Boarding Handbook

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MAIN RECEPTION BOARDING ADMINISTRATION (07) 4936 0600 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm The School's Main Reception is open during school holidays. Reception is closed weekends and public holidays. Contacts (07) 4936 0741 (07) 4936 0638 HEALTH CENTRE



Thank you for choosing The Rockhampton Grammar School for your child’s education and placing trust in us to work alongside you in their future development.

Boarding has formed the core of The Rockhampton Grammar School since our founding in 1881 and will always be at the heart of our School.

We never take for granted the trust that boarding families place in our School. It is a major life decision for parents to choose where their children will undertake their education. We are privileged that so many families choose RGS, to not only provide a high-quality education but also to care for their child and provide a 'second home' throughout the school year.

We are proud to play a part in developing well-rounded individuals who understand values such as teamwork, self-discipline, and gratitude. As a result, our students can make a positive contribution to their communities – both during their time with us and at home. Our expectation is simple - that every student will strive to do his or her personal best in all that they undertake.

In every way, our school is more than a place of learning – it is a family – and one of which we are all very proud. Your family will become part of the Grammar community from the moment you arrive and remain so, long after your child graduates.

I look forward to welcoming you and your family to RGS.



The Rockhampton Grammar School has had a long and proud history as one of Australia's leading boarding schools.

We are honoured to be entrusted with the care of your child as they grow and learn through their adolescent years.

We look forward to building and maintaining strong relationships with your family, while supporting and celebrating each individual child's journey and successes.

Our well-trained staff are dedicated to providing opportunities and experiences for our students in a caring and safe environment.

Boarders make up a large proportion of our school population and are at the heart and centre of the School's culture. Bringing our students from many and varied locations provides a wonderful environment to thrive and form lifelong friendships.

Our boarders and their families are valued and appreciated for the generous contributions they make to the fabric of our School.

I look forward to working with you and your family throughout your child's educational journey at RGS.


School Values


We show this by:

Being understanding Helping those in need Showing compassion and kindness Sharing

We show this by:

Preparing thoroughly Asking for help when appropriate Taking every opportunity to learn Being persistent Seeing tasks through to the end, without supervision Meeting deadlines


We show this by:

Treating others with the same consideration and regard you would expect from them

Being polite and well-mannered at all times

Wearing our uniform correctly and with pride

Respecting the rights of others to learn Using appropriate language and tone Self respect, knowing that you are a unique human being who has gifts and abilities and a part to play in making the world a better place


We show this by:

Being accountable for our own actions

Being punctual and organised for classes

Acting in a safe manner at all times Cleaning up our own mess


We show this by:

Acting in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct Ensuring consistency between words and actions Having the conviction to stop an activity that is not safe


We show this by:

Appreciating the rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizenship Being committed to the common good Standing up for and helping others, locally, nationally and internationally


We show this by:

Being aware of the needs of others

Accepting diversity Offering unselfish service Including and encouraging others Being tolerant Maintaining a sense of humour


We show this by:

Being honest and sincere in all that we do

Being loyal to friends and the School Presenting our own work


Crest, Song & Houses

School Song School Crest

The School Crest is an important and historic symbol of The Rockhampton Grammar School which dates back to the School’s founding in 1881. It is a visual reminder to students and all in our community of our history, values and personality.

The crest represents the School’s strong core beliefs and common goals as well as our relationship with communities throughout Capricornia (depicted by the Capricorn symbol of the goat) and the rest of Australia (through the five stars of the Southern Cross).

The School motto, Macte Virtute Et Litteris (Grow in Character and Scholarship), forms the foundation of the crest.

(Sung to Men of Harlech)

We of Grammar shout our chorus, What tradition has gone before us. Sing the songs of all our glory, Shout with all our might. Proud of our endeavours, Surrender we will never, In a fight, we stand for right and May God be our protector. When the battle-cry is sounding And our hearts in us are pounding. That’s the time to show we stand, For Grammar and the right.

Macte Virtute Et Litteris Grow in Character and Scholarship

Sports Houses

Each student is assigned a Sports House upon commencement at the School. Our Sports Houses are named after the first four Headmasters of The Rockhampton Grammar School.


John Wheatcroft was the first Headmaster of RGS from 1881 - 1906. Born in England, Mr Wheatcroft constantly sought to improve the quality of education offered at the School, revising and adapting to meet the needs of his students.

Mr Wheatcroft retired from the position of Headmaster in 1906.

Frederick William Wheatley was the second RGS Headmaster from 1907 - 1912. Mr Wheatley arrived from Adelaide with Bachelor of Science and Arts degrees.

After leaving RGS Mr Wheatley would later receive the Cross of the British Empire for breaking a German code during World War II.

Henry Arthur Kellow was Headmaster at RGS from 1912 - 1935. Mr Kellow was born in St Andrew’s, Scotland, five months after RGS opened.

A sensitive, peace-loving man, Mr Kellow struggled with the loss of many young men during World War I. Mr Kellow was also a skilled poet.

Fitzroy Jardine was Headmaster at RGS from 1936 - 1964. Mr Jardine studied at RGS from 1910 and was a winner of the Archer Cup athletics prize.

Mr Jardine served in World War I before continuing studies at Sydney University. Mr Jardine also taught science at RGS before being appointed Headmaster.


Safeguarding Children - Our Commitment

At The Rockhampton Grammar School we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people to be our highest priority. We strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, in particular, through our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy

Our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy has been adopted, approved and endorsed by the School’s Board of Trustees. It underpins a set of policies and procedures in relation to the protection of children and young people which guide:

the screening and recruitment of our staff and volunteers the behaviour of our staff and volunteers towards children and young people the induction and training of our staff and volunteers about safeguarding children and young people our open and effective communication with children and young people and their parents our responses to the abuse and neglect of children and young people if it occurs, and our maintenance of a safeguarding culture in the School.

All staff and volunteers must ensure that their approach and interactions with children and young people are sensitive, respectful and inclusive of all backgrounds and abilities. We promote equity and respect diversity by:

actively anticipating children and young people’s diverse circumstances and responding effectively to those with additional vulnerabilities by giving all children and young people access to information, support and complaints processes, and paying particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people, children and young people with a disability and children and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Our staff and volunteers are required to:

undergo an extensive screening process including a Working with Children Check and/or a National Criminal Records Check behave professionally and with care towards children and young people including not acting outside the boundaries of their duties or using their position with the School to solicit work with or initiate contact with children and young people of our School understand the important responsibility they have to protect children and young people from all forms of abuse, bullying and exploitation either by our staff and volunteers or that occurs outside the scope of our operations and services; and create and maintain a child and young person safe culture.

We expect all within our school, regardless of their role or level of responsibility, to act to safeguard children and young people from such harm by:

adopting the practices and behaviour we have set as our standard when carrying out their roles, and reporting any abuse or neglect of which they become aware to our management and/or to external authorities responsible for child protection or to police, regardless of whether that abuse is being perpetrated by staff or volunteers within our school, or by those outside our school including those from the child or young person’s family, extended family, their family’s extended network or strangers.


Code of Behaviour

The School’s rules exist to ensure that the comforts, rights and safety of all School members are protected. When students and their families join our School community, it is expected that they have read and agreed with these rules. The School aims, in partnership with their home, to develop students who have good character and self-discipline. This requires fundamentally that students are expected to act with common sense, good manners, and decency, at all times.

School Rules

The School Rules apply to all students while attending school, representing the School in any place or occasion when a student is wearing School uniform or where the student can be recognised as a member of the School, or any situation that could be recognised as related to the School. This includes bus travels to and from the School.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Students will at all times respect and obey all school staff and student officers. A student’s personal appearance will always conform with the School’s uniform and grooming standards. No student is permitted to have, use or be affected by tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapes, alcohol or any prohibited substance.

Unauthorised borrowing or theft of others’ property will not be tolerated. Wilful damage or destruction of any property is prohibited and could require the payment of compensation. All dangerous substances are strictly forbidden including matches, knives, fireworks etc. Students will not leave the School grounds during the day without complying with set procedures of their respective year. Boarders will not leave the grounds without complying with the set procedures as detailed in the Boarding Handbook.

Except in the case of illness, students must be in attendance on all School days unless leave has been granted by the School.

Students are expected to attend the following School events: Athletics Carnival, Cross Country, Swimming Carnival, Speech Day and excursions. All members of the School community have a responsibility to uphold the values of The Rockhampton Grammar School.

Students will behave in a manner which enhances their reputation and the reputation of the School. This responsibility extends to behaviour outside the School grounds, outside School functions and outside School hours.

Parents can access all School policies via Parent Lounge. Students should refer to the School Diary for further information on rules and consequences.

Guidelines for Parents & Carers

The School is committed to creating an environment were all its community can enjoy participation in School activities, events or programmes without experiencing abusive, insulting, threatening or other anti-social behaviour. This also applies to the online environment.

The School calls on all parents, carers and other members of the School community to:

Observe the School’s guidelines for parents and carers. When necessary, politely and respectfully reminded others of their obligations under these guidelines. In the event of serious or ongoing breaches of these guidelines by another person, report the matter to a staff member of the School so that appropriate action can be taken.

Parent feedback is valued by RGS for the continued improvement of our School. If you have a compliment, complaint or enquiry about an issue at school, the best approach is to speak directly to staff about the matter, rather than discussing it in a public or social media forum. It is important to remember that sometimes negative comments that parents make or post about their school community have a greater impact than expected.


Boarding Staff and Roles

Our team of qualified and dedicated boarding staff play an integral role in providing a homely environment where boarders are able to grow into responsible and confident young adults. Working collaboratively with parents and ensuring communication channels are always open, are key factors to a child's positive experience in Boarding.

Director of Boarding

The Director of Boarding is responsible for overseeing all aspects of boarding at RGS. The Director provides leadership and vision to ensure that the School delivers an exemplary living and learning environment for all boarding students. As a member of the School's Leadership Team, the Director provides a critical link between academic and boarding life and ensures the voice of boarding students is considered in every aspect of school operations.

Head of Boys' Boarding

The Head of Boys’ Boarding is responsible for the administration and oversight of all aspects of Boys’ Boarding. Working in partnership with the Head of Girls' Boarding and the Director of Boarding, the Head of Boys' Boarding ensures that programmes are coordinated and implemented so that quality educational and wellbeing outcomes are achieved for all boarding students.

Head of Girls' Boarding

The Head of Girls' Boarding is responsible for the administration and oversight of all aspects of Girls' Boarding. Working in partnership with the Head of Boys' Boarding and the Director of Boarding, the Head of Boys' Boarding ensures that programmes are coordinated and implemented so that quality educational and wellbeing outcomes are achieved for all boarding students.

Boarding Heads of Year

In each year level, both girls and boys boarding have a dedicated Head of Year. They are the primary contact for boarding students and their parents. Heads of Year live on or near the School grounds with their families, so that they are readily accessible to the boarders in their care. The Heads of Year are supported by a Head of Boys'/Girls' Boarding, the Director of Boarding and boarding supervisors.

Boarding Supervisors

Boarding Supervisors play an important role in creating a positive, caring and open culture that encourages full participation in study and co-curricular programmes within the school and boarding community. They share the responsibility for the safety, welfare, behaviour, personal development and pastoral care of boarders.

Who to Contact?

A key to the success of at RGS Boarding is the quality of communication between the school and home. There are a number of available points of contact for matters concerning your child, depending on the nature of the issue.

The Boarding Head of Year are responsible for the immediate needs of each student and are the best first point of contact for questions or concerns. If the matter is something outside their area of responsibility, they will readily assist in connecting parents with the most appropriate staff member at the School or escalating the matter.

The Boarding Administration Office is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm, during term time, and can be contacted on (07) 4936 0741 or email:

The School's Main Reception is open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm, except on public holidays, and can be contacted on (07) 4936 0600.

A full RGS Boarding staff contact list is emailed to boarding families at the beginning of the school year.


Boarding Staff and Roles


A child's education and school experience are enhanced when positive and regular communication occurs between parents, students and School staff.

Contact Information

It is important that the School is able to contact parents at any time should an issue arise.

Parent contact information is stored in Parent Lounge. Parent Lounge can be accessed at:

Parents are asked to review and keep this information up to date to ensure that the School has the correct contact information on record at all times.

If a parent will be out of communication for a length of time, the Boarding Head of Year must be advised and provide a contact number of a suitable person who can act as guardian for the child during the absence.

Communication with Boarding Staff

The Boarding Head of Year is the first point of contact for any questions or concerns parents may have regarding their child in Boarding.

Boarding staff can be contacted via telephone or email at any time. They are available to discuss any matters, provide advice, assistance or to provide information regarding your child. If required, the Boarding Head of Year will escalate issues to the Director of Boarding.

Communicating Difficult News

It can be very difficult for a child who is far from home to receive difficult news.

In these cases, we encourage parents to contact the Boarding Head of Year so that staff can ensure the news is broken as gently as possible, that the child is well supported and given a support network in Boarding.

The School Psychologist and/or Chaplain can play a vital role in supporting a child during these times and will be made available whenever possible.

Communication with Secondary & Primary School Staff

In addition to a Boarding Head of Year, each year level in the Secondary School has a designated Head of Year. The Head of Year can be contacted to discuss your child's overall academic progress. Classroom teachers are also available for discussions with parents and students. Please refer to the Secondary School Orientation Guide for more information.

In Primary School, the classroom teacher can be contacted to discuss academic issues. Please refer to the Primary School Orientation Guide for more information.

Communication with Students Family, parents and friends are asked to be mindful of their child's routine and not call during Prep time, or after quiet time.

Visiting Students

Visitors are always welcome within our School. For everyone involved these visits are more beneficial if the school is advised in advance or an appointment made.

During school hours, all visitors must sign in at Main Reception. After hours, visitors to boarding must sign in with the Boarding Supervisor on duty.

Day students visiting the Boarding House are required to sign in using the Visitor’s Register and advise the relevant boarding staff member on duty.

Keeping Up to Date

Parent Lounge

Parent Lounge is the website for parents to access a range of school information including daily notices, the school calendar, your child’s timetable, academic information such as reports, polices, forms and keep up to date with events and activities.

Parents can also pay fees and manage their contact information, including maintaining student medical records. Parent Lounge can be accessed at:


Newsletters are published fortnightly on Monday afternoon and emailed to parents. Newsletters can also be accessed on the school web site.

Daily Notices

Daily Notices are published in Parent Lounge and Student Cafe. These notices provide information and updates on a range of matters for parents, students and staff. Parents and students are encouraged to review these each day.

Boarder Parent Association

The RGS Boarder Parent Association is an active parent group for the parents of our diverse and vibrant boarding community.

Working cooperatively with the Headmaster, Director of Boarding and senior boarding staff, the Association maintains a vested interest in the betterment and appreciation of the management and care of boarders, and the operation and reputation of the School and the boarding community.

The Association meets once a term, in person or online. All RGS Boarder parents are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings.

Communication & Visitors

What to Bring

In addition to uniform requirements and school supplies, boarding students need to bring the following items.


Boarders must provide two sets of linen - one set plain coloured and one set printed. This assists monitor that students change their linen on a weekly basis.

All linen should be labelled with the student's first name, last name and laundry number. Labels can be ordered from the Red & Black Shop, and need to be sewn onto items.


Casual clothes may be worn in the evening and on weekends in the boarding house.

Three sets of neat/tidy casual clothing are recommended. One semi-formal outfit, appropriate for evening functions and formal house dinners, is required.

Clothing should be in good repair and conform to modesty standards.

All uniform and clothing items should be labelled with the student's first name, last name and laundry number. Labels can be ordered from the Red & Black Shop, and need to be sewn onto items.


Each student is provided with a hanging cupboard, chest of drawers, and bedside table to store their personal belongings.

As storage is limited, students should bring their possessions in a simple bag that can be folded and stored when not in use, such as a "stripey" or "zip" bag.

Wire coat hangers are supplied.

Personal belongings

Boarders are encouraged to personlise their living space and take pride in doing so. Each student has their own space for the display of photographs and personal items.

Each student's area has lockable cupboards and/or under bed storage. Keyless padlocks are strongly encouraged to enable students to secure any valuables such as money, jewellery and phones.

Personal effects are the responsibility of the student and parents. Loss, damage or theft is not covered by the School’s insurance policy. This includes money, mobile phones and valuables.

What NOT to bring

It is important that students feel at home in their accommodation, however there are some items that students are not permitted to bring into the dormitories. The following items are not permitted:

skateboards and scooters aerosol cans (e.g. deodorant, hair spray) candles and oil burners electrical appliances including small fridges, gaming consoles, monitors and televisions. any items with offensive material including posters, t-shirts, music etc.

Insurance of personal belongings

Students’ belongings such as computers, mobile phones and jewelry are not covered by the School’s insurance policy.

Parents are advised to check their insurance cover on their child's valuables, especially in the case of valuable items and be aware of the risks involved.

If cover for items is required, it must be arranged by parents. All personal electrical devices should be labelled with the student’s name and fully insured.

It is recommended that parents keep a record of serial numbers or other identification of any valuable items.

Keyless padlocks (combination locks) are recommended to enable students to lock away valuables.

Students should report the loss of any belonging to their Boarding Head of Year.


Miscellaneous items


What to Bring 14 1 or 2 Pillows 2 or 4 Pillowcases 2 Bath towels 1 Beach towel 2 Single fitted or flat sheet (one plain colour, one printed) 2 Top flat sheet (optional) (one plain colour, one printed) 1 Quilt or doona with two removable washable covers 2 Mesh laundry bag (available from Red & Black shop)
3 sets Casual clothing such as shorts, shirts, tshirts, pants, skirt/dress 1 Semi formal outfit 10sets Underwear 2sets Sleepwear/pajamas (dressing gown/bath robe/slippers are optional) 1 Swimwear plus rashie/sun protection shirt 1pair Thongs 1pair Covered casual shoes
Linen Clothing
1each Toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, toiletry bag etc. (Aerosols are not permitted.)
Sleeping bag
2 Combination
(Foruseatcampsandweekendsat Ritamada)
padlock (Smalltomediuminsizeforstoragecupboards) 1
bottle (500ml - 800ml) 1 Shoe cleaning/polish set with black
1 Small personal fan (optional) 1
items such as card games, sporting equipment, photos, mementos, soft toys etc

Dress and Grooming Standards

To ensure standards are maintained, the School has dress and grooming standards for all Boarders. The Red & Black Shop is the School’s onsite uniform shop and is the exclusive supplier of RGS uniforms. Uniform lists are available on the School web site and in Parent Lounge. Staff at the shop are available to answer any uniform questions that parents, or students may have.

Dress Code

School uniform is worn on weekdays until 3.10pm.

Outside of school hours boarders may wear casual clothes, including on weekends.

A flexible range of personal dress styles is allowed; however students are expected to be dressed in a neat and tidy manner when out of the Boarding house.

Footwear must be worn at all times when moving around the campus. Covered shoes must be worn in the dining hall. Slides, thongs, Crocs or sandals are not suitable.

If boarders choose to remain in uniform after school hours, they must be in full school uniform including school shoes.

Students in Year 6 - 8 must wear full school uniform, including hat, for off campus leave after school. On Saturday shopping leave, the PE uniform top with denim bottoms is worn.

Year 10-12 students have the option to wear full school uniform or change into casual clothes, for leave after school.

When attending the Health Centre, students wear appropriate dress. Pajamas are not to be worn to and from the Health Centre.

Hair and Grooming

Students are expected to keep their hair clean and wellgroomed each day. Hair is to be of natural colour and exaggerated styles are not permitted.

Fingernails may be coated with clear polish. Coloured polish or acrylic nails are not permitted.

Make up is not to be worn with school uniform.


Girls may wear one pair of small (5mm) plain sleepers or studs (gold, silver or pearl) in the lower part of each ear.

No other jewellery is permitted when wearing the RGS uniform.

Personal Hygiene

Boarders are expected to shower at least once per day. When they have been physically active, a second shower is required.

Students will need to maintain a consistent supply shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste and feminine hygiene products. These items may be purchased at the Red & Black Shop or on weekly shopping trips.


The School operates a full laundry service at no additional cost to families. Laundry is usually returned within 48 hours.

Boarders also have access to washing machines in some dormitories, if they prefer to launder their own items.

Allitemsofclothingandlinenshouldbelabelled withthestudent'sfirstname,lastnameandlaundry number. Laundrynumbersareallocatedtoeach studentaspartoftheenrolmentprocess.

Onceyourchildhastheirlaundrynumber,please proceedtoordertherecommendednumberof labels.Ifyouhavenotreceivedyourchild’slaundry number,pleasecontacttheRegistrar.



Food and Dining Hall

An array of appetising and nutritious meals and snacks are available to boarders throughout the School day.

Students gather in the Dining Hall to share meals and spend time with each other throughout the day. This is an important and enjoyable aspect of Boarding life.

The School's Food Services team take pride in preparing and providing a range of healthy food choices to please the diverse range of tastes and dietary needs of Boarding students.

The Dining Hall closes between services to clean, refresh and present a full meal for each service.

Dining Hall Opening Hours


Monday to Friday 6:00am - 8:30am

Saturday and Sunday 7:00am - 10:30am

Morning Tea

Monday to Friday 6:00am - 8:30am

Saturday and Sunday 7:00am - 10:30am


Monday to Friday 12:30pm - 1:50pm

Saturday and Sunday 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Afternoon Tea

Monday to Friday 3:10pm - 3:45pm

Saturday and Sunday 3:10pm - 3:45pm


Monday to Friday 5:10pm - 6:50pm

Saturday and Sunday 5:10pm - 6:15pm

Dining times for lunch and dinner vary by year level and School timetable.


A combined Boarder Supper is provided in the Space Frame most evenings. This provides an opportunity for all boarders to come together in the evening to enjoy light refreshments. Students choose from a range of options such as toasted sandwiches, fruit, biscuits and beverages.

Food Allergies and Intolerances

It is essential that all food allergies or intolerances for your child are kept up to date in Parent Lounge. This alerts the Food Services Manager and enables the preparation of suitable meals.

If you wish to discuss your child’s food allergies or intolerances in more detail, please make an appointment to speak with our Food Services Manager email


Boarding Expectations

Mobile Phones

Rules for use of mobile phones vary according to the year level of the boarding student. Senior boarders are permitted to have their phones on a more regular basis with the aim of encouraging responsible phone use.

Guidelines are in place to support students manage phone use and to be considerate of others. 'Tech free' time is allocated for all year levels on weekends.

Year 6/ 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Phone use weekday before school

Phone use weekday during school

Returned after morning tasks completed and handed in by 8am

No access during the day. Locked in phone cupboard

Returned after morning tasks completed and handed in by 8am

No access during the day. Locked in phone cupboard

Phone cupboard open at 7am and handed in by 8am

No access during the day. Locked in phone cupboard

Phone cupboard open at 7am and handed in by 8am No limit No limit

No access during the day. Locked in desk

Phone use weekday after school

Issued at 4.30pm and handed in before Prep Issued at 4.30pm and handed in before Prep Issued after official end of school day (3.50pm) and handed in before Prep

Phone use weekday bedtime Handed in Sun - Thurs @ 8.00pm Handed in Sun – Thurs @ 8.15pm

Handed in Sun – Thurs @ 9.00pm

Phone use weekend bedtime Handed in Fri/Sat @ 9.00pm Handed in Fri/Sat @ 9.15pm Handed in Fri/Sat @ 9.30pm

Dormitory Access

Available to students after school at 3.10pm. No outside use until after 3.50pm

Handed in Sun – Thurs @ 9.15pm

Not required to be kept in Boarding. Follow Secondary School Restrictions

Available to students after school at 3.10pm. No outside use until after 3.50pm

Kept in room on ‘do not disturb’ or handed in at parent request

Not required to be kept in Boarding. Follow Secondary School Restrictions

Available to students after school at 3.10pm. No outside use until after 3.50pm

Kept in room on ‘do not disturb’ or handed in at parent request

Handed in Fri/Sat @ 10.00pm Term 1-3 Kept overnight in Term 4 with approval No limit No limit

7 Year
Entry into Dorms–Morning tea Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Entry into Dorms Second break Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted Permitted on curriculum plus days
Access to boarding dormitories is restricted during the School day. If student needs access to the dormitory during the day to retrieve an item, they can contact the Boarding Administration office.
10 Year 11 Year 12

Boarding Expectations

Prep (Homework)

Prep sessions are held each evening, Sunday through to Thursday. Attendance is compulsory. Prep sessions are supervised by teaching and boarding staff who provide support with homework, assignments and preparation for exams. If a student is unable to attend a Prep session due to a co-curricular or other activity, they will be required to attend an earlier Prep session of make up time in the afternoon prior Prep times are advised at the commencement of the School year.

Year 6/ 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Prep TimeMonday - Thursday 1 hour supervised Prep

1.25 - 1.5 hours supervised Prep 1.5 – 1.75 hours supervised Prep Flexible delivery

1.75 - 2 hours supervised Prep Flexible delivery

2 - 2.5 hours supervised Prep Flexible delivery

2.5 hours + supervised Prep Flexible delivery

Prep TimeSunday 6.00pm – 7.00pm supervised Prep 6.00pm – 7.15pm supervised Prep 1.5 hours supervised Prep 1.5 hours supervised Prep 1.5 hours + supervised Prep 1.5 hours + supervised Prep

Bedtime/Quiet time/ Lights out

Evening Curfew


Quiet time Lights out

Bedtimes Quiet time Lights out

Year 6/ 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Return to dorm and showered 7.45pm

Sun – Thurs 8.15pm 8.45pm

Fri – Sat 9.00pm 9.15pm

Return to dorm and showered 8:00pm

Sun – Thurs 8.30pm 8.45pm

Fri – Sat 9.15pm 9.30pm

Return to dorm and showered 8.45pm

Sun – Thurs 9:15pm 9.30pm

Fri – Sat 10:00pm 10.15pm

Return to dorm and showered 9:00pm

Sun – Thurs 9.30pm 9.45pm

Fri – Sat 10:15pm 10.30pm

All off campus leave requires parent permission and must be undertaken in accordance with the

Return to dorm 9:00pm Return to dorm 9:00pm

Sun – Thurs 9:30pm 10.00pm

Sun – Thurs 9.45pm 10:15pm

Fri – Sat 10.30pm 10.45pm


Off Campus Leave Friday - Sunday Permitted under supervision Permitted under supervision

groups of three

In groups of three Return by 5pm Max of 2.5 hours

Off Campus Leave Year 6/ 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Off Campus Leave Monday - Thursday 3:10pm onwards Permitted under supervision Permitted under supervision In
Return by
Fri – Sat 10.30pm 10.45pm Max twice per week
In groups of two Return by 5:30pm Max three times per week
In groups of two Return by 5:45pm Return by 5:45pm
In groups of two Return by 5pm Max of 2.5 hours
leave policies. Please refer to the additional information regarding leave provided in this handbook.
In groups of two Return by 5:45pm Max of 3 hours Return by 5:45pm Max of 3 hours
Quality sleep is important for all boarders. The time prior to sleep is an opportunity for students to wind down without devices or disturbance.

Boarding Expectations


Boarders are encouraged to lead an active lifestyle and participate in the School's extensive co-curricular programme. For safety, restrictions are in place on when and where students may undertake running. The duration of running sessions is to be no more than 40 minutes round and cannot be done before 6.30am for Year 6 – 10 and 6.00am for Year 11/12.

Year 6/ 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Running Lower / Upper school ovals only

Shopping - Saturday

Lower / Upper school ovals only School perimeterAquathon Track Around the block

Around block or Botanical Gardens Around block or Botanical Gardens

A weekly shopping trip to the Stocklands Shopping Centre is available to boarders each Saturday. Transport is provided by RGS buses.

Year 6/ 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Saturday Saturday AM Return by 10.30am Students to wear red, black and denim

Car Use and Driving Lessons

Saturday AM Return by 10.30am Students to wear red, black and denim 9am - 1pm 9am - 1pm 9am - 1pm 9am - 1pm

Having a car at school is a Year 12 privilege, may be approved for restricted use for Year 11's in Term 4. The Year 12 Boarding Heads of Year maintain checks and controls, but the onus is on trust and responsibility by the student. Students are required to agree to an operating contract for a vehicle. A copy of this is available upon request from Boarding Heads of Year. Parent permission is required each time a car is to be used or specific permission issued for recurring car use.

Driving lessons may be taken after school or in spares with parental permission. Lessons should not be taken at a time when a student has a school commitment.

Year 6- 10 Year 11 Year 12

Car use Not permitted

Use for School related and work purposes only No use for co-curricular Keys kept in Boarding Office

School related, work purposes and appointments. Limited use for co-curricular Keys kept in Boarding Office


Managing leave for boarders is a crucial part of the School's supervisory and care responsibilities.

Orah - Leave Management System

The official means of arranging leave, including providing parent consent where required, is via Orah, the student leave management system used by RGS Boarding.

Parents will receive an email to activate their Orah account and email notifications when there is leave that requires their review or action. Orah can be accessed at:

Requesting Leave

Students intending to go on leave, and/or their parent, must submit a leave request via Orah.

Once submitted, the Boarding Head of Year will be automatically notified of the leave request via Orah. After reviewing the request, and ensuring the parent has approved the leave request, the Boarding Head of Year will give approval for the leave.

If there is further information required, the Boarding Head of Year will contact the parent before giving final approval.

Reasonable notice of planned leave assists Boarding staff to approval leave in a timely way. Host leave will not be granted without reasonable notice.

Weekend leave should be notified no later than Thursday morning to allow sufficient time for the leave request to be processed.

Requests for leave requiring train bookings with Queensland Rail should be submitted no later than Wednesday.

If you are unable to submit a leave request via Orah, please contact the Boarding Head of Year who will be able to assist.

Signing Out

All student leave must be approved by the Boarding Head of Year prior to a student signing out.

A student will not be permitted to leave the Boarding House unless all details of leave are recorded in Orah and parents have given approval.

There will be occasions where leave entered into Orah has not been seen or approved by a parent. In these situations, a member of the boarding staff will contact the parent to request approval.

The approved parent or host is required to collect and return the student to and from the Boarding House.

Parents and hosts must sign students in and out using Orah. Boarding staff will assist with this process, which also ensures that staff are aware of the student movements.

If a student does not sign out or goes on unapproved leave, there are serious consequences.

Leave with Parents

All reasonable requests for leave with parents will be approved.

The School's leave policy and procedures are an integral part of providing high quality care and supervision. Parents will be reminded of the 'Parent Agreement for Leave' at the beginning of each year.

Leave with Hosts

Leave with hosts requires four-way communication between the student, parent, host and Boarding Head of Year prior to approval.

Given the responsibilities that hosts agree to, a minimum age of 21 is recommended for hosts.

At the discretion of Boarding Head of Year, hosts will be asked to acknowledge and confirm their responsibility for the boarder on leave in their care via the School's Host Agreement. The Host Agreement includes confirmation that the host:

Has been in contact with the parent of the boarder to discuss the leave, where applicable.

Is responsible for the welfare and conduct of the boarder for the duration of the leave, until such time as they are signed back into the Boarding House.

Is expected to know the whereabouts of the boarder for the duration of the leave and ensure adequate supervision.

Is aware of the nominated time of return to the Boarding House, and that they will contact the Boarding Head of Year if they seek to extend or reduce the duration leave.

Is responsible for ensuring that boarders wear the appropriate uniform to any school event whilst in the care or the host.

The Agreement reminds hosts that the School:

Does not condone smoking or consumption of alcohol by boarders.

Does not grant permission for boarders on leave to travel in a car driven by provisionally registered (P Plate) drivers except by consent of the parents of the student and also the parents of the provisionally registered driver.

Leave Suspensions

Leave suspensions may be placed on a student as a result of a breach of School rules or inappropriate behaviour. Parents will be advised when this has occurred.



Boarding Heads of Year should be notified of all student absences ahead of time and will be recorded by the School.

In the Secondary School, a request for extended leave form is required for absences longer than two school days. This can be obtained from the Secondary School Head of Year. Please note that Boarding Heads of Year can only grant leave from Boarding and not from Secondary or Primary School.

Where foreseeable absences are for more than two days, the student should be proactive in meeting with their teachers prior to the absence, to arrange class work that can be done whilst away.

For unplanned absences, such as illness, the parent can contact the Secondary School Head of Year to arrange for class work to be forwarded.

End of Term

Students are expected to stay at school until the end of term.

After exams at the end of term, important learning experiences occur such as reviewing assessment, commencing work for the following term and personal development programmes.

he Heads of Boarding request that you support these integral learning experiences and not take your child home prior to the end of term. Requests to the contrary should be emailed to the respective Day School Head of Year and Boarding Head of Year for approval. Such requests put pressure on the entire Boarding House regarding attendance at the end of term, because other boarders might question why they should be at school while the absent student is not.

Boarder Long Weekends

In most school terms the School has designated long weekends. These weekends are normally aligned with public holidays or student free days. As not all students are able to go home or to host families, the Boarding House remains open on these weekends.

These long weekends represent an opportunity for senior students especially, to catch up or get ahead on assignments.

Years 6 to 10 boarders are encouraged to go home and catch up with family or to stay with a friend’s family.

The School's Boarder Bus services provide transport for designated boarder long weekends. Pick up and drop off locations include Stanwell, Duaringa, Dingo, Bluff, Blackwater, Comet, Emerald, Capella, Clermont, Gemfields (turnoff), Willows, Alpha, Dululu, Jambin, Biloela, Thangool and Monto.

"'Closed Weekend'

The second weekend of Term 1 is a "closed weekend" for all boarders.

The purpose of the Closed Weekend is to undertake activities that will build the strength of the community for the boarders.

It is strongly encouraged that all students participate in the Closed Weekend and do not undertake leave.

Leave 22
Leave 23

Attending Parties and Events

The School encourages parents to play an active role in monitoring their child's social life and the activities they participate in outside of school. This includes attendance at social gatherings, such as parties, which not official school events or endorsed school activities.

Prior to a parent approving their child's leave in Orah, they should assure themselves that they have all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Parents are strongly encouraged to contact the host parents of any student social gathering to discuss the details of the event including issues such as travel arrangements, accommodation if overnight and whether alcohol will be present at the gathering.

Boarders will not be permitted to return to dormitories if alcohol is known to be available at a function / party. Overnight leave with a host must be organised.

It is recommended that parents do not approve leave for their child to attend parties or event unless they are supervised by a responsible adult.

Detailed advice for parents on parties is available from


Transport and Travel

Students frequently require transport to attend activities or travel to and from home. A range of transport services are provided by the School or available in Rockhampton.

Travel for Off-Campus School Activities

RGS Transport staff and boarding staff drive RGS buses to and from the campus for school organised activities and transport connections.

Bookings for travel to off campus activities can be made by students via a booking form available from the Transport Office. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required.

Where arrangements have been made with Transport and the bus does not arrive for the return pick up within 15 minutes of the designated time, boarders are to call their Boarding Head of Year. They are not permitted to walk, or arrange other transport back to School.

Travel to Non School Activities

The School provides a comprehensive co-curricular programme, however participation in activities not provided by the School or club sport is permitted.

Due to the challenges of providing individual transport for students, transport cannot be provided to non RGS activities.

The School will make every effort to support the activity where possible and can provide recommendations on alternate transport options. Parents can discuss options with the Boarding Head of Year.

Taxi Use

Transport via taxi may be required to enable students to attend medical or other health related appointments. Where required, this is arranged by Health Centre staff and taxi vouchers provided. Taxi costs are charged to the parent's account.

Boarder Bus Service Holidays and Boarder Long Weekends

At the beginning and end of term (except the start and end of the year) and for designated boarders’ long weekends, RGS provides a Boarder bus service. The Service travels to Emerald, Capella, Clermont, Alpha and Monto.

Parents will be notified via email when bus runs are confirmed, and bookings are opened.

Rail Travel

Queensland Rail provides complimentary travel for Boarders to their home destinations, for holidays and weekends.

This service is a good option for families on the Gladstone and Miriam Vale (Agnes Water) rail line. The Tilt Train runs daily, including weekends. The Spirit of the Outback train service runs from Rockhampton to Longreach, on a limited timetable.

Complimentary bookings on trains require planning:

At the beginning of each year, an application to travel to and from boarding school from home must be completed. This application is done through the Boarding Head of Year.

A booking request must be submitted to the Boarding Head of Year each time travel is required.

For weekend leave bookings requests must be made by Wednesday. It is unreasonable for any family to expect a booking to be completed by the School if less than two days’ notice of intended travel is given.

Air Travel

The Rockhampton Airport is located in close proximity to the School.

Parents should advise the Boarding Head of Year and provide flight itineraries if their child is flying.

Transport to and from the airport can be provided by the School and staff escort on flights arranged, if required.



Aerosol cans/sprays are not permitted in the Boarding House as they can trigger fire alarms and can cause allergies.

Assessment schedules

At the beginning of each semester parents may access a copy of their child’s assessment schedule for each subject on Parent Lounge. The schedule will cover major and minor examinations, tests and assignments - enabling parents to keep up to date with their child's education.

Bank accounts

It is recommended that each student have a bank account. This allows students to have money available when needed without having to keep cash in the Boarding House. We recommend internet access of the account by the parent. This allows parents to assist their child with their budgeting and money management. Cash can be withdrawn via the school canteen EFTPOS facility with Boarding Head of Year approval.


Birthday cakes, flowers or gifts can be delivered to the School's Main Reception. Contact the Boarding Head of Year if you require any assistance to help celebrate your child's birthday in Boarding.


Bullying at RGS will not be tolerated and incidences will be dealt with according to School policies. Any concerns regarding bullying behaviour should be raised immediately with the Boarding Head of Year.


The full school calendar, which includes all school activities, key dates and events can be accessed via Parent Lounge.

Co-curricular activities

All Secondary School students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities to broaden their experiences and encourage friendships. The School offers a broad range of co-curricular sports and activities. A co-curricular expo is held in Term 1 to introduce students to the different programmes available

Church services

Children who wish to attend services are encouraged to.

Emergency and fire drills

Drills are carried out on a regular basis to ensure staff and students are aware of procedures in times of emergency. The campus is protected by a sophisticated fire alarm system. This ensures the safety of all students and staff.

Facilities and grounds

The School is proud of its learning environment. The grounds and facilities are extremely well maintained by grounds staff. Students are expected to demonstrate respect for all school facilities and grounds.


Boarders have access to the onsite gym and cardio fitness room. A gym schedule is published each term. Additional evening sessions are provided for boarders.

Laptops and computers

All Secondary School students have a Tablet PC provided by the School. Free wi-fi is available throughout the School.

Students may also bring their own personal devices such as iPads or laptop computers to school providing they understand that they are brought to school at the owner’s risk.

All students must adhere to the School's computer policy.


Boarders are welcome to spend quiet time in the Library. The Library has an extensive range of books and resources that can be borrowed by students.

Mail and email

Mail can be sent and received at the School. Mail is posted daily and incoming mail is distributed each weekday afternoon. Online shopping orders can be delivered to the School.

Each student will be issued with a School email address when they are provided with their school laptop.

Movies and classification restrictions

The School reserves the right to determine the appropriateness or otherwise of any movie or content to be shown on the premises. Students in Years 6 - 8 are only permitted to watch content rated PG. “R” rated movies or content will not be shown. The Head of Year will oversee censorship of movies and content to determine appropriateness. Movies or content on student laptops etc. are subject to the same restrictions.

Off campus outings

A schedule of off-campus outings for Boarders is published each term. Students can choose which outings they wish to participate in. The majority of these are free-of-charge, but some will incur a small cost. Students may take pocket money to purchase food or drink whilst on these outings.

Parent Teacher interviews

Parent teacher interviews are held at the beginning of Term 2 and Term 3. Bookings with teachers are made through Parent Lounge.

Appointments with teachers or Heads of Year, outside of designated parent teacher interview blocks, can be made by contacting them directly.


Passports can be given to the relevant Head of Boarding for secure storage.

General Information – A to Z

General Information – A to Z

Parent Lounge

Parent Lounge is the portal for parents to access a broad range of school information including daily notices, the school calendar, your child’s timetable, academic information such as reports, polices, forms and keep up to date with events and activities. Parents can also pay fees and manage their contact information, including providing student medical updates. Parent Lounge can be accessed at:

Pocket money

The amount of pocket money needed by boarders differs according to each individual and their age. Some only require money for an occasional snack or treat or to visit the movies, while others will need more. It is at the parents’ discretion to determine the appropriate amount for their child. The Boarding Head of Year can provide advice if needed.


Policies are in place to support students and further the School’s commitment to an environment that is safe and free from harassment, discrimination and bullying. Policies can be accessed via Parent Lounge and Student Cafe. Student policies and procedures are also published in the Student Diary.

Red & Black Shop

The Red & Black Shop is located near the School’s main reception off Archer Street. The experienced staff are ready to assist in the outfitting of student uniforms. The Shop sells all uniform items (except shoes) both new and when available, second-hand. The Shop also sells some co-curricular uniforms, souvenirs, stationery and toiletries.

The shop is open 8.00 am – 10.00 am and 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm during term time. Extended trading hours are in place from November to January. Check the School web site for Red & Black Shop opening hours, to book an appointment and to access uniform lists.


As a co-educational school, friendships are encouraged with all boarders. However, there is a need to conduct relationships that may develop, in a mature and responsible manner.

It is the School’s policy that relationships will not involve physical contact on the school premises. Students must remain in the areas designated when in each other’s company.


All school facilities and grounds are considered to be safe, but we must be vigilant to keep our students free from harm. Parents and teachers are urged to raise any safety issues without delay. Special attention needs to be paid when students are arriving or departing school due to traffic movements. All volunteers and visitors to school are required to sign in at Main Reception.

Student diary

All students receive a copy of the RGS Student Diary at the beginning of the School year. The diary contains a range of useful information including all Student Policies.

Student records

Important student information such as address, telephone and medical information is kept on the School’s student management system. Parents are asked to review and keep this information up to date via Parent Lounge.

Swimming pool

During Terms 1 and 4 the pool is opened by staff at the conclusion of Prep, depending on demand. On weekends the pool is open at the discretion of Boarding staff.

Boarders are not permitted to enter the pool areas unless an adult supervisor is present.

Term dates

Term dates are published in the School Calendar, accessible on Parent Lounge, and on the School web site.


Television sets are provided in the common rooms of each dormitory. Streaming services such as Netflix are available on dedicated RGS channels, enabling age and content restrictions to be set. Viewing hours are set by Boarding Heads of Year. All programs are checked first by staff to ensure they are appropriate for the viewer’s age.

Vaping/e-cigarettes/smoking and drug policy

The School is a smoke free zone. This applies to all visitors, staff and parents.

Boarders who are found to be vaping, using e-cigarettes, smoking, or in the company of others undertaking these activities, will face disciplinary action.

The School has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for drugs used or brought onto campus. Students who are in anyway involved with illicit substances will face disciplinary action and possible expulsion.

Welfare of children

At times family disputes can have an effect on children at school. Should there be any legal issues relating to your child, please inform the Director of Boarding as soon as possible and provide copies of all court documents.


Co-curricular Programme

The Rockhampton Grammar School has a long and proud history of co-curricular achievement in the region, State and at a National level. Our co-curricular offering is a key part of our difference, complementing academic pursuits, strengthening our community, and maintaining School traditions. The School’s extensive on and off-site facilities provide ample opportunities for students to explore and excel in their chosen pursuit.

Programme Goals

Our co-curricular programme aims to develop students’ skills and to fulfill their potential for intelligent performance, while providing the opportunity to participate and enjoy a vast array of activities. The programme caters for all levels of ability, to assist students develop a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Through the co-curriculum programme students can develop leadership skills with leadership opportunities offered in each sport and activity. These roles contribute to academic success and significant personal development.

Sports & Activities

A co-curricular expo is held in Term 1 to introduce students to the different programmes available.

Throughout the year, the School will notify students and parents when registrations open for each sport or activity. Offerings may vary each year depending on availability and demand. Some co-curricular activities have additional registration fees.

RGS Sport & Activities Activities


Athletics Australian Rules Basketball Cricket Cross Country Equestrian Football Futsal Golf Netball

Rowing Rugby League (boys/girls) Rugby Union (boys/girls) Sport Aerobics Swimming Tennis Touch Volleyball Water Polo

Cadets Camp Drafting Cattle Show Team Chess Dance (DMTA) Duke of Edinburgh Hospitality

Maths Team Challenge Mooting Music Musical OptiMinds Photography Public Speaking Robotics


Co-curricular Programme


Health Centre and Services

RGS is fortunate to have a state-of-the-art Health Centre on campus, which provides a valuable service for all students and provides a 24 hour on-call service for boarding students. The Centre is staffed by qualified and caring full time Registered Nurses with backgrounds in emergency nursing and who are experienced in school nursing.

Student Medical Information

It is vital that the School has current medical information for every student. Medical information must be updated on Parent Lounge any time your child’s medical details change and reviewed at the beginning of each year.

If there are changes to any medical information throughout the year (eg: new allergy, updated Medicare number) please ensure details are immediately updated on Parent Lounge.

If a Child Becomes Ill

If a student is feeling unwell, they will attend the Health Centre for initial assessment and assistance.

Students needing assistance outside of the Health Centre's opening hours should contact the Boarding Head of Year.

The Health Centre will contact parents in the event that any of the following occurs with their child:

Reviewed by a doctor Tests are required eg. blood, x ray, ultrasound Sustain a significant injury or involved in a significant incident Is unwell enough to spend the whole day in the Health Centre and does not attend school Health Centre staff are concerned about a student for a particular reason.

The Health Centre will not contact parents for minor ailments or accidents that require routine or minor treatment (eg colds, jarred fingers, minor falls and grazes etc). Students are encouraged to pass this information to parents.

If an infectious disease is contracted, the student may need to return home, where feasible.

Occasionally students may require medical care of hospital treatment, outside of hours. Where this occurs, parents will be contacted by the Health Centre and the student accompanied to hospital by a member of staff.

The Rockhampton Hospital has a 24-hour Emergency Department. A student will be taken to this hospital in an emergency or if they require an ambulance, or other emergency care facilities are not available.

The Mater Rockhampton Emergency Care Centre is open seven days from 7am – 11pm. This is the preferred option for most situations as wait times are short. There is a cost involved with this service and payment is required on the day of consultation. The hospital will phone parents directly to arrange payment. The cost of consultation varies and must be paid in full. Medicare will refund a portion of the cost, and you will be left with an out of pocket expense of $250. Care may also include investigations such as blood tests and x-rays, which are in addition to consultation costs and out of pocket expense.

It is recommended that student's are covered by Private Health Insurance. International students must have current Overseas Health Cover at all times.

Medical Appointments - Doctor

The School has an appointed doctor who visits the School on a regular basis. Parents may make appointments for their child with an alternate doctor, but they must make this arrangement through the Health Centre.

Medical Appointments - Dentist

The School does not have an appointed dentist but students and parents may make direct appointments with their preferred provider.

Medical Appointments - Notification

Please ensure the Health Centre is notified of all health related appointments (including dentist, doctor, physio, orthodontist, optometrist, psychologist etc) with as much notice as possible, preferably when the appointment is made.

Medical Appointments - Transportation

Students in Year 6, 7 and 8 students may be accompanied to medical appointments outside the School by a member of Boarding staff. Students in Year 9 and above will be accompanied upon on request of the student or parent.


Health Centre and Services


Students are not permitted to keep any medication in the dormitory, with the exception of medication for life threatening conditions such as Epipens and asthma reliever medication (e.g. Salbutamol).

All other medication must be left at the Health Centre for the Nurses to store and administer. This includes all antibiotics, acne medication and non-prescription medication (e.g. Panadol, Nurofen, naturopathic products, vitamins and minerals).

Some medications are supplied and provided by the Health Centre. DO NOT provide Panadol, Nurofen, cold and flu tablets etc. These can be provided by the Registered Nurse on duty after assessment of a student's condition and only where they believe it will be of assistance.

If a student requires regular prescription medication, all scripts are to be kept at the Health Centre and filled by Health Centre staff when required. The costs will be billed directly to the parent by the dispensing pharmacy.

If a student is found to have medication in the dormitory, it will be removed and sent to the Health Centre for storage and administration.


The RGS Health Centre is a registered Vaccine Service Provider and administers the School Immunisation Programme every year.

Year 7 students and Year 10 students receive immunisations through this programme.

Immunisation clinics for boarders are held throughout the year. In an effort to minimise the spread of disease in the dormitory, the Health Centre also offers all boarders a free influenza vaccine every year. This is highly recommended.

The Centre can also assist with arranging other vaccines that may be required, for example for overseas trips or Q Fever testing.

Consent forms for any immunisation are sent to parents prior to any vaccine being administered. This usually occurs prior to the commencement of the school year or soon thereafter.

Contacting the Health Centre

Parents are always most welcome to contact the Health Centre if they wish to discuss any matters related to their child's heath. As the mornings before school are very busy it is appreciated if phone contact is made after 9am, unless the matter is urgent.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 7.15am - 8.45pm

The Centre is located on the lower floor of the Birkbeck Building, off Archer Street.

Contact information

Telephone: (07) 4936 0638 Email:


Counselling Services

The aim of the counselling service is to provide a safe place for students to talk about their needs, goals, choices, or any issue that may be troubling or challenging them. If the issues cannot be resolved readily within the School, advice about where to seek further help will be provided.

Issues covered by the Counselling Service include dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, family issues, personal issues, relationships, school-related issues (such as bullying, time management, study challenges, boarding, homesickness), and future academic endeavours.

Access To School Psychologists

Any RGS student may access the services of the psychologist. Referrals are triaged and accommodated as efficiently as resources allow.

After three to four appointments a decision will be made by the psychologist about the need for longer term support. Where necessary a referral will be made, and students will be supported in their transition to a service outside the School.

Due to demand, it is important to note that there may be a considerable wait for non-urgent appointment.


While it is not uncommon for people to feel uncomfortable or anxious about seeing a psychologist, these sessions can provide an opportunity to consider and discuss different perspectives and options for challenging situations and circumstances.

Students seeing a psychologist have a right to privacy. This means that information is kept private unless,

There is a risk of harm to the student or someone else,

The student provides permission for the psychologist to talk to or share information with someone else, or The psychologist is legally required to disclose information.

Students have the right to feel safe and comfortable with their psychologist. While it can be very difficult to talk with a stranger about some issues, it is important that students are completely honest with their psychologist.

School Chaplin

The Rockhampton Grammar School is a nondenominational school; however, it recognises Christian values.

The School Chaplain, visits the School weekly and is available to meet with students. The Chaplain and psychologists work together to meet the needs of the School community.


Students, staff members or parents may request counselling for a student. For further information regarding the service or to make an appointment, students or parents should speak to their Boarding Head of Year.

All Boarding student appointments are to be approved by the Director of Boarding.

The School’s counselling service is provided free of charge to students.

Crisis Support

The School Counselling Service is not a crisis support or intervention service. In crisis or emergency situations appropriate community services should be contacted.

Campus Map

The Rockhampton Grammar School

Archer Street, Rockhampton Queensland 4700

Non-denominational, Co-educational, Boarding and Day School Prep to Year 12 Early Learning Centre (6 weeks to 5 years)

Enrolment enquiries (07) 4936 0600

CRICOS: 00507F ABN: 71 055 702 035

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