Health&Wellness October 2018

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Vol. 16 • Issue 1 • October 2018


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Health&Wellness is a proud product of




IMAGING More Than Mammograms


YOGA Yoga for a Long and Happy Life


GENERAL DENTISTRY Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer


FUNERAL Finding Hope During the Holiday Season


FAMILY DOC Coping with the Challenges of Chemo.

26 28


INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Mindfulness for a Nation Under Stress


FAMILY VISION Sensory Integration Important for Balance


PAIN TREATMENT The Effects of Chronic Pain on Mental Health

6 7 8 11 12 24

Facts About Melanoma: What Are Your Risk Factors?

MASSAGE Become a Massage Therapist

FITNESS TRAINING Do you Really Need to Exercise More? NATURE'S BEAUTY Fennel

Health&Wellness Magazine can be found in 20 central Kentucky counties and is distributed to over 90% of medical facilities, including chiroprator’s, eye doctor’s and dentist’s offices. You can also pick up your FREE copy of Health&Wellness at most grocery and convenience stores as well as many restaurants throughout Central KY.


Breast Cancer Facts: Know Your Risks

Cancer and Compassion Fatigue Awareness Support a Loved One Who Has Cancer

Immunotherapy Treatments Show Promise

Series for Women Addresses Fears of Cancer Diagnosis

DEPARTMENTS 13 16 22 27

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Tanya J. Tyler, Editor | Share your story:

Dear Friends, I believe cancer is an ugly word. It strikes fear in the hearts of people who hear that dreaded dictum: “You have cancer.” In the not-so-distant past, a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence: Get your affairs in order, there is no hope for you. But now, thanks to many wonderful innovations and medical breakthroughs, learning you have cancer doesn’t necessarily have to invoke feelings of doom. The fight against cancer continues unrelentingly and there is actual optimism that one day soon, this scourge of a disease will be defeated. In the meantime, let us continue to support our friends and loved ones who have cancer and remember those whom we have lost to cancer. I miss you and still love you, Mom, Mister and Mindy. Here’s to your good health,


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October 2018

Facts About Melanoma WHAT ARE YOUR RISK FACTORS? By Jean Jeffers, Staff Writer When you were a kid, did anyone ever tell you to stay out of the sun? Of course they did. One of the reasons was because of the possibility of melanoma, or skin cancer. The skin is the body’s largest organ. Its job is to protect against heat, sunlight, injury and infection. The skin has several layers; the two main layers are the epidermis (upper or outer layer) and the dermis (lower or inner layer). Skin cancer begins in the epidermis. With melanoma, malignant cancer cells form in melanocytes, the cells that cover the skin. The American Cancer Society ( says melanocytes make a brown pigment called melanin, which gives the skin its tan or brown color. Melanin protects the deeper layers of the skin from some of the harmful effects of the sun. Melanoma may occur in other parts of the body such as the eyes and mouth. These occur

less frequently than skin cancers. such as radiation, solvents, vinyl chloride The incidence of melanoma in adults is and PCBs; rising. Skin cancer is now the most common • having a history of many blistering sunmalignancy diagnosed in the United States, burns; according to the National Institute of Health • having several large or many small moles; National Cancer Institute. Invasive melanoma • having a weakened immune system; or accounts for only 1 percent of skin cancers but • having certain changes in the genes linked results in the most deaths. to melanoma. Early signs that would suggest a malignant Factors that affect chance of recovery and change include darker or treatment options include variable skin discoloration; the thickness of the tumor itching; and an increase in and where it is on the body; size or the development how quickly the cancer cells of satellites. Ulceration or dividing; whether there Skin cancer is now are bleeding is a sign that crops was bleeding or ulceration up later. of the tumor; how much the most common cancer is in the lymph It is difficult to identify and determine the difference nodes; the number of places between benign pigmented cancer has spread in the malignancy lesions and early melanomas. body; and the patient’s age Lesions should never be and general health. diagnosed in the shaved off or cauterized. A biopsy is performed to conAbout the Author United States. Jean is an RN with an MSN firm the presence of cancer from University of Cincinnati. cells. She is a staff writer for Living Risk factors for melanoma Well 60+ and Health & Wellness magazines. She include: is currently in the process of publishing her first • having a fair complexion, fair skin that novel, “Journey Toward Healing.” burns easily, blue or green eyes and red or blond hair; Sources: • being exposed to natural sunlight or artifi• American Cancer Society ( cial sunlight such as that from tanning beds • National Institutes of Health National Cancer for long periods; Institute ( • being exposed to environmental factors

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October 2018

Breast Cancer Facts: Know Your Risks IT’S THE MOST COMMON CANCER AMONG WOMEN WORLDWIDE By Harleena Singh, Staff Writer According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, claiming the lives of many women each year. It is the second leading cause of death among women. In the United States, one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Every 19 seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with breast cancer. As of January 2018, there are more than 3.1 million women with a history of breast cancer in the United States, including women currently being treated and women who have finished treatment. Among U.S. women in 2017, there was an estimated 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 40,610 breast cancer deaths. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about one in 1,000. About 2,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men in 2018.

Nearly 95 percent of all breast cancers in the United States occur in women age 40 years and older. According to the American Cancer Society, a woman’s risk of breast cancer nearly doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. About 5 percent to 10 percent of breast cancers can be linked to gene mutations inherited from one’s mother or father. But nearly 85 percent of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These are caused by genetic mutations that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations. Mammograms are currently the only effective screening method for breast cancer, WHO reported. Getting a mammogram can help reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 30 percent to 40 percent among women ages 40 to 70 years. Breast cancer deaths have been declining since 1990 thanks to early detection, better screening, increased awareness and new treatment options. One theory for this decrease is that it was partially due to women reducing the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). These results suggested a connection between HRT and increased breast cancer risk. In women under age 45 years, breast cancer is more common in African American women than Caucasian women, and African American women are more likely to die of the disease. For Asian, Hispanic and Native American women,


the risk of developing and dying from breast cancer is lower. About 40,920 women in the United States are expected to die in 2018 from breast cancer. But scientists are working toward creating a blood test that could potentially find breast cancer. Statistics such as these are presented in the latest edition of the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Facts and Figures. References:

• • • • • •

American Cancer Society ( Breast Cancer ( Do Something ( Everyday Health ( Medical Daily ( National Breast Cancer Foundation (www.

About the Author Harleena Singh is a freelance writer and blogger who has a keen interest in health and wellness. She can be approached through her blog (www. and Web site, www.harleenasingh. com. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.




October 2018

Cancer and Compassion Fatigue Awareness for Caregivers BE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, TOO

By Dr. Tom Miller, Staff Writer Cancer involves abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. This process is very complex because of the multiple ways it affects each individual. More than 100 types of cancer affect human beings today. For some, early treatment may lead to a favorable resolution, while other cancer patients face extended and difficult challenges that do not offer an easy resolution. You may find yourself taking care of a loved one or friend after a diagnosis of cancer. Your care and devotion are admirable and necessary. But caregivers for cancer patients need to be aware of what has become known as vicarious traumatization. People who provide clinical care, others who volunteer to be supportive in both hospitals and hospice settings and the family and friends of cancer patients are potentially vulnerable to being exposed to vicarious traumatization.

Over time, vicarious trauma leads to chronic compassion fatigue. Hospice caregivers are especially vulnerable to compassion fatigue because the main focus of hospice is end-of-life care. In understanding compassion fatigue, you should realize an emotional residue or strain of exposure to working with cancer patients can trigger this disorder. It differs from burnout but can co-exist with burnout. Compassion fatigue is a secondary stress reaction from a clinician’s perspective. This is a type of stress that results from helping or wanting to help those who are struggling with their health and well-being in any number of ways. Unlike burnout, compassion fatigue is highly treatable and may be less predictable. The onset of compassion fatigue can be sudden, whereas burnout usually emerges over time. Furthermore, severe cases of burnout sometimes require the person experiencing it to change jobs or occupations, but measures can often be taken to prevent or treat compassion fatigue before a change in work environment is required. Common symptoms of compassion fatigue include a reduced sense of personal accomplishment or meaning, isolation and emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. Not only are caregivers vulnerable, but so are members of the clinical treatment teams and family and friends of cancer patients. Managing compassion fatigue may involve finding someone to talk to about how it is affecting you as a caregiver. Often people experiencing compassion fatigue will seek the professional support of a mental health clinician to

help them overcome difficult thoughts and emotions and focus on healthy coping mechanisms. Talking about it can help you understand the pain you feel is normal because of the variability of the journey cancer patients face. The nature of the disease has a contagion effect: When remission occurs, caregivers have a sense of relief just as the patient does, but when the efforts to treat the cancer fails, the stress and depression the patient experiences extends to caregivers. Sources and Resources

• Bourg Carter, S. High Octane Women: How Super Achievers Can Avoid Burnout (Prometheus Books, 2011). • Lombardo, B. and Eyre, C. Compassion Fatigue: A Nurse’s Primer. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (2011),Vol. 16, No. 1, 3. • Negash, S. and Sahin, S. Compassion Fatigue in Marriage and Family Therapists. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37(1), 1-13. Pfifferling, J. and Gilley, K. Overcoming Compassion Fatigue. Family Practice Management, 7(4), 39-44.

About the Author Thomas W. Miller, Ph.D., ABPP, is a Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist, Center for Health, Intervention and Prevention, University of Connecticut and Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine and Department of Gerontology, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky.

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October 2018





ver the years many studies have shown a massage has amazing benefits to our overall wellness, such as reduced stress, improved range of motion and reduced pain. However, we rarely have a chance to discuss the benefits of giving a massage. Becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) is an incredible journey, and often, an incredible career. Learning to become a massage therapist can benefit all age groups and walks of life; such as recent high-school graduates, single parents and even those looking for a “retirement job” can learn this amazing skill and reap astounding rewards. A recent U.S. News and World Report article listed massage as one of the top five careers in the field of healthcare support. According to the article, massage therapists often enjoy a very flexible schedule, above average work life balance, strong job market and low stress levels. Thanks to research being performed all over the world, massage has started to change the way we view modern medicine. Massage Therapists can be found working with physical therapists, dentists, chiropractors and even with M.Ds. We're no longer bound to day spas and private clinics, though a large number of therapists still lead happy and successful careers there as well. Indeed, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics gives massage a “bright outlook,” and shows it to be one of the fastest growing fields in the United States over the next seven years. Massage therapists enjoy a unique role. We're allowed to provide safe, healthy touch to our clients in a protected atmosphere. Allowing a person to relax and seek comfort is a crucial step in the healing process for many people. For example, The Atlantic’s article, “Study of the Day: Massage Speeds up Muscle Healing, Reduces Pain” suggests the support massage therapists provide the skeletal-muscular system can be astounding. Massage helps speed the recovery process for injuries, balances the body and improves the posture of the recipient. Massage Magazine’s 2017 article, “Cancer Pain Populations Benefit From Massage” indicates massage modalities even relieve some of the pain and discomfort associated with cancer Career opportunities aside, massage allows the therapist a chance to have a truly mindful hour. How often, in 2017, do we have an hour to focus simply on one task? Where our problems are not laid open to be examined, and where we can concentrate on the needs of another? The

low lights, peaceful music and quiet associated with massage treatment rooms provide a stark contrast to the busy offices and city streets most of the population endure. Stresses from the outside world do not have a place in a massage room—which is a benefit to the therapist and client alike. Plus, massage therapists receive unique training in the sciences. Anatomy, physiology and kinesiology play an important role in guiding the intuitive touch of a massage therapist. Educated minds and skilled hands are the earmark of an LMT. Therefore, a strong education is important. While regulations vary from state to state, most programs should be no less than 600 clock hours. A quality program will cover the sciences mentioned above as well as massage techniques. Classes in career readiness, and the ethics of massage should be included to guide the prospective therapist on their path to happiness and success in the industry. While working at Lexington Healing Arts Academy as the Compliance Coordinator and Placement Specialist, I've watched many students reach success. As a LMT myself, I always grow super excited for new class-starts, because I know every student who walks through our doors has a fresh chance to change their life, and the lives of their clients. If you would like more information on becoming a massage therapist, there are plenty of great resources available. The American Massage Therapy Association is a treasure trove of knowledge and quality insight into career benefits and job openings for a LMT. The AMTA provides a list of schools that meet the association's standards for quality education. My Alma Mater, Lexington Healing Arts Academy, is another resource open to students in eastern and central Kentucky. With nearly twenty years of experience educating massage therapists, LHAA has the knowledge you need to begin your path toward providing a healing experience for you, and your future clients. About the Author

Jeff Zutant is a licensed massage therapist (LMT) and a staff member at Lexington Healing Arts Academy. Beyond his role as massage therapist Jeff coordinates the academy's compliance efforts including student retention and placement.

ABOUT LEXINGTON HEALING ARTS ACADEMY Lexington 272 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 40503 • 859.252.5656 • Healing Arts LHAA is a licensed, accredited school offering career education and services Academy in Massage, Personal Training, and Yoga.






October 2018 | Read this issue and more at |   HandWmagazine



RE YOU ONE OF THOSE WOMEN? Many women who have a routine mammogram will be summoned back for a repeat mammogram and/or ultrasound. Have you ever been called back? If so, you know all too well the fear that goes along with waiting and praying. For decades now, the annual mammogram campaign has been fierce and continuous as an essential way to protect oneself from breast cancer. Many women feel they are being reckless if they do not get an annual screening, said Dr. Lisa Schwartz, a professor at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. “For so long, we have been trying to convince people that you’re irresponsible or not taking care of yourself if you don’t do this,” Schwartz said. “People were hit over the head with that message.” So on top of the barrage of ribbons on everything from water bottles to Tootsie Rolls, women are made to believe there is only one way or only one option for breast screening. You actually have more options than you think. Recent studies seem to have many women confused as to ONE OUT OF 10 how often they should actually be getting mammograms and at what age to start. Due to this WOMEN WILL confusion, more and more women are putting off mammograms or spacing them out with sevBE DIAGNOSED eral years in between. Others are choosing not WITH BREAST do to mammograms at all. The reasons women make these choices are very individual and valid. CANCER However, the real threat to women’s health still remains: One out of 10 women will be diagANNUALLY. nosed with breast cancer annually, according to the American Cancer Society. What other choices do women (and men) have? Let us tell you! At Patient Choice Ultrasound and Thermography, we are very sensitive of your right to choose your health care screenings. We are not antimammogram – it’s the “gold standard” in health care. Some prefer MRIs, but they can be too cost prohibitive. We think ALL modalities should be available for you to choose. After all, having more weapons against cancer IS the best defense to cancer. Let us briefly explain each option, including one you may not be familiar with – thermography. • Mammography uses low-energy radiation to examine the breast for structural changes, such as masses or microcalcifications. It compresses the breast to obtain the image. Mammograms require a physician order in most cases. • MRI combines a powerful magnetic field with an advanced computer system and radio waves to produce accurate, detailed images. Breast MRI is more costly and requires an invasive injection of contrast. Again, a physician order is required. • Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images. It is excellent for distinguishing fluid-filled masses from solid masses. It’s painless and affordable, especially at Patient Choice. A physician order is required. • Thermography uses a medical-grade digital infrared camera to measure the temperature of the skin, displayed either as different colors or on a gray scale. Thermography helps with early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology or the risk factors for disease. Changes in a thermogram (which is like your unique, individualized fingerprint) do not neces-


sarily indicate breast cancer. It does indicate something is happening in the breast or other screened body part. Often these findings are benign, such as fibrocystic or hormonal changes. With thermography, you may get a chance to see the inflammatory changes long before they actually become structurally found. It neither compresses nor radiates the breast, but it does show inflammatory changes. A physician order IS NOT required. There is no perfect screening. Mammography, MRI, ultrasound and thermography do not compete with each other. They all “see” very different things, making them all valuable for breast and health screenings. Let me tell you a brief story of one woman’s experience. In February of this year, Mrs. X came in to Patient Choice for her annual thermography breast screening. She had no reason for concerns in her breast; however, she was faithful about getting annual thermograms. This time, changes were seen from her previous year’s screening. Any change should be further investigated. Mammography, ultrasound, MRI or biopsy are certainly to be considered. Our patient wanted something non-invasive. She consulted with her physician and chose a breast ultrasound. It was performed the same day at Patient Choice. The breast ultrasound confirmed the thermography changes and was able to give more details of the area of concern. She went on to get a biopsy and was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. We have seen this happen many times. A woman decides, for her own personal reasons, that she does not want the “gold standard screening,” but she still knows how important it is to be screened. In this way, we have found breast cancers through thermography and ultrasound. It is extremely important to work with physicians who respect your choices. We encourage everyone to be informed, proactive and to take preventive measures for their health care. About the Authors

With 40 years in the field of ultrasound, Kim Davis, RDMS, RDCS, RVS, is the founder and CEO of Patient Choice Ultrasound & Thermography. Becky Chandler, ACCT, Advanced Clinical Thermographer, is a partner at PCU with 10 years of experience. PCU is located at 152 W. Tiverton Way in Lexington and can be reached at (859) 554-7360 or visit its Web site at



152 W. Tiverton Way, Lexington, KY • 859-554-7360 • Offering inclusive, transparent pricing for diagnostic imaging including Ultrasounds and Thermography. We strive to make healthcare less of a hassle and more about empowering patient choice.


October 2018 7. Take care of urgent errands Your loved one or friend may appreciate if you take care of frequent, scheduled errands. Offer to help with specific tasks, such as taking care of children or a pet or preparing a meal. 8. Treat them the same Don’t let your loved one’s condition get in the way of your relationship with him.

11 WAYS YOU CAN SUPPORT A LOVED ONE WHO HAS CANCER LISTEN, LAUGH, ENCOURAGE, INVITE By Harleena Singh, Staff Writer Cancer is a devastating disease. You may wonder what is the best way to support a loved one or friend who has cancer. Even though you want to help, it can be tough to know what to say or do. It can be a frightening and stressful time for you as well as the patient. People develop various coping styles during their lifetimes to help them manage difficult personal situations. Some people are quite private, while others are more open and need to talk about their feelings. Some people may become withdrawn and isolate themselves from family and friends, while others may use humor to find relief from the serious nature of their illness. Here are some ways you can help a loved one or friend battling cancer: 1. Encourage them People facing illness need encouragement, but it’s also important not to show false optimism or tell the patient to always stay positive. This may seem to discount his very real fears, concerns or sad feelings. You may want to say you know how the person feels, but no one can know exactly how any person with cancer feels.

2. Use humor Humor can be an important way to show support and encouragement, provided you know the patient can appreciate it. Let the patient take the lead. It’s good if she finds something funny about a side effect, such as hair loss or increased appetite, and you can certainly join her in a good laugh. This can be a great way to relieve stress. 3. Compliment them If they look good, tell them so! Avoid making comments when their appearance isn’t as good, such as “You’re looking pale” or “You’ve lost weight.” The patient is undoubtedly quite aware of how he or she looks and may feel embarrassed if you comment on it. 4. Let them know you care Be there for them no matter what. Make an extra effort to reach out to your friend. Expect him or her to have good and bad days emotionally and physically. Talk about his or her interests, hobbies and other topics not related to cancer. 5. Include them Let them participate with you in work projects, social events and other plans. Let the patient tell you if he doesn’t feel like being included if the commitment is too much for him to manage. 6. Hear them out Listen without always feeling you must respond. Sometimes a caring listener is what the person needs the most.

9. Form support teams Organizing a support team can help people living with cancer. Some online communities offer tools to coordinate tasks among friends and caregivers. Shareable online calendars can help you organize activities among your friends and family. You can also make a paper calendar and write in the various activities and commitments by hand. Make sure your friend has access to the calendar so he or she knows what to expect and when. Check out this Web site: 10. Deliver a meal This could be for the caregiver as well your loved one. However, be sure to ask in advance about

any dietary restrictions or other guidelines. Websites such as www. can help you decide what to take. 11. Send texts and emails often This is especially beneficial for those who are net savvy and or have a cell phone. You could text your friend the next time you are at the grocery store and ask if she would like you to pick up anything. Cancer is not contagious, so give hugs, stay positive and let your friend or loved one know you are on his or her side. This is one of the most important gifts you can give to support a loved one who has cancer. References

• American Cancer Society ( • Cancer Net ( • Huffington Post ( • MD Anderson Cancer Center ( • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (

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October 2018

T-cell attacking Cancer

IMMUNOTHERAPY TREATMENTS SHOW PROMISE IN FIGHT AGAINST CANCER RESEARCHERS CONTINUE TO TEST POSSIBLE WAYS TO COMBAT DEVASTATING DISEASE By Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer One reason cancer is so devastating is it cons the immune system. Immune cells such as T-cells (a type of white blood cell known as a lymphocyte) recognize the abnormal proteins present on the surface of cancer cells and infiltrate them to attack the tumor. However, as the tumor grows, it devises ways to suppress the T-cells’ activity. Immunotherapy attempts to help the immune system combat cancer’s cunning adaptations. “Getting the immune system to fight cancer is one of the most recent developments in cancer treatment,” said Dr. Ronald Levy, a pioneer in cancer immunotherapy. His research led to the development of rituximab, one of the first monoclonal antibodies approved for use in certain cancers and autoimmune diseases by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in 1997. Rituximab is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Imylgic was the first injectable immunotherapy approved by the FDA in 2015 to treat melanoma.

A genetically engineered form of herpes simplex 1, imylgic is injected directly into tumors and replicates inside the cancer cells, causing them to rupture and die. Antibodies are then released into the body, which may trigger an immune response. Imylgic has proven helpful against skin lesions and lymph nodes, but it has some drawbacks: It doesn’t improve overall survival or prevent metastases, and since it’s a form of herpes, it is not appropriate for people with weak immune systems or pregnant women. In 2017, the FDA approved CAR-T, a form of cell therapy for some types of leukemia and lymphoma. Each dose of Kymriah is created by sending the patient’s own T-cells to a manufacturing center where they are modified to include a new gene containing a specific protein called a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). These CAR-T cells, called a “living drug,” are then infused back into the patient, where they target and kill leukemia cells. The treatment is used as a third option for lymphoma and leukemia patients who have not responded to standard treatments such as chemotherapy, says Dr. Michelle Hermiston, who directs the pediatric immuno-

therapy program at the University of California-San Francisco. The treatment has raised survival rates from about 10 percent to 15 percent to more than 60 percent, but it’s both labor intensive and very expensive. It, too, has a number of side effects: fever, confusion, organ failure and a chance of permanent loss of the B cells responsible for producing antibodies. Currently, Levy is conducting Phase I human clinical trials for his and Dr. Idit Sagiv-Barfi’s stunning results with mice that were published online in Science Translational Medicine this February. They used a vaccine-like injection containing two stimulators that activate the immune system’s T-cells to eliminate tumors throughout the body, and 87 of 90 mice were cured of cancer. When the agent was injected into tumors, they all disappeared in less than 20 days – including tumors that were not injected. The combination was successful against lymphoma, breast, colon and melanoma tumors. After testing several molecules, Stanford researchers found combining CpG oligonucleotide, which has been used as a vaccine adjuvant since 2011, and BMS-

986178, the antibody that binds to a protein called OX40, was the secret recipe to annihilating cancer completely, at least in mice. CpG and OX40 rouse different immune cells. CpG stimulates dendritic cells, which instigates counterattacks against tumors, and OX40 functions as a throttle for T-cells. On their own they do almost nothing, but together they concomitantly activate the immune cells already in the tumor. “When we use these two agents together, we see the elimination of tumors all over the body,” said Levy. “This approach doesn’t require wholesale activation of the immune system or customization of a patient’s immune cells. This is a very targeted approach. Only the tumor that shares the protein targets displayed by the treated site is affected. We’re attacking specific targets without having to identify exactly what proteins the T-cells are recognizing.” This vaccine candidate will not be a cancer cure-all because it isn’t designed to treat cancers that aren’t solid tumors. Levy expects the treatment won’t be available for another year or two if the FDA grants final approval after human clinical trials.

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October 2018

Meat by Another Name As of Aug. 28, Missouri became the first state to regulate meat alternative labels. The state’s legislation took aim at the term “meat” on the labels of meat alternative products, including plantbased products, such as Beyond Meat and lab-grown culture meat companies such as Memphis Meats, both of whom have yet to hit supermarket shelves. The legislation defines meat as “any edible portion of livestock or poultry carcass or part thereof ” and requires any product labeled as meat be derived “in whole or in part from livestock or poultry.” Violators of this definition will be subject to up to a year in prison and fines of up to $1,000.

Food Cravings What’s behind a food craving? Craving sweets is usually translated into craving happiness or energy. Sugar can cause the brain to release serotonin, which makes you feel relaxed and helps regulate mood. If you feel happy yet are craving sweets, it could mean you’re not getting enough sleep. Health reasons to crave sweets could indicate type 2 diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Craving white bread, rice or pasta is the same as craving sweets, since they’re both simple carbohydrates the body processes in the same manner. Salty cravings could really be the desire for water, minerals or actual salt. Thirst can sometimes masquerade as hunger and salt helps the body retain water. Animal studies have shown a lack of potassium, calcium and iron lead to craving salt. Craving meat is usually a sign of needing protein, iron or vitamin B. Dairy cravings could indicate a lack of vitamins A or D. Craving milk specifically could be chalked up to needing or wanting L-tryptophan, which releases both serotonin and choline in the brain.

Salty cravings could really be the desire for water, minerals or actual salt.


Edible Produce Coating Apeel Appears Apeel produce is hitting the stores after six years of development. Plant-based fatty acids provide a natural sealing property for produce. Seeds, skin and pulp of fruits and vegetables have all the fatty oils (lipids) pressed out of them. This oil is then broken down on a molecular level and blended into a solution tailored for each kind of produce. While the basic elements are the same, avocados will get a different mix than mangos. The solution is applied as a coating on the produce, giving it a longer shelf-life. James Rogers, the inventor of the Apeel process, worked out the different solutions for more than three dozen fruits and vegetables. Apeel is compliant with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s generally recognized as safe to eat (GRAS) designation. Rogers says there are no allergy concerns because allergens come from a fruit or vegetable’s proteins, not its lipids. Harps grocery chain in the Midwest began selling Apeel avocados in May and reported it has discarded dramatically fewer avocados since – as much as 60 percent fewer. Kroger announced it will carry the avocados in 109 stores in the Cincinnati area as a six-month test. If successful, Kroger could carry the Apeel avocado throughout the eastern half of the United States. Next will be Apeel-treated lemons, limes and asparagus, probably later this year.





October 2018


LONG AND HAPPY LIFE enough to practice on your own, consider trying out the poses in the intermediate section. Enjoy the many benefits of yoga not detailed in the guidelines as well.


o you want to live a long, healthy life, reduce your risk for disease, keep your mind sharp and prevent injury? Great! The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion wants this too. They created the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, providing recommendations for these five areas: aerobic activity, muscular strength, bone strength, balance and flexibility. These guidelines are online, so be sure to check them out if you are in pursuit of a long and healthy life. The guidelines say physical yoga practice (asana) is particularly beneficial for three of the five categories: muscular strength, balance and flexibility. Here are some suggestions for integrating yoga into your exercise routine. Practice For Muscular Strength Yoga inherently improves balance, flexibility and strength. Regarding muscle strengthening, the guidelines specifically recommend doing activities that work the major muscle groups of the legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms at least twice a week. If you are new to yoga, check out the beginner section that follows. If you have been practicing yoga for some time, check out the intermediate section. Beginner: Perhaps the best way to learn about yoga is to attend a class taught by a qualified instructor. Consider talking with the instructor or someone familiar with the class beforehand to see if it matches well with your goals. If you are seeking to build strength, look for classes that will challenge you. During class, notice what is easy and what pushes you to go further. Give yourself permission to make any adjustments for pain or discomfort without letting yourself off the hook when your muscles begin to tire; the challenging parts are often the most valuable. After class, jot down those things that were both easy and challenging. Then, to satisfy the guidelines for your best health, schedule a time two to four days later to try those poses again or take another class. Explore lots of classes to see what is right for you. If you become comfortable

Intermediate: Advanced yogis and beginners alike attend classes, so don’t hesitate to join them. If you feel comfortable practicing on your own, you may follow the sequence below or choose some of the poses. Be sure to exercise all the major muscle areas. While each of the selected poses engages most if not all of these groups to some extent, the emphasized muscle groups are noted in parentheses. 1. Bring your attention to your breath and set your intention. 2. Warm up and align your spine with Cat/Cow, Side Bends and Twisting. 3. Locust/Salabhasana (legs, hips, back, shoulders, abdomen, arms) 4. Boat/Navasana (legs, hips, back, abdomen) 5. Downward Dog/Adho Mukha Svanasana (legs, hips, abdomen, shoulders, arms) 6. Plank/Chaturanga Dandasana (legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms) 7. Chair/Utkatasana (legs, hips, back, abdomen, shoulders) 8. Warrior I/Virabhadrasana I (legs, hips, chest, abdomen) 9. Extended Triangle/Utthita Trikonasana (legs, hips, abdomen) 10. Relaxation/Savasana to integrate the exercise benefits General Tips Be kind to your joints. If you feel any pain, move out of that position. It does not serve your joints to overstress them. With yoga practice, you strengthen large muscle groups and important smaller muscles as well. For example, there are many small muscles that help move and protect your spine. You can use yoga to prepare for other exercises such as weight training and running by, at the least, increasing your awareness of your body, aligning your spine and warming up your muscles and joints. If your muscles are tired and tight, try a gentle or restorative yoga class. This will help you bounce back for next time. If you are seeking to lose weight, remember physical activity is important for maintaining a healthy weight. Find activities that you enjoy. Sources and Resources

• Website/Pdf: Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans ( paguidelines/guidelines/) • Book: Yoga Anatomy (Kaminoff & Matthews, 2011)

About the Author Lauren Weaver is a Yogi, Yoga Instructor and Assistant Instructor with the Yoga Teacher Training Program at Lexington Healing Arts Academy. She can be reached at

ABOUT LEXINGTON HEALING ARTS ACADEMY Lexington 272 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 40503 • 859.252.5656 • Healing Arts LHAA is a licensed, accredited school offering career education and services Academy in Massage, Personal Training, and Yoga.

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October 2018



Starving Cancer Cells Cancer cells have a well-known yet little-understood process called the Warburg effect. It allows cancer cells to modify their metabolism to consume glucose for energy production. Duke Cancer Institute researchers compared the different stages of the Warburg effect to that of normal cell activity. The enzyme Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was found to control the rate of glucose processing in cancer cells. The team tested Koningic acid (KA) against GAPDH and successfully prevented cancerous cells from consuming glucose in mice, while not affecting normal cells with the introduction of the molecule. When a cancer has certain mutations present, selectively targeting tumors based on their metabolism could prove to be a successful treatment, says Maria Liberti, the study’s lead author. Further research will be conducted in more animal studies. Other molecules may also be able to produce the same results as KA, so the researchers want to try the same process with similar molecules. Their work was published in the journal Cell Metabolism last September.

Canadian vs. American Cancer Treatment Treating cancer in America is more costly than in Canada, but without a better outcome, according to a study from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Washington state. Using data from hospitals, Hutchinson found a total of about $12,345 was spent per month on the cancer patients in his study who lived in western Washington, compared with $6,195 per month spent by British Columbia patients. The Washington patients survived 21.4 months, whereas the Canadians survived for 22.1 months. “In the U.S., price is really set by the market and what pharmaceutical companies are charging,” said researcher Dr. Todd Yezefski, a senior fellow with the Hutchinson Center and the Division of Medical Oncology at the University of Washington. “If Medicare, the

N E W S By Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer

AI App for Skin Cancer Detection in the Works Two software developers, Mike Borozdin and Peter Ma, have created the AI-powered app Doctor Hazel to detect skin cancer in real time by analyzing photos of moles. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. By age 65 years, half the U.S. population will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer. When melanoma is found early, the survival rate is extremely high: 98 percent, according to recently published data from the American Joint Committee on Cancer. Without early detection, the five-year survival rate falls to 62 percent when the disease reaches the lymph nodes and to 18 percent when it metastasizes to distant organs. With just 10,000 photos for comparison, Doctor Hazel was 85 percent accurate in the app’s first 24 hours of activation last September. The accuracy will only increase as more data is collected and the AI becomes more precise, said Ma. He and Borozdin want to get Doctor Hazel to first-level care providers – primary care doctors, nurses, technicians and pharmacists. The app is now in beta testing for individuals to help accumulate photos. Go to for more information.

largest payer for medication, could negotiate drug prices, the cost could go down overall, even for what private insurance pays.” Lack of price transparency (which prevents comparative shopping), price variations (sometimes within the same ZIP code) and administrative costs – twice as much as Canada at about 25 percent of U.S. hospital spending – and too much administrative work required of doctors’ offices are factors for America’s higher healthcare costs, says Janet Currie, Princeton University’s Henry Putnam professor of economics and public affairs and chair of the Department of Economics, who has also investigated this issue. The study was presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Chicago June 1.


General Dentistry.

October 2018



ccording to the American Cancer Society, 51,540 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer will be diagnosed in the United States during 2018. During the same period, a total of 10,030 deaths are expected. These statistics are even more important for Kentucky residents, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted upon reviewing data from 2015 that Kentucky has the second highest rate of oral and pharyngeal cancer in the country, with 13.4 new cases per 100,000 people. Oral and pharyngeal cancer can be found on the lips, gums, tongue area and palate and inside the mouth in the cheek area or the floor of the mouth, in the tonsils and the throat area. While oral and pharyngeal cancer historically has affected men over age 40 years, we are seeing cases involving younger people because Human Papillomavirus (HPV) plays a greater role in triggering pharyngeal cancer. Additionally, more women are affected due to increased tobacco use through the decades. The survival rate from oral and pharyngeal cancer is approximately 57 percent, which has only slightly increased in the past few decades. Although newer targeted therapies are on the horizon, the current treatments often include a combination of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. Often, these treatments alter a patient’s day-to-day life significantly. They have signs and symptoms of dry mouth, oral pain and burning, an increased risk for cavities and deformities from cancer-removal surgery. The three most important risk factors for oral and pharyngeal cancer are tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and HPV infection. While cases associated with smoking have decreased slightly, those associated with HPV have increased tremendously. HPV is a virus associated with both non-harmful conditions such as skin warts as well as cancers in multiple areas of the body. Oral and pharyngeal cancer is particularly dangerous because patients often do not present with symptoms until the later stages of disease. Symptoms include hoarseness, unexplained oral numbness, difficulty swallowing or speaking, wart-like lumps or pain in late stages. Other possible signs include a sore that will not heal or bleeds and unexplained sore throat. If one of these signs persists for more than two weeks, evaluation by a healthcare professional is recommended. Oral and pharyngeal cancer presents as a red or white patch, an ulcer, a mass or a mixture of these signs. The most common sites for oral cancer are the side and bottom of the tongue, the floor of the mouth and the soft palate (the area toward the back of the roof of the mouth). Asymmetry of the tonsils (when one is larger than another) or the palatal arch in front of the tonsils is a particularly worrisome sign if the patient has no recent history of illness. While genetics and your general level of health play important roles in the occurrence of oral and pharyngeal cancer, there are many simple lifestyle habits and changes within your control that can lower your risk considerably. • Avoid tobacco: While cigarette use has been associated with more cases of oral and pharyngeal carcinoma, chewing tobacco is not considered safe either. If you use tobacco, seek counseling and information from your healthcare provider about how to quit. • Avoid excessive alcohol use: Those who both smoke and drink have a 15-fold risk of getting oral cancer. • Limit sun exposure on lips: Apply sunscreen with SPF on your lip area for protection. Shade your face when possible. • Avoid risky sexual behavior: There are over 150 strains of HPV. Many


people harbor at least one strain, but the high-risk strains associated with oral and pharyngeal cancer and other cancers are most often transmitted via sexual intercourse. Minimizing your number of sexual partners and using protective barriers help decrease the chances of obtaining a high-risk HPV infection. • Get the HPV vaccination: The HPV vaccination is recommended for girls and boys 11 to 12 years of age, when the immune response is best. However, women up to age 27 years and men up to age 22 years can still get the vaccine. Men up to age 27 years with weakened immune systems are also eligible for the vaccine. The HPV vaccination has been proven safe with minimal side effects. It is administered in either a twoor three-dose series, depending on your age group and risk. Ask your healthcare provider for more information. • Get regular check-ups: One of the most important ways to decrease your risk for oral cancer is to visit a dentist or doctor who specializes in the head and neck for regular oral cancer screenings. Help decrease your risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer by following these suggestions. Consult with your dentist or healthcare professional should you have any questions or concerns. About the Author

Dr. Molly Housley Smith is an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry and serves as chief of the Division of Oral Pathology. Her clinical interests include oral cancer and pre-cancer, autoimmune conditions of the oral cavity, soft tissue histopathology and head and neck syndromes. More information about UK Dentistry is available at

ABOUT UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Clinic Info: 859-323-DENT (3368) • UK Dentistry offers expert, personalized care for the general and specialty dental and oral health needs of adults and children. We're committed to improving Kentucky, and beyond, one smile at a time.





October 2018


time for yourself. Realize also merely “keeping busy” won’t distract you from your grief but may actually increase your level of stress. Talk About the Person Who Died Include the person’s name in your holiday conversations. If you’re able to talk candidly, other people are more likely to recognize your need to remember that special person who was an important part of your life. Do What Is Right for You During the Holidays Well-meaning friends and family often try to prescribe what is good for you during the holidays. Instead of going along with their plans, focus on what you want to do. Share your needs with your friends and family. Plan Ahead for Family Gatherings Decide which family traditions you want to continue and which new ones you want to begin. Plan out the activities you want to do so you don’t get caught off guard. This can create feelings of panic, fear and anxiety when your grief is already heightened. Leave room to change your plans if you feel it is appropriate.


Embrace Your Treasure of Memories Memories are some of the best legacies that exist after a loved one’s death. And holidays always make you think about times past. Instead of ignoring these memories, share them with your family and friends. Remember, memories are tinged with both happiness and sadness.


nyone who has experienced a death of a loved one may find the holidays difficult. The season can become saturated with feelings of sadness, loss and emptiness. “Society encourages you to join in the holiday spirit, but all around you the sounds, sights and smells trigger memories of the one you love who has died,” said Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition. “During the holidays it is important to remember to be tolerant and compassionate with yourself.” While there are no set guidelines for coping with the hurt during the holidays, Wolfelt offers several suggestions to help grieving people continue their healing journey during the holiday season. Talk About Your Grief Don’t be afraid to express your feelings of grief. Ignoring your grief won’t make the pain go away. Talking about it openly often makes you feel better. Identify friends and relatives who understand the holiday season can increase your sense of loss and who will allow you to talk openly about your feelings.

Express Your Faith During the holidays, you may find a renewed sense of faith or discover a new set of beliefs. Associate with people who understand and respect your need to talk about these beliefs. You may want to attend a holiday service or special religious ceremony. Attend Holiday Hope You may wish to participate in Holiday Hope, a program designed to help people cope with their losses during the holidays. Holiday Hope will be held at Milward Funeral Directors, 1509 Trent Boulevard, Lexington, on Monday, Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. Co-sponsored by Bluegrass Care Navigators, the event will begin with refreshments, a musical performance by pianist Amy Brown and a craft for all guests. If you wish to participate in the craft, bring a photocopy of a 4x6 color or black and white photograph of your loved one. The 7 p.m. program includes remarks by a Bluegrass Care Navigators chaplain and a candlelight ceremony to honor loved ones. For reservations (requested but not required), call (859) 272-3414.

Be Tolerant of Your Physical and Psychological Limits Feelings of loss will probably leave you fatigued. Lower your own expectations about being at your peak physically and mentally during the holiday season. Eliminate Unnecessary Stress You may already feel stressed, so don’t overextend yourself. Avoid isolating yourself, but be sure to recognize the need to have special

About the Author

Joey Tucker has served the Lexington community as a funeral director for Milward Funeral Directors since 2007. He has been a licensed funeral director since 2002. Milward is the 37th oldest continuously operated family business in the United States, with three locations in Lexington. Joey can be reached at or (859) 252-3411.

ABOUT MILWARD FUNERAL DIRECTORS Downtown: 159 North Broadway 859.252.3411 • Southland: 391 Southland Drive 859.276.1415 Man O'War: 1509 Trent Boulevard 859.272.3414 •

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October 2018





hemotherapy drugs are very strong. They kill fast-growing cells, even if they are healthy, non-cancer cells. Many patients undergoing chemo encounter side effects such as nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite and constipation or diarrhea. Each person with cancer reacts differently to chemotherapy. Some people don’t have nausea and vomiting while receiving chemo. This is often due to the types of drugs used and the dosage received. Your doctor may prescribe anti-nausea/vomiting medicines even before treatment begins, based on the type of chemo you are getting and how much nausea and vomiting may be expected. There are a number of things you can do to cope with the challenges of chemo. To help your body get enough protein to make new healthy cells to replace the ones that are lost during chemo, be sure to eat healthy foods. Of course, for some cancer patients, eating is difficult because the chemo drugs may affect the taste buds, making food taste metallic, and cause a lack of appetite. You may want to forego certain foods, especially those that are hot or spicy, high in fiber and greasy or fried. Low-fat, bland and salty foods are better choices. Eat frequent small meals and snacks to ensure you are getting enough calories. Try having soup, oatmeal, cottage cheese, sandwiches, rice, mashed potatoes, toast, dry saltine crackers, applesauce and Jell-O. It’s best to avoid alcohol because it may cause problems with certain chemo drugs, but keep drinking water or other clear liquids, especially if you experience dry mouth. Some cancer patients have diarrhea. If this happens to you, try the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, tea and toast. It is very important to drink plenty of water when you are experiencing diarrhea. You can also have drinks that provide electrolytes, such as Gatorade or Pedialyte. Conversely, constipation is another side effect of chemo. Try adding fiber to your diet by eating more beans and fresh fruits and vegetables. Your doctor can prescribe special laxatives to help you avoid constipation. Another side effect of chemo is called chemo brain or chemo fog. This happens more often in treatments that use large doses of chemo drugs. You may find it difficult to concentrate or have problems with your mem-

You may want to forego certain foods, especially those that are hot or spicy, high in fiber and greasy or fried. ory. If you notice this, talk to your doctor. He or she will have resources to help you overcome these effects. In rare cases, chemo brain can last for a long time after treatment. Exercise is a good coping mechanism for chemo, but be sure to assess your strength and stamina. The American Cancer Society recommends getting as much rest as you can during treatment, so try not to overdo it. If you have any questions or concerns about coping with chemo, be sure to talk to your primary care physician to find out what he or she recommends. Educate yourself about your treatment beforehand so you can know what to expect and be prepared to handle it. For most people, chemo side effects go away soon after treatments end. About the Author

Dr. Rajeana Conway is an Internal Medicine specialist at Family Practice Associates of Lexington who sees patients 18 years of age and older. She is originally from Maysville, Kentucky and is married with two daughters. She enjoys spending time with her family, going to church, watching TV, crafting, and going to the lake. Dr. Conway earned her medical degree from The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in 2015 and completed her residency in internal medicine at The Christ Hospital in 2018. For an appointment with Dr. Conway, please call our office at (859) 278-5007.

ABOUT FAMILY PRACTICE ASSOCIATES OF LEXINGTON TWO LOCATIONS: 1775 Alysheba Way, Ste. 201 and 2040 Harrodsburg Rd., Ste. 300 • 859.278.5007 • Proudly serving Kentucky for over 35 years, Family Practice Associates of Lexington is a group of primary care providers who are dedicated to giving family-centered care from birth to later years.




October 2018

october events OCTOBER 2018

! W E N

Submit your healthy event listings:

Mondays Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

The “gold standard” mindfulness program. Orientation 6-8 PM Monday night October 15th followed by 8 Thursday night sessions 6:00-8:30 PM. Learn to promote resilience, prevent burnout, cultivate compassion and manage stress-related chronic conditions. Instructor- John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP. Mind Body Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859-373-0033. UK Wellness Program offers deep discount for UK employees, retirees and spouses. Full details at www.mindbodystudio. org/?page_id=1262

Wednesdays Mindfulness and Relaxation for Health

not a series. Cost $10. InstructorsDr. John Patterson and Nataliya Timoshevskaya. Mind Body Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859-373-0033. Full details at http:// id=214

October 2 Labor Workshop for Couples Our popular workshop focuses on preparing to labor effectively, comfort measures for labor, and partner support skills. Intended as a complement to your childbirth series.(For pregnant women in 3rd trimester and their partners). Registration Required. 7:00-9:30pm at Baby Moon, 2891 Richmond Rd, Ste 103;


Relax the body, quiet the mind, open the heart. Arrive 6:00-6:30 and deeply relax, instruction 6:30-8:00 PM. Mobilize inner resources for promoting health, preventing burnout and managing stress-related chronic disease. Study and practice in a supportive group. Gentle yoga, mindful movement, deep relaxation, sitting meditation and discussion. Instructor- John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP, Cost $10. Mind Body Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859-373-0033. Full details at

Fridays Argentine tango Passionate and Romantic- Mindful and Meditative. A uniquely transformative social skill, art form and movement therapy. No partner or dance experience required. Friday evening 7:30-9:00 PM.
You may drop-in to any class- this is

and plenty of room in the stands at Kroger Field for spectators to take it all in. for more information.

Join all of Big Blue Nation for a 4 Miler that finishes inside Kroger Field! Come run or walk in the 2nd Annual GO BIG BLUE 4 MILER presented by Kroger Simple Truth on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 8:30am. This unique 4 mile run/walk is the perfect experience for every UK sports fan young and old. Our race starts outside Gate 12 of Kroger Field and finishes on the playing field. Your 4 mile journey through south campus will take you through 7 athletic fields including soccer, softball, baseball and track. Our race features a commemorative t-shirt, music piped into the various sports complexes and a tailgate celebration featuring the Wildcat Mascot, UK Cheerleaders and more! Please note the course will not support strollers or pets. Bring the whole family as we have a 1.35 mile fun run/walk (untimed) and a Junior Wildcat Club Kids Race (1/2 mile) which starts at 8:15am also finishes on the field

s dwellnes healthan -calendar.html /race

October 7-28 Prenatal Yoga

October 16 Parkinson’s Big & Loud

Feel Better. Be Stronger. Prepare for Birth. Our classes are beneficial for moms & babies during all stages of pregnancy. Emphasis is on safety and no yoga experience is needed. Come breathe with us! All trimesters welcome, no previous yoga experience required. Drop-ins welcome, class packages also available. 2:00-3:15pm at Baby Moon, 2891 Richmond Rd, Ste 103;

October 16 MaterniTea

October 6 October 9 Go Big Blue 4 Miler Presented Tuesday Tunes by Kroger Simple Truth


4-6pm Scott Collins performing, wine and cheese Brookdale Richmond Place.

Held at Brookdale Richmond Place 11:30am–1:00pm. Lunch provided. Reserve your seat with Megan Dayne 859-269-6308 Ext 103.

This FREE informational session will help you navigate the next 9 months--and beyond--with help from our team of experts. We’ll answer all your questions and hook you up with the best resources for planning your unique pregnancy, birth, and new parent experience! Open to women and partners from pre-conception through pregnancy (all trimesters). Information, referrals, and good company abound. Get connected now and learn about classes, exercise, massage, doulas



Cheapside Park, Downtown Lexington 7am–2pm April–October


Southland Drive, Near Geno's & Sav-a-Lot 10am–2pm April–October For more information and dates/locations, please visit

October 9: Series for Women Addresses Fears, Uncertainties of Cancer Diagnosis • SEE PAGE 24 FOR DETAILS and more! 6:00-7:15pm at Baby Moon, 2891 Richmond Rd, Ste 102;

October 20 CBD Oil Community Education Class

Are you curious about CBD Oil and it’s many benefits? Are you interested in learning about the application of CBD Oil and want to try it? Then this class is for you! You are not obligated to buy the CBD Oil, but you can if you choose. We will start class with an in depth discussion on CBD Oil and it’s benefits and many applications. We will discuss the history of cannabis use and how CBD affects the agricultural landscape in KY. Then we will finish with a Q&A time that you are encouraged to ask and share. This is a FREE Class! 3:30pm at Love & Grace Yoga Studio, 1250 Winchester Road, Lexington KY 40505. Ph:859-797-5529. Private Parking Lot parking available.

October 24 Alzheimer’s Fundraiser


At Zaxby’s on Richmond Rd: Alzheimer’s Fundraiser with Brookdale Richmond Place. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Alzheimer’s Association if you let them know Brookdale Richmond Place sent you that day.

October 27 Pumpkin Run 3K

istrants. Come join in the fun and help raise money and awareness for our adaptive recreation programs. Additional race information can be found at events/pumpkin-run/.

October 27 Spooky Sprint 5K Join us for the inaugural Spooky Sprint 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, October 27th at 5pm at The Club at UK's Spindletop Hall. Our race will benefit the Lexington Humane Society and is presented by the Lexington Young Professionals Association (LYPA). http:// race-calendar.html for more information.

Please join us for the Easter Seals Pumpkin Run 3K benefiting Easter Seals Cardinal Hill Adaptive Recreation. Our race will be held October 27, 2018 at 9:30 am at Wellington Park. RACE DAY REGISTRATION OPENS AT 8:30 AM ON RACE DAY! In addition we are offering several family fun activities including pumpkin pie at the finish line, costume contest for all ages, trick or treating and more!!! The 3K will feature chip timing by 3 Way Racing, overall and age group awards and race T-shirts for all reg-

October 28 HalloWhinny Fall Festival Kentucky Horse Park from 1pm– 6pm. First 100 people that check in for the event at the Visitor Center will receive a special Halloween-

themed gift. There will be fire pits with complimentary marshmallows for families to roast and enjoy. There will be food trucks and craft beer available for purchase. Other courtyard activities include free pony rides, child crafts, tractor hayrides, and more. Pumpkins will be available for painting while supplies last. At 2 p.m., the KHP's Parade of Breeds will have a special Halloweenthemed show. A costume contest for children and pets will be held in the courtyard at 4 p.m. The Cemetery Crawl tours are also being offered for an additional charge at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30.

November 9 Barrels & Broads Ladies Night Benefiting My Pink Navigator is scheduled for Friday, November 9, 2018 from 6:30pm to 11:30pm at Copper Roux ; 861 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40504

Yoga Healing Arts


New Classes & Updated Studio

For a limited time, we are offering unlimited classes at only $30 for 30 days to current students, past students, and new students. Come check out our changes with our experienced and knowledgeable instructors - even if you’ve visited before! ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF YOGA! Increase Strength • Reduce Stress • Increase Balance Ease Pain • Increase Flexibility and Mobility Better Posture • Feel Better in Body and Mind


Lexington Healing Arts Academy




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$110 (expires in 6 months)

20-CLASS YOGA CARD $190 (expires in 12 months)

FIND DETAILS ON OUR YOGA SCHEDULE ONLINE: 859.252.5656 ext. 44 | 272 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 40503

LHAA YOGA MEMBERSHIP $79/month (Includes our rotating Sat. Series classes & 5% discount on Massage & Personal Fitness Training Sessions!)



October 2018

The series is open to any woman who has ever been diagnosed with cancer.

Series for Women Addresses Fears, Uncertainties of Cancer Diagnosis BAPTIST HEALTH LEXINGTON A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. The Empowerment Series for Women with Cancer is designed to help free women from stress and fear as much as possible and provide answers to many of their questions. These free programs, sponsored by Baptist Health Lexington, begin Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 6 p.m. at Central Baptist Church, 110 Wilson Downing Road in Lexington. The series is open to any woman who has ever been diagnosed with cancer regardless of where she is being treated. The programs, held once a month for eight consecutive months, feature a complimentary dinner and a speaker, with the exception of the May 14, 2019 meeting, which will be an outing to Pinot’s Palette. Participants may attend as many of the programs as they wish.

Call the Cancer Center Help Line to register at (859) 260-4357.

Series Schedule OCT. 9: Body Image and Cancer NOV. 13: Research Trials DEC. 11: Caring for the Spirit JAN. 8, 2019: Paying for Cancer Care FEB, 12, 2019: Distress MARCH 12, 2019: Getting Through This – A Cancer Survivor Shares Her Story APRIL 9, 2019: Genetics

October 2018


“With Today’s Breakthroughs, You Too Can ELIMINATE Neuropathy, Obesity, High Cholesterol & More!” BEFORE TRUE HEALTH SOLUTIONS

Michael Beebe, 62, was diagnosed with Neuropathy in both his hands and his feet, and suffered from Obesity, weighing 230 lbs. He also suffered from High Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Alcoholism and had lost his sense of smell for over 7years due to a chronic history of Sinusitis for 35 years. He was accepted as a client and NOW.. his Neuropathy is gone, sinusitis is gone, his smell has returned and he’s lost over 40 pounds and he is free from alcoholism! Q: Michael, why did you go to Dr. Miller? A: “Neuropathy was terrible and my health was simply getting worse and I was afraid of losing my feet or a hand. I had suffered poor health for years and I really needed to lose weight, and I heard of Dr. Miller and the results he gets.” Q: You’ve been seeing other medical doctors for Neuropathy and other health conditions, what about Dr. Miller was different? A: “Dr. Miller made it so clear, something was causing my Neuropathy. He said his whole approach is to uncover and reveal exactly what that is and then address that, the real problem. The other doctors just recommended more medications. Dr. Miller makes complete sense.” Q: What does Dr. Miller do to find out what’s not working correctly inside your body? A: “Dr. Miller does a very comprehensive blood panel lab he orders through Lab Corp. He goes over the actual results of his clinic’s ‘Functional Medicine’ computer assessment. It is very impressive. Q: After Dr. Miller finds what is not working correctly, what’s he do?


A: “Dr. Miller really does take the time and goes over everything, so I understood, and shows what needs done and what type of natural treatment he recommends fixing the problem causing Neuropathy and Obesity. It makes perfect sense seeing everything.” Q: Michael, what did Dr. Miller recommend for you to eliminate your Neuropathy and Obesity? A: “Dr. Miller started off seeing me weekly to ensure what he calls ‘the victory’ of eliminating the causes of Neuropathy and Obesity. He provides clear instructions on life-style improvements to eliminate poor health and then teaches you how to stay healthy. He just makes it all so clear and provides great printed instructions. I’m really happy I came to Dr. Miller, he literally saved my life.” Q: What are the results of your treatment from Dr. Miller? A: “My results are amazing, remarkable and life changing! My Neuropathy is gone, I can sleep better, my follow-up blood labs proved my Cholesterol is now normal and I’ve now lost 40 pounds! I highly recommend Dr. Miller!”

I no longer have Neuropathy, Obesity or High Cholesterol and I’ve lost over 40lbs!

Integrated Care | Nutrition | Chiropractic Dr. Mark A. Miller, DC and Associates, PLLC

(859) 223-2233 You have the right to rescind within 72 hours any agreement to invest in services that are performed the same day in addition to advertised free services.



Fitness Training.


October 2018




f you’re tired of clocking in hours at the gym with little to no results, try not to fall into the trap of the idea your workout regimen is not hard enough. When health and fitness results are hard to come by, most people start wondering what other exercise routine they can add into their week, how many more calories they need to restrict or how much more time they need to put in the gym since what they’re doing obviously isn’t enough. Our fitness culture and some health experts have misguided many people into believing success is driven by how hard you go in the gym. That’s why there are high-intensity boot camps opening all over town with the promise of crushing you into the ground and rewarding you for going all-out during every single workout. Unfortunately, this type of exercise program has left many people with little to no results, beat up and confused as to why all their hard work has only dug the hole deeper for them. The truth is, people are exceeding the amount of stress they run their body through and are not putting any emphasis on recovering from it. If we were to compare bodies to bank accounts, many people are walking around with overdrawn accounts. When you keep taking away from the body, it will eventually start fighting back by not giving you the results you’re searching for. You can’t keep taking money out (exercise/ stress) without ever putting money back in (recovery). People not only need to recover from the stress exercise puts on them, they also need to diminish the impact life stressors put on their body. Your kids’ insane schedules; a toxic work environment; crazy work deadlines; relationships; the loss of a loved one; an autoimmune disease;

horrible diets; dysregulated breathing; and low quality of sleep … Every single aspect of your life is something to consider when starting a workout regimen, because they will impact your ability to succeed and get results from exercising. Before you let another trainer tell you you need to go harder to see better results, try considering you may not be recovering enough. Instead of beating yourself up for not doing more, try taking a step back and see how you can do less. Try working on your sleep. Start taking a daily walk or begin a meditative practice. Find a personal trainer who utilizes a holistic approach that will take your ability to recovery into consideration when he or she trains you. If you’re looking to get results you can sustain for a lifetime, it’s time to put money back into your body bank account. If you start taking care of your body, it will return the favor and give you the results you’ve been looking for. About the Author

Lucy Hendricks is co-owner of Enhancing Life and Teacher at The Lexington Healing Arts Academy Personal Training Program. She is a personal trainer that takes a holistic approach to health and fitness. She looks at all factors that impact her client’s results in the gym: stress, nutrition, breathing, routine, sleep, and more. By considering the whole picture, her clients can expect to achieve sustainable results and avoid plateaus or overtraining.

ABOUT LEXINGTON HEALING ARTS ACADEMY Lexington 272 Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 40503 • 859.252.5656 • Healing Arts LHAA is a licensed, accredited school offering career education and services Academy in Massage, Personal Training, and Yoga.




GOLF Fitness & Lifestyle




or golfers looking for breathtaking mountain scenery, a pristine & challenging 18-hole championship course, and a newlyrenovated, beautiful clubhouse featuring Chef-inspired food and friendly people, then Boone’s Trace National Golf Club is for you! Need more? en how about their fun atmosphere, exceptional service, a professional staff dedicated to improving your game, and excellent practice range and putting areas? Moreover, Boone’s Trace was voted 4-1/2 stars by Golf Digest’s “Best Places to wa Play”, and is the most affordable golf in the area for the outstanding quality of the course. Quite simply, it is one of the finest courses in Central Kentucky, offering an unforgettable day of golf for members and guests alike. Formerly known as “e Bull,” Boone’s Trace National Golf Club is located on the beautiful high bluffs overlooking the Kentucky river, and is conveniently adjacent to I-75, exit 97, only minutes between Richmond and Lexington. Come visit them!




October 2018

N AT U R E ' S

Fennel EVERY PART OF THIS HERB IS EDIBLE, SO ENJOY By Tanya Tyler, Editor Health&Wellness It is easy to confuse fennel for green onions. Both feature a white bulb from which grow long green stalks, but you’ll be able to distinguish fennel because its bulb is much bigger and its leaves look like feathers. Fennel is actually a member of the carrot/parsley family. Known for its licorice-like taste, every part of this flavorful herb – bulb, foliage, seeds – is often used in cooking and even in absinthe, a highly alcoholic drink favored by artists with a bohemian bent. The bulbs are often sautéed, stewed, braised, grilled or even eaten raw. The leaves are used as garnishes and in salads. Fennel seeds are sometimes used in desserts. In some areas of India, roasted or raw fennel seeds are eaten as an aftermeal digestive agent and breath freshener. Fennel seeds, particularly in powdered form, can act as a laxative. The herb is also used as a soup stock or brewed into a tea that is purportedly good for soothing a sore throat. Fennel contains unique phytonutrients with antioxidant and health-promoting effects. Zinc, copper, phosphorous, calcium, iron and selenium are some of the minerals found in fennel. It also contains beta carotene, lutein, vitamins B6, C, E and K and other dietary nitrates. These components help the body build and maintain bone structure and strength. Potassium and magnesium, both present in fennel, help decrease blood pressure naturally. Fennel is a natural source of estrogen and some research suggests fennel extract may reduce the effects of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It has significant amounts of fiber as well. In animal studies, the anethole in fennel has been shown to reduce inflammation and to prevent the occurrence of cancer by neutralizing free radicals. Anethole also has disinfectant and antibacterial properties that may


help with diarrhea caused by bacterial infections. Fennel seed extract has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors because of its concentrations of flavonoids, alkaloids and phenols and can even protect against the harmful effects of radiation during cancer treatment. Fennel extract eases colic in infants and can help with various adult digestive problems, including heartburn, gas and bloating. Because of this ability, fennel is a main ingredient in many antacids. Clinical trials have shown fennel has skin-softening and anti-aging properties. As always, check with your primary care physician before attempting any unconventional uses for fennel. Fennel is native to the Mediterranean region of the world, but is now found practically everywhere. Fennel was used in ancient Chinese medicine to help with congestion, stimulate the appetite and increase the flow of breast milk.

Fennel was highly regarded in Greece, too, where it is known as marathon in honor of the famous 490 B.C.E. battle that inspired the race. The runner Pheidippides, who alerted Sparta of a Persian invasion, receive fennel as a reward for his effort. You don’t have to go 26.2 miles to find fennel to add to your diet. Just run down to your local grocery store – it’s bound to be there in all its bulbous beauty. Sources

• Cooking Light ( • Food Facts ( • Medical News Today ( • Natural Food Series ( • Organic Facts ( • WebMd (


Integrative Medicine.

October 2018





re you a victim of the epidemic of stress we are experiencing as a nation? We have a serious public health epidemic. Public health officials are increasingly alarmed by the growing epidemic of stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness and suicide in America. The American Psychological Association recently found more than half of Americans said they consider this the lowest point in U.S. history they can remember. 1 An American Psychiatric Association poll found anxiety levels in Americans have increased sharply over the past year.2 A Blue Cross Blue Shield report found major depression has risen dramatically since 2013. This rate is rising even faster among millennials and adolescents.3 A Cigna survey found loneliness is at epidemic levels in America.4 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported suicide has increased by 30 percent since 1999. Nearly 45,000 lives were lost to suicide in 2016 alone,5 and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports more than half of people who died by suicide did not have a known mental health condition.6 Addressing the Epidemic Just as the reasons for this epidemic are complex and multifactorial, our prevention and treatment approaches must also be varied and tailored to the educational, cultural, social, religious, financial and medical demographics of affected individuals and groups. Psychotropic medications are an essential and sometimes life-saving treatment option. But we will not medicate our way out of this epidemic. Health professionals and consumer groups are also concerned about the unintended dangers of polypharmacy and an over-medicated society. These dangers are more common in the elderly, who are more likely to have multiple chronic illnesses, but people of all ages are vulner-

able to the medication burdens of cost, drug side effects, interactions between drugs and the sense of dependency on pills. Using Both External and Internal Resources If you or a friend or family member are affected by extreme stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness or suicidal thoughts, it is important to seek professional help from your health care provider, mental health professional or spiritual counselor. It is important to keep an open mind about medication. Even if you have a strong aversion to being on medication, remember your life may be at risk and medication can be a temporary, short-term external option while you are cultivating long-term internal resources. MBSR and MBCT One of the most widely researched and respected non-drug options for managing chronic illness is mindfulness, specifically mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). MBSR has been used for over 40 years to help people cultivate inner resources to manage chronic conditions – physical, mental, emotional and relational. MBCT is a combination of MBSR with cognitive behavior therapy and focuses more specifically on chronic emotional distress. The peer-reviewed literature on the benefits of mindfulness approaches in chronic illness shows it is increasingly well known by health care providers. Anxiety, depression and chronic pain are among the conditions for which mindfulness approaches are most helpful. As with any serious health condition or therapeutic approach, it is important to seek the advice of trusted health providers who can assess your individual needs and refer you to a certified MBSR or MBCT professional, with or without the simultaneous use of medication.

Practicing Simple Awareness An exercise used early in mindfulness training is called Simple Awareness. It serves as an entry into the main skill of mindfulness practice. It is simply paying very close attention to your daily experience. Whether you are suffering from a chronic condition or want to prevent one, this practice is a good place to begin. This exercise is no substitute for professional evaluation. Ask your health provider if it is appropriate for you at this time. At the link below (7), you can print out a week’s log and make daily entries based on your experience of paying close attention to the physical, mental and emotional aspects of ordinary daily activities such as eating, bathing, reading to children, walking the dog or carrying out the trash. You can record your experiences by answering these questions: • What was the situation? Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? • What feelings, thoughts and sensations did you notice BEFORE you decided to experience this mindfully? • What feelings, thoughts and sensations did you notice WHILE doing this mindfully? • What did you learn from doing this? • What feelings, thoughts and sensations are you noticing NOW as you write this? We will eventually emerge from this current epidemic of national stress. One of the reasons will be the wise and balanced use of external medication and internal resources such as mindfulness and Simple Awareness. Sources and Resources

1. “Stress in America” – American Psychological Association 2. Americans are more anxious that a year ago – American Psychiatric Association

newsroom/news-releases/americans-say-they-are-more-anxiousthan-a-year-ago-baby-boomersreport-greatest-increase-in-anxiety 3. Major Depression: Impact on Overall Health – Blue Cross Blue Shield default/files/file-attachments/ health-of-america-report/HoA_ Major_Depression_Report.pdf 4. Cigna study reveals loneliness at epidemic levels in America 5. Suicide rising across the U.S. – Centers for Disease Control index.html 6. Risk of suicide – National Alliance on Mental Illness Mental-Health-Conditions/RelatedConditions/Risk-of-Suicide 7. Simple Awareness weekly journal practice/week1-informal.pdf

About the Author Dr. John Patterson is past president of the Kentucky Academy of Family Physicians and is certified in family medicine, integrative holistic medicine, mindbody medicine, hatha yoga, yoga nidra and physician coaching. He is on the family practice faculty at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Saybrook College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences (Oakland) and the Center for Mind Body Medicine (Washington, D.C.). He operates the Mind Body Studio in Lexington, where he offers mindfulness classes and integrative medicine consultations. He can be reached through his Web site at www.


517 Southland Drive, Lexington • 859.373.0033 •



October 2018






hat happened the last time you went on the Mad Tea Party ride at DisneyWorld? Did you enjoy yourself initially, but as the ride went on, did you start to feel sick and disoriented? When you closed your eyes, however, you probably felt much better. And you were immensely glad when the ride ended and you could get your bearings again. Vision plays a significant role in balance. There are basically three components to balance: 1. Vision, which includes much more than clear eyesight; 2. Vestibular system, which includes fluid filled canals of the inner ear; and 3. Somatosensory system, which includes both proprioception, or movement of the body, and tactile, or sense of touch. These sensory components work together through a process called sensory integration. Sensory integration is the way your vestibular and somatosensory systems communicate with and relate to your vision. The vestibular system is like a gyroscope that helps orient us spatially. Fluid in sacs in the inner ear moves around when you tip your head and it tells you where your head is in relationship to your physical environment. The somatosensory cortex is an area of the brain that processes input from various systems in the body that are sensitive to touch. It lets you feel your feet touching the floor or your back resting against a chair. The different sensory systems are constantly talking to each other as you move through space, sending information to the brain about where you are and how fast you are moving; and comparing their individual findings. The reason you get dizzy on the teacup ride – or have motion sickness – is the three systems are telling your brain different things. The fluid in the vestibular system whirls in one direction at a high velocity, so when you stand up, that system tells you

you’re spinning. But your eyes say you are standing still. The systems don’t match up. Then the brain decides there is a neurotoxic substance in your system that must be expelled, thus causing nausea. With motion sickness, your eyes tell you you’re sitting still, not moving. But the vestibular system is getting jostled around and telling the brain you are moving. When all three systems are working in sync, motion sickness and balance problems are reduced and often alleviated. That’s why in some instances, closing your eyes can help you reestablish stability. Over time, however, the relationship between the vestibular system and vision changes. Vision stays relatively stable but the vestibular system actually changes with age. The signal from the system hyperstimulates and it takes a while for the fluid in the inner ear to settle down. This is why you probably don’t enjoy roller coasters or spinning rides as much as you did when you were a youngster. Children love high-velocity spinning, but it’s too much for us as we get older. Some Dr. Graebe’s office provides neuro-visual therapy programs that help with motion sickness problems. Their office also works closely with other specialists when needed. Often it This is helpful when your balance issues


call calls for the additional skills of an occupational therapist, who will work with the vestibular system; or a physical therapist, who will do more with midline awareness of the body; and a vision therapist, who might prescribe provides neurovisual therapy or prisms to help

you. The three specialists, working together, can determine which of the systems is most at fault and plan appropriate treatment. For further information, or to schedule and appointment, you can reach Dr. Graebe’s office in Versailles at (859)-879-3665.

About the Author

Dr. Graebe received both his B.S degree in Visual Science and Doctorate of Optometry from Indiana University. He is a Behavioral Optometrist and learning expert. He has been in private practice here in the Bluegrass area for the past 32 years.

ABOUT FAMILY EYECARE ASSOCIATES 105 Crossfield Drive, Versailles, KY 40383 • 859.879.3665 •

Family Eyecare Associates

We exist to consistently provide you with the finest, most complete eye care available. Our goal is to develop a life-long relationship with you and your family, both as our patients and our friends.

Pain Treatment.

October 2018






eople frequently think that pain is a purely physical sensation. However, pain has biological, psychological and emotional factors. Pain can cause feelings such as anger, disappointment, hopelessness, sadness and fear, to name a few. “While medical treatments, such as surgical interventions, physical therapy/rehabilitation, and medications, can be helpful in treating chronic pain, psychological treatments are also very important,” says Heather Wright, CEO of The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass. Understanding and managing the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that accompany the discomfort can help the patient cope more effectively with the pain. At The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass, the Behavioral Medicine Specialists work with patients to teach them how to cope with the feelings and behaviors that accompany chronic pain. “For patients dealing with chronic pain, I talk with them and show them new ways to think about pain. I work with the patient to find solutions to more effectively manage that pain,” says Marie Simpson, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) at the Center. Treatment plans are designed for each individual and may include developing relaxation techniques, changing old beliefs about pain, building new coping skills and addressing any anxiety or depression that may accompany chronic pain. Kellie Dryden, another LCSW at the Center, explains: “We evaluate all patients who are referred to Behavioral Medicine to assess their presenting problems, mental health history, coping skills, interpersonal relationships, access to resources, and environmental factors that may impact the way they experience chronic pain. We also offer ongoing therapy sessions that can be scheduled the same day as their pain management office visits for those who travel long distances to continue to build on coping skills, offer support and make the best use of the patient’s visit to our Center.” Marie Simpson, LCSW, stresses that “most patients find they can better manage their pain with just a few sessions.”


While many health care providers work independently, not so at The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass. Heather Wright, CEO highlights that “the Center employs providers from all specialties, who act together to ultimately give the best care possible to the patient. New patients are assessed by an array of professionals, including Board Certified Pain Specialists, Behavioral Medicine Specialists and Physical Therapist; all coordinating their efforts with the best and most current information from their particular disciplines.” According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 2015, rates of depressive disorders ranged from 23% to 78% in chronic pain groups compared with rates of 5% to 17.1% in the general population. “These statistics emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to pain management,” stresses Heather Wright, CEO, “and we provide that at The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass.” By doing so, The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass helps its patients to more effectively manage both the physical and emotional sides of chronic pain. For more information on Behavioral Medicine (ext. 285) and other services (ext. 258) at The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass, call (859)278-1316.

ABOUT THE PAIN TREATMENT CENTER OF THE BLUEGRASS 280 Pasadena Dr. | 2416 Regency Rd., Lexington, KY • 859.278.1316 • The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass is the largest freestanding facility in the Bluegrass Region dedicated to the treatment of pain. We specialize in treating patients for whom traditional medical/surgical methods have failed to alleviate their pain.

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