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Historical Folk Metal Band ISENMOR Emerges Victorious with Release of Shieldbrother
By Tank of Mark Williams and Nicholas Schneider It’s taken four long years, but Viking mixed with the strategic guitarwork of Tim Folk Metal band, Isenmore have just released Regan and Peter Lesko. Add to that the their long-awaited debut album, thunderous melodic drums of David Spencer Shieldbrother. Despite all the setbacks the and the low end thump of bassist Mike band has had to endure, they now have the Wilson, and you’ve got the basis for one epic album that their fans have been wanting. battle of sound. Now add to that the keyboards of Jon Lyon and you’ve got a “Recording and releasing battlefield of sound couple with some slick ‘Shieldbrother’ has been such a huge lush keyboards. undertaking, I’m thrilled the day has finally arrived that our fans can hear the result of our Without a doubt, Isenmor are going to efforts,” says drummer David Spencer. be compared alongside with their predeces“Today we are proud and excited to unleash it sors, Amon Amarth. Face it, into the wild. We hope many brothers and every band that enters this sisters will join our shield wall and drink to category of music is going to glory with us!” have to deal with the inevitable comparisons of Based in Baltimore, Maryland, Amon Amarth. InstrumenIsenmor paints picturesque landscapes of tally the band is right on, but historical epic battles and Viking adventures. at times the vocals tend to I can just visualize the intense battle scenes take over, but why not, and frantic fighting between two great Viking Isenmor has a story to tell in armies while listening to this ““gewyrdelic every song. If you’re into the folk metal” band. Listening to songs like whole Viking Metal Music “Battle Scarred”, “Drinking Glory” and the Scene, then you’re going to title track “Shieldbrother,” not to mention the be wielding your sword up opus 17-minute song, “Sigurd’s Song, I want high and singing along with to raise my sword high and lop off a few these metal maniacs. heads. Every instrument on this album highly compliments each other and blends together As we said before, this in a cacophony of furious excitement album has been a long time blending perfectly with their brutal vocals. coming. Isenmore first hit This is just what I would expect from these the scene back in 2014 with Viking warriors and their ‘take no prisoners’ their 4-song demo, which songs. they released independently. Few people really heard the Taking center stage are the dark violins band until the following year 78 Rock and Blues International • November 2020 when they released their first EP Land Of The Setting Sun in 2015. Land Of The Setting Sun was filled with 9 thunderous songs, which involved 5 originals, 2 covers and 2 acoustic versions of the songs, “Pyre” and “So Willingly Desired” which are featured in their heavier form on the sam EP. While unleashing their primitive Viking offering, the band received a fair amount of attention and put themselves on the radar for their “gewyrdelic folk metal”. By the time 2016 rolled around, the band only released the single “Saxon Shore” which left their newly built fan base hungry.
With the release of Shieldbrother, the band is sure to start making waves in the Viking Metal Scene again. I dare to say that this is the album their fans have been waiting for and the band has delivered and conquered. The band takes full responsibility for the mayhem and madness that this album evokes, as they recorded, produced and mixed the album themselves. Dan Swanö of Unisound performed mastering on the album. As with their previous releases, Shieldbrother is independently released.
Just a word of warning for all of you out there, Shieldbrother is not for the weak of heart. It will make you want to strap on your helmet and shield and get out there and war and pillage. It will have you screaming at the sky for war. The Vikings Are Back!!
ISENMOR is: Peter Lesko (Lead Guitar), Jon Lyon (Keys, Vocals), Tim Regan (Guitar, Vocals), Nicholas Schneider (Violin, Vocals), David Spencer (Drums), Mark Williams (Violin), and Mike Wilson (Bass, Vocals).
Tracklist: Battle Scarred Shieldbrother Mount Badon Furor Teutonicus Drink To Glory Kings of the Cold Mountains Wanderlust Sigurd’s Song