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The day has come to celebrate the release of HAMMERFALL’s new live album & BluRay, Live! Against The World! In a time when live shows are missed the most, the undisputed masters of groundbreaking anthems and unforgettable live shows deliver an outstanding testimony of power, energy and glory to the templars around the globe!
Recorded on February 15th at the MHP Arena in Ludwigsburg, Germany, Live! Against The World contains songs fresh off their latest album, Dominion, mixed with a ton of band classics and a hand-picked selection of songs that rarely appear on HAMMERFALL’s setlists to fulfill the needs of both new and old fans.
Singer Joacim Cans on the album release: “The thing with live releases is, they need to feel authentic, and LIVE! Against The World captures exactly what a live show with HammerFall is all about.“
To celebrate the album release, the band around singer Joacim Cans and founding member/ guitarist Oscar Dronjak have released the third video off the new album, the epic live version of the legendary “Any Means Necessary”.
Guitarist and founding member Oscar Dronjak on the new video: “’Any Means Necessary’ has been a staple of our repertoire since it came out. This video shows really well why, it’s one of these songs that gets both audience and band going no matter what.”
With absolutely impressive, grand live production, huge arenas and overwhelming pyrotechnics, HAMMERFALL, took over the world in 2019/2020 with their World Dominion tour. On this bombastic tour, they did not only celebrate the worldwide charting success of their freshly released 2019 studio album Dominion, but also the jubilee of the legendary Renegade album, by adding an impressive Renegade medley to the setlist, capturing the highly energetic spirit of HAMMERFALL.
Joacim Cans on Live! Against The World:
Photo Credit: Joseph Llanes
“We Are HAMMERFALL And the classics. It’s a great testament to This Is What We Do! where we stand today, and an added I am so damn proud that we are bonus is that we finally got to record able to present a full blown, up-to-date, something major in Germany, in front of live show in these extremely difficult the fans who have been with us literally times. A time when real live shows in since day one.” front of a ”real” live audience have ceased to exist. The show at MHP Arena Live! Against The World is Ludwigsburg was nothing but epic and available in North America in the really captured the strength and power of following formats: the band as a live act and shows the joy - BluRay + 2 CD Digipak we are experiencing together on stage - 3 LP Gatefold Vinyl Ink Spot every night, no matter where we play. Blue / White This is the biggest stage production we - 3 LP Gatefold Vinyl Orange ever had and now you can experience Transparent this at home anywhere, at any time. - 48 page Earbook, including 2CDs HAMMERFALL is and always will be a + BluRay live band and together with the greatest - Digital Album fans in the world we are an unstoppable force!” “a huge stage set, masses of pyro, a Oscar Dronjak adds: fan’s wet dream and a crowd so pumped “The live act that HAMMERFALL to be part of the event” is right now blows everything we have -POWERPLAY, UKdone previously out of the water, and I am super happy that we got to document “Pure Heavy Metal - unbelievably it in this way on the biggest tour we have powerful sound quality, which authentiever done. The setlist speaks for itself, cally captures the energy that the every album is represented with at least formation ignites on stage. A consistently one song; there’s stuff we have never high-quality affair.” performed live before, songs we haven’t -Legacy, Germanyplayed in a long time and of course all lighting rig to die for, a set list that is a November 2020 • Rock and Blues International 85