1 minute read
A Guide to
common courtesies for the mobile generation.
1Refrain from having loud conversations on your mobile phone in crowded areas or at public performances. The same goes for listening to loud music or videos in public places. 2 On the whole, it’s polite and respectful to pay more attention to the people you are with than to your devices – so don’t text while paying in a shop, or be constantly staring at your phone when out with friends. 3 Think before you attack on social media, especially if joining in with a lot of other people. Are you responding negatively because it’s necessary or because it’s making you feel better? You may not even realise that you are engaging in cyberbullying.
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4Don’t overshare. Don’t post pictures of your friends looking ridiculous without getting their permission first. For the adults – remember, your children are entitled to private lives.
5Don’t walk down the street texting or browsing – you’ll bump into someone or something. 6 Keep the messages in your online posts positive and truthful. Before you post, think about what people in your life (your grandmother? Your teacher?) would think if they read it.
7Don’t play on your phone in the cinema. The lights and buzzing detract from the enjoyment of those around you. 8 It’s sometimes better not to speak online. You don’t have to retort. There is nothing wrong with keeping quiet now and then. Learning to exit the conversation when things are getting rude or mean is crucial.
9Don’t wear headphones when people are trying to talk to you (and taking out one side is not good enough). 10 Although some people are now attached to their phone 24/7, don’t feel it is necessary to reply immediately to a message if you are busy with something else. However, if someone is waiting for information from you, it is impolite to keep them waiting.