ADVENTURES IN TOHOKU Two cities nestled into a bend on the blue Caribbean, swamped in glorious gothic and Art Noveau Splendor.
School's Main Reception is open during school holidays
is closed weekends and Public Holidays.
JOURNEY: INDIA Indian restaurants and myriad international dining options in the Indian capital are abundantly scattered throughout the city.
Jesse Williams takes you on a tour around New York and every style point in between the fab capitals of fashion and graphic design.
festivals, performing arts,
food, and technology centers spark an
you a list of places in the metro to have a break from a stressful day at the office. Find the
spot to
Welcome to The Rockhampton Grammar School
Thank you for choosing The Rockhampton Grammar School for your child’s education and placing trust in us to work alongside you in their future development
We are proud to play a part in developing well rounded individuals who understand values such as teamwork, self discipline, and gratitude As a result, our students can make a positive contribution to their communities both during their time with us and at home
We take seriously the challenge of preparing our students for tomorrow through balanced academic, sporting, co curricular and social activities Through the extensive range of opportunities available, your child will explore, grow, lead and learn.
Our expectation is simple that every student will strive to do his or her personal best in all that they undertake
As one of Australia's oldest schools and Queensland’s largest boarding school, The Rockhampton Grammar School offers everything your family needs to enable your child to thrive.
In every way, our school is more than a place of learning it is a family and one of which we are all very proud Your family will become part of the Grammar community from the moment you arrive and remain so, long after your child graduates
I look forward to welcoming you and your family to RGS
Dr Phillip Moulds, OAM HeadmasterSecondary School
It is our pleasure on behalf of our Secondary School staff to extend a warm welcome to The Rockhampton Grammar Secondary School
Throughout the Secondary years, pastoral care is an integral part of our students’ experience. Students are provided with opportunities to explore their interests and talents They are supported by a network of academic and pastoral care staff, as well as having access to career guidance and counselling services
Our aim is to provide a supportive environment, inspired by our values of compassion, endeavour, respect, honesty, responsibility, integrity, democracy, and community.
As a community of students, parents, and staff, we celebrate our belief that students will ‘Grow in Character and Scholarship’ within a safe, challenging, caring and supportive environment
In partnership with you, we will do our very best to maintain the high standards that have been established and that our School is known for
As a community, we celebrate our strong traditions while building a welcoming, and educationally rich environment for all to develop and achieve success.
This guide provides information to assist you partner with the School in delivering the highest quality education for your child
Mrs Alison Wright Head of Secondary School (Students)
Ms Reniece Carter Head of Secondary School (Academics)
Mr Bill Weigall Deputy to the Headmaster
Mr Todd Wells Director, Co curricular
School Values
We show this by:
Being understanding Helping those in need
Showing compassion and kindness
We show this by:
Preparing thoroughly Asking for help when appropriate
Taking every opportunity to learn
Being persistent
Seeing tasks through to the end, without supervision Meeting deadlines
We show this by:
Treating others with the same consideration and regard you would expect from them
Being polite and well mannered at all times
Wearing our uniform correctly and with pride
Respecting the rights of others to learn
Using appropriate language and tone
Self respect, knowing that you are a unique human being who has gifts and abilities and a part to play in making the world a better place
We show this by:
Being accountable for our own actions
Being punctual and organised for classes
Acting in a safe manner at all times Cleaning up our own mess
We show this by:
Acting in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct
Ensuring consistency between words and actions
Having the conviction to stop an activity that is not safe
We show this by:
Appreciating the rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizenship
Being committed to the common good Standing up for and helping others, locally, nationally and internationally
We show this by:
Being aware of the needs of others
Accepting diversity
Offering unselfish service
Including and encouraging others
Being tolerant
Maintaining a sense of humour
We show this by:
Being honest and sincere in all that we do
Being loyal to friends and the School
Presenting our own work
Crest, Song & Houses
School SSong chool Crest
The School Crest is an important and historic symbol of The Rockhampton Grammar School which dates back to the School’s founding in 1881. It is a visual reminder to students and all in our community of our history, values and personality.
The crest represents the School’s strong core beliefs and common goals as well as our relationship with communities throughout Capricornia (depicted by the Capricorn symbol of the goat) and the rest of Australia (through the five stars of the Southern Cross).
The School motto, Macte Virtute Et Litteris (Grow in Character and Scholarship), forms the foundation of the crest
(Sung to Men of Harlech)
We of Grammar shout our chorus, What tradition has gone before us Sing the songs of all our glory, Shout with all our might.
Proud of our endeavours, Surrender we will never, In a fight, we stand for right and May God be our protector When the battle cry is sounding And our hearts in us are pounding That’s the time to show we stand, For Grammar and the right
Macte Virtute Et Litteris Grow in Character and Scholarship
Sports Houses
Each student is assigned a Sports House upon commencement at the School. Our Sports Houses are named after the first four Headmasters of The Rockhampton Grammar School.
John Wheatcroft was the first Headmaster of RGS from 1881 1906 Born in England, Mr Wheatcroft constantly sought to improve the quality of education offered at the School, revising and adapting to meet the needs of his students.
Mr Wheatcroft retired from the position of Headmaster in 1906
Frederick William Wheatley was the second RGS Headmaster from 1907 1912 Mr Wheatley arrived from Adelaide with Bachelor of Science and Arts degrees.
After leaving RGS Mr Wheatley would later receive the Cross of the British Empire for breaking a German code during World War II
Henry Arthur Kellow was Headmaster at RGS from 1912 1935 Mr Kellow was born in St Andrew’s, Scotland, five months after RGS opened
A sensitive, peace loving man, Mr Kellow struggled with the loss of many young men during World War I Mr Kellow was also a skilled poet
Fitzroy Jardine was Headmaster at RGS from 1936 1964 Mr Jardine studied at RGS from 1910 and was a winner of the Archer Cup athletics prize
Mr Jardine served in World War I before continuing studies at Sydney University. Mr Jardine also taught science at RGS before being appointed Headmaster
School Mission & Purpose
Our Purpose
The School provides a disciplined, challenging and stimulating learning environment to inspire our students to become successful lifelong learners, responsible local and global citizens, and men and women of strong ethical and moral character. We promote high standards of scholarship and work with all members of the School community to pursue personal excellence in their intellectual, physical, creative and emotional development.
Our Ambition
The Rockhampton Grammar School aspires to be a centre of excellence in education The School is committed to:
providing opportunities for students to achieve success providing outstanding teaching and learning opportunities for students and staff strengthening its partnerships locally, nationally and internationally providing an environment where all feel safe and secure and can thrive
challenging students to find meaning and value in their lives
Our Academic Mission
In the academic arena the School assists students:
by fostering intellect to the highest level of which they are capable by encouraging them in the search for knowledge and in the pursuit of academic excellence by preparing them to undertake further learning and development by developing their thinking processes, attributes, values, behaviours and actions develop confidence and skills in the use of ICT to enable learning in the development of language and literacy by creating learning environments which are challenging, supportive and engaging
Key Focus Areas
A Cocurricular
The School strives to assist students:
to foster an interest in, and enjoyment of, recreational pursuits and outdoor activities in a variety of challenging and interesting experiences in which self reliance can be developed by encouraging an appreciation of music, drama, literature and the visual arts and crafts to encourage a concern for good health and fitness and the development of co ordination and motor skills and an adherence to the principles of good sportsmanship to develop an understanding of the importance of co operative endeavour, fair play, team work and excellence in personal performance via participation in sporting and cultural pursuits
B Character Development
The School strives to assist students: and the desire to excel, humility in success and dignity in failure
C Community
The School strives to assist students:
by encouraging the commitment to a disciplined school community through the development of: a sense of pride in the School, an appreciation of the history of the School, an appreciation of the integral contribution of our boarding community, social relationships based on courtesy, consideration and respect for all members of our community by developing a knowledge of, and sensitivity to, the environment by attempting to instil a commitment to assist others in the broader community through displays of service, empathy, tolerance, compassion and kindness
develop self respect, have a sense of personal worth and learn to know and to understand personal strengths and weaknesses to become responsible, flexible and constructive members of society to become aware of the needs of others to develop appropriate social relationships with people of all ages and gender by fostering the development of character through all the activities of school life, with emphasis upon: the acceptance of responsibility, unselfishness, tolerance, kindness, honesty, integrity and respect for truth, self discipline, perseverance to exhibit the above traditional values underpinning the Christian ethos whilst also being aware and respectful of cultural and religious diversity.
Safeguarding Children - Our Commitment
At The Rockhampton Grammar School we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people to be our highest priority. We strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, in particular, through our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.
Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
Our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy has been adopted, approved and endorsed by the School’s Board of Trustees It underpins a set of policies and procedures in relation to the protection of children and young people which guide:
the screening and recruitment of our staff and volunteers the behaviour of our staff and volunteers towards children and young people the induction and training of our staff and volunteers about safeguarding children and young people our open and effective communication with children and young people and their parents our responses to the abuse and neglect of children and young people if it occurs, and our maintenance of a safeguarding culture in the School.
All staff and volunteers must ensure that their approach and interactions with children and young people are sensitive, respectful and inclusive of all backgrounds and abilities. We promote equity and respect diversity by:
actively anticipating children and young people’s diverse circumstances and responding effectively to those with additional vulnerabilities by giving all children and young people access to information, support and complaints processes, and paying particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people, children and young people with a disability and children and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Our staff and volunteers are required to:
undergo an extensive screening process including a Working with Children Check and/or a National Criminal Records Check behave professionally and with care towards children and young people including not acting outside the boundaries of their duties or using their position with the School to solicit work with or initiate contact with children and young people of our School understand the important responsibility they have to protect children and young people from all forms of abuse, bullying and exploitation either by our staff and volunteers or that occurs outside the scope of our operations and services; and create and maintain a child and young person safe culture
We expect all within our school, regardless of their role or level of responsibility, to act to safeguard children and young people from such harm by:
adopting the practices and behaviour we have set as our standard when carrying out their roles, and reporting any abuse or neglect of which they become aware to our management and/or to external authorities responsible for child protection or to police, regardless of whether that abuse is being perpetrated by staff or volunteers within our school, or by those outside our school including those from the child or young person’s family, extended family, their family’s extended network or strangers
Code of Behaviour
The School’s rules exist to ensure that the comforts, rights and safety of all School members are protected. When students and their families join our School community, it is expected that they have read and agreed with these rules The School aims, in partnership with their home, to develop students who have good character and selfdiscipline. This requires fundamentally that students are expected to act with common sense, good manners, and decency, at all times.
School Rules
The School Rules apply to all students while attending school, representing the School in any place or occasion when a student is wearing School uniform or where the student can be recognised as a member of the School, or any situation that could be recognised as related to the School This includes bus travels to and from the School
Students will at all times respect and obey all school staff and student officers.
A student’s personal appearance will always conform with the School’s uniform and grooming standards
No student is permitted to have, use or be affected by tobacco, e cigarettes, vapes, alcohol or any prohibited substance
Unauthorised borrowing or theft of others’ property will not be tolerated
Wilful damage or destruction of any property is prohibited and could require the payment of compensation
All dangerous substances are strictly forbidden including matches, knives, fireworks etc
Students will not leave the School grounds during the day without complying with set procedures of their respective year. Boarders will not leave the grounds without complying with the set procedures as detailed in the Boarding Handbook.
Except in the case of illness, students must be in attendance on all School days unless leave has been granted by the School.
Students are expected to attend the following School events: Athletics Carnival, Cross Country, Swimming Carnival, Speech Day and excursions
All members of the School community have a responsibility to uphold the values of The Rockhampton Grammar School
Students will behave in a manner which enhances their reputation and the reputation of the School This responsibility extends to behaviour outside the School grounds, outside School functions and outside School hours
Parents can access all School policies via Parent Lounge Students should refer to the School Diary for further information on rules and consequences
Guidelines for Parents & Carers
The School is committed to creating an environment were all its community can enjoy participation in School activities, events or programmes without experiencing abusive, insulting, threatening or other anti social behaviour. This also applies to the online environment
The School calls on all parents, carers and other members of the School community to:
Observe the School’s guidelines for parents and carers
When necessary, politely and respectfully reminded others of their obligations under these guidelines
In the event of serious or ongoing breaches of these guidelines by another person, report the matter to a staff member of the School so that appropriate action can be taken
Parent feedback is valued by RGS for the continued improvement of our School. If you have a compliment, complaint or enquiry about an issue at school, the best approach is to speak directly to staff about the matter, rather than discussing it in a public or social media forum. It is important to remember that sometimes negative comments that parents make or post about their school community have a greater impact than expected
Secondary School at RGS
In the Secondary School we recognise that young adolescents need to experience a curriculum written specifically for them curriculum that will improve students’ attitudes to learning, motivate their active involvement in learning, improve perceptions of themselves as learners, and foster confidence in solving problems and making decisions.
Class Structure
In Year 7, students are placed in mixed ability form classes that stay in the Year 7 Centre for core subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Physical Education and a weekly life skills lesson).
Classes rotate through a variety of subjects which introduce the electives on offer in Year 8 At the beginning of Term 3, Year 7 students choose elective subjects to add to their core subjects Individual subject choices may be reviewed throughout Years 8 and 9 through discussion with the Head of Year
In Year 9, class arrangements are more flexible. Core classes are structured by Heads of Departments who take into account individual student’s needs and abilities
Year 10 is a transitional year into Years 11 and 12 All students undertake core subjects of English/Essential English; 10A Mathematics/10 Mathematics/Essential Mathematics; Science/Essential Science; History & Global Studies; and Health and Physical Education and select two electives Students who hope to do General SATE subjects in Year 11 and 12 would select either 10A or 10 Mathematics and those students considering Physics, Chemistry or Biology should select Science Students select their two electives from a wide range of subjects that introduce Year 10 to the various subjects available in Year 11.
Year 11 and 12 are the preparatory years for future study and career pathways Students select an English and Mathematics subject and four elective subjects For more information on subject offerings please contact the relevant Head of Year
Homework & Assessment
Home learning is designed to consolidate school learning and an opportunity for students to further develop study skills Students in each year level are expected to do homework and study on a nightly basis.
Students should be aiming to spend approximately: Year 7: 1 hour per weeknight
Years 8 9: 1 2 hours per weeknight
Years 10 12: 2 5 3 hours per weeknight (+2 3 hours per weekend)
Assessment schedules, which outline assessment tasks for each Semester, are issued to students early in Term 1 and Term 3 This information is available in Parent Lounge and Student Cafe
Co curricular
All students are encouraged to participate in co curricular activities to broaden their experiences and encourage friendships
Camps (Year Group)
Camps for Year 7, 8 and 9 students are an important and integral part of the School’s educational programme Attendance by all students is compulsory These camps are held at the School’s Outdoor Education Centre, Ritamada
Year 10 students undertake an "Adventure, Challenge and Service" venture during Terms 1 to 3, culminating in expeditions at the end of Term 3. Each of the expeditions is designed to challenge the student and get them to think and act outside their comfort zone
Parents and students select from a range of expeditions to suit the family budget
Year 11 students are invited to attend a Leadership Camp in Term 4. As all our students are seen as leaders of the School, this camp is very well attended with 98% of the cohort attending each year. The camp is held at the School’s Outdoor Education Centre, Ritamada
All camp costs are charged to parent school accounts
Reports & Progress
Interim Reports and End of Semester or Unit Reports are available to parents in Parent Lounge Parents may request a hard copy of these by contacting the Secondary School Office
Parents who wish to discuss their child’s progress in a particular subject should contact the teacher directly.
Parents can access teacher and Head of Year contact details in Parent Lounge
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent teacher interviews are held at the beginning of Term 2 and Term 3 Bookings with teachers are made through Parent Lounge
Appointments with teachers or Heads of Year, outside of designated parent teacher interview blocks, can be made by contacting them directly
Uniform and Grooming Standards
To ensure the School's high standards are maintained, the School has set uniform and grooming standards for all students.
The Red & Black shop is the School’s onsite uniform shop and is the exclusive supplier of RGS uniforms Uniform lists are available on the School web site and in Parent Lounge Staff at the shop are available to answer any uniform questions that parents or students may have.
Day Uniform
On arrival and departure from school all students must be dressed in full school uniform, including the day uniform hat
The RGS sports hat or cap may only be worn during morning tea and lunch breaks or when wearing the RGS sports uniform.
Shoes must be traditional style, plain black and lace up Jogger styles or shoes with coloured stitching are not permitted Shoes must be polished and maintained in good order
For girls dresses and skirts must come to the knee. White socks must be clearly visible above the shoes and cover the anklebone Students are permitted to wear plain black tights with their day or formal uniform
For boys plain grey or black socks must be worn when wearing trousers When wearing shorts, knee high school socks (red and black trim) must be worn to cover the calf Ties must be worn in Terms 2 and 3 and when otherwise advised.
Formal Uniform
From the commencement of Term 2 until the conclusion of Term 3, students must wear their formal uniform every Wednesday
The formal uniform is also worn for special school occasions as directed by the Headmaster
Only the school blazer and black RGS pullover/vest are permitted to be worn with the formal uniform.
The RGS red and black sports jacket is not to be worn with the formal uniform
Students are required to use a regulation RGS branded bag for their books and other school materials
Non RGS bags are not permitted
A plain black sports bag or RGS representative sports bag is only acceptable to carry sports clothes or other equipment.
Sports Uniform
Students may change into their sports uniform before classes commence at the start of the day or during breaks, provided they have a class which requires the uniform in the following session Students are expected to change back into day uniform for all other classes
Black RGS sports shorts are to be worn with the sports uniform RGS representative sports shorts or other black shorts are not acceptable
When wearing the sports uniform, students must wear lace up athletic shoes
White RGS sports socks, or plain (no logo) sports socks in white or black, are to be worn with sports shoes.
Swimwear must be predominately black, including sun shirt or rashie Thongs or other slip on shoes are to be worn from the dressing shed to pool deck
Hair & Grooming
Students are expected to keep their hair clean and well groomed. Hair is to be of natural colour. Exaggerated styles are not permitted
For girls long hair must be tied back neatly with blue, black or red ribbon, or fastened with plain hairpins
Short haircuts must be neat and above the collar
For boys hairstyles must be neat, cut above the collar, off the ears and above the eyes. No hair product is to be used Boys must be clean shaven
Fingernails may be coated with clear polish. Coloured polish or acrylic nails are not permitted
Make up is not to be worn. Eyelash extensions are not permitted
Girls may wear one pair of small (5mm) plain sleepers or studs (gold, silver or pearl) in the lower part of each ear
Students may wear a wristwatch, however smart watches with cellular connectivity are not permitted.
No other jewellery is permitted when wearing the RGS uniform
General Information
Absence of students
Parents are asked to notify the School of any student absence including full day absence, late arrivals or early departures. You can notify the School by emailing absentee@rgs qld edu au For the safety of your child, we will make contact with you via SMS if your child has not arrived and the School has not been notified of any absence
All reasonable care is taken to prevent accidents but when they occur students will be taken to the RGS Health Centre where an assessment will be carried out by the medical staff If the incident is of a serious nature, parents and/or outside medical authorities (ambulance) will be contacted and a formal report on the circumstances of the accident will be written and placed in school files
After school pick up
The School recommends collection of students from Archer Street, where staff are on duty
Assemblies are held each week in the Spaceframe These gatherings are used to remind students of upcoming events and to provide reminders of school matters such as uniform requirements and school rules A Formal Assembly is conducted every term to recognise student achievements and cocurricular results Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies.
Bicycles may be ridden to school and stored in the racks located near the Computer Resource Centre Bicycles are not to be ridden in the School grounds
Board of Trustees
The Board or Trustees has ultimate responsibility for the governance of the School. The day to day running of the School resides with the Headmaster The School website provides information on the Board of Trustees and the School’s leadership team
Book lists
Book lists are distributed at the end of each year and when available can be accessed on Parent Lounge A number of companies in Rockhampton will be able to fill these orders It is recommended that books are covered for protection and the student’s name placed on all items.
The School operates a daily bus service for families living in Yeppoon, Emu Park and North Rockhampton Families can sign up for this userpays service by submitting a Booking Form with the School. Public buses transporting students to and from School stop in Agnes and Archer Streets
Timetables can be obtained from the relevant bus companies The School uses its own buses for most local excursions. Parents do not incur costs for the use of these buses. Where a charter bus is required, costs may be charged to student accounts School policy requires that buses have high back seats and seatbelts
The full school calendar, which includes all school activities, key dates and events can be accessed via Parent Lounge
A to Z
Students in Years 7 12 may use the Canteen Students can pay via card or cash Parents can access the menu and place orders by 8:30am through the “Flexischools” app. The app can be downloaded from the Apple or Android app stores
Cocurricular activities
All students are encouraged to participate in cocurricular activities to broaden their experiences and encourage friendships The School offers a broad range of cocurricular sports and activities. A cocurricular expo is held in Term 1 to introduce students to the different programmes available Communication
It is important that communication channels between teachers, students, parents and the community are as open as possible Teachers are available for discussions with parents and students. The Headmaster also invites input from parents and the community. Parents are encouraged to keep up to date with school matters through Parent Lounge, Daily Notices, newsletters and email
Counselling service
Secondary students can access the services of the school psychologist, but appointments are approved in writing by the relevant Head of Year or Director of Boarding. Referrals are triaged and accommodated as efficiently as resources allow There may be a wait time for nonurgent appointments After three to four appointments a decision will be made by the psychologist about the need for longer term support. Where necessary a referral will be made, and students will be supported in their transition to a service outside the School
Daily Notices
Daily Notices are published in Parent Lounge and Student Cafe These notices provide information and updates on a range of matters for parents, students and staff. Parents and students are encouraged to review these each day
Daily routine
Classroom lessons for Years 710 begin at 8:30am and finish at 3:10pm
Classroom lessons for Years 1112 may commence at 7:50am and finish at 3:50pm, depending on subject selection.
Students are encouraged to be at school on time Morning tea and lunch breaks vary by day and by year level Students should refer to their timetable for information on their schedule.
Emergency drills
Drills are carried out on a regular basis to ensure staff and students are aware of procedures in times of emergency
The Secondary School offers a range of excursions designed to expose students to the many benefits of outdoor education, community learning and extension of learning through quality teacher designed programmes. The activities are an important and integral part of the curriculum that students are required to attend Parents will be notified of excursions and permission sought via communication from the Head of Year, Head of Department or teacher in charge.
General Information
Facilities & grounds
The School is proud of its learning environment The grounds and facilities are extremely well maintained by grounds staff Students are expected to demonstrate respect for all school facilities and grounds
Heads of Year
Each year level has a designated Head of Year Heads of Year play a critical role providing pastoral care of students in their allocated year level and overseeing academic requirements Appointments with Heads of Year can be made online in Parent Lounge or by calling the School to schedule a time Library
The Library is for use by students from Prep to Year 12 and is open from 7:45am 4:45pm Monday to Thursday and 7:45am 4:30pm Friday
Lost property
Lost property is kept in the School Marshal’s office. Items that are named are returned Students are urged to check lost property as quickly as possible if they have misplaced an item Parents can contact the School if items have not been located. It is important to label all clothing items to assist in locating and returning lost property
Parents are required to maintain and update their child’s medical information via Parent Lounge No medication including over the counter medication can be administered by teaching or other staff. Children will be referred to the RGS Health Centre if they present with illness or parents called to collect their child
The School adheres to all Queensland Health regulations for time out periods of illness. Information on time out periods is available on the Queensland Health website or by contacting the RGS Health Centre on (07) 4936 0638
Mobile devices
Students are not permitted to have phones or smart watches/devices with cellular connectivity during the school day This includes smart watches with cellular connectivity or that are wifi enabled.
The School recognises that mobile devices may offer students and parents an advantage in terms of ease of communication and a sense of personal safety, however, if used inappropriately this will have a negative impact on the learning environment and wellbeing of others The School’s Main Reception is available for all parents who need to have a message given to their child during school time.
If a mobile device is sent to school with your child, it will remain off and secure in your child’s locker The security of the device is the responsibility of your child.
The mobile device policy applies while students are on school transport and excursions
Devices are not permitted on school camps unless otherwise specified by the Head of Year
A to Z
Newsletters are published fortnightly on Monday afternoon and emailed to parents Newsletters can also be accessed on the school web site.
Parent Association
The School encourages all parents to become actively involved in the education of their child and contribute to the life of the School. The RGS Parent Association meet once a month and parents are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings Meeting times are posted in the School calendar
Parent Lounge
Parent Lounge is the portal for parents to access a broad range of school information including daily notices, the school calendar, your child’s timetable, academic information such as reports, polices, forms and keep up to date with events and activities Parents can also pay fees and manage their contact information, including providing student medical updates Parent Lounge can be accessed at: rgs qld edu au/parentlounge
Parking/driving in school grounds
Unauthorised vehicles are not permitted to drive onto the school grounds
Each year professional photographers take individual and sibling photographs. Parents will be notified via the newsletter of the date when photographs will be taken and how to place an order
Pick up & drop off traffic
Mornings and afternoons can be a hectic time for families and school drop off zones are often congested. To avoid disruption to other road users and minimise the risk of accidents, please obey all traffic rules when travelling through the drop off areas Remember to be patient and considerate of other road users during these busy traffic times around the School Policies
Policies are in place to support students and further the School’s commitment to an environment that is safe and free from harassment, discrimination and bullying Policies can be accessed via Parent Lounge and Student Cafe. Student policies and procedures are also published in the Student Diary
Red & Black Shop
The Red & Black Shop is located near Main Reception, off Archer Street The experienced staff are ready to assist in the outfitting of student uniforms. The Shop sells all uniform items (except shoes) both new and secondhand The Shop also sells some cocurricular uniforms, souvenirs, stationery and toiletries Hard to find stationery list items are also stocked
The shop is open 8 00am 10 00am and 12:00pm to 5:00pm during term time Extended trading hours are in place from November to January Check the School website for Red & Black Shop opening hours, to book an appointment and to access uniform lists
General Information – A to Z
Requests for leave
Requests for leave (up to two school days) should be made through the Head of Year Extended absences (three or more school days), except those due to illness or family emergencies, should be advised to the Head of Year Leave may only be authorised by the Head of Secondary School (Students)
All school facilities and grounds are considered to be safe but we must be vigilant to keep our students free from harm
Parents and teachers are urged to raise any safety issues without delay. Special attention needs to be paid when students are arriving or departing school due to traffic movements All volunteers and visitors to school are required to sign in at Main Reception
Speech Day
Speech Day is held during the final week of the School year This day provides an opportunity to recognise students’ achievements and to enjoy some light entertainment The format may vary each year and further information is provided to families in Term 4 It is an expectation that all students attend Speech Day.
Student diary
All students receive a copy of the RGS Student Diary at the beginning of the School year The diary contains a range of useful information including all Student Policies It is recommended that parents review the diary with their child at the start of the year and each term.
Student free days
Student free days are scheduled each term. These days enable staff to undertake professional development activities and planning Dates are determined well in advance and are published in the School calendar and newsletter.
Student records
Important student information such as address, telephone and medical information is kept on the School’s student management system Parents are asked to review and keep this information up to date via Parent Lounge
Term dates
Term dates are published in the School Calendar, accessible on Parent Lounge, and on the School website.
Yearbook (Capricornus)
The School Yearbook, Capricornus, is distributed to students on the last day of the School year.
Visitors are always welcome at our School. For everyone involved these visits are more beneficial if an appointment is made first All visitors must sign in at Main Reception before entering the School grounds and always follow the direction and instruction of staff.
Welfare of children
At times family disputes can have an effect on children at school Should there be any legal issues relating to your child, please inform the Deputy to the Headmaster as soon as possible and provide copies of all court documents
Co-curricular Programme
The Rockhampton Grammar School has a long and proud history of co curricular achievement in the region, State and at a National level. Our co curricular offering is a key part of our difference, complementing academic pursuits, strengthening our community, and maintaining School traditions The School’s extensive on and off site facilities provide ample opportunities for students to explore and excel in their chosen pursuit.
Programme Goals
Our co curricular programme aims to develop students’ skills and to fulfill their potential for intelligent performance, while providing the opportunity to participate and enjoy a vast array of activities. The programme caters for all levels of ability, to assist students develop a well balanced and healthy lifestyle
Through the co curriculum programme students can develop leadership skills with leadership opportunities offered in each sport and activity These roles contribute to academic success and significant personal development
Sports & Activities
A co curricular expo is held in Term 1 to introduce students to the different programmes available
Throughout the year, the School will notify students and parents when registrations open for each sport or activity. Offerings may vary each year depending on availability and demand Some co curricular activities have registration fees
RGS Sport & Activities Activities
Athletics Australian Rules Basketball Cricket Cross Country Equestrian Football Futsal Golf Netball
Rugby League (boys/girls) Rugby Union (boys/girls) Sport Aerobics Swimming Tennis Touch Volleyball Water Polo
Cadets Camp Drafting Cattle Show Team Chess Dance (DMTA) Duke of Edinburgh Hospitality
Maths Team Challenge Mooting Music Musical OptiMinds Photography Public Speaking Robotics
Co-curricular Programme
Co-curricular Programme
The School offers an extensive music programme which provides opportunities for all students to participate. The programme ranges from general music studies, which is offered as part of the School curriculum, through to co curricular music ensemble and private tuition opportunities
Instrumental & Vocal Tuition
Individual instrumental or vocal tuition is available through the School in a range of instruments including:
Piano Flute Clarinet Saxophone Trumpet Euphonium Trombone French Horn
Tuba Violin Viola Cello Guitar Drums Voice
Speech & Drama
Instrumental and vocal tuition consists of one forty minute lesson per week These lessons are usually held during class time
Fees for instrumental and vocal tuition are published on the School’s annual Fee Schedule and will be charged to the student’s account.
Further information is available in Parent Lounge or by contacting the Music Department
Music Council
The RGS Music Council is a volunteer parent group that supports the co curricular music programme by contributing to the funding and running of music events as well as the provision of additional ensemble resources.
Meetings occur the first Thursday of the month and new parents are always welcome
Please contact the Music Department for more information
Contact information
Telephone: (07) 4936 0626
Co curricular Music Ensembles
The Music Department offers a range of ensemble activities for students Students are encouraged to participate in this important aspect of school life, and it is expected that all students who receive instrumental tuition will participate in at least one of the music ensembles available.
Concert Bands
Jazz Bands Strings
Small Ensembles
Vocal Choir (Years 7 12)
Signing Choir (Years 7 12)
Symphonic Band (Years 7 12)
Stage Band (Years 7 9)
Big Band (Years 10 12)
Small Jazz Ensemble (by invitation)
String Ensemble (Years 7 12)
Percussion (Years 7 9) & (Years 10 12) Woodwind (Years 7 9)
Brass (Years 7 9) & (Years 10 12)
Saxophone Ensemble (by invitation)
Flute Choir (by invitation) Musical Orchestra (by invitation)
Dance & Musical Theatre (DMTA)
The Rockhampton Grammar School Dance and Musical Theatre Academy (DMTA) provides professional tuition from state of the art dance studios on the main school campus. Boys and girls aged from three years, can participate in a range of classes in the various facets of dance and drama under the guidance of fully qualified, experienced and talented staff
Classes & Programme
Boys and girls aged from three years, can participate in a range of classes in various facets of dance and drama under the guidance of fully qualified, experienced and talented staff.
The Academy offers many classes to accommodate students who are interested in dance and musical theatre as a recreational pursuit, to those students interested in extending their skills and excelling in the various areas of dance and drama
Students at the Academy perform at local eisteddfods and perform a Musical or Presentation Showcase each year. DMTA students have the opportunity to be involved in examinations, seminars and workshops throughout the year.
Classes include: Classical Ballet Tap Acro Dance Highland Irish Musical Theatre Jazz
Hip Hop Contemporary Strength and Conditioning Drama Personal Training
Contact information Telephone: (07) 4936 0865
dance@rgs qld edu au
Learning Enrichment Centre
The Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC) is a unit within the School which provides a range of academic tutorial and support services.
Some students are referred to the LEC, having already been diagnosed with a learning disability, and the Centre becomes part of their support team Others enrol in tutorials due to concerns expressed by their teachers or parents. The Centre is staffed by qualified teachers and supported by experienced teacher assistants.
Support & Tutorial Programmes
The Centre provides a specialised, supportive environment in which to identify a student’s individual needs and devise strategies to accommodate them
Our objective is to encourage students to become actively involved in embedding these strategies into their daily routines.
Learning Enrichment Tutors
Tutors respond to the individual needs of students Assistance can include planning assignments, consolidation of classroom work, teaching specific skills in areas of weakness and preparation for examinations.
Tutors offer support in the core subject areas of English, Mathematics and Science, although students are welcome to request assistance with any aspect of their work across the curricula
At the conclusion of each semester a report detailing the progress of each student is provided
Contact information
Telephone: (07) 4936 0662 Email: jlomonaco@rgs qld edu au
Further Information
Students and/or parentsare invited to contact the LEC Coordinator to discuss their individual needs.
A tuition programme can be tailored to a student’s needs dependent upon timetabling and tutor availability Once enrolled, it is the student’s responsibility to attend tutorials consistently
Tutors are available from 7 50am until 3 50pm each school day Students are able to utilise time before and after the regular school day Time can also be accessed from elective subjects or a History or Geography lesson; however, the student will be responsible for ensuring classroom work remains current. Senior students can access tutorials during their spare periods
Parents are required to sign a consent form before sessions commence
Fees for learning support are published on the School’s annual Fee Schedule Fees will be charged to the student’s account. Credits will not be provided for lessons missed. Written confirmation of a student’s intention to withdraw from the programme is required.
Health Centre
RGS is fortunate to have a state of the art Health Centre on campus, which provides a valuable service for all students at the School.
The Health Centre is staffed by qualified and caring full time Registered Nurses with backgrounds in emergency nursing and who are experienced in school nursing. The Centre also has an appointed doctor and physiotherapist who regularly visit the School
Student Medical Information
It is important that the School has current medical information for every student
Student medical information must be updated on Parent Lounge any time your child’s medical details change and must also be reviewed at the beginning of each year.
If there are any changes to any medical information throughout the year (eg: new allergy, updated Medicare number) please contact us as soon as possible, and ensure details are updated on Parent Lounge immediately
The RGS Health Centre is a registered Vaccine Service Provider and administers the School Immunisation Programme every year
Year 7 students and Year 10 students receive immunisations through this programme Consent forms for immunisation are issued to parents prior.
Immunisation clinics for boarders are held throughout the year In an effort to minimise the spread of disease in the dormitory, the Health Centre also offers all boarders a free influenza vaccine every year This is highly recommended
The Centre can also assist with arranging other vaccines that may be required, for example for overseas trips or Q Fever testing.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 7.15am 8.45pm
The Centre is located on the lower floor of the Birkbeck Building, off Archer Street.
Contact information
Telephone: (07) 4936 0638
Email: healthcentre@rgs qld edu au
Counselling Services
The aim of the counselling service is to provide a safe place for students to talk about their needs, goals, choices, or any issue that may be troubling or challenging them If the issues cannot be resolved readily within the School, advice about where to seek further help will be provided.
Issues covered by the Counselling Service include dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, family issues, personal issues, relationships, school related issues (such as bullying, time management, study challenges, boarding, homesickness), and future academic endeavours.
Access To School Psychologists
Any RGS student may access the services of the psychologist. Referrals are triaged and accommodated as efficiently as resources allow
After three to four appointments a decision will be made by the psychologist about the need for longer term support Where necessary a referral will be made, and students will be supported in their transition to a service outside the School
Due to demand, it is important to note that there may be a considerable wait for non urgent appointment.
While it is not uncommon for people to feel uncomfortable or anxious about seeing a psychologist, these sessions can provide an opportunity to consider and discuss different perspectives and options for challenging situations and circumstances
Students seeing a psychologist have a right to privacy.
This means that information is kept private unless,
There is a risk of harm to the student or someone else,
The student provides permission for the psychologist to talk to or share information with someone else, or
The psychologist is legally required to disclose information.
Students have the right to feel safe and comfortable with their psychologist. While it can be very difficult to talk with a stranger about some issues, it is important that students are completely honest with their psychologist
School Chaplin
The Rockhampton Grammar School is a non denominational school; however, it recognises Christian values.
The School Chaplain, visits the School weekly and is available to meet with students The Chaplain and psychologists work together to meet the needs of the School community
Students, staff members or parents may request counselling for a student. For further information regarding the service or to make an appointment, students or parentsshould speak to their respective Head of School, Head of Year or Boarding Head of Year
All Secondary School student appointments are to be approved by the Head of Secondary (Students) or Director of Boarding
The School’s counselling service is provided free of charge to students.
Crisis Support
The School Counselling Service is not a crisis support or intervention service In crisis or emergency situations appropriate community services should be contacted