The Main Causes of Electrical Fires?

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The Main Causes of Electrical Fires? Electrical fires can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as faulty electrical systems, kitchen and home appliances or even minor mistakes in your electrical wiring. According to researchers, most of the electrical fires are caused in the month of December because the winter invites a good deal of increased indoor activities. Property damages and even fatalities go up which is the result of increased electrical loads due to the additional usage of lighting, using more appliances and of course heating demands. Electrical Systems should be carefully inspected annually by professionals since faulty wiring and increased loads can be such huge fire hazards. Caddell Electric is a well-known company that has the expertise required in dealing with issues involving meter bases, electric panels and code compliance. If your feel your electrical system needs a thorough check up, please contact Caddell Electric today. If you own Stab-Lock breakers, they’ve been shown to fail to trip when getting hot and that can can cause fires threatening your home, business and family.. They can also short circuit which can also cause a fire in your home. We’re not insinuating that just because you may have the Stb Lock breaker boxes they will definitely cause fires. We are just informing you that this brand of breaker boxes is not the quality you probably think you have and it is a good idea to have them tested and checked to be on safe side. Things such as old, worn or outdated wiring, old plugs, and cords on old appliances may also cause fires. Even though they seem to be small issues, they can be the cause of huge monetary losses or worse one day. Home appliances that can cause a big threat are things like electric stoves, ovens, heating units, dryers, lamps and lighting, microwaves and so on. Most of us never even consider the risk but all those things increase the load on your breakers. As they say, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. It’s better to take care of your electrical systems and have them inspected once yearly than to take the risk of major problems due to something easy to fix. Caddell Electric can eliminate a lot of that risk. Call

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