lynn & Penny Oglesby 65 Tim & Patty Olree 77 Cecil & Gwen Orr Evelyn Osborn Myra Osborn Steve & Carol Ostrowski 96 Del & LaFonda Overton Flaura Owen Arnold Oz Eugene & Margaret Oz Edwina Pace Linda Pace Stan & Marcia Palmer Edward & Cindy Pariseau 80 Steven & Dawanna Parker Dave & Marilyn Parks 93 Parkside Church of Christ Leo & Mary Parry Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Paschall Ernie & Rhea Patke Johnie & Alta Mae Patterson Cleta Patterson-Smith William & Cloda Paul Jeff & Lisa Pauls Gordon & Carol Payne Duane & Dolores Peltier James & Evelyn Pendergraff Ronald Pepper 69 Robert & Lotefa Peters Alan & Ruby Peterson Robert Peterson Marty & Becky Phillips 88 Cecil & Lupe Phipps William & Laverne Piagari Donald & Mary Pierson Lear & Lorine Pigg Lavon Pitts Madeline Pitts John & Helen Plummer Thelma Poole Dan & Gail Porter Marshall Powell William & Peggy Powers Doyle & Mary Prestridge Audria Price Bernard Price Dewey & Juana Price George & Jeanne Price Genie Priestley Mike & Renetta Proffitt 77 Dave & Sarah Provine Neale & Treva Pryor Greg & Pat Pugh 60 John & Ramona Qualls 91 James & Phila Racklyeft Charles & Shelby Ragland Dennis & Vicky Rainsberger 76, 78 Gary & Beth Rajter 76 Jim Rashott Ray & Cherie Rasnick
J.B. & Virginia Reaves Toby & Anita Reeves 87 Bob & Gail Reeves Carlos & Joanne Reeves Aileen Reynolds Goldie Rice K. C. & Gladys Richards Cathy Ries 73 Norene Riley Joe & Ann Ritchie Mark & Rena Roberts Catherine Robinson Ron & Fonda Robinson 80 Leon & Lynda Robinson Duane & Louise Rodenberg Cory & Lori Rodriguez Carolyn Roe David & Saule Rogers 82 Hugh & Margaret Rogers Jerry & Rosie Rogers John & Valorie Rogin Mark & Kathy Roller 79 James Romans Edward & Mary Root Joberta Rose 82 Bill & Mary Rosenbaum Leo & June Ross Art & Sheri Rousseau 89 Carl Rude Frank & Jeanne Runnels Jerry & Lori Rushford 63, 71 Wanda Rushford Jack & Marjorie Ryan Raymond & Leslie Rygalski Placido & Elois Santellan Paul & Margaret Sarenius Robert & Betsy Satcher Cynthia Saulsberry 67 Dennis Saulsberry 66 David & Mary Schallert Dave & Cindy Schofield 81, 78 Edward & Patti Schollenberge Mike & Beverly Scholten Thaddeus & Nancy Schroeder 64 Richard & Alma Schultz Martin & Valorie Score Henry & Tamela Scott Joe & Pat Seratt Steve & Linda Sewell Donna Sheldon Sheldon Heights Church of Christ Cliff & Kristy Shelton 77 Dan & Peggy Shepard 73 Mark & Tammi Sherfield 80 Glen & Judy Shipman Siemens Energy, Inc. Annette Sikon David & Joyce Simmons Dave & Angie Simons 91 Ralph & Bonnie Sitter Ken & Gail Skeens 82 Ken & Donna Slater 67 Jack Slater Bill & Laverne Smith E.H. & Mae Smith Glenn & Lisa Smith 81, 80 Jack & Debbie Smith Jeryl Smith 96 Don & Kelley Smith 84 Malvern & Elizabeth Smith Dewayne & Marilyn Smith 68 Patrick & Theresa Smith SmithKline Beecham Foundation Brent & Debbie Snelgrove Keith & Louise Snider John & Karen Snoke Steve & Ann Soper Daniel & Karen Sorensen Southside Church of Christ John & Clarice Sparkman David & Karen Speirs 70 Jerry & June Springfield Larry & Susan Stack Estill Staggs Gordon & Ellen Stalcup Brad Stanger George & Ann Stanich Steve & Bonita Stanley Bruce & Joy Starkey 64, 67 Robert & Nancy Stevenson Claude Stewart Ken & Lorie Stewart 82 Pamela Stewart Ray & Sherry Stewart Steffie & Shirley Stewart Croyal & Dina Stinnett Brian & Lisa Stogner 80 Johnny & Ann Strasser Bruce & Cheryl Stricklin 76, 77 Larry & Linda Stutts Clyde & Retha Summers John & Joyce Swantek Terry & Karen Swiney Wladimer & Laverne Szych Jessie Talmadge Dane & Shanon Tate 88 John & Joyce Taylor Roscoe & Geneva Taylor Duane & Betty Tennant Wendell & Alice Terry Texas Instruments Foundation Bill & Jean Thomas Gordon Thomas, Jr. Ron & Pat Thomas Bill & Jill Thomason Eric & Julie Thomason Jeff & Crista Thompson Keith & Cynthia Thompson Charles & Marilyn Thornbro John & Joyce Todd 67 Jimmy & Julia Toms Mary Townsend David & Nancy Truex Jim & Beth Truex 93, 92 Clifford & Pauline Tucker Louhon & Carolyn Tucker Ron & Nancy Tucker Gary & Mary Turner Larry Turner Jay & Cindy Tyler 87 Hugh & Rosemary Upton 79 Gordon & Lisa Urban 82 David & Carol VanHooser Jim & Martha Vann Bill & Shirley Vaughn Gary & Jane Vaught Tullos & Thelma Vincent Jim & Jaynie Vize Frank & Juanita Wabeke Dan Wade 94 Albert & Sarah Waineo Michael & Paula Walczak Jim & Dwinna Walker 62, 61 Rosa Lee Walker Allen & Evelyn Waller Dale & Dorothy Walls William E. Walter Mark & Diane Wanous James Ward Jim & Benita Ward Mitchell & Deborah Washer Johnnie & Barbara Washington John & Betty Watson Julia Watterworth Ronald & Denise Weaks
NORTH STAR Benny & Linda Welch Steve & Jane Wensko 84 Robert & Ethel Wenzel Dennis & Vickie Wheeler Kyle & Kelie Wheeler 84 David & Kim Whitacre Dolorese White Ken & Sharon Whitlatch 76, 78 Marvin & Dorothy Whitledge Cliff & Margaret Whitsett John & Carole Whitwell 62 Robert & Valicia Wiggins Charles & Gayle Wilks Arthur & Laura Williams 66 John & Iris Williams Steve & Kay Williams Charles & Irma Wilson Jack & Virginia Wilson Mark & Cindy Wilson Robert & Susan Wilson 83 Scott & Margaret Wilson David & Joyce Wineinger Dennis & Bev Wineinger Richard & Marilyn Winski Mike & Ersella Winters Jim & Sandy Wise Ed & Renee Wohlfeil Dan & Debbie Wohner Ed & Sara Wolfe Ken & Nora Wooten Thomas & Freda Worley Donald & Lois Wright Joseph & Mattie Wright Charles & Pat Young M. Norvel & Helen Young Beth Yuhas Don & Elaine Yuvan Bert & Eunice Zadoorian Denise Zavasky 73 Sylvia Zavitz 93 Glenn & Beverly Ziegler
STUDENT SPONSORS Raymond & Roberta Abbott Tom & Connie Abele 74, 78 Carole Abernathy Eulice & Helen Adams Raymond Adcock Sr. Marc & Kathe Addison 76 Martha Addison Ruth Ahrens Akzo America Foundation Sandra Alex Eric & Meitre Alexander 86, 85 Dan & Diana Allen 73 Doug & Cathy Allen 81, 80 Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Jimmy & Marilyn Allen Lawrence & Shirley Allen Patrick & Janine Allen William & Margaret Allen Ira & Barbara Allmond Orville Amorose Don & Marsha Anderson Rod & Kay Anderson 66, 65 David & Sarah Anspach George Anthony L. L. Anthony, Jr. Paul & Karen Arnell Patricia Arnett Randy & Julie Arnett Andrew & Margaret Askew Associated Women For Shults-Lewis Natalie Atkinson 96 Steve & Sandy Atkinson Hugh & Maria Avant Jerry Bailey Tom & Rhonda Baiocchi Louise Baker Russell & Sue Baker Larry & Val Baker 79 Viola Baker Gilbert & Janice Baldwin Wyman & Shirley Balfour Garry & Tamera Balk Arlene Ball Keith & Barbara Ball Terry & Lila Ball Dana Ballard Howard Ballard Ward & Mabel Barker Daniel L. Barney Helen Baron Mary Barrett Norman & Janis Bartelt Norman & Cheri Bartlett 63 Olive Bateman Phyllis Bateman Conrad Bates Mike & Keri Bath 87 Clarence Batman Kathleen Baumgarten Neil & Laura Baxter Lyle & Ruby Bean Dan & Rachel Beaudoin 88 Scotty & Lynn Beck 66 John Beckes Virgil & Wanice Beckett Patsy Beckwith Bill & Kathy Behnke Alice Bell Florene Bell Glenn & Jan Bell Vernon & Ruth Bell Sally Belli Rose Ellen Belman Lorraine Benjamin Joe & Vikki Bentley Mildred Bentley Palmer & Mary Bentsen Joe Ed & Mary Bernhardt Kevin & Sheila Berry Ed & Nancy Berta 64, 63 Viola Berta Clarence & Katie Beverly Beverly Bus Garage Gerald & Margie Biggs Max & Joy Bingman Marie Birdwell Sean & Connie Birdwell Skeeter & Alisha Bissell 95 Erma Bittinger Carl & Betty Blackburn Billy & Melanie Blake 89 Jeffrey & Mary Blake Guy & Dorothy Blakeman William & Edith Blitchok Wendell & Mary Bloomingburg Jim & Lori Bodine 77 Lisa Boelens 90 Jeff & Stacianne Boling 94 Jack & Karan Bolinger Glenn Bolling 85 Faye Bonbrisco Russ & Frances Bone Billy & Barbara Bones Herbert & Eva Bonner Maxine Boulter Robert & Joyce Boykin Virgil & Louise Bracewell Ruth Bradford Edward & Carol Bray 66, 67 Richard & Betsy Brice Bridgestone & Firestone Trust Fund
William & Patricia Bristor Anna Brooks Eileen Brooks Karl & Carletta Brooks Steve & Donna Browder Alicia Brown 96 Laurence & Debra Brown Horace & Mae Brown Mr. & Mrs. Brown Irene Brown John & Carldene Brown Shirley Brown Gary & Jan Bruce 72 Mary Bruce Vernon Bruner Wayne & Wilda Bryan Noreen Bryant James & Oliva Buchanan Ray & Judith Buchanan Mark & Bernice Buckley Betty Buelow Al & Kathy Bugg 86 Bob & Pamela Bullock Earl & Dorothy Bullock Randy & Tessa Bullock 84 Roosevelt & Voncile Bullock Kendra Bunch 94 David & Shirley Bunnell Roger & Ellen Bunton John & Jan Burchfield Coy W. Burgess Geoffrey & Nerrissa Burtis 92, 90 Evelyn Burtnett Hayward & Sandra Burton James & Wavil Bush Marilyn Buss Willie & Sandra Butler Tom & Beth Butterbaugh Jim & Elizabeth Button Glenn & Cynthia Byers 74, 74 Jim & Karen Cagnet Edwin Cahill 95 Joe & Clarice Cain Steve & Mary Cain 94 Jim & Lori Calkin 87, 87 Belinda Cameron 77 Carol Camiener James & Sandy Campbell Jeanette Campbell Virgel & Learline Campbell Bruce & Jeanie Canter 76 Helen Capaldi 65 Chris & Michelle Carpenter Paul & Angela Carpenter 85, 84 Ethan & Violetta Carr Bob & Teri Carris William & Wanda Carroll Dennis & Trish Carter Jeff & Jean Carter 84 Jerry & Lula Carter Leon Carter David & Jackie Case 67 Nannie Cason Barry & Mary Chaffin Eva Cheney Chevron USA Inc. Ron & Karen Chidester Gerald & Joyce Childs Jennie Chitwood Glenn Christenberry Janie R. Christie Glen & Helen Churchill Citgo Petroleum Corporation Jeff & Marcia Clark 96, 97 John & Peggy Clark Patsy Clark Frank & Winifred Clayton Loren & Elaine Clemence Randy & Teresa Clouse 77 Bill & Mary Coats Paula Cochran 68 Ron & Judy Coffee Eva Coker Jim Colburn William & Mildred Coleman College Church of Christ Eva Collier Maylon & Marilyn Collier Elizabeth Collins Viola Coltson Victor & Diane Connellan Conrail Corporation Consumers Energy Lee & Alma Cooper Sherley Cooper Ron & Marlene Copeland 70 Helen L. Costello Joe & Sandy Cotter Ellis & Florence Cottrell Todd Coulter J. B. & Evelyn Cox Jeff & Lynne Cox 79 Lydia Cram Brent Cramp 96 Joel & Beth Cranford Venita Crawford Harold & Marevia Cregor Derella Crews Jack & Kathleyne Crofoot Marion Croniser Juanita Jim Crowder Mark & Margie Crutchfield 73, 72 Marque & Karen Cryderman Ernest & Isabel Cummings Dovie Curry Bill & Annette Dabbs Harry & Chris Dahlstrom Ronald & Susan Daiza Elsie Darling Dortha Darnell Robert Darr Brad Dauble 87 Edward & Jacqueline Dauw Kirt & Lana David Mai Dell Davidson Darrel & Sonja Davis Elizabeth Davis Leeora Day Pamela Day 69 William & Shirley Daymon John & Sandra Dean Dean & Sue Decker 74 Robert & Evelyne DeGregory 72 Ron & Valerie Delaughter Shirley Demeris John & Sharon Dennis Floyd & Irene Denton Reba Dick Josephine Dickerson Royce & Terri Dickinson 75 Bill & Billie Diles Jim & Joan Dillinger 62 Bill & Eleanor Dinger Jerry & Debbie Dittrich 85 James & Shirley Doherty 72 Charlyne Donahoe Stephen & Ann Donawick Terry & Lynn Dortch Garland & Rita Draper Richard Driskell 72 Gene & Fran Dugger Richard & Debbie Duke Thomas & Donna Duncan Jack & Sally Dunkin
Linda Dunning Bruce & Sara Dusterhoft Charles Duvall Linda Duvall Bruce & Arlene Dye 75 Doug & Lynn Dye 76 Dorothy Eberhardt Mary Eberlein John Eberly 88 Thomas & Alice Eckman John & Johnnie Eckstein Brian & Dawn Edens 93 Mike Edgar 93 Allan & Patricia Edwards Arnold & Mary Edwards Gale Edwards 67 Keith Edwards Harry & Zelmodene Eichman Bill & Pauline Ell Bettye Ellington Eula Ellis Evelyn Ellis Opal Elrod Don & Lynn England Don Epperson 68 Ken & Phyllis Ervin Lillie Mae Erwin Loy & Nita Eubanks Lelar Evans Richard & Dee Evans 66 Delbert & Alice Fall Overton Faubus Grace Fehrenbaker Ray & Marcheta Felts Fred & Catherine Ferguson Calvin & Mary Fields Orval Filbeck Nellie Fill Clark & Margaret Finley James Fishback David & Trenna Fishbaugh Bill & Harriett Fisher Brad & Betsy Fisher Dale & Ruth Fisher Thelma Fisher Ron & Mary Flagel 81 Andrea Flatt 85 Matthew & Bonnie Fleischman Wanda Fleming John & Cynthia Fletcher 76 Mike & Denise Flynn 76 Jeanette Fogarty Elsie Forcum Rob & Judy Ford 64, 65 Lee Forster Ken & Irene Foster Katherine Fox Richard & Marcia Fraley Carol Fralick Joe & Dorothy Frame Brad & Leslie Francis 85 Anna Francisco Loyd & Anne Frashier Carl & Orpha Frazier Mr. & Mrs. William Free Hubel & Joyce Freeman Gordon French David & Norma Frick 68 Jim & Lynne Frost Ron & Stephanie Frost Kimarie Fry 93 Tom & Kathy Fuhrman 80 John & Verna Fulcher Hubert & Anna Fuller Dorothy Fulton Alice Galey Clifton & Debbie Ganus James Gardner Butch & Sheila Gardner 74 Carol Garrett 72 Annette Gatewood 64 George Gean Gerry Geauvreau Harold & Dawn Gentry 83 Frank & Tricia George Lee Roy & Elaine George Mike & Ann Marie Gerhardt Mary Getzelman Leo & Brenda Gilbert 79 Virginia Gillette Hollis & Alice Gilley Ron & Linda Gilley 62 Steven & Linda Gilstrap Roy & Louise Gist Dave & Cindy Gladwell 79 Joe & Tina Gladwell 87 Jerry & Joan Glasser Samuel & Beaulah Glazier Boyd & Evelyn Glover Wayne & Wilma Glover Dexter & Myrtle Gobbell Cynthia Gomez Charles Gonder Chris & Gail Gonzalez 92 Issaac & Beverly Gooden Donald Gore 78 Paul Graefe, Jr. Larry & Genny Graham Brad & Karen Grate 78 Bob & Susan Gray Robert & Janet Gray Lucille Green George & Carolyn Gregg Arlene Gresham Michael & Sonia Gresham 71, 70 Benny & Vera Grice 70 Carl & May Griffin 76 Kevin & Karen Griswold 80 Mrs. Reid Groomes Joe & Karen Gross James & Lou Grotts Mr. & Mrs. Rentz Gullick George & Darlene Gunter Gilbert & Barbara Guymer Vivian Haan Jeff & Kali Hacias 88 George & Pat Hack Donald & Shirley Haddix Michael & Eva Lynn Hahn Howard & Elva Hale Dinah Hall 76 Maurice & Marie Hall Carol Halsey Karl & Bethany Halterman 88 J.O. & Sylvia Hamby Dave & Lu Ann Hamilton Jack & Peggy Hammond Fred & Robin Hamon Dean Hampton 74 Richard & Sue Hand Dave & Helen Hands Michael & Deanna Hankins Edward & Joan Hanna Jacquelyn Hannah 68 Larry & Nancy Hansel Lavicia Harbison Jim & Vicki Hardin Vernon Hargett Lucille Harmon Brian & Ann Harrington Henry & Pearl Harrington Charles & Virginia Harris Michael & Kathryn Harris Laverne Harrison Glenna Hart
Mattie Hart Dean Hartley Max Harvey Connie Hasley Marguerite Hassett Terry Hatcher 66 John & Donna Hau Clayton & Mary Haupt Ellis & Ethel Hawk Don & Linda Hayes 76 Espy L. Haynes Reginald Head Willie & Ruby Heady Mr. & Mrs. John Heft H. W. & Annile Hemingway Duane & Kay Henderson Sayman & Ruby Henderson Wes & Debbie Hendrick 80 Sandy Hendrickson 79 Walter & Mary Henry Brad & Cathi Herman 87 Bill & Sherri Herold 94 Peggy Herring Mike & Sandy Hesterman 78, 80 Marion & Phyllis Hetrick Al & Kym Hibbard 76 Elsa Hill Major & Pauline Hill Rebecca Hill
Fred & Alice Jewell Maralee Jewett 74 Billie Johnson John & Jennifer Johnson 76, 78 John & Kathy Johnson Lavelda Johnson Melvin & Veronica Johnson Steven Johnson Timothy & Susan Johnson 78 Velma Johnson Wes Johnson Willie & Lora Johnson Dale & Maryann Johnston Doris Jones Edgar & Mary Jones Ethel Jones Mary J. Jones Montel & Kimberly Jones Astrida Jons Dorothy Jordan Alec & Sharon July 66 Dale & Frances Kaiser Chris & Karla Kamrada 86 Gary & Cynthia Kane William Kannon William Kannon Lewis & Mary Karkosky Betty Kauffman Helen Kearbey
SPRING 1998 Silas Legg Betty Lehnan Janette Leitz Garry & Carolyn Leonard Charlotte Leone Charles Leverich Ernie & Tammy Lewis Mick & Anita Lewis Nancy Lewis 64 Michael & Pam Light 81 Mark & Brenda Lincoln 67 James & Ruby Lindsey Livonia Church of Christ Dorothy Loftis Ken & Kathy Long 70 Marvin & Callie Long James & Janie Loper Bob Losher Robert & Linda Lough Connie Loukinas 77 Mark & Rita Louthan Doug & Christine Lowe Robert & Frances Lowe Lucent Technologies Roy & Mabel Luxton Randy & Doreen Lynn 79 Arlene Lynton 84 Brad & Brenda Lyons Norman Lyons
Worth Repeating Dear Dr. Johnson, One of our elders, Richard Westlund, said wonderful things about Rochester College after attending the kickoff dinner for the Partnership Dinner. He has been encouraging the Plymouth congregation to support Rochester College. My daughter now attends Rochester College. Another prospective student from Plymouth is possibly coming next year. I think it is very exciting to have two members attending the college. One of the main reasons we moved back to Michigan after living in Florida for five years, was so Joanna could attend Rochester College. We are a close family and I wanted Joanna to attend a Christian college not far from home. It has been a wonderful year for Joanna. It is very encouraging for me to know that Joanna s future will probably be in Michigan. By having our young men and women attend a local college, we will more than likely be able to keep these young people in our state to keep our congregations strong. We may even draw young men and women from other states and encourage them to stay and raise their families. I am so happy with all the work you and Mary have done. It always touches Joanna s heart that you and Mary know her by name. Sincerely, Denise Econom
Sam & Chris Hill Rick & Karen Hillman Hillman Building Inc. Virginia Hilty Randy & Terry Hines 71 Scott & Colette Hingst 93 Carl & Ruth Hinson Morris & Gail Hinson 64 73 Rawdon & Betty Hobbie Richard Hodson 63 John & Kerri Hoenstine 81 John & Sheri Hogg 93 Kent & Debi Hoggatt 72, 88 Dale & Brenda Holden Jimmie & Florence Holland Sheila Holley John & Bobbye Hollingshead Charles & Donna Holzhauer Harley & Gwen Hopp Fay Hoshell 91 Janice Houvener 65 Tim & Laurie Howard 84 Lloyd Howard Lynn Howe 85 Ed & Maggie Howell Wendy Howell Phillip & Patricia Huckaba 75 Bette Huckaby Wayne & Wilma Hudgins Raymond & Doris Huey Johnnie Huggins Alonzo Hughes John & April Humphrey Jeff & Kathy Hunt 84, 85 Terry & Ruth Hunt Kirk & Susan Hunter Huron Valley Hospital Betty Hurston 63 Arthur Hutchins Ray & Bertha Hyder Ronald Hyder Rhoderick Ice Ray & Cokie Inzer Darrell & Norma Irelan Bob & Pam Isenberg 80 James & Stella Isom Alice Jackson George & Denise Jackson Butch & Pam Jeffery 77, 76 Maxine Jeffries Wendell & Paula Jennings 68
Pat & Janie Keating 72 Steven & Donna Keller Walter Keller Loreta Kelley Dan & Melanie Kelley 95 Warren Kendall, Jr. 70 John & Karen Kennamer 65 Levell & Emma Kensey John Kerr Melissa Kessel 86 Robert Kessler Wayne & Georgene Kessler Roy & Evelyn Key KeyCorp Russell & Rowena Killion Fred & Audrey King Janet King Larry & Pat King Scott & Jeanie King 87, 94 Walter & Anna King Dennis & Anne Kirby 66 Mata Kirk David & Niki Kirkpatrick 72 Robert & LoAnn Kirks 65 Craig & Pamela Klaver Steve & Linda Klein Mattie Knisley Terry & Sharon Kogowski Dorothy Kopecek John & Karen Kosuth William & Lonni Kozyra Allen & Frances Kramer Andy & Lisa Kronenwetter Mary Kuhn Homer & Estelle Kuykendall Ben Lai Kenneth & Trini Laird Pat Lake Gene & Sue Lamb Milton & Mary Landrum Nina Lane Exia Lanner Bill & Elizabeth Lansford Pam LaPlante 84 Chuck & Sandra Largent Richard & Dawn LaRue Hubert & Louetta Lawrence Alonzo & Anna Layne Randolph & Pamela Le Page Leroy & Doris Ledsworth 62 Bill & Robbie Lee
Jim & Heidi Lytle Ralph & Cathee Mabry U. L. & Thelma Mabry Gerald & Mary Mack Raymond Madigan Charles Magee Brent & Kay Magner Bill & Norma Maguffee Gilbert & Glenda Maldonado George & Wilma Mallon Louis Mallot Larry & Sandra Malone Don & Rosie Mandernach Chuck & Shelly Mangion 75 Jack & Patti Mann Yvonne Mansfield Ellen Mao 95 Tom & Tina Marcellis 87 Gary & Connie Marchbanks 83 Karl & Julie Marcussen Glen & Lisa Markell 82 Daniel & Lucille Marshall Craig Martin 73 Keith & Linda Martin 88 Ken & Debbie Martin Kenneth & Karen Martin Jeff & Marlyce Martin 82 Ray & Mary Martin Tom Martin 62 Betty Marzahl Clifford & Donna Masih 71 Jannie Mason Jerry & Joan Mata 68 Howard Mathison Bill & Martha Matson David & Elaine May 74 Elma Mary May Keith & Anita Mayes 83 Emma McAllister Martha McBride Trudy McCain Donald & Louise McCarthy Chris & Lynette McClure 78, 77 Cora McClure Dave & Susan McClure 84, 83 Larry & Cindy McCoy 95 Dan & Colleen McCray Bob & Sandy McCurdy 80 Lorene McDonald Donald & Sandra McElhaney Carol McGeen
J. P. & V. C. McGuire Robert & Gladys McKenney Kevin & Janice McKisson 83 Betty McLaughlin Don McLellan Susan McNamara Al & Linda Meakes Don & Judy Mealer Charles & Anna Mechanco Ronald & Naomi Meecham Thomas Mellander Albert & Helen Mellott R. W. & Beverly Mercer Lawrence Merchel Lyman & Dana Mereness Kevin & Anna Messier Lorraine Messina Michael Miceli Chester & Wanda Michalak Steve & Cindy Michiels Patrick & Peggy Migan Dick & Marie Miller Dorothy Miller Jack & Nancy Miller Richard & Marg Miller Richard Miller DeWayne & Eula Milon Thomas & Marion Milton Bob & Mary Mobry Ed & Geraldine Monroe Seza Monroe Louise Montgomery Wayne Moody Bill & Pat Moon Al & Georgina Moore Annie Moore Marguerite Moore Modenner Moore Donald & Dorothy Moralee Louis Moribito Mark & Kim Morra Leona Morris William Morrison 90 Ben & Peggy Morton Tim & Vickie Morton 85, 86 Jim & Rhonda Mosley 71, 72 Juanita Mosley Michael & Lori Mosley Golda Mossbarger Dennis & Colleen Mount Robert & Betty Mount Dan & Pam Moylan Michael Mullens Harold & Charlotte Nance 69 Roy & Billye Nance Lee Nash Robert & Darlene Neal Robert & Sharon Neil 67 James & Betty Nelson Tim & Pat Newman Bao Dan & Ruth Nguyen Bill & Karen Nichols Jeanette Nicks Scott & Birgie Niemann Verner Niva Larry & Enola Norville Betty O Neal Darrell O Rourke Doug & Vicki Oakes Steve & Pam Oberlin 79 David & Pamela Ogles John Ohlsson Jan Okey Pennie Oldham 78 Mary Alene Olds Laverne Oliver Orvis & Ann Oliver R. C. & Virginia Oliver Joseph & Candy Orvelo Rick & Barb Osborn Loyal & Lou Osterhoudt Don & Alice Ostrowski Leisa Ozolins 77 Jerry & Dorothy Pace Joe & Mary Pace Roger Pagratis Henrietta Palmer Stephen & Gayle Palmer Greg & Sue Parent 80 Larry & Marilyn Parham Earl Parish Dave & Linda Park 74 Thomas & Connie Park Freda Parker Terry & Lynnete Parker Don & Pat Parrott Gerard & Vicki Paschke 75 Brian & Mary Paterson James & Evelyn Patterson Charles & Betty Patton Michael & Patricia Payne 76 Richard & Ina Payne Brian & Laura Pearson Phil & Barbara Peasley Ruby Perry Gladys Pettigrew Rosa Petty Mark & Brenda Phelps Linda Phillips Ron & Joy Phillips Thomas & Myla Phillips Bernard & Joanne Piasecki Roger & Merle Pickens Gerald & Olivia Pierce Litie Pippin Fred & Faye Pitcher Robert & Patsy Pittman Tim & Laura Pittman 85, 82 Frank & Kathleen Pitts Garth & Pat Pleasant 69 Ina Pleasant Harold Pletcher Michael & Imogene Plonka Plymouth Church of Christ Roger & Joyce Poe 94 Eric & Linda Porter Steven & Julie Porter 86 Wanita Postlethwait Elizabeth Potter John & Oma Pounders Hazel Powell Willard & Doris Powell Carl & Peggy Price Keith & Lora Price 71 Joe & Bessie Pryor Erdie & Ann Pugh Karen Kay Pullins 65 Deborah Purgatori William & Helen Putty Bernie & Rose Quackenbush Mary Qualls Margaret Ragland Robert & Ruth Rainsberger Edith Ramey Antonio & Anna Ramos Tony Rana 84 Darlene Randazzo James & Bobby Ray Joe & Sarah Reddick Priscilla Redmond 67 Ed & Elizabeth Reeves Larry & Marlene Reeves Mike Reilley Justin Remsing Scott & Linda Remsing
William & Deanna Renner Ivan & Sharlene Renshaw Randy & Diane Rhodes Guilford & Pat Rice Kim & Martha Rice 77 Donald & Helen Richards Owen & Tennie Richardson R. F. & Ruth Rieder Ersel & Vera Riggenbach Vern & Violet Riggenbach Terrine Riggs 82 Jason & Jill Riker 95 Rolland Riley Stephen & Clarice Rink Michelle Risley Charley & Phyllis Roberts Carl & Frankie Robinson Ida Mae Robinson Opal Robinson Wayne & Gladys Robinson Lynn & Linda Robrock John & Kay Rochotte Jean Rogers Rue Porter Rogers Thomas & Cyndy Rogers Tom & Agnes Rogers Helen Rollins Bill & Ellen Romans Henry & Evelyn Romans Joe Romine, Jr. Ronald Roop Diane Rose Lloyd & Carol Rose William & Jane Rose Ed & Ronda Rosenbaum 77 Rod & Norma Rosher Walter Rothwell Laneda Routh Dorothy Rovit Douglas & Maxine Rusnell Tony & Veronica Russo Burt & Debi Rutledge 93, 91 J. E. Ryan Norma Jean Ryan Fred & Gladys Sage James & Norma Sampier Shawn & Dian Sandefur 91 Ed & Ruth Sanders Ron & Billie Sandlin Dan & Linda Sanford Norm & Christine Sanford Robert & Chris Sarason 65 Steve & Karen Sayre Robert Scarbrough 95 Bob Scattergood 66 Brian & Robin Schad 85 Gerald & Florence Schaffler Paul & Bev Schandevel 85, 81 Jeannette Schiele Joyce Schmaeling Marvin & Ruth Schmerse John & Faith Scholl Ken & Corinna Schug 82 Dolores Schultz Norman Schwallie Donna Scott Larry & Belinda Seagraves 82 Evergrace Seay Kenneth & Cheryl Seiber Norman & Carol Seiders 69 Porter & Lavada Sellers Ruth Ann Sellers Carl Senne Mark & Gloria Sessums 75, 74 Pete Sexton 91 Laura Shannon Cordie Sharp Genevieve Shatzer Randy & Carolyn Shell Jim & Lori Shelton Ed & Karen Shepherd Alfred & Helen Sherer Annie Sherman Bernice Sherman David & Maureen Shinsky Lynn & Holly Shinsky 73 Paul & Heather Shinsky 78 Brother & Sister Shirley Don & Hope Shull 75 David & Karlisa Shultz Ron & Jody Siegel 88, 86 Jack & Pat Siggers Jeff & Patty Simmons Joanna Simon Joe & Louise Sims Steve & Sandy Sitter 80 Robert & Gracie Skaggs 69, 67 Sarah Sloan Bruce & Beth Smith 69 Bill U. Smith, Jr. Calvin Smith Jim & Melanie Smith Lloyd & Karen Smith 68 Lota Smith Mabel Smith Mark & Robin Smith 75, 78 Martha Smith Mattie Smith Muriel Smith Trevor & Nancy Smith 76 Pam Smith 76 Ruby Smith Shirley Smith Susie Smith Wayne & Cynthia Smith Sneed Lang P.C David Snyder Chuck & Sandy Snyder 66 Mel & Brenda Sommers Dex Sparks Curt & Nedra Sparks 77 Steven & Sheryl Sparks Sparr Foundation Amy Spayde 88 Jackson & Sheila Speaks James & Madlyn Spears Richard & Gloria Spears Richard & Margaret Spencer Frances Spiro Jo Spoor Minnie Staggs T. E. & Uva Stamps Erica Stanich 95 David & Sheila Starnes Bill & Sarah Steele Mark & Janice Stephens Dale & Penny Stevens 79, 80 Dan & Terri Stevens 75 Ben & Diana Stewart 92 Ed Stewart 71 Ernie Stewart 68 Ken & Dorothy Stewart Doug & Pamela Stinson Alice Stokes Larry & Tillie Stone Streetsboro Church of Christ Barbara Strehl Jeff & Lisa Streng Tyler & Gail Strickler Harmon & Louise Stroup Mable Stull Wallace Stump Carol Sullivan Sundstrand Foundation Raymond & Barbara Surine
Ben & Mary Suthers Bill & Wanda Suydam Opal Swallows Don & Leatrice Swander Carl & Edith Swanigan 97 Keith & Lisa Swims Albert Swindle 75 Dennis & Terri Swindle 75 Donald & Emelie Taylor Eddie Taylor Fred & Laura Taylor Genevieve Taylor Mark & Kathi Taylor James & Elsie Tennison Don & Colleen Tessier Elzie Thacker Larry & Jill Thacker 79 Terry & Brenda Theisen Doug Thomas Phil & Mary Thomas Willie Thomas Gary & Ladora Thomason Tom & Carol Thompson 68 Don & Billie Thompson Elmyra Thompson Wayne & Mary Thompson Carolyn Thornton 60 Dawn Thornton Charles & Nancy Thurston Frances Toben Kimberly Tomaszewski 81 John & Marilyn Torrey Louise Trammell Vija Traube Dennis & Jeanne Trebash Joe Tremain Wendy Trevorrow Joseph M. Trimew Walter & Betty Trinklein Susan Trost 80 Troy Church of Christ William & June Tucker April Tummins Glenn & Trenee Tunick 95 John & Carol Tunks Betty Turner Bob & Betty Turner Erlon Turner Gary & Vivian Turner Ray & Ava Lee Turner Velma Turner Rob & Hideko Tuttle 76 Ed & Kim Utley 91 Bonnie Uzzell Rod & Tammy VanWagoner 78 Vonda Varady Paul & Jeanine Varner Bill & Billie Verkler Richard & Ella Veteto Georgette Victor Jim & Mary Villinger Jean Vincent Joe & Jill Vincent 82 Pete & Ruthann Wackerman 75 Bob & Susan Waggoner Etta Waggoner Steve & Lisa Wagner Bryan & Debbi Waineo 73 Jane Waites Carl & Martha Walker Dale & Cindy Walker 79 Horace & Alice Walker Roger Walker Leila Wallace Michael & Sandi Wallace 87, 89 Nancy Wallace 75 Vernon & Flo Wallace Richard & Myrna Walter Dawn Walters Rod & Amy Waltz 81 Russ & Phyllis Ward John & Mary Warfel Lee Wasserman Leland Waters Curtis Watson Marion Watson Gene & Maxine Watts Barbara Weatherhead Verlin & Betty Weaver Rich & Chris Weber 77 James & Katherine Weertz Delmar Weimer Nelson & Lorraine Welch Mrs. A. E. Wells Dorothy Wells 65 Henry & Eva Wells Marvin & Joyce Wellsted Bobby & Dianne West Scot & Lydia West 91 Rebecca West Wilhemina Whaley Wayne & Cindy Whitcomb Clarence & Mattie White Evelyn White Ronald & Donna White Frances Whited Ronald & Sharon Whitmore Pauline Whitwell Arthur Whyte Harold & Debbie Wiard Dave & Vicki Wiley Doug & Melissa Wiley 87 Charles & Judy Wilhelm Myra Wilkins Alber Williams Bonnie Williams Buster & Vera Williams Ellen Williams Joe & Helen Williams Kenneth & Jennifer Williams Bill & Dorothy Williamson Edward & Florine Williamson Louise Williamson Jay & Mary Jo Wilson 96 Jeff Wise 93 Mildred Withem Ami Wohner Kevin & Laurie Wolfe Frank & Diana Woloszyk 67 Carl & Norma Woods Ruth Woolley Marty & Mary Wooten 82 Bill & Loretta Wright 67 John & Carla Wright 79 Myrtle N. Wright Rob & Kathy Wright 87 Harold & Mary Wuest Jacob & Elua Wynn Liz Wyrick Bill & Frankie Yen Paul & Camille Yoder 91, 92 Brad & Cindy Young Kim Zadoorian 86 Mike & Suzanne Zanoli 85 Conrad & Kathy Zboch Josephine Zenoby Kevin & Barb Ziegler 79 Beverly Zilka Pam Zink 91 Richard & Vivian Zito Patrick & Margaret Zurlinden Donors listed are those giving cash or stock gifts to Rochester College during the 1997 calendar year.
inside the
north star
College prepares for new majors after state approval
Liberal Arts in a Christian Setting! Web Site: E-Mail:
The North Star is the official news bulletin of Rochester College. Comments should be addressed to Larry Stewart, director of public relations.
Rochester College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, disability, or national or ethnic origin in the execution of its educational program, activities, employment, or admissions policies except where necessitated by specific religious tenets held by the institution and its controlling body.
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June 15-19, 1998
Home School Science Camp
phone 248.218.2116 for information
June 21-26, 1998
Summer Jam for Teens
Developing Leaders for the 21st Century
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Soccer~July 13-17 Cross Country~July 26-31
Sports Camps for Teens
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Great Summer Activities Especially for Youth
Enrollment and gift income increase Based upon a board decision to change the name of the institution, Rochester College adopted a new name in July of 1998. Today, less than one year later, Rochester College continues to experience major increases in enrollment and funding. We no longer have to deal with the misconception that we are an unaccredited seminary, stated Dr. Ken Johnson, president of the college. We are now forging our reputation as a liberal arts college with a strong emphasis on Christian principles. Our most recent publication for prospective students makes the boldest statement ever about our Christian emphasis, stated Larry Stewart, director of public relations. Before, we primarily let our name carry the message of who we are. This time we dedicated almost a quarter of the piece to our spiritual focus. Everywhere I travel, I am impressed by the continued confidence that people have in Rochester College, stated Dr. Johnson. Our friends and alumni are excited by the progress they are seeing and continue to support us in a marvelous way. Enrollment soared to a record level during the fall semester, representing an increase of 24%. The trend and new records continued for the spring semester, when the college posted an impressive 32%
Students from the Ukraine, Japan, and Canada visit on the sidewalk. increase over the previous year. Our application count is presently running about one month ahead of last year, stated Phil Conner, dean of enrollment services. At last check, we were also experiencing an increase in the average ACT score among applicants for next fall. We are also excited about the interest we are seeing in areas further from the college, stated Dr. Michael Westerfield, vice president for academic affairs. In response, we decided to purchase and hang flags from all of the states and nations represented among our student body. During the current year, students from seventeen states and eleven nations enrolled at Rochester College. In addition to most
Flags from twenty-eight states and nations enhance the auditorium.
Midwestern states, students came from as far as New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the East and California and Montana in the West. Others traveled from Southern states like Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia. Canada followed only Michigan and Ohio with numbers of students. While student response to the college is our main concern, we have been blessed with additional financial support, stated Doug Edwards, vice president for development. For the third consecutive year, gift income set a record and passed the million dollar mark, allowing us to move forward with some important plans for the college. Our year-end appeal generated a double-digit increase in gifts compared to the same time last year, stated Elton Albright, associate director of development. Most of our gifts are still coming from people who have supported the college for a number of years, demonstrating continued confidence in the college. Expansion of our donor base is now one of our major challenges. The Lord has blessed us with an overwhelmingly positive response to the name change and remarkable progress in the past few months, stated Dr. Johnson. The coming year will be exciting as the college continues to achieve further important goals.