TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................. 2-3 ROCHESTER COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT............................ 4 WELCOME TO ROCHESTER COLLEGE.........................................5 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.................................................... 6-15 Code of Conduct .......................................................................6 Conduct Expectations................................................................6 Disciplinary Procedures..........................................................7-10 Disciplinary Process Reporting Misconduct Types of Discipline Student Appeal Process Dismissal Appeal Suspension Appeal Parent Notification Behavioral Expectations...................................................... 10-14 Dress Code Alcoholic Beverages, Illicit Drugs and Tobacco Conflict Resolution Display of Affection Dishonesty Fletcher Center Gambling Hazing Personal Responsibility Pornography Respect for Persons and Threats or Harms to Self or Others Response to College Employees Safety Sexual Relationships Social Media Policy Speech and Language Student Leaders Theft and Damaged Property Violations of Civil or Criminal Codes of Local, State or Federal Governments Code of Academic Ethics..........................................................15
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT....................................................16-20 Student Development Staff..................................................... 16 Policies ............................................................................... 17-20 ID Cards Security Health Insurance Campus Postings Student Organizational Policy Off-Campus Living Policy Counseling Services Health Services & Medical Treatment COMMUNITY LIFE AND SERVICE.......................................... 21-23 Spiritual Development..............................................................21 Campus Ministry.......................................................................21 Campus Ministry Staff Devotionals Mission Trips and Campaigns Chapel/Convocation Series.................................................212-23 Procedures Checking Chapel/Convocation Attendance Chapel/Convocation Behavior CAMPUS LIFE..................................................................... 24-28 The Student Portal.............................................................. 23-24 Rochester College Direct Links Technical Support Student Resources Social Activities....................................................................... 25 Homecoming Winter Banquet Celebration The Emmys Intramurals Student Organizations.........................................................25-27 Professional Departmental Organizations Social Clubs Student Government The Shield, The Independent Student Publication of RC
Other Services.........................................................................28 Campus Mail Package Policy Computers Deliveries Vending Machines RESIDENCE LIFE..................................................................29-34 Community Living.............................................................. 29-32 Residential Leadership Residence Halls Room Reservations Academic Requirements for Residency Vacation Breaks Room Changes / Private Rooms Residence Hall Check-In & Check-Out Personal Property Insurance Residential Facilities.............................................................32-33 Reporting Facility Problems Fines and Special Fees Residential Dining Facilities Meal Plans Residence Hall Regulations................................................. 33-34 Curfew in Alma Gatewood Curfew in Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls After Hours Work Right to Search or Enter Rooms Residence Hall Visits by Guests of the Opposite Gender Solicitation Housing Committee Emergencies
ACADEMIC SUPPORT..............................................................38 Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Career and Testing Services Academic Accommodation Services STUDENT POLICIES............................................................ 39-49 Student Complaint Policy.................................................... 38-39 Student-Administration Communication Policy Acceptable Forms of Communication Unacceptable Forms of Communication Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault....................40-41 Sexual Assault Victim’s Rights Grievance Policy................................................................. 42-43 Student-Administration Communication General Student Grievance Procedures Payments for Fines, Damages and Assessments.....................43 Vehicle Policy..........................................................................43 Federal and State Policies................................................... 44-45 FERPA Campus Employment The Jeanne Clery Act Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs.......................................... 45 Health Risks with Alcohol and Other Drugs (chart).......... 46-47 CRIME AWARENESS.................................................................48 Important Telephone Numbers...........................................49-50
ACADEMIC SERVICES...........................................................35-36 Advising Snow Days and Class Cancellations Academic Status...................................................................... 35 Attendance Policy Classification Course Changes Ennis & Nancy Ham Library..................................................... 37
TO R O C H E ST E R CO L L EG E Mission of Rochester College Rochester College cultivates academic excellence, principled character, servant leadership, and global awareness through a rigorous educational experience that integrates liberal arts and professional studies within an inclusive Christian heritage. Rochester College is committed to academic excellence. The College is accredited by the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission. Undergraduate concentrations in its Integrated Learning Model emphasize the importance of a liberal arts curriculum that models and teaches scholarly research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills in all fields of study.
The College affirms academic freedom and trains students with life skills beyond mere academic credentials. Men and women educated at Rochester College embrace challenge, apply problem-solving skills, serve their communities, and provide leadership for challenges yet to come. Deeply rooted in the Christian tradition, the College is non-sectarian in its approach to student recruitment and academic life.
Specialized programs in education, nursing, business, psychology, and religious studies prepare our graduates both for productive careers in the marketplace and for advanced studies at graduate and professional schools. Rochester College offers a Master’s Degree in religious education (MRE). The use of cutting-edge educational technology allows the delivery of courses in a variety of on-site and distance settings.
Rochester College affirms and models social justice and servant leadership. Students, faculty and staff interact to create a healthy environment of mutual respect. As people in preparation for a lifetime of growth and service, we participate in lively academic debate around important issues of our time.
Rochester College cultivates the moral development of its students. The college affirms its commitment to holistic education that offers unique opportunities for faculty-student mentoring in our traditional campus program, degreecompletion studies by adults in the College of Extended Learning (CEL) program, and online courses via a worldclass technology platform. Working within a Judeo-Christian worldview, the school promotes an inclusive learning experience by welcoming students from all backgrounds, regions of the United States and foreign countries.
The College promotes personal involvement in community service, cross-cultural engagement, political debate and social responsibility. We are citizens of the world and have a responsibility beyond personal concerns, regional issues, or national trends. Well-educated and morally sensitive people who can step up with intellect, character and compassion are needed to change our world for the better.
We’re glad you’re here! Whether you are a new or returning Rochester College student, every semester brings each of us a beginning. It is our hope and prayer that as you begin this term, you seek Christ as your focus, and begin building your future with knowledge, relationships and experiences that enable you to confidently face whatever life presents. Our mission in the Rochester College Student Development Office is to create and promote a campus experience that supports the mission of Rochester College. As co-educators, Student Development seeks to maximize student learning for all students through intentional, co-curricular engagement. As a student of Rochester College, your first responsibility is to read this handbook and become familiar with our standards and policies. The personnel of the Student Development Office are here to serve you. Please feel free to contact us. Student Development Office Hours: Monday–Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Staff: Candace Cain—Dean of Students Cole Yoakum—Assistant Director of Student Life Joyce Graves—Administrative Assistant Debi Rutledge—Director of Residence Life and Resident Director Beth Bowers—Resident Director Paula Bonbrisco—ACE Director Phebe Dollan—ACE Assistant Chris Shields—Campus Minister Garth Pleasant—Director of Intramurals
Code of Conduct
Conduct Expectations
Rochester College is committed to creating and maintaining an environment where individual and institutional responsibility combine to promote each student’s complete life. In order for the college to achieve this goal within an atmosphere where the rights of its members are respected, it is necessary to establish policies and procedures. These regulations have been developed to reflect the nature of a student community and the situations inherent in it. Every member of the college community is provided equal rights and benefits in accordance with the expectation that each student has maturity, intelligence and concern for the rights of others. Only when a person demonstrates a lack of cooperation and consideration does the college, acting through its officials and judiciary bodies, take some type of disciplinary action. Behavior judged to be disruptive to the community atmosphere (whether attempted or committed) will not be tolerated.
Within the traditions of its mission and Christ-centered heritage, Rochester College expects its students to develop a high standard of behavior and personal values. Among these expectations are:
It is the intention of this code to clarify the standards of behavior essential to the college’s educational mission and its community life. The standards of conduct are applicable to all traditional undergraduate students, Center for Extended Learning students, students attending Rochester College programs at other campuses, and guests of Rochester College students.
• Respect for the authorities, policies, procedures and regulations established by the college for the orderly administration of activities and the welfare of the members of the Rochester College community.
• Respect for the rights and human dignity of others, especially in the conduct of relationships; • Respect for the rights and needs of the Rochester College community to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic study, personal and spiritual life; • Respect for the college’s academic traditions of honesty, freedom of expression and open inquiry; tolerance and respect for the different backgrounds, personalities, beliefs and spiritual traditions of students, faculty, and staff who make up the Rochester College community; a willingness to assist others in need of support, guidance, or friendship; • Respect for federal, state and local laws and ordinances;
The Student Handbook addresses additional issues related to the student code of conduct including, but not limited to, students’ rights as victims, participants in the discipline process, explicit sanctioning guidelines, and the judicial process.
Disciplinary Procedures The Dean of Students is ultimately responsible for student discipline. The Dean is aided by the Student Life Committee, which serves as a board of appeals in cases of suspension, dismissal and/or designated cases of campus violations. Final authority in cases that are properly appealed rests with the Student Life Committee. The college attempts to be consistent, unbiased and sensitive in its disciplinary matters.
• The violator(s) will meet with the appropriate Student Development personnel to discuss the discipline decision and future compliance to the student code of conduct. • Written documentation of the violation and resulting discipline will be issued to the violator(s) and filed in the student discipline records. • Students who are suspended or dismissed have the right to appeal (see Student Appeal Process section).
• A student code of conduct violation should be reported to Student Development personnel, which may include but is not limited to a Residence Life staff member, Assistant Dean or Dean of Students. When possible, a Student Action Form and/or Incident Report should be used to document the alleged violation.
Discipline files are not included as a part of a student’s permanent record unless noted. Discipline files reside in the Student Development Office and are only accessible by the deans and their supervisors or upon written request from the disciplined student. Discipline files are expunged after seven years unless they have been included in the student’s permanent record, and this is done only in cases of dismissal or special circumstances that would warrant such action.
• If there is a reasonable likelihood that the reported violation was committed, an investigation will ensue.
Reporting Misconduct
• Alleged violator(s) and other parties involved may be contacted and asked to give statements verifying or countering the statements made in the report. Documentation is kept by those investigating and passed on to appropriate parties involved in the disciplinary decision. Reports based on hearsay or unverifiable information may be dismissed based on lack of evidence. This process will occur within a reasonable time frame. Students are not encouraged to contact legal counsel for it will only prolong this process.
All Rochester College community members are expected to take personal responsibility not only for themselves and their personal actions but also to keep the best interest of others in mind. It is also important to help those around us be accountable. At times this will be difficult, but reporting misconduct or violations is important.
• Upon completion of the investigation, the Dean of Students or Assistant Dean will determine a reasonable disciplinary plan.
Students reporting violations of campus regulations should contact the appropriate on-campus authorities, such as campus security or Student Development
Disciplinary Process
The honesty and maturity shown by those who voluntarily come forward and report their own misconduct will be taken into consideration unless the violation and consequences are beyond the scope of the college’s jurisdiction.
personnel. In cases of emergency where injury or harm occur or is about to occur, the student should contact the local sheriff’s department by dialing 911. As with any incident, such as theft or harm to their person, it is up to the individual involved in the incident to contact the police and file a report—the college cannot file a report for the student. An incident report should be completed in cases of state or federal law violation or situations involving accidental or purposeful physical harm. Incident reports are available in Student Development, on the student portal or from security. It should be completed as soon as possible, preferably within 48 hours of the incident, and delivered to Student Development personnel or security. Persons involved or witnessing an incident or those who have personal knowledge of the incident should be the individuals who complete an Incident Report. Secondhand knowledge or hearsay without verification is not acceptable within an Incident Report. Names, times and specific violations should be noted with accuracy. Student Development keeps records for follow-up and reference in any future violations, as well as assistance to the authorities or insurance claims if needed.
Types of Discipline SUSPENSION Depending on the situation, the disciplinary action may be an off-campus suspension or an on-campus suspension of varied length. Off-campus suspension means a student must vacate the campus for the duration of the suspension, using that time to reflect on the circumstances surrounding their particular violation and recommit to the college’s policies and mission. Some off-campus suspensions prohibit class attendance and/ or other campus functions. In these cases, the student receives an unexcused absence for the duration of the
suspension and missed exams/assignments may not be made up. An on-campus suspension includes parameters, such as having to be in the residence hall room when not in class, and not being allowed to participate in student activities. Other stipulations may be delineated in each case depending on the situation and the student. LOSS OF SCHOLARSHIP Students with scholarships are bound by the details of the scholarship requirements and may lose an offered scholarship automatically when certain violations occur. Please see the scholarship agreement for specifics. Student Development deans and the Vice President of Enrollment Services will collaboratively make all final decisions about loss of scholarship money. FINES are often used for restitution, damages or as a penalty, but may also be used as a deterrent to any future violation. WORK DETAIL is used as a means of discipline and may include working for the Fletcher Center Cafeteria, Maintenance Department, Housekeeping or the Grounds Department. Students who receive this type of discipline receive a number of hours they must complete and a deadline to complete their work. Students who fail to complete their discipline will receive further discipline, including suspension, loss of scholarship, or possible dismissal. COUNSELING may be required (at student’s expense) in situations where a disciplined student would benefit from professional therapy. For on-campus resources, see the Counseling Services section. A MENTOR ASSIGNMENT may be given to a disciplined student to aid him/her in accountability with social expectations. COMMUNITY SERVICE is also used as a learning opportunity for students who violate college expectations. Similar to
work detail, they will be assigned hours and a deadline to complete the community service. READING AND WRITING ASSIGNMENTS are also used for violators of student code of conduct. This gives a student the opportunity to reflect on their choices and the consequences of their actions. DISMISSAL is only used when the violation is severe, when a state or federal law has been broken and when reconciliation between the student and the college is impossible. Dismissal is a complete breaking of the relationship between the student and the college and reenrollment is not possible.
Student Appeal Process In dismissal or suspension cases, the college has established appeal procedures with the intention of assuring an unprejudiced hearing and objectivity. The appeal must meet one of the following criteria: • There is insufficient evidence to support dismissal or suspension. • There is new evidence that effects the initial disciplinary decision. If a student believes that he/she is suspended or dismissed unfairly, he/she may present new evidence in written form to the Dean of Students for consideration within one business day of the disciplinary decision. The disciplinary action will be postponed while the new evidence is considered.
Dismissal Appeal If a student believes that he/she is dismissed based on insufficient evidence, the student must submit a written appeal, including a clear statement explaining why the student feels the disciplinary decision was not appropriate for the situation. The appeal must be submitted to the Dean
of Students within five business days after notification of dismissal. The Dean of Students will forward the appeal to the Student Life Committee who will meet to determine whether the case meets the criteria stated above.
Suspension Appeal If a student believes he/she is suspended based on insufficient evidence, the student must submit a written appeal, including a clear statement explaining why the student feels the disciplinary decision was not appropriate for the situation. The appeal must be submitted to the Dean of Students within one business day after notification of dismissal. The Dean of Students will forward the appeal to the Student Life Committee who will meet to determine whether the case meets the criteria stated above. The suspension will be delayed while the Student Life Committee investigates and discusses the action. During or after completion of the suspension, the student may present new evidence which proves innocence within five business days after notification of suspension. This appeal must include a clear statement explaining why the student feels the new evidence supports his/her innocence. Either the Dean of Students or Student Life Committee will investigate the new evidence. During this investigation, if the suspension is not complete, the student must fulfill the suspension. If the new evidence is upheld, a letter will be included in the student discipline file clearing the student of the violation. The Dean of Students will provide a copy of this letter to the student upon request. The Student Life Committee consists of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Students, and at least three full-time faculty members. The Vice President of Academic Affairs chairs the Committee and votes only in cases of a tie. In the event the committee decides to conduct a hearing on
Dress Code the appeal, a hearing will be scheduled as soon as possible. The student submitting the appeal and/or others involved may be summoned to speak at the hearing. Unless requested by the committee legal counsel, parents or guardians of the student will not be permitted to appear before the Student Life Committee. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Student Life Committee will decide if the dismissal or suspension sanction should be upheld, if a greater or lesser sanction should be administered, or if the decision should be reversed. Hearing proceedings, except the deliberation of the Student Life Committee, may be recorded. The Dean of Students will inform the student of the outcome.
As a Christian community, we are committed to dressing modestly in what the College deems as appropriate for a global education. Students should dress modestly on campus and at all College sponsored events. • Top and bottom clothing must be worn at all times • No tops with spaghetti straps • No amount of mid-drifts bared • No muscle shirts with super-sized armholes • No sports shirt with t-strap in back • No sports bras worn as outerwear • No halter type shirts or dresses
Parent Notification The college expects and requests a student to be responsible for properly conveying any disciplinary actions taken towards him/her to his/her parents/guardians. Parents/guardians of students who have released non-directory information by signing the FERPA Form can request information concerning disciplinary actions taken against their student and be informed of the charges, process and results handed down. If the college is concerned for a student’s well-being, parents/guardians or other specified emergency contacts may be contacted according to the rights granted in the FERPA agreement. Alcohol-related offenses will result in a notification of concern being sent to the home address of the student’s parent or guardian.
Behavioral Expectations The following alphabetical list of rules and guidelines include explicit statements that address disciplinary problems. These statements are included to ensure that the student understands his/her personal obligations while he/she attends Rochester College.
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• Shorts should have at least a 4-inch inseam • Skirts should be no more than 5 inches from the top of one’s knee cap • Clothing that portrays images or messages that are not in keeping with the Christian lifestyle are not appropriate for campus Please remember if an employee questions your attire respond respectively—go change immediately. If you want to argue your point please contact the Dean of Students after the situation, but remain respectful by changing. Students who violate these stated guidelines will be asked to change into more appropriate wear. These violations and/or warnings will be documented and may be relayed to students via email, campus mail, or postal mail. Students who receive three or more documented dress violations may be suspended, as well as receive further discipline to hopefully prevent further noncompliance. If you are in question about a specific situation with dress philosophy, please contact the Dean of Students for verification.
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Alcoholic Beverages, Illicit Drugs and Tobacco The use, possession, distribution, or transfer of illicit drugs may result in suspension and possible dismissal. This includes misuse of any chemical substance or prescription drugs. For students with proven history and/or suspension for any drug related offense, rehabilitation therapy (at the student’s expense) and drug screening may be required and also may be a condition for readmission. Refusal to take this test may result in suspension and possible dismissal. The use, possession, distribution, or transfer of alcohol on campus or any underage drinking may result in counseling and/or discipline, including suspension. Sudents who return to campus intoxicated may be subject to disciplinary action. Subsequent offenses may result in dismissal. For students with proven history and/or suspension for any alcohol related offense, rehabilitation therapy (at the student’s expense) and alcohol screening may be required and also may be a condition for readmission. Refusal to take this test may result in suspension and possible dismissal. The unauthorized use, possession, distribution or transfer of illicit drugs and alcohol may result in arrest, misdemeanor, or felony convictions, and long prison terms.
Use of tobacco in any form (i.e. smoking or chewing) on campus or at any college–sponsored function off campus is prohibited and may result in discipline. Students who use tobacco are strongly encouraged to stop and may receive cessation referral information from the Student Development Office.
Conflict Resolution Students are expected to resolve conflicts constructively and without resorting to physical or verbal abuse. Mediation services can be arranged through Student Development for any conflict that may be occurring or in the making. All parties involved in a physical altercation or a verbal or written conflict may be subject to discipline.
Display of Affection Students should follow appropriate Christian standards in dating and in other social relationships. Improper displays of affection, lounging in questionable positions or inappropriate physical contact must be avoided. Please be respectful of others who are uncomfortable witnessing such displays of affection. Repeated improper displays of affection may result in appropriate disciplinary action, including required counseling or mentoring.
The use of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol also present major health risks, including addiction, acute and chronic illness, and death (see chart toward back of handbook). Drug and alcohol information, referral, counseling treatment and rehabilitation programs are available through a variety of on and off campus programs. Students may obtain further information by contacting the Student Development Office.
Suspicion of student drug abuse or on campus alcohol use or possession may result in a residence hall room search and confiscation of any drug/alcohol found therein.
Fletcher Center
The college does not tolerate dishonesty in any form, including cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information to college personnel. Likewise, forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification will result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. Students are expected to show respect for Chartwell’s dining service employees and those dining in the cafeteria by
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respectful conduct and by returning all dining trays, plates, utensils and trash to the tray return area. Throwing food or trash is not permitted. Students and their guest(s) who act with discourtesy may be fined, assigned work detail and/or may be excluded from receiving any campus food service.
Gambling Students are expected to refrain from gambling of any kind on campus. Students who violate this are subject to discipline, which may include counseling.
Hazing Hazing is prohibited by Michigan state law and Rochester College policy. The college is dedicated to a hazing-free environment for all of its student and college organizations. According to Michigan state law, “Hazing is defined as an intentional, knowing, or reckless act by a person acting alone or acting with others that is directed against an individual and that the person knew or should have known endangers the physical health or safety of the individual, and that is done for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, participating in, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization” (Michigan penal Code Act 328 of 1931, addendum 750.411t.). All students and student groups are required to comply with Michigan’s requirements on hazing and the college’s regulations prohibiting hazing. Verbatim copies of the Michigan hazing laws and the college’s regulations prohibiting hazing can be obtained from Student Development. Rochester College Guidelines and Philosophy of Hazing Policy Although there is no exhaustive list of all the actions that could constitute hazing, organizations should only plan activities that intentionally and reasonably promote positive growth and development of its membership
and organizational mission. Hazing may include (but is not limited to) activities such as: forced consumption of alcohol or other foods/beverages; paddling or striking in any form; those that would result in excessive fatigue or sleep deprivation; inhibiting a student’s personal hygiene regimen; forms of demerits for its membership; physical and psychological distress; quests; treasure hunts; scavenger hunts; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery (skits, songs, making a spectacle at Chapel, etc.); morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with social club regulations/organizational law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of this educational institution. Hazing policies apply to all student organizations and athletic teams. It should be noted that planning, initiating, or participating in hazing (as an officer, member, new member or advisor) can result in disciplinary actions for both individuals and the entire organization under the Code of Conduct and the Student Organization Handbook, whether or not all of the organization’s membership condoned or were made aware of the activity in question. It is the duty of the organization and officers to take whatever steps necessary for its membership to develop an understanding of the hazing policy and definitions as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook. Questions about events or policy and assistance in educational programming for your organization on hazing may be directed to the Assistant Dean of Students.
Personal Responsibility Students are not only expected to respect others but themselves as well. Students suspected of involvement in a behavior considered harmful to their own
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existence may be required to leave campus, sign a no-harm contract and/or obtain an on or off-campus evaluation by a mental-health professional. A report of this evaluation is to be submitted to the Dean of Students. In conjunction with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, a determination will be made about the appropriateness of the student’s return to campus.
Pornography The viewing or possession of any pornographic materials, including frequenting Internet sites containing pornographic pictures or language is strictly forbidden. Students violating this policy are subject to discipline including being required to seek counseling and/or attend support group therapy. Students violating the Internet use policy regarding pornography may, in addition to aforementioned discipline, have their Internet account terminated or limited for a semester. Continued violation of this policy may lead to suspension and/or dismissal.
Respect for Persons and Threats or Harms to Self or Others Students are expected to refrain from any discriminatory behavior, verbal or physical, that stigmatizes or victimizes individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Students should “build one another up in Christ.” This includes respecting one another without slander, ridicule, rumors, or character insult. Rochester College takes seriously any behavior or verbal statement that might demonstrate that a student is at risk of harming himself/herself or another, or jeopardizing the safety of the campus community in general. Any student who (a) states an intent or desire to harm himself/herself or another, or (b) attempts to harm himself/herself or
another, or (c) harms himself/herself or another may be immediately removed from residential facilities and/or prohibited from participating in College academic or extracurricular programs until cleared by the Dean of Students. This clearance will take place after an investigation by the Dean of Students, or his designee, and in consultation with appropriate authorities regarding wellness and safety to the student and the community.
Response to College Employees Students are expected to respond promptly to verbal or written directives from any college employee or office. Students should not interfere with, delay, or malign a college employee’s work, the administrative process of the college, or official college activities. The college has assigned email addresses to all students and employees so that communication is accessible for the entire Rochester College community. This is the only email address that the college will centrally maintain for sending official communications to students. Students who request a voicemail system should regularly check their messages. Please ensure you utilize these systems so that efficient communication may be successful.
Safety For the safety of the campus community, students are expected to keep their rooms in good order and not store any dangerous materials. All weapons, guns (including BB, pellet or paintball), ammunition, knives with blades longer than three inches, slingshots, explosives, fireworks, flammable or hazardous materials and the like are strictly forbidden and if found will be confiscated. Violations will result in disciplinary action, suspension or dismissal.
Sexual Relationships Rochester College seeks to shape all its policies by
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the life and teachings of Jesus as reflected in the New Testament, as informed by the historic understandings of the Church, and in dialog with present-day concerns and contexts. To that end, the college affirms the dignity and worth of all people and respects different perspectives and self-identifications. The college will not tolerate the harassment of any member of our community and will take disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for such behavior as outlined in the policies for “Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault.” The college’s stance on sexual behavior affirms the holiness of sexual relationships within marriage between one man and one woman. From this perspective, the college defines chastity (i.e., appropriate sexual behavior) as abstinence from sexual relations for all unmarried persons and fidelity within covenant for those who are married. College residential, behavioral and social media policies all assume these definitions. Any behaviors, including dating behavior or public displays of affection, that are not in compliance with these understandings will be treated as misconduct. Depending on the facts and circumstances of each case, such misconduct may result in disciplinary action. Rochester College will also not recognize or endorse student organizations that undermine these behavioral policies. Rochester College respects everyone’s right to express his or her opinion in ways that are respectful of others, and the college is aware that there are members of our community who do not agree with these policies. The college also acknowledges the complexity of issues surrounding sexuality and is committed to approach such issues continually in a theologically informed way with ongoing courage, humility, prayerfulness and civility. Regardless of one’s viewpoint, Rochester College affirms the dignity and worth of every person and seeks
to create a campus culture where each person is treated with love and respect. In all disciplinary matters, we seek to be redemptive in the lives of the individuals involved. Consequently, the college will offer pastoral care and assistance to any student as needed or requested.
Social Media Policy Rochester College behavioral expectations also extend to the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, blogs, text, etc.). Behavioral policies and expectations prohibit immodest dress in posted pictures; the use of profanity in posts; overtly sexual posts or sexual innuendo; references to illegal alcohol or drug usage; cyber bullying, stalking, hate speech, or harassment; or any other objectionable posts. If such posts are brought to the attention of the Student Development Office, students may be expected to modify their social media sites and/or face institutional judicial sanctions.
Speech and Language “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up ... nor should there be any obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving” (Ephesians 4:29, 5:4). Speaking or acting in a manner which is profane, disorderly, lewd, obscene, or vulgar— including racial or sexual slurs—may result in discipline or suspension.
Student Leaders Rochester College student leaders will be held to the highest standard. Leaders in violation of our policies or who influence other students to violate the college, federal, or state policies may face harsher discipline depending on the situation and policies violated.
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Theft and Damaged Property
2. Falsifying data or information.
Theft or damage to another person’s property will result in disciplinary action. Restitution will be required. Intentional abuse, damage, theft, or destruction of college property will result in disciplinary action, suspension or dismissal. This includes destructive practical jokes. Restitution for theft or damaged property should be made in full and may be put on a student’s account as long as the account is paid in full by the time a student leaves.
3. Taking advantage of information not authorized by the instructor.
Theft or misuse of the property of the Ennis and Nancy Ham Library or the intentional failure to properly check out materials will result in disciplinary action.
Violations of Civil or Criminal Codes of Local, State, or Federal Governments Students are expected to act in accordance with the stated laws of government. Violations of any of these codes will be upheld and will result in college disciplinary action being administered.
4. Replicating another individual’s material. 5. Misrepresenting one’s work as being original. 6. Plagiarism—This includes using or quoting someone else’s materials without citing the source in an acceptable manner, copying someone else’s work, or purchasing and submitting work completed by someone else. Students in violation of the code of academic ethics may automatically receive a zero for their assignment, their violation may be part of their permanent record, and further discipline could be taken. The determination of action taken or discipline given will be dependent upon the joint decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Academic Dean, and the professor involved.
Code of Academic Ethics Rochester College students are expected to practice and uphold academic integrity and honesty. Students must assume that individual, unaided work on exams, homework, and written projects is expected unless the instructor specifically says otherwise. Academic integrity means representing oneself and one’s work honestly. Misrepresentation is cheating or stealing because a student claims credit for ideas or work that are not actually his/hers and therefore is attempting to obtain a grade that is not actually earned. Academic dishonesty includes: 1. Cheating on exams or academic work by using unauthorized notes or materials.
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The staff of the Student Development Office is available to serve and refer students to departments offering services that meet specific needs of students and are specialized in their focus. Those mentioned in the following pages are as follows: counseling services, health services and medical treatment, health insurance, career and testing services, academic/student support services, ID cards, security, babysitting, postings, and off-campus living.
Staff CANDACE CAIN, DEAN OF STUDENTS— Candace has responsibility and oversight of the office staff of Student Development listed below and all areas the staff directly works with including all residential housing, student organizations, first year experience, new student orientation, campus ministry, food service, vending and student programming. More specifically, the dean manages all student discipline with regard to behavioral expectations outside academia. The dean manages Chapel /Convocation attendance, accommodations and discipline. COLE YOAKUM, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT LIFE— Cole is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective relationships with the student body, faculty and staff in support of student leadership, social life and collaborative academic activities within RC’s campus and student life. Cole has oversight of Student Government, Student Organizations, and Student Activities and works collaboratively with the Dean of Student in the development and production of New Student Orientation and First Year Experience.
DEBI RUTLEDGE, DIRECTOR OF RESIDENCE LIFE—Debi is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective relationships with the student body, faculty and staff in support of the Residence Life’s mission. This position is primarily responsible for overseeing all issues related to residence life, minor residence life judicial cases, housing staff, leadership training for staff, residence life programming, coordinating student housing reservations, assignments, and room changes. JOYCE GRAVES, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT—Joyce is primarily responsible for the front office tasks of Student Development: receiving customers, answering telephones, posting daily announcements via the Student Portal, overseeing student mail pick-up and deliveries, and overseeing student workers. Additionally, she is responsible for assisting the Dean in all office duties and the execution of programs hosted by Student Development. BETH BOWERS AND DEBI RUTLEDGE, RESIDENT DIRECTORS (RD)—The Resident Director is a full-time staff position overseeing the residence hall facility, residential students (between 35 and 140 in number), and a selected number of student housing staff. It is the RD’s responsibility to maintain a positive physical and psychological environment in the residence hall, enhancing the educational, physical, psychological, and spiritual development of the students. The RD is to lead, supervise and support student staff employed to work alongside him/her in their respective halls. The RD should be available for any student to discuss problems that he/she may have. Problems may include roommate difficulties, personal hygiene, depression, studies, Rochester College policies, moral decisions,
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substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, spiritual well-being, etc. PAULA BONBRISCO, ACE DIRECTOR—Paula is responsible for the development and administration of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE). She keeps all ACE activities relevant to RC’s mission and current curriculum needs. PHEBE DOLLAN, ACE ASSISTANT—Phebe provides assistance to ACE staff, students and faculty. CHRIS SHIELDS, CAMPUS MINISTER—Chris is responsible for establishing and mainitaining effective relationships with the student body, faculty and staff in support of the campus ministry mission to encourage and inspire spiriual growth within the campus cultures. Chris has oversight of Community Chapel programming as well as Campus Ministry activities that build community and create awareness of God’s movement in our world. GARTH PLEASANT, DIRECTOR OF INTRAMURALS— Coach Pleasant, after retiring from a distinguished RC basketball career, is responsible for the oversight and implementation of the RC Intramural program. Coach Pleasant collaborates with Student Life and employs several student workers who direct and referee the planned sporting events. Intramurals are meant for students of all athletic ability and knowledge – from novice to expert.
Policies ID Cards Each student is issued an official identification card, which must be carried at all times. It is required for chapel attendance, library services, dining hall privileges, and entry to various college facilities. The ID card is designed to last the duration of a student’s uninterrupted academic years here at Rochester College.
If a card is lost, the student will be charged a fee (as posted in the course catalog) which will be placed on their student account. Their old card will be deactivated and the student will be given a new card. If the student finds the old/lost card and brings it back into the Student Development office within seven days of receiving the new ID card, they will receive a refund of all but $5.00, also placed on the student’s account. If a student’s card has been stolen, he/ she may provide a police report documenting the theft to receive a refund of all but $5.00. If a student’s ID card is broken or cracked, the student must immediately request a new one from Student Development and their account will be charged $5.00. A worn card that is fully intact but is not reading successfully in the card readers will be replaced at no cost. Student Development reserves the right to waive ID Card replacement fees when warranted.
Security Rochester College employs a security staff whose duties include locking doors, issuance of parking tickets and surveying the campus to aid in the safety of our students and employees. Security is accessible by campus telephone at ext. 2911 or by dialing 248.765.8013. Emergencies requiring immediate medical attention, assault, or violation of any city, state or federal codes should be immediately reported to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department and campus security. Students needing on-campus, non-emergency assistance should first call security and/or follow up by alerting one of the campus Resident Directors. Students involved in such an incident should fill out an incident report.
Health Insurance All residential students and full-time traditional commuter
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students are required to provide proof of health insurance coverage and sign an exemption form declining the school’s policy if the student has coverage outside of the college. A photocopy of your current and valid health insurance card is required as proof of insurance. Students with no coverage or failure to provide proof of coverage in a timely manner will result in the purchase of a nonrefundable policy. An exemption form is to be completed at the start of each fall academic year (or when a student begins their enrollment), even if you are under the same insurance policy as the previous year. Please inform the college of any insurance changes and provide a copy of the new insurance card. For more information please visit . See the Student Development Office for more details.
Campus Postings The Student Development Office oversees the posting of all flyers, advertisements and signs. These items must be stamped and posted by a Student Development staff member. Although the college posts flyers from offcampus organizations, the college does not necessarily support nor hold responsibility for the advertisement. Approved postings from campus organizations should be removed promptly after the event has transpired. All babysitting ads or other postings may be e-mailed to Babysitting on campus grounds is prohibited except for babysitting children of employees. Possession of or exhibiting materials that are profane, disorderly, lewd, obscene, or vulgar is prohibited, including pictures of people portrayed as sexual objects or victims of violence.
Student Organization Policy Each student organization must be registered and approved by the Dean of Students. Organizations must
also have faculty or staff advisors approved by the Dean. New organizations must complete a form for a proposed charter. This form includes needed information such as a list of proposed officers, and a list of proposed sponsors for review and approval by the Dean. Student organizations must maintain an account in the Business Office and provide regular cash reports to their members. No student organization will enter into a purchase obligation without the prior approval of the Dean of Students.
Off-Campus Living Policy Rochester College believes that the residence hall experience is among the most valuable experiences of college life. Commuting takes additional time, effort, and money, often causing students to miss out on special meetings, devotionals and activities. A full-time student must live on campus unless the student is: • 21 years of age and at junior status (60 hours prior to the semester in question) • married • living with a relative over the age of 25 years • a parent or legal guardian of a child living with him/her • 23 years of age or older Exceptions will be considered only if substantial hardship is demonstrated. The Dean of Students must approve all exceptions. Off-campus living is discouraged because it may inhibit creating and deepening spiritual, academic and social contacts. Every student commuting must complete a commuter form at registration. Please check with your financial aid officer to ensure what scholarships and financial limitations may occur when living off campus. Students who have been approved to live off-campus need to be conscientious and proactive in educating their room-
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mates of the college’s regulations, including but not limited to overnight visitors and alcohol policies. Additionally, be reminded that possession of, distributing, or serving alcohol to minors is not only against college policy but against state and federal regulations. Please be aware that these violations carry heavy penalties which may include a requirement to live on campus or with a student’s parent or guardian.
GRAHAM HEALTH CENTER Oakland University Email: For appointments: 248.370.3465
Counseling Services
Psychological services can provide coping mechanisms to help students succeed both academically and personally. Professional psychological counseling is available on campus at the Psychology and Counseling Clinic on a nofee, short-term basis, and a low-fee for longer-term psychotherapy. Services provided to Rochester College students at the clinic include an initial assessment, individual psychotherapy, marriage and family psychotherapy, and psychological and neuropsychological assessments to identify learning challenges. All services are confidential. The professional staff includes fully licensed psychologists with the highest levels of professional training. The Psychology and Counseling Clinic is located in the White House on the far east end of campus. Appointments can be made by calling Dr. Gordon MacKinnon, Director of the Psychology and Counseling Clinic, at 248.218.2112. Rochester College also has affiliations with several licensed Counseling Centers in the area: COUNSELING FOR WOMEN 71 Walnut Suite 207, Rochester, MI 48307 248.650.3795 AGAPE COUNSELING CENTER 40400 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, MI 48170 734.454.1136
PERSPECTIVES COUNSELING CENTERS Troy, MI—248.244.8644 Sterling Heights, MI—586.268.6712
ACCESS CHRISTIAN COUNSELING 29260 Franklin Rd. Suite 120 Southfield, MI 48034 248.355.4300 RECONCILIATION MINISTRIES Metro Detroit Offices—East 43700 Merrill Rd. Sterling Heights, MI 48314 Email: 586.739.5114 Metro Detroit Offices—West 3761 Commerce Ct. Wayne, MI 48184 Email: 734.596.4645
Health Services & Medical Treatment Rochester College has no on-campus health or medical facilities. The medical facilities listed accept most insurance plans. Some facilities may arrange to bill parents/ legal guardians directly. However, students should verify this when they make an appointment. Students wanting the bill sent to their parents/legal guardians should take a letter from their parents/legal guardians to the clinic giving the clinic permission to bill.
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CRITTENTON HOSPITAL 1101 W. University Dr. Rochester, Michigan 48307 248.652.5311 GRAHAM HEALTH CENTER Oakland University 248.370.2341 Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Walk-ins accepted HENRY FORD MEDICAL CENTER Lakeside Medical Center 14500 Hall Rd. Sterling Heights, Michigan 48313 248.242.2700 ; 800-HENRYFORD Open 24 hours OAKLAND URGENT CARE 2251 N Squirrel Rd. Suite 125, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 248.340.1600 Mon-Fri: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. / Sat-Sun: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. No appointment necessary Discounts available to all students with valid student ID card NORTH OAKLAND URGENT CARE 2840 Crooks Rd. Suite. 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 248.852.9290 Mon-Thur: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. / Fri: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. / Sat: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. No appointments necessary
OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES Health Division: North County Service Center 1200 N. Telegraph, Bldg 36 East, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.858.1280 Fax: 248.858.0178 Health Division: South 27725 Greenfield Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 248.424.7000 Fax: 248.424.7144 Health Division: West 1010 E. West Maple, Walled Lake, MI 48390 248.926.3300 Fax: 248.960.7444 Health Division: Oakland Pointe 250 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Suite 1520, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.858.1280 or 248.452.8672
ROCHESTER URGENT CARE 215 E. Auburn Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 248.853.2009 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. No appointments necessary; office visits approximately $105 without insurance; ask for student discounts
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Spiritual Development Rochester College is dedicated to Christian values and its excellence. The administration, faculty and staff are committed to nurturing students’ faith in Christ and building Christ-like character in them. College activities and requirements promote spiritual development as well as academic excellence. We believe that spiritual growth is necessary for a meaningful and productive life. Participation in spiritual activities is both encouraged and occasionally required—knowing that opportunities for spiritual growth depend upon a student’s participation in the spiritual activities available.
Campus Ministry Staff Chris Shields II is the Campus Minister at Rochester College and is responsible for the planning and implementation of our chapel program. In addition, Campus Ministry oversees worship experiences, service projects, pastoral care, mentoring groups, devotionals and Bible studies.
the semester. Students in need prayer can email prayer@ and Campus Ministry can pray for you and with you. The Campus Ministry offices are located in Associates Campus Center just outside the Student Development suite of offices.
Mission Trips and Campaigns Rochester College and Rochester Church of Christ have a working agreement to promote missions awareness on the campus, to encourage students to dedicate themselves to spreading the Word and to provide immediate practical assistance in mission fields throughout the world. Students interested in planning a campaign or mission outreach with the support of Rochester Church of Christ must speak to Danette Cagnet who serves as the liaison between the campus and missions committee at Rochester Church of Christ. Proposal guidelines may be obtained from Danette Cagnet’s office, located in the Muirhead Center.
Campus Ministry Programming Campus Ministry programming exists to encourage a greater awareness of our Creator and help increase Christian fellowship within the campus community. Programming includes individual pastoral care, residential devotionals, weekly Community Chapel, a Sunday night communion service; The Tenth Hour, Community Service projects such as Shack-a-thon and other activities during
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Chapel/Convocation Series As part of Rochester College’s Christian mission and Integrated Learning model, every full-time traditional student is required to participate in the Rochester College Chapel/ Convocation series (RCC). The RCC series offers a series of opportunities for students to participate in community events, small groups, and service initiatives which are aimed at building Christian faith and community, affirming Christian values, and developing a wholistic understanding of spiritual, emotional and physical wellness. The RCC series includes a variety of opportunities, but is especially built around regularly scheduled Chapel and Convocation events. Every full-time traditional student will be enrolled in “RCC 2001: Chapel/Convocation” during every fall and spring semester attended, with a limit of eight semesters total. Students who attend Rochester College for more than eight semesters will not be enrolled in RCC 2001 and will not be required to participate after their eighth semester. RCC 2001 carries one academic credit, with a letter grade assigned to it based on a 25 point scale and corresponding to the number of events attended during the semester as follows: • 25 points or more A • 23-24 B • 21-22 C • 19-20 D • 18 or fewer
Course policy requires at least 40 total points are available each semester with 45 points being the maximum allowed. There will be no tuition charged for RCC 2001. If a student drops below full-time, the credit is dropped. The most RCC credits that can be earned during the course
of a degree is eight credits. These credits do not count toward the overall credits required for the completion of a degree, but they will be calculated as part of a student’s overall GPA and graduation honors. A schedule of RCC events will be published every semester, but will always include Chapel and Convocation events which occur every Tuesday and Thursday morning throughout the fall and spring semesters. Attendance at these events is recorded by card readers that require students to have their student ID cards. Credit will only be given to those students who have their ID cards scanned. Lost, stolen, or damaged cards should be replaced as soon as possible at the Student Development Office. Graduate, part-time, non-traditional, and non-degree-seeking students will not be enrolled in the RCC program. Otherwise, there are only three exemptions that will be considered: (1) Students who can demonstrate through the presentation of birth certificates and IDs that they are parents dealing with childcare issues; (2) Education majors during the semester of student teaching or Business majors with internships; and (3) Mass communication majors during the semester(s) of Specs Howard attendance requirements. All such inquiries should be directed to the Dean of Students.
Procedures It is a student’s responsibility to track their attendances. The college tracks each student’s attendance level through the ID Card system, which can be accessed by visiting the Student Portal and logging in with the student’s assigned login information. Should the information on the Student Portal not coincide with a student’s records, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Help Desk to ensure their card is working or the student should visit Student Development immediately.
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Checking Chapel/Convocation Attendance Although Student Development records official attendance, it is each student’s responsibility to keep track of his/her own Chapel attendances. Students may check attendance or absence records on the student portal. If a student believes there is an error, he/she should contact Joyce Graves in Student Development within two weeks of the attendance discrepancy. No changes will be made after two weeks past the event.
Chapel/Convocation Behavior Chapel time is an opportunity to gather with our community, and we expect students to hold a respectful posture during the program. Students may receive an absence for sleeping, talking, text messaging, reading or any inattentive or disruptive behavior.
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All students are responsible for keeping up with the daily happenings on campus. Announcements may be received through RC Connect, Chapel, campus flyers, or the Rochester College Student Portal via Announcements to be posted on the student portal may be submitted to the Communication Services web form at All submitted announcements must meet the approval of the Student Development Office and the Communication Services Department and are subject to editing for content and grammar.
Student Portal Rochester College Direct Links Official Website: WWW.RC.EDU Official Student Portal Intranet Site: MY.RC.EDU The Rochester College website, the Information Technology Help Desk, and the online library resources are available as direct links from the student portal. Students having problems with a computer, telephone, or other Information Technology (IT) issues may report problems by 1) using the helpdesk on the student portal, 2) emailing, 3) calling 248.218.2080, or 4) visiting the Information Technology office located on the second floor of the Campus Center building.
Technical Support The Technical Support section of the student portal covers five areas: telephone support, cable television, internet
connectivity, email and network policy. Telephone support pages list how to place calls, use the voicemail system, place calls on hold, transfer, reverse pick up, redial, etc. Cable television pages list the channels on the RC cable system, including channel call signs, websites and the affiliates and their web addresses. Channel 13 is the campus channel managed by Student Development and broadcasts announcements and other campusspecific programming. All student computers must contain a network card in order to use the computer network on campus. Information on recommended computers and where to buy Ethernet cards and basic network configurations may be found in the “Support� section of the student portal. Each student is given an RC email address, which can be checked from the college computer network or anywhere with Internet access. To learn how to set up your email, refer to this section on the Student Portal. When you are granted access to a shared computer system or computer network, you become part of a community of users. The Rochester College network use policy applies to all users of college computers and network resources. The complete policy may be found on the student portal.
Student Resources Rochester College actively develops and maintains an internal website providing a wide array of services. The student portal includes a catalog of all student and employee home pages, student and employee whitepages, announcements, prayer requests, events and Chapel
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calendars, personal email, billing statements, campus phone bill, Moodle, class grades, Chapel attendance, pages printed on campus and other various services. All personal pages may be browsed via the “Employee Finder” and “Student Finder” tabs in the Student Portal. The finders provide information (phone number, email, campus mailbox and picture) for each person working for or enrolled at Rochester College. Daily announcements and prayer requests may be read and added by using the “Daily Announcements” and “Prayer Requests” tabs. Communication Services is responsible for approving the requests submitted. All events registered as college-sponsored events and important campus-wide dates and deadlines are available under the events calendar tab on the student portal or the external web site The events calendar may be accessed via the website home page under “Upcoming Events.” Students and employees may make submissions to the Events Calendar by clicking on the “add event” button. For more information contact Student Development. The Chapel calendar lists programming for the Chapel series. Students should refer to the calendar regularly for changes and cancellations. All students should also check their chapel attendance via the student portal a few times a week. Current students may receive account information or a forgotten password by visiting the IT Helpdesk.
Social Activities
Homecoming During the fall semester, Student Government, Office of Alumni Relations and Student Development host Homecoming. This week-long event culminates on Saturday with a tailgate party, an alumni basketball game and a varsity men’s basketball game. During halftime, the Homecoming king and queen are crowned.
Winter Banquet Student Government hosts Winter Banquet at the end of the fall semester. The RC Student Government over Student Activities oversees choosing a theme, planning, and the execution of the event. The event is held in the Rochester College Theatre and consists of hors d’oeuvres, entertainment and end of the year festivities. All students and employees are invited. Student Government attempts to adjust ticket prices so this event is affordable for all.
Celebration The social clubs and interested students annually present Celebration. The program features selected hosts/hostesses and musical skits presented by students. Auditions for hosts/hostesses and song and dance ensembles are open to all current traditional students.
The Emmys
Student Development and Student Government sponsor various activities throughout the year such as campuswide banquets, concerts, movie nights on and off cam-
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pus, educational programming, awards programs, and various theme dinners. Each sponsoring organization will notify students and respective parties of the specific dates and costs. These meals are not included in the boarding meal plan.
Student Government hosts the Emmys at the end of the spring semester. This event is a mixture of mock awards
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and annually given awards such as Mr. and Miss Rochester College and the Second Miler Award. The event is held on campus and is free to all current students and employees.
Psi Chi is a national honor society for psychology students. For more information, contact Dr. Gordon MacKinnon at 248.218.2122.
Delta Psi Omega is a national honorary theatrical fraternity for selected students. For more information, contact Mrs. Cathie Parker at 248.218.2154.
The intramural sports program is available for all students, employees and employee’s spouses to have the opportunity to participate in fair, safe and recreational sports programs. This program is designed so the beginner and the expert may benefit and enjoy the attributes of physical recreation. The intramural program also gives its participants the opportunity to compete in individual sports skills or team/club competition. This competition helps foster one’s relationship with teammates, opponents, officials and spectators. This not only helps one develop physical skills but contributes to the development of the mental and social skills necessary for life. Information concerning the Rochester College Intramural program can be found in the Student Development Office.
Student Organizations
Social Clubs The Rochester College Social Club Program was instituted to offer the student body smaller peer group involvement, accountability, leadership development and service opportunities, and to foster a sense of unity in a Christian setting. The social club program at Rochester College is under the direction of the Student Development Office. The Assistant Dean of Students, along with the club sponsors, direct, oversee and coordinate all social club activities. This group works in conjunction with each of the clubs to help ensure that each particular mission is upheld and that unity within the social club program is encouraged in its meetings, activities, projects and programs. PURPOSE OF SOCIAL CLUBS
Rochester College recognizes and charters student organizations, which reflects the interests and diversity of our students. Student Development encourages the formation of any college-sponsored organization given that the proposed organization meets the policy set forth for all student organizations. The following is a list of sanctioned collegesponsored student organizations.
Professional Department Organizations Alpha Chi is a national honor society where students may participate by invitation only. For more information contact, Dr. John Todd at 248.218.2128.
The purpose of social clubs is to foster friendship, loyalty, develop leadership attributes, and help create individuals who value scholarship, integrity and strong relationships, not only to each other, but ultimately to Christ. Social club membership is open to any Rochester College student enrolled in nine or more credit hours. Initial requirements include a willingness to attend mixers, meet people and participate in orientation activities. After New Member Orientation, members must attend regular meetings, pay dues, meet club standards of behavior, meet grade point average requirements and be an active part of club culture. For more information regarding social club
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membership, please see the Assistant Dean of Students or consult the Student Organization Handbook. The commitment of Rochester College, in conjunction with the social club program, is threefold: 1. To help foster appropriate social interaction, leadership opportunities and the responsibility to serve mankind. 2. To involve staff, faculty and community adults in the sponsorship of the clubs in order to foster appropriate leadership and mentoring. 3. To oversee the structural and financial responsibility of these organizations so that the credibility of the clubs can be maintained consistently.
The officers who are elected to the Executive Cabinet include the Student Body President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasury. Elections are held each April to elect officers for the following academic year. Executive officers receive a stipend. The Student Senate consists of the Chairperson of the Senate and various other students leaders who are referred to as “Senators.” Senators represent selected areas within the campus community. Senators shall be elected by majority vote or appointed by the Executive Cabinet. The Assistant Director of Student Life serves as the advisor and can be reached at 248.218.2042. The purposes of Student Government are as follows:
Every social club exists because its founding members petitioned the college and received approval for its charter. Without following proper procedures, campus organizations cannot exist. It is crucial that the actions of each of the clubs and its members reflect a positive, Christ-like image in keeping with its mission, as well as the mission of the college.
1. To serve the needs of the students by representing students to the administration.
Six social clubs currently serve as a basis for one venue of organized socialization at Rochester College providing special activities, sports rivalry, service projects and a smaller group of companions. The four co-ed social clubs are: Kappa Tau Xi (men)/Alpha Tau Theta (women); Sigma Phi (women)/Delta Nu (men); and Gamma (women)/ Omega (men). Two gender-focused social clubs are: Epsilon Theta Chi (men) and Epsilon Delta Psi (women). For more details about each club, request a copy of the club’s mission statement or bylaws/constitution.
4. To serve Christ and mankind by exhibiting and promoting the ideals of the college in developing Christian character and unity among all in the college community—students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni and friends.
Student Government The Rochester College Student Government represents the student body. Student Government consists of an Executive Cabinet and a Student Senate.
2. To serve the needs of the institution by representing the administration to the students. 3. To serve the needs of Christian education by assisting the college in reaching its goals and objectives.
The Shield, The Independent Student Publication of Rochester College Students produce the college magazine twice each semester, providing experiences in writing, layout design, editing and photography. For more information, contact Lora Hutson at 248.218.2168.
Other Services
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Campus Mail Package Policy The campus mail office will receive packages for current students. While the campus mail office personnel take reasonable precautions with incoming packages, the mailing office and its personnel cannot be responsible for replacement cost of missing packages, including those signed for by campus mail personnel. If this arrangement is not acceptable, students should make alternate shipping arrangements. Campus mail personnel will notify students of incoming packages via email to their RC address. Because space is limited, students should pick up packages in a timely manner. Only the person to whom the package is addressed may retrieve the package.
Computers Students are provided telecommunications services, which include computer labs and network access. Students may report problems by 1) using the Help Desk on the student portal 2) emailing 3) calling 248.218.2080 or 4) visiting the Information Technology Office located on the second floor of the Associates Campus Center building. The Rochester College network is accessible in each residence hall room, as well as wirelessly in the Café, Fletcher Center Cafeteria, Ham Library, Student Center, Richardson Center, Associates Campus Center, and all residential hall lobbies. The computer labs (located in the Associates Campus Center and Ennis and Nancy Ham Library Building) and each residence hall lobby provide computers and a printer. All services are provided “as is.” Rochester College assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged communications or files. All files located on college-owned computers may be subject to inspection, review, repair or removal.
lowed to print 250 pages a semester and will be charged 5¢ for each page over the limit. Additional policy guidelines and the Acceptable Use Policy are available on the Student Portal.
Deliveries Special deliveries to residents by off-campus persons for items such as floral arrangements, luggage and gifts should be dropped off in Student Development, located in the Associates Campus Center building. Student Development will sign for items and make the best effort possible to contact the student and request pick-up. Student Development is not responsible for items not retrieved by the resident.
Vending Machines Vending machines that are out of order or do not return the appropriate amount of money should be reported immediately to the events coordinator at 248.218.2046 or by emailing Specific details will be needed to accurately report the problem. Please take note of the location, machine and product in question, and include these details in your email.
All students will receive a computer access account that may be used to further academic goals. Students are al-
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Community Living The residential community of Rochester College is made up of students from diverse cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. People of different nationalities, religious beliefs and political preferences live and study together on our campus. Within our community of diversity, we strive to foster an atmosphere of respect by working together to understand the vantage point of each unique individual. It is important to view our daily interactions with one another as opportunities for learning and personal growth. With this view we desire to create a positive environment in which respect is thoughtfully given and received with much consideration. This commitment to respect must be demonstrated by our actions. We request that each member of our community take upon themselves the responsibility to develop awareness of differences within our community, avoiding behavior that would in any way belittle, threaten or disrespect any person.
dence Life Handbook, available online through the student portal and at
Residential Leadership The Student Development Office employs students in the role of Resident Advisors (RA) for each academic year. These student employees are full-time students who live in a residence hall and help the Resident Director in managing residential facilities and up to 48 students per floor. This includes enforcing the college’s regulations, responding to residential emergencies, providing peer counseling, and conducting relevant and varied programming throughout the year. Applications and interviews for these leadership positions begin in February each year. Interested students should contact Student Development for more information.
Residence Halls
At Rochester College, unlawful discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, gender, mental or physical disability or religious affiliation is unacceptable. Any behavior deemed inconsistent with traditional Christian values is not permitted.
Rochester College houses up to 340 residential students in three residence halls and one apartment building. Alma Gatewood, Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls are set up as suites containing two rooms (for a total of four occupants) with a bathroom located in between.
By being a part of the Rochester College community, we are committed to upholding the above stated values and principles in our daily lives, and in doing so, contribute to a community experience that is both educational and enjoyable.
Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls are premier halls. Students eligible for occupancy in these halls will have completed two full semesters at RC or have completed 30 credit hours prior to moving in, and not be on academic alert or probation. Non-freshmen residents living in Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls do not have a mandatory curfew.
For more detailed information about housing, see the Resi-
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Each room is equipped with a single bed, a desk and desk chair and closet/wardrobe for each resident. Ferndale, Hoggatt and some of the Alma Gatewood Hall are furnished with beds having loft and/or bunk capabilities. Rochester College believes that the residence hall experience is among the most valuable experiences of college life. Commuting takes additional time, effort and money, often causing students to miss out on special meetings, devotionals and activities. The residence halls are generally for traditional students 25 years of age or younger who are taking at least nine credit hours. A full-time student must live on campus unless the student is: • 21 years of age and at junior status (60 credit hours prior to the semester in question)
proved only when medical conditions dictate that the college meal plan or any modifications of the meal plan are unable to meet the medical needs of the student. Palmer Hall contains limited space for married housing and non-traditional aged students and runs on a wait list. No furniture is provided for Palmer residents. Palmer Hall requires more “self-management” than other facilities since it has outside room entrances. Priority for traditional campus housing is given to single students. Married student and non-traditional aged student housing is based upon availability and enrollment.
Room Reservations Current students may reserve a room in campus housing beginning in February of each year by completing a room reservation form. These forms are available from Student Development. Although we do our best to grant room selections, we cannot guarantee any specific rooms. Rooms are granted on a first come, first serve basis.
• married • a parent or legal guardian of a child living with living with him/her • living with a relative over the age of 25 years • 23 years of age or older Exceptions will be considered only if substantial hardship is demonstrated. The Dean of Students must approve all exceptions. International students older than 25 years may apply for housing on a case-by-case basis, and if granted, may be assigned a private room. All single students living on campus in traditional residence halls or in apartments without kitchenettes are required to purchase a college meal plan. More information on the available meal plans may be found in the Residential Dining Facilities section of the Residence Life Handbook. Any requests for exemption from a meal plan must be made in writing to the Assistant Dean of Students. Please include documentation. Requests for exemption are usually ap-
New students who have completed the enrollment process will receive their housing assignment as early as May of the year they will begin attending Rochester College (fall semester). Reservations for Spring semester will be processed in a similar manner and time frame.
Academic Requirements for Residency Students must be enrolled in at least nine credit hours to live in the residence halls. Those students enrolled in fewer than nine hours must apply for an exception from the Director of Residence Life in order to live on campus. Students dropping to fewer than nine hours during a semester must first request permission to remain in the residence hall. Please note that permission is not automatically granted. Students who move off campus during a semester are re-
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quired to properly check out with the Resident Director. Refunds will be granted according to the policy stipulated in the current course catalog.
Vacation Breaks
needs prior to attempting to honor personal requests from students. Those students interested in obtaining private room status should properly mark their room reservation forms. A private room carries an extra charge per semester. See the course catalog for fee details. Private room requests are processed on a first come, first serve basis. The college reserves the right to reassign individuals to different rooms or residence halls. These reassignments may occur if it is determined that the move would better serve the needs of all parties involved.
The college provides limited residence hall monitoring and food service during Labor Day and Easter breaks. However, residence halls will be closed during Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break. Alma Gatewood will be closed over Spring Break. Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls will be open over Spring Break for Ferndale and Hoggatt residents and their guests. To enter the halls and stay overnight, all guests must be accompanied by their host(s). When the halls close, residents must vacate the residence hall no later than the announced closing time and return no earlier than the announced opening time. International students or students living more than 500 miles in distance from the campus needing assistance in securing local housing during the breaks must submit a written request at least one week in advance to the Director of Residence Life. The college will aid these residents in finding housing accommodations during these break periods but cannot guarantee housing.
Residence Hall Check-In & Check-Out Residents may check-in their assigned residence hall during the designated check-in period published in the housing assignment provided to each resident during the summer months. New students must have completed the enrollment process prior to move-in. Returning students should have completed their room reservation process and be up-to-date on their student account in the Business Office. The dates for residential students to check into the residence halls are publicized each year. We request that students not ask for exceptions to this date due to the tightly planned timeline of move-ins, training schedules and other activities happening on campus ,including our summer facility rental schedule. For specific check-in and check-out procedures, reference the Residence Life Handbook.
Room Changes / Private Rooms
Personal Property Insurance
Room changes can be made after late registration and a fee will be charged for each move. Please see course catalog for fee details. The room change procedure is outlined in the Residence Life Handbook. Private rooms are not always available. The college reserves the right to fill private rooms with those persons having specific documented physical or other medical
All personal property of residential students is solely the resident’s responsibility at all times. The college is not liable for any property loss or damages under any circumstances, including theft, fire, water, or any other casualty loss. It is highly recommended that residential students purchase rental insurance or a modified homeowner’s policy to cover your possessions in a residence hall en-
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vironment. Residents should complete an Incident Report and submit it to the Resident Director if items are stolen or misplaced, in order to document the situation for insurance claims, as well as make the college aware of the incident. Students are also encouraged to file a report with the local authorities when theft occurs. The college, with proper documentation, will investigate the incident and report any findings back to the student and to the police should they be involved.
Fines and Special Fees
Residential Facilities
Residential Dining Facilities
Residential facilities are maintained in a cooperative effort between the Residence Life, Housekeeping and Maintenance departments. Although common spaces are regularly cleaned, residents are responsible for showing courtesy to others by doing their part to keep the space clean. Residents are also responsible for cleaning their own rooms.
Reporting Facility Problems Residents should assist Housekeeping and Maintenance by reporting problems. This may be accomplished by reporting the needed maintenance repair or problem via email to, housekeeping problem to cleanit@, or either to the Resident Director or Resident Advisor in person or via email. In case of emergency involving water or electrical outages, please contact Maintenance at 248.218.2080 or Security at 248.218.2911 or 248.765.8013 and your Resident Director immediately. College maintenance personnel reserve the right to enter rooms for repairs and for safety inspections. Residents will be notified by maintenance leaving a written notice indicating repairs were completed.
Charges and fines, which may be assessed to a student’s account, include some of the following: excessive noise, screen tampering or removal, improper facilities use, failure to clean, lost or improper key usage, room change fees, late check-out, improper check-out, lack of roommate preparations, damage, etc. More information on these and other fines or special fees can be found in the Residence Life Handbook.
On-campus dining and catering is outsourced to Chartwells College and University Dining Services. The Fletcher Center Cafeteria is located on the lower level of the Associates Campus Center building. Three meals are served daily except on Saturday and Sunday where brunch and dinner are provided. All students living in the residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan, except for residents living in Palmer Hall with college-provided kitchenettes in their apartments. Students who commute to campus may purchase a meal plan through the Business Office. Students on a meal plan must enter the cafeteria by swiping their ID Card. Students without a meal plan will be required to pay cash at the door or use available funds on their ID Card. Dining courtesy is expected at all times from each dining student and their guests. Diners should be able to eat free from excessive noise or indecent behavior from other students. Students are expected to clear their own tables, take trash to the receptacles, and return trays and dishes. Students disregarding such courtesy are subject to disciplinary action or loss of dining privileges. Specific dining policies may be read in the Chartwells Cafeteria Basics brochure. Questions or concerns may be directed to the Dean of Students.
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Meal Plans The basic meal plan contains 19-meals per week and $100 debited on the Warrior ID Card. Residents requesting modification or exemption status must complete a meal modification/exemption form available in Student Development. Please include documentation. Requests for exemption are usually approved only when medical conditions dictate that the college meal plan or any modifications of the meal plan are unable to meet the needs of the student.
Residence Hall Regulations Residential hall life provides a unique and rewarding experience for building friendships and fellowship. Residence hall life demands maturity and unselfishness from students. The rights of others to be able to study quietly and sleep in their rooms must be respected. Within the framework of residence hall regulations, residents are left free to enjoy college life. Specific procedures and regulations on signing out, late permission, late minutes, quiet hours, open house, electrical appliances, pets, and fire prevention can be found in the Residence Life Handbook.
Curfew in Alma Gatewood Hall Underclassmen residents (completed 59 or less hours) must be in their residence hall by the following times: Sunday through Thursday.................................12:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday:.......................................... 1:00 a.m. Upperclassmen residents (completed 60+ hours) must be in their residence hall by the following times: Sunday through Thursday................................. 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday............................................ 1:30 a.m. Residence halls remain locked from curfew until 6:00 a.m. Residents who leave the residence hall after curfew with-
out permission from proper authorities are subject to disciplinary action and/or fines.
Curfew in Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls Residents in Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls will not have curfew dependent on the presence of the Public Safety Officer in Dearborn Commons. Residence halls remain locked from curfew until 6:00 a.m., and residents who leave or enter during this time will sign in and out with the Public Safety Officer so a record of who is in the building may be maintained for security and emergency purposes. Residents who leave the residence hall after curfew without permission from proper authorities are subject to disciplinary action and/or fines. Living in Ferndale and Hoggatt Halls is considered a privilege and each resident must remain eligible to stay in the hall and receive the no-curfew privilege.
After Hours Work Residents who have an off-campus job and need to work after curfew may request such permission from the Resident Director and Director of Residence Life. Permission may be granted for up to one hour beyond curfew for residents of Alma Gatewood Hall. Residents of Ferndale and Hoggatt halls may work anytime as long as their entrance and exit of the residence halls does not negatively affect other residents or their own academic status.
Right to Search or Enter Rooms Rochester College is a private institution on registered private property. The college reserves the right to search any room or vehicle on campus at anytime if there is a reasonable cause to believe a violation has occurred of college, local, state or federal regulations or laws. A college administrator must approve searches. College personnel also have the right to enter a room for routine safety inspections and maintenance.
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Residence Hall Visits by Guests of the Opposite Gender Residents may not have a person of the opposite gender in their room at any time outside of posted open house hours, including family members, without permission of the Resident Director or Resident Advisor. Failure to obtain permission may result in disciplinary action, suspension or dismissal.
Solicitation To ensure the safety and privacy of all residents, solicitors, including students, are not permitted to post flyers or to canvass or market any product in the residential area without prior permission from Student Development. Forms are available in Student Development for gaining approval to solicit any service or product. Additionally, Student Development must stamp and post all flyers.
Emergencies In the event of an emergency, please call 911. One should also contact the Resident Advisor or Resident Director immediately. If the emergency is a fire, please describe the location as best as possible. After the proper authorities are notified of a fire, the residents are to leave their room, close the door behind them (if time permits) and exit the building by pressing the emergency bar alarm to set alarm off. Stand well away from the building and organize into groups to be accounted for by Residential Life staff.
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Academic Services is overseen by Dr. John Barton, Provost. Additionally, Rebekah Pinchback, the Registrar, oversees class scheduling and transcript evaluations and works together with the School Deans to ensure all aspects of academia are executed according to the mission of Rochester College. Academic Services is located in the Associates Campus Center building and may be contacted at 248.218.2091.
nouncement early in the morning. Evening classes will be cancelled by 3:00pm on the day of the weather event (situation permitting) if a cancellation is necessary and known in advance. A weather emergency text message is sent to those who have signed up for this service. (To sign up, please go to . RC login information is required.) Campus closure announcements are made through various local media outlets, as well as posted on the student portal and RC Connect.
Advising Each student is assigned an academic adviser who helps clarify life/career goals and develop educational plans for completion of these goals. Upon declaring a major, students will be assigned a faculty adviser in that discipline who will serve as their major academic adviser. Students are encouraged to make contact with their major adviser early in their academic career. Students should consult these faculty advisers in planning their semester schedules and in outlining their degree plan.
Snow Days and Class Cancellations The college makes every reasonable attempt to keep the campus open for classes. However, should inclement weather prohibit safe campus operation, arrangements have been made to announce campus closures. The campus community should listen carefully to campus closure announcements to determine if a closure is for daytime classes or evening classes. DO NOT ASSUME that evening classes are cancelled if you hear a campus-closing an-
Academic Status Attendance Policy Rochester College expects regular and punctual attendance, which is recorded by all instructors and affects final course grades. Students are responsible for reading the attendance policy explained in each class syllabus. Students who miss more than 30% of scheduled class meetings are unable to pass the course. NOTE: Only two absences are allowed in eight-week courses, but these absences should not be viewed as an entitlement; all absences have negative consequences. Institutionally approved absences for athletics, performances, or other activities for which advanced notification is given by the appropriate college employee are granted without penalty as long as the absences are within the 30% acceptable limit. Individual faculty members may impose stricter absence limits within the 30% limit for absences
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other than those created by institutionally-approved activities. Athletes, performers, and others engaged in activities that take them out of class are responsible to make up work missed during these absences and to manage their attendance so that their academic performance is not compromised. Instructors do not have to allow make-up of daily in-class work. Major assignments and examinations may be made up for institutionally-approved absences and doctor documented illnesses. Students must request a make-up within one week of the absence, or the instructor is not obligated to allow the make-up work. For institutionally approved absences, students must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the absence. Students who miss more class meetings than allowed by the attendance requirement as stated in the course syllabus (and who do not withdraw by the last day to withdraw) receive a grade of F for the course. It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the course before the last day to withdraw. These dates are posted on the college website and at the beginning of this catalog. Note: Students who do not attend the first three weeks of any class will be administratively dropped from the class and charged a $25 drop fee. Attendance in an online class is defined as logging in and actively participating in the course. Active online participation includes taking tutorials, quizzes, or tests; submitting work to the instructor; or participating in online discussion boards.
Classification Classification is based on total credit hours completed by the end of each semester. Transfer students are unclassified until prior credits are posted to their Rochester College transcripts. Thirty hours (30) are required for sophomore status, sixty hours (60) for junior status, and ninety hours (90) for senior status.
Course Changes Any change to a student’s roster of classes must be requested in writing by the student. Traditional students may either submit their changes through the student portal Course Add/Drop/Withdrawal online form or send an email to from their RC email address. Traditional students may add or drop classes on or before the Census Date (the second Friday of each semester) without penalty. After the Census Date, full-term courses may not be added. Traditional students may add or drop accelerated Session B courses up to the course start date, as long as the student’s financial aid package is not modified. Withdrawals are processed as of the last date of attendance and noted as ‘W’ on transcripts. Withdrawals are not allowed after the date published on the college calendar. The Academic Services Office provides withdrawal dates for classes that meet less than full term. Once the Census date has passed, a $25 course change fee is applied per course.
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Ennis & Nancy Ham Library The library offers electronic, print and audio-visual materials to traditional students, CEL students, faculty and guests. Users have remote and on-campus access to indexing and fulltext articles in over 60 electronic periodical databases. The library’s holdings can be found through the online catalog at The library home page contains information on electronic resources, Internet resources, contact information and library news. Students will need a Rochester College ID to borrow library materials.
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Academic Center for Excellence The mission for the Academic Center for Extended Learning is to assist students as they engage in learning at Rochester College and to help them realize their educational goals. The college has developed the ACE study lab to provide a distraction-free atmosphere equipped with computers and study aides. The ACE staff, faculty and peer academic assistants offer free tutoring in math, writing, accounting, biblical studies, business, communication, education, English, history, and science to all RC students, and can also assist with study skills and organizational needs. The ACE is located in the lower level of the CHILL room (beside Auditorium West). For current ACE Hours, call 248.218.2173 or go to the ACE link at
Career and Testing Services Career Services assists students in developing, evaluating, and initiating an effective career plan through selfassessment and exploration of occupational and educational opportunities. The Career Services Office assists students in relating personal interest, skills and values to academic pursuits, selection of a major and establishing career goals. Students are given the tools to begin a career planning process that will take them through graduation and into job placement or graduate school. Career Services also handles all CLEP and Dantes testing for students. Contact the office for more information at 248-218-2076 or
email Essie Bryan, Director of Career Services at ebryan@
Academic Accommodation Services Rochester College is deeply committed to maintaining an environment that provides reasonable accommodation to disabled students. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the college provides reasonable modifications, adjustments or accommodations to academic requirements and practices. Those students requesting an academic accommodation should contact Lindsey Dunfee at 248.218.2018 prior to the start of the academic year. Upon verification by a physician of the student’s disability, Lindsey will assist students in providing for their individual needs as required by Section 504 and the ADA. The accommodation granted to each disabled student may vary according to the type and degree of the individual student’s disability. Lindsey Dunfee’s office is located in the Executive offices within the Richardson Academic Center.
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Student Complaint Policy Students with complaints are encouraged to address any complaint regarding college personnel or service to the supervisor over the department with which they are experiencing a problem. The complaint needs to be written or emailed, documenting details, time, date, and location and must be submitted by the person who experienced the issue. The complaint must have a name with contact information which will enable the supervisor to follow up properly. Complaints with no contact information cannot be processed. Complaints will be verified and investigated. The person submitting the complaint will be contacted within 48 hours of the report being completed and submitted. Follow up with documentation will occur, and every attempt to reconcile the situation will be made. Student complaints are on file in the president’s office. See Grievance Policy for more specific issues.
Student–Administration Communication Policy The college is aware that extremes and rigidity may inhibit open communication and problem-solving teamwork. Our goal is to provide flexibility, which encourages growth in leadership potential and individual student development. We also desire an environment that supports student’s rights and freedoms, while pursuing an education that is distinctively Christian.
Administrative communication provides guidelines about whom to contact with specific concerns. It also provides guidelines about how that contact should be initiated.
Acceptable Forms of Communication: 1. RESIDENCE HALL PERSONNEL The Resident Advisor or Assistant Resident Advisor on a residence hall floor and the Resident Director of the residence hall are available to provide information, support or counseling with regard to most problems a resident may encounter. 2. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT OFFICE a) Students may bring any matter of concern to the attention of the appropriate student development staff member by making an appointment. b) In cases where a student desires to show the number of students in support of the issue, a student may be allowed to apply for the opportunity to gather a support list. 3. STUDENT GOVERNMENT a) Students may bring a matter to the attention of Student Government through the members of the executive officers or senate representatives. b) Significant matters brought to Student Government are discussed and proposed to the Dean of Students, who in turn brings up the matter before the administration for its consideration.
To achieve these goals, the following model for Student-
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4. FACULTY OR ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEES a) One or more students are appointed by the appropriate administrator to serve on faculty and administrative committees. b) In some cases, student candidates are nominated by the Nominating Committee and reviewed by the Faculty. c) Any student or group of students having a particular concern should submit the matter to Student Government or to the student member of the committee charged with the oversight of the matter. d) Student Government itself may initiate consideration of any matter of concern and refer that matter to the appropriate committee along with a statement from Student Government.
Unacceptable Forms of Communication:
5. ACADEMIC PERSONNEL a) Students should talk to their instructor during the instructor’s regular office hours. This may occur by taking a moment or two following a class to make an appointment for a later time. A schedule of faculty office hours is available from the Academic Services Office. b) Talk to your advisor. c) Talk to the appropriate department head by making an appointment.
Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault
6. BUSINESS OFFICE You may consult the Business Office regarding financial, telephone and other business matters. 7. SENIOR ADMINISTRATORS After all of the above steps have been taken, you may request referral to the Provost.
Several opportunities are available for students to voice opinions, ideas and concerns. Some forms of personal expression are not considered appropriate in a Christian environment. Specifically, the college does not condone picketing, sit-ins, petitions, walkouts or any form of disruption to legitimate and authorized college activities. These forms of expression are forbidden as a means of communication for the college community. These modes of expression imply a duress and pressure, which are not consistent with the atmosphere that Rochester College seeks to maintain. Students who engage in such activities will, therefore, be subject to dismissal from the college.
The term harassment is defined by Rochester College as any verbal, written, or physical conduct that a person knows or has reasonable grounds to know would disrespect, intimidate, demean or degrade an individual’s or group’s human or civil rights and that may result in his or her mental, emotional or physical discomfort, ridicule or harm. Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to the following: Physical or verbal attacks upon a person which hinders the person from conducting customary or usual college related affairs; conduct or expressive behavior that puts a person in fear of his/her safety and/or causes a person to suffer actual physical or mental injury or harm; intentionally or inadvertently creating an intimidating, hostile or demeaning living or educational environment; physical aggression intended for one individual by another, related to the individual’s dating rela-
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tionship or association with a person or persons different from oneself. Furthermore, sexual harassment is defined as an attempt to coerce an unwilling person into a sexual relationship, to subject a person to unwanted sexual attention, to punish a refusal to comply, or to create a sexually intimidating, hostile or offensive working, living, or educational environment. This definition will be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent with the accepted standards of mature behavior, academic freedom, and the mission of the college. Concerns about sexual harassment that include faculty, staff or those that are related to on campus employment should be directed to Human Resources. If an incident is between two students, the concern should be directed to the Dean of Students. Incidents between students will be addressed according to the Disciplinary Procedures outlined earlier in this handbook.
Sexual Assault Sexual assault is defined as forced, manipulated or coerced sexual activity. It is a violent crime using sexual means. When the act involves unwanted penetration, it is rape. In these events, the college urges the victim to get immediate medical attention and report the sexual assault or rape to the proper authorities and at least one of the following offices: Campus Security—ext. 2911 Student Development—ext. 2041 Psychology Clinic—ext. 2122 If you or someone you know has been a victim of a sexual assault or rape, the college strongly suggests the following steps:
A Resident Director or Resident Advisor can refer the victim to the Counseling Center. You are also strongly encouraged to call the Oakland County Sheriff department at 911. • Before washing or cleaning up, seek medical attention at a local hospital with the help of a friend or counselor. Bring a change of clothes with you. • Be assertive and stand up for yourself. If you did not report the assault to campus authorities (Campus Police and/or Student Development), file a report and consider pressing judicial and/or legal charges. • Be patient with yourself and don’t isolate yourself. It takes time to get over an assault and begin to trust yourself and others again. You need good friends for support. The Counseling Center staff can assist you in this healing process. Call them at 248.218.2122. Don’t blame yourself. Even though you may feel responsible, it is the person who commits the assault who is responsible. No one asks to be assaulted. Sexual assault, or the continuation of unwanted behavior when you have stated your wish to stop, is a violation of your dignity and rights, and is illegal.
Victim’s Rights During an investigation, the victim and the accused must have the same opportunity to have others present. Both parties shall be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding. Victims shall be informed of their options to notify law enforcement. Victims shall be notified of available counseling services. Victims shall be notified of the options for changing academic and living situations.
• Call a supportive friend, Campus Security (ext. 2911), Residence Life Staff or Rape Crisis Counselor (800.542.5212).
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Grievance Policy
that the instructor is aware of the concern. If the student does not feel resolution in the matter, he/she may speak with the appropriate department chair. If a student feels no resolution still, he/she may request a meeting with the Academic Dean to discuss the matter. The Academic Dean may request that the student write a letter of appeal to the Faculty Affairs Committee. If a matter is referred to the committee, they will review the matter and their decision is final.
It would always be our choice, prior to a formal grievance being filed, for students to reconcile any problem in a manner befitting Christian values and standards. We have found that situations can be effectively addressed in this manner.
Student–Administration Communication A grievance is a legitimate complaint where upon the complainant believes he/she has fulfilled acceptable behavioral expectations in a circumstance but has been mistreated in some respect by another party. In general, if a student desires to report or review the actions of an individual or department, he or she will need to direct their concerns to the supervisor of the individual or department. The following elements are an overview naming the responsible parties within this college community: 1. PERSONAL RECORDS Disputes regarding guidelines for student access to personal records should be directed to the Office of the Registrar. 2. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS The appeal process for disciplinary actions is outlined earlier in this handbook. 3. EMPLOYMENT A student desiring to pursue a grievance concerning employment with the college and who has been unable to secure resolution or satisfaction with his or her immediate supervisor may contact the Human Resource Manager. 4. GRADES If a student experiences difficulty with an instructor or questions a course grade, he/she should first approach the instructor as soon as possible to ensure
5. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Grievances related to discrimination on the basis of a disability should be reported to the Academic Services Offices, located in the Associates Campus Center building. Any student seeking a resolution on the basis of a disability must register as a disabled student with Academic Services and provide required documentation of disability. 6. RACE, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AND AGE DISCRIMINATION Grievances related to discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or age with regard to academic matters, should be handled through the appropriate academic dean. All non-academic matters concerning this type of discrimination should be directed to the Dean of Students. 7. GENDER DISCRIMINATION Discrimination on the basis of gender in student programs, activities or employment, with respect to the religious tenets of Rochester College, are prohibited under Title IX of the Higher Education Amendment of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Complaints concerning the violation of these acts should be directed to the Dean of Students.
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General Student Grievance Procedures
files and records relating to the grievances filed.
In the event initial parties involved cannot resolve a problem, the following procedure should be followed: 1. A detailed grievance should be submitted in writing to the proper department head, supervisor, dean or administrator. a) The grievance should specifically state the name(s), address, telephone number, description of the incident, date, time, circumstances and witnesses relating to the incident b) The student should also state what resolution or remedy he/she is seeking. c) The written grievance must be signed by the student, hereinafter referred to as the complainant, and submitted within at least 30 days of the alleged incident or discrimination. 2. Appropriate supervisors, dean and/or administrators will promptly attend to the written grievance. All the parties have the right to: a) Be notified of the alleged discrimination, specific acts involved, and resolution sought. b) Know the source of the complaint. c) Be accompanied by an advisor for advisory purposes only at any proceeding. 3. The appropriate supervisor, dean or administrator will conduct an investigation. All parties involved will be afforded the opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the grievance. 4. The investigator or investigative team will compose a written document as to the validity of the grievance and terms of the resolution, if any. A copy will be forwarded to the complainant. If appropriate, discipline may involve one or both parties. 5. The investigator or investigative team will maintain all
6. The final decision rests with the Administrative Team, made up of all vice presidents, deans and administrative personnel. *These general procedures do not apply to applicants for admission or employment at the college.
Payments for Fines, Damages and Assessments Payments for damages and assessments charged to a student’s account should be made immediately to avoid interest charges. Costs not paid by the end of the semester may result in denial of registration for the following semester(s) or denial of transcript issuance. Grievances regarding assessments and damages should be directed to the department from which the fine was assessed.
Vehicle Policy Students parking a vehicle on campus must properly register the vehicle. Parking tags are included in the Student Support Fee. Vehicles parked on campus without parking tags are subject to fines and towing. All vehicles must be driven according to campus regulations. Driving privileges may be suspended at the college’s discretion. Vehicle tickets will cost the owner or operator a fee of $30, as posted in the course catalog. Tickets will be automatically charged to the student’s account and should be paid by the end of the semester, or transcript issuance may be denied. Additional disciplinary action and loss of campus vehicle privileges may result if circumstances warrant. Grievances regarding vehicle tickets should be directed to the security within three business days of the ticket issuance date.
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Federal and State Policies In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, you, as a student of Rochester College, are hereby informed of your right to access your official records described in the Act. The Act protects the privacy of your educational records, your rights to a hearing to challenge the contents of your educational records, and your right to file a formal complaint with the FERPA office if Rochester College is not in compliance.
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1994 / §513 of PA 93-380, Educational Amendment Act, §438 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Parent(s) are allowed to have access to information regarding their children 18 years of age or older provided that the child is financially dependent on the parent(s) (claimed on the parent’s federal income tax return as a dependent). Students who are not a dependent may fill out a form permitting the release of information to parent(s). Parents or students have the right to inspect the student’s educational records and have the right to request correction to records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading (see website shown below for details). Rochester College may release information from student education records, without consent, under the following conditions: College officials with legitimate educational interest; other colleges to which a student is transferring; specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes; appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student; organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the college; accrediting organizations; to comply with
a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and state and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law. Directory information may be released without consent. Rochester College defines directory information as follows: name, address, telephone, weight and height (intercollegiate athletic team members only), dates of attendance, major field of study, enrollment status, date of graduation, degrees, awards, honors, and student activities. Rochester College will generally not release address or telephone information for students to outside parties except under the conditions stated above or for specially approved institutional purposes. Students must submit a written request to the Registrar’s office if they would like the college to not disclose their directory information. For more information regarding student FERPA rights, see
Campus Employment Students interested in campus employment may contact the Human Resource Office for current job openings. The student portal, also allows students to view openings and apply online. Students who are hired to work on campus must go to the Human Resource Office located in the Executive Office Suite in the Richardson Academic Center and complete a Federal W-4, State W-4 and I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification). International students must have an U.S. Social Security Number. Proof of this must be presented. No student may be paid until this regulation is accomplished.
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The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act Commonly known as the Clery Act, this is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, which requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. An overview of the law is highlighted through the following points: • Schools must publish an annual report disclosing campus security policies and three years worth of selected crime statistics. • Schools must make timely warnings to the campus community about crimes that pose an ongoing threat to students and employees. • Each institution with a police or security department must have a public crime log. • The U.S. Department of Education centrally collects and disseminates the crime statistics. • Campus sexual assault victims are assured of certain basic rights. • The Department of Education can fine schools that fail to comply. Rochester College publishes a crime report each fall and distributes it to all current students and employees. The reports are on file in Student Development.
Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs This policy statement is a reflection of Rochester College’s heritage. This heritage includes a concern for the individ-
ual and his/her development as a whole person. The college believes that spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, physical and vocational development has their greatest growth free from mind-altering drugs. Consequently, it is the desire of the college to foster an alcohol and drug-free environment in which to work, live, learn and grow. As a Christian college, we approach individual problems with alcohol or other drugs with a combination of compassion, encouragement, directness and concern. An aspect of this caring approach is consistent enforcement of the regulations on alcohol and other drugs contained within this policy. Rochester College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees. This handbook contains such prohibitions and provides penalties for violation, up to and including dismissal of students. Employees should check the college Handbook regarding the college’s policy. The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol can result in arrests, misdemeanor or felony convictions, and long prison terms. The use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol also present major health risks, including addiction, acute and chronic illness and death. Alcohol and drug information, referral, counseling, treatment and rehabilitation programs are available to students and employees through a variety of on and off-campus resources. Some of these services and programs are without charge. Students may obtain further information about available services by calling Student Development at ext. 2041. Anyone with questions, concerns, or problems related to the use of drugs or the abuse of alcohol is urged to take immediate advantage of the help that is available. All members of the Rochester College community, however, must clearly understand that they jeopardize their education, jobs, health, and future if they unlawfully possess, use or distribute drugs or alcohol at Rochester College. Sanctions for such misconduct will be consistently enforced.
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Health risks associated with alcohol and other drugs: Drug
Trade or other names
NARCOTICS Opium Morphine Codeine Heroin Hydromorphone Meperidine (Pethidine) Methadone Other Narcotics
Dover’s Powder, Paregoric, Parepectolin Morphine, MS-Contin, Roxanol, Roxanol-SR Tylenol w/Codeine, Empirin w/Codeine Robitussan, A-C, Fiorinal w/Codeine Diacetylmorphine, Horse, Smack Dilaudid Demorol, Mepergan, Dolophine, Methadone Methadose, Numorphan, Percodan, Percocet, Tylox, Tussionex, Fentanyl, Darvon, Lomotil, Talwin
DEPRESSANTS Chloral Hydrate Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Methaqualone Glutethimide Other Depressants
Noctec Amytal, Butisol, Fiorinal, Lotusate, Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinal, Phenobarbital Ativan, Dalmane, Diazepam, Librium, Xanax, Serax, Tranxex, Verstran, Versed, Halcion, Paxipam, Restoril Quaalude Doriden Equanil, Miltown, Noludar, Placidyl, Valmid
STIMULANTS Cocaine Amphetamines Phenmetrazine Methylphenidate Other Stimulants
Coke, Flake, Snow, Crack Biphetamine, Delcobese, Desoxyn, Dexedrine, Obetrol Preludin Ritalin Adpiex, Cylert, Didrex, Ionamin, Melfiat, Plegine, Sanorex, Tenuate, Tepanil, Prelu-2
HALLUCINOGEN LSD Mescaline and Peyote Amphetamine Variants Phencyclidine Phencyclidine Analogues Other Hallucinogens
Acid, Microdot Mexc, Buttons, Cactus 2,5 DMA, PMA, STP, MDA, MDMA, TMA, DOM, DOB PCP, Angel Dust, TCP Bufotenine, Ibogaine, DMT, DET, Psilocybin, Psilocyn
CANNABIS Marijuana Hashish Hashish Oil
Pot, Acapulco Gold, Grass, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Thai Sticks Hash Hash Oil
ALCOHOL p | 46
Possible effects
Effects of overdose
Withdrawl symptoms
Euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea
Slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, possible death
Watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors, panic, cramps, nausea, chills and sweating
Slurred speech,disorientation, drunken behavior without order of alcohol
Shallow respiration, clammy skin, dilated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma, possible death
Anxiety, insomnia, tremors, delirium, convulsions, possible death
Increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, increased pulse rate and blood pressure, insomnia,loss of appetite
Agitation, increase in body temperature, hallucinations, convulsions, possible death
Apathy, long periods of sleep, irritability, depression, disorientation
Illusions and hallucinations, poor perception of time and distance
Longer, more intense “trip� episodes, psychosis, possible death
Withdrawal syndrome not reported
Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, disoriented behavior
Fatigue, paranoia, possible psychosis
Insomnia, hyperactivity, and decreased appetite occasionally reported
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Rochester College’s security patrols the campus seven days a week from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The Security Officer reports to the Director of Operations and is authorized to enforce administrative regulations, which are published in the Employee and Student Handbook.
in buildings after normal working hours; however, it is suggested that individual offices be locked since access to the building may be possible.
All criminal actions and emergencies should be reported to the Resident Director and/or the Student Development Office immediately, and an Incident Report should be completed and filed. If you are a victim or a witness to a crime, contact the security on campus at 2911 or by cell at (248)-765-8013. You may also contact the Oakland County Sheriff’s department at (248) 858-4950 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency).
Committed to Prevention The College is committed to a program for the prevention of both the use and abuse of alcohol and the illegal use of drugs and alcohol by students and employees. College policy prohibits the use of drugs or alcohol on College property or at any student, off-campus function. This complete policy is available, as well as published and distributed, to all students and employees.
Rochester College cooperates with the Oakland Sheriff’s department when a state or city statute is violated.
The College does not authorize any student organization to provide off-campus housing. Approved off-campus functions of student organizations normally require the presence of a faculty/ staff or approved sponsor.
Residence halls are open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and curfew. From curfew to 6:00 a.m., the residence halls are locked to outside access. If residents leave the halls during those hours, an alarm will sound. Students are strongly encouraged not to prop doors open since this subjects all occupants to unwanted intrusion.
Although we believe our low incidence of crime will continue, this is not intended to give a false sense of security. Please remember that while a crime can occur at any time, your prevention effort can be effective in reducing the opportunities for criminal activity. You play an important role in our crime prevention efforts. Be cautious, careful and alert to your own safety and protective of your and the College’s possessions.
We recommend that students lock their rooms at all times. Students of Rochester College are asked to report their own criminal activity each year and are occasionally screened according to circumstances. It is Rochester College’s policy to lock the doors of buildings when not in use. When working or studying
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Important Telephone Numbers EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency Medical Services Fire Sheriff and Police (Emergency) Crittenton Hospital (Rochester) William Beaumont Hospital (Troy) Poison Control
911 (from any on-campus phone) 911 (from any on-campus phone) 911 (from any on-campus phone) 248.652.5311 248.828.5111 800.462.6642
NON-EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Oakland County Sheriff’s Department
ON-CAMPUS NUMBERS Campus Security (if calling from on-campus) Campus Security (if calling from off-campus) Ferndale/Hoggatt Resident Director Alma Gatewood Resident Director Dearborn Commons Lobby Alma Gatewood Lobby
248.218.2911 248.765.8013 248.218.2201 248.218.2202 248.218.2210 248.218.2211
CAMPUS SERVICES/CONTACT INFORMATION Counseling Information Career and Testing Information Campus Minister Academic Services Student Development Business Office Weather and Class Cancellations Social Clubs Information Student Government Intramurals Student Magazine, The Shield Student Financial Services Maintenance / Information Technology
248.218.2122 248.218.2176 248.218.2048 248.218.2091 248.218.2041 248.218.2051 / 2056 248.218.2003 248.218.2041 248.218.2240 248.218.2042 248.218.2338 / 2339 248.218.2028 / 2038 248.218.2080
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QUESTIONS? HERE’S WHO TO CONTACT... The Student Development office is not only responsible for identification cards, vehicle registration, residential living, dining services, and chapel/convocation records, but also student organizations and campus activities. CANDACE CAIN Dean of Students 248.218.2040 /
CHRIS SHIELDS Campus Minister 248.218.2114 /
COLE YOAKUM Assistant Director of Student Life 248.218.2042 /
PAULA BONBRISCO ACE Director 248.218.2174 /
JOYCE GRAVES Administrative Assistant 248.218.2041 /
PHEBE DOLLAN ACE Assistant 248.218.2177/
DEBI RUTLEDGE Director of Residence Life and Resident Director, Ferndale/Hoggatt Hall 248.218.2201 /
GARTH PLEASANT Director of Intramurals 248.218.2135/
BETH BOWERS Resident Director, Alma Gatewood Hall 248.218.2203 /
800 West Avon Road | Rochester Hills, MI 48307 |
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