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Corporate governance
The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance, which we’re able to demonstrate through compliance with the National Housing Federation’s 2015 Code of Governance. The National Housing Federation issued a new Code of Governance in November 2020 and the Board will be considering adoption of this code in 2021/22.
We conduct a thorough self-assessment each year, overseen by the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and the Board and can confirm we comply with all aspects of the code.
Compliance with regulatory standards
Regulatory performance - In-Depth Assessment
The Board confirms that we’ve met the economic and consumer standards as set out in the Regulator of Social Housing’s Regulatory framework for registered providers of social housing. The Board has carried out an assessment, made enquiries and gained appropriate assurance that we comply with all regulatory standards.
At our last in-depth assessment, we gained top ratings of G1 for governance and V1 for financial viability in February 2019, which were reconfirmed in our annual stability check by the Regulator in November 2019 and reconfirmed again in January 2021.