Health&Wellness December 2016

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Vol. 14 • Issue 3 • December 2016


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WRITERS Angela S. Hoover Jean Jeffers Dr. Tom Miller



Diabetes and Stomach Pain




HEARING Common Mistakes When Choosing a Hearing Aid


Gut Bacteria Can Affect Your Mood


Diabetes Affects the Eyes


Working with a Diabetes Educator


What is Gestational Diabetes?


7 Good Fruits for People with Diabetes

Harleena Singh Tanya J. Tyler (editor)




Overview: Diabetes is on the Ris





December 2016


Dr. Brewer




FAMILY DOC Dilated Eye Exam Important for People with Diabetes

Joseph E. Gerhardstein, MD, FAAFP,



Lauren Ashley German

FITNESS Seniors and Resistance Training


Dr. Rick Graebe


What You Need to Know About Insulin Delivery


Seasonal Mood Swings


Psychological Factors May Accompany Diabetes


Be Alert for Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes


Antibiotics and You


The Science of Singing


14 Hints for a Festive Holiday



DEPARTMENTS Events Calendar

SENIOR LIVING A Social Senior is a Healthier Senior


FAMILY VISION Sensory Integration Important for Balance


NEWS MAKERS Clips from Current Health News

Dr. Johnston


Howard D. Markowitz, MD


ROCK POINT PUBLISHING Brian Lord / Publisher Kim Blackburn / Sales Representative Jennifer Lord / Customer Relations Specialist Barry Lord / Sales Representative Anastassia Zikkos / Sales Representative Janet Roy / Graphic Designer








RECOVERY What to Expect from an Inpatient Recovery Program


INJURY CARE Cerebral Concussion from Auto Collision



Tanya J. Tyler, Editor | Share your story:

Dear Friends, As another year comes to a close, I hope you can look back and remember times when you took your health and wellness in your own hands and made a difference for yourself. Did you finally run a 5K? Did you cut back on soft drinks and incorporate more vegetables into your diet? Did you see your primary care physician for a check-up? Did you have your mammogram or colonoscopy? These are all practices we continually emphasize in the pages of this magazine. We know the road to wellness is long, sometimes twisting and difficult, but it is true that when you have your health, the rest of your life falls into place. So

even if you didn’t get to do all those healthful things you planned (getting a bike is still on my list), you will have a chance to do them in the coming year. Don’t berate yourself if you didn’t keep up with your health resolves for 2016; stress is a definite health wrecker to be avoided at all costs. Be gentle with yourself and stay positive and focused. We’ll get back on board in 2017! Here’s to your health,


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OVERVIEW: Diabetes is on the Rise

Disease has reached epidemic proportions MONTHLY

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December 2016

By Harleena Singh, Staff Writer Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the

United States. It is partly due to a lack of exercise and sugary diets. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes kills more than 71,000 people a year. If the current state continues, one in three Americans will have diabetes by the year 2050. The condition over time can lead to limb amputations, blindness and kidney failure, among many other complications. Over 29 million American adults have diabetes. And a quarter of them don’t even know it. That’s up from 26 million in 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and represents more than 9 percent of the population. According to Ann Albright, director of the division of diabetes translation at the CDC, these new numbers are alarming and underscore the need for an increased focus on reducing the burden of diabetes in this country. The CDC makes its estimates based on a national sample of Americans who are asked whether they have been diagnosed with diabetes and give blood samples. They are not asked specifically what type of diabetes they have, but the vast majority have Type 2 diabetes, which is often caused by poor diet and lack of exercise.

Over 29 million American adults have diabetes. And a quarter of them don’t even know it.


According to the CDC, diabetes and its related complications rack up $245 billion in medical costs, lost work and wages, up from $174 billion in 2010.

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Harleena Singh is a professional freelance writer and blogger who has a keen interest in health and wellness. She can be approached through her blog ( and Web site, Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

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Similarly, more than 3 million people in the United Kingdom are being treated for diabetes, an increase of nearly 60 percent in the past 10 years. According to the charity Diabetes UK, the figures show the majority there also have Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Joan St John, a GP in Brent in northwest London, where diabetes levels are some of the highest in the country, said the condition had become incredibly widespread. She told the BBC News Web site, “It’s very noticeable in that not a week goes by that you don’t make a new diagnosis of diabetes, at least one if not two or three; previously that might have been one a month.”


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Type 1 diabetes, usually diagnosed in childhood, is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly attacks the pancreatic cells that make insulin. It affects about 5 percent of all people with diabetes.




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There are many natural remedies you can use to soothe tummy troubles. Try ginger tea.

Diabetes and Stomach Pain Time to discuss this serious problem By Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer One guarantee that comes with diabetes is change, including changes in what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat at a sitting, in addition to taking new medicine(s). And one thing the stomachs and digestive systems don’t like is immediate change. The way the stomach feels, sounds and responds to these changes and the discomfort and pain in the gut caused by diabetes are not often discussed. Changes in Eating Foods rich in fiber are often added to a diabetic diet. Fiber can help improve abnormal cholesterol levels and can also be filling without adding unwanted calories. Rapidly increasing fiber to your diet can cause gas and bloating. To counter this, gradually increase your fiber intake. Legumes –

beans and lentils – are good choices for adding more fiber. When using dry legumes and beans, soak them in water and rinse them twice. This will decrease gas and bloating. Blood Sugar Levels Blood glucose, whether extremely high (hyperglycemia) or extremely low (hypoglycemia), can contribute to gastrointestinal distress. Hyperglycemia can cause two very serious conditions: diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) for patients with Type 1 diabetes and hyperosmolar hypoglycemic state (HHS) for patients with Type 2 diabetes. DKA occurs when the body has too little insulin. This causes stored fats to be broken down as an alternative fuel source, which creates a build-up of toxic acids (ketones) in the bloodstream. HHS is essentially profound dehydration that causes confusion in thought, speech

and/or motor skills. Hypoglycemia can also cause thought confusion, but also adds an emotional component – feeling panicked, anxious, overwhelmed, paranoid, depressed, etc. HHS is more common in the elderly and those who have undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes. Both DKA and HHS symptoms can include abdominal pain or cramping, nausea and vomiting. Both conditions require emergency medical care. Nausea is a symptom of hypoglycemia. Skipping meals when taking certain blood glucose-lowering medications, such as sulfonylureas or insulin, or taking too much rapid-acting insulin can also lower blood glucose. If you struggle with hypoglycemia, ask your doctor about a glucagon injection kit if you are unable to keep down food or liquids. Injectables A newer class of injectable medications, GLP-1 agonists (Byetta and Victoza), can cause nausea and vomiting. This is often dose related, so you should start low and go slow with this type of injectable and take it 30 to 45 minutes before eating. GLP-1 agonists slow down the emptying of the stomach, which can cause a feeling of fullness.

Other Medications Several medications used to lower blood glucose levels in Type 2 diabetes can upset the stomach. As with the injectables, it’s best to start with a low dose and slowly increase it until it is at the level you need. Metformin, one of the most frequently prescribed medicines for Type 2 diabetes, can cause heartburn, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. In general, 5 percent to 10 percent of the population cannot tolerate metformin. Others report they must first have a full meal, not just a snack, prior to taking it so they do not experience abdominal and digestive difficulties. Extended-release metformin is usually more tolerable when you gradually increase the dosage over a one- to two-week period. What Can You Do? There are many natural remedies you can use to soothe tummy troubles. Top your food with raw parsley, which helps digestion. Incorporate ginger into your diet, either as flavor to dishes or as a tea. Drink peppermint tea. Add a tablespoon of pumpkin puree to dishes. But take note – most canned pumpkin is actually squash, so read the ingredients.

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016

Gut Bacteria Can Affect Your Mood RESEARCHERS TRY TO DISCOVER SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF MICROBES By Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer In 2007, scientists announced plans for a Human Microbiome Project to catalog the micro-organisms living in the body. The profound influence of these organisms has grown rapidly with each passing year. Bacteria in the gut produce vitamins and break down food. Their presence or absence has been linked to obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and the toxic side effect of prescription drugs. Biologists now believe much of what makes us human depends on microbial activity. The 2 million unique bacterial genes found in each human microbiome can make the 23,000 genes in the cells seem insignificant in comparison. “It has enormous implications for the sense of self,” said Tom Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health. “We are, at least from the standpoint of DNA, more microbial than human.

That’s a phenomenal insight and one we have to take seriously when we think about human development.” Considering the extent to which bacteria influence human physiology, scientists are interested in learning how bacteria may affect the brain. Microorganisms in the gut secrete a profound number of chemicals, some of which are the same substances used by neurons to communicate and regulate mood, such as dopamine, serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These, in turn, appear to play a function in intestinal disorders, coinciding with high levels of major depression and anxiety. Norwegian researchers examined the feces from 55 people in 2014 and found certain bacteria were more likely to be associated with depressive patients. Overall, researchers have linked anxiety, depression and several

pediatric disorders, such as autism and hyperactivity, to gastrointestinal abnormalities. Research conducted by scientists at the University College Cork in Ireland and McMaster University in Ontario, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science in 2011, has become one of the best-known experiments linking gut bacteria to the brain. Ten years before designing this study, neuroscientist John Cryan thought about microbiology in terms of pathology: The brain is anatomically isolated and guarded by a blood-brain barrier that allows nutrients in but keeps out pathogens and inflammation, the immune system’s typical response to germs. This led Cryan to believe there are certain fields that just don’t seem to interact well. “Microbiology and neuroscience, as whole disciplines, don’t tend to have had much interaction, largely because the brain is somewhat protected,” he said. His study added to the growing evidence that signals from beneficial bacteria nonetheless find a way through the barrier. The 2011 research could not pinpoint exactly how the barrier is traversed. It appears micro-organisms in the gut tickle a sensory nerve ending in the fingerlike protrusions lining the intestine and carry that electrical impulse up the vagus nerve and into the deep-brain structures thought to



be responsible for elemental emotions such as anxiety. Cryan and co-author Ten Dinan published a theory paper in the journal Biological Psychiatry, calling these potentially mind-altering microbes “psychobiotics.” It has long been known that much of the body’s supply of neurochemicals – an estimated 50 percent of its dopamine, for example, and a vast majority of its serotonin – originate in the

It seems safe to assert there is a proven link to gut bacteria and mental health. intestines, where these chemical signals regulate appetite, feelings of fullness and digestion. But only in recent years has mainstream psychiatric research given serious consideration to the role microbes might play in creating those chemicals. Although the exact mechanism that breaks the barriers are not yet known, it seems safe to assert there is a proven link to gut bacteria and mental health.

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By Harleena Singh, Staff Writer


Diabetes is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide. In the United States, it is the most common cause of blindness in people younger than 65 years of age. High blood pressure can lead to many eye problems such as cataracts, blurry vision, glaucoma and retinopathy. Regular visits to an eye doctor are required if you have diabetes. If you have blurry vision, don’t buy a new pair of glasses immediately. It could just be a temporary eye problem that develops with diabetes. It is caused by high blood sugar levels, which make the lens of the eye swell, thus changing the ability to see. To correct this problem, you need to get your blood sugar back to the target range. This may take a few weeks to a few months. Blurred vision could also be a symptom of more serious eye problem in people with diabetes. Here are the three main eye problems people with diabetes should be aware of: 1. Cataracts. Many people without diabetes develop cataracts, but people with diabetes are 60 percent more likely

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Diabetic eye damage is sometimes called a silent disease. to develop this condition. They also get cataracts at a younger age and the cataracts progress faster. With a cataract, the eye’s clear lens clouds and blocks light. You may need to wear sunglasses more often and use glare-control lenses in your glasses to help deal with mild cataracts. But when cataracts interfere with vision, doctors usually remove the lens and sometimes replace it with a new one. 2. Glaucoma. In people with diabetes, retinopathy can get worse after the removal of the lens, and glaucoma may develop. People who have diabetes are 40 percent more likely to develop glaucoma than those without diabetes. Glaucoma occurs when pressure builds up in the eye, causing drainage of the aqueous humor to slow down so that it builds up in the anterior chamber. The pressure pinches the vessels carrying blood to the retina and optic nerve. Vision is gradually lost because the nerve and retina are damaged. Glaucoma risk also increases with age. 3. Retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is the term used for all disorders of the retina caused by diabetes. There are two types of diabetic retinopathy. Background retinopathy is the most common form. It is caused by various problems with existing blood vessels within the eye. The problems involve bleeding and the

leakage of fats and fluids into the tissue of the eye. If these problems occur in the macula, they result in reduced vision. Normally, this form of glaucoma has no effect on vision and needs no treatment, but sometimes it can lead to a more serious form. Proliferative retinopathy starts out as background retinopathy. It is caused by the growth of very fine, delicate blood vessels that tend to bleed very easily. The bleeding itself can cause vision problems, and so can the scar tissue that may form at the point where the bleeding occurs. Nearly everyone with Type 1 diabetes will eventually have background retinopathy, and most people with Type 2 diabetes will also develop it. However, the retinopathy that can destroy vision (proliferative retinopathy) is far less common. Diabetic eye damage is sometimes called a silent disease because the damage can be occuring a long time before you notice any change in your sight. By then, the damage is often very bad. Don’t wait until you notice your vision changing before you have your eyes properly checked. It’s very important to get a comprehensive eye exam when you first find out you have diabetes. Be sure to have regular eye exams every two years after that. If you already have any diabetes eye damage, discuss treatment options with an eye-care specialist.

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Mind Body Studio 859.373.0033 | 517 Southland Drive, Lexington

Stress and Diabetes By John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP I will never forget my patient who developed Type 1, insulin-dependent diabetes after her spouse was violently murdered. While there is no research supporting a causal link between the two, it seemed to us both that the intense emotional trauma of this sudden, tragic, lifealtering loss was a contributing factor to the onset of her diabetes. Since stress is a natural consequence of life, it cannot be reduced to zero, but effective management of stress can help prevent the onset of diabetes and help manage diabetes once it develops. Although we hear a lot about stress and intuitively know what it is, it isn’t easy to define. The American Institute of Stress says, “While everyone can’t agree on a definition of stress, all of our experimental and clinical research confirms that the sense of having little or no control is always distressful – and that’s what stress is all about” ( Stress can involve your physical,

mental, emotional and behavioral reactions to perceived danger. Even perceptions of danger that you are not consciously aware of can have an adverse impact on your physical, mental and emotional health. You are hard-wired to feel threatened by things that seem uncontrollable in your work life, home life and environmental surroundings. This lack of control often involves interpersonal relationships with other people and their behaviors, attitudes and positions of power or control over certain aspects of your life. But stress can also be an internal, intra-personal reaction that may be primed by your genetic inheritance or life experiences in family, at school and in adult life. Due to our very old evolutionary hard-wiring, human beings respond to perceived threats by a set of responses, simplistically referred to as “fight, flight or freeze.” This hardwiring was critical to our ancestors’ survival long ago. It helped them escape hostile predators and warring tribes. But today we can have this same reaction to our bank

account balance, traffic, deadlines, co-workers, bosses, family members, computer hassles and our own internal experience of ourselves and the circumstances of our lives. The short-term effects of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline include increases in certain bodily functions required to fight or flee, including blood flow to muscles and increased blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate, as well as overall metabolic activity. If the stress is temporary, these changes usually return to normal without adverse health impacts. However, the long-term effects of elevated stress hormones include increased blood sugar (sometimes leading to or aggravating diabetes), high blood pressure, weight gain or loss, anxiety, depression, anger and irritability, muscle tension, headaches, digestive problems, over- or under-eating, sleeping too much or too little, impaired memory, teethgrinding and many more symptoms. Fortunately, there are several ways we can manage stress skillfully and effectively. Belonging to a supportive group of like-minded people who take health seriously and support one another is important. These groups may have special interests, such as physical activity, nutritional approaches to stress management or emotional wellbeing. Sleep loss is a modern epidemic made worse by constant electronic connectivity and overcommitments. The most common complaint I hear from people who

are having trouble sleeping is “I can’t turn my mind off.” Unlike our prehistoric ancestors who returned to baseline metabolic normality after the immediate threat was over, we can carry our internal and external stressors around in our head 24/7/365. You can learn to control this internal mental chatter. Several respected meditation programs can help you turn it down. There is increasingly good research supporting these programs’ effectiveness in stress management. Transcendental meditation is a mantra-based technique that employs a silently repeated sound to gently focus the mind. Benson’s “relaxation response” is a similar approach that employs several mental and physical techniques to train the mind to remain focused and calm. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a set of practices that utilize focused attention on the body, the breath, thoughts and emotions to train the mind to pay attention to the present moment. All three of these programs are highly regarded and highly recommended for relieving anxiety, depression, pain and the stress response that can aggravate diabetes. The incidence of diabetes grew in every U.S. state between 50 percent and 100 percent between 1995 and 2010. This is a major public health problem, partly aggravated by stress. Thankfully, we have effective, non-drug approaches for managing stress. You can learn more from these sources:

December 2016


• National Institute of Mental Health Fact Sheet on Stress • • Transcendental Meditation • • Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine (relaxation response) • • Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society •

About the Author Dr. John Patterson is past president of the Kentucky Academy of Family Physicians and is board certified in family medicine and integrative holistic medicine. He is on the family practice faculty at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and the University of Louisville School of Medicine, Saybrook University’s School of Mind Body Medicine (San Francisco) and the Center for Mind Body Medicine (Washington, D.C.). He operates the Mind Body Studio in Lexington, where he offers integrative medicine consultations. He can be reached through his Website at

The long-term effects of elevated stress hormones include increased blood sugar (sometimes leading to or aggravating diabetes).

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December 2016

Awareness of the problem of diabetes and receiving proper education is vital.

Working with a Diabetes Educator Learning how to deal with an elusive illness By Charles Sebastian, Staff Writer Diabetes is an elusive illness. Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes doesn’t matter: Both can kill. Proper education becomes imperative for success in dealing with this silent killer. If the body is unable to produce insulin, elevated glucose levels in the blood can mean drastic life changes – and sometimes even a shortened life. Kathleen Stanley, a certified diabetes educator and registered dietician with Baptist Health Lexington’s Diabetes Education Program, has been teaching the public about diabetes for the past 25 years at several locations in Lexington and Louisville. “The No. 1 issue is that people don’t know the programs exist,” she

said. “They may have a diabetes diagnosis, but they don’t know to seek out a program run by someone who knows what they’re talking about.” Stanley, who is part of a program with 15 educators, knows awareness of the problem of diabetes and receiving proper education is vital. “It’s not something you can put on a shelf,” she said. “You have to be informed about the consequences of decisions made. There are some things you can’t change: lifestyle factors, rates of obesity, lack of physical activity. But we’ve done a better job of detecting diabetes these days.” Still the problem remains: Many people don’t even know these diabetes education programs exist.

“We hope people are good advocates for themselves,” Stanley said. “If they’re struggling, they [can] just ask their provider, ‘Is there some place I can go for diabetes education?’ It’s individualized to the person, not just rubber-stamped or off the Web.” Stanley says many things have changed over the years regarding diabetes. “When I started over 25 years ago, I was seeing a lot of senior citizens,” she said. “Now, we see people in their 30s. Type II [patients are] younger than [they were] before, though it can occur at any age.” Stanley has advice for people who are in danger of developing diabetes. “The average person, if they cut 500 calories a day, they can see major changes,” she said. “For most people, it’s been a long time since they’ve exercised, so movement is good. It can be just doing household chores or chair exercises – things to accommodate those who may have physical restrictions. We recommend what the American Diabetes Association says: working up to 115 minutes a week of quality exercise.” People with diabetes also have to be careful of their diet.

“For people with diabetes, the focus is on the carb family,” Stanley said. “For some people, we may suggest caloric restrictions. This depends on the person, with the ultimate goal being to get the right balance.” Stanley recommends using the USDA meal plan, which is available online, as a good way to develop a diet strategy. Portion control is another key for achieving success. “There are many methods for reducing food intake and developing portion control,” Stanley said. “Use smaller plates and counting while you’re chewing. Most people don’t realize satiety comes from chewing foods.” The diabetes education program at Baptist Hospital is one of the finest in the country. To find out more, visit the CB Diabetes Education Facebook page at pg/Central-Baptist-HospitalDiabetes-Education-NutritionEducation-282039071835645/ about/?ref=page_internal or call (859) 260-5122.

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016

What is Gestational Diabetes? Mothers and babies can be at risk By Harleena Singh, Staff Writer Women who have never had diabetes but who have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy are diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Hormones from the placenta help the baby develop, but these hormones also block the action of the mother’s insulin. This is called insulin resistance. It makes it hard for the mother’s body to use insulin. She may need nearly three times as much insulin than before. Gestational diabetes starts when the body is not able to make and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed into energy. According to a 2014 analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of gestational diabetes is as high as 9.2

percent. Blood sugar usually returns to normal soon after delivery, but if you have had gestational diabetes, you’re at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes later. Gestational diabetes may increase your chances of having high blood pressure and too much protein in the urine, a condition called preeclampsia. You may require a Caesarean (C-section) to deliver your baby because it may be large. Gestational diabetes usually develops during the last half of pregnancy, sometimes as early as the 20th week. It does not cause the kinds of birth defects sometimes seen in babies whose mothers had diabetes before pregnancy. However, untreated gestational diabetes can harm your baby. The baby may grow larger than usual, leading to difficulty during delivery,

or there is the possibility of giving birth prematurely. You could have polyhydramnios or too much amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the baby) in the womb, which can cause premature labor or problems at delivery. Any woman can develop gestational diabetes, but you are at increased risk if you had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy, your body mass index (BMI) is about 30, you previously had a baby who weighed 9 pounds or more at birth and one of your parents or siblings has diabetes.

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Pregnant women can help control gestational diabetes by eating a balanced, healthy diet based on whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables and other foods that release sugar slowly; exercising; and, if necessary, taking medication. About 15 percent of women with gestational diabetes need to take anti-hyperglycemic medication to balance their blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar can prevent a difficult birth and keep you and your baby healthy.

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Common Mistakes When Choosing a Hearing Aid By Dr. Brewer, Audiology Associates With all of the advertisements and promises from hearing care providers and hearing aid manufacturers, many individuals experience much confusion when it comes to deciding what hearing aid is best for them. In my years as a practicing Audiologist I have seen patients love their hearing aids, some hate them and some feel like they wasted their money. What I want most is for my patient to never experience discontent when choosing the appropriate hearing aid so here are some common mistakes to avoid when making that selection: 1. Basing a decision on looks rather than what you need the hearing aid to do If we are being honest, no one wants a hearing aid. The reason many finally seek a hearing aid for help is to improve their communication issues and relationships. Food for thought: if you or someone you know has hearing loss, suggest they make of list of the most important issues they want resolved. Not only will it help direct the investment in a way that is meaningful for the lifestyle, it will also help set up realistic expectations for those involved which in turn creates greater benefit! 2. Letting the investment take precedent over the benefit It’s what’s on the inside that counts! We have heard that time and time again and the same is true with hearing aids. What the hearing aid looks like on the outside does not fully dictate how much benefit

will be provided. Digital hearing aids have many programs internally to provide the most benefit in many situations and many will automatically adjust according whether you need more or less volume, speaking with men or women or are in quiet vs noise. The important thing to remember is that two hearing aids that look exactly the same on the outside can work extremely different internally. Another note to consider is the professional fees and expertise included in the investment. Ever heard the saying, “you get what you pay for”? The better the technology and the more knowledge the hearing care professional, the more the investment will be. That also means the better the end results will be. While not everyone needs premium technology; everyone can benefit from having a knowledgeable and experienced professional helping them in the decision making and fitting process. 3. Believing that immediately after the hearing aids are put on, all problems and issues will be resolved For most types of hearing loss, there was a gradual decline in hearing capabilities. It is common knowledge that hearing loss declines for approximately seven years before an individual will begin to seek help. During that time, the gradual decline begins to affect how the brain recognizes sounds and understanding. Just as it took time for the hearing loss to become apparent enough to seek help, it will take time for the brain to adjust to that stimulation again.

Think of hearing aids like the first time you were learning to drive a car. Just because the car was there, didn’t mean you knew how to work it. Driving might have started off in the neighborhood only, then moving to more populated streets and even the highway once you were comfortable. It’s a process and it takes time. But after hours and weeks of practice, it eventually became second nature and you passed your driving test. The same is true with hearing aids. Your brain needs weeks to acclimate to the increased volume it hasn’t been used to hearing. The key to success - consistently wear the hearing aids! 4. Only having an appointment for the fitting and not having any follow-up care Obtaining hearing aids is a process. The fitting appointment, where you take the hearing aids, home is very important. However, in my opinion, the appointments that follow are more important. The settings the hearing aids are originally prescribed at are not likely to be where they will stay; they are merely a starting point. Followup appointments should include verification to ensure the units are performing as they promise. It also allows changes to be made as the brain acclimates and adjusts to the new information. The process of adjustment can take anywhere from two weeks to two months on average; which means the appointments taking place during that time are crucial for the hearing aid users overall success. I say all of that to say the biggest mistake people make is buying a hearing aid instead of buying better hearing. Here’s another analogy: when someone goes car shop-

ping, they go with a specific need for the vehicle they want, whether it’s hauling kids to and from soccer practice, using it as a work vehicle or wanting something to take road trips in. People know what they want the vehicle for and then they narrow down which vehicle will actually do the job at hand. So why is it so different with hearing aids? Before you start looking at the size or brand of hearing aids, figure out what you want them to help with. Do you struggle communicating with the family, hearing at church, speaking to a physician? Can you hear okay on the telephone or when watching the television? What about restaurants? Are you still a part of the conversation, or do you find that you are sitting back and laughing when others laugh? Once you know why you want to pursue hearing aids, let the guidance of a well-trained professional help you narrow down your options. About the Author Dr. Brewer completed her Doctor of Audiology degree at the University of Louisville’s School of Medicine and her undergraduate degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology at Miami University in Oxford, OH. She is licensed by the state of Kentucky as an audiologist and hearing instrument specialist. She is also a member of the American Academy of Audiology, Academy of Doctors of Audiology, Kentucky Academy of Audiology and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Dr. Brewer specializes in diagnostic audiologic evaluation as well as hearing aid services, including selection, fitting, and follow-up care. Her passion is to provide her patients with the most appropriate form of treatment for their hearing health care.

COGNITIVE DECLINE Those with untreated hearing loss experience A 30%–40% GREATER DECLINE in thinking abilities compared to those without hearing loss.

TINNITUS PEOPLE WITH TINNITUS 90% OF ALSO HAVE HEARING LOSS. Tinnitus affects 1 in 5 people. Tinnitus can be caused by hearing loss, an ear injury, or a circulatory system disorder.


Hypertension can be an accelerating factor of hearing loss in older adults.









If you have vision and hearing loss, your ability to target sound location is compromised. The amplification from hearing aids helps compensate for the vision loss.



Studies show that a healthy cardiovascular system — a person’s heart, arteries, and veins — has a positive effect on hearing. Inadequate blood flow and trauma to the blood vessels of the inner ear can contribute to hearing loss.








Adults whose blood glucose is higher than normal but not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis have a 30% higher rate of hearing loss compared to those with normal blood sugar.



OSTEOPOROSIS A study linked osteoporosis and hearing loss, theorizing that demineralization of the three middle-ear bones may contribute to a conductive hearing impairment. 259 Soutland Dr • Lexington 859.277.0491

THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 MEDICATIONS ON THE MARKET TODAY THAT ARE KNOWN TO CAUSE HEARING LOSS (TOXIC TO THE EARS). The list of known ototoxic drugs includes: • Aspirin • Some anticancer drugs • Quinine • Some anesthetics • Water pills • Environmental chemicals • Certain antibiotics like carbon monoxide, hexane, and mercury

Sources: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) | National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDC) | National Council on Aging (NCOA) | Sergei Kochkin, Ph.D. The Impact of Treated Hearing Loss on Quality of Life - Better Hearing Institute, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from: Frank Lin, M.D. (2014 January 22) Hearing Loss Linked to Accelerated Brain Tissue Loss. Johns Hopkins Medicine News Release. | Ha-Sheng Li-Korotky, Au.D., Ph.D., M.D. (2012) Age-Related Hearing Loss: Quality of Care for Quality of Life. The Gerontologist, Volume 52, Issue 2: 265-271 | Karen J. Cruickshanks, Ph.D.; Ronald Klein, M.D.; Barbara E. K. Klein, M.D.; Terry L. Wiley, Ph.D.; David M. Nondahl, M.S.; Ted S. Tweed, M.S. (1998) Cigarette Smoking and Hearing Loss: The Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study. JAMA. 998;279(21):1715-1719. doi:10.1001/jama.279.21.1715 | Hull RH, Kerschen SR. (2010) The influence of cardiovascular health on peripheral and central auditory function in adults: a research review. Am J Audiol. 2010 Jun;19(1):9-16. doi: 10.1044/1059-0889(2010/08-0040). | De Moraes Marchiori LL, de Almeida Rego Filho E, Matsuo T (2006) | Hypertension As a Factor Associated with Hearing Loss. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. Jul-Aug;72(4):533-40. Babich M., Hoffmeister D. & Doughty, A. (2009). Osteoporosis and Conductive Hearing Loss: A Novel Model of Clinical Correlation. Retrieved from: PHILICA.COM Article number 148. | American Tinnitus Association, | © 2016 Audigy Group LLC. All rights reserved. 81705-820 2/15 POST3101-01-EE-AY




PEOPLE WITH MILD HEARING LOSS (25 dB) ARE more likely to have a history of falling. Every additional 10 decibels of hearing loss increases the chances of falling by 1.4.

December 2016




For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016 –COLUMN PROVIDED BY–



1175 Alysheba Way, Lexington KY 859.278.5007 |

Dilated Eye Exam Important for People with Diabetes By Joseph E. Gerhardstein, MD, FAAFP, Family Practice Associates of Lexington, P.S.C. People who have diabetes must be extra vigilant about their eyes. Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults between the ages of 20 and 74, and 45 percent of patients with diabetes develop diabetic eye disease, which can lead to severe vision loss or even blindness, according to www. One diabetic complication that affects the eyes is diabetic retinopathy, in which blood vessels become blocked and prevent areas of the retina from receiving blood and nutrients. This can lead to diabetic macular edema, which occurs when the damaged blood vessels leak fluid into the macula. To keep tabs on possible diabetic eye disease, patients with diabetes are encouraged to get a dilated eye exam every year. This type of exam can often detect problems a regular vision test cannot. Your eye doctor will put drops in your eyes to dilate and enlarge the pupils, which are the openings at the center of the iris. Enlarging your pupils allows the doctor to see more of the inside of your eyes to check for signs of disease. With a special magnifying lens, the doctor can examine the retina and optic nerve for signs of damage. Sometimes it is necessary for you to see a retinal specialist, who will

perform additional tests. Using fundus photography, the specialist will take color photographs of the retina. With fluorescein angiography, the specialist injects a dye into your arm and takes photos as the dye passes through your eye. This test helps the specialist detect any closed, damaged or leaking blood vessels. A third special test is an imaging test called optical coherence tomography. It produces a cross section of the retina and is useful for revealing any swelling in the eye tissue. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders ( says your eye doctor will conduct other tests to measure the pressure in your eyes; your side or peripheral vision; and how well you see at various distances. You may also need to keep seeing a general ophthalmologist or optometrist if you have other medical conditions that affect your eyes, such as glaucoma, or if you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. After your eyes have been dilated, your vision may be blurry for several hours and your eyes may be extra sensitive to light. This is a small inconvenience compared to the alternative of going blind. Even if your vision seems fine, regular eye exams can help you protect your vision, and a dilated eye exam could be the deciding factor in preserving your sight.

Early detection with a dilated eye exam, timely treatment and followup care could reduce your risk of diabetes-related blindness by 95 percent. Another way to keep your eyes healthy is to keep your blood glucose numbers as close to your targets as you can. Also, be sure to regulate your blood pressure. High blood pressure can damage the tiny blood vessels on the retina. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and take your medications as directed.

About the Author Dr. Gerhardstein is a native of Fort Thomas, Ky. He is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University and the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. He joined Family Practice Associates of Lexington in 2003. His specialty is family practice. Dr. Gerhardstein shares Nietzsche’s philosophy: “That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.”


December 2016 –COLUMN PROVIDED BY–



859.559.0222 | 4101 Tates Creek Centre Drive, Suite 164 AND 230 West Main Street (7th Floor)

Seniors and Resistance Training: A MUST FOR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY

By Rachel McCord, Proof Fitness Personal Training Director What population does weight lifting and resistance training benefit most? While these activities are important for youth athletes, business professionals, stay at home moms, and middle aged men alike, they are imperative for seniors! Many of the "age related" issues that the senior demographic seems chronically plagued by including but not limited to arthritis, bone breakage, balance issues, heart disease, diabetes, poor circulation and obesity, can be prevented and even alleviated by introducing a resistance training program. Lifting Weights Functionally At the suggestion of "weight lifting for seniors", many people bring to mind the image of a grandma with her hair in rollers in the lock out position of a split jerk. Although power-lifting is not something totally out of the realm of possibility for a select group of the 60+ age demographic, if health and wellness are the main concerns, functional fitness training is the best place to start. Functional training is classified by the Mayo Clinic as a way to "train your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks by simulating common movements you might do at home, at work or in sports. While using various muscles in the upper and lower body at the same time, functional fitness exercises also emphasize core stability."1 This is key for seniors who want to maintain

their independence later in life and be not only self sufficient but to live efficiently. Functional exercises include squats, step ups, rotational exercises and more. The goal of all of these exercises is to strategically prepare the client for real world movements in a safe, controlled environment by rehearsing movements under various amounts of resistance that mimic the clients' lifestyle. Lean Muscle Mass: The Fountain of Youth Anyone who knows me personally or professionally knows how much I believe in the power of building lean mass. According to Dr. Mercola, without the help of resistance training seniors can expect to have lost 15% of their overall lean mass by the time they reach 80 years old.2 Fifteen percent may not sound like a lot of atrophy but for a 200 pound man with a body fat percentage of 15%, that means the loss of a little over 25 pounds of muscle! With that amount of atrophy an individual would lose strength, stability, and see a decrease in metabolism which leads to weight gain. This vast muscle loss called sarcopenia opens up door after door to age related issues and can be avoided by reasonable amounts of strength training. Although starting strength

training early in life is the best way to ensure maintenance of muscle mass, it is never too late to reverse the process of atrophy. Functional Resistance Training: Are You A Candidate? 1. Are you out of breath after scaling a flight of stairs? 2. Are you able to lift a 25 pound object off the floor without pain? 3. Do you have difficulty getting in and out of your vehicle? 4. Do you lose your balance more than once in a while? 5. Can you carry your groceries in from the car with ease? If you answer "yes" to 4 or more of the questions above you may be in need of functional resistance training! I recommend consulting with a qualified fitness professional that has experience with both seniors and functional fitness.

SOURCES AND RESOURCES 1. 2. fitness/archive/2015/01/23/weighttraining-older-adults.aspx

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016



7 Good Fruits for People with Diabetes


According to guidelines put in place by nutritionists and medical institutions, everyone needs to eat at least four to five servings of fruit daily. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) says fruits are loaded with fiber, minerals and vitamins and should be part of a diabetes-friendly diet. If you have diabetes, you need to keep an eye on portion sizes and avoid fruits canned in syrups or any other type of added sugar. The following fruits are recommended for people with diabetes: 1. Berries According to the ADA, blueberries, strawberries and other types of berries are packed with antioxidants, fiber and vitamins; they are low-glycemic index (low-GI) fruits. You can

try eating berries in a parfait, alternating layers of fruit with plain non-fat yogurt, which makes a great breakfast or dessert. 2. Pears They are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin K. They make a wise addition to your diabetes meal plan. Store pears till they are ripe and ready to be eaten. Slice a pear and toss it into your next spinach salad. 3. Apricots This summer fruit is a wonderful part of a diabetes meal plan and a good source of fiber. Four fresh apricots equal one serving and provide more than 50 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement. Try mixing

diced fresh apricots into hot or cold cereal or add some to a salad. 4. Peaches This fruit contains vitamins A and C, fiber and potassium. They are delicious on their own or used in iced tea for a fruity twist. For a quick snack, whip up a smoothie by pureeing sliced peaches with low-fat buttermilk, crushed ice and a pinch of ginger or cinnamon. 5. Cherries These, too, are low-GI, especially tart cherries, which are packed with antioxidants that may help fight cancer, heart disease and other diseases. Cherries are good at fighting inflammation. They can be purchased fresh, dried, frozen or canned. However,

be sure to check the labels because many canned and dried fruits contain added sugar. 6. Oranges If you eat just one orange a day, you will get all the vitamin C you need. This low-GI fruit also contains folate and potassium, which may help normalize blood pressure. Another great citrus fruit choice is grapefruit. 7. Guavas These are considered a superfood. They are high in vitamins A and C and contain high amounts of dietary fiber, which is good for constipation. Other fruits to try include jackfruit, papaya, watermelon, kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple and apples.



December 2016 | Read this issue and more at |

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What You Need to Know About Insulin Delivery Numerous options available from pens to inhalers

By Dr. Tom Miller, Staff Writer Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body’s ability to use the energy we get from the food we eat. Glucose fuels the cells in the body. These cells need insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas,

in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy. Insulin allows the body to use the glucose from the carbohydrates in food for energy. The pancreas plays an essential role in maintaining energy levels by regulating this vital part of the digestive system. It is also a critical controller of blood sugar levels. When the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, a pharmaceutical

insulin product is needed. This failure results in high levels of blood glucose, which may damage the blood vessels in the eyes, heart, nervous system and kidneys and can eventually lead to complications such as neuropathy, blindness, stroke and kidney disease. To prevent these complications, consider finding a suitable insulin delivery system. Educational commercials

appear regularly on radio and television, offering people who have diabetes a number of insulin delivery systems. The options include insulin pens, syringes, pumps, jet injectors and inhalers. Patients with diabetes and their physicians should consider a number of factors, including body metabolism and what the patient’s health insurance will cover, when choosing a delivery system.

December 2016



boost of insulin, called a bolus. The pump is an option primarily for people with Type 1 diabetes who haven’t reached their target blood sugar level using other delivery methods. The insulin pump is a safe, valuable treatment option for those who have poorly controlled blood sugar despite multiple daily insulin injections. There are a number of advantages to the insulin pump. It provides good control and prevents glucose-level spikes. They are efficient and easy to use so a patient can use less insulin than they would with a syringe or pen. Multiple injections are not necessary because the pump delivers insulin automatically. Insulin pumps are expensive and may require justification for insurance coverage. Jet injectors use high pressure to push a fine spray of insulin through the pores of the skin. One downside is it may deliver insulin unevenly. Because they send insulin into the body through the pores, jet injectors may not always deliver an accurate dose. Another down side is it may be more painful than injections. It also puts a considerable amount of pressure on the nerves close to the surface of the skin. Jets allow patients to inject insulin without using any kind of needle. Most jets require the patient to load the insulin, sterilize the device and change reusable parts. Inhaled insulin delivery is a rapidacting inhaled insulin approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use before meals. The inhaler reduces sugar in the blood in about 15 to 20 minutes and clears the body in two to three hours. Users place a dose of powdered insulin into a small, whistle-sized inhaler. Inhaled insulin can be used for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Patients with Type 1 diabetes must use it in combination with long-acting insulin. When it comes to making a decision about insulin delivery, get help from your diabetes management team, which often includes your family physician, a diabetes educator, a registered dietician, an endocrinologist and other allied health professionals. Sources and Resources WebMD (2016). Diabetes Care and Treatment: When Your Diabetes Treatment Isn’t Working For You. Available at: controlling-diabete s-15/insulin-deliverysystems?page=3

Some insurance may only pay for one type of insulin delivery system. Among the most used and most popular delivery systems are insulin syringes. They inject insulin directly into the body with a very fine needle. The wide variety of needles and syringes are more likely than other delivery system to be covered by health insurance. Syringes require training and

certain competencies in their use, such as being aware of unit measurements, avoiding getting air in the syringe and then drawing the correct dose of insulin into the syringe. Insulin pens work much like a syringe, but they are easy to carry, come pre-filled and do not require the same kind of care as insulin syringes. The pen and needles are disposable. Reusable

models have a cartridge filled with insulin. Some types of insulin aren’t available in pen form and insulin pens often cost more than syringes. An insulin pump is good for patients who need reliable delivery of insulin day and night. The pump delivers a steady stream of insulin to the body 24 hours a day. Whenever you eat, the pump measures and injects the needed

About the Author Thomas W. Miller, Ph.D., ABPP, is a professor emeritus and senior research scientist, Center for Health, Intervention and Prevention, University of Connecticut; retired service chief from the VA Medical Center; and tenured professor in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky.


events 26

December 2016 | Read this issue and more at |


Ongoing Al-Anon

Free support group for anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. Local meetings and information at or call 859.277.1877.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8 week Thursday series beginning with orientation October 13th. The "gold standard" mindfulness course. Learn to promote resilience, prevent burnout, cultivate compassion and manage stress-related chronic conditions. Instructor: John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, Mind Body Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859373-0033. Full details at UK employees see Wellness Program benefits here- wellness/bewell/mindfulness-basedstress-reduction


Free Yoga Classes for Vets, Servicemembers and their Family Members Every Monday from 9:30am–10:30am at Ageless Yoga Studio, 611 Winchester Rd., Suite 200. 859-303-6225. Preregister online at agelessyogastudio. com. Click “class” tab to sign up now! Email for more info.

Mondays & Wednesdays MELT Method Hand, Foot and Body Healing Class by Shayne Wigglesworth

Mondays and Wednesdays at 12pm - Discover pain-free living at any age! Enjoy a gentle foam roller class to reduce pain, inflammation, stress, anxiety and more! MELT Method certified instructor Shayne Wigglesworth will teach you healing techniques you can use for self care at home. All materials and rollers are provided. Perfect for all ages, body types and experience levels. Learn more at or call 859-721-1841


Community Flow This weekly restorative class integrates gentle yoga, breathing techniques, meditation and wellness tips for all

ages and levels of physical condition. 10:30am–11:30am. Donation only (great portion of all donations go to the Backpack Food Program at Ashland Elementary.) Inspiring, Educating & Supporting our World through the Moving, Visual & Healing Arts! Daily classes, therapies, workshops & a great spot to host your next event! 309 N Ashland Ave Ste.180, Lexington, KY 40502. 859-721-1841.


Swing Lessons Every Tuesday, starting September 30: 8pm–10pm at Tates Creek Recreation Center, 1400 Gainesway Dr. $5.00 per person per lesson. Call for more information: Glenn and Rosalee Kelley 859233-9947; OR Peter and Robin Young 859-224-3388.


Community Yoga Class with Lauren Higdon Every Tuesday 10:30am–11:30am at Centered Studio, 309 n Ashland ave suite 180 in Lexington. This weekly restorative class integrates gentle yoga, breathing techniques, meditation and wellness tips for all ages and levels of physical condition. Classes may include chair yoga, restorative, yin yoga, tai chi, and more. Perfect for beginners as well as experienced yogis! Donations-based class.

1st Tuesdays

Lupus Support Group: Living & Coping with Lupus The Lupus Foundation of America support groups are intended to provide a warm and caring environment where people with lupus, their family members, caregivers and loved ones can share experiences, methods of coping and insights into living with chronic illness. Imani Baptist Church, 1555 Georgetown Road, Lexington from 7:00pm–8:00pm first Tuesday of every month. 877-865-8787.

2nd Tuesdays

PFLAG Support for LGBTs and Families We are a support group of family members and allies united with LGBTQ* individuals. Our meetings provide a safe, confidential space where you can feel

respected and accepted wherever you are in your journey or family struggle. Monthly speakers help us to broaden our understanding of these issues in our families and in society. Lexington meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 2025 Bellefonte Drive. Frankfort chapter meets the 3rd Monday of the month, 5:30 at the Unitarian Community, 316 Wilkinson Blvd. More information and resources at For questions, call 859-338-4393 or *lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning.


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Call or visit website for reservations.

(606) 668-2599

Mindfulness and Relaxation for Health 6:30-8:00pm (come as early as 6:00 to slow down and relax). No prior experience of yoga or meditation required. Mobilize your inner resources for promoting health, self care and managing the stress of caregiving, burnout and chronic disease, cultivate your innate happiness, peacefulness and compassion, study and practice in a supportive group. Gentle yoga, mindful movement, deep relaxation, sitting meditation and discussion. Cost $5–$10. Instructor- John Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP. Mind Body Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859373-0033. Full details at http://www.


Argentine Tango “Dance of the Heart” Passionate and Romantic, mindful and Meditative, a uniquely transformative social skill, art form and movement therapy, no partner or dance experience required, Friday evening 7:30-9:00 PM. You may drop-in to any class- this is not a series. Cost $10. Instructors: Dr. John Patterson and Nataliya Timoshevskaya. Mind Body Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859373-0033. Full details at http://www.

Nov 8 – Dec 31 23rd Annual Southern Lights

The 23rd Annual Southern Lights includes a self-guided four mile journey through a dreamland of fabulous light displays including never-beforeseen displays and traditional favorites. Following the driving tour, families are encouraged to park and visit the holiday craft merchants, the KHP Gift Shop, seasonal entertainment and activities for children, petting zoo, pony and camel rides and so much more! From: 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM at the Kentucky Horse Park Admission: Monday–Thursday $15 per car, Friday–Sunday $25 per car.

December 1

The Ghosts of Christmas Eve

The Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) will perform one of the group’s most beloved stories in its own renowned audio visual manner at Rupp Arena at 7:30pm. Admission is $41–$71. Visit Rupp Arena’s website for details and to purchase tickets.

December 1

Annual Lighting of the Trace

Come out to the gardens of Buffalo Trace for their annual Lighting of the Trace. While you are there you can visit the George T. Stagg Gallery featuring historic photos and bourbon artifacts and listen to the Kentucky State University Choir. And, of course, the Gift Shop! Arrive at 5:30pm for a candlelight tour of the distillery. Santa will arrive at 6:30pm. Santa will stop by the Visitor Center on December 9, 10, 16, and 17 from 6pm – 8 p.m. in case you don’t get a chance to tell him what you want on December 1!

December 2-4

Annual Lighting of the Trace

At Waveland State Historic Site, you can see what the holiday season was like on a Bluegrass plantation. This year, relive Christmas of the past with scenes from the Dicken’s classic, “A Christmas Carol”. Follow from room to room as the drama plays out right in front of you. Santa will be in the barn each performance an hour before the first scheduled performance, for story time and photos. Additional performances December 9 11. Reservations required. $10 adults, $5 children. 859.272.3611 for details.

December 4

Breastfeeding 101

4-6 p.m. Baptist Health-Lexington Education Center, 1720 Nicholasville Rd. (Building E, lower level), FREE, only for those delivering at Baptist HealthLexington, registration not required. Call

EVENTS Continued on page 29

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016



ONGOING EVENTS Bluegrass Ovarian Cancer Support Exists to assist Central Kentucky women and their loved ones during diagnosis, treatment and survival of ovarian and other gynecological cancers. Come meet with us the third Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm at Joseph Beth Booksellers, Bronte Bistro Cafe meeting room.

Perinatal Loss Grief Group First Tuesday of the month, 7pm, Center for Grief and Education. A group for parents who have experienced loss due to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. Contact Debbie Mueller at (859) 260-6904 for more information.

Compassionate Friends Support Group A support group for parents, siblings, or grandparents who have lost a child regardless of the child’s age or length of time that has passed since that day. The meeting is the 1st Tuesday of every month 6:30pm–8:30pm at Hospice of the Bluegrass, 2312 Alexandria Drive, Lexington. Also meets the 1st Tuesday of every month 7pm-9pm at Hospice East, 417 Shoppers Drive, Winchester. Doors open one-half hour before meeting times to provide the opportunity to visit with old friends and acknowledge new ones.

Spouse Loss Support Group Tuesdays 6-7:30pm. Hospice of the Bluegrass. A five-week support group for individuals who have experienced the loss of a spouse or significant other. Contact Lexington office at (859) 277-2700 for more information or to register.

Coping After Loss First Wednesday of the month, 5:30-7pm, Center for Grief and Education. A brief educational program offering an introduction to grief information and hospice bereavement services. Contact the Lexington office at (859) 277-2700 for more information or to register.

Free Transportation to Cancer Screening Fayette County residents can receive free transportation through HealthLink Transit, a partnership between Kentucky Pink Connection & the Lexington--Fayette Urban County Government. Transportation provided by taxi or gas cards to cancer screening. Call (859) 309-1700 to arrange a ride.

2nd Chance Ambassadors Lexington: a support/volunteer group comprised of organ transplantation recipients, donor family members, those on the waiting list and community members interested in transplantation meets the 3rd Sunday of each month at Word of Hope Lutheran Church, located at the corner of Man O’War and Armstrong Mill Road.  Meetings begin at 4:30. For questions, please contact Charlotte Wong, Education Coordinator, Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates Lexington office at (859) 278-3492 or toll free (800) 525-3456.

Center For Women’s Health Center Classes Held at Frankfort Regional Medical Call Mediline at 502-226-1655 or toll-free 800-242-5662 to register or for more information. Classes include: • Prepared Childbirth • Baby Care For The Early Weeks • Breast Feeding Basics • “That’s My Baby” • Sibling Classes

Cancer Classes The American Cancer Society offers women undergoing cancer treatments the opportunity to attend the Look Good...Feel Better workshop. This free workshop helps women deal with the appearance-related side-effects of cancer treatment in a private setting. Each participant receives a complimentary custom cosmetic kit. The American Cancer Society offers Prostate Cancer Educational and Support Classes called Man to Man for men with prostate cancer. This is an educational and networking program that provides information about prostate cancer and treatments options. For more information about these classes, please call Kristy Young at 859260-8285. For cancer information 24 hours a day, please call 1-800-ACS-2345 or go to

Survivors of Suicide First & third Tuesday of the month, 6-7:30pm, Center for Grief and Education. For adults affected by the loss of someone by suicide. Contact the Lexington office at (859) 2772700 for more information or to register.

Bosom Buddies A support group designed to meet the ongoing needs of women with breast cancer. The purpose of Bosom Buddies is to create a safe and comfortable environment in which women diagnosed with breast cancer can receive information and emotional support during and after treatment. Meets are the third Thursday of every month 6:00pm at the Frankfort Regional Hospital: Frankfort Medical Pavilion, Conference Room C. 279 King’s Daughters Drive, Frankfort, KY.

BRCC Volunteer Opportunities The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center provides a 24-hour crisis line, hospital and court advocacy, crisis intervention counseling, longterm therapy, and information and community referral to victims of sexual assault as well as family members and friends. Volunteers at BRCC have the unique opportunity to provide valuable direct services to those impacted by sexual assault. Volunteer opportunities: Crisis Line Volunteer, Medical/Legal Advocate. For more information, please call: (859) 253-2615.

Stop Smoking Class Series 5:30-6:30, weekly until April 17. Tates Creek Library, 3628 Walden Dr. Based on the Cooper-Clayton method. $10/week for 10 weeks covers the cost of nicotine replacement. Call 288-2457.

GrassRoots Yoga Classes Chair yoga: 10:30–11:30am Tuesday and Thursday. Hatha Vinyasa Flow: 5:30–6:30pm Thursday. Yoga Basics for Stress Relief: 5:30–6:30pm Friday. Partial proceeds from all yoga classes benefit the Latitude Artist Community for adults considered to have disabilities. All instructors certified through Yoga Alliance. For more information, visit

ANAD Overcoming Eating Disorders Support Group Free support group for people who want to improve their relationship with food and body image. Safe, comfortable place. Facilitated by Megan Roop, RYT, supervised by Tina Thompson, MS, RD, LD, Bluegrass Nutrition Counseling, sponsored by ANAD. Introduction meeting on October 3 from 7:15-8:30pm at Bliss Wellness Center, 2416 Sir Barton Way, Ste 125. 8 week session Oct 17-Dec 5 from 7:15-8:30pm. Contact Megan Roop 561-779-0290 for details.

Diabetes CHATS Nathaniel Mission Health Clinic CHAT: 1109 Versailles Road, Suite 400 from 4pm to 5:15pm the 4th Tuesday of each month. The Refuge Clinic: New Location, 2349 Richmond Road-Suite 220, Lexington, KY, 40502. 859225-4325. Free. Sponsored by the LexingtonFayette Co. Health Dept and UK Healthcare.

on Yoga principles and practical skills also offered. Free parking provided for most classes. For information, please call 859-254-9529 or visit

Mind Body Studio The Mind Body Studio is a service of John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP, certified in family medicine, integrative medicine, mind body medicine and integral yoga, Dr. Patterson specializes in stress-related chronic disease and burnout prevention for caregivers and helping professionals. Mind body skills and lifestyle behaviors may help prevent and provide safe, effective and affordable relief of chronic conditions that are often poorly controlled by conventional medicine alone. Our integrative medicine consultations, group classes, workshops and coaching can help you meet your unique health and wellness needs through experiential education to help you mobilize your natural healing ability by integrating mind, body, spirit and our relationship to each other and the earth. Visit our website to schedule an appointment with Dr. Patterson or see a schedule of classes in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, Pilates and dance. “Mindful, empowered self care is the heart of healing” 517 Southland Drive, Lexington 859-373-0033

Monthly Reiki Classes

9-10am. Every Saturday morning in the month of February at Body Structure Medical Fitness Facility, 2600 Gribbin Drive, Lexington. This class will increase your heart rate and respiration while using large muscle groups repetitively and rhythmically to create a great workout. (859) 268-8190.

Turn your hands into healing hands! Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy Learn to improve your mind, body, and spirit! Classes taught by Robert N.Fueston, Reiki Master/Teacher and Acupuncturist, 17 years of experience and Member of The Reiki Alliance. Approved for Continuing Education hours (CE hours) for Massage Therapist. CE’s for nurses pending. Register online at www. 859-595-2164.

Taoist Tai Chi Society

Ongoing Journey Circle

We offer classes in Louisville and Lexington. All classes are led by nationally accredited volunteer instructors in a friendly and helpful environment. The meditative movements of taijiquan can reduce tension, increase flexibility and strength, and improve circulation and balance. To contact us, phone 502.614.6424 or e-mail

This circle meets the 4th Sunday of every month and is for those who are experienced in the practice of journeying OR are interested in learning more about this ancient spiritual practice. Join us every month as we will be journeying on different topics that will be discussed at time of circle. Please feel free to bring drums, rattles etc. Questions or need directions or have questions? Please feel free to email/call me: 859-492-2109,

Free Cardio Classes

Consumer Support Groups (Individuals with a Mental Illness) Every Sunday, 869 Sparta Court, Lexington. 2:30-4:00pm. 859-309-2856 for more info. NAMI Lexington is a local affiliate of NAMI, the “National Alliance on Mental Illness” we provide numerous support groups and recovery programs for families and Individuals living with mental illness.

Yoga • Meditation • Stress Reduction The Yoga Health & Therapy Center offers daytime and evening Yoga classes with slow stretch, breathing awareness and relaxation training. Small classes provide personalized instruction. New yoga students receive a series discount. Meditation classes and ongoing group practice sessions available for all levels. Stress-Reduction classes based

Overeaters Anonymous Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is not a diet club. We do not count calories or have scales at meetings. OA is based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no dues or fees. OA is self-supporting through member contributions. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop eating compulsively. Please go to oalexingtonky. org for meeting dates and times. OR are interested in learning more about this ancie



highgrove at TATES CREEK

4251 Saron Drive, Lexington, KY 859.245.0100 |

A Social Senior is a Healthier Senior HOW COMMUNITY LIVING CONTRIBUTES TO OVERALL WELLNESS by Lauren Ashley German, Highgrove at Tates Creek Selecting a senior living community for yourself or the senior in your life can be a stressful and overwhelming process beginning with the initial decision to move. Perhaps you want peace of mind that Mom is getting the nutrition and medication reminders she needs. Maybe lack of transportation is keeping Dad isolated and he is becoming withdrawn. Or, it could be that you just aren’t up to the yard work and maintenance that owning a home typically requires. Regardless of the primary reason for moving, it’s important for families and individuals to understand all the benefits that come from being in a community of like-minded individuals with programs, activities and environments specifically designed for older adults. The National Wellness Institute identifies six dimensions of wellness that everyone needs to achieve a happier, healthier self: 1. Emotional In order to thrive emotionally, individuals need a support network and engaging activities that seniors often lack when they are isolated from friends and family. Senior living communities provide an opportunity for residents to interact on a daily basis, allowing personal relationships to form which creates a support system

outside of the family unit. And don’t underestimate the value of peer-topeer bonding. Building interpersonal connections with others who share your challenges can help reduce symptoms of depression. 2. Physical Regular physical activity can lead to significant health benefits in seniors, such as reduced risk of falling, stroke and heart disease. Wellness programs found in senior living communities may offer activities like yoga to help with balance, tai chi to improve coordination or gardening to provide strength training. Studies show that exercise does not have to be intensive in order to be beneficial, but indicate that moderate, daily activity is key to receiving maximum results. 3. Spiritual Community life and worship is an important wellness component to many lives. Lack of transportation or mobility can keep seniors from attending their place of worship. Senior communities often have a chapel onsite with a chaplain to provide spiritual enrichment or may provide transportation to the resident’s own church, temple or synagogue. 4. Intellectual Studies suggest that engaging in brain boosting activities do more

than just keep your mind sharp. Keeping your brain active every day by exploring new hobbies, playing games or working puzzles may help you live longer and possibly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Senior living communities offer a wide-variety of on-campus and off-campus activities to help keep cognitive skills intact by creating an environment centered on lifelong learning. 5. Social Socialization can improve both quality and length of life and staying socially connected grows increasingly difficult with age. Isolation due to living alone, having a small social network or lack of participation in social activities can have a direct impact on one’s health, increasing the likelihood of chronic health problems. Community dining like those found in senior living communities not only create opportunities for socialization, but also give seniors access to well-balanced meals. A poor diet can lead to a weakened immune system, but communities provide the convenience of on-site dining with chef-prepared meals so it’s easier to eat well. 6. Occupational The opportunity to stay engaged in the community while utilizing your unique set of skills is a crucial step to achieving overall wellness.

Many senior living communities offer volunteer opportunities for their residents based on their interests and abilities. Seniors can get involved with local charities, host support groups or mentor children. Volunteerism is beneficial for seniors in a number of ways – not only does it have mental and physical benefits, but it also helps improve the perception of seniors in society. The advantages of belonging to a senior living community are too important to ignore. Seniors who choose to live in communities designed with their interests and abilities in mind will be healthier, happier and will live longer. Combine that with the maintenance-free living, care and safety that senior residences offer and the decision to move into a community just became much easier. About the Author Lauren Ashley German is the Community Relations Director at Highgrove at Tates Creek, a premier senior living community opening fall of 2016. Formally with the Alzheimer’s Association, Lauren Ashley has had the privilege of working with families across Kentucky dealing with all levels of dementia as well as the senior living communities that serve them. Lauren Ashley can be reached at 859-245-0100 or

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016


EVENTS continued from page 26 (859)260-6357 or (859)260-4354 for questions regarding classes.

care. Visit http://www.babymoonlex. com/ to register.

December 6

December 12

Eat, Move, Lose Weight Support Group

12 – 1 pm, Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Department PH Clinic South, 2433 Regency Road. Free weightloss support group appropriate for anyone wishing to lose weight or maintain weight loss. Share struggles and ideas with others. Held first and third Tuesdays most months. For more information or to pre-register, call 288-2446.

December 10

Craft and Vendor Show Public are welcome to tour the facilities and enjoy the craft/vendor show from 11am-3pm. Show includes Tastefully Simple, Coach Purses, bags, Mary Kay, Short Stuff Gifts, jewelry and hand-crafted items. The Lafayette Senior Living Center: 690 Mason Headley, Lexington, KY.

December 11

Grandparents 101

3:00pm – 5:30pm, Baby Moon, 2891 Richmond Rd., $25. Get updates on new tools and techniques for infant

Diabetes Support Group

9-10 am, Senior Citizens Center, 195 Life Lane (behind Southland Christian Church on Richmond Road). Free. Sponsored by the Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept. For more information, call (859) 288-2446.

December 17

7th Annual Christmas Event Public are welcome to tour the facilities and enjoy the craft/vendor show from 10am-4pm. Show includes Tastefully Simple, Coach Purses, bags, Mary Kay, Short Stuff Gifts, jewelry and hand-crafted items. Rabbit Run Clubhouse Senior Living Center: 1920 Fort Harrods Drive, Lexington KY.

December 20

others. Held first and third Tuesdays most months. For more information or to preregister, call 288-2446.

December 19

LLL of Greater Lexington Monthly Meeting LLL of Greater Lexington Monthly Meeting: 9:30 a.m. at Centered Holistic Health and Wellness Center, 309 North Ashland Avenue, Suite 180, Lexington. FREE, open to everyone. For more information, call a Leader at 859-5598488.

Send us your event listings If you are hosting a health-related event that is free to the public, list it here for FREE! (Events that are not free to the public can be posted in our calendar for $35). E-mail your event date, location, description and contact information:

December 20

Labor Workshop for Couples 7 – 9:30 pm, Baby Moon, 2891 Richmond Rd., $55. Visit http:// to register.

Eat, Move, Lose Weight Support Group 12 – 1 pm, Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Department PH Clinic South, 2433 Regency Road. Free weight-loss support group appropriate for anyone wishing to lose weight or maintain weight loss. Share struggles and ideas with

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Family Eyecare Associates 105 Crossfield Drive, Versailles, KY 40383 859.879.3665 |

Sensory Integration Important for Balance

THREE SYSTEMS WORK TOGETHER TO KEEP YOUR WORLD IN SYNC by Dr. Rick Graebe, Family Eyecare Associates and Vision Therapy

What happened the last time you went on the Mad Tea Party ride at DisneyWorld? Did you enjoy yourself initially, but as the ride went on, did you start to feel sick and disoriented? When you closed your eyes, however, you probably felt much better. And you were immensely glad when the ride ended and you could get your bearings again. Vision plays a significant role in balance. There are basically three components to balance: 1. Vision, which includes much more than clear eyesight; 2. Vestibular system, which includes fluid filled canals of the inner ear; and 3. Somatosensory system, which includes both proprioception, or movement of the body, and tactile, or sense of touch. These sensory components work together through a process called sensory integration. Sensory integration is the way your vestibular and somatosensory systems communicate with and relate to your vision. The vestibular system is like a gyroscope that helps orient us spatially. Fluid in sacs in the inner ear moves around when you tip your head and it tells you where your head is in relationship to your physical environment.

The somatosensory cortex is an area of the brain that processes input from various systems in the body that are sensitive to touch. It lets you feel your feet touching the floor or your back resting against a chair. The different sensory systems are constantly talking to each other as you move through space, sending information to the brain about where you are and how fast you are moving; and comparing their individual findings. The reason you get dizzy on the teacup ride – or have motion sickness – is the three systems are telling your brain different things. The fluid in the vestibular system whirls in one direction at a high velocity, so when you stand up, that system tells you you’re spinning. But your eyes say you are standing still. The systems don’t match up. Then the brain decides there is a neurotoxic substance in your system that must be expelled, thus causing nausea. With motion sickness, your eyes tell you you’re sitting still, not moving. But the vestibular system is getting jostled around and telling the brain you are moving. When all three systems are working in sync, motion sickness and balance problems are reduced and often alleviated. That’s why in some instances, closing Closing your eyes can help you reestablish stability. Over time, however, the relationship between the vestibular system and vision changes. Vision stays rela-

tively stable but the vestibular system actually changes with age. The signal from the system hyperstimulates and it takes a while for the fluid in the inner ear to settle down. This is why you probably don’t enjoy roller coasters or spinning rides as much as you did when you were a youngster. Children love high-velocity spinning, but it’s too much for us as we get older. Some Dr. Graebe’s office provides neuro-visual therapy programs that help with motion sickness problems. Their office also works closely with other specialists when needed. Often it This is helpful when your balance issues call calls for the additional skills of an occupational therapist, who will work with the vestibular system; or a physical therapist, who will do more

with midline awareness of the body; and a vision therapist, who might prescribe provides neuro-visual therapy or prisms to help you. The three specialists, working together, can determine which of the systems is most at fault and plan appropriate treatment. For further information, or to schedule and appointment, you can reach Dr. Graebe’s office in Versailles at (859)879-3665. About the Author Dr. Graebe received both his B.S degree in Visual Science and Doctorate of Optometry from Indiana University. He is a Behavioral Optometrist and learning expert. He has been in private practice here in the Bluegrass area for the past 32 years.

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016

MAKERS CDC: STD Rates in America at All-Time High Infections from three sexually transmitted diseases have hit yet another record high. More than 1.5 million cases of Chlamydia were reported in the United States last year, up 6 percent from the year before. Nearly 400,000 gonorrhea cases were reported, up 13 percent. There were about 24,000 cases of the most contagious forms of syphilis, up 19 percent. The three infections are currently treatable with antibiotics.

Snake Venom = Pain Relief? Blue coral snakes freeze their prey with a venom unlike that of any other snake – and it has the potential to help people. Researchers from the University of Queensland found the venom sends an enormous shock to the entire nervous system of the snake’s prey, causing victims to freeze in a state of total paralysis. In their study “The Snake with the Scorpion’s Sting,” published in the journal Toxins, the researchers detail the chemistry behind the way the venom causes the prey’s nerves to keep firing rather than shutting down and how this has implications for improving pain management in humans.

Exploring Detection Bias in Prostate Cancer The Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) has found widespread detection bias in prostate cancer diagnosis. SWOG is the clinical trials network funded by the National Cancer Institute. SWOG examined data from the two largest prostate cancer prevention trials ever conducted in the United States. “We assumed prostate cancers are diagnosed uniformly, but that’s not true,” said Catherine Tangen with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and lead author of the study published in the Nov. 7 editorial in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Tangen’s team examined data from the placebo arms of two major SWOG prevention trials: the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT), which required an end-of-study biopsy for all men, regardless of the results of their annual prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level test, and the Selenium and Vitamin E Chemoprevention Trial (SELECT). The SWOG team found younger, healthier, better-educated men, those with a family history of prostate cancer and those who were married were more likely to undergo a prostate biopsy even after accounting for their PSA level. The investigators then evaluated the associations of risk factors with prostate cancer in SELECT (reflecting treatment of the general population) and in the PCPT (the gold standard). They found some major discrepancies. SELECT men who took statin drugs had a significantly reduced risk of prostate cancer, but in the PCPT group there was no association. The researchers concluded biases in who underwent prostate biopsy probably accounted for these very different results. “We found a lot of variation in who got a biopsy,” Tangen said. “One wrong assumption can have a huge domino effect. As a public health researcher, this concerns me. Bias can warp our understanding of the prostate cancer disease process and misdirect our efforts to test new risk factors and prevention strategies in future research.”





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The further you live from the equator, the greater the likelihood of being affected adversely as the seasons change.

Seasonal Mood Swings Radical changes affect the body this time of year By Charles Sebastian, Staff Writer The old Kentucky adage, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes,” is as true today as ever. The weather changes constantly in this region, no matter the season. To say our bodies are affected by the weather is an understatement for some people. Many people are more prone than others to environmental shifts. So many things affect moods, but one certain variable is the change of seasons. It is easier for most people to have “up” moods on days when there is more sunshine, no snow and a general feeling of warmth and coziness. When the temperature lowers to 40°F and below, snow falls, leaves change color and drop and there is less daylight, the body goes through some radical changes. Most people are familiar with

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a phrase that was first coined by Normal E. Rosenthal at the National Institute of Mental Health in 1984. Symptoms of SAD can include feelings of depression, low energy, problems sleeping, appetite shifts, problems concentrating, tiredness, irritability, weight gain, hypersensitivity to some issues and suicidal thoughts. These are different from the normal feelings most people have as the winter months approach. The body is preparing to hibernate, trying to pack on a few pounds as our ancestors did to survive the long, brutal winters without heat and indoor plumbing. SAD is a legitimate depression, and some people are more susceptible to it than others. Along with the shift in weather patterns come the holidays, which always

seem to make people a bit more crazy. Happy jingle bells are everywhere; there is overindulgence in food and drink and increased traffic; every store wants you to buy more; and high expectations that you must play a part in all these rituals can be overwhelming. Add to this the feeling of another year closing and time passing. These abrupt seasonal changes tend to throw us off our game. The further you live from the equator, the greater the likelihood of being affected adversely as the seasons change. Melatonin, the “sleep hormone,” tends to be released more when we are in the dark. When there is less light, more melatonin is secreted, which can increase drowsiness and create more feelings of listless depression. Many things can help SAD and other similar conditions that occur as a result of seasonal changes. Spending more time outside in the fresh air and sunshine can go a long way. SAD can also be helped through artificial light therapy or “SAD lights,” which help shine light on the retina and stimulate the brain and body. Moderate your

food intake. Keep a set schedule for sleep and activity. Antidepressants can be of use to those who feel these other tactics aren’t fully doing the trick. There is a difference SAD and vitamin D deficiency, which also occurs in winter months when there is less light. Many people think going to tanning salons is an effective method of replacing vitamin D, but according to Dr. Thomas Kuhn of Holland Hospital Behavioral Health Services, this is a fallacy because there are different types of ultraviolet light. “The light that one experiences in tanning beds is UVA, which doesn’t penetrate the skin in the same way as UVB, which gives us vitamin D absorption from sunlight,” Kuhn said. “You may get a little in the tanning beds, but not as much as you may think or is claimed.” In addition, keeping up with exercise, monitoring protein intake, drinking plenty of water and having quiet time for meditation and relaxation remains extremely important when battling moods swings in general, whatever the season.



highgrove at TATES CREEK

Enjoy peaceful living in a carefree environment. 4























Stop in and learn how community living at Highgrove at Tates Creek contributes to overall wellness while empowering residents to be independent & social.

Call Lauren Ashley 859-245-0100

for your personal appointment to learn more about the amenities that create a carefree lifestyle at Highgrove.


4251 Saron Drive Q Lexington, KY 40515 Q



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By Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer Labels Confuse People with Food Allergies Food allergies affect approximately 8 percent of children and up to 2 percent of adults. Almost 40 percent of children with a food allergy have experienced at least one lifethreatening reaction. A recent study found consumers with food allergies often misunderstand food labels that say “may contain” or “manufactured on shared equipment.” While these consumers should avoid such products, up to 40 percent of them bought items with precautionary allergen labels. The study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, surveyed 6,584 consumers in the United States and Canada on their purchasing habits of food products with various labels about possible allergen exposure due to food processing. Most participants were caregivers of a food-allergic child, while the rest had a food allergy themselves. “Our findings underscore the challenges people with food allergies face in deciding if a food product is safe to eat,” said senior author Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH, pediatrician and researcher at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and associate professor of pediatrics and medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “Currently, precautionary allergen labeling is voluntary and the statements used lack consistency, making it more confusing for consumers. They also do not reflect how much allergen is in the product, which is something consumers need to know to assess food allergy risk.” Consumers had many misconceptions about labeling. One third falsely believed precautionary allergen statements are based on the amounts of allergen in the product. Almost half believed this type of food labeling is required by law (it is not). The laws in the United States and Canada require labeling if a major food allergen is an intended ingredient. In the United States, these include wheat, egg, milk, peanut, fish and crustaceans, soy and tree nuts. Canadian regulations also add sesame, mollusks and mustard. Neither country requires labeling about the unintended presence of allergens in foods as a result of processing on shared equipment, although many food manufacturers include a variety of precautionary

statements. Fewer respondents (11 percent) bought food with “may contain” labeling, while many more (40 percent) bought a product with “manufactured in a facility that also processes” statement. “There is clearly a need for regulation and standardization of precautionary allergen labeling to help consumers make safe food choices,” said Gupta. The study was led by Food Allergy Research and Education. Protein in Wheat Linked to Inflammation in Chronic Health Conditions Scientists have discovered a protein in wheat that triggers inflammation in people with chronic health conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. This protein also contributes to the development of non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Previous studies have focused on gluten and its impact on digestive health, but this new research, presented at United European Gastroenterology Week 2016, turns the spotlight on a different family of proteins found in wheat called amylase-trypsin inhibitors

(ATIs). The study shows consuming ATIs can lead to the development of inflammation in tissues beyond the gut, including the lymph nodes, kidneys, spleen and brain. Evidence suggests ATIs can worsen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, lupus and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, as well as inflammatory bowel disease. ATIs make up no more than 4 percent of wheat proteins, but they can trigger powerful immune reactions in the gut that can spread to other tissues in the body. ATIs may contribute to the development of non-celiac gluten sensitivity. This condition is now an accepted medical diagnosis for people who do not have celiac disease but benefit from a gluten-free diet. Intestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements, are frequently reported, which can make it difficult to distinguish celiac disease from irritable bowel syndrome. Extra-intestinal symptoms such as headaches, joint pain and eczema often support this diagnosis. These symptoms typically appear after eating food containing gluten. They improve rapidly on a gluten-free diet, yet gluten does not appear to cause the condition. Clinical studies will shortly commence to explore the role ATIs play on chronic health conditions in more detail.

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Scientists have discovered a protein in wheat that triggers inflammation in people with chronic health conditions.



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Little green balls of power should be a mainstay of the diet By Tanya Tyler,


If you were like most kids, you probably turned up your nose at peas when they appeared on your dinner plate – and held your nose as you ate them. Hopefully, you are now mature enough to realize how very good for you peas are, and you no longer leave them to roll around on your plate untouched. Interestingly enough, pea pods botanically are fruit because they contain seeds and developed from the ovary of a flower. Peas have been around a very long time. They were eaten in ancient India, Egypt and Greece. Back then, they were mostly grown for their dry seeds. Field peas were a staple of the diet during the Middle Ages. Fresh peas were called garden peas. Apparently these were quite the rage in 16th-century France. Today Canada is the world’s largest producer of peas. The work Austrian monk Gregor Johann Mendel did with peas laid the foundation for the modern science of genetics. We know them mainly as little green balls, but peas are also occasionally yellow and (rarely) purple. They grown in a single row in pods that are about 2 to 3 inches long. Of course we’ve all heard the saying that some people are “as alike as two peas in a pod.” Green peas are one of the most nutritious vegetables available. They are full of health-promoting phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Included in these phytonutrients are some recently discovered

green pea phytonutrients called saponins. When coupled with the other phytonutrients in green peas, these substances may help lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, which is currently becoming epidemic around the world. Peas are a good source of vitamin C, which is known to help the body build resistance against infectious agents and eliminate harmful, proinflammatory free radicals. The abundant vitamin K in peas helps build bone mass. Fresh pea pods are an excellent source of folic acid. Peas are relatively low in calories and contain

no cholesterol. They have phytosterols that help lower cholesterol levels. Other beneficial elements in peas include antioxidant flavonoids such as carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, niacin and thiamin. Peas are rich in essential minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese. Recent research has shown green peas are a good source of omega-3 fats in the form of alphalinolenic acid (ALA). Peas contain high amounts of a polyphenol called coumestrol, which helps fight stomach cancer. One

cup of green peas contains at least 10 milligrams of coumestrol. The only people who would not benefit from including peas in their diets are those who have problems such as a kidney disorder or gout. Peas contain a compound called purines that will adversely people dealing with these health issues. However, if you want to control your weight; strengthen your immune system; prevent wrinkles, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and osteoporosis; promote vision and eye health; regulate blood sugar; reverse insulin resistance; and prevent constipation, please pile peas on your plate.

Interestingly enough, pea pods botanically are fruit.



December 2016 | Read this issue and more at |

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“With Today’s Breakthroughs, You No Longer Have To Live With Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Fatigue, IBS or Hypertension!" LISA HAMILTON, BEFORE

Lisa Hamilton, age 56 started with Dr. Miller in May 2016. Lisa suffered with Type 2 Diabetes, Over-Weight, Hypertension, IBS, Fatigue and Migraine Headaches. Lisa weighted over 229 lbs. When Lisa came to Dr. Miller, her A1C was 9.6 and she was on oral diabetes medications. After just 5 MONTHS, Lisa’s A1C dropped from 9.6 to 5.4 and she lost over 40 lbs! Her medical doctor said..“ Wow! Keep doing what you’re doing with Dr. Miller!” Q: Lisa, why did you go to Dr. Miller? A: “My husband had heard Jack Pattie, radio host (on 590 AM), talk of Dr. Miller and the results he gets with a variety of conditions. My husband came to Dr. Miller and then referred me. My Type 2 Diabetes was getting worse, my A1C kept going up and I didn’t like taking the medications. I had gained weight and was just not feeling well.” Q: You’ve been seeing other medical doctors for your Type 2 Diabetes, what was it about Dr. Miller that was different? A: “Dr. Miller really does take the time to get a complete history of what exactly was going on in my life history. He treats you as an individual. From the start, Dr. Miller made it clear that something was not working correctly in my body. He showed me how his approach is to uncover and reveal exactly what’s not working right. Dr. Miller really takes the time to listen. He makes it very clear that Type 2 Diabetes, IBS, Fatigue and Obesity are being caused by something. My other doctors just didn’t take the time to do this, they never even talked about what was causing any of these. From the other doctors, all I got was more and more medications. I knew medications were just covering and masking symptoms and not fixing anything. Dr. Miller’s approach made complete sense to me.” Q: What did Dr. Miller do to uncover or reveal what was not


working correctly inside you? A: “Dr. Miller has an amazing blood panel lab he orders through Lab Corp. After he gets the results, he does a ‘Functional Medicine’ computer assessment that uncovered exactly what was causing my Type 2 Diabetes, IBS, Fatigue and my Overweight. I was very impressed. Q: After Dr. Miller finds what is not working correctly, then what does he do? A: “Dr. Miller just goes over everything so clearly. Dr. Miller really took the time to make sure I understood everything and how it needed to be corrected. He takes the time to show exactly needs to be done, his approach and the type of all natural treatment he recommends in order to fix what is causing my Type 2 Diabetes and my Obesity. It all makes perfect sense once you see everything in very clear terms.” Q: Lisa, what did Dr. Miller recommend for you to eliminate your Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity? A: “Dr. Miller got started right away. First, he laid out a very clear plan of care and all of the goals I was after. I started losing weight slowly, but in just 5 MONTHs I have eliminated Type 2 Diabetes and I’ve lost over 40 lbs! He started off by seeing me frequently to ensure I would eliminate the Diabetes, and he has amazing instructions on life-style improvements to eliminate poor health and then stay healthy. He

just makes it all clear and provides great printed instructions. I’m really happy with how he takes the time and treats me as a client.” Q: What are the results of your treatment from Dr. Miller? A: “My results are remarkable, I’m greatly satisfied! After just 5 MONTHS my M.D. ran my A1C and it is 5.4!

From 9.6 to 5.4 and I’m no longer a diabetic, in 5 MONTHS! My M.D. said.. “Wow, keep doing what Dr. Miller has you doing! I also lost over 40lbs and Dr. Miller teaches you how to keep it off. He really takes the time to show you how to improve your lifestyle so you keep your results over your life time. I highly recommend Dr. Miller and his very unique approach. It’s the Best!”

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For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016

Psychological Factors May Accompany Diabetes Mental health important for coping with challenges By Dr. Tom Miller, Staff Writer Noticing sudden weight loss, periods of extreme thirst, frequent urination and feeling tired and fatigued, a visit to your primary care physician reveals you have diabetes. This diagnosis can have both an emotional and psychological impact. You must deal with some significant lifestyle changes and dietary restrictions as integral components to diabetes management. The primary purpose of diabetes management is to restore carbohydrate metabolism to normal levels. To accomplish this, people with diabetes must consider the behavioral management of their condition. Along this journey, behavioral changes may lead to emotional frustration that results

in anger, resentment and difficulties with interpersonal relationships. Managing blood sugar levels within the range recommended by your primary care physician can be challenging. It can cause distress because a variety of factors affect blood sugar levels. Published data underscore the prevalence of psychological issues associated with diabetes. Reported rates of anxiety and major depressive disorder, which affects 6.7 percent of adults in the United States, are twice as great among individuals with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes across a lifespan. Furthermore, depression is higher among youth with Type 1 diabetes compared to those without the dis-

ease (Gonzalez 2013). When psychological factors are involved, careful monitoring of blood levels and maintaining healthy eating habits are the cornerstones of good management. You will need to adopt the lifestyle of an astute self-manager. Knowing how what you eat affects your blood sugar levels is critical. It’s not only the type of food you eat but also how much you eat and the combinations of food you eat. It is also important to realize physical and mental health are closely related and each affects the other in a person with diabetes. It’s undoubtedly more difficult to comply with your diabetes treatment plan when you feel physically and emotionally distressed. Elevated blood sugars can result in feelings of sluggishness and fatigue, which in turn impacts psychological wellness. Stressful life events (Miller 2013) can suppress the body’s immune function, resulting in high cortisol levels. For some people with diabetes, stress levels are compounded day after day just by living with the disease. When emotional stress is thrown into the mix, it becomes even more important for people with diabetes to learn how to cope with it and eliminate any further negative impact on their physical and mental health. Furthermore, emotional stress leads to the secretion of many hormones that can counteract the actions of insulin and disrupt blood sugar control. These stress-induced emotions often lead to irritability, interfering with thoughts and feelings, which leads to displaced anger, impaired relationships, poor eating habits, lack of exercise and a neglect of the necessities of good diabetes management. There are a few reasons for the behavioral changes seen with diabetes. One is the effect of abnormally low glucose levels in the bloodstream. Both anxiety and subsequent depression can be triggered by a diagnosis of diabetes. The burden of daily management and fear of complications can seriously trouble the patient. Low

glucose levels can cause impaired judgment, anxiety, moodiness, belligerence, fatigue, apathy, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision and a lack of coordination. The symptoms improve if blood glucose levels are stabilized. This is when a patient and his or her caregivers must recognize the need to obtain the professional help of a diabetes educator, registered dietician or clinical health psychologist. The American Diabetes Association is committed to educating the public about how to stop diabetes and supporting those living with the disease. Visit its Web site at

Physical and mental health are closely related and each affects the other in a person with diabetes.

Sources and Resources • Gonzalez, J.S. (2013). Depression and Diabetes. In: Peters A., Laffel L., eds. Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook. 169-179. • Joslin Diabetes Center (2016). Recognizing Diabetes: General Facts and Information. general_diabetes_facts_and_information.html • WebMD (2016). Diabetes Care and Treatment. When Your Diabetes Treatment Isn’t Working For You.


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Be Alert for Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Increased thirst, mood swings, hunger may call for doctor visit By Harleena Singh, Staff Writer

Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system tries to destroy the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. More than 700,000 Americans have this type of diabetes. The symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are caused by high blood sugar. Initially, the symptoms may be overlooked or mistaken for another illness such as the flu. These are some signs and symptoms of

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Type 1 diabetes: • Extreme hunger – your body isn’t using the calories you are eating so it doesn’t get the energy it needs. • Headaches and feeling dizzy. • Leg cramps. • Abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting. • Blurred vision, which occurs because the lens of your eye changes shape. • Increased thirst.

December 2016



Initially, the symptoms may be overlooked or mistaken for another illness such as the flu.

• Slow healing of cuts and scrapes. • Fatigue and weakness. • Frequent urination that is more noticeable at night. The kidneys try to get rid of excess sugar in the blood. To do that, they get rid of more water, which means more urine. • Unintended weight loss and loss of muscle bulk. This happens because you are dehydrated. Weight loss may also happen if you are losing all the sugar calo-

ries in the urine instead of using them. • Irritability and other mood changes. • Bedwetting in children. • A vaginal yeast infection or regular bouts of thrush (a yeast infection). Although most people with Type 1 diabetes are diagnosed in childhood and early adulthood, the symptoms are the same at any age. Adults diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes may not recognize their

symptoms quickly, which can prove detrimental because diagnosis and then treatment may be delayed. Adults may develop a specific form of Type 1 diabetes known as latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood (LADA), which tends to develop more slowly than Type 1 diabetes in children and young adults. People with LADA may sometimes be misdiagnosed as having Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is managed with insulin injections several times a day

or the use of an insulin pump. It’s not easy to ignore the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes because they appear very quickly. However, leaving it untreated can cause serious health problems such as diabetic ketoacidosis, which can result in a potentially fatal coma. Becoming aware of the symptoms and risks is a great way to be proactive about your health and the health of your family members.



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What to Expect from an Inpatient Recovery Program HELP FOR WHEN YOU’RE READY TO START YOUR JOURNEY TO SOBRIETY by Dr. Christopher Johnston, Recovery Works After taking the important initial step of admitting you have a substance-abuse problem and deciding to seek help, your options can include an inpatient recovery program. The goal of an inpatient recovery program is to provide a safe, therapeutic atmosphere in a homelike environment as you work towards getting and staying sober. Treatment programs can range in length from a week to a few weeks to a few months. The length of your stay is based on your needs as identified in your individual treatment plan and the progress you make in treatment. The process begins with an interview with program staff, where you will learn about services, fees and guidelines. Next you will have a physical exam. This will help the staff evaluate your needs and design a program that will be most beneficial for you. You will need to bring a photo ID, an insurance card and all your medications in their original prescription bottles. Once you are admitted, you can get ready to move in to the facility. There are some things you need to take care of right away. Because addiction is considered a serious health condition, the Family Medical Leave Act permits eligible individuals to take a job-protected leave of absence.

Program staff may be able to help you complete any necessary paperwork required by your employer. You will also need to make arrangements to cover your financial obligations (such as rent and other bills) during the treatment period. If you need legal help, the program staff can work with attorneys, judges and probation officers to ensure you are in compliance with any current court orders or probationary requirements. For some, leaving family and friends behind is the most difficult part. Involving family in recovery is key to success. You will need their support as you work through recovery. Take some time before you leave to apologize for shortcomings or problems that have arisen from your addiction and let others know you are starting a process to help heal your broken relationships.

You can bring some items with you to Recovery Works, including nonaerosol toiletries that do not contain alcohol; a notebook and pen; and a week’s worth of seasonally appropriate clothing. You’ll need pajamas, jeans, undergarments, sweats, shoes and/ or sneakers. The program provides all your bedding, such as towels, washcloths, pillows and blankets. You may not bring food (including gum and candy), cellphones, laptops, iPods, e-cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or weapons. Do not bring any items of value. Your typical day during the treatment process may include individual and group therapy sessions, as well as meditation, recreation, exercise and educational, support and self-help groups. You may undergo psychotherapy, music therapy or art therapy. Contributing to the wellbeing of the treatment community, such as per-

forming assigned chores, is another important aspect of your recovery. At the end of the day, you will have time to reflect on what you have learned. When you are in a safe environment with a structured routine, you can begin the journey towards recovery. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – and don’t be afraid to get sober. About the Author Dr. Johnston graduated from Medical School at CMDNJ New Jersey Medical School in Newark after obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers Camden College of Arts and Sciences. After a three year residency at West Jersey Hospital in Voorhees he became Board Certified in Family Practice and practiced in Camden County for 26 years. Dr. Johnston is also board certified in Addiction Medicine as of 2002.

The goal of an inpatient recovery program is to provide a safe, therapeutic atmosphere in a homelike environment as you work towards getting and staying sober.


For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016

Antibiotics and You Scientific discoveries have saved countless lives By Charles Sebastian, Staff Writer It staggers the mind to think about how many people have died throughout human history prior to the advent of antibiotics. Also known as antibacterials, these compounds either eradicate or slow disease-causing bacterial growth. Most were developed and first used between 1907 and 1985. Alfred Bertheim and Paul Ehrlich first discovered arsphenamine in 1907. It was effectively used to treat many cases of then-rampant syphilis. In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, which, of course, has since saved millions of lives. Fleming received the Nobel Prize in 1945. Previously, Gerhard Domagk received the Nobel Prize in 1939 for developing prontosil, the first antibacterial drug. Many discoveries and developments have followed these innovations and have saved and helped countless lives. Like many breakthroughs, however, antibiotics are a

double-edged sword. When they are used too much, new strains of bacteria can develop as the old ones become resistant to and mutate outside the antibiotic scope. It’s necessary to differentiate between diseases and illnesses caused by bacteria and those that are more viral in nature. Antibacterials are just that: They fight bacteria. If your illness is viral, your doctor will not prescribe this range of drugs because they would have no impact. Many other factors can affect antibiotics as well, such as other drugs the patient may be using, pregnancy, adverse side effects and how far the infection has progressed. Dr. Arjun Srinivasan, an associate director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says we are now moving into a “post-antibiotic” phase. He says we are quickly running out of therapies to treat infections that previously had been eminently treatable.

“There are bacteria we encounter, particularly in health-care settings, that are resistant to nearly all the antibiotics we have available,” Srinivasan said. “We are thus entering an era that people have talked about for a long time. Newspaper stories and covers of magazines have talked about ‘The end of antibiotics?’ Now I would say you can change the title to ‘The end of antibiotics, period.’” The answer? We must be careful not to overuse antibacterials. As bacteria mutate and become less


manageable and more resistant, those suffering from even the simplest infections will not have the option of treatment, given the resistance built up over time. Not long after his discovery of penicillin, Alexander Fleming said, “For the birth of something new, there has to be a happening. Newton saw an apple fall; James Watt watched a kettle boil; Roentgen fogged some photographic plates. And these people knew enough to translate ordinary happenings into something new.”

It’s necessary to differentiate between diseases and illnesses caused by bacteria and those that are more viral in nature.

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Cerebral Concussion FROM AUTO COLLISION by Howard D. Markowitz, MD, Bluegrass Injury Care Center Over 1.5 million people suffer for a traumatic brain injury due to a motor vehicle collision each year. These injuries are not only from direct trauma, such as your head sticking to steering wheel, head rest, or window. They can also occur from sudden flexion/extension of one’s neck or a sudden twisting motion. The common phenomenon with these concussion injuries is that the brain suffers damage despite the normal protective mechanisms that the human body puts in place. Normally, the very hard skull protects the brain from penetrating injury. The brain floats in a spinal fluid solution to buffer and protect it from sudden movement. However, if the movement is too severe, even the normal body defenses do not adequately offer protection. With direct blows to the head or sudden motions the brain can impact the inside of the skull. Or, a sheering motion can occur within the brain. This elastic activity, similar to twisting of a sponge, can internally damage the brain. The brain may externally appear to be unharmed but microscopic and cellular studies have shown that the delicate fibers of neuronal tissue can be stretched, torn, or severed. Depending on which part of the brain is damaged and the severity of damage, then different symptoms will occur. You do not have to be lose con-

sciousness (knocked out) to have the automobile collision cause a concussion. All parts of the brain can be affected by concussion. Some of the affected areas are vision, hearing, hand dexterity, emotions, memory, ability to perform certain physical activities, and ability to perform some mental activities.

It is common for people to feel “funny” for days or weeks after an auto collision. These people may have difficulty with short term memory, making simple math calculations, normal sleep patterns, or even expressing normal emotions in common situations. All of these abnormalities can be symptoms of a concussion. People who suspect they had a concussion after a motor vehicle injury should seek medical evaluation. If you are diagnosed with a concussion, you should rest the part of your brain that is damaged until this abnormal function returns to normal. This resting may be not reading books, not doing math problems, not engaging in activities that can jostle the head and slow

down healing. In fact, a repeat injury during this healing period may limit the eventual amount of healing of the affected area and could end in a permanent dysfunction. A good clinical exam and follow-up exams can determine the impairment baseline and mark the pace and extent of improvement. Computer programs objectively test and document cognitive, reflex, and memory functions so they can be effectively followed as healing takes place. In conclusion, if you suspect you suffered a concussion from an automobile collision, you should seek medical evaluation and treatment.

For advertising information call 859.368.0778 or email | December 2016

The Science of Singing Genetics, training, all influence the ability to sing By Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer

People used to believe the ability to sing was a gift someone was born with. This belief changed with the 1967publication of the book “Singing, the Mechanism and the Technique” by vocal coach, opera singer and anatomist William Vennard. Vennard studied vocal anatomy and developed a technique to help a singer’s ability. He said singing is not a “natural” skill but an art. The vocal cords are muscles and practice makes them stronger. The actual truth and science of singing is a more moderate middle from the two extremes of innate ability and believing everyone can be trained to sing well. Singing is a beautiful yet complicated art form, and although we all possess the ability to sing at some level, the ability to sing well is based on both genetics and training. “The voice can be trained in just about everyone,” Justin Stoney, founder of New York Vocal Coaching in New York City, told Medical Daily. “The evidence we have says if you really apply good technique, just about anyone can sing well.” According to Stoney, training your voice is similar to going to the gym and training any other muscle. Not everyone is going to be a top athlete, he said, but with the right coach and lots of practice, a person can see results. If this is true, why isn’t everyone’s singing voice as beautiful as a pop star’s? Differences in a person’s physical make-up can account for differences in singing abilities. “Everyone is built differently,” Stoney said. “For some people, you can go, ‘Wow, they must really work out,’ and it turns out they never go to the gym. People have vocal athleticism in the same way.” A study by the University of Montreal found that one-fifth of non-musicians couldn’t control their vocal muscles well and 35 percent couldn’t match their voice to a note being played. But both musicians and non-musicians were able to listen to and match a pitch using a slide instrument. Only 5 percent couldn’t tell the difference in pitch. A study in the journal PlosOne looked into the brain activity of

people listening to music. It showed music processing mainly uses the brain’s speech center, although it does rely on other parts of the brain. Human song vocalization is a big part of cultural-social development. Groups of humans sing together to bond, worship, celebrate and just to have fun. Social groups that valued singing may have looked for musical characteristics when choosing their mates. This idea is supported by a study in the Journal of Medical Genetics, which linked mutations on chromosomes 4q22 and 8q13-21 to musical ability. Further studies have found these genes can influence perception, memory and even participation in music. Canadian researchers observed the physiological shape on a person’s vocal tracts resulted in a more pleasing natural voice. There is also a genetic factor to singing. “Different races and cultures actually have different sound,” Stoney said. This has to do with the shape and size of the vocal cords and the larynx. The shape of a person’s skull is also responsible for the shape and size of the pharynx and the nasal cavities, a person’s natural resonators. To further illustrate this point, 10 different guitars with the same exact string will all sound a little different because of the size and shape of the guitar. There has been a lot of research on the connection between the voice and physical appearance. Scientists conclude the sound of a person’s voice is influenced not only by race and gender, but also by gender within a race. In addition to physical appearance, DNA also plays a role, according to another study published in the Journal of Medical Genetics. The study found the ability to sing well was an even split between nature and nurture. Therefore, half of musical talent is genetic – from physical appearance (shape and size of the skull and nasal cavities), gender and DNA – and the other half is derived from training and developing the muscles associated with singing.


The vocal cords are muscles and practice makes them stronger.




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14 Hints for a Festive Holiday Even if you have diabetes, you can enjoy seasonal gatherings By Jean Jeffers, Staff Writer

Although you may be battling diabetes, you still want to have a tasty but healthy holiday. How can you plan a good diet that will not compromise your diabetes? Here are some holiday hints that are meant for the person with diabetes but are appropriate for everyone: 1. Plan your holiday around friends and family. Catch up with loved ones you haven’t seen in a while. After dinner on Christmas Day, take a walk with nieces and nephews or play a game. Do not put the focus on food. 2. Bring a dish to the family gathering. Make it one of your healthier



5. 6.

choices. Offer to bring a green vegetable. Stay active. Sometimes exercise is forgotten over the holidays. Plan time into each day for exercise. Engage in physical activity with friends and family, such as participating in a charity run or walk. Drink in moderation or not at all. Holiday drinks add a significant wallop to your calorie count, so be careful. Eat something before dinner to prevent low blood sugar levels. Approach meals with mindfulness. Eat slowly and savor each bite.

7. Try healthier versions of your favorite holiday fare. Use applesauce in place of some of the sugar when baking; steam green beans; and try putting less sugar in fruit pies. 8. If you want to nibble while preparing meals, overindulge in vegetables. 9. Don’t pile up your plate with high-carb foods; sample only some of a few dishes. Or have a reasonable portion of your favorite and bypass the remainder. If you must try everything, put only a spoonful of each dish on your plate.

10. Watch your portion sizes, whether you’re eating in a home or a restaurant. 11. Do you want some of Grandpa’s eggnog? The American Heart Association says you can fill your glass half to three-quarters full with low-fat or skim milk and one part eggnog. 12. Pass on that huge dollop of whipped cream to avoid extra sugar. 13. Add flavor when cooking dishes by using herbs and spices such as rosemary and cloves — they give added zest to dishes. 14. Use skim milk in place of cream


December 2016











A new, free issue of Health&Wellness Magazine hits stands in Central Kentucky on the last Friday of every month. Be on the lookout for these upcoming 2016-2017 featured topics:

when cooking. Instead of chocolate chips, try using dried fruit. Use condiments such as vanilla and peppermint to enhance the flavor of various foods. Here’s a diabetes-friendly recipe to try:

Oven-Roasted Squash with Garlic and Parsley • 5 pounds winter squash • 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground

pepper • 3 cloves minced garlic • 2 tablespoon chopped Italian parsley Toss squash with 4 teaspoons of oil, salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper. Spread evenly on a large baking sheet. Roast at 375 degrees, stirring occasionally until tender throughout and lightly browned, 30 to 45 minutes. Heat the remaining 2 teaspoon of oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring until fragrant but not brown, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Toss the roasted squash with garlic and parsley. (Source:




December 2016

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December 2016


A: 75,000

Health&Wellness Magazine can be found in 20 central Kentucky counties and is distributed to over 90% of medical facilities, including chiroprator, eye doctor and dentist offices. Readers can also pick up their FREE copy at most grocery and convenience stores as well as many restaurants throughout Central KY.

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Video Ear Inspection


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