Topological Structures - Parametric Multiplicities
In this deďŹ nition:
= =
- Curve parameter
- Divide Surface
- Dispatch
- Circle CNR
Curves in Rhino link to Grasshopper Division Points on Surface
Represents a list of Curve geometry.
- Loft
Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves.
Generate a grid of {uv} points on a surface.
Dispatch the items in a list into two target lists. List dispatching is very similar to the [Cull Pattern] component, with the exception that both lists are provided as outputs. Create a circle deďŹ ned by center, normal and radius.
- Unit Z
Object A
Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis.
- Polygon
Object B
Create a polygon with optional round edges.
- Extrude
Extrude curves and surfaces along a vector.
Surface Division + AB-Patterning (Dispatch Component) + Positioning of Objects on Surface Division Points
Topological Structures - Parametric Multiplicities
In this deďŹ nition: Same components as in the page before plus
Curves in Rhino link to Grasshopper Division Points on Surface
- Cull Pattern
Cull (remove) elements in a list using a repeating bit mask. The bit mask is deďŹ ned as a list of Boolean values. The bit mask is repeated until all elements in the data list have been evaluated.
Object A Object B
Object C
Surface Division + ABC-Patterning (Cull-Component) + Positioning of Objects on Surface Division Points
Topological Structures - Parametric Multiplicities
In this definition:
- Polygon
- BRep Area
- Subtraction
= = =
- Unit Z
Create a polygon with optional round edges.
- Line SDL
Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.
- F1
Site Boundary in Rhino Origin Point of Profile Extrusion
Solve BRep area properties.
A function of a single variable; {x}.
- Rotate Axis
Rotate an object around an axis.
Subtract two numbers.
Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis.
- Extrude
Extrude curves and surfaces along a vector.
- Cap Holes
Cap all planar holes in a BRep.
- BRep Volume
Solve BRep volume properties.
Tower Concept_01
Topological Structures - Parametric Multiplicities
In this definition:
= =
- Unit Z
Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis.
- F1
- Rotate Axis
A function of a single variable; {x}.
- Line SDL
Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.
Rotate an object around an axis.
- Division
- Divide Curve
- Loft
- Cull Pattern
- BRep | Plane
- Perp Frames
- Planar Srf
- BRep Area
- Polygon
- Mass Addition
Divide two numbers.
Divide a curve into equal length segments
Cull (remove) elements in a list using a repeating bit mask. The bit mask is defined as a list of Boolean values. Generate a number of equally spaced, perpendicular frames along a curve.
Create a polygon with optional round edges.
Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves.
Solve intersection events for a BRep and a plane (otherwise known as section). Create planar surfaces from a collection of edge curves.
Solve BRep area properties. Perform mass addition of a list of numbers
Tower Concept_02
Topological Structures - Parametric Multiplicities
In this deďŹ nition:
Paneled Geometry on surface
Geometry component to be linked to Grasshopper.
= =
- Surface parameter
Represents a list of Surface geometry.
- Geometry parameter
Represents a list of 3D Geometry.
- Bounding Box
- Box Morph
- Surface Box
- Divide Domain²
Solve world oriented geometry bounding boxes.
Morph an object into a twisted box.
Create a twisted box on a surface patch.
Divides a two-dimensional domain into equal segments.
Paneling Tool