2 minute read

Pre-Construction Design and Review Guidelines

Rockefeller Group provides a copy of our building Standards, Specifications and Guidelines to all tenants of our Core Holdings portfolio upon move-in . In the Guidelines, we recommend that tenants make a strong effort to be environmentally responsible in every phase of their build-out and to comply in accordance with LEED building standards . The guidelines include the following measures that tenants must employ in their space:

1 . Employ strategies that result in 30% less water use than the water use baseline calculated for the tenant space and specify WaterSense-labeled products . 2 . Optimize HVAC energy performance through the implementation of the following strategies: a. Equipment Efficiency In addition to compliance with the New York Energy Consumers Council (NYECC), tenants are encouraged to select HVAC systems that comply with efficiency requirements outlined in ASHRAE Energy Design Guides for Office and Retail (as applicable) . For all ENERGY STAR–eligible equipment and appliance installations, Rockefeller Group recommends that 70–90% be ENERGY STAR rated . Lastly, all LED fixture systems must be Design Lights Consortium (DLC) listed and LED bulbs ENERGY STAR listed . b. Appropriate Zoning & Controls Interior private office spaces and non-densely occupied specialty use spaces should provide a separate thermal control for each space, at a minimum . Perimeter office and non-densely occupied specialty use spaces should provide a separate thermal control for each space paired with a CO2/occupantsensing device . Lastly, densely occupied specialty use spaces should provide a separate thermal control for each space paired with a CO2/occupant-sensing device . 3 . Address and secure Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) through the implementation of the following plans: a. Construction IAQ Management Plan–Before Occupancy The Plan requires the installation of new filtration media and building flush-out as soon as construction ends and once all interior finishes have been installed . If not feasible, we request a baseline IAQ assessment, once construction is complete and prior to occupancy, using testing protocols consistent with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s “Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air . ” b. Construction IAQ Management Plan–During Construction This plan requires the development and implementation of an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plan for the construction and pre-occupancy phases of the tenant space . The Plan’s design approach must meet or exceed the requirements set forth by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings under construction . 4 . Replace all filtration media immediately prior to occupancy .

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