A Warm Welcome to Rochester Independent College.
Rochester Independent College is a school like no other. Our unique campus and friendly staff make the college feel more like a home than a school. There is no uniform, no bells ring, and everybody is on first-name terms.
However, that doesn’t stop Rochester from being one of the top schools in the UK for student progress at A-level. And it doesn’t stop us preparing our students for success: their hard work and first-class results mean they go on to win places at a wide range of top universities.
Most students at Rochester Independent College join us from Kent, London, and other areas around the UK. However, we welcome a small percentage
of international students every year, who contribute diversity and global perspectives to the college. No matter where our students are from, they find Rochester to be a place that lets them search for their own answers, voice their opinions, and think critically, creatively and independently.
We warmly welcome you to see for yourself what Rochester can offer.

Alistair Brownlow Principal
Our Principal Alistair Brownlow joined Rochester Independent College in 1997 after teaching English in Russia and Romania. Educated at St Andrews and Glasgow, Alistair teaches A-level English Literature and advises students on university applications.

RIC at a Glance.
A few of the reasons that students love Rochester Independent College:
Rochester is in the top 2% of schools in England for student progress at A-level, according to government league tables.
On average, re-take students improve two grades per subject.
30% A*- A, 54% A* to B and 80% A* to C grades in A-Level in 2022 with a non-selective intake.
40+ subjects to choose from at A-level, with any combination possible.
Full boarding on campus – students have single rooms with some en-suites.
37 minutes from London St Pancras by direct high-speed train.
Student population 70% UK and 30% international.
Flexible one- or two-year GCSE and A-level courses with September, January, and April start dates.
Top 10 university placements including Cambridge, Leeds, Nottingham, Exeter, and Imperial College.
Every year, Royal Thai Government Scholarship students join Rochester and achieve outstanding results.
Winners of ISA National Award for Excellence and Innovation in Fine Art.
Rochester has an excellent track record of helping students win a place on competitive courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Law.
Boarding age 13+ from 2023
At a Glance // Rochester Independent College“The teaching at Rochester is rigorous and tailored to the best possible exam results. It offers a broad education combining its original focus on getting students into competitive courses such as medicine and dentistry with an emphasis on the creative arts.”
Liz Lightfoot, The Independent
Academic Study.
What is learning like at Rochester Independent College?
• Teaching is similar to a seminar or tutorial at university. Rather than individual desks, students gather around a table where tutors encourage them to discuss different aspects of a topic critically.

• Classes are an average of just eight in size, and students have between five and eight hours contact time per subject, per week.
A-levels (Sixth Form)
A-levels are the main school-leaving qualifications in Britain, and are globally respected. At Rochester, three or four A-levels are studied over two years from a choice of 40+ different subjects, with no restrictions on the combination that can be taken.
• All students in Sixth Form have a Personal Tutor who they meet with regularly to discuss progress, targets, and future aspirations. Students also receive one-to-one tutorials and study support sessions, where they can address any areas for improvement.
• Formal reports are regularly sent to parents, and Personal Tutors can be contacted via phone or email with any questions or concerns.
GCSEs are the precursor qualification to A-levels and are usually taken in multiple subjects (from a choice of around 30) over two years. English, Maths and a Science are compulsory and all other subjects are optional.
Rochester offers variations on the main two-year A-level and GCSE options, including:
• One-year A-level courses
• A-level preparation programmes
• Re-takes of qualifications for students who wish to improve upon past results.
English Language Teaching
Expert English language support is readily available to international students who would like to improve their language skills or prepare for an IELTS exam. Classes are timetabled alongside academic subjects, and students work in groups with those at a similar level for the best possible progress.
• One and two year GCSE courses
• Specialist Medical Courses
• Specialist Creative & Digital Media programmes
70% of our students are native English speakers, which means it is natural for all our students to use English as a common language, improving their language skills.
Students have a huge choice of subjects at Rochester – and can study them in any combination..
Accounting Art
Astronomy Biology
Business Studies
Ceramics Chemistry Chinese Classical Civilisation
Accounting Art and Design Biology
Business Studies Ceramics Chemistry Chinese Classical Civilisation Computer Science Dance Digital Media and Design
Computing Core and Additional Science Drama Economics English English Literature Film Studies French Geography

Economics English Language English Literature Film Studies French Further Mathematics Geography German Global Perspectives Government and Politics Graphic Design
German Graphic Design History Mathematics Media Studies Music Photography Physical Education Physics
History History of Art Italian Latin Mathematics Media Studies Music Music Technology Philosophy Photography Physics
Russian Spanish Statistics Textiles Turkish World Literature
Psychology Religious Studies Russian Sociology Spanish Sports Studies Statistics Textiles and Fashion Theatre Studies Turkish
University Support.
Winning a place at a top university is challenging, but our programme of tailored support gives students the best chance of success. A typical programme may run as follows:
Beginning of Year 12/A-level:
A Tutor is assigned to every student in the Sixth Form to offer careers support and guidance on UCAS personal statements, applications, and references.
Year 12 Autumn Term:
International students prepare short talks about themselves and their plans for the future. This helps them articulate their aims and get quality feedback from a variety of sources.
Year 12 Autumn Term:
Visits to top universities in London such as the London School of Economics (LSE) and University College London (UCL), as well as UCAS exhibitions to learn about the different courses on offer.
Year 12 Spring and Summer:
Students attend personal statement workshops for guidance on careers, universities, and suitable summer holiday activities and work experience.
Year 12 Spring and Summer:
Students may also receive guidance and support from industry-leading experts at our sister companies at Dukes Education specialising in Oxbridge, Ivy League & US, Medicine and Law applications and work placement.
Beginning of Year 13:
Tutors, Heads of Sixth Form, and specialist UCAS staff work with every student individually to create strong university applications in the year before they apply.
University Support RochesterUniversity Destinations.
The college’s strong results mean that each year we send a number of departing students on to study at top UK universities and Art schools. In recent years these have included:

Computing, Imperial College London Dentistry, Bristol University Economics and Mathematics, Leeds University Film Studies, Warwick University History, King’s College London Law, Exeter University
Law, London School of Economics Mathematics, Cambridge University Medicine, Oxford University Natural Sciences, Cambridge University Psychology and Philosophy, Oxford University Veterinary Science, Liverpool University
The abundance of creative Arts provision and teaching also means that many students progress directly to Fine Arts degrees at top institutions without a foundation year. In recent years, students have gone on to study Art, Media, Music, or Film at:
BIMM Falmouth University Istituto Marangoni Kingston University
UAL Central St Martins UAL London College of Fashion University of Creative Arts UCL Slade School of Art
For the full list of university destinations, go to the back of the prospectus.
Life at Rochester.
Situated in the beautiful and historic city of Rochester the College is conveniently located for all of London’s transport links.

Rochester is situated 37 minutes southeast of London by train in the county of Kent. With its charming cobbled high street, castle, cathedral, and a range of vintage shops, bookstores, and cafes, the city is an idyllic place to study. It also enjoys excellent transport connections, with Gatwick Airport 50 minutes away by car and Heathrow Airport 70 minutes. For Paris and Brussels, the Eurostar can be boarded at Ebbsfleet International just 10 minutes away.
The college itself is based in our enclosed campus of historic Georgian and contemporary buildings. Our awardwinning gardens, student allotment, underground theatre space, singing musical gates and Mathematics garden house all add to the college’s unique and homelike atmosphere.
37 mins by train
Gatwick: 50 mins by car
Heathrow: 70 mins by car

Campus Map.
Our enclosed campus provides a welcoming, safe and secure environment for students.

“Pupils appreciate the peace,
and wildlife of the surroundings within an urban setting and
the gardens for relaxation and personal reflection.”Historic Rochester // Rochester Independent College ISI

Boarding & Student Care.
We make student welfare our priority and aim to create a place where everyone feels welcome. At Rochester, teachers treat students like adults, building mutual respect. The result is that many students say they have never been happier at school.
International students are fully integrated in all aspects of the college. From academics to life outside the classroom, Rochester has an inclusive, unified student body. From 2023 a brand new state-of-the-art boarding village will be opening with ensuite study bedrooms.
Life as a Boarder
Up to 120 of the 360 students at the college board each year. As boarding pupils, students will be part of a close, supportive community. Students all live on-site in single rooms (with some en-suites available) and breakfast, lunch, and dinner are freshly prepared on the premises. Boarding houses also have comfortable common rooms where film nights and other social activities take place every week. House Parents (Tutors who live in college) are always on site, ensuring there is someone to talk to and oversee the students at all times.

Support and Wellbeing
Student care at Rochester is based on developing each student’s interests and helping them achieve as much as they possibly can. Personal Tutors have regular meetings to monitor students’ wellbeing and discuss progress, targets and future aspirations.
At Rochester we know that academic and personal development comes naturally to happy students.

“The boarding staff are a very friendly team and they instantly make you feel comfortable. My experience as a boarder has been a truly positive one.”

Outside the Classroom.
Rochester also organises trips outside college, designed to link students’ academic studies to the wider world. These create a broader and more rounded understanding of a subject, which in turn can give students an advantage in their university applications. Activities have included visits to galleries, theatre and museums in London, trips to Bath, Oxford and Shakespeare’s Stratford, surfing in Cornwall, a graffiti tour around London, a hiking trip to the Brecon Beacons and a day at Brands Hatch racing track.
The college offers clubs from chess, coding, drama, textiles, and film to yoga, photography, Dungeons and Dragons, running, and basketball. We also frequently create new clubs when students express an interest.

Sports and Fitness
All students are encouraged to stay fit and active. Onsite Rochester has its own MUGA (Multi-use games area) and well-equipped gym. The college also uses Medway Park – a multi-million-pound sports facility with swimming pool, athletics track, sports centre, fitness suite, and spa. There are also school teams for football, sailing trips and opportunities to try fencing or climbing.
The Arts
Rochester is one of the leading creative boarding schools in the UK, and our Arts staff are all practitioners with industry and studio experience in Filmmaking, Fine Art, Illustration, Graphic Design, Digital Media, Photography, Fashion, and Textiles. The school also has its own 100-seat theatre for small-scale productions.
Individual Music lessons are taught by peripatetic staff and there are rooms to practice individual instruments. Musical groups are active in college and there is a Rochester Summer Festival where Performing Arts students often showcase their talents.
Our students have a huge choice of activities and clubs outside of lessons, for enrichment, personal development… or just for fun!

Rochester achieves superb results despite being non-selective in admissions. In our experience, students can succeed at Rochester regardless of success at previous schools.

We are also flexible enough to be able to enrol students right through the academic year, and can often help when students need to change schools at short notice.
Complete our application form by going to: https://dukeseducation.secure.force.com/Application/?recordType=Rochester&pageLayout=Application%20Layout
Send your latest school report, teacher reference, passport and birth certificate to admissions@rochester-college.org.uk
You will then be invoiced for the registration fee
Attend a Zoom/Skype interview or college visit
Take an English test
Offer of a place
Complete acceptance form
Invoiced for the deposit
We’re always aiming to be the best that we can be.
The college and its students are proud to have received the following awards:
• Good Schools Guide awards for Mathematics, Chemistry, Film Studies and English Literature
• ISA National Award for Excellence and Innovation in Fine Arts
• Top Award in the UK for the 50th Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad
• Student artwork is selected for the Royal Academy Student Summer Exhibition
Our only entrance requirement is your determination to work hard. Applications.
University Destinations
Year Group Destination University University Course
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 14
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 14
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 14
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
2 year A Level
Year 14
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2022Leicester Cardiff Surrey Manchester Metropolitan Reading Nottingham Trent Newcastle
University of the Arts, LondonCreative Computing Institute Leeds Arts
East 15 Acting School, Essex Westminster Courtauld Institute of Art Newcastle Canterbury Christ Church University of Kent
Manchester Metropolitan Military Service in Singapore University of Kent Nottingham Glasgow School of Art Sheffield
University for the Creative Arts
New York Film Academy Goldsmiths Greenwich Winchester Manchester Hertfordshire
University of the Arts, London - Camberwell Heriot-Watt Manchester St Andrews Ravensbourne Eindhoven Design Academy Warwick York University of the Arts, London - Chelsea Westminster Nottingham Aberystwyth Birmingham City Bristol, UWE University for the Creative Arts
University of the Arts, London - Camberwell University of Kent University for the Creative Arts
Northampton Newcastle Queen Mary Westminster Bristol Canterbury Christ Church East Anglia UEA Hull
Arts University Bournemouth
University of the Arts, London - Camberwell
Swansea Webster Geneva Reading
Psychology Pharmacy Chemical Engineering Politics Foundation Architecture Economics with Business Psychology Creative Computing (foundation)
Comic and Concept Art Theatre Arts Criminology History of Art Geography Professional Policing Sport and Exercise Science Fashion Promotion
Biochemistry Neuroscience Communication Design History and Politics Art Foundation Film
English with Creative Writing Equine Training and Management Film Production Modern Language and Business & Management (French) Graphic Design (Advertising and Branding) Art Foundation Engineering and Science (Foundation) Psychology Physics Fashion Art
History of Art with Italian Law
Graphic Design Communication Digital Media Architectural Environment Engineering Astrophysics (with foundation year) Sociology and Criminology
Biological Sciences Visual Communication (with Professional Practice Year) Art Foundation Law
Digital Art Acting
Marine Technology with Marine Engineering Biomedical Sciences Photography Mathematics Applied Criminology (Criminal Investigation) Pharmacy Computer Science Animation Production Art (Foundation) Medical Genetics Film
Geography and Economics (Regional Science)
Year Group Destination University University Course
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
Year 14
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
2 year A Level
Kingston University for the Creative Arts Surrey Queen Mary Surrey Liverpool Bangor Anglia Ruskin De Montfort Loughborough Wolverhampton Goldsmiths Royal Holloway Chichester City, University of London Middlesex University Plymouth Edinburgh Keele London South Bank Plymouth Exeter Leeds Loughborough Reading Oxford Brookes University of the Arts, London - London College of Fashion Bristol Southampton Reading Brighton Imperial Kingston Leicester University of the Arts, London - Central St Martins Falmouth Essex University of the Arts, London - London College of Communication Sussex East Anglia UEA University of the Arts, London - London College of Communication City and Guilds University of the Arts, London - Chelsea
Computer Science (including foundation year) Art Foundation Criminology History and Politics Veterinary Biosciences Medicine
Computer Science Biomedical Science Economics Graphic Design Chemical Engineering Management with Economics Management with Marketing (Year in Business) Education, Special Needs and Disability Business Management (Foundation)
Photography Photography Mathematics Ecology and Conservation Product Design Construction Project Management Medical Sciences Mechanical Engineering Computer Science (with placement year) Business Economics with Placement Year Medical Science Fashion Photography
Mathematics and Computer Science Film and English Politics and International Relations Film Physics Business Management Psychology Fashion (Foundation) Film Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Photography
Geography and International Relations Law
Film and Screen Studies Art and Design (Foundation) Textile Design
University Destinations
Year Group Destination University University Course
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
Year 13 Transfer
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
Year 13 Transfer
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
Year 14
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
Year 13 Transfer
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year Year 14
2 Year
Year 13 Transfer
2 Year
Year 13 Transfer
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
Year 13 Transfer
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
Year 13 Transfer
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
Bristol, University of the West of England Canterbury Christ Church University
Cardiff University
Cork Medical School
Durham University Esade, Barcelona
Goldsmiths, University of London Goldsmiths, University of London Goldsmiths, University of London Goldsmiths, University of London
Hartpury University
King’s College London, University of London
Kingston University
Kingston University
Lancaster University London Metropolitan University Loughborough University
Loughborough University Loughborough University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Metropolitan University Medway School of Pharmacy
Newcastle University Newcastle University
Nottingham Trent University Nottingham Trent University Nottingham Trent University Oxford Brookes University Police
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Royal Veterinary College, University of London
Staffordshire University
Swansea University
Swansea University
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh
University of Aberdeen University of Bath University of Bath University of Brighton University of Bristol
University of Bristol University of Bristol
Banking and Finance Psychology Architecture Medicine Computer Science Business Management with Economics Media and Communications Psychology with Forensic Psychology Electronic Music, Computing and Technology
Equine Veterinary Nursing Biomedical Science Photography Fine Art and Art History Biomedical Science Fashion Photography
Product Design and Technology (with placement year) Marketing and Management (with placement year) Media and Communication (with placement year) Fashion Business and Management Criminology Pharmacy
Computer Science (Game Engineering) Dentistry Zoology Media Communications and Culture Media Communications and Culture Motorsport Technology
International Relations with Business Management and a Year Abroad International Business with a Year Abroad Foundation Art Veterinary Medicine Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities with Foundation Year Esports (with a Foundation Year) - Staffordshire University London Computer Science
Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) Psychology Astrophysics Software Engineering Advertising
Interior Architecture Design Management Illustration and Animation Mathematics Anthropology Physics Philosophy Economics Economics Pharmacy Psychology Medicine Biology
Accounting and Finance (with professional placement)
International Event Management with Marketing Dentistry - BDS entry (5 years)
Neuroscience Biology
Year Group Destination University University Course
2 Year
Year 14
2 Year
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
2 Year
Year 14
Year 13 Transfer
Year 13 Transfer
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year Year 13 Transfer
2 Year Year 13 Transfer
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year Year 14
2 Year
Year 14
Year 14
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
2 Year
Year 14
2 Year
University of British Columbia University of East Anglia UEA University of East Anglia UEA University of East Anglia UEA University of East Anglia UEA
University of Exeter University of Exeter University of Glasgow University of Glasgow University of Kent University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leicestershire University of Lincoln University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Nottingham University of Nottingham University of Portsmouth University of Reading University of Sheffield University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Surrey University of Sussex University of Sussex University of Sussex University of Winchester University of Winchester University of York University of York
Fine Art
International Business Management with a Year Abroad Computing Science
Environmental Sciences Business Management Flexible Combined Honours Computer Science with Industrial Placement Classics Neuroscience Accounting and Finance Philosophy
Graphic and Communication Design Economics and Geography Financial Mathematics Dental Surgery / Oral Science Advanced Psychology Engineering with foundation year Bioveterinary Science with a Foundation Year Chemical Engineering with an Integrated Foundation Year Dentistry (BDS first-year entry)
Politics and Criminology
History and Sociology
Biomedical Sciences with a Modern Language Electrical, Electronic & Mechatronic Engineering with Foundation year Biomedical Sciences
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Computer Science Environmental Science
Financial Mathematics
Business and Management Accounting and Finance Business Management Accounting and Financial Management Film Geology
Aeronautics and Astronautics (3 years) English Biomedical Engineering (Electronics) with Foundation Year Midwifery: Registered Midwife Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year) Economics
Music Technology Geography Forensic Investigative Psychology Law Archaeology
University Destinations
Year Group Destination University University Course
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
2020Aberystwyth University Anglia Ruskin University Anglia Ruskin University Aston University, Birmingham Birmingham City University Birmingham City University Bournemouth University Brighton and Sussex Medical School Buckinghamshire New University Canterbury Christ Church University Canterbury Christ Church University Canterbury Christ Church University
Cardiff University Cardiff University City, University of London Goldsmiths, University of London Goldsmiths, University of London Goldsmiths, University of London
Imperial College London Keele University Kingston University Kingston University Lancaster University Lancaster University Loughborough University Loughborough University Loughborough University Loughborough University Medway School of Pharmacy Newcastle University Newcastle University Newcastle University Newcastle University Nottingham Trent University Nottingham Trent University Nottingham Trent University Queen Mary University of London Royal Holloway, University of London The University of Edinburgh UCL (University College London) UCL (University College London) UCL (University College London) UCL (University College London) UCL (University College London) University for the Creative Arts University for the Creative Arts University of Bath University of Birmingham University of Brighton University of Brighton University of Brighton University of Bristol University of Bristol University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of East Anglia UEA University of East Anglia UEA University of East Anglia UEA University of East Anglia UEA University of Essex
International Politics and Military History Medicine Paramedic Science Pharmacy Art and Design with Foundation Year Jewellery and Silversmithing
Film Medicine Cyber Security Sport & Exercise Science
Graphic Design with Foundation Year Film, Radio & Television Studies/Marketing
Media and Communications
Business Management International Political Economy International Relations Popular Music Electronic Music, Computing and Technology
Computing Psychology with Placement Year
Digital Media Technology (including Sandwich Year)
Graphic Design
Law with Crimonology
Natural Sciences (Placement Year)
Sport and Exercise Science Media and Communication Finance and Management (with placement year)
Economics Pharmacy
Architecture and Urban Planning Geography Pharmacy Biomedical Sciences Economics with Business Politics and International Relations
English International Relations Theoretical Physics Medicine (6 years)
Mathematics and Statistical Science Fine Art (4 years)
Natural Sciences
Politics, Sociology and East European Studies
Fashion Photography Graphic Design (UCA Epsom)
Business Management (Year in Industry) (4 years)
Fashion and Dress History
Fashion Communication with Business Studies
Film and Screen Studies
Film and English
English English Mathematics Mathematics with a Foundation Year
International Relations and Modern Languages
Pharmacology and Drug Discovery with Foundation Year
Year Group Destination University University Course
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
Year 14
Year 13 transfer
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
2 year course
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
Year 13 transfer
Year 14
Year 14
Year 14
2 year course
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
Year 14
2 year course
Year 14
University of Essex University of Exeter University of Exeter University of Greenwich University of Kent University of Kent University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Leeds University of Liverpool University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Nottingham University of Nottingham University of Plymouth University of Plymouth University of Portsmouth University of Portsmouth University of Reading University of Reading University of Sheffield University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Sunderland University of Sunderland University of Sussex University of Sussex University of Sussex University of Sussex University of the Arts London (UAL)
University of Warwick University of Westminster, London University of Worcester
Management and Marketing Medicine English Sociology Law
Music, Performance and Production Economics
Accounting and Finance Criminal Justice and Criminology Cultural and Media Studies Midwifery Languages, Cultures and Economics Criminal Justice and Criminology Economics
Biological and Medical Sciences Physics Chinese Studies
Philosophy and Psychology International Management Geography Medicine Architectural Engineering Biomedical Science Computer Science
Ancient History and Archaeology with Study Year Abroad English Literature Modern Languages and Cultures Medicine Medicine
International Relations Physics Medicine Medicine
Finance and Business Psychology with Neuroscience Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year)

Business and Management Studies Ceramic Design
Accounting and Finance Architecture Physiotherapy

Rochester Independent College is accredited by the ISC. RIC Trading Ltd, company number 08504140. Rochester Independent College is part of the Dukes Education Group. The Dukes Education Group is registered in England and Wales number 09345899. Registered office 14-16 Waterloo Place, London SW1Y 4AR. Designed & produced by kilvington.com.
“Dukes Education is a family of schools and educational services based in the UK. Our schools are distinctive in identity and style, yet united in offering outstanding teaching and learning, providing the strongest foundations for young people to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.”