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ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM A Celebration of th e Liberal Arts | April
19, 2011
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Welcome to the 2011 Rochester College Academic Symposium
A Celebration of th e Liberal Arts Welcome to Rochester College’s 8th annual Academic Symposium, where we join together to celebrate our vibrant academic community. We are especially honored to present the academic achievements and capstone projects of 57 Rochester College students. This year’s program boasts a diversity of form and subject matter as reflected in our students’ scholarly papers, executive simulations, public relations campaigns for real world clients, theatrical performances and musical recitals. Our Symposium events kicked off on Thursday with a performance of “Death of a Salesman,” one of the most important classics of the American theatre, and continue through Friday night’s performance by the A Cappella chorus at a Good Friday Tenebrae Service at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. All of our students’ performances and presentations reflect our mission to “prepare students for a life of study and service” by developing in them increasing abilities to engage in scholarly research, to communicate with excellence, and to think critically and creatively. In addition to our student presentations, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Thomas Maridada, superintendent of the Pontiac School District, who will deliver our keynote address. Dr. Maridada is a remarkable man who is having an increasing level of influence in the Metro Detroit area through his efforts to reform and revitalize important segments of the public school system. Dr. Maridada also will be the guest of honor at a luncheon with faculty and students from RC’s Department of Teacher Education. We welcome your participation in this wonderful event, and we congratulate our student scholars for their achievements. Sincerely,
John Barton, Ph.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs
Featured Speaker: Dr. Th omas Maridada Superintendent of th e Pontiac Sch ool District Dr. Thomas Maridada, Michigan’s 2008 superintendent of the year, currently serves as superintendent of the Pontiac School District. Acting as a “school turn-around specialist” for some of the most challenging districts in the country, Maridada’s reform model has significantly raised student achievement in several local schools. His accolades include numerous inductions into Who’s Who in American Teachers, Outstanding Teacher of the Year in 1993 and 1997, and the Spirit of Detroit Award. He also has been honored by several organizations including the Metropolitan Detroit Youth Foundation, the National Urban League and the NAACP for his dedication and work with young people. Maridada is currently working on two books focused on showing educators how to close the achievement gap. Ultimately, he wants every teacher in this country to hone the skill set needed to raise and sustain student achievement. A champion of academic excellence for all students, Maridada has achieved tremendous success as a teacher, principal and superintendent. Working in partnership with the Detroit Public Schools, Maridada helped to close the achievement gap in the district’s under performing schools, achieving a 40 percent increase in student achievement.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Program of Events Thursday, April 14 Academic Symposium Performance of “Death of a Salesman” One of the most profound classic dramas of the American theatre, “Death of a Salesman” revolves around the last days of Willy Loman, a salesman who cannot understand how he failed to win success and happiness. Through a series of tragic soul-searching revelations of the life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his business associates, Loman discovers how the quest for material goods and personal recognition has blinded him to the true values of the human spirit. Winner of the 1949 Pulitzer Prize for drama and the Tony Award for Best Play, the deep and revealing beauty of Miller’s most well-known play still speaks to our innermost longings. RC Theatre, 8 p.m. Music 1 Brandon Young: Senior Recital for Tuba St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, April 15 Music 2 Laura Hughes: Senior Recital for Voice Jennifer McKenna: Senior Recital for Voice Auburn Hills Presbyterian Church, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 16 Theatre Fest 2011 The first Rochester College Theatre Fest is offered to high school students from southeast Michigan. The festival features workshops with theatre professionals, faculty and RC theatre students on various topics, including acting, auditioning, musical theatre, technical theatre and stage combat. Richardson Center, 12:30 p.m.
Monday, April 18 Academic Awards Ceremony & Showcase of the Arts The Academic Awards Ceremony begins with a cheesecake reception at 6 p.m. Academic departments honor their outstanding students, the college presents the distinguished faculty award, and students from across campus present their theatrical and artistic work. RC Theatre, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, April 19 Concurrent Session A: 9-10:15 a.m.
Business 1 — Auditorium East Andrews Corporation: Jason Doran, Jefferson Martinez, Andrew Mulder, Robert Stout, Kathryn Wiegand Baldwin Corporation: Priscilla Batamuliza, Grant Brown, Joseph Peterson, James Prince, Clarence Spurr English 1/Theatre 1 — Richardson Center 117 Cynthia Greschack: Jane Eyre’s Gothic Feminism Greg Wiklanski: A Director’s Journey Into the Woods Mass Communication 1 — Ham Library 115 Carlee Barackman: Innovative Health Solutions: The Move To Creating Publicity Toward Holistic Health Ryan Dandin: Friends of the Orion Township Public Library: Helping the Friends Befriend the Community Jarred Douglas: Grind House The Music Group: Versatility is the Key… Math 1— Ham Library 113 Kelly Burton: Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom Bethany Goetgeluck: The Effects of Hands-on Mathematics in Elementary Classrooms Psychology 1 — Auditorium West Vince Alvaro Emily Berry: Learning Styles as They Relate to Test-Taking Skills Religion 1 — Ham Library 112 Justin Burchett: Christian Life and the Trinity Matt Frederickson: Elizabeth Johnson’s Trinity-Sophia: Analogy to the Holy Mystery
Plenary Session 1: 10:30-11:15 a.m. Dr. Thomas Maridada RC Theatre
Special Session: 11:30 a.m.-12:30p.m.
Education Department Luncheon Department of Teacher Education Faculty and Students with Dr. Thomas Maridada Gold Room
Concurrent Session B: 12:45-2 p.m.
Business 2 — Auditorium East Chester Corporation: Michael Iannucci, Bernard Kanjoma, James Matt, Jacquelyn Steinacker, Robin Van Nieulande Digby Corporation: Andrew Brueggeman, Robert DeVoursney, Steven Jesionowski, Andrew Wells History 1 — Richardson Center 117 Kyle Hogan: To Kindle a Flame: Assessing the Haitian Revolution’s Influence on Antebellum America Mass Communication 2 — Ham Library 115 Tanna Evans: Raising Awareness: Bringing Equality and Community to LGBTs Maria Smith: 8 Mile Grill: Providing Meals for You and the Family Psychology 2 — Auditorium West Nicole Bruce: Under Pressure: A Study on the Correlation Between Audience Anxiousness and Self-Esteem Elizabeth Hansen: Profile of a Behavioral Science Major
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Religion 2 — Ham Library 112 Jeffrey Martin: The Voice of One Crying Out in the Wilderness: A Study of the Baptism Narrative of the Gospel of Mark Rob Root: A Sermon on Perception: Luke 19:9-14 Science 1 — Ham Library 113 Joy Bjerke: Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease Jeff Pickens: Genetically Modified Foods
Concurrent Session C: 2:15-3:30
Business 3 — Auditorium East Erie Corporation: Kerry Cole, Halie Fournier, Joel Hines, Kathryn Spellman Mass Communication 3 — Ham Library 115 Alexander Venet: Tribology is Not the Study of Tribbles!; A Look at PR for Small and Technical Businesses Emilie Vinson: The Missions Café: Coffee and Cuisine Combined with Meeting Community Needs Math 2/Science 2 — Ham Library 113 Cory Heier: Integrating Literature into Mathematics Sarah Schewe: Soybeans: It’s Not Just About Tofu Psychology 3 — Auditorium West Jacqueline Maiuri: Do Our Siblings Really Drive Us Crazy? Wendy Phifer: Sketching Our Emotions: Art Therapy and Affect Religion 3 — Ham Library 112 Cody Williams: Judgment in Jude: The Use of 1 Enoch in the Book of Jude
Concurrent Session D: 3:45-5 p.m.
English 2 — Ham Library 112 Greg Wiklanski: Saving Grace: An Original One Act Play Mass Communication 4/Communication 1 — Ham Library 115 Thomas Golden: Sitcom Gender Role Reversal: An Examination of the Transference of Power from Man to Woman Kristin Bovee: Cyberbullying: Don’t Be Mean Behind The Scene Psychology 4 — Auditorium West Brian Potthast: Technology: Friend or Foe? David Ristich: Physical Changes Due to Stress
Rochester College Band Concert
In its final concert of the season, the Rochester College Concert Band will feature music from “Scenes from The Louvre,” a 1964 award-winning NBC television special for which Norman Dello Joio wrote music, excerpts of which were transcribed for concert band. Also, Rochester College senior Brandon Young will be featured on tuba as he performs “Concertino for Tuba and Band” by James Curnow. Music from the Broadway musical “Man of La Mancha” will be included as well. The 70-member RC Concert Band includes RC undergraduates and faculty, students from other area colleges, advanced high school musicians, and adult community members. RC Theatre, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 20 Emmy Awards A fun-filled evening presented by Student Government, the annual RC Emmy Awards celebrate campus life and campus personalities. This award ceremony is comprised of several student-voted mock awards, as well as the presentation of Mr. and Ms. Rochester College, the Second Miler award, and the Peggy Matthews and Wes Taphin athletic awards. RC Theatre, 7 p.m.
Friday, April 22 Good Friday Tenebrae Service The Rochester College A Cappella Chorus will combine with the Rochester Community Chorus, the Madrigal Chorale of Southfield, and the choirs of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in an English-language performance of Brahms’ German Requiem. This performance is in conjunction with St. Paul’s Good Friday service. Readings appropriate to the day will occur between movements of the Requiem. Admission is free. St. Paul United Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m.
Student Abstracts Emily Berry Major: Psychology Hometown: Flushing, MI Learning Styles as They Relate to Test-Taking Skills Differences in learning styles are accepted among educators and psychologists, but the extent to which they affect classroom performance is largely untested. This study was designed to investigate the influence of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles among students. The researcher hypothesized that mode of presentation would affect test performance. Forty-six participants were presented with information about the Atlantic Puffin in two different formats: one visual, one audio. A significant difference between mean scores was found for the auditory and visual groups, but no significant relationship was found among learning styles and mode of presentation. Joy Bjerke Major: Biology Hometown: Rochester Hills, MI Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease Lyme disease is a complex disease that is both difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. While there are many controversies surrounding this disease and its implications, the main problem seems to be finding a course of treatment that is both effective and safe for the patient.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Kristin Bovee Major: Interdisciplinary Studies/English and Communication Hometown: Waterford, MI Cyberbullying: Don’t Be Mean Behind The Scene Cyberbullying is a growing epidemic. Technology and social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, allow for people to mask themselves. In computer-mediated communication people can post messages they would not express in a face-to-face context. Cyberbullying is occurring more frequently, and more and more teenagers are being affected by it daily. The bullying can be so intense that it causes the bullied individual to take his or her own life. It is happening to a lot of teens, and they aren’t speaking up about it. Why don’t they speak up? Why doesn’t someone who is witnessing the Cyberbullying speak up for them? How far do the threats and harassment have to go before someone says something? What would you do? I will discuss how Cyberbullying is worse than face-to-face bullying. I will also discuss the actions of those who have witnessed Cyberbullying and those who have been victims of Cyberbullying. Nicole Bruce Major: Psychology Hometown: Columbiaville, MI Under Pressure: A Study on the Correlation Between Audience Anxiousness and Self-Esteem One of the most common fears is stage fright. Theorists suggest several different theories as to why this phenomenon occurs. It is commonly thought that the reason individuals experience this type of anxiety is because they are unprepared to give their speech. However, it is possible that a person’s self-esteem plays a role in creating this type of anxiety. The current study investigates whether there is a correlation between high levels of audience anxiety and low levels of self-esteem. This study was conducted on the Rochester College campus where 130 fall semester students, currently enrolled in a communication class or the campus chorus, were asked to fill out the Audience Anxiousness Scale and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. A significant correlation was found between audience anxiousness and self-esteem. Justin Burchett Major: Youth and Family Ministry Hometown: Shelby Township, MI Christian Life and the Trinity There are a great many mysteries in the world of theology, but maybe one that can be agreed upon as truly mysterious is that of the Trinity. This truth, however, does not make it any less important to develop an understanding of this doctrine that is foundational to Christianity. Incorporating the Trinitarian theology of Jurgen Moltmann, this presentation seeks to explore a view of the Trinity that presents great implications for practical, Christian living. The discussion will not be one of “pure and systematic theory” but that of “practical theory.” Mirroring the desire of Moltmann to have a Trinitarian perspective that is capable of helping the mission of the church in the contemporary world, the idea of a more open and social Trinity will be focused on. Ultimately, the purpose will not be to sway one’s opinion one way or another, but rather to suggest the possibility of the Trinity model as being crucial for both inter-human relations and the way people relate to their Creator.
Kelly Burton Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Brown City, MI Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom Differentiated instruction is important to today’s classroom. Students must have an equal opportunity to learn. They will not get that opportunity if students are all taught the same way. Differentiation provides lesson structure that focuses on various types of learners. This study is to research the importance and effects of differentiation in the classroom. The research uses three types of learning strategies to prove how differentiation can be used in each type of learning strategy. The introduction explains the education theories used in the study and the definition of differentiated instruction. The purpose examines why differentiated instruction is important to the classroom. The significance of this study explains how useful differentiated instruction is to the education world. The review of literature examines the three learning strategies, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning and hands-on learning, and how differentiation is involved in teaching strategies. The conclusion summarizes the results of the purpose of differentiation. This study also has some limitations because there are many perspectives to differentiation that cannot all be covered in one study. The limitations transition to new viewpoints that can be further explored in differentiated instruction. Matt Fredrickson Major: Biblical Studies Hometown: Fort Collins, CO Elizabeth Johnson’s Trinity-Sophia: Analogy to the Holy Mystery Some may flinch or even cringe at the thought of listening to feminist theology. Admittedly, I was a bit hesitant to start with feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson’s approach to the trinity. Interestingly enough, my initial attitude seems to reflect our use of explicitly male images to describe God and our neglect and unfamiliarity with using female images. When it comes right down to it, God surpasses gender, bearing likeness to both male and female. It is not Johnson’s goal to name God “she” by storm, but to add to the mosaic that represents our thinking about God, which throughout history, has been dominated by the masculine. Johnson attempts to liberate thinking about the godhead from its societal prison of masculinity by observing its femininity, and so freeing all of creation to experience the relational and saving God more completely. Theology done from above or below will never be able to precisely examine God, and if we are naïve enough to believe that we can come to our Maker’s complete description from our limited human knowledge, we will, at the very least, need to use both male and female images. Bethany Goetgeluck Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Washington Township, MI The Effects of Hands-on Mathematics in Elementary Classrooms The purpose of this study is to explore whether or not using hands-on activities in mathematics classrooms affects students achievement. It is crucial that students must understand mathematical instruction if they are to develop mathematical competence. Many students do not have the opportunity to experience the type of math instruction that allows them to get a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. When teachers allow students to be a part of a math lesson, they are able to comprehend the concept better. The use of manipulatives must be implemented in a way that allows students to make connections to the concepts. Hands-on learning engages students and makes learning meaningful, which will help them develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Thomas Golden Major: Mass Communication/Broadcasting Hometown: Waterford, MI Sitcom Gender Role Reversal: An Examination of the Transference of Power from Man to Woman The purpose of this paper is to examine the changing of traditional gender roles as depicted in American situation comedies, and their effect on reality. Particularly, the reversal of negative portrayals is explored, focusing on the transformation from woman being depicted negatively in the 1950s, to men being portrayed negatively in the sitcoms of today. Through a quantitative content analysis of four shows, “I Love Lucy,” “The Cosby Show,” “Home Improvement,” and “Everybody Loves Raymond,” as well as qualitative interviews of two couples from different generations, a conclusion was reached. The research found that gender roles have undoubtedly reversed in sitcoms, but that the reversal is a gross exaggeration of actual changes in gender dynamics in reality. Cynthia Greschak Major: Interdisciplinary Studies/Business, Literature and Creative Writing Hometown: Warren, MI Jane Eyre’s Gothic Feminism Throughout literary history, the woman was often portrayed as the lesser of the sexes and took a submissive role to the male. In the middle of the eighteenth century, Gothic fiction took the public by storm and introduced a stronger, independent heroine who was not afraid to make her own path in life. In her novel, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte introduced her own Gothic heroine. Bronte’s Jane captures the essence of Gothic feminism as she strives to prove her own independence and equality to men. This bildungsroman allows her to share her views on the societal and religious standards of women, and in the process, she is able to create the ultimate Gothic heroine. Elizabeth Hansen Major: Psychology Hometown: Saint Clair Shores, MI Profile of a Behavioral Science Major The age-old debate of nature versus nurture within the field of psychology has raged on specifically in the realm of the study of personality. It seems that most scientists agree that personality results from an inherited set of traits and learned traits. Regardless of origin, much research has been done to explore the predictive capabilities of personality. This research is centered on personality types and significant life events in Behavioral Science majors. Through a version of the Big Five personality survey and other life experience surveys, this research endeavored to find a correlation between personality traits, life events, and career choice in order to create a profile of a Behavioral Science major. This profile will aid in understanding the future psychologists and social workers. As the adage goes, “Physician, know thyself.” Cory Heier Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Kalkaska, MI Integrating Literature into Mathematics Integrating subjects is an ever growing phenomenon in education, and this study looks specifically at the integration of literature into mathematics. The main focus of this research was done to determine the usefulness and overall effectiveness of the integration between the two subjects. The context in which the literature is presented is also a key idea that was largely considered during this study. Five specific questions are used throughout this study and they help to bring closure to whether or not using literature in math is effective.
Kyle Hogan Major: History Hometown: Baldwinsville, NY To Kindle a Flame: Assessing the Haitian Revolution’s Influence on Antebellum America The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) resulted in the second republic in the Western Hemisphere—after the United States—and the only independent nation ever successfully established by revolting slaves. Today this accomplishment remains a symbol of black freedom. In early nineteenth-century America, the Revolution profoundly influenced the thinking of many Americans, who lived in a society much dependent on slavery. This presentation explores some of the ways the Haitian Revolution was used publicly by both abolitionists and defenders of slavery in the slavery debates. Both sides of the debate used the Revolution to bolster their own arguments: abolitionists saw the Revolution as a symbol of their greatest potential hope while slavery advocates understood it as the realization of their greatest fear. Finally, the presentation poses the important question: What does the Haitian Revolution mean for American race relations today? Laura Hughes Major: Music Hometown: Rochester Hills, MI Senior Recital for Voice This vocal recital will highlight works from various Italian, German, French and English composers, spanning from the 17th century to the 20th century. Featured works include the aria, “Vedrai, carino” from W.A. Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni. Jacqueline Maiuri Major: Psychology Hometown: Davisburg, MI Do Our Siblings Really Drive Us Crazy? Our relationships with our siblings are potentially some of the most influential relationships in our lives, but when you throw in issues like Autism or Asperger’s syndrome things tend to get more complicated. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) widely affects our society today and very little research has been conducted on the effects children with ASD have on their siblings. This study was conducted to test whether or not siblings of children with ASD experience higher amounts of internalizing (low selfesteem) and externalizing (fighting) behavioral issues than siblings of normally developing children. This presentation seeks to present previous research on this issue and to address the question of whether or not our siblings really do drive us crazy. Jeffrey Martin Major: Biblical Studies Hometown: Clarkston, MI The Voice of One Crying Out in the Wilderness: A Study of the Baptism Narrative of the Gospel of Mark Each of the four Gospels opens differently. Matthew and Luke begin with birth narratives. John opens with another creation story. Mark, on the other hand, begins with the start of Jesus’ ministry, when he was baptized in the Jordan by John. John the Baptist is portrayed almost like a prophet of the Old Testament. The call to repentance to prepare the way for the Messiah becomes fulfilled with Christ. This narrative becomes a crucial turning point in the Biblical canon. Jennifer McKenna Major: Music Hometown: Waterford, MI Senior Recital for Voice A presentation of songs and arias for soprano from composers such as Tchaikovsky, Puccini and Handel, as well as an arrangement for solo piano.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Wendy Phifer Major: Psychology Hometown: Des Moines, IA Sketching Our Emotions: Art Therapy and Affect Pictures have been found to facilitate emotional expression that otherwise may be difficult to communicate verbally (Naumburg, 1966; Wadeson, 2010). While verbal communication operates in a linear fashion, drawing operates on spatial matrix, allowing several elements to be expressed simultaneously (Wadeson, 2010). Thus, the creative expression involved in drawing may facilitate greater expression of affect (Bagnoli, 2009; Dietrich, Kanso, 2010; Hoerneffer, Chan, 2009). This study was designed to identify potential benefits, gained in a single session, artistic endeavor, when applied to positive and negative affect. A statistical comparison of pre and post artistic endeavor mood-state scores showed a few interesting things. It was expected that artistic expression of affect would increase that affect in the short-term. However, significance was only found in the fear factor. Pre-artistic endeavor scores were significantly lowered. A small sample size and low reliability of instrumentation contributed to mixed results. Potential future implications for this study include better understanding of the shortterm change in affect due to the creative processes of art, and the possibility of applying creativity through artistic expression in a short-term counseling setting. Jeff Pickens Major: Secondary Biology Education Hometown: Shelby Township, MI Genetically Modified Foods This paper analyzes the major effects, types, advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified foods and crops. Genetically modified foods will be defined and described. The majority of this paper will show the pros and cons of genetically modified foods and also take a look into the effects it has on humans and the environment. It is important to understand what effects these foods can have in order to get a better understanding of whether or not they are safe to use. After all the facts and figures are in, I will weigh in on the issue and decide whether or not genetically modified foods should be continued for use or should be taken off the market. Brian Potthast Major: Psychology Hometown: Perrysburg, OH Technology: Friend or Foe? The current debate is whether or not computer-mediated communication is a detriment to interpersonal and social development. Previous research has been performed comparing e-mail communication, audio chat and face-to-face communication, but little has been done to examine similarities and differences between face-to-face and computer mediated chat style conversations. As communication styles expand and begin to replace previous styles of communication, it is important to understand the differences and possible benefits of new forms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between computer mediated and face-to-face chat style communication. The following aspects were examined: 1) the perceived closeness of individuals, 2) the likelihood of sharing personal information, 3) the likelihood of those with introverted vs. extroverted personality types to excel in, and 4) the effects of vocabulary knowledge on computer-mediated and face-to-face communications. Participants were randomly divided into two groups (face-to-face and virtual) and then selectively paired off (to ensure the participants did not know one another prior to research) with other participants inside of their assigned group. They were asked to have a half hour discussion on religious views, qualities they admire in a person, and people to whom they are close. All conversations were recorded for analysis. Research like this is applicable not only in the concept of understanding forms of communication, but it can also be utilized in the growth, development and evolution of new types of therapy. Once the implications of these newer communication forms are more fully understood, research and development of new, cutting edge therapeutic styles may begin.
David Ristich Major: Behavioral Sciences Hometown: Waterford, MI Physical Changes Due to Stress This research examines physical changes, mainly weight gains in first year college students due to stress. Research suggests that first year college students experience significant increased stress. Freshmen students lose a caregiver and at the same time lose a disciplinarian when they leave the comfort of their home. They have more freedoms and may begin to lose focus on school. Because of this, they might experience stress linked to poor grades and may become overwhelmed. Additionally, in high school, students are obligated to take a gym class. Even a little physical activity is a stress reliever. However, when they graduate high school, physical activities and sports may come to an end. This study will analyze the types of stressors a first year college student experiences and their affect on weight gain. Robert Root Major: Youth and Family Ministry Hometown: Muskegon, MI A Sermon on Perception: Luke 19:9-14 Perception of sin and holiness plays a large role in modern Christianity. Through this text, I plan to show what Jesus wanted from people in order to be considered righteous by God. Sarah Bizzu Schewe Major: Pre-Med Hometown: Jinja, Uganda (East Africa) Soybeans: It’s Not Just About Tofu There has been a revolution in biological research in the past 15 to 20 years. Technological breakthroughs have made it possible to sequence the DNA of entire organisms (genomes). Comparative genomics reveal far fewer genes and much more commonality among all creatures than we had previously thought. The approach of looking at the entire system, such as all the genes of an organism, has been given the name “systems biology.” This approach lends itself to additional “-omics,” including transcriptomics (the expression patterns all of the organism’s genes), that has led to an amazing number of new research findings and leads, especially in the field of medicine. Systems biology has revealed that we cannot assume that because a gene is expressed, its mRNA will be used in translation, nor can we assume that a newly translated protein will be active. In our soybean research, we have used the systems biology approach to look at the expression of all the genes during seed development. We have found a novel and interesting expression pattern for glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme in plant nitrogen metabolism. Whereas one would expect a great amount of GS present during the early stages of seed development, it is not the case. Instead, GS gene transcription levels shoot up really high in the later stages of seed development when most of the activities in the seed are winding down. Finding this lead has encouraged us to explore the seed GS enzyme activity, its location within the seed tissues (using immunoflourescent microscopy), and to determine the ammonium levels (a substrate of the GS catalyzed reaction), all as functions of seed development.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Greg Wiklanski Major: Interdisciplinary Studies/Writing, Literature and Performing Arts Hometown: Windsor, Ontario A Director’s Journey Into the Woods I’m going to give an in-depth, behind-the-scenes director’s perspective from my experience directing Rochester College’s fall production of Into the Woods. I plan on outlining the decision-making that went into choosing Into the Woods, the casting process, the research that happened before rehearsals started, the production meetings, the rehearsal process, and the performances. Greg Wiklanski Major: Interdisciplinary Studies/Writing, Literature and Performing Arts Hometown: Windsor, Ontario Saving Grace: An Original One-Act Play I’ve written a one-act play for one of my senior projects. I’m going to talk about the process of researching playwriting, writing the play, work-shopping my play through a series of readings, editing, and re-writing my play. I’ll also use my time to present some selected scenes from my play, Saving Grace. Cody Williams Major: Christian Ministry Hometown: Edwardsburg, MI Judgment in Jude: The Use of 1 Enoch in the Book of Jude In this presentation, I will explore the book of Jude in the New Testament. When exploring the book of Jude, one finds that it references several outside sources — most notably the Book of Enoch. This is a book from the Apocrypha that has typically not had much authority within modern Christian culture. This presentation explores the book of 1 Enoch in order to find the true meaning of Jude. Jude uses these references in order to display a message of judgment. This message of judgment is one that is often missed in our churches today. My presentation will explore this theme of judgment in Jude’s literature and discuss its absence in Christianity today. Brandon Young Major: Music Hometown: Hazel Park, MI Senior Recital-Tuba An evening of Tuba and Piano featuring the works of James Curnow, G.F. Handel, G.E. Holmes, and J.E. Barat. The works being played feature blazing technique and delicate melodic lines not normally heard from the Tuba.
Pu blic Relations Client Campaigns Each senior public relations major plans, develops and implements a PR campaign for a real world client. The students will present their PR plans and their portfolio of work during their presentations. Carlee Barackman Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Plymouth, MI Innovative Health Solutions: The Move To Creating Publicity Toward Holistic Health Innovative Health Solutions, located in Plymouth, specializes in chiropractic work in addition to emphasizing the importance of natural therapies. Dr. Davis Brockenshire is devoted to improving and restoring health through safe and natural health practices. But with so many chiropractors in the area, a strategic and creative public relations plan was needed to set Innovative Health Solutions apart. Through traditional PR practices such as news releases and brochures, and in conjunction with new media ideas such as social media and pitch emails, Innovative Health Solutions will be able to set an effective identity apart from others. Ryan Dandin Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Rochester Hills, MI Friends of the Orion Township Public Library: Helping the Friends Befriend the Community At a time where our country is facing tough economic times, library usage has gone up. However, at the same time, budget cuts are forcing libraries to serve more people, but with less resources. At a time like this, more and more pressure is put onto the shoulders of the Friends of the Orion Township Public Library to help raise funds for the library. In this project, an organized and specialized public relations approach is taken with the goal of helping to increase membership and to increase the amount of funding by the public. A public relations plan is combined with a public relations portfolio that includes press releases, newsletters, media and community relations, design elements, Internet and social media. Through these, the Friends of the Orion Township Public Library hope to maximize their efforts and to play a bigger role in helping fund the library. Jarred Douglas Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Waterford, MI Grind House The Music Group: Versatility is the Key… In the music industry, a particular set of elements can add to the success of any artist. These elements include production, song writing, photography, web design and video. In this field, very few offer any of these at high-quality levels, and no one offers them all at once. But Grindhouse TMG covers them all. A production and song writing team, Grindhouse is composed of super entrepreneurs Mark “Phatrax” Askin and Richard “Rated-R” Taylor. While producing hip hop, R&B and pop music, Grindhouse TMG has also excelled in song writing, web design, and shooting and editing HD video under Taylormade Video Vision. My PR campaign helps them promote their fully loaded arsenal of services in the music industry.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Tanna Evans Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Hubbard, OH Raising Awareness: Bringing Equality and Community to LGBTs Christopher Keyes, LGBT Ambassador to Michigan, is actively working in state legislation to bring about equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. He not only lobbies for equal rights, but also works to bring the LGBT community of Michigan together. Keyes works with other LGBT groups in Michigan to create events that will raise awareness and community. Keyes’ goal is to reduce stereotypes of the LGBT community and strengthen its members. The goal of this PR campaign is focused on the awareness and community aspect of Keyes’ position. Through the use of a well-detailed and strategic PR plan, precise social media and captivating traditional media pieces, Keyes will be able to spread awareness and begin to fulfill his goal of dissipating stereotypes. Maria Smith Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Detroit, MI 8 Mile Grill: Providing Meals for You and the Family 8 Mile Grill has been successful in serving families of the community since its opening in 2008 and would like to extend its menu choices to more consumers and families. Combined with the cost-effective menu choices and the economic strains in Michigan, 8 Mile Grill is there to tailor fit consumers needs. The 8 Mile Grill strategic plan and detailed PR portfolio includes visual and written ads to enhance consumer palettes, media relations contacts, and the ever prevalent social media angle. By launching a show-all and tell-all PR campaign, 8 Mile Grill hopes to maintain and attain mass family patronage. Alexander Venet Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Romeo, MI Tribology is Not the Study of Tribbles!: A Look at PR for Small and Technical Businesses Have you ever wondered what Tribology is? No? Well, that makes you normal. It also makes it clear that you are not an engineering student. In fact, most engineers don’t even know what this obscure branch of engineering is, let alone what a tribologist does, so you shouldn’t feel too bad about it. Tribology is the fringe branch of engineering that studies wear — as in, surface wear. Moving parts that touch each other and move against each other will wear down, and a tribologist’s job is to figure out how quickly this will happen. Tribis Engineering, Inc. is a company that builds tribometers, which are devices that a tribologist will use to measure wear. PR is a field that specializes in publicizing the good works of a company or organization, and is often utilized by highly involved community-based organizations and companies. This raises the question: How does one publicize a company in a field no one has ever heard of? Find out about some of the challenges Tribis, a small start-up engineering company, has faced on its journey toward recognition in the field. Emilie Vinson Major: Mass Communication/Public Relations Hometown: Romeo, MI The Missions Café: Coffee and Cuisine Combined with Meeting Community Needs The Missions Café is a new restaurant opening inside of Heritage Church in Macomb Township. Though it primarily serves beverages, soups, salads and sandwiches as other café’s do, the Missions Café is set apart by its purpose. With its profits, the café’s goal is to help others through local, regional and global ministries. A strategic and specialized PR campaign is necessary to create community awareness and brand recognition for the café when it opens. This will be achieved using a combination of traditional and contemporary industry tactics, effectively allowing the Missions Café to grow and expand to its full potential and strengthen its place in the community.
Executive Simulations Students will present the results of their work as the management team of separate, yet competing, corporations within an executive simulation of the electronic sensor industry. The scenario is that each team has served as the managing directors for the equivalent of eight years of business and now they must make a presentation to the board of directors, who will determine if the students will remain as the management team for the corporation. The presentations will cover: (1) the business strategy their team chose to implement; (2) the results of their work; and (3) their plans for the future if their team is to remain as the managing directors of the company.
Andrews Corporation Robert Stout Major: Sports Management Hometown: Plymouth, IN Kathryn Wiegand Major: Business Management Hometown: Lenox, MI Andrew Mulder Major: Business Management Hometown: Clinton Township, MI Jefferson Martinez Major: Sports Management Hometown: Waterford, MI Jason Doran Major: Business Management Hometown: Clinton Township, MI
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Baldwin Corporation Grant Brown Major: Sports Management Hometown: Rochester, MI Joseph Peterson Major: Sports Management/Marketing Hometown: Houston, TX Priscilla Batamuliza Major: Marketing Hometown: Jinja, Uganda Clarence Spurr Major: Accounting Hometown: Fair Haven, MI Not Pictured: James Prince Major: Sports Management Hometown: Detroit, MI
Chester Corporation Bernard Kanjoma Major: Management/Marketing Hometown: Blantyre, Malawi Robin Van Nieulande Major: Business/Financial Management Hometown: Ray Township, MI Michael Iannucci Major: Business Management Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI Jacquelyn Steinacker Major: Sports Management Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI James Matt Major: Business Management Hometown: Detroit, MI
Digby Corporation Robert DeVoursney Major: Business Management/ Sports Management Hometown: Muskegon, MI Steven Jesionowski Major: Sports Management Hometown: Highland, MI Andrew Brueggeman Major: Sports Management Hometown: Macomb, MI Andrew Wells Major: Business Marketing Hometown: Lake Orion, MI
Erie Corporation Joel Hines Major: Business Administration Hometown: Clarkston, MI Kathryn Spellman Major: Sports Management Hometown: Shelby Township, MI Kerry Cole Major: Sports Management Hometown: Auburn Hills, MI Halie Fournier Major: Sports Management Hometown: White Lake, MI
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Student Teach ing Student teaching is often considered the most exciting and demanding aspect of the teacher education program. It is the final field experience; therefore, it is the doorway into the teaching profession. Each teacher candidate completes a fifteenweek teaching experience during the last semester at Rochester College.
Spring 2011 Student Teachers Kelly Burton Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Brown City, MI Student teaching 5th grade at Brooklands Elementary, Rochester Community Schools Bethany Marie Goetgeluck Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Washington Township, MI Student teaching 1st grade at Washington Elementary, Romeo Community Schools Cory Heier Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Kalkaska, MI Student teaching 4th grade at Beacon Tree Elementary, Utica Community Schools Jamie Johnson Major: Elementary Language Arts Education Hometown: Flint, MI Student teaching 1st grade at Deerfield Elementary, Avondale School District Steven Lee Major: Elementary Social Studies Education Hometown: Livonia, MI Student teaching 1st grade at Hugger Elementary School, Rochester Community Schools Katie MacKenzie O’Connell Major: Elementary Language Arts Education Hometown: Clinton Township, MI Student teaching 3rd grade at Fox Elementary, Chippewa Valley Schools Jeff Pickens Major: Secondary Biology Education Hometown: Shelby Township, MI Student teaching 10th grade biology at Utica High School, Utica Community Schools
Fall 2010 Student Teachers Lara Goodes Major: Secondary Mathematics Education Hometown: Troy, MI Student taught 9-12 Math at Troy High School, Troy School District Laura Johnson Major: Elementary Social Studies Education Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI Student taught 1st grade at Plumbrook Elementary School, Utica Community Schools Rachel Leipprandt Major: Elementary Mathematics Education Hometown: Columbiaville, MI Student taught 3rd grade at Brown City Elementary School, Brown City Community Schools Melissa (Panzica) Llewellyn Major: Elementary Language Arts Education Hometown: Rochester Hills, MI Student taught 1st grade at Brooklands Elementary School, Rochester Community Schools Marissa Monette Major: Elementary Language Arts Education Hometown: Warren, MI Student taught 3rd grade at Holden Elementary School, Warren Consolidated Schools Sarah Sartor Major: Elementary Social Studies Education Hometown: Washington, MI Student taught 2nd grade at Graham Elementary School, Avondale School District Amy Score Major: Elementary Integrated Science Education Hometown: Rochester Hills, MI Student taught 3rd grade at Browning Elementary School, Utica Community Schools
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Faculty Symposiums Every April, we celebrate the academic activities and achievements of our students during the Academic Symposium. This year we added a new component to this celebration by launching the Faculty Symposium series. A Faculty Symposium event takes place once a month throughout the academic year and highlights the professional activities and achievements of the RC faculty. Each presentation reflects an area of current research for the presenting faculty member and provides an opportunity to model academic excellence and professional integrity. This year, the Faculty Symposium series featured the following presentations:
Dr. John Barton, Vice President, Academic Affairs Confusion and Communion: Reconciliation and Ethnic Identity in Post-Genocide Rwanda Presented on Sept. 9, 2010 In 1994, the East African country of Rwanda experienced one of the bloodiest genocides in recorded history when violence erupted amidst the two primary ethnic groups in the country, the Hutu and the Tutsi. Since the genocide, the Rwandan government has pursued reconciliation through a mandated post-ethnic policy which can be summarized in the following mantra: “We are no longer Hutu or Tutsi; We are simply Rwandan.” While the motivation behind such policies is understood, history teaches that true reconciliation is not achieved through forced homogenization and governmental decree. From a Christian point of view, unity is not achieved by erasing the differences between people, but by retaining the differences in a spirit of diversity while erasing the enmity between people and calling them into diverse communion in Jesus’ name. (An expanded version of this presentation was published as “Confusion and Communion: Christian Mission and Ethnic Identities in Post-Genocide Rwanda,” Missiology: An International Review 2011.)
Dave Hutson, Assistant Professor of Sports Management Interfering With God’s Design: Did the Shoe Industry Get It Wrong? Presented on Oct. 14, 2010 Through an investigation of historical and cross-cultural running conditions, this study looks at the debate of whether barefoot running is better than running in today’s running shoes. Over the past forty years the running shoe has evolved from very simple footwear with minimal cushioning and support to today’s highly advanced shoes with thick midsoles, high arch supports, and sturdy heel posts. However, the design of the modern running shoe encourages runners to heel strike, which may be the cause of many running-related injuries. Because of this, many have begun to question whether today’s shoe is what’s best for the runner. Some have chosen to run in minimal footwear or running barefoot, which encourages runners to forefoot strike enabling runners to use the foot and ankle the way God designed them. This promotes the proper biomechanics of running, which could result in a decrease of injuries over time.
Dr. Rubel Shelly, Professor of Philosophy and Religion Here Come the Nones! Presented on Nov. 18, 2010 It should bother Christians that a study released in spring 2009 shows the only religious-preference group that grew larger in every U.S. state since 2001 was people who opted for “No Religion.” The study from Trinity College’s Program on Public Values is labeled “American Nones: The Profile of the No Religion Population.” Authors of the study see their findings as evidence of advancing secularism and the emergence of “a sort of generic, soft evangelicalism.” This paper raises the possibility that it may also include categories that are not considered in the Trinity study — (a) persons who have strong personal faith but who reject tame and bland versions of faith offered by evangelical churches and (b) persons who deliberately separate themselves from churches because of their militaristic, homophobic, and/ or racist views. The resulting theological question becomes this: To what degree is organized religion in American culture responsible for driving people away from Christ? (This presentation was from a chapter of Dr. Shelly’s new book I Knew Jesus Before He Was A Christian: And I Liked Him Better Then.)
Beth Bowers, Adjunct Faculty Member and Resident Director LOST: Faith in a Shifting Postmodern Context Presented on Dec. 2, 2010 In its most simplistic form, Christian faith claims the Jesus story: Jesus Christ is the son of God, and abundant life is found in him. The means by which this faith claim is communicated and the manner in which it is embraced is, and must be, adaptable. Our current cultural climate is in transition—shifting from modern to postmodern. Thus, faith must adapt to these changing circumstances. Particularly in the context of the church, our challenge as theologians and teachers is finding a mode that communicates Christian faith in a shifting postmodern context. Thus, this project focuses on the challenge of communicating Christian faith to a world in transition. The culmination of my project calls for an intellectual and practical “recasting” of faith—one that not only redemptively and effectively utilizes secular media, but that gleans insight from the cultural and communal experience of the television show, LOST. (This presentation was based on Beth’s masters thesis entitled LOST: Faith in a Shifting Postmodern Context. Beth graduated with her masters degree in Biblical Studies in December 2010.)
Catherine Parker, Assistant Professor of Theatre Models of Faith and Learning in Theatre at Colleges and Universities Sponsored by Churches of Christ: A Theological Approach Presented on Jan. 27, 2011 Robert Benne has identified two models of Christian higher education: the “add-on” model and the “integrated” model. The model depends on the relationship at any given institution between academics and three aspects of the Christian tradition: vision, ethos, and persons. Within an “add-on” model, academic studies take place alongside Christian ethos and person, whereas an “integrated” model is one by which the Christian vision of a particular religious heritage forms the “umbrella of meaning under which all facets of life and learning are gathered and interpreted.” Theatre education within an add-on model is prone to a sacred-secular split, leaving many to conclude that the Christian faith is at odds with the discipline of theatre. This presents a practical problem to persons of faith who have chosen theatre as a career. Within an integrated model of Christian liberal arts education, the great themes of scripture, such as creation, the incarnation, the fall, and redemption, provide an interpretive lens through which to study drama and performance.
Rochester College ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM 2011
Dr. David Greer, Associate Professor of History “To Lead in the Regeneration of the World”: Manifest Destiny, Social Darwinism, and American National Identity on the Eve of World Power Presented on March 3, 2011 The late nineteenth-century debate over whether the United States should annex overseas territories with large non-white populations prodded many Americans to rethink and articulate their national identity. Two claims of identity most infused pro-imperialist arguments: a revived “Manifest Destiny,” the idea that God had specially chosen the American nation for such expansion to spread liberty, civilization, and Christianity; and a newer “Social Darwinism,” the notion that races and nations were gripped in a “survival-of-the-fittest” contest, with Anglo-Saxons as the current vanguard of progress. Opponents of empire countered that imperialism betrayed American identity as set forth in its founding principles, namely civic equality, liberty, and “consent of the governed.” For these, Manifest Destiny and Social Darwinism stood as deceptive self-justifications for greed and exploitation. On the eve of the “American century,” the imperialists won. But division over the nature and expression of American identity and mission remained, with echoes to the present.
Dr. Michael Muhitch, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Systems Biology of Soybean Seed Development Presented on March 16, 2011 Traditional research approaches in biology start by exploring an observed aspect of a phenomena or problem such as a disease. While insights may be gained, this linear approach to research has diminishing returns and limited rewards. Recent technological breakthroughs have made possible the DNA sequencing of the entire genome of an organism. Such holistic approaches have been termed “systems biology” and have led to an amazing number of new research findings and leads, especially in the fields of medicine and disease. We are involved in an effort to apply systems biology to soybean seed development and have found a novel and interesting gene expression pattern for glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme in plant nitrogen metabolism. We are testing a hypothesis that GS protein produced in late stages of seed development is stored for seed germination, where it could play a central role in storage nitrogen distribution to the developing seedling. We observe that GS catalytic activity increases only 2.5 fold in later stages of seed development while GS transcript levels increase 35 to 55 fold, which supports our hypothesis that GS may be produced in an inactive, storage form. Future studies will determine the amounts of GS protein extant in the mature seeds as well as its tissue and cellular localization.
Daniel Sorensen, Assistant Professor of Business Financial Accounting Scandals and the Reform of Corporate Governance in the United States and in Italy Presented on April 14, 2011 In the 1990s and beginning of the next decade, a series of financial accounting scandals seized headlines and cost investors billions of dollars. The scandals occurred in the United States and in several other countries of the world. This paper compares the financial reporting and corporate governance environment of Italy to that of the United States. This paper focuses on the Parmalat scandal in Italy and the Enron and WorldCom scandals in the United States, comparing and contrasting the nature of the scandals in the two countries and the regulatory responses to those scandals.
Past Symposium Speakers 2010 Dr. Josephine Johnson Michigan Psychological Association’s 2009 Distinguished Psychologist of the Year
2009 Dr. Anthony Leggett Winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics
2008 Emory King National news correspondent and former WDIV-TV news anchor
2007 Dr. Rubel Shelly Professor, minister and author
2006 Dr. Ted McAllister Associate professor of public policy, Pepperdine University
2005 Dr. Lora Schwab President and CEO of i3 Statprobe
2004 Dr. Joyce Todd Chief of the Appeals Division of the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office
Ch allenging Acad em ics. Ch ristia n Commu nity.