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In this project, I had to create different proposals for a Peruvian client. The key visual chosen was to be used as a base to later adapt it to different formats for the social media content. Each one of the proposal was designed with a different concept, and some rhetoric to make the product catch the client's attention.
Keyvisual 1 - Fast Laptop or the first proposal I planned concepts such as speed and unstoppable performance, which led to to the creation of a surrealistic collage enhancing the user's productivity behind the screen.
In this last proposal the client asked to propose something mythological where he simulates a game with the user in which he has to "beat the monster" with this laptop, which is a beast in performance.
Keyvisual 2 - Space Laptop
this proposal the main idea is to enhance the headline and generate an eye-catching look&feel for our clients in the gaming niche. That's why I used a mix of illustration and photography to allude to a video game in space and show how fast an Intel laptop with this kind of
This is a newsletter that was distributed internally within the Intel team in Brazil, with the purpose of offering employees different services and benefits. The objective of its diffusion was to attract the attention of its employees and to recruit new members of staff.
In this project, I had to create different proposals for a Peruvian client. Each one of them was designed with a different concept, and some rhetoric to make the product catch the client's attention.
latin america
The project was based on the creation of a logo that symbolizes a union, a link, and communion between countries, in this case Latin America. It will be used as the seal of the corporation in internal & corporate internal & corporate communications.
After several options, the client selected this logo because it fulfilled all their expectations. To design this logo we thought about the concept of a union in the world, and we took the color of the flags of several countries that represent this logo (for example Argentina, Brazil, Canada, among others).
Activation of the 12th Generation of Evo in the Shopping Mall of Canada.
Branding: 100% Intel Look & Feel: Evo's campaign.
This Experience Zone is one of the first projects I led, it was about designing printed and digital proposals with the objective of promoting the latest generation of Evo 12th Gen. In this way we immersed consumers with a strong and futuristic design, which reflect the laptops.
banners print
Experience Zone
Request from Canada for an Evo + Dell activation at a bus stop in Quebec.
Based on a 100% Intel design, I had to design proposals to cover the interior and exterior of the bus shelter, leaving blank the digital screen inside, to include the digital proposals. The challenge was to make the laptops stand out and to make a typographic proposal so that the consumer could see all the features.
Landing Pages & Web Design
The goal was to work on a 12th
3 breakpoints
This landing page was prototyped in Adobe XD and then exported to Zeplin so that the development team can have access to all the images and sizes used to build the web layout.
The intention of this project was to put into practice a wide range of tools. The request was to create the brand identity of ESSENCEDetox Juices, then build the branding of all its products and finally make a website prototyped in Adobe XD.
proyect on behance: Diseno-UXUI-Jugos-Detox?
prototype desktop:
"El lenguaje de las orillas" is a book of poems by the author Carla Demark.
Its shores caress every page with delicate and minimalist illustrations that I made digitally and that are accompanied by a selected palette of brown tones.
As the waves play, I chose a relaxed and playful option for the design of the index.
The collection compiles what Juan Forn published from 2008 to the present day in the newspaper Página 12.
Each of these writings can still be read on the Internet, but for those who love reading, there is nothing like having them all together in book format.
This collection consists of 4 volumes and each volume has between 6 and 10 stories related by theme, sticking to the design of the covers.
It contains a variety of collages that I designed in relation to each story, all of them were intervened manually and digitally. It is also accompanied by a delicate typographic intervention related to the general style of the fascicle.
I selected this book because of the complexity of the subject.
Both the cover design and the internal collages show the construction of the unconscious of the human being and how, being lost, we have the thoughts scattered like a puzzle. I also had the opportunity to propose a strong typographic presence that can be seen in the index.
This book was published by La Docta Ignorancia in 2020, in Argentina.
Nicolás Cerruti is an important and recognized figure in psychoanalysis, writer and author of this book that deals with themes and episodes that happened with patients of "El Borda", a psychiatric hospital.
Age: 25 years old
Nationality: Argentine
DNI: 40536429
Marital status: Married
Recidence: Nantes, France
+33 0667916235
I’m a Graphic Designer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, FADU. I have extensive experience in the digital and editorial areas. I’m also a photographer and illustrator. I define myself for being creative, attentive to detail and very curious. I love to be updated with the latest trends related to design and put them into practice with my own twist. Also I consider myself a proactive designer and open to new projects.
since 2020 in
Portinos Digital Agency
Senior Designer.
I work with one of the largest clients, Intel® Corporation for Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia. I also propose and design key visuals, landing pages, infographics, logotypes, videos and static pieces for social media, catalogs, among others, that have reach in the mentioned regions.
Ref: Valeria Blanco +549 1152189763
2018 - 2021 Editorial - La Docta Ignorancia
Art Director.
Designing book covers gave me the chance to mix all my passions (illustration, photography, collage and design).
This took my designs to another level, which resulted in many book sales and the satisfaction of the authors.
As Art Director, I supervised all the designs and also designed a brand manual, which allowed the publishing house to manage internally with a collection code that they have kept to this day.
Ref: Jorge Cursio +549 1135879259
2018 OnBrand Digital Agency
Graphic Designer.
I was in charge of designing several digital pieces, among them banners, social media pieces, headers for some companies' home pages and online catalogs. I also had the opportunity to learn about printing since I designed some gigantographies, posters and catalogs for supermarkets.
Ref: Sol Colimodo +549 1155841346
Graduate in Graphic Design
University of Buenos Aires, UBA.
Programming HTML, CCS & JavaScript Coderhouse, online course with certification.
After Effects Advanced Coderhouse
Copywriting: Milena Wetto
Experience Zone
Intel Corporation, Toronto, Canada.
The objective was to promote through a set of printed and digital pieces the 12th generation of laptops.
Bus Station Design
Intel Corporation, Quebec, Canada.
The client wanted to generate the activation of Evo + Dell and we proposed to plot a bus stop in Quebec City to soak the user with intel's designs.
Mastheads / Banners
Mercado Libre, Argentina.
I had the opportunity to create banners to promote black friday, and it reached the whole region.
Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | Adobe XD | Figma | Corel Draw
Home Banners
Amazon web page.
The objective was to promote through a set of printed and digital pieces the 12th generation of laptops.
Integral Book Design
Cuidar a la fuera, David Russo.
The design of this book had university recognition and reached several Latin American countries.
Integral Book Design
Acompañamiento terapéutic, Dozza.
For the design of this book I used watercolor as the main resource. And thanks to the powerful topic, the book was distributed all over Spain.
Branding & Visual Identity
UX/UI Design
Social Media & Digital Marketing
Editorial & Print Design
Copywriting & Editing
Packaging Design
Office Suite
Spanish Mother Lenguage
English Advanced
French Basic & Learning