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Industry and Innovation

2021-22 programme details Industry and Innovation

Context for our work:


The Health and Life Science sector is a key part of the UK economy, creating high skill jobs. Developing innovations that can benefit patients requires deep understanding of the value proposition, NHS payment systems, regulatory frameworks, public sector procurement, product safety and information governance. The Office for Life Science commissions AHSNs to accelerate the pace at which innovations reach patients and clinicians by supporting innovators as they develop and evidence their solutions.


The I&I programme accelerates development of innovations and their evidence base, to improve patient outcomes, value for the NHS, and to grow the UK Health and Life Science economy. The programme ensures innovations are aligned to NHS needs, developed to appropriate standards, supported by suitable evidence and visible to the right systems. In addition, we have a partnership with Wessex Cancer Alliance to support earlier cancer diagnosis in line with the NHS LTP.

Key objectives:

Work collaboratively with innovators from commercial, academic or clinical backgrounds as well as stakeholders in our Universities and NHS bodies to accelerate the development, evidence, and deployment of innovations across Wessex. Specifically regarding cancer, to accelerate the identification and deployment of innovations which enable diagnosis at stage 1 & 2 rather than stages 3 & 4.

Key deliverables

Understanding the need and communicating demand, including Horizon Scanning for ‘ready’ innovations.

Supporting innovators to develop their products or evidence base, including development of value proposition, navigation of funding, regulatory, safety, IG and procurement, and linking with other support agencies as needed.

Real World Evidence to validate the need for or impact of an innovation.

Spread and adoption to fit local needs, including innovations which are not currently nationally prioritised.

Adoption of innovations leading to earlier diagnosis of cancer.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

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