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Today’s kids have never known a world without the internet. RGS Digital Parenting sat down with RGS five and six year old Prep students to ask them about the digital world they live in.

What do you think the internet is? Daisy YouTube? Joshua Netflix? Johanna I love Netflix! Harper I think the internet is when signals come through little bits of light and then comes through electronic stuff. Does anybody know what the world wide web is? Johanna Yes! www.com.au – it’s a very important person. DP Is it a he or a she? Johanna It’s a he and sometimes it’s a she. DP And what does he or she do? Johanna They tell us about the news. Is the internet the same or different to the TV? Joshua Different? Harrie The same! Daisy Maybe like kind of both.

Do you use a computer or tablet or phone? Daisy I’m too young for a computer. Robert I’m not! Johanna I’ve got my own iPod. It only has songs – but it has really good ones. It used to be my mum’s. What do you like to do on your favourite device? Penelope I like to play games on the iPad. Harper Me too! I love games! Daisy I LOVE Roblox! DP I don’t know what that is but it sounds exciting. Johanna I just love watching YouTube.

What are your favourite shows to watch? Penelope I like Bigfoot. Daisy I like The Friendly Giant. Harrie Walking with Dinosaurs. And I like to watch Jurassic Park and Jurassic World on YouTube.



Do you know how to open up YouTube and Netflix all on your own? Everyone Yes! Robert My mum’s password is… DP That’s OK, we don’t need to know your mum’s password.

Do you know where the internet lives? Johanna Out in space! Things float around up there and they shoot little volumes down and that makes everything work, even the internet. Daisy In the world! It got created a long time ago. Harper They make it at factories and they put it on the sides of the road in those little poles. Penelope Yeah, I think it lives in the poles all around the school.

Do you use your phone or tablet every single day? Penelope Every single day! DP And how long do you use it for? Penelope 5 minutes. Daisy I use it until I need to do something else. Do you think you could live without the internet? Everyone NO!! Harrie I would be sad forever. Robert You would run out of things to do! DP I used to live without the internet. Penelope Yeah my dad didn’t even have the internet! Or my mum! How long do you think you could go without the internet? Daisy 8 days. Penelope 100 days. Daisy Yeah me too, 100 days. Robert I already have the internet. DP But what if you didn’t have it? Robert Well, actually, I’ll never lose the internet because my dad downloaded it. It’s stuck to the house. It never goes away. Daisy What if it breaks down? Robert You can just charge it.

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